Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 12 Sep 1918, p. 8

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September 12 1918 THE FLESH ERrON ADVANCE asE NOTICE TO UNITED STATES CBTIZENS IN CANADA. By the United States Military Service Con- vention Regulations, approved by the Gover- nor-in-Council on 20th August, 1918, MALE CITIZENS OF THE UNITED STATES IN CANADA, WITHIN THE AGES for the time being SPECIFIBD BY THE LAWS OF THE UNITED STATES prescribing com- pulsory military service, except those who have diplomatic exemption, ARE MADE SUBJECT AND LIABLE TO MILITARY SERVICE IN CANADA, AND BECOME ENTITLED TO EXEMPTION OR DIS- CHARGE THEREFROM, UNDER THE CANADIAN LAWS AND REGULATIONS. The regulations governing this liability<i^re published in the Canada Gazette (.Extra; of 21st August, 1918: copy whereof may be obtained upon application through the post to the Director of the Military Service Branch of the Department of Justice at Ottawa. UNITED STATES CITIZENS of the description aforesaid who were IN CANADA ON 30th JULY, 1918, HAVE SIXTY DAYS FROM THAT DATE within which TO EXERCISE AN OPTION TO ENLIST or enroll IN THE FORCES OF THE UNITe5 STATES, or TO RETURN to the United States; and THOSE WHO for any reason SUBSEQUENTLY BECOME LIABLE TO MILITARY SERVICE IN CANADA HAVE THIRTY DAYS FROM THE DATE of the accruing OF SUCH LIABILITY within which to e.xercise the like option. It is stipulated by the Convention also that certificates of diplomatic exemption may be granted within the optional periods aforesaid. EVERY CITIZEN OF THE UNITED STATES TO WHOM THE REGULATIONS APPLY is required to REPORT TO THE REGIS- TRAR under the Military Service Act, 1917, FOR THE province or DISTRICT WITHIN WHICH he is, in the manner by the regulations prescribed, WITHIN TEN DAYS AFTER THE EXPIRY OF HIS OPTIONAL PERIOD and will be SUBJECT TO PENALTIES IF without reasonable excuse HE FAIL SO TO REPORT. For the information of those whom it may concern Sections 3 and 4 defining the requirements of registration, with which it will be necessary strictly to comply, are set out substantially as follows: â€" REGULATIONS â-  7 ,'{. FAKHY MALI-; (Tl'IZllN' OF THl'l IN IT Kip ST.\TKS W 1111 IN THK ACKS fur the tim.' In-iiin .•^1>K( 'I I'l KD IN THK l..\WS of the INITKI) STA'IKS iin'sciihiuK (â- (impiil.^ory iriililary service, nut inehidiii^ tli()*c who have (lii)!()m:itie exeiiii)ti(>H. WriH- 1\ TK\ DAYS AFTKl! THK FXI'lllV ol" THK TIMK I,lMlTi;i) HV rili: ( O.WKX- TION within whieli the G(»vernuir>nt <'f the Kiiited States may issue liim a certificiite of (iipiomatic eNeniptimi. SHALL TIU'LV KK-' FORT TO THK KlKilSTHAH liV liKGIS- TKHKD POST, and in writiiiK which is plainly legible, his name in full, his oei iipation jiml the (late of his hirtli: st.ilin)!; alsu whelher he is single, married or a widower; and if the latter, wiiether lie has a iliild livinti'. ais.i if married, the dale df Ids marriajre; and statin(j moreover his place of residence and usual post office address in {.'anada; and. if he reside within a eity or place where the streets and dwellinRs nre nanie<l and niunbered, the iKime and number of his str<>et and dwelling; or if he reside in another place, tlii' lot and concession niunher, section, township, rantje, and nieri- diaii, or other definite description whereby his place of residence may tic located, huviiiii regard to thi' custom of tiie iociilil v in which he lives: and II' WITIIorT I! I -.ASO.V AHLK KXcrsK UK m:(;lk( '1" oii i'ail to KLin)l{'r IX THE MANXKR and with the particulars aforesaid within the Uinc 'iimitf<l as aforesaid, HK SHALL Bl*: Cril^TY OK AN OFKENCK, AND SHALL BK LIAHl.K rroN sr.MMAUY CONVICITON to a IMiialtvuot i:\('KKI)IN(l FTVK HKNDHKD DOLLARS, AND TO ].M1'U1S(^NMK\T for anv term not exeeedinsi; six months, ami moicover lie shall incur A IMONALTV OI" .'SIO.UO FOK KAC'H DAY after the time when or within which he should have rejj;istere<l during \vhi<di he siiall ointinue to be uiuenis- tered. 1. KVKMV KNITKD STATKS (TTIZKX WHO HAS DIPLOMATIC FNKMPTION, .althiHiirh not otJK rwi.x' sul'iecl to llusc rc-iulatioiis SHALL WITIIIX' TKN DAYS after the i;rnntinn of the same trulv HFIPORT TO Till'; lilXilSTUAH, in like inanner and with the same particulars as rcciuired by the last preceding section: and in addition he shall embody in his report a true and complete statement of the particulars of his eertilicatc of •dipl<iinatic exemption. NK(!I,1'X'T OK I'".\l LI H 10 without reasonable excuse to coni|il\ with the re()uirciuriils of this si'ction SHALL (•OXSTI'ITI'K AX OKFKXCK ITXISII- .\HLf: IX THK MANNKK AND HV Till. I'K.X.\L'l'n\S provided ill the la,-l pi-ecediie^ sectiini. ISSUED BY THE DEPARTWiENY OF JUSTICE, WJLITARY EEKVICE BRANCH. TO win this war every ounce of the strength of each of the allied nations must be put forth to meet the organized, trained and disciplined efficiency of the Central â-ºPowers â€"that gigantic, ruthless force which is the result of fifty years of planning and preparation. And every ounce oi every allied nation's strength is in the hands and brains and hearts of the individuals of each nation, because they are free peoples. Now the individuals of each nation must live as well as fight, therefore a proportion of the effort and material ofeach nation must be diverted from war purposes to living necessities, So the less each individual takes for himself or herself for personal use the more effort will there be left for fighting and winning the war. Every cent you spend represents that much effort be- cause somebody must do something for you in order to earn that centâ€" somebody's effort must be given to yoy instead of to the war. Therefore the less you spendâ€" the kss of somebody's effort you take for your individual useâ€" the more will you leave in the national surplus for war effort. The war can be won only by the surplus strength of the allied nations.' The money each individual saves represents that surplus strength. So the truly loyal Canadian will use less, spend less, and save more, to help to win the war. Published under the Authority of The Minister of Finance ol Canada. BUSINESSCARDS Farm to Sell or Rent SOCIETMiS PBINCH AllTHUll l-ODOi:, No. :0), A K.A .\ M, uieeta iu tlit Unsoiiic li«n. .\xm Uoiis'8 Hl'jck l-l»>»liurlon, ovliv Krirlrtv on hefoio tb» full luoca. T. Itenrjr, W. .M. U. W. HIckliug. bucreMry, • 'HOBEN KKIK.NIJS KlenLortim t'U'mii ll.oMU Friuict* :il4 uiteiK in Clavt-irn H» Cift m <1 Haul WiilnifcUv II' tmh nioiiili , Hi'.iii. lev »»i<i fniculii to lUcoiil.i i.ii ii t» fori ! lit- lirnt (iBV lit oilIi iiiijiitl). C'hle roUEcillor, W. li. Ituut; Ktcoider, Wiit. \...\ \ Fli-lier. Dentistry Ur B. C MURRAY U 0. H , rteiiUl "urBuoo li'norxra.luBto <>t Torouto Uiiivuniitv auJ h&y»l «'olle|(u ol Dental SurBediis of Oiiturio, Gas adujiatnUtured for teeth oXtrnction tUo« at rtxldeuue, Toronto litruet, FlBiiii«rtoii Medical I f OTTKWKI-L f Veterinary Surgeon Jraduale '.( Outarto Veterinary <'oll'«e reni'lei.ou â€" lecoinl door nouth weet.ou kary iitreet. TliU itreet raai outli fresbyteriaQ Chnrota. L.i K). Ciir (i, .\rteMii'8ii, oe'itaiiiiiii; 100 HC'VH, HOucruK uloiired mid uiulor â- ^U'k\ cullivullnil, ({ooil llnlLSO iiinl Imn ,iiii| vmiU;' (irclliri). Knr iiiiluulirs ;i,,,.ly t,. -M VUTIN PIllLLll'S il'iuk Miih I' II Farm For Sale I.il.l^^c'). lit, Proton, CJiiliiinin^ 121) iifiifJi,-:- 111' V firm, ni>4ty clonred, ^ lOil liihl* 1)11111 and iliivil'K shed ; Irmn • .1 vi'l iiij, yoiin!! mchmd ; lliii'i! ».-1Ih mid csitfrn. N'uhI Iij miM mi ^i,-,; 111. it of ill liiidlli. A liiinitiii for M.iii. o,,., <iKO. iHTK.^SDKU II n 1 I'lMliMi l"i;t For Sale in Eugenia On k vuiiocl Imuse ,inl liil, jfH.iO, ii«:.\l III Miiii-ihaw liiilrl. Kor iiif.ifmitiim lot'.T to Mr. diiit Willi.itiis, Kiu'iniiii. oi- -M. Ii. IJKI.U. ;!iJl KHrwoil Uliick Djtn.it., Mich. ll Legal , UCAH, KANEY 4 hKNUY-H«rr[Mer« l' tiolioltom.eic.-I. H. I.iiciKi, h. ( .: W. h llaney. Xor»nlo, K. I". ; W. I). Henry, H. A .... Vooil Tiailorn Hank' llli . naiu Hl-2, .MarkilaWi I.ucai Jllock. Phono i A. Il-lg., . Ph (>mc:ii, |ihoiic maiu I1J-, .ii«ii»ui>i" â- *Mv»i, ...i.,-", UrMMili oUlc* at Uuudalk oixu avery baturaav WBianT. 'ii'.i.Konn * modonald Harriitcr, Hollcltorn, Ac. (Illlcoit. (Iri'V ft Hrii<:« Hioek.ilworj Sonii'l. Hlaiulard lUiik Hlock Kle»lii-rtim,IHatiir(la)i.). W.H. WrIuht, W. I". I'eUoiJ Jr. J. V. Mcl)ou«l), 1.. U H. M Business Cards i oui-iA)UOH A yoi;nq bankirii Markilale Oenarai hunklnii hiralnuM. Money loaned at reaaoDkble I ate* Call ou as. DMnrHAU., Mcenaad Auollouee lor thr • Countyol Oroy. Toriun in<>il..r«te mil ,»•»!-. nri:. II liimianteed. Tlio ariaiir;oni«'nt« ,., ,• I .alcBcan heiiiailnitThK Ai)V»n:b i«nceaud F.o., fiyloui 'i;vl"l'''."",L , , , . Dec. u. IT Farm For Sale I,. I ItlO, \V r S R ArleiiH'fi'S ooii- liiiiiiiiU l'"l iiciei ; >.VMi.l frHimi biiiii itnd iliiviiii{ hIh-.I. »lirc|)'iniil p^' pMi, frftii) limiMJ »iid Hindi oivlimd ; I'.uni w.dl w il.M'l ami f.Mii-.'d. Fill iiiiriicniHH ,,,,,,ly to .MAKK .Si'KA'AUT I.July IH \ Farm For Sale ' Lu liil, '.i.id iiinije E. T. S.."U., AiU'MU'HiA, tii.ilniiiiii« KW rt<!i>'S. Gimd l.uiMiiu*, well iVnicil nnil wnlcreil 1 V hydniulio in hmi'* > ^<iid liiiili, f-in:t'l i.ii-lmrd. Toriiis I'l Hiiit pmchiiin'. Apply III -.|(»HNPi;nLAIl. ()(,i 1 Flojlierioii v. O. Ihi' itW liflialilo FONTHILL NURSERIES Tliousttuds ol'Krcliuid tirt'S nn.il fO|)liiciiii;. Wur ^iiuk'iis cull l'm'.=iimll I'liiii,'; early bearing fiiiit ticcji, nsparagus, rliiibnrb plants, ote . The deiiiu'.d for onuuniiital look ill towns- and villni;i's is lar^e. Hucnic a paying Agency with liberal ciiiuiuidBiniiH, cxpcricncu not necessary. Stone. & Wellington The Ponthill Nurseries. (I'Nlul.li.sliud \M7.) TORONTO - ONTARIO ^heep Strayed Tim invo< fiiiiii iiiy pi«'iiiii-ea ml .Inly llili, one yoiirliiiK, oni! owu niiil Itmli. Any iiiforniHlliin in to thfir wliei-o.\bouts will l.'tf ilmilifiilly lectMviil. -imHT. SWAN TON, 1'2 n IS Fh'i*herti>n 1' O New Writing Implement. A wrltlni,' ImpliMiHiit, composed of B onllturo of wax inul llnoly Ki'oumI puinlofi stono, containing particles of Ink lins boen Invcntod by William C. Geer of AUron, C to hila' the place of ordinary and fomitaln pens, cray- ons nlifl nil other writing iniplenionts, says the ropular Scicnco M>)ntldy. As the body of the new writing dcTice Is composed of a iiilxturo of wnx and pumice stono, which is easily worn away when nil)lied aKalift n paper surface, the Inventor diiim.s that the cells of ink iiilennlxed with the wax and pumice stono will also be liber- ated, «lvlng a uniform .-iupply of ink. The device Is made by inixiiii,' the wax, pumice stone and Ink togilher. When It Is heated to the proper tem- perature It Is suddenly Iniiiierseil in cold water. Tlii.s chills and soliihhcs the wax mixture, prodmiiii; a body having a eelllilar structure, each cell being tilled with ink. Columbia Grafonolas For Service lino pure nred Shorlhuin I'nll on !•) ,'i'i, iMii. 'â- >, AitiMiiisia. 'i'oniii Sl.aOfor ;«rHiles. Muni he puid within it mouths .ffiiai ditti) of Nt'.rviee. 1 J»ii. r». -II. O.TUIINER. I J ii»ii They're Changing Shoes Again. While there Is talk of using shark skin for shoo leather, the nianufactar- er« who have to turn oat shoes with the material already at hantl nre re- BortiiiK to iutfenious ecoaoinie.s. Shoes ar«n"t goinc to look the s-.uw, accord- ing to n writer In the Boston Tost, In touch with the bi>j shoe inanufacturInK districts In Massachu.^etts. TonKucs will be left oft pumps to gave leather, heels will he low to save fiber board, with a small base to save leather, sock UnliiKs will he abbreviat- ed, lliiiuKS will bo skeletonized and vamps may be cut off. It is said that some of the economies proposed nniaze even the fellows who have a reputation of •'sklnninK shoes" durlug times other than lu war. Find New Lakes and Rivers. Chains of lakes hitherto unmapped and rivers equally unknown wore traversed In the interior of Labrador by the exploring parties of represent- atives of the National Geographic so- ciety and the Carnegie nniseuin, Pitts- burgh, which arrived at St. .Tohns, N. P., recently. The journey covered about 750 miles over a route never before trav- eled by white men and was made more dlfflcult by the fact that the live Indians who were taken along as guides proved to be iinfamiliar with the country. The party Included K. B. O. Todd, curator of ornltholojty In the Carne- gie museum ; O. J. Murie, orator of mammals in the same institution, and Alfred Marshall of Chicago. They left .Seven Islands* bay on the north side of the Gulf of St. Law- rence, about the end of May and trav- eled north by canoe and portages, reaching Fort Chlmo, near Urgava bay, August 22. In addition to map- ping the country, they studied the nat- ural history. Mr. Todd said the existing maps of n large district were found to be very Inaccurate, and altogether inls- leading, having been made by guess- work from Informntlon supplied bjr Indians. jColumbia Records I I -FOK SALK BY- W. A. Armstrong: â- ) EWEI.LEU. FLKSHKUTU.N Farm For Sale I HolstciiJ ttnll For Service K«rra ll;(i.;> ' 4J.LI ' Oil. '. \ir:i';(i lceiis*<1 Aiiotlonoar fm of llrey aiil Slmt'o salea a specialty. Toi m* , ....^.-miteiiil. AiraiJii" , „t the' .\iU-i>rici» f.rii tevemhtti" •f i>J'•<WJ^-â- Ml|^ oJ« ••• Ju"''i>l*u'. Out. Lot" Clin 12. fsuii'P. i'''' i>«i>--H, I A lli.ii.in,-iii!ru.l lb Nki » ;â-  u I 1 -.â- iVKie.m .!;uy-;,.«red, iVaaJ 'â-  -„;;-;^. ^j lii^^l^tiVt^-^: ::i^.^:^.\^;SVI"^.»l;v li'UM', HUiall orflhurd, firm woll wit.>'ru<l, pr..p.>rly of the Ula Thoiniis I'anl For pitliculiirs npp'y to „ , -HaTTIK WALKAt^K, Flushaitun oly r(l;vt"l t.i »iii' wmM'^ rVi'iiimm it-p'tiind amv. Ttir.iiH' »l,">ai -(5.00 fur pure bri'd*. t ' K,K&,9on, Good in All Things. "r\i- rmiiiil oiu' v\ay to >:i't some pleiisure out of llie .strike," said ii phll- OSOplllT. "Tell us," yelled the crowd. "I'm spending all the car lures ] save ftir clKar.s." Bed Is Useless. Old Mrs. Slypuss suffered from rheumatism, and went to bed about four times a year, when neighbors used to take her little drops of whisky to do her good. Recently she went to bed as usual, but the expected whisky wasn't forth- coming, ami the second day .she was found hard at work at the wash- ! tub. 1 "I.nwks-n mercy !" cried hei next- I door neighbor, "up already?" I "Yes, V%s. nroHii." was the tart re- ; ply. "You see, whisky's loo dear these I days, so it was useless stoppln' In I bed." ..^, .„,.,_,.. Clubbing Rates riu' .\dvftnce has no extensive clubbin(; list this fall, most of the papers b«)iu({ supplw'ii at regular rates. Followinij .tro some prieci : The AdvRiiue S 1 0) (ilolio 4.tKI Mid 4.00 I'he VWalil and Ailvancu. ». 4.75 News nnJ Advauoo. ,.. 3,75 Star and Advaneo 3.75 Youth'.s Coaipunion . ^ 2.36 Family Herald 51 2 i Shrlbunio dealer.'* hsve received two j c^r louls of nut coal, : The Mitrkdnle Stand.ird' ha.s entered on it.s tliil'y ciKh'li yv'T i.f ;iuhlicatioa. t f*»ESiv.f i

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