Ml»» »III M I B May '2 1918 THi5 FL ESIl I. If rON AUVAKCM *f.* mm I had my |iiiS8 :ti>d went u[) to ScutlmiJ •• ia<t«pf ndent newxpapfr, ^xiblistied evn-y to do anytbin)( for our ainuietnent There St^'^^Z **-iK "^'H- '^'''•'"«.T""l^^"*r!;'»re different clubs for the •oldiers in Ml Viaihcrton. auOHcnptioii price fl imt annum lk«n |wi<i in Advance ;tl.r>Owhen oo« lo paid Advn isioK rates on appUcstii.n. CircnUlion 1,100 wrokly. W Letter of Condolence kt<^^' H. TKl'RSroN. PROP. Letter FroinH. Legard The following letter was lecnived Ust weak from Pte. Herd. LeOard, who wna emnloyed od The Advance «UH when he , ^^^ ; ,^;,,,^ because F, it/, caD''itill the cities where beds and meals can le had at a very low rate. The clubs also have reading and writing ro^ms, pool rooms, baths and other Ihinvs to mitke the soldiers connfortable while on leave, which only conies about ones a year. I wi^ you could see the place I uin living in jast now, it would put you in nuDd of a root house on a farm, and in fact the ground around here in ploughed Joined the old 147th Battalion : ' France, April :i, 1»1H. Mr. W. H.Thurston : Dear Sir, â€" Maybe ym will wonder why 1 have not written t'l you before, but the real cause is that I don't likd I writing from here because 1 can't .say 1 just wlutt I want to. I receive The Advance i^uite regularly and sure enjoy getting; it. There Is not much news I don't read and criticize. What has hap- pened to the two merchants whose adver. tiscmeuts api>ear amonc; the missing ? Have they closed their stores, on account of coal shortage, or is it the high cost of living â- ( The Kliaki League has been very good to us out here, and it is nice to know that the people around home have not forgotten us during our absence, which I hope won t be much longer. We gel pretty lonesome out here sometimes, and anyihinj; from home cheers ut> up quite a lot. We have been kept pretty ail winter, aad that helped to make llie time go faster. reach here with his long range guns. ! would like to describe to you some ot the things we do ont here, i>ut the censor wouldn't allow th»t. We had a very nice winter here in regards to climate. There was only one I n.onth of cold weather and it wasn't cold enough to be called winter. Well, I think 1 had better my little epitodo and get to bed, becanse one can never tell how long ho is going to sleep until there a working party wan- ted, so, hoping to tind you all in the best of health, 1 remain as ever, â€" Pte. H. j. Letiard. L.O.L. 88:'. hasTorwarded the follow- ing res.lution : We, the oHieers and member* of L. <>• L. 88:i, do hereby taks this op|iortuuiiy of tendering lo yon, liro. Fred Wiiitht and family, our deepest sympathy in th« loss of a devoted mother, Mrs. WilliiiniM Wright, »r., and our piuysrs are that, as , much as it has pleased our Heavenly i | Father to take from the world your dear j mother may He still guide and keep jon , in these lonely h-jurs nt trial and sorrow. ( Signed on behalf of tlie lodge Thomas \ Hentham W. M.. Don. McLeod Tre»8. HOUSE CLEANING TIME IS HERE â-º) Obituary Six thousand aliens lose the right to do business in Chicago after May What a rumpus a ruling like this would make in (Jntari >, where aliens still keep the cream of the biisiiiesi' while uiitivo sons tight for thcin. Mushy .sentiment toward enemy alien.s who sneer secretely .it our ; theories of British fiiir play won't win I the war for tJanada or IJrit'iiri. -Uuelpli iM"i'cury. Branitfâ€" Died at Meyroiine, on March 2:!, 1!I18, Helen Marguet, infant caiigh- ter of Ml. and Mrs. Wm. Branifi', aged six months. How we loved our little daughter. So precious to us all ! So that our hearts were well-riig'i broken When she answered the angel's call. '. We had built our hopes and ambitions. Built them up so very higli. But God had only loaned her to u.s, And our hopes aie where Helen lies. Wo are ready with everything you need for that bu>y season. TAPESTRY RUGS Good patterns, Moral and oriental designs in sun. green and browu color etfecti. !» X 12-»1S 00, |L'0.(X>, 128,50 and $25.00. 2^ x 3-<|16..->0 and 117.50. Others at pro[>ortinnate prices. AXMINSTER AND TAPESTRY M.\TS to suit any color of carpet. Prices 91 to 9HM. LINOLEUMSâ€" Scorch vnd Canadian makesâ€" 2 yards and 4 yards wide in a variety of popular patterns. K1,(»(>R OIL CLOTHS, yard, yard and half, two yards,, two and a half yards wide in the new season's designs and coloring. NEW DRSiRIEsWBRiGHTCFTYOURR^ Leslie Tupling of Creemoro sold 2."> hoLS and six head of calt!e for which he loceiYed over S?l«ll(). BULL FOR SERVICE Regist3rid .^hor'.luiiii bull for service. Terms: §1 ."»0 for <;rade cows, cil! dO fi.r eg steied C0W.1. Con. 4, lots ID 11 rrte mesia. I .Inly IS â€" J. D. M( LEOD. Ceylon They Must Not Look in Vain ! AN officer was missing. Mis brother crept out and fouiui liiin in a sliell hole. lie bore him hack to the lines â€" dcail. "Are yoti not sorry you ven- tured all this?" asked the coniniandiiitf ofticer. "N.)", because when I fminil him lie looked up into my face, smiled and said "I knew you would cornel" What could more fittingly illustrate the work of the " bijj brother to the suldiers" â€" the Y..M.C.A. 1 No danger is too great to be risked for the sake of the physical, mental and si)irilual welfare of those ilaiinlles.s heroes of Ypre.s, St. Julien, Vimy Rid},'e, Passihendaele I Everywhere he goes the Y.M.C.A. followsâ€" faithful to the limit of its resouces. y:m.c;a Red Triangle Fund $2,250,000, May 7, 8, 9 Canada-WiJc Appeal Think of the inspiration to the Canadian soldiers in this tromcndiius Campaign of 1918 as they learn that the folks at home are heart and soul behind them, showing it by a magnificent response to the Red Triangle Fund appeal â€" the worth while way. Help the Y.^LC.A. to increase its helpfulness. Help it as far as possible to measure up to the bound- less need I Help with your money, that more antl ever more soldiers can say, 'I knew you would come 1" Many people are located at points where one cannot get into touih with any canvasser working in aid of the Red Triangle Fund. If you are so situated send your money direct. Remit by cheque, money order or registered letter to Thomas Bradshaw, National Treasurer, Red Triangle Fund, 120 Bay St., Toronto. Make your contribution as large as possible,|but whether large or small it will he welcome. A Village Without Y. M. C. A. Francis B. S.iyr.' writing in Harpers' Says: "Willi only evil ways in which to sponii money biiniint; in their poik- ets, wilh tiolhing to relieve thi dull monoiotiy of idle evjiiiiiKs, many of the soM- botcan to gk-t lonely and homcsirk, or to drift along daiig.Tous paths. " It wa.i nut many days bv.fore ollicers began to send hurry calls for the Y .V1.C:.A.: 'For GiKl's sake com-' down b:fore it's too late and do aoaiething for my int-a.'" C 3 "Earn and Give" Campaign Serve yo'.ir Country by your labor and make a gift to the Rid Triangle Fund from your earnings I What a tine chance to do a double service I Six thousand boys are asked to give $10 eaeh. Of the total, $50,000 goes to help the soldiers, the balance for l)oys' work. Gifts must be at least $10, the standard unit. A boy may subscribe more than $10 in $10 units, but not less. A t>eautifuUy engraved certificate will bi! given to each subscriber. Ask your local Y.M.C.A. re- presentative for pledge card and full information, or send your contrilNition direct to headquarters. National Council, Young Men's Christian Association Headquarter!: 120 Bay Street, Toronto John W. Ross, (Montreal) National Chainnaa of Red Triangle Fnnd CampaU* G. A. WMburton, (Toronto) ^J^'Xfry, I^OMtl Director of ~ N B«d Trlancle Fund Cam^in Chio'i! find Creloniio Bungalow Nets Clsin Marquisette) Madras Muslins Art Sateen> Furniture Dsinaiks Curtain Scrims Window Sh-idas Curt>;in Poles Lsce Curt bins BRANDRAM-HENDERSON All colors in stock (( ENGLISH" PAINTS China Lac Floor Varnish KalKouiiiic Turpentine' Floor Piiint Poreh Paint Linoleum Vuruitih Itiiw and Boiled Oils Brushes of all kind.s YOUR LAST CHANCE FOR TEA AT OLD PRICES We have been supplying scores of houiet with a sjlendid Te.i in hulk at 25o. and an e.vcelleu Black Tea at 40o.,ljut we are now opfinin!» upour last packages at that price. Further supplie.s of the same quality will cost .1 lot more money and our prices will iiucesmnly advance to our cust Jiners as soon as the orii<inal lot is sold. There is ihi.iit enough to ia't to the first of May at the old prices. Better buy some today and sale iiioiey. SaladaTe.i now sell,< from (iOc. cp. F. H. W. HICKLING, FLESHERTON, ONTARIO ^'^,-^^;t^tz'^''^'^'^'^'^'^'' ^^'^'^'^2^^^^ ^^^^^ Boar for Service I The uudersigued has a tliorouah.jred Yorkshire Boar for service on lot 11, con. I 8, Osprey. Terms $1. .">(>. ; ' FRED SFOFFARD. K;isv to apply (lui'able and punhices a hcautihil. lasting tiiii.-^h that protects the car â€" don't start ont \n ith a shabby CMT, it i.s not iif(.-ePHaryâ€" when a beautiful finish can be ob- tained at very little cost and labor. S.W.P. for outstanding varn- ishes,Stain8,Enamel8. Brushes for house cleaning. F. W. Duncan The Flesherttm Hardware. K'hone .^0 r^ Hear the POLLOK PHONOLAS and RECORDS, also Tl e Latest in Sh--et Musii- :.l the PHOTO GALLERY SAVE MONEY Enter the ELLIOTT VoDge and Cliarlcs Streets, Toronto H.ifore the Tuitif^n Rates are Increased. Great demard for (Jraduates. Write for our cata- Lnyue and learn how our former Students are succeediiiir. Open All year. W. J. ELLIOTT, STOCK FOR SALE j Flesliepton ^^ Tonsoriar I "^ Parlors Wo Aim to Give Entire batisfacbio LAUNDRYâ€" Basket Monday ni;;ht, delivery Friday eveiiiu CLEANING and DYEINGâ€" We ar agents tor Parker's Dye Worksâ€" Clotlioi. cleaned and dyed, feathers rejuvenafed I have it piesent for quick sale 2 Yorkshire sows, .some youiii.' cross-bred piys just reaily tci Weau, I Rouen drake, 1 Barred Rock rooster. Prices ri^ht. I'liune or write. â€"GEO. W. KOSl<, O.sprey Tel. System. Ma.\',vell, P.O. T FISHER- •PROPRIETOR New Blacksmith Shop At Maxwell I am opeiiina up atonce, a blacksmith. iui{ alid woodworking in Max- well, and am :n8iallio!{ up-'.o date wood- working uiachineiy. It will be my eu deavor to serve the publ|^; in a satisfao-^ tory manner and I would solicit patron aae. I want yourwork and will do it right. 7 April 1 CHESTER LONG Flesherton Tii ^hop I liave just placed on the shelves a full line ot Tinware, Nickelware and Aj^ateware for doniestic ii8e. ('lill on nie and get yonr supplies. Kavetroughing, Stovepipes and Stove Furnish- ings. $90 VV. A Hawken - FUsherton J Phone 'IS r4 II i % 1^^ .11 tr^i !^^ I m â- I I I t'Si I i Kepaiiing ofall kinds promptly attended to. ripefittiug, including pump work. Furnaces installed. Agent for Clare Bros. Furnaces. D. McKILLOP CHR15T0E BLOCK FLESHERTON m ONTARIO. i iii 1^ FRUIT TREES AND PLANTS For Spring Planting We i.eed no further intiodumion ihaii the fact that we have been in the Nursery buiin.fcs SIXTY ONE YEARS, and are now prep iri'd to ninet existing conditions by oll'eiing our high grade I ree« iiid ii'anl.H direct â-º" eustomeis at UOL'K BOTTOM I'RIC'E?'. I iSer.d for our ilhis rated oitculuK '<f bardy variities which you can oidi-r dirrot andsaieihe ajent's u unnii^sior, (if wh'.c'i you get the benefit. Our prices will f ^.iite to interest you and all stock in alisolu'.ii'y firit class and tiue lo name. I'HE CHASE RROTHERS CO. 1)1 Oilwio, r. iiiited, Nuiseiymeii, cOl.noRNE.- â€" -ONTAillO WE SELL FARM IMPLEMENTS I Agents for Special Prices on jWaggonvS, Plows Harrows and Horse Blankets Wagons Plows Hav Rakes Gultirators Harrows Mowers JOHN HEARD, MPLEMEN7 AQENT FLESHERTON. « * * «