Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 5 Sep 1918, p. 4

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f m ^ ^^W*l||i | '«it'^ n ii M W»»iiy«»w ' September 5 1918 TH£ FLESHEUrON ADVANCE Flesherton Advance •B ladspcndenl new«i>a|>er, |iut>liHhe<l ev«ry dnr./l»y M th' office, CullinKwoiKi Strsst, illl^ei ton. 8ub«cri|>ti<in price $1 p«r annum iben )«>(I ioadvitnce ;$1.5Jwhon not •" pai"! Advcr n!>iDK rate* on applieatiia 1,100 weflklj. Around Grey Covnty 'Newton DavU and a rounger bruiher, of Hanover, were toth arrested an (le- faulUin (tid takiii U) Lond<iii. Jake LeDilike of Snllivan put hit horse and l>uggy in a church tthed at Shuruii. When he came to (jet it there was iinthiii); left of the buj{gy I'Ut the frame, which be towed liu'iie. A spark fruiu Leiabke't plpi> had slarted a lire in the vehic'e •iter he left it. Kven four feet of the line* were burned. The horse was not tou:hed and apparaotty unconcerned. Saved Shipmate's Life. Few r>-pcirls (if licroliiiii iiiiuji' to Ihi- unv.v (Icparlineiit uro more roiiiurkahle than lliHf concorninK .Tiinii's Marion. ahli) I'ook, flrHt <-1uhm, wlio will prob- ironila'troii I ably receive ii Rol'l lite snvlii;; medal. Id uilUiliotr to the lellor of cDniinend.n- tloa sent lilm by the setTclur.v of the navy. In the midst of n torrillc gale Cliief yuHrlerninstor Kddki-r II. Itoli ertson, U. S. S., was wiislietl <(vorl)onr<l from the U. S. S. .Sinllli. \\hlle hi- leiu|ittnR to oleur a Jam in tli<> sleoiiuu gear. Exhausted by llie cold uiid rmigli son, UnliertsoM could no li.nKcr help himself, when Mnrcio. t.vliiK a line to his wul.st, Jumped Into (he wiilcr. Cati'ldns the qiiurtermnsler, lie chuiK to the lialf drowned mnn until the two were liuuled idtourd. Not only "iis the act of Murelo's one of great heroism, but the test of liLs counige was shown in tlip cliiince lio took with siicli n I rough sea. The gnle lit the lime \vn.' I on#' of tl>e worst in years uud llie ship was rolling at (Ifty-llve denn^'.s. Tliis I young hero enlisted in liie navy in PROPERTY for SALE>|' BY TENDER '^ Tadei i»nd by virtue of pnwors extend- ed to us as executors of the istnto of the late Mrs. Adeline Thurston, we offer for sale by leiidei the foilowini: propel ties, namely : TARCKL I. The north hulf of lot No. 10, con. 4, Euplirasia, contnininK 100 acre.", more or less., ail cleared and under cultivation with ihu cx.'ei>tion of iibout live seres On ihu premises are a frame barn and framn house, und live acres of a i»ood . â- â- Â»'-....T;,J»i^*iJ^I?^ -^r- ..-y;. ^-w-^^ If 'â- rt-j'I"'tTi"»*i-«*>J'W^-^- J>L Jr...:^â€" â- ^•-...V^ r/!s?^^;^j:;^J5^^.^j??jr^j^jr.,Ty-^^':^zr^z;^^ VI. F. Loney of Oxenden met with a nevete accident recently He was hoU'ingj « stake which was being driven by anoihei man, when the head of the inawl flew ofl and hit him on the head. He »ai uncon^cioua for more than lo hours, but is recovering. Lieut Arnold Jucksch, of Hanover, has ajde^l a bar to tiis Military (.\'oss. He enlisted as a private with the 147lh Bait, receiving hia promotion on the held. The otticial announcement slates thit ••Lieut. Arnold .Tucksch, of Hanover, I April. I'Jll. at Phiiadelphin. Funtton (Has a Coward Test. Nowailays Ihoy pick out the cow- ards befon- instead of after the battle, says a member of the medical stuff at Kunston. A trained staff at the med- ical c.ninp spend.s its time in dlagnos- lii;4 the drafted man for syinntoms of cowardice. When the syin[)toins ar'* present the man Is disciuiilitied for service in the battle line. In some Instances he is retained in the army and -serves hl.s country nt menial tusks. The oflicor ot the medical staff who gives lliis information, says he has placed explosives within lo feet of an! became an expert In this particular enemy post, blowing up the wire, and "ne of research, and has leai-ned to spot the pliyslcal coward wilh nc- then rushed the post killing sit." The upper story of the Cential druu store in Durham is beiny fitted up for teoenient houses. curacy, but that of the lo.OOO men who have been trained at Funston only thirty have borne the bacilli of the hesitant font. A Ctrriok woman tripped at the head of the ceiliir stairn while carryinir % can of cream and fell to tlie liottoui.^ligliting on the cement floor. She broke both liones in her left arm and dislocated her wrist. She was also bally bruised and her shoulder painfully injured. Francis Frank, a young ni;i.:hinist «aiployed at the Knechtel factory at Walkerton. has invented a clever device which will enable the owners of bikes to keeo richt on ridins; them when summer turns to winter atid thb snow appears. The invention is chilled the " bicycle sled'' and i» adapted from ihe ordin.iry _ . , .j /-» •• wheel by rcmovinj. the front wheel ai.dj INOtlCC lOCrt^ClltOrS replacing; it by a small ruiiuer and inter- 1 changing the rear wheel with a runner atLaohmer.t and a small wheel] with cops around its outer surfaca. The invention has been patented in the I'uited Stales and patent in Canada has been applied for. Mr. Frank has already received one goodjoffer for the sale of the patent and it looks as if his invention may bring him g(j')d returns. MAIL CONTRACT .^KALKK TKNDKIi.'S ad.lr.-se.l t.. the I'oiitiaaster (JcinTal will be receive I at Ottawa until niKin on Friday, tht the "JTth n( .Septeiiilier. IMIS.f.ir tlie conveysnc: of Ills ^laie*ty'H MailM, nil a propo.-cd Contr.icl fui f'>iir y^ars, ^i\ tiiiifr* per week on the routf VI.F?<IIKKT().\' It.lt. 1 viii KI'IVKRSH.VM 1UK.K .MII.IX and AI.V.WVKM, fri>ni the Istof January. lOltl, neat. Printed niain-s containinff fiirtlior iiiforiiifi' tionan tn conditiiiiiH of propDKud ciiMtract iri;iy be seen and hiaiik furiii.4 uf IVnder tony i)** olitaineil at thi' I'lixt OHicescif Fle»hertnn. KvteiHhaiii, lt<ic'k Millx ami Maxwell, ami at the office uf the I'ost OHicu fn8[iectur, ToronU>, A. srTllKRT.AND. Post OltiC'' Inspictor P<»»t Oltice In»|>ector'« Offiw. Tor.>nt<>. AuKUst 15th, lit'iS. Ill the matter of the Kttiile of Ivobert Price Kawcett, l-vte of the Township of Kuphr.isia. in the County of Grey, firmer, deceased. Notice is heiebv given, pursuant to "Tlie Trustee .\ct,' nod nrneiidineiitj thereto, that all creditors and otlo'rs haviiisj cliiiiis against the estate of tliu said Itohert Prica Fawci-tt,who died on or about the twentieth Jay of M-irch, \. 1). 191H. are required on or bef(ne the F;i li day if October, 1!)1H, to send by post piupuid or deliver to Irw'in .A. Fiiwcett, Feversl.am, IJnuuio, one ot the executors of '.lie lii.st Will :iiid THstiinienl uf the s;ii'J dece'i--ed, their Chrisliitn and .Suriiiinies, acldrcssi's and descri|)tic)ns. Ilij fall piuticulurs of their claim", tiie statement of their accounts and the n.iliiie of the si'cuiities, if any, held by them. And take notice that after such last Mnentioned duto the said Kiecjtors will pioceed to distribute the as.sots nf tho Slid deceased amoiiL; the piirties entitled 'hereto, having re'.iard (Hily tn the claiim of wliieh they shall tiiiMi hue notice, .md that the .said Executors will not U liable for the !-'iid a.s.set^ or anv pai r thereof to any person or persons of whose eliiiiiis notice sliill not have been given tiy tliem at the time of such distribution. Dated the.'Mllh day (.f August, A.D, li»18 - -WRIGHT, TELFORD & BARLOW ()«en .Sound, Out. Svlicitors for Irwin Andiew Fawcett und William T. Ellis, Kx ecutors Canadian Masons In England H. S. Carmichael, PuuMtagflr and Freight Man aiP'r of the Cana diau Pacific ()<-<an 8ervl<es. was in stalled W. M. of the Canada Lodge al the iDKlallation lMUii]U«t held re- rently in Ixmdon, Kneland. attend- ed by Ihe Itt. Hon. titr Kdward Clarke. Sir Oil b«'rt Parker. <icn- eral 1. <!. Ho-; and many of. Oanadlaos an : KuKliiih repre.'-eii tAtfve men Inter- esl4>d in Cunada. T ti Cana d a ]..odKO .No. '.i.i'Z'i on tlio KcKlsler of III.' failed (!ia:id Lodge of KuKland was founded in 1!)II, in order ii provide a .Mason 1. icntre fur Cana- diana resident in I?, a. CAItMICIL-Vr-:!,, W. M. Great r.rllain and llrothren from ili.' Dominion visiting the Old founlry. Tim objert of the founders was also to form a bond of union between tho Brethren of the Dominion and ihe iirflliren of llie I'nited Kingdom in the strong ho|)0 and (onlldeiue that Frecma.--oiii y mlKht so even slill further assist in the ureal work of foiiniiig these bond.i of •indi.iboUible atiachinenl" wrhieti shall forever unite Ihe component parts of ilie Uriilsli Hinpire. Tho l.odBe has now 282 members, many of whom are Dominion niemhers resi- dent in all parts of Canada. .No fewer than l.'.O ar^ initlaira of the Lodge. 20.'i meniU^rs of the Lodge are on active service in II. M. Forces. Mr. Hugh .Strain Cnrmiehael, the new lyolecled W. M. of Canada Lodge, is a native of (JIasgow. lie has been connected with the Triiis.illanito steamship trade sine.. 1888, when he Joined the stult of tlio Stale Line, which in 18!tl was taken over by the Allan Linn, in IS;'.") he lonuneneed his long connection wilh the Canadian I'aclfic Company at OUsgow, (rans- ferring to Ha Llveriiool offlcp in IfO:!. when Ihe (onipatiy "stablighed Its transjitlantic pa.'wenger service. In l!'t>S ii.- was pronuii -d fo lie g<-neral passenger-agent for (ireat lirltaln and IJnrope. 8inre liio e.'ttalilishmnnt, in l!lIo•lt^ of Ihe Canadian Pnc illc Ocean Servlie.'), Ltd., which manages the entire licet of the C. I*. It. and AlUin iincH, Mr. Cariiib liae I iias occu- pied tho position of paijsenger and froiRht manager, and h.ia his head- foarlera at Waterlog I'laoo, London, England, bearing orchard of hist class fruit . The farm is well watered. PARCEL II. The property in the Village of Kim- berley knovn as the Travellers' Home, conirrisiiig Hve acres of land, frame htabling and house and a number cf fruit trees. Tenders for the aliove properties will be received up toand in eluding October 1, 1918, tenders to be addressed to either of the ut.dersigned. The highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. W. U. TIU'RSTON. Flesherton A. D. THURSTON. 41! Geoffrey st., Toronto Executors of the estate of the late Mrs. Adeline Thurston. I ' >i i m umu Carefully Corrected Butter Each Week I 'jD to :« Eggs, fresh 40 c 40 Wheat t2 2o to 2 25 t>ats TOtottO Peas 3 fiftto 4 00 Barley I :iO to 1 .% Potatoes $1.25 Buckwheat 9,"i to il5 Hides iOc to 10c Ducks 2:5 to 23 Geese 21 to 21 Chickens 22 to 22 Fowl 16 to 10 AN EXTRA SPECIAL IN WOMEN'S BOOTS Fifty pairs Women's Boots â€" some buttoned â€" some laced â€" including (longola, |)atent and gun metal leathers, some have cloth tops, others kid tops High French heels, Cuban heels and low heels in the lot. Many pairs Just the very thing for starting to .school.. All sizes from 2| to 7, but not in every style. All perfect goods. Prices ranged from .$.'3 to $4.50. All selling at $2.40. New Styles in Men's and Ladies' Tweed Raincoats Some specially good dosigns just received maile up with new style collars and belts, reliable waterproofin t, really nice patterns and colorings. L&dies' $10.50 to $15. Men's $12 to $15.50. Splendid Values in Open Stock China We have several good patterns in open stock China that we are offering at exceptionally low prices, considering the present day values in Chinaware. They come in English serai-porcelain and are very choice designs. You can buy any quantity of any patfern, so that you can replace any broken pieces at any time. A shipment of Japanese Fancy China just in. Fn5rW.lilCKLlN^~â„¢ FLESHERTON, - ONTARIO Vicinity Fall Fairs Ayton Sept, 18, 19 Chatsworth Sept 12. in Clarksliurij Sept, 17, 18 CoUitigwood Sept. 18.19,' Dundalk Oct. 2. 3; Durlimo .Sept. 24. 2'^] Feversh;»ni Oct. 1.2' FLKSHKRTON SKl'T. 20, 27 , Hanover Sept. 20. 27; Holstein Sept. 24. 25 Markdale 0:t. 8, 9| Meaford Sept. 2t). 27 (^ratigeville Sept. 17, 18 I ( »wcn Sound Sept. 10 12 I'riceville Oct. :i. 4! Ricklyn Occobsr 4 Sheli.urnu Sept. 24. 25 Turunto (Can. Nat.). . . . Aug. 2C-Sept. 7 Waller's Fall? Sept. 24. 25 j Easy to apply--durable and pioduces a beautiful, lasting finish that protects the car â€" don't start out w ith a shabby car, it is not neces.sary-^when a .beautiful finish can be ob- tained at very little cost and labor. S.W.P. for outstanding varn- isheSrStains.Enamels, Brushes for house cleaning. Clubbing Rates F. W. DuHCan riie Advance has no extensive clubbing list this fall, most of tlie papers being suppliid al regular r.iti's. Following are some (irices ; The.Vdi.ince 9 1.00 Globe 4.00 M.»il 4.00 The World and Advance 4 75 News and Advance 3.75 Star and Advance 3.75 Voutii's (.'ompanioii 2.25 F-imily Herald 51 2 Colrmbia Grafonolas The Fl£shert6n Hardware. Hiione .?0 r?,, fioar for Service The undersigned has a thorough -ired Yorkshire Boar for service on lot 11, con. 8, Osproy. Terms $1.50. FHF.D SPOFFARD. FALL TERM Opens September 3rd. Youge and Charles Streets, Toionto On-cs itrictly first class trainini; for choice l)usinehs position, ('ur courses are unexcelled in ("anvla. Demand f<u' our ijraduates is five times our supply. Wtile for catalogue. \V. .1. I''.liLIJTT, PiiwciPAL \V. A, IIAWKEN, Dealer for Virgil Pianos and Phonograph?, also Records and Sheet Music. Call and Get prices at Hawkin's Photo Gallery & Music Store, Flesherton 1.^ % % % % % I i i I Columbia Records ! W. A. Armstrong .lEUELLEK, FLFSIIKUTD.N ^heep Strayed T*oewes from my premijtMon ,luly 1 lib, (ine yo.irliog, oiu- ewe ^uid Kmb. ] Ar.y iiifiirniation aj to their where.ibouts | win be lliiiilifully receivtd. â€" K(»BT. SWANruN, . liJ 9 l« Flesherton V O ' For Service One pure orod Shorthorn IJi^U on lo ;«â- >, con, '.♦. .\'trtiiiesia. Terms J I ."0 for grades. Must be paid « ithin 1» iii.inths from dulK i.f service. 1 .Ian. 1!> -U. It Tl'l:NKU. Holstein Bull Kor Service A tli'iroiiirlit'i-e't H^ilstrin boll fomervice on lots IKt IKl .i.W. T. A Sit,. A.temeii:.: i!<i.- cly rehiti'd t-) itip wirld'i. e!i-i;ii[iii)n 4|.p<)io.d pnw. Term.' H .'>V f"»(tra<Io.<, li^.CO for p;.ie breds. Fleslrierton »f^ Tonsorial 'V- Parlors We Aim to Give Eiitire Satisfactio LAUNDRYâ€" Biskot closes Mond,»y ni<{ht, delivery Friday evenia CI.KANINO and DYEINGâ€" We ai agents for I'lrker's Dye Worksâ€" Clothi'' cleaned and dyed, feathers rejuvenatei T FI.SHER- -PROPRIETOR New Blacksmith Shop At Maxwell lam opetiiiii! till at.ince, ii lilacksmitli- in!< and wondvvorkinK business in Ma.\- well, and am ii»>»Uin« up-'.o ditto wood- workint; uiacbineiy. It will lie my en deavor Id serve llie p\it>lic in a satisfac- tory manner and I would solicit patron- aae. 1 Wiiit yiiurwi.ik and will do it ritjtil. 7 April 1 CHESTER LONG 1 July 17 -(iF.O. MCORK&Son, Dr. J. P. Davis CHIROPRCTOR and EYESIGHT PECI LIST Office over W nlwcrll.'s store. - ONI. COI.LINGW00I). H m % % % i ill Flesherton Tin Shop I have just placed on the shelves a full line ot Tinware, Nickelware and Agateware for domestic use. Call on me and get your supplies. Eavetroughing, Stovepipes and Stove Furnish- Repairing of all kinds promptly attended to. Pipefitting, including pump work. Furnaces installed. Agent for Clare Bros. Furnaces. D. McKILLOP CHRI5T0E BLOCK FLESHERTON j^ ONTARIO. ^•^^^^/•^•"^^t t t % WE SELL FARM IMPLEMENTS Agents f^or Special Prices on Waggons, Plows Harrows and Horse Blankets \m\ ini Eo Wagons Plows Hay Rakiis Cultivators Harrows Moweid JOHN HEARD, IMPLEMENT AGENT FLESHERTON.

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