Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 12 Sep 1918, p. 5

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September 12 1918] THE FLESHEKTON ADVA NT£ THE STANDARD DANK OF CANADA MSAO ornce • Toronto Herb McLeod Gassed '••X TRUST FUNDS Our Savings Department gives you a guarantee of absolute security and i«T'D itT* interest at current rate. 239 FLESHERTON BRANCH C£0. MITCHELL. Mm«^. Word WM received here oa Thursday Uf)C by hii) mother tLat Pce. Herb. McLeod hixi been ifiisseu. Herb, enlisred at Toronto with tha 8:}rd BAtt.tUon, i goiog overseas in April, I'Jlo. He wu j sent to Ifr^.nce the next fall and shortly I aft#r rcceirei i wound 'in the jaw by the bursting of a high explosive shell After ; beiug sent Cu the front again he took i trench fever and wafi invalided to Kng- land fur some naonths. He returned to I the front and was with the Canadians in | their memofiible advHnce :ii the pc&eut drive. Card of Thanks We wit-h tu thank our triends and neigbbors for their maay evidences ut sympathy for as. but iuo;>l of all we ' appreciiiee the itreat respect Aowu in r Sl»S.»Se»!SiKrjij The Old Adage memory of dear Fred . â€" Mr. and Adam Smith and Family, Ku!,'en:.k. Mc Card of Thanks VS'e desire to express uur ".hinks fnenda ani-oeiKhbors for asi^ibtauce sympHth} d urmg the illne:^ aud de^ith our father, the late Joha W. Benson. â€" The Children . t . P. R. Time Table. leave Fleaherton Station as I The Meiliodist Young People's Society hi'ld a reception for the hijih school students on Monday evening. A l.earty Going North "invitation was ^iven to the students to Attend the mpetinijs during the year. \'A report a h.ippy evening. Miss Glenn of Glenn Charles. Toronto, be in Flesherton Tuesday, Sept. 17th, at the Munshaw House, with a full line of Trains follows : Going South 7.5.3 a. m. i2.01 u.m. 4.27 p.m. 9.18p. m. The mails are osefl at Flesherton as follows : For the north at 10.40 a.m. and 7 p.m. ; and the afternoon mail south at Canada's Hair Fashion Store, will 3.40 o'clocK. For morning train south mail close at 9 p. m. the previous ev'g. ^^^^â- ^^^â- â- â- "'^"^â- "^^â- ^^"^k I.ailie*' and Gentlemen'* Hair Goods. If <"^ l/IOINITY PUIPQ i you are not sati.stied with the appea'^nce .^^ VIUIIlll I l/nirO ^^ of j.(jur jj^ij i;pnsult Misi Glenn, who ia an authority on Hair Goods and individ- ual Hair Styles. Free demi->nstrution. CoastaLlj Plantt. of Eugenia, had a couple of Dundalk fishermen charged before Magistrate McMulIen hist week wich tre.'pass on the hydro property. The prosecution was made at the instance of F. Durrant, game wirden, of Toronto. The case did i.ot go to trial, both gentle- men acknowledging the misdeineauorand paying a hue of one dollar and costs. Otiicial notice has been received by District Casualties The government has put a ban on Sunday motoring for pleasure. Mrs. H. S. While returned hoir.e the end of last w^eek. Miss Collver, of Thessalon, has taken charge of F. H. W. !li;kling's millinery department. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. >Vriaht motored to Toronto last week to attend the millinery opening. The Soldiers' Aid will hold their tea on Friday at Mrs. Ab. Stewarts. Alj welcome. Mr. ana Mrs. McKnignt and two sons, of Tottenham, visited a couple day? last week with Rev. and Mrs. Belfry. Miss Irene Wilson of the Owen Sound hospital staff, was home for a couple of days last week. Miss Annie Howard returned tu T.>- ronlo last week afte' an extended visit with her brother here. Mr. John English, of I&aho, who ha^ been visiting liere the past summer, returned home on Tuesday. Mr. James Russell accompanied him to visit his sjn oat there. The Fleshetloa W. L will hold a bazaar on the fair grounds on Frid»y . Sept. 27, proceeds in aid c( our soldiets overseas. Kin,«i> lyi AtTK« Lieut. C K Rutherford. Owen Sound Lieut. J M Do'oie, Chat.sworth W Barber, Feversham M»j'^r G H Musgrove D.S.O., Hanover DiEi> or WorsD* C C Proud, Walters Falls M S Nicholson, Chatsworth W C Gibson, Cauract i24{!lih Batt.) Ill [ H C Mcintosh, Priceville j G.V.s,-iEl' â-  G H Wylie, Kilsyth I A M Wood, Marmion I G Gibbons, Owen -Sound ! P Haines, Chatsworth ; G R Lloyd, Menford ! E C L.ayccck. Meaford I H C> Schwaii. 0»en Sound I H M McLeoc, Flesherton .\ S Swiizer, Hanover Live Poultry Wanted Jake Zenner is paying highest m irKet prices for all kinds of live fowl. Njw is the time to cull your fowl. Market ^iL'td. ] Novl -J. ZENNER. Markdale The Proof of the Pudding Is in the Eating The aaiu is equailv true of t'he 19«X' Gravity asiier. Trj one and be couvinceti chat there is none better S. HEMPHILL' Agent, Ceylon ^Odds and finds'^ g m ball liiieut McL'onuick Fiirm Implemencs, Binders Mowers, lUkes, LoadeiN. Drills. Cultivators, Plows, For Sale cheap oi rent â€" Late John J. Martin farm, lot I. con. 4, Eaphrasia. 5 containing about 13<.» acres ; dwelling and new frame barn, stabling under. It not sold in time t\ir seeding will rent. Apply to Cbarles Martin on the premises or to li. J . Sproule, Flesherton. mar28th Ki.iing and Walkin- lliii.,ws Biantfcrd Wiod -ills, Puirps, Piping and f itungs of ail kinds, l>/i-:ie a'.- e Carriers. Hay torks. Slings. Filter Carriers. FoKliug Bath Tubs. Frost Wire and Fence Cutters anJ Sleighs. A Call Solicited Satisfaction Guarantesd. S. HEMPHILL Agent, Ceylon, Ont. Mr^. Margaret Phillips, cf Rock Mills, | ^ h Morrison. Maxwell LU Thursday la.st staling that Corp, Roy o L Pennein. (>wen Sound Elwood Phillips WHS in the general . g .) SU inner, Owen Sound hospital at Letreport havin:; been admit- lei iheie ou August 28lh with a irunsliot wound in the knee. Corp. Phillips is a cousin to Mr t.»scar Phillips, of town, and'prior to enlisting was withtha Toronto police force. Wiltseâ€" CasweU Woi->i>eu R J Driscoll, Owen Sound L A Campbell, Owen Soand A ijuiet but pretiy wedding was solem- nized at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Caswell. Toronto line south, on Wed., September 4th, whea their eldest daughter, Margaret E , was united in the holy bonds of m.ititmony to Mr. Ford B. Wiltse. of Athens, Out. Miss Mildred Caswell, younuest sister of the Donati.ms gratefully leceiicd. , ^^^^^^ pUyed the wedding march, The The AdviDce had a short call from bride was iin.atteaded. Rev. Belfry, of Mr. T. Spencer, Superintendent in the Flesherton, perfo>rmed the ceremony C P R ottice at Winn peu, «ho is ekst before a small circle of immtdiaie friends visiting relatives in Gsprey. and relativos. Miss Edna Caswell relurneti to hec millinery work at Dresden, accoiupauiod by Miis Grace Farnswuth. who has been visiting a month here. , Lieut. .1 W Mci^irath, Owen Sound W J Hyslop. Owen Sound Lieut. C Kormanc, Hanover M /loy. V.ituey â-  W J McGirr Durham J M Rosj", Holstein ! J Mobbs, North Keppd i D McGillivray, Durham I E Hayward, Uweu Souud J .\ Reilly, Annan W Bucbtnan. Flesherton A E Clillies. Meaford \V J Thomj^k«oa Owen Sound I C F Morrison, Mount Forest i D M Saunders, Duiham I U E J'billips, Rock MiK.s I W S Neath, 0»en Sound I \V W llraham, Owen Somnd ' J A MacArthur, Owen Sv.>uad Among those from a , ^y ^a^^^ Durham distan.e were Mrs. .Avery, of To-onto, ^. y^i^^^^^.^,,^^^^^^^^,^ and Miss Grace Farnsworth, of Dresden. I ^y- j j^itjg_ Jieaf.'id Congratulations were duly administered I j, ^-ough, Owen Sound to the happy couple, who motored to j ^ Levi". 0«en S.>und Toronto andother points They will rt side Mr. Fred Karstedt. jr.. wbo was W ^l Athens. Mr. and Mrs. WiUse h»ve report for service this week, has gone to ^^^ ^^^^ wishes of a host of friends who Toronto to to t^ike an oflicer's training ^^^^ ^^^ Advance in wishing them a long course. land happy wedded life. County clerk Rutherford and family, ^ of Owen Souud, soeot Sunday night; with j . rf-. r^ * Reeve McTavish, while on their way ' AfOUnCl (jfey dOUIlty home from Toronto. , list is p«nf N-il Camoh*!! of the Canada Morden, waa Get one and help out the fair by sending ; stricken with paralysis on the bridge of along a list of entries, W. A. Hawken, j d^^ steamer m Lake Michigan and died Secretary. Date of fair, Sept. 2t) and 27. ;„ ^ f^, miuutee. He was a native of Mr. Robt. Wneeian is moving his Owen Souud. aged 6: family to Toronto this week. Mrs. E McCallum the former vacated and is taking possei . The Eiist Grey fall fair prize list is Capt. Nell Campbell iiow l>eing distributed by the secretary, gt^^mjhip liner Jraut had sailed since A. liJ years of age, and was the best known nas purch.a>ed the house maiiner on the upper lakes. The little son of Joseph Lomas of Amaranth received a kick on the face from a colt that broke some of the bones and caused very painful cuts and bruises. t.>ne day hist week as Mrs. W. Jackson, G P Creiiihton, i,>weu Souud C W Rourke, Park H'ad G B Uinaiij, Owen Sound S Tackaberry, Owen Sound S G Elvidije, Durham N Horsnel, Oireu Sound D Miller, Owen Sound D J McArihur, Markdale W A Rob:nsou, Meaford Camp Meeting t or sale cnea ana on easy t^rms. Lot 3, cou. 11, O^prey, 110 acres. This i.. a tirst classianu and in a good state o cultivation. (n>od Lank barn and new frame dwelling. Apply co R. J. Spr^ule Flesherton Keatner's Popular Music Stort-.Mark dale, is the placs to buy your Piano, Organ, Phonograph, Sewiua Machine, Sheet Music, and all musical supplies W. H. BUNT If Try Feversha,n Pastry Flour, tha best jjp Agent for i for your cook. All C>nt«rio wheat .MISCELLANEOUS P' 'vace funds to loan on real estate security at rea-sonable^rate cf in'ereat. .\pply to R, J. Sproule, Flesherton. ,if sept '-'J J. Ilia i Dominion Pianos and Organs Highest price for battel and eetrs at Graham Bros. Euaenia. 'June 26 FLESHERTON, ONTARIO. I" For Saleâ€" Teini of tirst ?la»s horses. Apply to W. T. Genoe, Ceylon, %^, Lostâ€" July W, between A. Badgeros' and L. Chard's, on the 4th line, a silver watch. The person producing the s-a.ne will be rewardedâ€" .\. N.^Biownridii-". Maxwell, Out. ._ ._ I \ For Saleâ€" Two second hand cream separators iu good working order, one top butfgy, one open buiigy, two cutters one set of harness,round table,sideboard, . churn, two creamery can?, cook stove ana one |,lass cupboard. â€" Silas Sbunk. Lostâ€" Between Rock mills and Mount Zioo, a motoivycle tire cliain. Anyone tindinn same please communicate with R. J. Pedlar, Ejgeoia ; Fnt Siileâ€" A quantity of dry stove wood, also si.\ ewe lamba and one bit^ li sow d'le to farrow Deceinbei' !>. and one ' spring calf.â€" T. Fen wick, Eugenia. 1 sioD this week . Died- In Arteniosia, on Wednesday. Sept. 4, Daniel McDonald,aged iJS years. The tuneral took place to Piu-eville cemetery on Friday. Sept. tJ. from his home oo the Old Durham Road. Married -On Sept. 4th, l'.»L^ home of the brid«s parents by A. Belfrey, Maoford Blake Athens, Ont., to Miss Caswell. Oaprey prute list is now ill the hand* of the secretary, Mr. J. -V. Kernahan, Maxwell P <»• Ask him for one and get i«to the competition, held on Oct. 1 and 2. Word was received here on The Gospel Woikers(D V.) will hold their annual ten days' Camp Meeting at Clarksburg from Friday, Sept. 13, to Sunday, Sept. 22, lltlt»" Fjur evangel- istic services will be held each day, at '.' and 10. 3t) a.m. and 2 iU.i and S p.m. Pre<-ec"ins each preachinir service there j ol r 21. will be a short time d« voted to prayer, testimony, exhortation tr singing. Rev. D. Anderson of Houghton, N.V., will b9 with U!», also the preachers and evangel- ists of the Gospel Workei-s Church. We For Sale â€" One resristered two year old Oxford Down ram and ten purebred 0.xford ram lambs. F. J. and W'. .\, Web«r. Kirnberley. Phono Flesherton Oct li.» Tih line, Erin, was out in a tield, a ! hare % large building for accommodation '''or Sale - Light wagon, S?t li»;ht sleigh.-:. Turnip slioer. Cutter, Plow, Sit ha'rows.â€" .\. Shackleford, Fhsherton. ' results occurred at Balaclava, when Thos. ' Edmons:one. who was workinjj with a cold chisel in ttii barn, got a frag-.iient Th fair will be '^^ *"*''' '" "^'^ ^^"^ ^^' ^^^'â- ''°^^""^ ; was bending over the chisel cu ting the end off the prongs of a fork, when a Monday > pj^^^^ ^f ^(^^1 ^^, ^^g lodgii^g in his left by Mr. Joseph Buchanan that his son, ' eyeball. It is expected that an operation Wm.. had been wounded by gunshot m, ^â- ^^^ ^^^^ (he eye, but Mr. Edmoodstoue the right shoulder. Will enlisted here ^^^^ ^ ^^^j painful experience.â€" Mirror, with the U7th Ball, and had been to , yuri„^ the severe electrical storm on France aK«ut a year. , (•Wed.iesday evening last thi? bam ou A demonstration will be held in the Andrew Noble's farm. ;?rd line, St. t»iwn hall thin afternoon, (Wfd. ) at 2.:t0 Vinoen.. was entirely deitroyed, together of those staying on the grounds, also a large tent for the purpose. Persons intending to remain should provide themselves with blankets. Provisions of all kinds will be delivered if ordered. The baker will make his regular trips to the ground. Thoi»e desiring sleeping An accident which may have serious j 4p..jrtu,e„t, j|,yu|j n^^jfy ,,3 i^foreh.and. ' swatiii of beea which was p.aLwing over the dropped on her. She fought them olf as o . .-- best .•«he cou'd and ran for tne house, but t."i. ! ' w;is iu a critical c nditioa for aeveral >> iltse ot ., ,, , V hour* from the effects ol the stiug*. Margaret fc We have a lai-ge stable for hoi-ses of those who stay ou the ctinp ground. Hay will be given to the puolic on Sun- day at noon. The proprietor of the Thorubury and Clarksburg 'bus which meets all trams at Thori. bury, h-ts agreed to ciinvey pasj^engers to the camp ground. Valise.t and band bags may be taken on board 'bus. Trunks and heavy luggage will lie delivered at e.itra charge. .\ll are taviied to attend and enjoy the meet- ings. For further particulars write to F. D (?olf, drawer 5. Clarksburg, or to G. W. Dinsmore, Box »>0, '.'larksburg. with the c\^>utents, which included loO tons of hay, grain, implements, etc. Mr. Noble s loss will be severe as the lo«,s wA but partially c ^vercd by lusuranceâ€" Meaford Mirror. J. M, McLaughlin ol 0«eu Sound has ' b«'en »pi>ointed Su:>er«i!*or of Bakeries fo:- ihi-s district under the C»i ada Food Cattle Epidemic Hound For Saleâ€" First cliws deer and fox hound bitch, 4 years olJ. Apply to Goo. Watson, Priceville. For Sale â€"Four bnH>d iows for sale, due to farrow in October. â€" H. D, McLoughry. ll.R. 4. Markdale. .•< 10 18 Ram For Sale -Exford Ram, 2 years old. Apply to S. Pedlar, Flesherton. For Sale -Cow and calf for MleJ Apply to F. G. Karstedt, Hound Came .Vstray -Large hound, ^ black and tan -Louis Teeter J^ ror his place When He Leaves to Shoulder a Gun Too must be ready to step in and till his job. The war requires the mAintenance ot efficient manufacturing aad mercaatile org«aizatioa4 at home and it is your patriotic duty to do your bit. You Must Be Trained to Be Ready Ton must be able :o do what he has done. Business mea caanot stop to train vouâ€" They Uave not timeâ€" You must be trained when you taka hold. ' We Are Ready To Train YOU The .Northern Business College with a good staff ot experienced ia- structors will teach you what you need to know â€" what to do and how to do it. The cost will be very moderate. The fees are no higher tttaa Uiey hare beec tor the past ten years. ,_ College Opens for Fall Term Sept. 2nd :: Write for Atiy Further laformatioa Vou Wish ;; Northern Business CQlleg^e C. A. FLEMING. fVncipal, OWEN SOL'ND p.m.. when a ladv from toe Department of Agriculture wid d-monstrale tho canning of fr«rt« and vegetables. All welcome. Mr. Robert Myrick and wife of Springford, Cut.. Mrs. Copcland and Mrs. J. V. S*ef)hens of Collingwood, called on ftiends her^s Fr day I vst. Mis, Myrick and Mis. Stephens were formerly Boarl. ILs dutus. on which l.e h.as the Mi.^ses Claia «nd Aggie Leitch cf already eottred, include luspeclion .f Flesherton. bikv shop-i to see th.at they are comply- lias '•"< *'''* '*'* ^'^^ regulations, aid to 1 1.,,, ropoit c*>«' of non 'Mipliaiice or other son of Wm. Clinton of Toronto, formerly ! unsatisfactory condiMons He is one of ; ,ump out the disease I a number aiboiuted ihtouiuout tne to have a uieiuuer ciuutry, and by experience of a goi d â- many years is well li'ubftcd for tie Bull For Service leistered Shorthorn bull for service _ . on lot 5. con., t> Osyrey Colliugwood ! gravel. GraHe cows *l .V». thorough- .\. Uu'cbinson. District Representative ! (jp^j, $4.t.lC.--J. A. Robertson, April^ of Asricoltuie for Simcue County, wns j 4 1918. called to Mulinur towii.shipto iuvestiKate i . â-  â€" an outbreak of a disease amongst cattle. ! __ hi? C ' r»r% When he arrived ou the scene he learned â-  tJUll rOl ^erV ILt Mr. Jo«. Clinton, received word that of Feversham, had been shell Aug. 25. He was a member of the 1th | Canadian Mounted Rifles and bad been ; iiB the tcencbes eight months. positioa. that the veterinary who had been in had diagnosed the disease -ts spinal uieiiinxi'i-'* and ihit oi^ht aiainals were dead. Mr. Butchiuscin went to Toronto to make an ottieial report to his depart- ment and to advise as to the best method to pursue to ch-'ck the outbreak and The intention is a uieiuOer pf the Provincial or Dominion veterinary service go to Mulmur in.\ reiii.'tin lu the township unlU all Uacc of the disc.we tj eliminated, ^ I Thoroughbred Duihaiii Uull for serv :ce ' ' on lot nW, W T S U. -Vrtoniesia. Terms l.oO. $3 for th-rougnlTe<?<i July IS -MARK STEWART. Pivp Bull for Ser>'ice Thoroutthbred Durham bull for service on lo< 140, T.S.R , Artemesia. Termsâ€" $l.iy> for gradei. $;< for ihocoi-.^hbreds, IJuly " -J. A. LEVEK. IV, . CANADIAN . PACIFIC WANTED More Farm Laborers ADDITIONAL EXCURSION Tuesday, Se ptember lOth, 1918 $12.00 to Winnipeg v Half cent pec mile beyoaJ ,^^~ CANADIAN PACIFIC Particulars from any Canadian Pacific Ticket Agent

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