Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 4 Jul 1918, p. 1

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L/t A. I c .-,1^::>#^f.'- ,'m TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€" " PRINCIPLEb HOT MEN." --^^1 V i i •6 I j^ i r-i m 38 No. 5 Fleatierton, Ont., Tbui-sday, July 4 iQ^a W. e. THBSJJTON ISi^^,.!. Kimberley Budget Tbfi copious showers ou Sunday wore certainly imteh needed hs the Und «'a» drying out very rapidly on acoount of the high winds pi-evailine. Eugenia junior baseball team drove dowa 10 our burg ou Saturday last and played 'iur boys a neveil inning jianic, teeultiDii io a win for Eugenia by one run. Our lads bad it over tiiem like a tent till the last innina wboii they chaiijied pitchers, Eugenia suoriiitf- six kwaa this iouing. Eugenia boys are a "ood manly bunch of sports and we'd like III sge then) back again before the und of the season. ., ,' Our "grand old m»o,"^^Mt»,Â¥Tbo^ Wickens, is just a few years off the oentury mtirk and is still hale and heai:'y. That he may long be spared is the sincere wish, of his many friends. <<° Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Stuart and little Mon, of Parry Sound^re visiting with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Stuart. Victor Ellis, of Collin? wood, isreuem- ing old aojuaintMloes in this paxt at present. Yictoc is teacher in ttie Techsical School and draws a salury well up in four ti)!ures, Wm. Heafh, of Markdaie, was a pleasant caller in our burg on Wtdnesday lii«t. Miss Maude Plewes, of Torontj, is ^-jipendine the summer holidays at the parental home. Oar two teachers. Hiss Ooott and UiM Latimer are holidaying at their rmpeciive homes in Meafurd and Kugeois. Chas. Camack,of the valley road north, will have over 9100 worth of straw >)«rrie8 grovirn OD a piece of land nut over j^ of an acre in extent. We fail to uuderatand why tkece ian'l more growers of this iuac-oQs fruit. Mrs. Wn. Fawcetfc and san, Wsllin;;- ton, visited with the former's sister.Mrs. Ed. Baker, of Vandeleur, one day last week. We aUended a meeting of the Eugenia Farmers' Club on ^alnrday evening last and found it au able and ellioient organi- zation with a live president, secretary and board of directors. Victoria Comers (*n SiiturJ»y Mr. und Mrs. Charles M')ore and fair.ily motored to Sniithville to spend ihe holiday with Mrs. Motire's parents. Th»pui;ils and teacher,Misa Uaiuiltuu, enjoyed a uioiiic last Friday in Mr. Smijkod's biish. The parents woio loyally diivi u from the woods in an up to date Ford. We are sorry tint Miss H:«inill6u Las resigned her duties, but wibh hor the very beet of success w!ioi- evei- she may go. Mr. aud Mrs. Burnsidts Miiikdale, viaitedatMr. Jas. Lockhaft's. ^>n Siniduy last Rov. Dinnick preuchtU a vi-ry impraseive Farewull seiinoii. At tiK- close uf the service. Miss Di^miliy Niv;h<)l reXtl au appropriate address and Ml. Kliiiu Slovens presented the p:islor w th a siil'oLy razor as a lokeu of appiocia- tiou fri)» tho Kpwotth Leaj^a. Mr. Dinuick will be grently missed nt l-.iistiogo and has the community's best wislicB for success in his new work. Mrs. A. Moulxomcry, Dundalk, visited for ft few days wi'.h h«r p'trentd, Mr. luul Mrs. Gallaughcr. i' .Mrs. Watsor., Piijeyillp, and .Mr. las. Watson, Detroit, spent a few doys with the latter'" sister-iu- law, Mrs. G. .Mooio. Mv- Jos.^Slevfns atiiii wife- visited lljb fjtuHu's lirolhor, AH>. Stevens. Mi(>s p. Lock hart holidayed uith friends iri Toronto. j^' Vfe bear ii great deal about tho higli priue of matches but n<}Vclr beture bsaid of any one conserving ihcm iiuitu so iiai.;h lis to propiiro a lire ready to hglit and ihon leaving i», ejcpectiog the waltr ou the stoye to boil. We believe there is a great necessity for eoonomy, ao if (ha plan was successful others ui'ght try it. < Ceylon Chat C. McMullen and wife, who have-been vifitiiig here have rslurned to their home at Fleiiiinglon. N J. Erneiit McMullen spent ilie week end with Ills sister aud brothers in Toronto. Misses Zullii aud Willa MuLeod of Torouto spent the holiday with their parents, Mr. and Mts. D. MoLuod. Mr. H. Grifl'elh and Pte Sedgwick of Toruulo .sjient the .week and at NV. White's. J. Cummins is visiting with friends at <Jehawa. Mrs. Wilson McMullen visited her daughter in Toronto over the week end. U. Coleman motored to Owen Sound Saturday aveuiug Miss Bertha .\bbot of Elo'.wood is visiting bee sister, Mrs. D. Widemsn. Mrs. Archibald, sr., who 'has been visiting Hanover friends returned home Saturday, accompanied by Gordon '.juinlan. Myrtle Ueiupbill uf Toronto visited with hfr parent.^ here over the holiday. Miss Velina Itands, Chatsworth, is spending a few days with her friend, Miss Georgina McLaughlin. 11. Bennet of Shelburne spdnt !he week end with his family here. bcliool closed ou Friday Miss Wilcock who haaresigned was presented by ihe pupilj with a fancy biscuit j^r aud box of stationery and address. • The presen- tation was mad« by Georgina MauLiauuh- lin.find address read by Hazel McLend, after which Miss Wilcock. thanked the pupila very kindly for their gifts. Pta. Ber' attack of Miriidale, and Mrs. visiting We ai« pleased i.o report Irwin improving after.au measles. Mrs. Gibson aud vhildruu, are visiting her parents Mr. Wni. Meads. Mri>. Mino of Owen Sound is her brother, D. McDonald. Mr. aud Mrs. James Pattisoii, sou Willie and daughter Gladys aud Miss Cooey visited Coliiugwood friends the lirst uf the week. Clarence Mulr. has purchased a new Ford auto for him«elf and motored to OJollingwoi d, accompanied by Miss K. Muir. Kev. Mr. i^uinn will preach to the Oranaeiuen on Sabbath iie.xt at ;i p.m. The Sabbath school has been withdrawn for that day, The I'm oil Sabbalh scliool will hold their annual picu'c <in Friday afternoon in Mr. Gunoe's bush, when an invitation i» extended to all to cjiue and have a good time. Mr. and Mrs. H. Piper vjsited with their daughter at Lsurislon the first of tho week. Mis. Hoyden Gibson left Monday for the bedside of her iiiuther, who is veiy ill at her home in Toronto. Maxwell The Red Cross cuncorc held at. Mr Andrew Pallist^r'o, Ma.xwull, on Friday evoning la.st wus .4 decided success. Thi; ball gainu was especially interestiH«,.the L'irls playing' against iDo buyti, who oonsunlad to encumber tlirni3elve» with skills iu order to make it more uOcti. However, we \vuj^rtiiT< I hoiii 10 do it again, ae the score was l{ to 2 In favor of iho !.irls. The proceeds wjjra §!)(> III). Portlaw Some ides Qf the acuteness of the hibor piobleiuin Ibis section may be uudur- stood by the fakt that a youog high scbwl girl, living with her widowed mother on a Can-iok farm volunteered to go out and drive the team to haul gravel to put iu tbeii statute l.^bor. The i>Dly son -n the farm had been drafted, but the girl w«s rosdy to do her part, Mr. Dipniek preaehoJ his sermon in Mount /Auu climcli .«• Kvv. fart; well on Suiidiiy hi.s^. i^rs. MadddcU, who^ is «poiiding Ihu summer with l:.er itr.iminiother, Mis. Taylor, sr, read an e.vcolleuk paper on ".Missions" It Mount Zion Sunday School list Sunday. â- Â» .Mr. and MrsK.'co. Y-^unn^ Mr. and Mia. W. Jau»*e,son, and .Mrs. N. Conron spent Sundtiy wii h ft ieuda in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Breaden ^d Mr. Isaac Sheardo,wn, of Bolton, visitt-d at the h-ime of Lowis Shcaidown. * Murray. Curnfl«»i(t ofT,nihu>, his holidays M the psroutal howe. Mount Xiou Church and Sunday School will hold a garden part^ oju Tuesday the I>fh inst. at the home of Mrs Taylor, »r. â-  * , - Pt«. Cecil McfdMni h^s totumed to Torouto for Jjcisfiital tK<atmeiU aftst vikityng with numerous fiicnJ.f. Eugenia Paragraphs Gui school has clorcd for the summer vacation. The teacher, Mibs Wilson, liiis gone to her lininu at Kimberlcy, Mi. Ti^te to his-, home at Gr«iid Valley. Miss Etta Latimer is h< mo from het school at Kiinberley. ' Mr. Will Walker received tho ^»d news of the sudden doi4h of hU lister, Mrs. Gibson, nca*. 'Jraiigeville. Mr. *nd Mrs. Walker and Mr. and Mis. Will Gordon at'ended 'he funeral. Claience Stewart and Pearl Walker are visiting willi Mr. and Mi.s. Will Gordon. The garden party held under the auspices of the W. T. was a gruai success. The bi'oth was well patrontvced, and the sports wore enjoyed by all ihu prize winners beiug : 100 yard dash, Hurry Tate ; spider race, Ray Geiioe ; sack lace Ray Genoa ; potato race, Manning Park and Herb Belts : boys, Harold Tuohy . girls, Annie McCain ; girls' foot race, Martha Fenwick ; sack race, buys, Kd Howard : school boys race, Kenuolh Large. The ball game between the Power House and Flesherton was pretiy close. X good clean <:aiiie was played, resulting in a score 0' !} to II in favor uf the Power Houso^Last, but not least. Was the tea served by the ladies, nhich was a great credit to them. Tho W. I. desire to thank all the ladies of the community for the hearty response given. Proceeds !!|!94, expenditure about $iiQ. Mrs. Berry was the lucky lady to get the cushion. The Juuioj Greys of 'Eugenia played ^he return match with Kimberley and won by a score of 14 '.o 1-5. The little chaps pUy well and .'^houid be encouraged Mrs. Banller and (laughter of St. Catherines called 011 Mie. A. Smith. G. A. WanaWake of Kingston spent a few days with his friend. Gen Dawson. Geo Pedlar sud wife of Markdale visited the former's mother during the Dsst week . W. Ti-acey, wife and two oiiildren of Toronto spent the week wi^h their frinnd, Mrs. J. Campbell. John Fenwick motored from Paisley, acuompanied by Mr and Mrs Btb Wal- lace and Mrs Geo Hoath and childr. n visited bis 1 rolher Tom. .Mrs Honth and childreu have remained with tier aislei , M rs Fen wick. Harvey Brook and wife of Toronto visited with Mr and Mrs E Partridge. . Card Grahaoi with his mother and brorherinlaw, Mr Huggard of Duncan, motored to Tnioiilo. Mrs <5rHh»ni remained with frietids at Oraugeville; Mr and Mrs Mi;U'at and Mr and Mrs 11 Phillips aud son motoi-^d from Torouto and '.110 visiting the latt.'i's parents, Mr and Mrs R Uuy. Who says there is no law to sop Sunday lishiug ? The liugeiiia W 1 :iill hold thoir mouLlily nieetiiig at tbij li.jme ot Mrs .\ Smith Woihicsday, July 10, at 3.30 standard tinier when thavevviH be a lialo of socks packed. Visitors "tjluome. Silver col'ecttbii . Feversham Items The sp!etidid ftin oirSu-iJa â-  last i« making the grain aud loo.s- grow very rapidly. .Mr. G. K. .lolly, oi^M»*ford, w.is presiding examiner at the entrance exaina held hereon June' I'Jth to 21st.~ There wire 21 wHting on llie- entrance here this year. Mis* Mabel iiurun, iST Totonto, is visiting wiih her aunt, Mrs. R. Cohiuett'e; Messrs .). little, ftaroU Cox, and Will Periuo, [f Coliiugwood, spent the j holiday in tins village. Misses Sadie and Miry Julian are visi.iug friends in the i,'iiueii city. Mr. and Vlrs. J, A.. JveruahHii visiletr friends in Toronto recently. Mr. Kern- atlfcii Wiis a delegate from t^'ourl Fuvurabani, No. h'M, C.(.»,F. to the High C^iurt held in tliffcijy this year. -Miss Lulu Jolley, our public school leaclier. has gone to her lioiiiu near Meafoid for the liulidayK. The ncIu'oI lioaid has eiigayed Misslolluy to Uacli ill our school for auuther year. While 'workiDU tit the erecting uf Andrew Fawcett'a sawmill north of Feveishani Mr R. S. MuGirr had a heavy timber fall on liim thiowin;,' him utf the platform lie was .standing on and oislocatiDg his shoulder. Little Beatrice Conn is .slowly recover- iu<j from a severe attack of piieuinonit and Bronchitis. Kov. C. H. Fonh, of Ma.\well, preached tnuiversary .leimons on a former circuit of bis near Toiontoiu Sunday last. Mr. Cullic, of Markdale, supplied for hiiu here. ' Bates Burial Co. BUSINESS AS USkfiL Funeral Directors and Embalmers Phone Hillcrest 268 124 Avenue Rd. Toronto, Ont. EQUIPMENT J e welery ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSCS MOTOp J. W. Bates, Pre*. R. Maddocks, Manager. Pig For Service Pi uif bred Tii.iuv„r:ii Ijoa,- foi Service! on lot I7C. 1 S. W.T. and 8. R., Aiie- | mssia. Terms $1 or ^2 for purebreds. i 1 June ].>< -1. J.STINSUN. Prop ' A Splendid Stock from which you may readily mak« A Satisfactory Se lection. We cai- ry Photq.3upplie&r W. A' Armstrongs Jeweler • • - FLESHERTON, - ONT ••.•»•>.•.. »»«n '^ " •• â€" i^, ; <t „ % gi »,i».^,.»> AROUND GREY COUNTY Melanrthon â- ^talion is no a- being repaired. The walls wore crushed by an impact of snow from a suun (.low last winter. .\ spare tire belonging to Ea. Uancy was stolen fi'oin his ear in Duadalk last week. A civio rece;j!iuD was ieiideix! to over 20 returned soldiers at Oweo ?..uiiJ. The event was held in (^Joeen's l\iik, and thousands gathered to take part. .Xmung those who were welcomed home wa^ I'tc. Jack Ci-owo, the repatriated soldier who, after being taken prisoner by the tjer- inans, had both leg.s anipntaled. The friends of Pte. Lincoln Br.iwii uf Arthur township, a leturiitd siddim-, niut aud presented him with a purse of j:|.','i Pte. Broun has gouo to T..r(inio, «lieiu ho will bo lilted with an artilici.-il limti and leoeive a .special coui-ae of . ir.iinini; for roluriied soldiers at tlic Teihnical School. " -Vloxr Stephen, for :l'.l yewis C.eik i,f tho t^.wnshipof SuHivsn, is dead. Jrtuioa^iMlfny o| StiHivan diwi vei-y suddenly while iinloiiding some ]. e.sscd hay. . . File destroyed Iho residence i f li-cli d Wardol], hi •'), o.'ii. S, Sydeiihiini, .iiul very litllo of ilie cuiitent.s wero .-aveJ. The lire htarfed in tho louf ot a .summer kitolien from overliL-ated jupes. Chaliwortli Red Cross >li'i|.'pcd .-i %(ui. Ladies I 61 3 3 . The Mi'lincry Season/ ^ 3} la in aud wti are vt..]y with a real up-to-date ^lock of SPKING 1L\-1"S and would be pleased to have you give ns a ci I and .<ee our styles before you buy. We can .suit you if yon to-ilale hat. want an up- W. L. WRIGHT The Corner Store Flesherton, - Ontario In the casujty hst oii- Ifr.md ly was th • ii.i.ne of Pte. Jvhn Shattock, f irmorly uf this place, ainoni» tlm woundt'J. . .V telegram from the Records Olticc recuivod Dy Mrs, Ci'rdou, stated that it was gini. shot wounds on Jun^lOth in the jaw and the.st^ and mat the soldier buy is in a hospii^il in Eiig'rtiiJ. This 1 id. is iioi y. t 20 years old, biit:,hti,bas had c ni.sidorib)» exjjerience iu warfare in hisiivoanda Imiryoarij i(» the liattio hues i£ iwsu'iltii s q!>unt. ye w;V6 first wounded by sunshot in tlie neelt, thrill Mii'll shocked, tin u buried alive for li.ilT an hour by an explo- diiii; shtdl.aft'erwards slruck by a splinter from a .shell and now iiisjncsont wounds. Tlo has suro'y'had st^mct^qloso calls aud deserves homo lo^ivo it hii iliiiijiids are noj^ j^o «eriou s • S^fr j;]i8t,-^UuuJ.i Ik si'.!ii iiont >usisti-Vg of a' .*:)r.O.L'0 ^â- ^is! •spalls, Caltfu'd He a*. 'â- #' sfAiuti During the ram .<it<i»iii .m Piidny Iai9 Elcin Duke, son of Jo.-.epli Duke of || e buck Jipe, Molunclhqp, and Harold Perorson,..: of Shalburno, hud an experi* •lice that Ihey .will rememijer ,(jr son.e lii)ie:.#lM)ey w.no wi^itjg, at tho gravel pit ijfitjoo, Bingh.ini'gfaitn in Amaranth an«l trllile itxas raiiiiijff they fTxK>rf with tlieir backs agauist the sitie ^if iho pit wlicte thoy »e»e slioltoreU from tho laib. A'rat' Otice tWy rccjived an.,,eic>.tric ."â- horfWlii^t, JoiiJiileU them up «o•^^.^K«l)l them rttUi«|, in thn pit.. They s.iin rcoovered oRtoth tuen since .hhj faclirig very sorsi 4» if tht^hjd beertjtI'Jbbedir Free Prcw. * Siunutei« Forngo- for l>iunb -. I'requent chaase of pasturf? is bcuettcial to, and reUshoil. bj . all classes of stock and this appli^o .vjUi apeeial emphasis to the case of si.>-^p. It is true lot; C\vo reasons. Shfeeji'ure, subject to paraailif disease v, mob may bo pteventod to a large o.\u-m by aot pasturing on ii;iy one are.i for tpo great a length of time. In ...' ij lion to- this they are possibly". :;^ fastidious about their toud th^r;: s.i.ai other farui aniiuais.. It is iiofiiiac- tlcablo on eveij' larm to aii-anj;^ ?6t a succession ut nastul'Cs jriu;; lUe grazing, season. iJowcvor, tlio ; -tmc area will sustain cojisiderablc n.oro sheep it such an arraqgcini-'nt is-ff-ai-" ible. Hye sown ea.ily in ifio tail furuisbes a â- good deal of pjsturc iir the late fall aud i-aily sprinp.^ .^:t 'r the rye is eaten off iu l!io,.-^pnng lauv may be sovyn on iliis laud and w.ll como along for iiasturo in Juiio oi- Jt/ly. Alfalfa and red clover are siit- isfactory pasture crop.s and will sorv.. until the rape is ready. An annual pasture con.sisting of one bushel eac'i Of wheat, oats and bafley topefher with elgljt pounds of red ^ver pro- vides a good pa.sture for (ha eail.v Uimmer months, and tho clover com 19K Rlong in tho autumn will give u J»lc« picking. This anuual pa.sture may be sowu auy. time early in Mav Without !i great de^i. of additional labw It is possible to have a succes- sion ot cxma BWdy for seed lug tbasugbout wo entire ^aeon. Tho i4uciN)aMe In health and coadition or Iho I|ocli will auiph repay any sujd outlay of ttaio an<l exphnso.-l J. f 6«pkWIlc, U.S.A., Out^lio A»ri.ul titf«2 CoUg£e. LET US SUPPLY Your requirements in anything of the following lines: "* r Automobile Tires and Supplies Sleighs . • Gasolines Engines Farm Implements Cream Separators Liter Carriers Stable Equipment, Etc FLESHERTOK D.McTAVISH, I %=>._ I SPRING AND SUMMER I demands are for White Boots and Shoes. We havet 3 ^als I them Lace Boots, Pumps and Strap Sandals, o a good assortment of Running Shoes in white black and »- n. ALSO A line of children's white canvass oxford, 3 eyelet £ hole, leather soles. • ^« • £ Clearing at .75c., sizes 6 to 10 Trunks. Suit Cases aud Club hags. llHpairing as Ufcual. \ THOS. CLAYTON ^FLESHERTON, - ONT.! •^â- .. £: mC * .v.' ^ ± %'-*|S^'' M.

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