Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 2 May 1918, p. 5

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May 2 1918 THE FLESHEKTON ADVA NCS THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA HCAO OFFICK • TORONT* Money Orders and Drafts are issued by this Bank payable in all parts of the world. FLESHERTQN BRANCH _^ ii(anag«r ••â-¼'• i»ra m CEO. MITCHELL, â-  C. p. R. Time Table. i ,^, I riie Advance hud a ple^Nanb c»ll one Trains leave Fleelieiton Station as ! day last wceic from Mr. I. H. Peiigoe of ^""""^ • I Port aicNiohol. Mr. and Mrs. Perigoe Golag South Going North and Mrs. Speers of the Port motored 4:27p.m. ^'Ap'!â„¢;'''^'^-' "'^ f"'" ''*'t "f"'« ^'^-^' •""! The mails aro . o«ed at Flesherton a."'="'''^" ""^ ^^'^- ^°''««« °^ Fevorsha.n follows : For the north at 10.40 a.m.and *?«"' ^ 'e* a»ye with Mr. and Mrs. A. 7 p.m. ; and the afternoon mail south at Stewart of town. 3.40 o'clocK. For morning train south wail close at 9 p. m. the previous ev'g. ^. ^Mhine season opened Two well known citizens of Grand Valley met with serious losses â€" to them j^ """"""^^^^ â€" receutly. One hud 15 botlles of that <^ VICINITY nmP^ ^ ""'''"*' 'Ofbriutes, nnd the other ei^ht ' ' " bottles, stolen from their homes during their absence. Two "well known citizflns" are now mourning for their bottles and will not be cmiiforted because ihey are not, neither can they adopt more to comfort them. m> I c .1 «r T a, , c Lieut. Cul. K. F. Armstrong has sue- The sale of he W . [. on Saturday of .^.^ed in getting to F.nnce was the word homemade oouk.ng netted f/.oO. that whs received by h.s sister, M..s. F. Gnr. VV. VVilcook has returned over- H. U . Hickiing. Km. reverted to the seasafter his leave oi absence in Cafiada. rank of Captain aiid is with tlio Field Seed corn ?4.."i0 a bushel at f. (j. Ambulance as dental .surgeon. He has Karstedt s. i ^'"''â- > tfy'ng to get to France ever since , , . Jaudin-i in Kngland, but it was only M.SK V)Q Richardson, who has been out ,,,g„t,j. „,^^ |,^ .sncceet'od there. The trout yesterdiiy. Mr. W. H. Bunt spent the week end in Toronto. in Seattle for several years, home last week. returned in gettiH'' Tragedy In Adjala The Ked Cross tea will be held at the I home <'f Mrs. B. Wellon on Friday o^ , thiti week. .,,, , , , j While 111 the house ahaie Mrs. Calh- The Ladies Aid of the Methodist arine McFarlane of Ennis wa.s frightfully churcli had a telephone put in the par- burned and the house in which she lived sonage this weekâ€" No. 14. ' was conipletuly destroyed by lire. With Mr. and Mrs. Will Moore attended '"^' '"" *'''"' '''"' ''^'^d, and at noon the the funeral on Tuesday at Durham of ! '""" ^"^^ '•''« house to go to the barn. Mr. Moore's father, an old gentleman 8S l^et"rn««g in about five minute», Hamos years of a"e. | '""'*'' ""' "" "''^'" **'"-'" they opened ,,• r-°,- I, • , c I the door. They were able to raach their Miss Katie biu-us is home from i ..,.,, â-  v^ >»" ^ , , , , , , , â-  uiother who had been trying to tight the Doinoeu for a tew days, her scliool h...v,o. «â- ., it-. c . * t namps wirli » '.niinl.t t.t » uile ^f water. and to her Lhe sons devoted their making no effoii to stay the flauies, which were consuming their lioine. The old lady was taken to the home of a neighbor and a doctor sunanoned. She Was frightfully burned about the face, neck, chest and arms', and lived only about three- hours alter the accident. Ifi 0111 wh:'.t the sons saw after they res- cuid their niothtr, they are of opinion that she was eiidcavorinj; to liuuy along ' tiames wit;h a couple of [ails of being closed on account ot illness iu [ Mr.v M^Farlane was carried out the section . â€"Sth Line Cor. j her the sons devoted their atteniion, Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Gi ff and three children motored up from Thorn bury last week and visited Mr. and Mrs. Hicklin-. Food Prices ifiEngland Dr. E. C. Murray received a letter from a jrieod in ICngland last week which contained conaiderable mfoiinatiun of public interefct. We ((uote a portion of it : I see you pay mora for bre»d than wa do, as wo get 41b». for nine pence, but of course the guveromeut pay towards ouw. Yea, we still get aome sugar. Alb for eaeh peraou each week, and we ar« to be allowed lOlbs for each person for jam making, if wo have fruit in our gardens. It ia okd and (id per lb. We ttre now rationed in nieac and it is better so, as we can alt get a little without any trouble. We have four meat coupons per weekâ€" three tor fresh meat and ono for bacon or tinned meat â€" but soon we shall only be allowed two coupons for fresh meat and two for bacon. Each coupon is for the value of 5d, and as the meat is without bono Is lOd per lb., bacon from 'is to :i3 (ij, ^ou can see we don't get coo much. With bone you are allowed a little moie, as that is cheaper. Buiter is '2a lid per lb, and margarine Is, We are allowed -ton each person pt-r week, bit there is nut much butter to getâ€" half a pound is almost an event, but wo iiianat'e fairly well. Fish â€" we can at present get as much as wo can afford, as it is now very dear. Cod is Is 6J and Hake Is itd per lb , bloater lOd. rpv ,. â-  . 11 1 â-  â- â-  . i •''"" :" tilt-' " that 18 controlled prices, and aoinetiines ] Toi-out... if lish is plentiful we can get it cliea|)er. EjTgs are ;>â- / to 4d each. Fancy you getting so short of coals : It will make you think twice about what you order next winter. We, like you, have had a very cold winter. It is more than '20 years since we liad i! so cold, and having like yuu a .-pell of fine weather in be- tween it made it much worse. As for coals, wo arc rationed . For a six roomed house .'^00 weight per week in winter and in .>iumiiier Ik hundredweight, .so wo bavu to be cireful, but fortunately we had some logs and were not so badly olf. MAIL CONTRACT Sealed Tendem addressed to the Pustniaste (â- eneral, will be receive<l at < Ottawa until noon onl'riJ»y,t,hu7thof,June, U»I8. fur the i-ou- veyance of His .MaJMty'x Mails, on a iiroi>o.s. ed Ctntract for four years, six times per week, ou the route â€" FLESHEKTON RURAL UOUTE NO. 2 from the Ist'of .Tiily next. Printed notices eontainintr further informa- tion as to CModitiunt of proiiused Oontracl may be seen and blank forms of Tender may he obtained at the I'ost OHices of Vandelt-ur aud Fleshertan and at the offi:fi of the Pout Office luspector, Toronto. A. SUTHKRLANl), Poat Otfico In»|>ctiir. Post Office fuBpettor'^ OHicf. Toronto, .\pril. TId, I'JIH. r ! ilnihlnSSS^Sr. The Old Adage MAIL CONTRACT SK.VLKD TENDKK.S .iddressi-d tu the I ostmastcr (ieneral will bi- receive 1 at Ottawa until nocmon Friday, tlit 7th of .run.- I'.ilS, f(ir the conveyanci! uf His ihiie.itys iMuils,-uu a projiused Ccmtract for fuiir years, SIX times per week nn the route MA.XWKLL UritAI- frmii the 1st of NO. KoiTi: Vpril, lins, next. Piiuted notices c-ontaininjf further infuniia- tloii.is to conditions of proiMised cutitruct may bo seen .-md blank fcjrins of Tender maybe obtained at the I'ost Oftite.s of .Maxwell ! .Iiul :it the i.Hice ,.f the Post Ottiee Inspector, A. .Sl-J'HKULAND. Post Office Inspictor Po8t tJftice rnsi)e<;tor's Office. 'I'nr ,m(., April Sl'nd. lli'.s. The Proof of the Pudding the Eating The sani is equall} true of the 190C Gravity asher. Try one and be convinced tliat there is nonp better. S. HEMPHILL Agent, Ceylon Full line ot McCormick Farm Implements, Binders Mowers, Kakes, Loat^eivs, DrilKs. Cultivators, Plows, Riding and Walking Kauows Brantfcrd Wind Mills, Pumps, Piping and Fittings of all kinds, Beattie aye Carriers, Hay Forks, Slings, Filter Carriers. Folding Bath Tubs, Frost Wire and Fence CuttcM'.s and Sleighs. A Call Solicited Satisfaction Guaranteed. S. HEMPHILL Ceylon, Out. I |Agcnt, ' - UVn-TLt ;» »a» gM JmT Mrs. Wm. Wright Will the party who borrowed mv wire fence stretchers last fall kindly return the aame at once and oblige Frank Dunouii. A number of- young people from toivn took II) the play " •Intolerance " at Dun- j the fire with koiosene which became dalk last Thursday night and say it was ignited sooner than she expected and line. j burned her. Tho house and all it."' cun- The quarterly communion service will ' t'-'"'' ^'"'re totally destroyed and there is be held in the Methodist church next ' "" 'usurance to relieve the luss. Mrs. Sabbaih at I0,;!0 a.m. when the sacra- . McFarlane had lived in Adjala for many nieut cf the Lords Supper will bo ;,d. J yo""- â€" Alliston Herald, niinislerod. j ~ ~ A bicycle belonsing to Ernie Dav:"« | t Gil llltO 3 Well was stolon from inside Fred Malhewson'.s â-  gate on Friday night la.st. The patty j Mr. J. F. Hillgutner was doing some who took it will get into trouble if it i» needing for Mr. Clayton Hullma.! on tl.e not returned immediately. j Ne^.stadt Uoad last week when one of Mr. Wilbert Chard aud little acii are his teaiu of horses fell do .tn an o!d well Tisitiiig the former's parents, Mr. and | that was obscured. The well was 44 Mrs. John Chard, in town. Wilbert feet deep and nearly full of water. Mr. was rec-fiotly operated on for apeudicitis Hillgartiier held onto the bridle and kept tiie horse s head above water until he'p was secured. With a block and tackle and del ri.k iind to help the horse wa.s gutttn out in a little over an hour's time. Just how the horse was able to Keep atloat in the cramped i|uartovs no oiio seems ,iblo to ! e.\pl;iiii sali.sf.ictorily, unless with .-inimnl Died â€" On Friday, A| ril :.'•>. the infant instinct, it niiUMged lo "tread water."â€" son of Mr. and Mrs. John Gibson, at H mover post. On Wednesday of last week one of the few remaining pioneers of this section passed away, in the person of Mrs. Wm. Wright, at Lho aye of 81 years. Mrs. Wriuh', whose iniiideii name was Margaret GUespie, w;is born in (,'ounly Down, lieland, and came to Canada in childhood with her mother and ste|)father. yhe was married. liL' years agi( to Wm. Wright, and lived with him on their farm, west back line, until his death sixteen years ago, She was the mother of ten children, seveu of whom ate living â€" Mrs. Oeorgo Boyoe, Arteniesia : Win. Louden, mtrohunt of Flesh nton ; Mrs. Wm. Carter, Aiteniesia : Rjbert in Alberta, Fied in Aitenii-sia. John in Winghiiiji, and Mr,-. McPhatter of Owen Sound. The deceased lady Wfis a member of the Presbyterian churdi. The remains Were laid to rtst in Fle^llerton cemetery on Friday afternoon last. Since the death of her husband Mrs. Wright has been living with her un- mariied son, Frid, on the west back line. ^, ^ Odds and Ends > K.ir Sale cheap or rent- Late John J. Martin farin, lot 1, con. 4, Euphrasia, coutainiug about 130 acres ; dwelling and new fi-iiine barn, stabling under. If not sold ill lime f.pr seeding will rent, .\pply to Chtrlea IMartin on the premises or to U. J.Sproule, Flesherton. niar28th r i Auto for Saleâ€" Five passrneer Rega one man top, demountable rims, ful' thiatini.' axle, honey-combed ladiator, electric sttirter, now Dominion Nobby tread tires on hind wheel. In Hist class condition.â€" Apply to (J. C. Graham Eugenia. I'or .sale cnea aiiu on easy tonus, Lo k. o, con. 11, Uspi-ey, 110 acres. This i.- a first class farm and in a good state o caltiv.ition. Good bank barn ind new frame dwelling, .\pply co R. J. Sproule Flesherton Chesley Shell Plant Destroyed by Fire I laut is recovering his usual strength. Mr. Jackson of Markdule, is doing a Und ortice business in Chevrolet Cirs th 3 springy haviiif sold a large number. On SatUiJay he deliveied a oar to Mr. Hugh Hammond of Kiinberley. He receives new cirs from ihe factory every wo.k. Markd.ile, aged 3* months. The tuneral : took piece to Fleshu'ton cemeteiy on on Sun ;liiy afternoon, liev, St.-inley of Markdale ttticiatod at the liouae -lud grave. , I The iii'iple syrup season was a lotTg one thia year. so lonu that most farmers could not hnish it on account of spring work One village gentleman of our acijuaii t: anco was liDiih it up. laat, week cleaned up si.tteen gallons ot tine syrup. $2,250,000 Needed The C.iiiadian V.M.C.A. is asking for Sl','2o0,IHI0 to eaable it to ' carry on " for another yeai. This will mean that ovoty so'dier in camp in Canada, in-Englaiid, and in Fiance, will be given soiiielhing Vofd that he could go in and °'' '•''*^ -'">'« "^ ''"""-â-  f'"" •''" "<"'""â- '' •'*""' He did so and in iwo daj8 "^ between five ,xnd six dollars per msn. Looked at in this light, the Y.M.C.A buclget :i|. pears modest in the extrtme. I Candidly, we should like to Know of any Word was received hero last wet kf.ora q^,,^, i„8..i,ution that gives the same Flight-Lieut. Tom lilakoly that be had vilue for the money. had ouite a sensation while Myiiig in ., , r u i j . n ' „ .. 1 Q J Many a mother, if she had it, would France, His machine crught hio and ^i^^-^ ' donate Ihu »2,'250,mitt asked lell a couple of thousand fuct. Tom w; 8 for t) continue and extend this oot hurt but was ready to sing "I'rane work, if thereby she could secure tor hec /-.If ... u „, II 1 i„ ,. . „ ri »•• B,iii. son tha omforls, the soliice, and the God from whom all blesHiniis now witli , . . u - i i .i . .i close, intimate touch wiih heme tint the all his heait. Y.MC.A provides. The county comm'sjioiicr (hould begin Till the boys come home, the Rid • 1 .. .„ 1, L. ..fi ... ii, , .^ .A ..„ Triaujlc lakes homo to the boys. What rijht away to lo..k allor Ino ro.^rt on " , U i r ' •* ' ^ f, I n< every man and Boinnii of us Mouirt do for Oenoe'a Hat east of lleshorlon. Iho t|,„ (,..y.s "over theio" had we but tho heavy frost of the past winter has bi(.UKht chance.ilie V .M.C. .\. can do and is doin: more logs int.. view aud it is dangerous for u-^. Its system of work is a triumph for either cars cr horse-drawn vehicles to pass over. It should be re[)aired righ'' aw^y and not left for .some victim to i.u in .1 bill of d-tmaifis for broken springs o" axle. Some parts of Iho road between yiesphorton and Duudalk are equally a** bad ana need looking alter. A disastrous tiro wiped cut ilii- muni- tion plant of the Clin ida l?cd-i Company at Chesley on Friday iiiorniiig la.st. The n any friendly hands | loss is a seritms one- -the entire machine shop and power hou.se, together with thousands of shells 111 ditt'erent stages of ooinpletion, aio a total loss. The nmchine shop wa.s Kpiippod for Iho manufacture of 1811) shr»pnol .shells wi'ili 8{;ecial ma- chinery and the eniiro plant is a complete wreck. It is estimated that the loss wil' be closrt to §4(1000. The lire broke out by tho explosion o. a roain pot in the iiiiicliiiie shop aboU[ U .'iO in tho iiiiirnini.'. Night watchman Smith was nearby at the time and tried to oxtinguish tho bla/.e with pails if viator, but the Humes sprend tlirouuliout the department with incrcilil)lo swiftness, before the Chesley fire brigade arrived , the entire machine shop was a mass of flames and it was only a short tiino unti' this section of the building was a conipletj. wreck. Tho Hio sproad to the poHor [ house at Iho side and llii.s building was destroyed. I Th.! pliint at Chesley 'was one of the I first C-anadiiin factoiins tu be eipiippsd ' fir the inaiiufacturo il shells. The com- pany ri ceivod its Crst order in January, I I'Uri, and have bean manufacturing con- tinuously for lhe las! thiee yeais, spec- I iali^ing in LS lb. shrapnel for the Imperial I Munitions Board. I Although faiily well covered by insur- iance, the loss (•> the company will be a serious cne. For Rent-. -V brick dwelling situated on Co'lin>;wood street, Fleshertoii. frame .stable, good well and garden in ooiinection owned by Samuel Cohjuette. For partic- ulars apply to Silns Shiink, Flesheiton. Kentner's Popular Blusic Store, Murk dale, is the placs to buy your Piano, Organ, Phjiiogi-rtpli, Sewing Miichine, Sheet Music, aud all uiusical .supplies. NOTR'E-I \u\e .sold ny PolUd Hereford bull, Admiral Beattie, to MrT Frank CoUinson, Ceylon. Those iiitei- estcd phase take notice. â€" J.diu .Adams. Fouiid--Lap lUg fmind, day of nij' sale. Tho owner can have same by j applying to me â€" H. iv'uigg, Flesherton. j Try Feversha.n Pastry Flour, the bes for your co.ik, .-Vll OnHirio hIic .t. 1 W. H. BUNT Agent for Dominion Pianos and Organs FLESHERTON, - ONTARIO. !-.v'': ':ii>ti^si^'' ".5-'.i?^?'vsa^;y: • â€" \ ^ V ' ' X • ar\ « I f\ 1 1 M ii| K^ Most Economical We ever used. Huc-kHlieat i;i 1 cit fill For Sale- seed. â€" K. IW bushels o Sargent. Ceylon MISCELLANEOUS Uavini; taken over from H. B. McLean the W. G. Picki-ll Insuraiicu buuiiii'ss, 1 am prepared to hmk after the interests of ilie public. Huah R. Hunmond, H. K Xo.l, Eugei i.a .\gont. Phone 2 r '.'. I Aug. A boat like the Dalltousio Cily provides one of the hard- est tests a white lead can be subjected to, because it is continually in a moi,;tine-loden atmosphere. The letter reproduced below is conclusive evidence of the superior covering c:»pacity of BRANDRAM'S GENUINE B. B. WHITE LEAD In for.Tier years the Niagara, St. Catharines and Toronto Ry. Co. used a ton of ordinary white lead to cover the Steamer Dalhousie City, This year they used Brandram'i B. B. with the result that only 1,500 lbs. v;as required. TlieotlK-r qualities of this white I.miI are ctiuillv oiitstaiidini;. In brilliance anil iti diirabilitv. It id unriv.illM. It lilh tlie pores, and ti:ak<-j a louiili elastic til:u that will not crac'i or i)«-l eiil-.i-r in warm weather or in.cOicl. Tl!oii-j:li slightly hi.;lit-r in pi Ice it is more C'-:ouomicaI. Do not just ask for Bramlram's B. B.â€" Insist on it. KijH^V.y ;.'orlli insistingon art our briinits of Paints. Varnt^iits, .''/ling.V Shiiits and Wood filler:. .1 uniformly hifh Quality runs Ihrouihoul llitxinliu lini. of organizilion. Not only docs it reach every man, but it ministeis lOjOvery side of each man. .\s the tiaining rod three- sided .symbol indicale-<, bony, mind and spiii' are catered to 'I'i id bi die^, m nds made ."oggy by tho monotony of camp life, souls di^l^essed and torn by loneliness and temptation, are strength- ened and renewed by this ministry. lOO.COO Smiths are in tho I iiittd States army. (U" these l."iOO are William Smith* and 1000 John Smiths. There are also l."),t)IKI Miller.", and 15.(H)0 VVsl- sons. There arc 2t)i .John J. O'Briens, and of tliuta 50 have i^tves nair.cd Mary. Girl Wanted. Capable girl for gouera I house work, no washing, plain cooking. E.\c.)llent home. Wages to s!,irt, S'JS.OO. Referenci's required. â€" 31i.-j. Mar.sh, IJ'.' Keewatin .Ave., Toronto. F.ir Sale or rentâ€" Cheap, easy teims ^<mA dwelling, stable and ten acres o land at Poitlaw. Don't miss this, must be sold as ownor does nut require it .Vplily to R. •) . Sproule, Flesheiton. iiiai'28tf Private funds to loan on real estate stcurity at reasonable rate of iiperest. .\pply to R, .T. Sproule, Flesherton. j sept 'i'i â- -:.'.:"'-.vr. -^L Biii 'mm -'M JR RANPRAM 'M ENDERSO N 'MOMTMlAi. HAUrAX, ST OOHN TOWOMTO WtNNl#C« . CAU>ARV,K,DM0NT0N VANCOUVER Clubbing Rates , The Advance has no extensive clubbina ' Alsike and Sweet Uover.eed for .ale 1 1'^^ ""^ f''"' "-'"' of the papers being *14 per bushel for each, frie ,,..m j ^"Wl'^d at regular rUes. following are ii..xiou3 weeds.- Job. Buchanan. . -"'"O Pncea : Flesherton. I The Advance 8 I -OO Olohe fi[ miui Carefully Butter Corrected Each Week 40 to 42 Eggs, fresh :55 o 35 Wheat f2 '25 to 2 25 Highest price for butter and egga »t " â-  »" lhe Aorhl and .Vdvaiice. (l.-Hiani Bros. Eugenia. June 20 , News and Advance. .. Horse For Sa'e- Broke to any work. 5 year* old. H-trty Patten. 4tli line, Actemcsia, Flesherton P. O. 4.00 -t.OO 4T."> ;>.Tr> .%75 uats Peas. '.MJ to 9Q IW to 4 00 Barley â- Â».... I :!0 to I 35 Star nnd Advance Youth's Compftoiou 2.25 Fimily Heca'ld I '25 P.italoes. . . Buckwheat Hides Ducks . . . . Geese Chickens. . . Fowl S1.25 35 to »3 10c to lOo 23 to 23 21 to 21 22 to 22 Ifl to 1» -ii^itKl^^ Ml niiaiiiiitr «.i I1|- 1 If riiiiill(i1lMTlMjl(liij|if|j^ â-  1^ :--â€"«â- â-  ' -;t^^<| Jill ^jR.r ^TWffOTy^' ' ^

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