Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 19 Sep 1918, p. 1

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"TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR" - •PRIIs'CIPLES NOT ME.N' Vol. 3R, Xo. 17 Pesherton, Ont., S(>pteiriber I G, I'.n^ t . DUNDALK Mr. T. D. Mclntyre received a severe blow on the leg on Wednesday of last »yee!t while belpini; in the harvest tield at Walter (Jaraon's farm near the village. The horses were stuck at a ditch with a heavy load of grain. T. D. wis stand'ng close behind the team when a tug broke springiiiK the whitlle tree a^iiin.'it his lee with full force He is limpiusj around with the help of a cane and ia thankful the leg is not broken. Rev. Mr. Sinden whUu helping Lauchie Mt<^uarrie of Shriijlcy at the hiirveat last Week got a fall backwards from the top ot a load of giain to the barn Hoor narrowly escaping a broken neck. He is a heavy man and the shock of the fall was severe. The back of his neck was badly injured. To add to his misfortune while Mrs. Sinden was dressins the injured uart on Sunday morniu!* Mr. S. fainted aiid fell olf I he chair as>aiust a coal oil stove and was bjirne"! nuite badly on the neck and shoulder, the pain of which brought him out of the faincin^' spell. It is hoped he may soon recover ironi his d<ub!e mishap and be able to resume his pastoral duties 3<;ain. ROCK MILLS Threshing i.s th^ order of the d;iy. Mr. and Mis.Park of Allenpark visited recently with the former's uncle, .iames Park. Frank Belts returr.ed home Monday, after spendiuc; a week with ftiends in Bowmanville. Poarl Poiteous i.-; visiting this week with her brother, .\rthur, of Osprev. Mrs. George Kewell and son George, and Mr. and Mrs. McCoskery, and Will liumer, motored over from Durham and visited with the former's son, Charles Newell. â- lames Park is spending a few days wi'h friends iu Owen Sound. Mrs. Lewis Pedlar visited reeenily with friends in Toronto. Annie i-.nd Edith Betts attended the fair at Owen Sound last week. Mrs. Robert Phillips and son, Albert, arc visiting with her father, R. Hoy. Mrs. George Park and children of Owen Sound )u:e visiting at preseut with friends in this vicinity. VANDELEUR Mrs. K. Baker is attending the siok bed of her uuther, Mrs. Stafford, near Kimberley. Quite a number from this place took ill the Toronto exhibition. Mr. and Mrs. Will Hutch iuson.aeconi panieil by Miss Violet Gilbert of Kim- berley, motored to the city week before last and took in the exhibition and aUo visited friends while there. tleorize Pritchard received the sad news recently that his nephew, Pie. Harry Sikvx, had been killd in action. Harry w->s well and favorably known here and his death is much regretted. Mis« .Jean Wright is engaged to teach Lilly Oak school for the ensuing year and commenced her duties on Sept. o. We wish her success. Mr. Broughton of Corbetton visited his uncle, George Shannon, recently. KIMBERLEY Attend Flesherton Fair Sept. 2ti, 27. Go to Flesherton Fair Sept. 26, 27. Mrs. Wilson, of the valley road north received a cablegram on Wednesdny evening last stating that h»i son, Wes'ley had been killed in action. Wes went overseas with a Western Rattalion. Mrs. Wilson and fimily have the sympathy of the whole neighborhood in thi.s their sad hour of ber«»veinent. Miss Beatrice Stuart, of Powassan, is hol.daying with her grandparents in our buru. Mr. Win. Kiiwcett lost a valuable- call oue day last week from acute indigestion. I Messrs Andrew Fawoett, Daltoii 1 Ferguson, Edward Sloan, .John Wickeu^, Stanley Lawrence and Russell K'li.'^ attended the Toronto Ex. Sneak thieves st.le f>'Ur tine Viueks belonging to T'los. Camack from his farm on the valley road north one night lecently. Ko wild animal could have entered the pen :is Tbos. bad it securely fastened. We'll have to s?ct a detective in this part for a couple of months. We are sorry to report Mrs. John Stafford, sr. , very low at present with but small hopes of recovery. Inspector Huff, of Meaford, paid our school an ottieial visit on Wednesday last. Miss Oell Wilson and Rachael Hutcli- iij.sou left for Toronto on Monday to attend the Njrmal school. Mrs. Stephen Burritt and doiihtpr. KJna. visiteit with Mrs. David tirahaui, of Vandeleur, ou Saturday la.st. Mr. Thomas Aborcrombie. \n old respected resident of our burg is very low at present. Wtlliii'^t .11 Fawcetl made a business trip to Markdale one day last week. Mr. ')rr, of Flesherton visited at, George Hu'.chinson's recently. TRYON Too Late Last Week Go to Flesherton fair Sept. 2t>, 27. School opened with the same teacher ill charge, MLss E. B. Gilmer of George- town. 1-". Thonjp.son and wife, Mrs. A. F'nd- lay and Mrs S. McArthur spent a few days at the exhibition. Wotd has been received by F. BarUr that his brother, Wilbeit, has been killed in action. Ed. York, wife and babe, and Tom Maxwell and family of Parry Sound, spent a few days at E. C. Pedlar's. Some of our young men were out wht'cliug ou S.iturday night when two of them colluU'd, damaging theui.selves and the wheels considerably. Cut out the nii^ht riding, boys, until the moon shines brighter. Tliis community joins in expressing its profound sympathy with Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Smith of the 10th line in the death of their beloved sou, Neil, who has been killed in France. Miss Irene McAllister of CoUingwood is visiting Mrs. James Sullivan. We are surry to learn that Miss Jeasie Cameron is on the 'ick list, but hope she will soon be around again. Passes Away At 100 Years of Age Mrs. Siisaiini C.db.'ck, wlio rounded out. her conlury of bteon .July the 12- h last, passed calmly away at !h>* homj of h-T dauahter, Mr?. George Swanton, near this village, on Tu.-sdav evening, of last woL'k. Duly last .>nly 12. on the- anniversary i f lier birthday, The AJvance had the p^ea-sure of laking this reniatk- ablc old lady for «,n auCo vide and was asroni.shed at the vigor she cisplived ou that occasion. S'ic was b'- 'I's C''Untr, liola'id, and Cir.e o C inada willi her liu*bar.d in 1S40 They were aiiiotisj the very lirst settlers in .A.vteinesi:i. township. Besides hit d lUghtcr she leaves one Bitter, Mrs R cbanl Whitta- ker, who lives wi'hhei son, Rtc'iard, on toe ^r,;iiie line, and who is only two j-eiU'S younger I hun her deceased sister. The fu ier»l took place on Friday afternoon to Flesherton jemetery, and was atlBiided by a largj number of friend* and relatives. Beautiful Horal offerings were given a* follows . Sprays by Mr. ^nd Mrs. John Davis, Mrs. W. Sw.inton. great grand- children, the ii;is;libors, .Mr. aiul Mrs W. McLoughry, Mr. ii.d Mis. Loueks, Mrs. Hickliug ai.d Mrs. Moore : Shea' uf Wheat by Garnet Davis, ht't Lj'eit granJcliild. CEYLON Attend Flesherton Fair Sept. 20, 27 Miss Eva Ludlow, who has been vi.iting for several weeks with her aunt. Miss Kale Baxter, has returucd to her home in Hamilton. Misses Clara and Malnjl Gilchrist attended the t)wen Sound fair and visited friends there. W. J. Cook and wife and Miss Jennie, and Mr. and Mrs. Will McFadden and bane, of Wilder's Lake, visited at R. Cook's Ust week. D. Wideman and wife, who have been viailing with relatives at Klniwood, have returned. I (Mei'vin Muir uf Dundalk visited at I). Muir'a last week. ' J, Cu:nniiiis has mo Ned iuto the house lately vacated by W. W'hyle. Maud Hemphill has returnee) from a ' Iwo weiks' visit with Toronto relatives. Mrs. Archie Stewait and babe left on Monday to visit Toronto friends. Jotin Whittaker and family of Durham visited hi^ p.Mentshere ou Saturday. Mt8. John Melift has leturocd from visiting her son iu Toronto. FEVERSHAM Go to Flesherton Fair Seut. 26, 27- The ra'u which has fallen for the last few days has made i< bad for a few of the farmers who have not quiti' finished harvest . Miss Etlie and Mrs. Will Co!<iuette of Port McXicoll are visiting with Mr. H. Alexander and family and ither friends tor a few d»ys. ] R. D. Coli[uette. wife and babe, of Winnipeg, spent the past week with the firaier's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. D- Co!<iuette. .Mrs. T. W. >'uliAU is vis-ting with her daughter, Mrs Louis Pedlar, at Rock Mills. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Colquette motored over to Port McNic dl last week »nd visited with their noii, Will. We are sorry to report that little Boalria* Cuuu has had to undergo an pp«rati.>u for apcndioitis. George l£lli9 and -S.im Ottewell spent week end with friends in C:-llingwood. Mrs Julian ajd .Mrs. Carley of Map.'e are the guesta of Mrs. George Juliau. FOODCONTROILER SMS> Thecrop of raw sugvr in Culia turned out to be ."iOO.DOO tons short of the estimates upon which the original allot- ments of sugar to the .\llied countries, inchriitig Cmada and the l-'uiied States, were cilculated. F.fty thousand tius were sunk by submarines off the .\meri- can coast. The Lou.'siana cane crop and the American beet sug^r crop were aliKo disappointing. The sii.;ar^ beet sectii-n of norilitfin France was overrun by the Gornmis, and the su.iar beet section of northern Italy was overran by the Austriai.s in their spring <iHVn.sivi>. Con- sciiueiilly ihe world is short of sug.>r. Hon. George S. Henry, Minister of Agriculture f-ir Ontario, reporls an increased area of 260,000 acres over 1»17. The spiing wheat crop was more than doubled with a yield of 22 7 bushels lo the acre, tho highest in the hislj.'y i f the pi evince. A total ,.f 127,iX)0,00O bushels of oats was raised in Oiitaiio. The consumption of .\llairic lish iu Ontario fos the nrst six in .iitlis of 1!>18 wa< .")00 per cent, over that of last yeir. In the western provinces tho consump- tion of P;ici lie ti.-h has a'so bfCH vastly iacieasid since the war, but Can.adiau tish c.'nsumption is still far shoit of the one pound per week staiidind rec-in- inendeil by the Canada Food Boaid in order to conserve meat supplies. EUGENIA iJo to Flesherton fall fair Sept. 2'), 27. Mrs. .\. Smith and daughter.Georgina, have gone to viait fribnds iu Bud'alo, Toronto and other places. , The \V. I. meeting ac ihe«l)ome of the .M'sses Jamiason was a grand success- The next meeting will be hold at the home of Mis. X. Tu' liy on Friday, Oct. 4. Anycne wishing to knit fo) Uie ijldieis cJii getyiiru from Mrs. Park. .Mrs, Tuohy or Katie Jamiesuu. Thoma.s Maxwell of Parry Sound, with iiL-j diughtet and her husband, \ isited his cousin, 5Irs. Parliament. Mrs. Fo,^g ha.s rttunud lo Toiosito alter an txteiided visit wiih her brother, K.. Park. Mrs. Park has gone with her for a Couple of weeks' visu wiih frieuds. Mias Campbell of Kimberley a-C'aipa- u:ed Miss Etta Latimer homo . o ACek end. .losie and Eni Wnlianis h-ive taken positions iu Toronto. Lewis Genoe has purchased a new car. Miss iiVelsl; of Blmtyre speni the week end with het friend, Mi»s Eva Jauiiesjo. -'Word was received here lai>t weeK that Pte. Wesley WiIrdu of Kimberley had made the supreme sacrifice in France. We.s. was one of. Eugeni.>'s bright. i.;lel ilgent young men and highly esteemed in the couimuniiy, and much sympathy io extended to the bere.ived f.uuiiy. The memorial service wi I be held at Kim- berley on Sunday, Sept. 22, at 7 p iii. Wilfred Magee is receiving conyiatu- lalious oil his marri.aga on Sept. (> lo I.uuie Hysiop, daughter of Mr. i-jd Mrs. Wm. HLslop. We wi.«h the ycui' » couple a happy and prosperous life. Miss Elsie Williams of 'I'oronto i., visiting relatiyes here. Mr. and Mrs John Fenwick and Mr' and Mrs. David Parliament of P-iis!ey spent the week with relatives here. Inspector Huff visited our school. Wes. Latimer has gone to Nor'h Bay to attend Normal. There will not be any service in the Methodist church next Sunday uwin^ to luistioi/e auniveisary services. Don't torgot the anniversary service hero at Thanksgiving, Oof . 13. A pro- siraiii is being prepared for Oct. 14. Rilly Sunday will be Sept. 2!'. Mrs. Eagle will address the school. Six hundred people assembled on &»turday afteru' on to witness the re» opening of the old Temple of the Children of i'eaoe, located at Sharon villngo.and which xyis recently purchased by the York Pioneer and Historical Society AS a museum for ibe preservation of articles of hislotical value to the :u)uu'y. Neatly all the Rp-.>aker« and many of the old tuners of East Gwillini- bury Township paid tributes to the religious iiccl founded by David Willson a hundred years a;;o, and bonofoJ tho old temple, which k;>s virtually hewu out of the fore&t«> during tho vMAtors of 1825 U) 18:W by WilUou -uui his (ollowers Bates Burial Co. BLSINESt^ AS t'STAL Funeral Directors and Embalmers Phone Hillcrest 268' 124 x\venue Rd. Toronto, Ont. MOTOR EQUIPMENT J. W. Bates, R. Maddocka, Pres. Manager. A tragic, accident occurred in biapt township when Wesley Kjbinsoii, aged about 28 years, was killed instantly a-< a result of being caught by the belt of a ditching machine. l>eceascd wa-: a popular youns? fellow and unmarried. While motoring to Toron'o one Sunday recently E. H. Nichol and family rf Creeinoro tipsel his car in the ditch at Lavender. Tho cop and windshield »i'-e smashed but noue of^ the occupants were .seriously hurt. The car was put oo the road -igain and the party went on to Toronto without further mishap. Faim For Sale By Tender Sealed tenders, addressed to Alexaiuier Cameron, Eu«enia, Ont., or to William A. Benson, Maxwell, Ont., wi 1 be received up to 12 o'clock noon, on Satur- day ihe Fifth day of l>ctober IDIS. lor i"io purchase of the following laud , uamely : Lot number Thirty seven in the Ninth Concession of ihj Township of iV'tcni'-sia iu the Couu'y of Grey, containing one hundred acre<>, be the saiue more or less. I'pon the premises are said to be a brick veneered house conlainiiisj ei.:ht rooms, a frame b<»ru 42 x tit) with stone foundation and stabling underneath, aNo a frame pg pen and hay shed. There is about an acre of orchard lU the preiniH'». •llso a good, diiUi'd well. Tne pr.)perly is situated about three miles from Eugenii. and one half mile from .school. There is also a telephone and rural mail delivery. TERMS :â€" Twenty per cent, of the purchase ino»cv lo be p<»id upon the acceptance of the tender, and the balance in three months with inteiest at hve per cent. The highest or any teudoi not necees- arily accepted. j Dnted this UUh day of September, 1018 j WRIvJHT, TELFORD & BARLt.>W . Solicitors for Alexander Cameron and ' William K. Benson, Executors of the ^ Will of J^. W, Benson, deceased. STOCK FOR bALE I have at present for i]utck sale 2 York.shire sows, some youn? cross-bred p-gs just ready tu wtmi, I Rouen drake, 1 15.1 rred Rook rooster. Prices right. Phone <T wriie. â€"GEO. W. ROSS. Osprey Tel. System . Maxwell, P.O. Jewelery ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES A Splendid Stock from which you may readily make A Satisfactory sel- ection. We carry Photo Supplies. W. A. Armstrong Jeweler FLESHERTON, - ONT. Auto Tires & Tubes We cury in stock a com'j'lete line of Goodyear and Dominion Auto Tires znd Tubes and have iv 'lesitacsy whatever in saying that they are the best ou the market todax They are tioes that yield from puncture and blowout â€" â-  keeping wi h any car. I'lie. well balanced couslru. measure of mileage â€" a mileage tiree right along- To help you get every mile i >ssible from those tires â€" we back up their in-buiit goodness with a delinite. pcrsnnaltire service. Our interest in the tires we sell merely begins with the sale â€" tha interest ends only when we havs lielped you t ) extract from your tire the Ust mile of usefulness. Goodyear and Dimiinion Tires and the service we are pledged to give ate differentâ€" and bejter. Prove this for yourself. We will be glad to have you call at auy t-iiie and let u.s explain tha details uf our gersoaal tire service.* •;ter service â€" that have greater ireedoia y are attractive ir: appearance and in n and thick, tough iread insure a full . tained consistently by users uf these McTAVISH'S GARAGE, Flesherton -m 1% % I i ' -»â- â€" -^ •-.â- â-  GO TO W. L. W R [ G H T I For your Supplies of FLOUR AND SUBSTITUTES SUGAR FOR PRESERVING A Splendid Stock of Gents' Furnishings and Ladies' Lingerie Call and Examine our goods ••••••*••••••••••••••â- â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢ ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••'•••••••••••••••••fl ••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••«•«•••••••• ••••••••• Try Them ! I •••• â- â€¢â€¢â€¢ •••• â- â€¢â€¢â€¢ •••• Jlj: Any man wanting a good solid boot :::| suitable for this season of the â- â€¢â€¢â€¢ HH year â- â€¢â€¢â€¢ "** TRY •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •â- â€¢â€¢ •••• .:; THOS. CLAYTON lit FLESHERTON, ONTARIO •••• .•!â- â€¢â€¢ ••••••• ••••••••• ••••••• • •5* 7*???TT?????"*?** ?!????? •••»••#«••••••••••*••••••«•••»••••••••••••••••»••• ••••••••«••••••••••••*••••••«?*•*•••••••••••••••««•

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