July 4 1918 TU^ FLESHEl?rON ADVANCE XHEa ricsherton Advance [ Notice to Creditors 1 I independent new«pa|MT, publiaheii every . .mir.,d»y »«»»»•• "tfice, Collin8»o,Hl Strees, ] i„ the matti'i of tlie Kstftte of Jolin liAerton. Sub«cru.tmui.nce»l.«ranDum , 'iv,„,„j,,j,, „f vtienpuam advHnoe ;tl.;>Owhrii not «o pawl j'-""'^"""."' i *.lveraiiimrr»te«oni>pplk«t,ioii. CucoUtioi; 'Osprey. in llie * .•iiiity of Uiuy, (»niior, » '"" â€" 1.1- '.deceased. Notice is lieti-liv Ki^'t'*") puisuaiit to â- "The Trustee Act,"' and HmiMidnientB l,l(X) weekly. ih'Teto, thHt »ll crudil'iivs and otli>>i^ ha> in|{ cltnnii itifxiiist tlit; uiitutt! of tlie said John Ooultliurd, who died un m about the Eighth d»y of April, A. 1). 11118, are rei|iuied on or l)efoii' .. .._. tlie Ttt-enlieh diy ..f July, lOlH, Nuhn h, Olive Mail.ewson, Nelson t.) fend l>y ()0,l (.ivpaid or clelivoi- to shunk, Elsie Forns, Cecil McUvisb, " Promotion Exams. KLESHEkTON iTliLlC SCHOOL To 4th Class ld» I.ever li. Mamio Freda Mathewson, Uivid Colgan, Allio I Norris, Aatiie Vow. Jotui CVirriugton. j To Sr ;>â€" Louie Cargo h. Hazel Wy- ville, Marg»rel Bowoh, Oru'l Fislior, Luellft Blakely, Bessie Stewart, Annie Teeter, Peter Dow, Cccl I-oocks. Altie Field. 2toJr 3â€" Evelyn Ferris h, Jessie tJolgan h, Joseph Dinnick Ii, Eli/.ibeth Bentham, Nonii&n Dinnick, Emerson Thomson, Thelm^i Wilson, (Jordon Wyvill, Klla McMulleii, Ted McDonald, 1 to 2-L»ura Boyd h, Viola Thislle- thwaite h, Goraoii Dinnick h, Harold Riehardeon, LuelU Lever. M:u,e I'alton, Teddy Shunk, Orville Martin. Primer A to l-ia»s 1-Melvin Sled li, Johnnie Nuhn h, M^ijoiie Dinnick h. Arlene Heecrofl and Donald Dinnick equiil, Hull. ThisUethwa.te, H VV.lton, Milton Teeter. Pi B to Pr A-Jpanelte Cargo h, E Fenwick h, Eiliia McCallum h, Lily Carrinnton, Elsie MiKee, Maiioti Stuart, Jean Stuart, Ildna Field, Blanche Patton Pi C to Pi- B -Helen Hurd. Tiessa Shunk, Gordon Teeter, Lesly Ferns. PIUCEVILLE ITBLIC SCHOOL Jr 5 to Si- 5â€" Sadie McKinnon. Jr4 to Sr 4-Ha Hincks, Harriet Hazird, Gordon McLean, Eirl McLean . :Uo Jr 4 -Donald Nichol. Phillip Jones, Esther McLean, Isabell Mcintosh Ethyl Watson, Fannie McDousal, Luella Ford, Donald McLean. Sr 2 to ."1 â€" Vinle! McDouaall. (!ordon Mclnlosh. Murray \V,itsoii, Lerny Mac^ Donald, Doris McLean, Murray Nichol, Ouy Hazard, Leone McDonald, Mary Carson, Neil Mi-Lean. 1 to 2 â€" Rebecca Nichol, Oiive Mc- Meekiu, Delia MiPhail, Willie 'i'ord, Jessie Nii-hol, Kitherine McMillan, Archie Mackin'twli, Russel Ford. the town of Owen Siund in tin- (.'ounty of Cirey, solicitors for Messrs. WiMiani U. Moore and Hii>(h 8. Fenwick, tlie of the last Will and IVstameut K.'cecijtirs of the said dece-i^ed, tlieir Clirisiian' and Surnames, addresses and descrip lions, thu fall particulars of their claims, the statement of their accounts and the iiatuie of the securities, if any, held liy ihem. And tike notice that after sucli last mentioned date the said Evocators will piocjed to distribute the a.ssets of the said dece.-ised among the pirlies entitled iheieto, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice, .iiid tliat the said Exocutoi.s will not bt liable for the s'lid assets or any part tliereof to any person or persons of whose cl lims notice slnll not have boen uiceii hy them at the time of such dislnlintoi-i. Dated the 17th day of June, A.D, 1018 WRIGHT, TELFORD & BARLOW OA-en Siiund, Ont, SiJicitors f.ir Woi. iL Moore and Huijh o. F'enwick, Executors of the Estate of .John Coiilthard, decea.ned. Pr. to 1 â€" Erma Mcliean, Eva Carson, Margaret McPliail, F'rancej McAitliur, .I«wel Mc Arthur. Murray McMillen, Willie Nichol. James McDoui!.al,';Heirn McVicar. --Fjleunor Smith, Sadie McDonald. S.S. No. a, Ar»cme«ia. promotion report Names in order of merit Jr. 4â€" J Jamieson (H), U Lyons, V Taylor, O Wilkinson (U). Jrli-S Blackburn, O Lyons, Pedler. Sr 2 -R Ciott, K Badgerow, I'hiUips, O Wilkinsju. Jr2 -K McKee, R Philllipj. -H.SHL'NK. Teaoher, BY-LAW No. 3, 1918 Township of Euphrasia A Bylaw of the Municip-il (.'onni.il of tliu Corporation of the Township of Eu- phrasia, to take the vote of the rate- payers of ilie Police Village of Kim- berley in the said township, entitled to vtite on nionry ijyhiws on a iiue.slion to be submiltid whether the said ratepayers are in faVor of a sup[)'y of electric pow<;r from the Hyaro-Elec- tric Power Coiiiinissioii of Ontario. WIIKREA.S the Municipal Council of the Corfioi-ation f>flhe Township of Euphrasia (leeiiis it .-iihi.s.-ilile to sulmiit to the latepiyers of ihe said Police Village of Kiiiibeiley in the said Town- ship of iMiphrasia entitled to vole motley bylaws a the S.S. No. W, 0,'prey, ptoination report Sr ."iâ€" Jr 4â€" D Fenwick. Jr "â€" Sr ."1 - A Morrison, J Lougheed, L Udell. ilrSâ€" Jr:5-M Heron. A Long, Pallister, K Lougheed, U MorriMni. Jr2â€" Sr 2 â€" M ll')ss. G Fenwck, G Pallister, (i Ridley, J P,4rker,P Priestly, J Forth, K K ibartsin. Istâ€" Ir2 â€" K Itr.woriJg', M Ridley, .\ Bemrosij. Pr-lstâ€" P Palli.ler, O Parker. C. C. SPARLING, Teacher. r.S.S. 1, Artemesi^ iV Euphrasia Sr4-VV McMuilcn. J Orr. Sr.'t-M Welsh, U Welsh, B Oirrutlie.a Jr ;i-C Fawcetl, F Spinple, M Orr, W Thompson. Sr2-M Smart, M Wrhli. Pr Aâ€" I ' Tlicitipson , PrB-O MoVlullen, f. Smart, P >)eni|ile. PrC-L Fawce:^, E Crr, U FawceO, i. ihrtin. ]{. HI Ti'HIS.SON, Teacher. on pieslii.n as to whether â€" i-.itepaycrs aru- in favor of a supiily of electric piwir from the Hydro- electric Power Com ini.ssion of Ontario. THERKFORE, the Council of the Corporition of the Township of Enphra sia enajts as follows : â€" 1--Tliat the folloH-iiig ipieslioiis be subiiiiltel lo tlu' ratepayers of the Police Vilhige of Kiiiiherloy in the said Town- ship of Eupliasia entill d li vote on money bylaws -- " Ale yon in favor o! obtaining f.om the llydio Electric Comini.ssion of Ontario a sujiply of electrif; power !" 2 That the v,.te of the said r.ilepayers sliiiU be taken on the ipiestion .it the following time .iiid place by Iho Deputy Itetiu-niiiu' Ollicei ,-inil Poll (,'lfrk here- inafter ineiitioiieil, tint is to say on Satuid,-iy the L'Otli tf.iy of July, A 1). 1!I18. CiiiniiieiiL-iiiji ,-it Ihi- hour of mm- o rha-k in ihe forenoim ami continuing open nnlil rive o'clock in the afleiiioon of the same day a- Ihe Public II ill in the .vaid Village of Kiinbeiloy. by J.aines R. Fawcett, Deputy Returning Otlicer, and James Lawrence, Poll Clerk- .'iâ€" A true copy of ihi-, liylaw sli.ill be published in the Klesherton Advance newspaper on Thursday the Twtntielh day of June Thiirid.iy June 27, and Th irsday .July 4, IHIH, resjiectively, and a copy of this Bylaw shall la^ posted at lli.> polling plac- iiienli'Oied and al Ihe Po.stolticeiii the i-.-iid I'olici Village of Kiiiilieiley. 4-Un the hfleeiitb day of July. A. D. I1!M.H. .It the Clerks olHce in thu said B I Township of Kuphnsia, at ten o'clock in I ihe forenoon, Ihe Reeve of the siid Townslii[> will in writing signed by bin, ap|)oiiit two persons to .attend to the linal siiiuming up of the voles by the t-'lerk of the said Corporili in, and one pars .11 to att 'nd al tlie |Milling place on b.'hdf of Hie persons inteie.ited in aid 'desih,us of t'le alisw.-riiig ii the alliiiiia- live and a like number o.i licha'f of the persons desiron<i of answering the said i|UC.stioii in the negative, respectively. 6-Tlie 2-2nd day of July, A.D.1'.)18 the olfice of the said Ch^-k of the said '1 M M It the olfice of the said Chak of the said Township of Muphrasi.i, is hereby ap pointed ar tni o'cioek in the forenoon Williim Stevens of Houthamplon, un o'd County Constalile, who in \M younger days was a live kleuih, has lived lo demonstrate thit runr.ing down crini. â- naU doesn't make a man enviously lich, by coming down to the Refuge at Walkcrfou last week lo eke out the I iiiiainder of h-.s dayii at the free foodery. T»o (Jjrgill f ifui.'rs weie charged io the police cmut at W,,Ikerton hy another I irm^r with cruehy to his collie dog, which, i». was aliened, one of them went =.fler with a pitol.iork . Thuy pleaded •."lilly and were (ir.ed 8') and costs rach, umojiitiiiir to f 1'), ['•-â- •â- >i^<« <*. 11 11 irv<ii'<.^n III im; nil I- for Ihe summing up of the votes by tlu jsaidC'lerk, given in the .itlirmative and thenegitivo respectively. , "^ --J^XM Made, (Misod and onao'ed at tlie Council Chamber in the ToHiiship of Kiiphnsii the 8tli diy of ilarcli, A.D. lt»18. JOHN MILLKR, Reeve. N. L.CtRRV, Clerk. T.ike notice tint the above i-i ,i frne copy of a Byla*pmel by the Mniiieipil CoiiiK-il of the Corporation of the Town- ship of K iphsasi.i on the 8.h day of March, A.D. I'Jlil. And further lake noliee that hour and liyandpla.'! th 'rein Kxed f .r taking elect. US the pidl will lie the voles of I hel.l. First published the 27tli day of .lune, K. I). l'.)H. - N. L. CCRRY, Clerk of the Township of Kitphrasia, Holstein liuli i or Service A th.ir..ii.f;,br.'l If .Ut-ln bull fm- service on U,t* ls:l.l.m .^.W. T. A ^.H.. Art,>M>e«ia: ,1..*- cly nlatej ti tha Wurl 1 a c'l iiiipion 4lp.ie.tirl Biiw. T-Tin<- $1 .'lOf.ir g.-ailoa, ♦'j.im) (.»â- pure IjreJ*. 1 bily 17. -UFO. MOORE &.S,.n.l >^s:L3^ir^'^.^';5>:7^.<r;i-3i^^-^^g^^ RK.xDY to EXPLOIT ( AXAD.v | ^| Millinery Red uccd Kaiser Planned to Ciive ItritUb Do. tiiiiiluiis Away Kvea In 1912. The following sensational extracts, are from a brochure, lUe author of which is said to bo Herr August Thy.ssen, a relative of the well-knowu (ieiiuan millionaire cuul and iron master: â€" "When the HohenzoUerns wanlHil to get the support of the commercial class for their war plans, they luif their ideas bwfore us as a busiii ss proposition. Htisinoss and coinme.r- cial men were asked to support the Hohen/.ollern war policy on t;ie ground that it would pay them to do »o. Let me frankly confess that I am one of those men who were led to agree. In 1912 the HohenzoUerns said that war had become a neces- sity for the preservation of the military system upon which their power depends. •I was personally promised a free grant of ;!0,000 acres In Australia and a loan from the Deutsche Bank of 750,000 dollar.s at 3 per cent, to enable me lo develop my business in Australia. Several other tirms were promised special trading facilities in India, which was to be conquered by Germany â€" be it noted by the end of laio. "A Byndicale was formed for the exploitation of Canada. The syndi- cate consi.sted of the heads of twelve great linns, and the working capital was hxed at $100,000,000, half of which was to be found by the Cerman Government. These promises were not vaguely given. They were luad:? detinitely by Herr von Bethmann- HoUweg, on behalf of the Emperor, to gatherings of business men, and in many eases to manufacturers. But not only were these promises made by the Chancellor, they were eontirni- ed by the Kinperor, who, on three oc casions addressed large private gath- ering.s. The Emperor's speech was one of the most flowery orations I havo heard." From now until the dose of tlie season we ortor all our trimmed an<l iintfimmed shapes at reduced price-s. " Goddess " Front Laced Corsets All sizes in three different motlels in this popular corset. Seamless Tapestry Squares Good designs, floral and oriental patterns in fawn, green and brown grounds. Sizes 2| x 3, 2^ x 3, 3 x 2, 3| X 3,3x4, 3ix'... Prices $16.75 to $30 White Shoes Ladies' white canvas pumps, high cut canvas lace shoes with French or sport heels â€" leather or rubber soles. All sizes in tan and white running shoes New Summer Shirts and Neckwear Congoleum Art Squares Kew 1918 designs sizes 3 X 3, 3 x H, {» x 9, 9 x 10^, 9 x 12 Balbriggan underwear and combinations Four Yard Wide Linoleums A number of new patterns just arriving in floral and block designs in Canadian and Scotch makes. It will pay you t-) buy now as prices for all Hoor coverings will be higher in the near future. m F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON, ONTARIO l''ishing Reciprocity. .An arrangement which settles louy-standing lisheries questions be- tween Canada and the United Stales has been reached. It will remain in force al least during the war. Tlie new agreement, which is regarded as another evidence of how the two countries are striving to break down all barriers that stand in the way of greater production, provides for com- plete reciprocity of port privileges for the fishing craft of the two coun- tries. This will not only enable an important increase in the amount I'f lish produced to be made by the t'wo countries, but will do away with the irritating delays lo vessels of either country in the ports of the other. The new pact is the first fruits of the work of Ihe International Join' Commission, consisting of Hon. Chief Justice J. D. Haxen, of .New Hiuuswick; G. J. Desbarates, IJeputy .Minister of the Naval Service, and W. A. Found, Superintendent of Fisheiles, as Canadian memfwrs, and Hon. \V. 0. Redtield, Secretary of Commer.e; E. !â- '. Sweet, Assislani Secretary of Commerce, and Dr. H. .\I. Smith, Commission of Fisheries, as the Cniled Slates members. This commission was named lo consider Ihe settlement of all oulstandin^ hsheries questions between the two countries. Following the return of the CniteJ Slates section of the Commission from public sittings on the Atlantic coast, the Secretary of Commerce, Willi liie ,.ulhorii-/ of the President, under their war legislation, issued instructions to all their customs uttl (â- IMS to allow Canadian lishiug vessels to come directly from the fishing grounds lo the I'nited States ports, sell their catches there, procuie all supplies and outlits and clear bai^k to the fishing grounds, thus doing away entirely with the olistacle.-i itiey previously experienced. Follow- ing this action, the C^anadian CJoveni- ment authorized by order-in-l'ouncii, under the War Measures Act, that United States lisbing vessels shall oe permitled to come to our ports foi siinilat' privileges without the re- (luiremi-nt of a license. As there is a duly in t'anada, such duly will have 10 be paid on lish sold in Cana- dian potts. t: ; -: ^^^^;^:^^^ . '^:'^^ Easy to apply -durable and pioduocs a beautiful, lasting finish that protects the carâ€" don't start out with a shabby car, it is not ncces.saryâ€" when a beautiful finish can be ob- tained at very little cost and labor. Placed oil I'Uiuul Basis. Canadian headquarters in London has abaiuloni^d the idea of different colors to distinguish service chevrons gained in France and those gained in Kngland. Canadians are fow â- •ortnii- teil lo avail themselves of the privi- lege granted by the Imperial authori- ties, wliicli permits overseas tioops williout service at the front to wear chevrons dating from the day they left I heir homes for Kngland, though the British troops may not wear theiu unless they have been at the front. (Canadians in France and England are now on an equal basis. Those who left Canada in 1914 aiv entitled to the coveted red chevron, and oth- ers who left subsequently are entitl- ed to a blue chevron for every suc- leeding year or portion, whether at the front all the time or part, or not at all. S.W.P. for outstanding varn- ishc8,Sta»ns,Enamels,Brushes for house cleaning. F. W. Duncan The'FlishertOn Hardwire, pnone .^0 r^ Roar for Service The undersigned has a thorough.ired Yorkshire Bi>arfor service on lot U,con. 8. Osprey. Terms S\SiO. FRED SPOFFARD- QUALITY counts every time W. A, IIAWKEN, Dealer for Virgil Pianos and Phonographs, also Records and Sheet Music. Call and Get prices at Hawkin's Photo Gallery & Music Store, Flesherton I 1 ^ss^^^^^^^^^i^^^. II I e?-^ Ueconies h I'owii. The village of Merrltton la to blossom out as a full-Qedged town, though unseparated from the county of Lincoln, and will haye full control over its streets. This was the decision of the Private Bills Com- mittee of the Ontario Legislature af- ter listening for nearly an hour to a warm argument between village and county representatives regarding tue inclusion of Merritton's main street iu the county roads system. Yonge and Charles Streets, Toronto Uas lately been asked to fill positions worth from .?UWO to Sl.oOfl po- ^niium. The demand fa our ^iraluates is five times our suiiply. No VHcatioiis. Eiittl now. Wri;e for large C>t:ilos;ne. \V. J. KIJilOTT, Piiist-ip.M. Flesheption #- Tonsorial *^ Parlors We Aim to Give Entire Satisfactio LAUNDRV-Basket clo.ses Monday nit^ht, delivery Friday eveni-.i CLEANINfi and DYElNf!- We ai aj-ents for I'aiker's Dye Works â€" Clothe;, claaned and dyed, feathers rejuvenated II 111 11 11 1^1 II 1^1 1^ 11 [^^ Flesherton Tin Shop- I have just placed on the shelves a full line of Tinware, Nickelware and Agateware for domestic use. C'all on me and get your supph'es. Ea vet roughing, Stovepipes and Stove Furnish- ings. Repairing of all kinds promptly attended to. Pipefitting, including pump work. Furnaces installed. Agent for Clare Bros, r urn aces. D. McKILLOP CHRI5T0E BLOCK FLESHERTON j» ONTARIO. '-^mtAtmKii^mt.imr'jam^jyi ^a^:^!rm''-^^^>»s, T FISHER •PROPRIETOR STOCK FOR SALE Iteal Kighters. A father and two sons from St. John's, Nfld., have enlisted with the Urllisli-Canadlan recruiting nii.ssion at Boston. They have been in the trans-Atlantic service sinee war broke out and twice torpedoed. MuuBobatt l/oaii to VrteraiLs. The Manitoba tJovernment is loan- ing retutned soldiers, who at present own land ready for oultlyatii^n and are anxious to swell the army of food producers, $2,500 to assist theui in tbeU- eSorta. I htve at pieaent fur iiuick sale 2 Yorkshire sows, some yonns.' cross-bred pigs iu«t ready to wean, I Rouen drake, 1 Baried Uock rooster. Piices right. Phone or write, -GEO. W. ROSS, Osprey Tel. System . Maxwell, P.O. New Blacksmith Shop At Maxwell I 1 am opeiiiuij un attmco, a blacksn-ith I ine and wiiodworkin<( business in Ma.\. well, and am ns'allinu up-'.o date wood- I working ni.ichineiy. It will be my en i deavor to serve the pubbc in a satisfac itory lu-viiiier and i wcnld solicit patron- aee. I \v in; yi lit woik mid wiil do it lrit;bt. 7 April 1 WE SELL FARM IMPLEMENTS Special Prices on Waggons, Plows Harrows and Horse Blankets j Agents JPor I Wagons Plows Hay Rakes Cultirators Harrows Mowers CHESTER LONG JOHN HEARD, IMPLEMENT AQENT FLESHERTON. •. :.. I. â- t* •p 4. t ^i-*fli^* 9