Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 12 Sep 1918, p. 1

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fkB\)txi0n %bmMt. 'TRUTH BEt'OfiE FAVOR' ~ -PRINCIPLES NOT MEN" Vol. 3X, No. H Fesbcrton, Ont.. ScptemVjcr \'J. 1918 PRICEVILLE All all iiiiiht liia last wei:k dL-Uyt-d the " harvest home " on » uumbet of farms. We were .sorry l« tinJ Pte. ICec;iH- SlcUoiiald's name and mimbcr in the liht of wouiidtd last week, hut Painsville 18 raeiitiouetl in error -for Prictvule. A number of people iti tha vilUge aod adjacent country attended the C»n»di»ii Kational ei^hibition last week. Rev. IX. J. and Mre. McCar^en were in Toronto for n f ew days. Kdna Ferguson has been vi.siting in the city for several days. Bonald MtiLean of Toronto, formerly C.P.R. section foreman ;it Proton, visited friends here over the week end. Died â€" At the family residenc?. Old Durham Road, one and a half niile» east of the village, Daniel McDonald, in hi.'< 88th year. Deceased had been a hale and active man for many years, and during the last few year8,althoui!h bodily streD'^th and some of the senses became visibly weaker, yet his great vitality kept body and soul together until fdur score and eight years ripened and whitened him for the harvest of life. Mr. Mc Donald was born in Nova Scotia in 1830 of Scotch parentage. When a young ui;»n he lived tor some time in Bruce county, and then came to this vicinity to assist in the construction of the gravel road across Grey eouuly. He married Miss Flora Cauieroo, who proxed to be an amiable .<nd industrious helpmate. He was a member of St. Coluinba Pres- byterian church and a staunch Liberal in politics. Tbeir family consisted of livg I- )!i|^Ueot()r ind Alex, in Mmitana, Wilfiaui who died some years hgo in British Columbia, David has tlie home- stead, and A. li., our tax collector, who lives nearer the village ; and one daugh- ter, Majigie, Mrs. Mino of Owen Sound. The family have the respect and sympa- thy of a host of friends, neighbors and nctiuaiuti'vuoes, almost innumerable. The family pastor, Rev. J A. Ma'hesoii, conducted the funeral service at the residence aud at the grave in Prieeviile public cametery. P. Muir, W. Meads, Joseph Oliver, A. Currie, D. VVhite, and L. McArlhur, all iieighbivi"s who grew up around the de- ccMsed old gentleman. Re*'. A. J . Leece, a former Methodist piittor., and wife, are spending u portion if theu' holidays among admiring friends in Methodis*, Presbyterian and otlve* deaouiiu^ti m^, i>nd wilt preach in the Meliiodist chuich next Sunday at 11a h:. »s. EUGENIA Service was held on Sunday murqing in the Presbyterian church in memory of our soldier boy, Fred Smith, who passed away to his home beyor.d Ui,t 22nd of June at Concirr, rswitx^jiland. The pastor. Rev. McVicar. gave a very im- pressive sermon and the special mui;ic by the clK)ir was well rendered. The < tr- angemen, nf which f red was a nM.'niber, marcheii iu a body to' the ch«rch, accom- panied by members of other lodues frum a distance. The church was beautifully decorated with fligs ind llowers for the service, with a laige wreath of beautiful Howers eucircli:ig Kred's picture. The church was 611ed to oveifliwiug, showing the rtspect held for Fred throughout the community and ih- deep sympathy for the sorrowing fa-nily Graham Bros have their sawmill going in full swing. Mrs. Kiwood Purvis, children anJ sister. Miss Lucas of Guelph, are guests of relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. .laaies Purvis have returned home after visitnng his mother. Mrs Anderson, one of our former Sfhool teachers, ujw of Portland, Oregon, and sister, Miss Caler of Mt. FoJes% spent a week with fiieuds here. Mr. Eru. Morgan was up from Toronto over the week end. Mr. BUtl Mrs. Will Sa.ago and babe of Port Colt. me called on R. Pi.ik lud other friends. Mrs. McGill and sou, Bobby, are spending a month iu Toronto. \V|i:it is wrong Kith Eugenia cars, when F.cNlitrtou cars have to come out t') get our young n.en .' Marriedâ€" .In England, Corp. T. Mc- KaUerick of the lATih Battiilion,to Xurse Murphy .«)rf (relaud. We aie sorry .0 report Mrs. Hopper. Mi's. LI. W illiair.s and Mabel Hoy on the sick list, but hopp for speedy recovery. Mr. Sam Smitli of Toronto is s4>eiid- iug ,1 moiMh with iiis brothers, .-Vdain aad Kydne-y. Wasleis iJerad Lugo and Merbie FEVERSHAM Go to Flesliarten Kair Sent, iti* 27. Mr. and Mrs. .Joseph Barber regeived the sad news last week that th'^ir sun, Wilfred had bemi killed in aciiou in France. The sympathy of the community at large is tendered to them iu clieir SJid beri-Hvenieut. Mrs. Win. Lawler has returned after a two months' visit with iriead^ in Toronto aud Milton. .\Ir. and Mrs. Keller, -of Nephir, is visiting at the home of W.n. Widemiii. Mr. .John Stoutenburg.of Colliiigwood, visited at J. .\. Davidson's over Sunday. Robert Brown, of Forest, is visiliu? his dwighter, Mrs. Fred Brickenbury. Mrs. Dewsbury and little niece have returned to their home iu Toronto after sper.ilnit' the suoimer wi:h Miss .\da Kaittinu in this village. The schools have reopened with Miss Lulu Jjlley at Xo 7, Miss Sellie Maynard at No 5 and Miss Bristow at No *i. Mr. .John Paul and wite, Mr George Julian aud wife, Miss Ella Alister, Mi<s Marian Sayers and Walter Rerton attended the Toronto Exhibition Ust week. Mr. and Mrs. A. .1. t^onron have sjone on a visit lo iheir daughter at Uiverstoin, Saskatchewan. KIMBERLEY The pallbearers were Haney have star'.cd to Fleshertoi. high achoul. We wish the boys success. Mrs. Walker of Cataract is viji:iiig her daughter, Mrs. Will Gordou. Mr George Latimer is spending ,\ uionlU w Ith friends la Torontti. MilUv> McMullen h-is gone to her «chojl i;p north. Mrs. Scort and twa children and niece. -Miss Taylor, of the oault, have returned huuid after spending a couple of weeks with the former's sister, Mrs. Carrulhers. CEYLON .Mr. Owen cf I'oronto is visiting his tticnd, .'ubu Gibson. Mr. Rainage of Drcmore called on friends here the first of the week. .M*ud Hemphill and brother, Percy, aio vi.silmg Toronto friends, .Mrs. Witliaui WhilA and little sou, Etrl, visited with Duudulk friends l.-i.^t week . Herb. Fisher uinl wife, who have for a fortnight been visiting her sister, Mrs. J{ .y Piper, returned Saturday to their homo 111 Toronto. \ A. McMulleii aud sou. Row, spent the .week end at their home here. Mrs Thomas Strain of Porcupine »isited with Mrs. A. RutlC'U;e -the liiot of the week. Mr. Speers of Foversham was a visitf'r Hi S. llemphill's the first of the week. James Pattison aad sou, Willie, mot- ored to Toronto and attended the K.\. Mcs.John Irwin of iicvr Roglua arrived last week to spend a few months with bor sisteriulaw. Mis. Bolton. U. Do«n and wife of Hathetton spent t!io liist of the week at T. Chislett's. Mrs. .\. Rutledge received word that ,., r son, Melville, who was wounded 'i.osnlly, is iuipioving. EAST iMOUNTAIN Aiteud F.eohectou Fair Sept, 26, 27 Nearly everyore in thi.s vicinity is ready to 'hresh their grain. Miss Dttvey of Vinolatid wields the bircffin our school. Eva Allen aud Kate Orr arc attendiua Fieshnrtou hiah «chiol. Mijs .Alma Uumberstone has returned home after visitiiu- with her s'Ster, Mrs. P. Someis, near Feverstani. Gertrude Lever of Flesheriou spent the week,eud with her sister, Mrs. Chas. Martin. Mildred McMullen attsnded the exhi- bition ill Toronto. Auiiie Allen is teaching stli.'ol near Creemore. We wish her success. Mr. and Mrs. C. Martin and little son, .\rgyle, visited friends in Flesherton. Fred Martin has disposed of hisdiiver. Any notion of netting a*car, Fred .' I'rsula Orr is vis'tiug Mrs Gladstone Ore in Owen Sounil. Harold Lever was a caller here. MAXWELL .Vttend Fleshert' n Fair Sept '2ii, 27 Mrs. H luley Lawrence and two chil- dren are visiting this week with Mr. and Mrs. Leslie L.vwpiik-c of .Vllaudale. John Taylor and wife of Berkeley renewed old a^(uaiiitatices here recently. Mi.-i.siti Mir.ohi Ferguson and Beatrice Sycamore are holidaying with Mrs. Mansell C lok of Hocklyn. Jlr. and Mrs. .\lwin Fawcett • f De- troit, Mich., visited friends here one day last (week. Some (sneak thief entered our pumpkin patch one evening last weak and stole the finest specimen of the whole bunch. We were going to exhibit at the fall fuirs and the man that beat it would feel like shaking hands with himself. Liist yeai the same thin« happened. The nieane.s-' imp IU the lowest chanber of hades is an angel of light compared with this culprit. Our school opened on Tuesday Ust with Miss Campbell ot Toronto in charge of the senior room aud Miss E. Latimer of Eugenia the juaior. Wm. Flood has sold Lis Ford i.-ir lo Lewis (leuoe of Eugenia. John Plewes attended the Tonulo e«h bitioii. Eighth Line, Artemesia yo to Fi^sherlou Fair Sept, 2(>, 27. Wiil Kerton of Georgetown visited at JL Ft 11 wick's. Mt. 'ind Mrs. Malcolm and sou of Stratfvid, and Mr. and Mrs. M.«(coIin of ( 'oltin^wo d wora visitors at \N'. Hanley's Mis. Wesley I'Uuton aud family have .turnod to Totonta»fter » monlh'a visit h: Ibis IrtcaUly. George Walter, wife and gi.ii, WaUer, 1 , ' \ â- â-  , 'libitioo liwt week. Thos. Ma.\well of Parry Soui.d, accoiu- panied by his two daugdttrs, visited with U. Ueron Ust week. Mr. and Mrs. Stophotis of Desboro spent Sundoy with the latter 's paronts, Mr, and Mrs. E. McC.illum. Mrs. Uurneti of Weston is visiting with her brotlior, .V-iguS Morrison. Dr. and .Mrs. Guy and ±Uynu'ud WrMar and wife, visited the Toronto exhibition last week. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Hark visited l;i»t week with friends in Hiantford and To- vouto. Mr. Marshall Morrison received word last week Ih^ his «od, Uarot-J, had been ((assed. Victoria ^Corners Tao Lite !• ir fjist Woeii <;o to Floshertoii fall fair Sept. 2t;, :I7. Mr. and Mrs. Ch:irles Moore, accom- panied by Misj EJni Auhesv)U. uviioreJ to Smiihuii^ tj attend the wedding of Mrs. iMoore's sister. Miss Woodlan. K II. Moore and wife if Newbury .isiied lolatives here. Kei . E.igle and wife have returned from their holidays. Iiiistioge anniversary will bo held on September 22 and 23. This Week's Items Schi.^l opened lasfTuesday wiii Miss Ritchie of Markdale ns tcaehor. Misses Susanna Ludh-w and (.•tillic Liicklrirt have returned to high school at Fkslierton, also Vera Moore. S.iudy Acheson aud wife and daughU't and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. Rodman of .Markdale, visited at W. G illagoer's last week. Mis. (Cnpt.) Graham and daughter, Alina, of Wiartou. visited her niece, Mrs. James Leckhart. Mr. and Miss Bdaii of CorbettoD visited at .Milton Uatinon's. Mrs. Alex. McCounell leaves today, Sept. !), for her home at Swift Current. The op-jration for which she bro-a^ht her little boy home is at present unsuccessfyl but will b-j tried u^iin in a couple if years. PROTON Too Late Lut Week Go to Fleslierton Fair Sept. 2i;, 27. School hits rdopent'd with Mis& "Cavcil of Oven S'Uni in charge. The hiyh school stU'Jeits have gone to their tasks and Miss \dn .Vcheson to her school at Wareham Mis'' EJith Consley has rctu.'ned from an extended vieit wnhfiii-nda in Toronto. .Misses E la Bilk jr aud Eiilh H-oder of All in Park holidiyed at the ho^ne ..f Rjbeit Biites. Mrs. Stins in of lierkele/ visited lasr week With Mrs. .\lbeil •S.iuson. Rev Mr. niii Mrs. L«idlaw ^ud family of Ucathcore were gcesLs at the home of R. .\c'ieson. Alr^^. .\. Colg-iii and d.aughter, Lucy, 'if Dur.diilk, and Mr. (Juest of Toront" visited al John lloome's Or .Sunday last Rev. Mr. McVicar returned to his charge and preaehed an eiiii|Uent sermon w.lh le'iewed vigor. Tne Red Cross 1-iwn social held Thuis- day last on Gei>rgtf Binnie's grounds passed oil' pleasantly. The interesting ball same bttween Dundalk and Ceylon teams resulted in .") lo 2 in favor of the latter. The pnigram, presided nver by Rev. Mr. Blackwell, was furnished by home talent. Tickets were sold for an overseas box packed hy the .socieiy. Mrs. (Cap-.) Ray held the lucky ticket and received the bos. which she will send to her husband in Vrance. At the close of the program a two mouths' olJ piv£: donated by George Binuie, was put up at •uction. Juhn Carson was the highest bidder an.' the baby porker brought tha Red Cr.iss .So. iety the sum of §!< oO. The proceeds for ihe evening amounted to nearly ^lOU. The Incomes of Farmers Bates Burial Co. BlSIXE.so AS CSIAL Funeral Directors and Embalmers Phone Hillcrest 268' 124 Avenue Rd. Toronto, Ont. MOTOR EQUIPMENT J. W. Bates, R. MaddocksJ Pres. Manager. Jewelery ISSUER Of MARRIAGE LICENSES A Splendid Stock from which you may readily make A Satisfactory sel- ection. We carry Photo Supplies, STOCK FOR SALE 1 have It piesent Ijr •juick sale 2 Yorkshire sows, .some yocn!» cross-bred i p gs juu ready to Wean, i I Rijueii drsk", | I Bjrred Ro-.'k rooster. Prices right. Phone or write. â€" GEi ». W. ROSS, ! Osprey Tel. Systein. Maxwell, P (). W. A. Armstrong Jeweler FLESHERTON, ONT. Auto Tires & Tubes te line of Goodyear and Domiuiun .\uto sitancy whatever in savim; that they are â-  ter service â€" rhat have greater treedom .V are attractive iu a[ipeiirancB and in ii and thick, tough tread insure a fail . raised consistently liy users of these The Income War fax .\ci w .^ nevei cxpect';d to be very popular, h. prob- ably it will live up to ihe e\pe..t..i;on . .So I'lng as it touched only the men wiili incomes of J50,il()0 a year and over, ihe average man simply chuckled and thought everything was all right, but now th«l it is reaching out after the smaller fry it ;s gelling a little more excil ins;. The c!e- terminiiig if a man's salary is often an easy matter iu the city, where the ii.au r.'ceive" yearly a stated amount, but throughout the lural sections a lar.iier's i.icnuje is not so easily determined. In not a few oa.»es a f.iriner has conuu-d his income aj what he was able to pUce iu the bank after all expenses had I <.eu met : biR this is elearly an unte: able contention, and the jtovernmeiit. has issued slips to be iMed .u; by t.icb farmer ipocifying the qu.iutity of his, product, iho price at which he had .-old, the <|uantity consumed at home or exchanged at the store, in.come fimn other souices, the coit of feed, l.lioi- m.icbinery. and and estimate of depric a. tiou. Of course the individual must >i4n this dicunent, and from it ..he L'ov.rn- ment will deieimiue what his net iiui me for the year leally wis, and whetiler In- is liable for iiicomo tax. We vcn'.ur:' lo say that when the items are all tilled In many a farmer will be surprised to tiiid how much his income really is, ai il he will wonder how his prtaohcr succecied in living I'll half if it. â€" Chrisian Guardian. We cirry in slock a coii: 'i Tires .^nd Tubes and have n . the best on the market loda.i They are lioes that yield â-  from puncture and blowout â€" I . keeping wi h any car. The well balanced construe measure of mileage â€" a mileage tiree right along- To help you get every i.iiie possible from these tins -we back up their iu-bailt goodness with a di^tinite. personal lire service. Our interest in the tires we sell merely begins with the sole tha interest ends only when we hav» helped you to extract from your tire the last mile of usefulness. Goodyear and Dominion Tires and the serv-ce we are pledt^td to give ate diltereot -and belter. Prove this for yourself . We will be glad to h«ve you call at auy time and let us espldin : details of our gersonal tire service. McTxWISH^S GARAGE, Flesherton I I I ;.v^S<^ -- ^.V^W", .V cit'z;n of Moafonl, David R jbins> n, was electrocuteil rcrently while c'ian.;ii'g the c II botis .m an arc light. Vicinity Fall Fairs GO TO W. L. W R I G H T For your Supplies of FLOrR AND SUBSTITUTES SUGAR FOR PRESERVING A Splendid Stock of Gents' Furnishings and Ladies' Lingerie Call and Examine our goods :^ i -â-  â€" -â€" -''^-*-- -t- -l2S'^-^-^:^.-^ -^^^ sti. .'^ ^^ -*---*- -^ -^v iC ^ .». .«. .VJ*!"^ ********** â- â€¢â- â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â- Â»â- Â»â- >•>>>•- * * tXl C-«rm»n, the four year oU son .of Edward Brown near Grand Valley, fell tliroui:h a trap door on the barn floor, to tha cement floor beiicatb. He escaped with only a few hrui-es. Cordon SdlTOiV of Air-iii, meCJ j2 years, fell ott' a load of grain and now. lie* in a precarious coodition. Ayioii Chat.s.»vorlh Clarksburg ColIii>s;wooJ. . . . ^.^. Dundalk Durbsui Feversham FLESIIKRION HiUDVer U'.>l-itein Markdale Meaford Sept. 26. 27 | Orangevrtle Sept. 17, IS j Owen Sound Sept. 10-12 i Pricevii!o Out. S, 4 | R tklyn Octobjr 4 Shflburne Sept. 24. 25 ; Toronto (Can. Nat.) Aug. 2t;-Sep\ 7 Wttlur's Falls >-:.'pr. 24, 25 j .,Sept. IS, 1!) .. Sept 12. l;! I ..Sept. 17, IS j: S-it. 18 I'l ' rtct. - o . Sept. 24, 2J I 'â-  Oc. I, 2|; .SEPT. 2ii. 27 <'; ..Sept. 2ti. 27.!: ..Sepi. 24, 25 | ; O.s. 8,9;: SPRING AND SIM.MER DEMANDS are for White Boots and Shoes. Wo have them Laco Boots, Pum ; IV- ••♦. and Strap Sandils. also a good assortment of Running Shoes mi •;•• white, black and t.in. §••• ALSO B. .\ line .if children's white canvass oxford. 3 eyelet hole leather soles. CLF..\R1KG AT 75c., SlZKStiTO 10 '^ [rallralfrSirral TRUNKS, SUIT CASES AND CLUB BAGS Repairing as usual [Milium THOS. CLAYTON B â- â€¢â€¢â€¢ • ••• •••• FLESHERTON, ONTARIO B •••• •••â-  i

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