Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 19 Sep 1918, p. 4

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MM)!<3^'^ iSi'ptembci' U« 1918 THE F L E S 11 lU; J O N A D V A N C E T H K.. Flcsherton Advance ^ Mi loiiapenileut nswupaptr, publish.' I fhur.day at th'' olfice, Colliiigw J t>iie< Jfl?»bert'm. 8iib»crii>iii>ii \>x\c* %\ iirraimuni IhBU i«i(tii>»dvnnce ;$1.Wwhrii not »<> !•»»* Advrr isiutr rates oniii>))lica'.i' u. Cicculation 1,100 wi^ekly ..<; Od ds and Ends > Vi7W*'^.'*'*.^r''^ 'A. "•'.-''' "^ -^.'V. â- y.3»'-„V.,..-y...-^'â€" S^,„:y.,:.V. t- ,.-y- .r^r, -» -""^^"Sr.' "y ..t- â- T-..--y,, :^r...:1r..,..V„^y..."»r.,.-y,. â- â€¢<r.,.-'>i.:^ ^::;,:<i::£.y:v£L:2j^ -â- â- â€¢ji ?^'^-s^-A^*^>:?>>Jt>'iwi:v /-7/:?^.'^V/.^-N />^^.:-^gu>J^/l'<^Jg^<:te^2^.^i':j;^^ For sale cnea ana on easy tonns, Lot 3. ooii. 11. () i)iv>y. 110 acres. This U a tiiHt class farm aiidii. w good st.ite o '~"j'i cultivation. Good bank barn and new "' " Apply CO R. J. Sproule For Sale cheap or rent- Lite John J. Matlin fhrm, lut 1, cuii. 4, Kuplirasia, containing about l:W acres ; dwellint,' and new frame barn, stablin:^ undef. If not sold in lime for toeding will rent. Apply OSPREY COUNCIL to Cliirlea Martin ou the preuiiBBi or to 1 U. J . Sproule, Fleshetton. m»r28th Usprey Council met at Muxwoli .^\^â- ^. j â€" 10, the n.enil)or8 all pn-sent. Mmutis of last meeting were read and conrmiied. CommunicHlions, accountc. etc , were received from : U McDowell, C K, report reeardiuti th. dr»in««v ' i frame dwellino. .ideroad. Con 2 S D H, a.ul ^'^-'"''t -f j j,,^^„^.,^,„. |4() for service ; Ontario Municipal .\s»- suciation, notice of annual meeting;! Kentner's FopuUr Music Store, Mark County Clerk, hialement of county rates dale, is the placa to buy your Piano, for r.llS ; Municipal Woi Id. account for Organ, l'li'nio<>r»i)li. Sewina Machine, $;V*), cjUector*' rolls ; I'S S No 2, i Sheet Music, and all musical supplies. reLMrdins error in levy of 1917 ; claims j â€" â-  for sheep killed by dogi were received , Try Keversha.n Pfntry Flour, the beat from Albert Ainott$C«.oO, U Grummet ! fj,f J.^,^r co )k. All (>nt«rio wheat fH.'K). David Uobona SU.i.O, Albert' Atr.ott $14.r.(), Heiiiv Down $14.50; Albert Uos>, asking f' r completion of MISCELLANEOUS Drain No. 2 through lots r.) and 2<J, Con p.ivate funds to loan on real 2 S D U ; Joseph Esse.t, asking for P'lvate funds to loan on real estate security at,reasoiiablo]Jrate of interest. Apply to K. J- Sproule, Flesherlon. snpt 23 Hishest price for buttei mid eg^s at Graham Bros. Kusjenia. •June2ti improvement of 30tli sideroad ; Munici- pal Telephone system, asking for exten- sion ot system and advance of S7oO and issue of debentures ; J A Keinahan, acct So 40, exchaiiRe on cheques ; trustees of the several school sections sskiiii; for (school levies. < )rders were issued on the treasurer to pay K McDowell g W.services as engineer; Will Jaiiiieson, work on 40th sideroad, f5 Albert Arno>t?8:!, sheep killed by d-.«s ; Itobert Grum.nett *14.,^)0. sheep Fot S.i!e-A quantity of dry st'.vo kiUed by doi-s ; Henry Down 814.50, 1 »'ood, also six ewe lambs and one brood sheep killed by dogs ; Treasurer Maple] sjw d'le to f.»rrow DeCi>in'>e Valley T S S $108.7'>, error in levy of j sprini! calf. levied Lostâ€" Between Rock mills and Mount Zion. a motoicycle tire chain. Anyone tindiuu came please communicite with R. J. Pedlar, KuKenii T -T. Foil wick â-  S, and ll»:{unia. 1917, and the amourrt to be levied m 1018 ; Irwin Mortiscm ^'i, as.'iistinn the ensjineer ; Municipal World S^i HO for collectors' rolls ; gra/el accounts were paid as follows ; W.r Reid $2.25, Syd. ney I'riddle $5.u0, Eusjene Connois fo t;2, John Tyson $•> rt7. Chas A'eldritu flO.iJ-.', W'm Hendry f;i,."iO, \V H Wright $32.tJ2, James. Priddel ?i7.25, J Grummet «C, U Davidson $14.li2, Juo Seeley 814, J no Seeley fTi, Win McCutcheoa S7.87, Win Sharp $l<i.70, Wm .Mc'.'utcheon $C, It Dividson Sijjo, Mrs Myers 911 82, Mort Sayerc ?j.»>2, Wm Reid %^ 12, E Taylor >7 7o, Chas |McMillan $8 75, Irwin Morris(.n ?0.75. Jno Seeley $ti.87, Wm Sharpe %:>.\Z. Wm Anderstn $6, Mori Siyers811.H7. The lload and Bridge Committee was instructed to exauiiue the bridge oppc- site lot 20, con 12, and to have any necessary iep»ir» made The Rjeve and Engineer were instruct- ed to hive Drain N'o 'i conapleted. The commissioner of Dir N'i> 1 was instructed to have the ditches on each side of I he road on :t<Jth sideroad bouth of the Centre Line extended 7'> rods further south with same width and depth. Bylaws were passed as foUow.s : No »>47, levying ra'es as follows : County rate $10,400, ueneral school rate $46'.W oO, towr^hip rate foOOl (ill, also trustees' school levie.-, debentures for schools, drainage and telephone. Bylaw No 048, appointing Jas Speers •collector for north half, and A Douglass ol cctor for south half, at siilaries of t70 each. * IJvlaw No (»4(i, tixinii the rate to be chirged on the collector's roll for uiiper- f jnned statute labor at ifl 2.">, other than laiidt boideriiig on die county road, which w <1 per d-»y. liyliw No OJO, pio/id.ng for the issi « of debentures for $700 bearina six per cent- interest, repayable in ten annual psymeii's, for use !â- ( the Muniiipal tt^leplione system. The road coiuniissi'nier of Div No 1 w»s «iven a special urant of $1<Kt to tnprovo the 20th sidiroad sou'h if the Centre L'ue. Council adjournel to meet at Siiij;- himpton on Octiher o - THOS SCnTr,Cleik. For Saleâ€" One registered two year old Oxford Down ram and ten purebred Oxford lam l;iinbs. F. J. and W. A. Welier. Kimberiey. Phone Flesherton ;jl r 21. Ocl 10 FALL FAIKJAY WELL Prepare Now to Harvest and Store Root Crops. Itest Mivtlii'C's nnd Melhods of Making KrcatI Willi Klour of \'iirions Cei'enl tiruinN. (Contributed by Ontario Pepartmei^ ot A(;rlculture. Toronto.) O I he ueneial tai'iiier who grows good grain for seed, to the specialist in garden and truck crops, and par- ticularly to the live stock man the Fall Fait- offer.s an opportunily. It pays to advfftise and the Fair is the place where the people fee the good.s produced, and seeing Is believing. .Moreover, the papers report the win- nings and through those the exhibi- tor gels a large amount of advertis- ing free which would otherwise cost him a considerable amount of money. Winning in close eoiiipetitions under a competent Judge adds dollars to the value of stock shown and in- creases the market price of any com- modity as well as giving the exhibi- tor a standing not only in his owji eomnninity but over a section of country corresponding to the size and influence of the show at which prize."; are won. The Fair is a good place to make sales. Prospectire buyers see the pood exhibits made and en- quire about the breeding stock at home. Stockmen show at Fairs large- ly to make sales rather than to win prizes altliough the latter is a factor in the sales and they are not dis- appointed a.s evidenced by the grow- ing interest in the Fall Fair. Show- ing at the Fair, coupled with a judi- cious newspaper advertising policy, which should never be neglected, is good biisines.s, The two go together anil work liand in hand. It pays to lot others know ot your good stock. Use printers' ink and show at the Fall Fairj â€" Prot. Wade Toole, O. A. College, Guelph. FALL MILUNERY We have .secured the services o( Miss Collver, a thorouy:hly experiencetl iiiilliuer for this Department for the Fall season. She is busily preparing an elegant .^lilcclion from the newest styles in Millinery and will give special uttentio to ncarlv orders. Ladies' Fall Coats We have hud two shipments of Ladies' Fall Coat,^ and believe you Will be e.xtremely pleased with them. The styles ate very pretty indeed, and right lip to tiie minute. The cloths include beavers, velours, plush and curl cloths in a variety of shades, burgundy, brown, green, taupe, grey, blue and black. Every garment is beautifully tailored and finished, and all are reasonably priced and excellent value. Come in. and try them. i Canada Food Board License 8 -23397 Grocery Department n Curry Powder Turmeric Cayenne Pepper Whole Ginuer Cider V'inegar White Wine Vinegar Jem Jar.'; Whole Pickling Spice (Jur Vinegars at 40c. per gallon, deserve special mention. They are thoroughly matured, having been in stock for nearly year, antl are full strength ami excellent flavor. F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON, - ONTARIO ?r^i '-^''-*^ .A ^ -A^ "'.^ ''A^^^JL .^^ .a. â- â- -*. .^O^A. .^k^ JL.^^.*. ^ V ..' . A. .^ .*^ .*. .*. Ij.^ .A^ .A. .A- ".^ .A. '.<>. ..w '.aJ' 1^ 'A^^Ja.''^!^"'^ J* VoiSile - Lnhc wigon, S.-t light sleighs. Turnip sli. er. Cutter, Plow, Set ha'rows.â€" A. Shackleford, Flsahorton. Lostâ€" On Sept 10, between W. P. Crossley's and H. Carrington's, one lioht weight overcoat. -Mklcoliii McDonald, Flesherton. Hound For Saleâ€" First class deer and fox hound bitch, 4 years old. Apply to (bo. Watson, Priceville. For Sale Four brood sows for sale, due to farrow in October. â€" H. D. McLoughry, It.R. 4. Markdale. ^ 10 18 [I Hints oil Harvesting Root Crops. ' Root crops should be taken up bo- > fore the weather becomes too wet and i disagreeable in the fall if in any \ quantity. It is slow work at any \ time and becomes much more so un- \ _ der cold damp conditions. Lift the , " EaSV tO apply--durable and roots with a digging fork and twist ' - , ' , t i i i- off the top.s, putting them in piles pi odUCCS a Ueautltul, lasting and covering with (he tops If a large area is to be lifted, and one is finish that prOtCCtS the Carâ€" exper( with a sharp hoe, he can very 'don't Start OUt with a shabby quicklv remove the tops, but they will not keep quite as well. The car, it IS DOt nCCCS.Sary â€" WheU roots should be ploughed out, throw- -r i c • . i u ing them as much as possible on the a beautltul finish Can be CD- I top. Bins with slatted sides andi^^.^^^ ,.f ..„..„ i;h-1q ....ct .,iwl ) bottom should be used for storage For Sale- i^uick Rale. Wilson, jr.. -Hufl' Orfington cockerels for II and upwards. â€"Mark Fleshertoa For Saleâ€" HoU''-', and lot of one haif an acre with good stable. Will sell cheap. â€" ,(o9 Williams. Eu|ient:i. Uaiii For Sale -Kxford Kun, 2 years old. Apply to S. Pedlar. Flesherton. For Sale -Cow and cidf for sa'e. Apply lo F. Karslcdt, Hound Oaine Astray â€" Laree hound, h!:tck and tan - Louts Teeter For S'ile â€" Maie and spring colt fur sale.â€" Robt. Osborne, Eugenia. For Si.leâ€" Sixteen young pif^g for sale, ready Sept . 4. - U. McKen/.io, Ceylon. Self Feeder Coal Sfove |for sale, rens. ouable â€" Mry. .lames Stinsnii,Pr )loii P () where possible, as this gives (ho roots a chance to sweat. If the stor- age room temperature is above 40F. cover them wi(h sand. Carrots should not be deeper than two feet in a bin, others may be four feet. Where cel- lar storage is not available use pi(s. These should be three feet wide, two ; or three feet high and of any lengdi. Run (he pi(s north and south where | possible, and have them on well- i drained ground. Put a layer of straw i on (he ground and cover first wiili I straw G inches deep (hen 6 Inches ) ear(h, and as the frost gets harder , cover with fresh strawy manure, j Have ventilators every 15 or 20 feet, ! as all roots sweat in storage. These may be filled with straw during cold periods. All roots should be as free from dirt as possible when put in storage. It is often advisable to leave a few days In small piles so that at the second lifting any adhering will bo removed.â€" A. H. MaeLennan, U.S.A., Ontario Vegetable Specialist. tained at very labor. little cost and S.W.P. for outstanding varn- ishes,Stain8,Enamels, Brushes (or house2,cleaning. F. W. Duncan Tlie Fl^shertdn Hardwire, pnone .?o rji. Boar for Service The uuder.signed has a thorough .>red Yorkshire Boar for service on lot II, con. 8, Osprey. Terms $1.50. FKED SPOFFARD rURS COMMAND HIGH PRICES Mora Than Ever Are Pelta of Animali Coming to Be Considered Art!- ' I cle« of Luxury. Tlic high cost of livlnK lins n desir- able running miile in (he high cost of ornanientul wenrlng nppiirel which lias suddenly dawned In uiiodicr urOcle Climbing lip to II price never ilrennied of In the luiiiry jf iidoriiInK one's self with n pelt of some favorite iinlmni akillfully mode up for (he (rude. For Instance, (he coyote bus jumped In a raw state to us hluh as XIO and not lower Hum $0. 'Ihe (Mesdible sknnk of odoriferous r nvn, also ilips %b.W tor his covering. "Idle (he wild- cat Is now In a nitiiii; ;is IiIkIi iis $12.,')0 and na low ns $7. 'Ihe IKIb' fox goes for $4.50, iiiiil even (he jiiek riibblt leaps awiiy nf 7 retils per pcK. The above prices worn plvcn In a clrcuhir received by .1. 11. Drew, nnd onme from ii St. I.oiils furrier house. Tlie legal boiinly in Arizonn Is only .$2 for Ihe coyote niiil lessor sums for the fox and wildcat. In cniiseiiueiicf>, Ihe cotinly is receiving iit the present time but a limited number of pel(^. iind the anltnnl ilepartnient Is pnicllcHlly nbol- Ished. Meiitless mid wheal less days ordained will soon Include hidelcss dayi, unles.f peace negollatloos are Boon realized .« ^jSKBtHOSJU^dui/e Clubbing Rates The Advance has no extensive clubbing list this fall, most of the papers being suppli<td at ret{iilar rate^. Following are si'iiia prices : The Adiance • $ 1.00 (ilube 4.00 Mill 4.00 The World and Advance 4 To News an 1 Advance .'l.7o S iir 111 d Advance Jl.To \ u' I I oipa'itoo 2.25 (•..i.ij H ra.l 51 2 I Kiiiire Town l.'iider lluniuier. Any man whose ambition Is to ow.i . whole town will have ;iii opporliin • y lo satisfy his deside in London next moiilh. Ily direction c.t Lord fvlalbridge. (he owner, (ho entire , town of Shuflesburg will be put on I Ihe auction block, including privad i boii.ses, banks, post oflkes, slores, of- ] (Ic.H. hotels and three saloons. The ' town is lociiled in a pi'diresoiie puK iif Dcrliyshire, peieh. d on (he lo|> of a bill in Ihe iiiid.'*! of rolling farm ! I nnntry The nei re l railway sladon l.s three miles i;i:<t:in(, a( .Seniley. S.iles of great, estates are fre- ' qiient In theno d-iy.i, when (axes are eiUing up pio.MiM. and many of (he younger generation of (ho nobillly nre loainij lliclr lives on llie bnUle- ni>l,'..s. Tliin JM (he tirsi sale of an I vti which haH been arranged. CiK Koo'l (Supply. (.1' ; iiH less than one-twelfih I . 'A â-  I i-,ilu!ion of Iho Unile.l -1 :.. , 1 .i the produces oiiir-diird i.a . 1 li e.tieal v.i tlie V'nKed S(alfS'«ui I I ..uli (be world III the amount of. • â- '••t Hiown to the unit of population. Cereal Grains for Bread-making. 1 On this continent and In Europe | we use wheal in iiiiieh larger qiian- i titles than any other grain. This is : because (he flour made from wheat I contains (he constituents necessary | to form ^luten. Rye contains a simi- lar substance to a lesser extent, while Ihe other grains do not have any of (his ma(erial. Gluten Is a tough, elastic, tenacious substance, capable of considerable expansion. Conse- Quendy, when (he gas liberated (h rough Ihe ueOon of yeast seeks to make its way out of wheat flour (lough (he gliKen expands, retaining (he gas and causes (he dough (o rise. When Ihe bread is baked the gluten is "set" or coagulated, and this ac- counts for Ihe light porous structure of wheal bread. When surrounded by a proper crust Ihe moisture is re- tained Hiid the bread may be kepi for several days and still he an al- traclive article of food. Rice, oats, corn and barley cannot be used alone (o prepare bread of (his type. They cannot be expanded by means of yeast for I heir is no cohesion in (he mass. They may be used in making blseuKs and cakes or quick breads, which breaks easily, dries out read- ily, cannot be safely transported, and luutit be consumed within a few houis after being prepared. On Ihe other hand, there is com- paratively little difference In the compoBilion of the various cereal grains and, consequently, one will furnish about as much digestible nu- trients as another. If, then. In a time of wheat shortage like the preiwnt. ' wo substitute some of Iho flour of I corn, oats, barley, buckwheat, etc., ' for wheat flour in making bread, we I do not decrease its nulrltivo value. ! We do dilute (he gluten and tbus, I llmil Ihe power of (xiiansion of tlie 1 dough and we make the bread dai k- 1 er, but we have retained the desir- I able tealiires of bread. Silkiness of lexlure and whiieness of crumb were counled points of excellence In the I bread of Iho old high patent flour, i but under llMi present conditions •>( \ longer exIiacOon of (he wheat grain ! and (be introdiicOon of subsliiutes, j It Is wronK (or (he consumer to place ' a high valuiilion on those points â€" j Prof. II. Harcourl, O. A. College, i Ouelali. FALL TERM Opens September 3rd. ^ ELLIOTT Yoiige and Charles Streets, Toronto G'VBS strictly first class traiiiini; for choice busioCBS puaitioii. Our courses are unexcelled in Canada. Demand for our uraduatea is Hve times ouraupjJy. Write for catalof<ue. W. .T. ELLIOTT, Pbiwcipai. \y. A. HAWKEN, Dealer for Virgil Pianos and Pbonographi, aluo Records and Sheet Music. Call and Get prices-at Hawkin's Photo Gallery & Music Store, Flesherton Flestieption ^S^ Tonsorial ^ Parlors Wo Aim to Give Entire iSiktisfactio LAUNDRYâ€" Basket closes Monday night, delivery Friday oveniii CLEANING and DYEINOâ€" We ai agents for Parker's Dye W .rksâ€" Olotho-. cleaned and dyed, feathers rejnvenatei i I 1 i $ I i I sa5in«2S'iaa2J';S':afflKaH| Flesherton Tifi Shop- I have just placed on the shelves a full line ot Tinware, Nickelware and Agateware for domestic use. Call on me and get your supplies. Eavetroughing, Stovepipes and Stove Furnish- ings. liepairing of all kinds promptly attended to. T F.r." •PROPRIETOR New Blacksmith Shop At Maxwell 1 am opeiiim/ unatonce, a blacksmith. â- IK and woodworkiuR business in Max- well, and am -niitallini! «p-lo date wood- working iiiHchineiy. It will bo my en deavor to serve the public in a satisfac- t(uy manner and 1 would solicit patron- ai?c. I w lilt yeurwoi'k and will do it right. 7 April I CHESTER LONG Pipefitting, including pump work. Furnaces instiiUed. Agent for Clare Furnaces. Bros. D. McKILLOP CHRISTOE BLOCK FLESHERTON jtf ONTARIO. WE SELL Dr. J. p. Davis CHIROPRCTOR and EVESICHT SPECIALIST Clhce ovti Wtolworth's «U>re CaLLINGWOOD. ONT. IMPLEMENTS I Agents for Special Prices on Waggons, Plows Harrows and Horse Blankets Wagons Plows Hay Rakes Cultintors Harrows JOHN HEARD, MPLEMEN7 AGENT FLESHERTON. i

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