Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 12 Sep 1918, p. 6

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1 The Tea of Teas Always Good Alike D'142 POINTS TO OBSEKVE I.N BUYLN(; FISH. Had (isli may be a very dangerous should have one toai.pooiitul of salt to Deliciously Different to the Ordinaiy. Black â€" Mixed or Natural Green } Prc'icrvcd and Sold only in Scaled Packets fooil and has Ihe faculty of produc- each (luart, and shuulil hv poured hot ing a complete knockout, of some- into the tiUed jars, allowing it to cn- . times several days' duration. In ter the spaces. Iht'BP days, when the cost oT livinjc is Put on rubber and top, adjust top hijrh, housewives are looking for bail or xi-rew to|) on with thumb and , meat that will be inexpensive, and little finder. .Sterilize 2'J minutes in J naturally think of fish, because of the hot water bath, or lU minutes under : comparative cheapness of thifi article. ; five or ten pounils' steam pressure. But wh.it may appear cheap a:^d good i Remove, tighten, seal and cool. may prove tn be very expensive if; I sickness be the result. "~ j ' Wante No Sugar In Jellies. Because of the aosence of bone and j On account of the sugar shor.tage, skin, (illets are easy to pr'ipare for . certainly no excess of sugar should be -â-  the lalde. It is not very difficult to | used in jellies. If these aie made, the â-  tell if a whole fish is fre.<h, but when! following proportions will be found ArtKui'Stanwood Pier ;^ 0«»>rlst( tlouthloB MIffllD Cunip«OT br ipecUl arrangement with Thi.i successful : For one cup of currant juice, one cup of siiKar. For one cup of srcen grape joice,;,,^,, g^jjiy g^^'p^^ ,j,y thoughts, one cup of siiffar. For one cup red raspberry juice, use (H.APTER XVIII.- (Con't tell "You'd really "I had n<.thiMg to do with the sliuot- : '^l,^''"^'^\"J^l" iiig- nothing at all." Dave, while! n..v^. i^-T.'titafn,! he wlkr I, juiced nervously Imck and ' , ^â- ' .'.' hest.tated forth across the room . "The fellow : '"^t- '^ ^i"* ««<» Sch.upfe. that did it -I ilidn'l know him very lown : >â- "". Was he one of the fellows that were with the night I s<iw you we'll. We-were l)olh of us ,„,„...â-  ,,, . . ._ , and out; he told me it would 1^ a cinch at l^o^iy Lapatka s place f<ii' u^ two, wiirking together, to dean cut into fillets it becomes much hard- er. Fillets are freciuently cut from fish that have been dead from ten to fourteen days, that is, from fish left over when all shipping orders have l)pen filled. These fillets are then soaked in annato for a long time to ' three-fourths cup of sugar, take away the bad smell, which gives For one cup of blackberry juice, u»c if you were in that yellow color which is, supposed to | three-fourths cup of sugar. be due to "smoke." For one cup of sour apple juice, use To tell the difference between a , three-fourths cup of sugar, fresh and stale fillet of fish is very i For one cup of crabapple juice, use simple. Fillets from fre^h fish may ' three-fourths cup of sugar, sometimes appear "sweaty," that is, 1 Too much sugar gives too Eilward, aged six, was sent to a . barber's shop to g«t his hair 'ut. The i Mr. Jones (dKlating a letter of in- a.ssistant who attended to him had red dignauon):~Sir. my typ:.-t. being a j,^r^_ "Would you like to have your flady, cannot take down vOiat I think ^air cut li'ue mine?" asked the barber I of you; I, being a gentleman, cannot ^^.j^j, ^ kindly smile. "No, sir." ana- even thmk it; but you, he.ng neither, ^^.^..^j Edward, "cut it some other Well." he said at soft a up some money. lie ."aid if we nick- ed .small slorts in quiei neighborhooii^ and went in late at night when the owner was closinj; up. we'd be s:ifr enough and m ivbc make some go(.d hauls. He was lo cover the fe'.low with a re\'olver and keep him scared while r~went through the liiawer; ;ind if there wa.s a safe we'd make the fellow open it. Wo thought we couM pull oflT .several mch jobs belore this town got too hot for us; and then we con!.! beat it to another place and wor1< the s.Tme c-jme there, 11 nd s() on; and .it lasi. v.e'<\ have <]uite a pile: that was the way we figured it. Of course we supposed a fellow would always throw up hi-; hands with a g-.in pointed at his herid. Rut this fellow he was the fir-»t we tried it on â€" he was reaching up to one of his shelves and had his back to us when we walked in; my partner had him covered before he turned round, and when he did, he looked right into the muzzle. And right off he l('t out a yell and ducked behinKJ the counter, and then there w«s a bang and we ran; that's the whole story as true as I'm staryling here. "It's not the whole story," said the lieutenant. "You've not told us who your partner was." "I can't do that." "Do you thijik you're under any obligation to protect a munlerer?" "I tfon't believe he really meant to kill him. I think he was just so startled when tlie feliOW let out that yell and ducked, instead of throwing up his hands like we both expected, that he got rattled aiui the gun went off kind of without his meaning it." The lieutenant sneered at the de- fense. "Anyway it'.s not your busi- ness to decide whether he meant to kill or not. What we want of you is his name." "Well, I'm not going lo give it." Dave's mouth grew sullen. "You've got all out of me now that you'll get -and it'.s enough too." moist on the .surface. They are, I jelly. Too little sugar gives a tough however, alway.s firm to the touch, are : jelly. No amount of boiling will cor- not easy to break, and will leave the rect a feiure due to wrong propor- fingers clean. Tho.se taken from tions of .sugar. If the jely fails to Then stale fish, on the contrary, are always • set, mfire juice, which will add more soft, easy to break, and when handled,; pectin, may be ad " I and a second will leave the fingers sticky. Take a* '"""l''"? may correct the mistake. This, small piece between the finger and however, will not be as satisfactory a thumb and if it leaves a sticky fee!- ' jelly as it would have been if correct- ing, that fish is not good. Then, if , 'v proportioned the first time, there ie the least sign of a green- The sugar is added hot to the juice colored streak, it is a sure sign that after it has been boiling a few min- The way Red pictured it, I thought the fish was either stale when cut "tfs. It is added hot so as not to it wuii'.dbe some e-'iciting, wandering into fillets or had since been kept too , cool down the temperature and thus round with a gun and scaring the life long. This variety of fish will keep prolong the cooking, and it is added for only a few days when put up un- "ifter the boiling has continued for a der the best conditions, and, if expos- *'ew minutes, in order not to waste the ed to air in a warm place, will quick- : sugar by frequent skimmings or by "Why didn't you look me up the next iliiy? S'ou promised to, and I might have got you a job. this '.vinild never have happened "I got full that night and they pull- ed me in. They sent me up for thirty days. I ga.e an alias so the fo'ks wouldn't know. When I got out, I f^^x^tM sl'"'''^ .Schlupfe right off, and I look- ed at things kind of different from the way I did before they put me in jail out of a fellow now and then. 1 never had the least thought it might mean murder." "Well," said Jerry, "it oughtn't to go so hard with you, now that you've confes.sed everything ;the jury will see you're innocent of the killing. The chief thing is to get a good lawyer. I'll see Mr. Trask. Of course, you'll have to make up your mind to take .â- iome punishment ly develop small white maggots. How To Can Tomato«8. Select fresh,, ripe, firm tomatoes, (irade for size, ripeness and quality. They will cook better if the same de- the chemical change resulting from long boiling with acid Swap Secrets. Oh, yes, I realize that. I wish I K'ee of ripeness and quality, and will couhl get it without having mother look better. Wash, scald cne-half to and Nora punished too." one and one-half minutes or until the "It will be a hard blow to them â€" es- skins loosen, but do not break. Scald pecially Nora, coming on top of what means to immerse in boiling water '•".Vi-i^^.V^*" "'r'""'' K. 1^'°''' <''P l^"'- <^o "<'t allow them to "He;* Wl' ;,s?di«i. It lived-"-"'" "' '^e cold w-ater. Cut out' only a couple of days." ' *^'' "'^"^ '•"^' '''V^K care not to cut "That's tough, isn't it! Poor '"'" '"e seed cells or the seed and Nora! She's drawn the short end Pu'P will later be scattered through of the stick all right." the li(iuid. Remove the skins. Then after 11 pause Uave asked: "Do Pack the tomatoes whole ii you know anything about the man that WIS killed?" i "He left a wife and four chil<lren.'- , "Un't it terril)le! Isn't it awful! Somehow I can't believe I'm mixed up "Come over and help me to-day, Mrs. Brown, and I'll be with you to- morrow. We'll get along in great the jars, doinjt one jar from the begin- ning to placing In sterlizer, before starting on another. Sh.ake down shape then." well, hitting the hase of jar with This is a very sensible way of going in anylhinp like that." ' P"'â„¢ "^ hand, and also press with a about the business of canning. Two Dave's heaii drooped and Jerry's tables,)oon, but avoid crushing. women can get along faster than one I heart went out to him more than ever. "I'll try to get lo your mother first , thing in the morning â€" before ever she j reads about it in the newspaper," he said. ".\nd now, Dave, wnat yi)U want is slcej), and I guess you'd liet- , ter have it right off. Come along,' Do not add water. Hot tomato Mrs. Brown helps Mrs. White to-day. pulp may be added, otherwise add no liquid whatever. Tomatoes are an exception lo the general rule of hot water for vegetables and hot water or hot syrup for fruits. A largo part of the tomato is water. It is To-morrow Mrs, White helps Mrs. Brown. Besides, Mrs. Brown knowns a few tips that Mrs. White does not know' and vice versa^ For instance, she knows that beets will turn dark if Hnn'rv/n''lp^..?'m,.'Mi'n!Je'''wi'!h hl'm j "''.So'jer^y conducted his friend to the ' "o^ ""'essary to add anything b^it one exposed to a strong light and also if ?<?"â- ! wli^ile' I thiiik nml.e I can '-^'H. '" which he saw him locked for level leaspoonful of salt to each quart, they are allowed to stand in the jars make him see things differently." 'h^' "ight, and then delivered to , the nad if liked, one-half tablespoonful without water _for any length of time '"All right; do what you can with 1 1''""-.'-"""'' ''^'' '"''"'"'"''"" '^"'- '"-" I'"'' "^ sugar. The tomato pulp for before being canned. Beets should him, and don't let up on him till you \ obtaine<I. , j home canning, made from large and always be prepared with expedition to have the inf(|imali<in The lieutenant and drew. Jerry stood Shcehan with- with his back CHAPTER XIX. broken tomatoes, cooked and strained, (fet^jie best results. Three days after the njurder .Schl- ' might allow th agauist the d(,or and waited in silence ; i.pfe was arrested in a town fifty «M"alibi for Schlu.pfe''aml not at'teniM *''''*'* "'' ^^' ''''"I*"''' ^"Y, ^"f" li""'''''. until the sj'ind of tlieu- footsteps on ^iles away. He stoutly declared to demolish it by cross-examination *" *" '" ensure equitable distribution the stairs had cea.scd. Then he up- ; hja innocence and clamored for an I don't say thai' this will happen; i "'"'• '" '*"' '""^'^ "^ '^""'â- ' to provide as large shipments as possible for Oversea , „,,,,,., , ,. . Control over importation and ex- Trask, who had readily c(msenled â€" "^ proached Dave, who ha 1 iinik iijxtn a chair; he pulled a chair up beside higa and .sealed himself. "How did you happeu to get caught, I>Bve?" "Just after you â- a^' m': I Irtiit it round the corner into Ninth Street jury and ran right into the cop that was' here a moment ai'o. fl.> got ni" iill confused when I tried lu tell liini where I was going, and when b-' got me here they guessed right off I'd had tonielhinK tn do with the shooting. When they told me you'd come to get will happen; ojjportunity lo confront his accuser, j only 1 don't like the look of things." Within two weeks both he and Dave ~ . Scanlan were indicted for tnuiiler. hai (To be continued.) Food Control Corner Conservaliop Measures. lo serve as counsel for Dave, was chagrined by the action of the grand He remeimbered Dave as a member of the company that he had drilled; he had liked him, and be lie- lievecl his su.ry now just as •'•ny 1h'- ! Among the measures alrea.ly taken lieved It. He had thought tha.! Mul- , . ,, ?, .,â- ,,,, , . . kern, the District Altornev, would not.' ''y th^ / "'""1" I'<««1 H"nrd lo make in Dave's ca.se, press for an indict- available larger supphes of essential mcnt on the charge of niuider. and he foodstuffs for the Allies, are the fol- listurbed lowing: Waste of food has been made an offence subjei-l to heavy penalties, and municipalities have been given ..,«->.. v»uKMt .>i7.. B.ni ,us|,ri,.-.. >â- "': possible. in me inurviCA*'s mai :, „„^..„rs in checkimr sn.-h waste and you were gudly, they'd have sue- ; Vnisk held with him, b,. was unable t.'. '" ' .""'*"' •> 'he. king .smh waste ceeded finally in bringing the <harge ^ ,.„„vin,e him of the entire credibility i ""''"y I '•"""•'•-< l>"ve been staml- home to you. And the fellow that „f Dave's story. i ardized ami the amount of essential confesses is always treated more leni- i That 'i'rask really felt apprehen- ' ingredients has been limited so as to ently than the follow that's convicted, ^ly,, nj, t„ ij,,. outcome Jerry first prevent extravagant use. nie to confess I knew the jig was up. ^ ^as both disappointed and i Somehow I hadn't thought you would \,y i\^,. grand jury's finding. It was turn agaiiis.! me." ! apparent that the prosecuting official "The chances are that as long as was <lelermineil lo gel a conviction, if ! portalion of foodstuffs is exercised in the interests of the people of Canada and the Allied Nations and has proved a valuable instrument in obtaining trade concessions and in reserving for Great liritain and her Allies products which otherwise would have gone to neutrals or even to hostile countries. Waste of food through preventable detention of cars h\s been checked and reduced to a minimum. U.se in part of substitutes for wheat flour by bakers, confectioners and public eating-places has been requir- ed. Arrangements have been made for an abundant supply, for F^astcrn, ('enlral and Western Canada, of fish That's why I wanted to talk to you: ienrned only a few days before the | Manufacture of certain products in- 1 at reasonable prices, as a substitute ell ttll .•-.., that's why I want you now to tell all trial. He asked Jei-ry if he had come â-º ou know. You didn't kill ;.he n.ati; ,,,,0,, any clues to eimnect Schlupffr sure you couldn't have done with llie crime and ciuroborale Dave's <h:iUf^ VWt the people who <lon't story. .lerry said be bad not. you ki I feel ilon't know you won't feel sure. ^'ou're not justified shielding a murderer and, moreover, yoti'll suffer for It if you do." I "But I can't split on him, Jerry . " ! "Why not? You've said you never' would have gone into this thing if you'd had any idea he might shoot. He was willing enough to put you in a hole -and it w:is a cold-hlonded mur- der; you needn't try to excuse it. You have no right to hhicM the fellow; ami besides, you'll be a fool if you do it, for it's bound to be at your own ex "My belief is," said Trask, "that the District Attorney's office will not ex- ert itself to make out a case against Schhipfe. If any evidence against him that seems to you Important comes :ito your hands, I wish you would communicate it to me as well as to Mulkern; otherwise it may not be .brought out at all."* "How is thai?" Jerry asked. "I only have suspicions. There seem to be various ramifications to volving an excessive use of sugar for meat and other foods, or fats has heeh prohibited. i â€" A very great saving of wheat has been eff<'cted by licensing and regula- tion of the traile in package cereals, dealers being required to substitute a consiilerable jiortion of other cereals for wheal in the manufacture of their products. Flour has i)eeii standardized and the milling extraction of wheat has been increased twice. C'annda is now using 7ti per cent, of the wheat herry in its standard flour. Ill cases where it has been fituni' BoBLonc UNION MADE . W. y OVERALillS SHIRTS & CLOVES penac. _ "I wouldn't want to feel that maybe lieutenants. The contractor I'd brought him to the chair," money ami influeiu'e, and he's using ".Suppofe ho shoots some one else, i^em in bp.half o( his nephew, He He probably will if he's left at liberty. g,„| Mnguire havo got Cimgressman How will yon feel 'hen? It will be M„xxvcll to defend Schlupfe. And I your fault, you knvNV. ' 'haven't much confidence that the dls- "Just Ihe ..nme, yrtli wouldn't wplit .^i.^ MtoriK^y's office \viU hiake a on hini if you weye m my pl«e*. I,ui\.),reaklnfe efToit to convict any Jeny. ' 1^, -v.: : I o^g ^hat has the. ioipport of Maxwell "! ^'ertwMy won d I'd eoxie to my «,„^ Magnin;,'; sennes might v quick. 1 ..gj (^^â- ^^\^ ^i,^. prosecution »;w ays despise • fel- [„,„„!, |„i, ,rv to discredit .Scanlan's ?""*!»•â- .'â- '„ confession.'' '•• I "Not actively, perhaps, but Iheyi the case. .Schluiife, it appears, is the nephew of a coiitrjiclor in Warvl that dealers have been holding exces- Fourteeii," who is one of Maguire's sive quantities of food commodities, H. M. Connolly & Co. STOCKS AND BONDS (MeiuherH of .Montreal Sto<'k Exchange) t05 Transportation Building, (Montreal. Main 1346 Jn»e..t » portion of your earnings each month through ottr vt •<»« PARTIAL P.WMENT PLAN ' No order too small It pfovtdes a mode of Saving, eucou^gas thrift, and thereby wealth aud IndepecdoQce. Subscribe for VIGTORY BONDS through (Ilia Plao! Do not allow .vour money to reniaiti Idle. Information on any Stock or Bonds gladly furnkahed. TTnrnrfmnTM TTTTTTTTmnn m mmTrii i m rnmrnmifmnrTTnTiinTifl E example of the tats lectlng the Williams New Scale Piano has been fol- lowed .by many of the world's most renowned musicians. This fact has caused It to be known as tb- Choice of the Great artists. Louis XV Model, $550,00 THE WILLIAMS PIANO CO., LIMITED, OSHAWA OM. Canada's Oldest and Largest Piano Makers iiimLaimcmimaTnnrraffliiiiiiiniinjTifflK^^ Ingitim's T\vo Sizesâ€" 50c and $1 has [ required Oversea, (he Food Hoard has using ' , r„„irp<| •\y. • .^ J" ' ' ,sp|il op Btiotner irt »' 'h>e li'fj !hi ic<|uirp<l the sale of such excess. I Public eating-placps have been re- ' gulaieti in regard to the use of cer- tain essential foods. The re.sultnnt saving of meat, wheat, and dairy ^ products for ahipmcnt Oversea has ' i>^n larSe". | Hoarding of sugar or flour has been made an olTence subject to heavy tine or imprisonment . The amounts which may be held in private house- , -r.o.i.ONO»co. You are young but once, buC you can be youthful always if you care for your complexion properly. Dailyuseof Ingram's Milkweed Cream v^re vents blemishes, overcomes pimples and othei- eruptions. Since 1885 its distinctive therapeutic quality has been giving health totheskinandyouthfulcolorto the complexion. It keeps your skin toned up, soft and clean. The refined way to banish oilinesa and shininess of nose and forehead induced by perspiration, is to apply a light F. F. tngvam Co., touch of Ingram's Velveola Souveraine Face Powder. 50c. Italsoconcealsthcminorblem- ishes. IncUuk'd in the complete line of Ingram's toilet products at your druggist's is Ingrarn's Zodcnta for the teeth. 25c. A Picture with Each Purchase Rach Umc you buy a packai;* of Inxram'a Toilet Aids or Perfume your drug{(ist will give you, without charga, â-  Urge portrait of • world- famed motion picture actress. Each time you get a different portrait so you make a collection for your home. Ask your drug^st. Windior Ontario

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