Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 5 Sep 1918, p. 1

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iK?vCns^VrT~^ fim\^txim Mmnu. "TRUTH BEFOllE FAVOR" - "PRINCIPLES NOT MEN" Vol, 38, No. U Reslierton, vDrjt., September o, 1918 .•<iii'''',j EUGENIA L. Corp. Ruastll Park is Iioniu cu harvest leave. Mrs. Fog^ aud Mrs. 11. Park and aon, Jack, visiced friends at Priceville. TbeEuaeniaW. I. will hold their monthly meeting at the home of MIbb Kate Jamiesuu on Wodiiesday, .Sept. 11, at 2.30. We expeoc to have with us Mrs. Down, our Dihtriut President. A paper will be (jivon by Mrs. Keuwick of Fevursham. Visitora ai-e welcome. Do not forgot a silver collection in aid of the boys at the front. The memorial service for Pte. Fred Smith will be held in the Presbyterian church at 12 o'clock standard time next Sunday, Sept. 8. A !arf;e number have taken in the Toronto exhibition. Mrs. Wright of Toronto soent a week with her many friends here. The Victoria Corners League, which took charge of the service here a week ago, is one to be proud of. We liope to have them with us again iu the near future . Miss Wa''son of Priceville liaH opened her school here. Misa Acheson of Chat- ham has the 8th line school, Misa Laliiner teaohei at Kimberley, Miss Parliament ct Brewster's Lake and Annio Allen near Creemore. We wish ilicm all success. Miss Muriel Carruthers is visiting with friends at the Sault. We extend much sympathy to Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Graham in the loss of their eldest daughter, also with the Benson family in the loss of a father. Mrs. Will Duckeit also has tho syuip- Hlhy of all in the loss of her brother, Will Walker, killed in France. R. Hoy has received word tMt his son, Charley, has been wounded in the ri<{ht arm while in action. Much sympathy is felt for Mr. Martin Phillips aud family and Mr. .1, Baiber ttud family of Fevot.-ihani, wlio have had tlieir sons killed m action. Miss Leon i Pedlar spent a weeh with her siiter in Toronto. Bornâ€" To Mr. and Mr.s. Jas. Fawcett, a sou. (terald Large, accompanied by his mother, and Mrs. P. Munsliaw, took a motor trip to Niaj^ara and Allistoii dur- in;; tho past two weeks. A Mr. Latimer uf Alliston visited at L. Luimer's. A number from here attended a i;Hth- oring at the home of W. Pedlar, C.ylon l(»t Friday evening. Toronto Line North KIMBERLEY Miss Uc!<sie Stewart is visitiui: friends in Toronti). Mrs. Ethel Ricketts aud family, oi Toronto, are spending a few days at llio home of (heir uuolo, Fred Mathewsou. Marion anil Charlotte Boland, of Van- doleur, are visiting their aunt, Mrsi Will S wanton. „ Master Bruce Mclnlyre returned to his home in Toronto after spending a couple ol weeks with hig cousin, Haroid Ktohaidson. Mr. Fred Malhewson, wife ami daughtor^i, accompanied by C. Stewart, mtitored over to Bru.ssels and visited ffiend.s (here, also at Stratford and Bt. Paul. Among the E\liibition visitors to the city from here are : Robt. Uichardson. K. Wickens and wife,MrR. J. Lever, and eoi), Wilfred, and daui^hter, Alma. Roy Lever, of the east back lino, his purchased a new Ford aulo. Milton L'Iu(cliInson and sister, Lena, visited Oundalk friends over the week end. Mcstra. Thomas aud llirb Clark of Nottawasaga motored over to our burg one day last week aad were llio gues's of Wiu. Clark. Mr. aud Mrs. .Samuel Bailey of (Joll- iutfwuod viHited during the pa^t week at Donald Wsllace's. Miss Beatrice .Sycamore of Toronto visited during the past week at 5Irs. M. Ferguson's. R .1. Stuirt of Thornbury was a caller in oar burg on Monday last. Herbert Fawceti, wife and two chil- dren. Wiliaer aud Clarence, of Colling- Wdod, also Mr. and Mrs. J. Minehaun and son. Arthur, of Toronto, visited friends hero one day last week. Tho young ladies of our towu hold a corn roast on Saturday evening last in Stuart's grove, whicli was well :ittendBd. A silver collection wa'* taken up for patiiotic purposes. Messrs. Blakely and Aiuhewa, Toronto, visited during the uast week at John Plewes'. While butcheriug one day last week Harold Ellis had the misfortune to cut a wide gash iu hi.s right leg Just above the kiioe. A doctor was hastily suin- moacd aud he put. six stitches in the wound. This will laj ilirold up for a week or so. Wni. Stuart renewed old acijuaintAUSes in Meaford and Colli;i;;Woiid for a couple of days last week. Mr. Hiid Mis. .lames f-aw of Toninto visitrid lati week with Mrs. Wilson »f the ^'alluy lliiad mrtli. Wni. Klood, wife and family, attended the Toronti exhibition during the past week. Albert Smith returned hou,B fiom the exhibition on Friday night last and says the Ex. was up to the u.sual high stand- ard of oxcellenco. More (Men Required For Hatveatiug in Western Canada. xAdditiunal Excursion Tuesday, Sept. lOih. Thousands of men are still re^tuired to help in the work of harvesting the West- oru crop. For those going fn^ni points iu OnUrio to Manitoba, Haskatchowan and Alberta, extra trains will bo operated through to Winnipcg(tho distributing point) without change. Going trip West, !il2 to Winnipeg. Ueturiiin^' trip £ust, $18 frcmi Wumi- peg. Consult C. P. R. Agents regarding iransporta'i.'jn west of Winnipej. J) urthci' piiticulora from any C. P. R. ticket iiRi;r.t or W. li. Howard, District Passenger -^^lent, Toronto, Ont. PRICEVILLE Tlio shinvL'i> oC last week delayed llio harvest opeiations considerably, but a couple of days '• drawing in '' will liiiisli perhiipa ere ihi^ is puhlishod. The potau> t:rop will be small unless we get an oxtuiideil hoa.siiii without fn.st. After nearly a year's illness Mr.Duncan McDonald of the gravel road. Glenel;;, paesed away on .\ugusl H lii<l. The doceatioJ wan born in Vau^han township aud came to Glencli! with the other members of the family when i|oi(o young over sixty years ago. Mr. McDonald was a member of tho Presbyterian church and owing to his pastor's absence Rev. U. Kendall (it Duiulalk was invited and conduoled tho funeral services at the residence, assisted by Rev. Mr. McCis- ten of tho Priceville Methodist church, who also conducted tho service at the grave in Priceville piibl'c cemetery. The pallbearers were live iiiphews â€" A. .1. McDonald, .V. D. McKiiiiioii, .1. Calder, C. McDonald, W. Leilhâ€" /uid a cousin, D. Cameron. James Foid, a fariin'r liviiii; one and a half nxles south of tho village, met with a sovcro accident the middle of last week. He got down oti' the binder to Hx some- thing about the pi( man shaft, when the horses, .startled by some cults i unniiig out of the woods near by, started otl' and he was caught in tho gearing, tearing the flesh off and bresking tho bones of one foot, also having four ribs broken and his face injured. Miss Klla McKinnon of Toronto was up over the weoK end to visit friends in village and couuliy. V. P. Rdty has eonstrueted neat cement steps in front of his residence, also a bement walk across the lawn out tj the street. Rev. J. \. Mathewson and family, after .spending their holidays at their su'nmcr cottage iu tho Georgian Bay, r.-tumed home the end of last week. .'\s we have not seen our last budget of news in print, wo presume it got lost In the mail system, or perhaps found its fate in the wnsto paper basket. [ The budget did not arrive at this otHce â€" Ed. Advance.] CEYLON Misses Mary and Harriot Hazird af I'ric'jvillo visiiod Mrs. S. Sample here last week. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Sewell of Margo, Sask., are visiting the laiter'a brother, A. Hazard. Mr. Tedlow Hamilton -pent the week end with his daughter and Miss Kate Baxter, here. Mr. and Mrs. Henry. Flesherinn, Wi). son McMullen, R. Cook and .Millie Cocik spent the week end with fiii:nd.s at Ripley, Kincardine and Lucknow. Mr. and Mrs. Collinson lelt la^t voek to visit Toronto and Port Dilhousie friends. Millie Whittakor lett last week to vis! ' relatives at Akron, Ohio. Agijjo Lover of Toronto visited her friend. Miss M. Ferguson, here last week. Mr. and Mrs. R. Gibson, Mr. and Mrs. Cuininius, Misses Mary MoLauoh - lau, Dtlla White, D. McMillaii and ('. Muir attended the garden party at Mr. Binnie's, Proton. 'S. Hemphill took in the exhibition at Toronto. MAXWELL Mr. and Mrs. W. .'. Guy have returned to their home in Keunru. Mr. Dick Hjroii and wife, of Buil'alo, accompanied by Mr. and Rlrs. Elliott a'e visiting relatives in our viciniiy. tJui(o a number fiom our burg attend- ed the incini'rial service of Corp. llarloy Phillips at Rock Mills on Suuday nit;li(. Uev. Koith is s|)indiug a .iliort vacation with friends in Toroi.t-j. R. .1. Morrison and mother, also Andre.i I'allistcr are Inking in tho oxhibition this week. Miss Maud Guy has returned lioiiie from Barons, Alta. Miss Annie Edwards, nf Roaina, Sask., spent a few days with her f'riiiid. Miss Annie Guy, last week. School reopened Tuesday with Mibs Artie Wlâ- i^ht as teacher. Mrs. Clarke, of Collingwood, is visiting with her son. Herb, on tho gravel. ROCK MILLS Mrs. Lee and children liavo reiuinod to their home in Dwtii sound afier spending a month with her inolher Mrs. .lames Park. Oor deepest â- ^yiiijMthy is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Martin Phillips and family in ibo loss of tludr youngest son, Harold, who died in France. Herb. B.'Cts is spending a few dajs in T.ironto at the Ex Mr. en i Mrs. Chailea Newell visiied over tho week end with tho fomior's paronl.s, Mr. and Mrs. Gior^o Newoll, Durham. Myrtle Stuart rethrned to liur hoine at Kimberley after f^pendiiig a couple of weeks with friends here. Mrs. W. Tra^iey and Mrs lliril/. of Toronto visitjd with their puents, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Phillips. Eddie and S.irali WlTite visiicd with friends at Sinohainiitou recently. E. F. Peppier of Hanover visiied one day Uu! p;«sl week at T. Belts. .John llarsrave had the uiisfurtuno to fall olf a load of grain and hurt his shoulder badly. .Jas. I'ark, who lias been sawiiisj in Durhani^l^for the past inou'h,li»s returned home, the cut being completed. Sjhool opened on Tuesday with Miss Thuraton in chai;.'C. Fred Russell hai» bought (he MeKech nie farm on die 4th line and one of our ladies is wearing « $intle. FEVERSHAM Elizabeth Sclinoidor, a Mildmay young laly, was receutly found de.iJ iu shnlloiv water nnar Buffalo, and is supposed lo have been murdered. Tho fact that the res riciioiu on tho use of bacon and. oihtr pork products h hve been lemovcd for the lime bcitig d >es nut moan ihnt f> od cuonum^cs are no lonctr nccesMuy. The f.icts are that there is not an ounce of food too much in the world and that every man, woman aud child is under the stcruest nocessit; of saving whatoicr he or she can of tdoso foods most neode'' oversea. Any temporary relaxation of tho restrictions, such as in the case uf puik, must not be construed as notice to the pabltc that extravagance iu any feud is sgaiu endurable. Tho harvest is jjre'ty near'y iraihered in ill this locality rtnd the whistle of ihe stoiiu thresher is liear^^ once more. Mr. and Mia. Divis of Toronto are visiting with F. Spotl'ord and tamity. Mr. and .Mrs. Her.st spent Sundiy with friends in Tlioriibury. Robert .-VlUsttr spent last week at Toronto exhibition. I aims Pelcli aud son, Ilfuiy, spjut a few da^s in this village last week. Miss Ueta llsborne has gone to Coll- ingwood, wheie she has secuied a .situa- tion. Mr. and .Mis. Fred Hawtoii mot'.red up from Stayner and visited with ilie foMiiei'i liiotner, li:n, and family. List week CcuMgi! Uoss has purchased a car and will he able to oatih the telelihoiic troubles on the lly now. Mr. una Mis. Fred Tyler and daughter Flor^-uce of Wirebam visiied their old neighbors last Sunday. Died â€" At her homo on the 8th line on F'ridiiy, Aug. liO, Mrs. Tom Brewtter aged C.") years. A large concouiae of people gathered on Sunday to pay ihoii Ust ret'pects and lay the reuiaiiis lo leat in the Presbyterian cemetery here. DUNDALK Messr.s. Woinert aud Peterson have purchabed the old crcrtinery including one acre of land on the back line soutliHcst of tho village from F. V. Bellauiy. Tho intention is to ii.se the premisi s as a pigcory. The owners have nearly L'.'O head on baud at [-.resent iil J. C. Copt- land's farm. Phil Murphy of the lith Con. of P'oton met with a nasty accident in the harvest lield on Wednesday (jf last week when his tram, hitched to a binder, ran uway. I'he maclimo went over Mr Murphy and he was badly cut up and brui»>(l. A portion of Ik'sh was torn from 1 is leg, e.'.po'.-ing the cords and reipii o ;; til stitches. .\l last report iho patient whs go ting along a? well as could be expect- ed considering the severe mishapâ€" Herild. SINGHAMPTON A gloom was cast over Singhaiii|i'.on when the sad news came telling il the ileatli of 'me of our bravo boys, Pte. Wm U. Riddell, ivho made the supumo sacrihee on ,Iiily 21. Pte. Riddell wns born in Glen Huruu iu lS8(i aud fp lit his boyhood and his early luanh-.iod in Singhaiuplou, wheio he was highly respecicd for his manly character. Being of a sunny disposition and genuii.rly kind, he made inanv li lends who > ii- Ci'iely iiiouiu his death, but who hour him for bisloyaby to king and cuntiy. In May, 1917, Pio. Kiddell enlisted in a machinr. gun battery, going 'o France in .June, HUT, where ho gave his life tur his cjuiitry. Pte. Riddell was u Son of Mr. and Mis' G. Riddell who reside at .Singlianipton.â€" Creemore Star, • Hard Luck Fines Recoutiy .1 iiniiiber of .Ameiicans uho havo been coining to iho oast shore of the Gi'orgian Bay foiw^ome years were roundel u^ by tho lishing inspector for fishing without a license. It is a casr. .if hard luck. Those gfcntlcintn have bieii getting 'heir licenses from Mr. Dnsang nf Fesserton, for some yearf, bnt this year ho did not adpcar and the Americans thought it would be alright to tish until ho came along. Coiiiplainls were sent to Ihe DepailiMoni iiid Mr. (.'arson lif Midland was .sent up to louk Into the matter. Their boats wci-e seized aid the men were brought to town and taken hefoio H masisttato. They admitttd tishing befuic lliey bad then licenses, but stated t boy were waiting for Dusang to come aloug wiih timm as In tho past. The magislraie had no alternative but let thorn dowD as lightly as he could. Bates Burial Co. BUSINESS AS ISl'AL Funeral Directors and Embalmers, Phone HiUcrest 268 124 Avenue Rd. Toronto, Ont. MOTOR EQUIPMENT J. W. Bates, Pres. R. Maddocks, I Manager. ; STOCK FOR SALE 1 have It piesent fjr juick sale •2 Vorkshirn sows, somo youni'cross-bfed p gs just ready tu wean, I Rouon drake, 1 lidrred Uo-.k roister. Price.? right. Phone or wwto. â€"GEO. W. RtJSS, Osprey Tol. .System , Maxwell, P.O. Jewelery ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES A Splendid Stock from which you may readily make A Satisfactory sel- ection. We carry Photo Supplies. W, A. Armstrong Jeweler FLESHERTON, - ONT. ter serviceâ€" that have greater freedom V are atlnictivo in appearance md lu â- I and thitk, tough tread insure a full Mined consistenily by useis of thcae Auto Tires & Tubes We urtrry in stock a Coin I'te line of Goodyear and Dominion Aulo Tires znd Tubes and have ii" . sitancy whatever in sayins; that they arc the best on the iiiarkel todaj They are tioes that yield â-  Iroiu puncture and blowout â€" i:. keeping wi h any car. The well lialauced cunsiruc measure of mileageâ€" a mileage . liree ri^lit along- To help you get every mile possible from these tires -we back up their ill-built goodness with a deliiiite, personal lire .service. • Hit interest in the tires we sell merely begins with the sule- tha interest ends only when we havs helped yim lo extract from your lire ilie last mile uf usefulness. Goodyear and Dimiiiiiou Tires and the .service we are pledged to give aie different -and belter. Prove this for yourself. We will be glad to hiv.e you call at auy time and let us explain th.i details of our gersoiial liio service. McTAVISH'S GARAGE, Flesherton â- 'â- - Jr ^â- â- â- 'â- :r:»^.:7r' â- sr -^^ -^ -^ ^^ GO TO W, L WRIGHT For your Supplies of FLOUR AND SUBSTITUTES SUGAR FOR PRESERVIiyC A Splendid Stock of Gents' Furnishings and Ladies' Lingerie Call and Examine our goods Recent ly a casket case adorned with be.".uiiful wiflatha and sprays, arrived in Ojhawa fr iin Montreal. The License Inspector iKcune suspicious and I'ecidi d to view the remains, whea a liberal supply of Srotch whiskey and rye wss found rcpos ng in tho .^ai^e. No uiourners sccompauied tho remains, l)ut there was much mourning when it was learned that the Inspector had made the di80'>vory. • ••â- Â«â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢Â«â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢ •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• â- â€¢â€¢â€¢ â-  ••> SPRING AND SUMMER Hi: DEMANDS I •••• are tor White lioou ami Shoes, We have ihem L»co Boots, Pump Jj;; •••• ftod -Strap Sandals, aho a j^ood assortmont of Runniflj; Slioes -'n XtV* white, black and tan. ALSO A line of children's white canvass o.xfoid, 3 eyelet hole leather soles, •;•• CLEAUIKG AT 7.-)c., Sl/KS tJ TO 10 .•• • •••• •••• •••• â- â€¢â€¢8 •••• .^u •••• •••• •••• TRUNKS, SUIT CASES AND CLUB BAGS llepairing as usual k:: THOS. CLAYTON 1^ ill FLESHERTON, ONTARIO B lit ••â- â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢0«»«*« M««»»»««««*«<*«**««*tt*««*««f **************************** y^\ mmam

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