Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 19 Sep 1918, p. 5

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i September 19 1918 THE F L E S H E K T N ADVA NCE ff-^i • «si THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA HEAD OrriCE • TORONTO TRUST FUNDS Our Savings Department gives you a guarantee of absolute security and i»TD i«7» interest at current rate. 239 FLESHERTON BRANCH GEO. MITCHELL, M.n«,e,. C. P. R. Time Table. S. Hitf time ago a meetini? of ihe pint- Trains leave Fleshurton Station as holdeis of Fleshertuii cemetery appointed ,a cunimittee lo investigate and recom Going North mend ttie best method of conducting the affairs of the cemetery. This cow. iiiittee is ni)W ready to report and, as will be 'oUowa Going South 7.03 a. m. 4.27 p.m. The mails are 12.01 u.m. 9.I81J. m. osed at Flesherton follows : For the north at 10.40 a.m.and ^*®" elsewhere, a meetin- .^f plotholders 7 p.m. ; and the afternoon mail south at . ''* called for next Tuesday niftht to 3.40 o'clocif. For morning train south mail close at 9 p. m. the previous evV. VICINITY CHIPS receive this report and act as their judiimeut suggests. The cemetery will very suou li-ave to be enlmged and these ui^ilters make it important that a full representation of plotholders shall be present. Be sure to attend the rac.'? at Ffeshei- ton Fair. Sept. 27. , I Mrs. McKee n'id two children of To- ; ronto are visiting.relattve3 in this vicinily. • yiiss Fern Whilten of Toronto is , visiting relatives in this neighborhocd. j Pipers baud will supply music at the Flesherton Fair, Sept. 27th. ' Boruâ€" A.t Fleshoitoi). ou Thurscay, ' Sept. 12. to Mr. and Mrs. CSeorge Best, a .-^in. 1 Mr. George Carter, of Toronto, is J G Cann, Meaford District Casualties Killed Ln' Action A G Clarke, Thornbury W S Wilson, Kimberley JAB Siicox, Rocklyu W Latham, Owen Sound W H Walton bury!;, Owen Sound W F Campbell, Owen Souid DlEI> OF Wofsiw W J McGillivary, Owen Sound visitins; his cousin, other friends. Bornâ€" At Rock Mills, on Thursday, Sept. 19, to Mr. and Mrs. Alex. English, a daughter. Rev. W, Gaudin, wife and two 3i3ns, Murray and Stanley, friends h jre last week .<â-  W. Irwin, and J H Becker, Owen Sound I F J Clancy, Markdale B G Minard, Owen Sound G.\.SSEI) T E Stewart, Durham J H Wainwright, Owen Sound liitle visited with i I O A Bell. Owen Sound H Fearnall, Owen Sound ; A L D Burkholder, Owen Sound Sergt. Roy McAuIay of Petawawa ; H T Tansley, Owen Sound ca>np was home one d.iy last week on I Woixot» leave. W D Gordon, Mount Fores.- Evarybody welcome to the Flesheiton } W J Arrowsiuith, Piicevilie Snldies Aid to be held at the home of | Wit Brown, Owen Siund Mrs. John Wright, Friday, Sept. 20th. ,' H Anderson, Owan Sound Pte. Bob Bellamy, who was seriously w.iunded last winter and has been in england all suininer, is now supposed to be on hit way home to Canada. Don't fail to attend the concert in the High Sofioil, Sept. 27. GooJ talent has been securec!. Get your reserve seat.'' early. The W. I. will hold a Bazaar on tho fair grounds on Friday, Sept. 27, proceeds in aid of our soldiers overseas. Lunch will be served. D'^nations noay be left at C J. Bellainy's store. Thanksgiving day this year has been ti.xed by the Government for Monday, ' G A Quinlan, Owen Sound P W Johns'on, Mount Foi-est F M Mas.sey, Markdale E Robinson, Owen Sound W M George, Hanover F R Corkrau, Owen Sound W N Whitmore. Priceville G Carr, t>wen Sound M H Naylor, Owen Sound H J Catton, Owen Sound j G D Jones, Owen Sound I H .R Tompkins, Singhaniptou J L Freeborn, Markdale G A Henry, C>wen Sound W H P Armstrong, Owen Sound P McKay, Meaford, J H Eleid, Owen Siiund I I October 14. In selecting Monday the Government has conformed to the prac- tice adopted in recent years. Mrs. Will Guest and three children, of Maine, are visitinj^ the former's brother, Rob Richardson, and othev friends. Mrs. Guest was formerly Miss Lucy Richardson. \V. J. Martin, in company with Harry Porter of Markdale, employees of the H. E. P. Co., left la^t Thursday for Bracsbtidge, where they will spend aome time working for the conimi88i.>n. J M MeKay. Chatsworth J F MacLeau Durham C R Barnard, Owen Sound ) J Duncan, Dundalk G A'Ledinghani, Dornoch n K Tilker, Hanover M G Kirkland, Owen Sound A J McJfab, Bognor J W Peteckin, Thornbury J Shannon, Mount Forest T Chard, Flesherton C Hoy, Flesherton Pooleâ€" Guy Miss Ruby Caswell and Frank Bunt went to 0«en Sound last week and (.rote <-,„ Wednesday, Sept. 11, at the home oil a subject each on their matriculation I ^^f Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Guy, Maxwell, Was the scene of a pretty wedding, when ex<tms . The former wrote on the physics paper and the latter geometry. Pte, Isaac Norris, of Wiarlon. has been wounded in France, su Bering from gunshot wound in the neck. Inaao is well known in Flesherton, and w»s a son of the late Mrs. John White, who died here last May. I their youngest daughter, Annie Florence, ! became the bride of Mr. Leslie Poole, ; of Eugenia. The ufticiating minister ! was Rev. C. Forth. Dr. Guy, brother I of the bride, played the wedding march, land during the signing of the register I Mii8 Margaret Poole sang. I The bride, who was i>iven in marriage Last Wedne.sd*y Miss Hopkins gave a , ^y her fatner. made a charming picture demonstration of canning in the town ! j^ ^er wedding gown and pearl grey silk hall which was witnessed by a number of ^^^^^ ^^ g^ine. The home was. beauti- Wics. As there was no fruit available [ f^iiy decorated for trie occasion, being a and only a small quantity of vegetAbles, • i^^^f ^f .Autumn foliage, sweet peas and her labor was light, but the deinoustra- 1 gniilax. tion ira.s very interesting and pr.filaHe. : iff^,. .k« »^,-o»..^.,„ . j • . u- ' or- I Attei the ceremony a dainty wedding The rains of the past week are -^urely dinner was served to abaut fifty iuvit«d whdt is known as the e<|uinoxial storms. , guests. Later Mr. and IVh-s. Poole left for Toronto and Uaniiltou tc spend their hjueyiuoon. Tho bride was the recipient of many beiiutiful presents. The gri.'oun gift to the bride was a gold wrist watch, to Dr. Guy gold cutf links and to Miss Margaret Poole a gold brooch. i.)ii their return the young couple will S'eady rain for three days â€" Wednesday. Thuasday and Fridayâ€" then a respite of one day and rain again on Sunday â€" is surely a record breaker even for ths equin»xial. There is considerable grain yet out in the country and it is not in an enviable condition. The noon train (>u Thursday of la-st week was tnree hours late, but did well reside on the groom's firm near Eugenia, to get hero even then. The engine t-'uf uvbt wishes follow '.he yjun^ couple jumped the track at Laurel, anil took lhroUj(h life. the tender and express alorg with it : ThP track was torn up for a .lumbot of ^ AdjOUmed Meetlll^ r>id.'». but nobody was hurt, .^n enj{iu<» from Oiaugevilleamonp and got ar.uud^ ^,^. ^jj„urned m.utin^ o; the plot- the wreck on a temporary track. DriDsing j^oi^ers of tho Flosherloa'Cemetory wil' the p..,.sen?er coaches .i'ong with it. j,^ ,^^,^, ,„ ,,,^. Town Hall. oaTwsday, Ptsseiigers from Flesiheiton ».%y it was a wild K>okii.g fatalities. wreck to be devckl of Sj['tember 2ith at t* '.-in. I THUS. CL.VYTON, Sjc. Flesherton Boy Wins Military Medal Word arrived here M<;ud!.y that Ser^t. PROPERTY for SALE BY TENDER t'uder and by virtue of powers extend- ed to us as executors of the estate of the Tom Chard had received a gunshot wound '•>''' Mrs. Ade'ine Thurston, we offer for in the left f-lijulder on Sept. ti. A recent loiter from the front says that Tom won the Military Medal in a raid in which he participated. He has also earned for the second time his third stripe. He was a .Sergeant on going overseas witli the »47th Battalion but reverted to the rank.s when to France. ioing sale by tender tho following properties, namely ; PARCEL L The north half of lot No. 10, con. 1, Euphrasia, contnining 100 acres, more or less., all cleared and under cultivation with the exception of about live acres. On the premises are :t frame barn and framo house, and five acres of a good bearing orchard of lirat class fruit, fhe farm is well watered. PARCEL 11. The property in the Village of Kim- berley known as the Travellers' Uouie, comrrising five acres of land, frame ttabling and house and a number cf fruit trees. Tenders ft>r the above properties will be received up toand in eluding October 1, 101b, tenders to be addressed to either of the undersigned. The highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. W. H. THIIVSTOX, Flesherton A. D. THLUSTOX, 41} Geoflrey st., Toronto Executors of the estate cf the late Mrs. Adeline Thurston. r Siri/uu gg.'^gw -aai MAIL CONTRACT Hanover Germans Paid Big Fines A despatch from tJwen Sound of date Sept. 11 says : Dominion Police have been making anmndup of delinquents in Orey County for soma weeks past. They returned today from South Grey, where they had an interesting period during which they laid comulaiut against three residents of the village of Hanover, which resulted in each being lined heavily. One of the trio was Otto Bluhm, who on- August 3, 1914, attempted to leave Canada to return to Germany, where he hal been called as a naval reservibt. Whe.i he ap[)lied to the German consul he was advised not to attempt to get} across to Germany as the British would â-  Mn,l„„l,^„,li„ ,1 u m, r .SKALED TENDKK."!* addressed to the undoubtedly get him r.n the way. The [ p^^tmnster General will be reueivei at second was Hermann Mitz, a member of jOtUwa until noon on Friday, tht the 2Tth of Hiu r ...... , t J . • .. 1 h^epcember. Utls.f.ir the conveyance nf His i the German Laudsuum, reservist ; and jiaje.-ty-.s Mails, ou a propo.-ed Cntract for | the third is Henry Osthuf, a Hanover '')"r years, si.\ times pei week "n the route merehaut, and foimerly a Prussian ar- tilleryman. Each was tined $50 and costs for not having the necessary regis- tration papers and an additional $200 and costs for failing to register under the Alien Enemy Act. The Hanover authorities were so opposed to taking part in the prosecu- tion that it was necessary to have the case tried at Walkertoa before the police magistrata of that town. The Dominion Military Police discovered that there were between l.'iO and 300 alien enemies who had not registered at Hanover, and Chief of Police Beamish of that village was occupied from 2 to H o'clock regis- tering the aliens. The Old Adage The Proof of the Pudding the Eating The sam ia equallj J^ M'ue -of the 190C /\ Gravity ash er. Try (-"/Is one and be convinced ,'^ ' iF chat there is nonp '"^^ better, -^t?;^* if S. HEMPHILL' IS in Agent, Ceylon ^ Full Hue ot iVlcL'ormick Farm Implements, Binders Mowers, Rakes, Loaders, Drills, Cultivators, Plows, Itiding and Walking Ilairows Eiantfcrd Wind Mills, Pumps, Piping and Fittings of all kinds, B Mttie ay e Carriers, Hay Forks, Slings, Filter Carriers, Folding Bath Tubs, Fro.st Wire and Fence Cutters and Sleighs. A Call Solicited] Satisfaction Guaranteed. S. HEMPHILL Agent, - Ceylon, Ont. Semi- Annual Repot t Of s S 47. Artemesia. Buiy Workers' Society, Socks Sent to Dite 5G3 Receipts Donations and gifts $ 83 36 Socials 54 25 Membership and lunch fees.... 7^- (J5 Monthly collections 134 50 Sundries 11 26 Balanee on hsnd for 1917 70 11 Disbursements Varn 338 4« Sundries. . • t> 03 Balance on hand 33 t>3 Audited by Annie Muir and Annie MacMillan. Mrs. R. Parslow Pres. • Susan MacKinnon Sec. -Tread. t'LESHKRTONK.K. 1 via FEVERSHAM ROCK MILL.S and MAXWELL friiin the lat of Januar.v, l",ill>. nexf. Printed notices contaiuiug further inforiua- tioiias to conditions of proiJosed i uutract may be seen and blank fornu of Tender may be obcaiued at the Post Offices of Plesherton, Feveishaui, Rock Mills and Ma.KV^-ell. and at the olKce uf the Post Office Inspector, Toronto. A. SL'THEKLAXD. Post Office In.'-pector Post Office Inspector's Office. Torjnto, Aupust 15th, WiH. BuU For Service BuU For Serv ica Registered Shorthorn bull for service _,, ,,,,,, ,, . . on lot 5, con., « Osprey CoUingwood Thoroughbred Durham Bull tor service gravel. Grade cows JL.JO thorough- ^" '"' ^'*'^' ^ ^ S R, Artemesia. Terms breds ?4.UC.-J. A. RoberUon, April | ^•-"'' *^ ^""^ 'â- '>^'''""'-"^"'^^- 4 1918. JulyLS â€"MARK STEWART, Prop Live Poultry Wanted Bull for Service Jake Zenner is paying highest market _,, , . , r^ i â-  ,, ,â-  r ,,,.., ,T , , .. , Ihoroughbred Durham bull for service prices for all kinds of live fowl. >ow Is ^o lot 140, T.S.R , Artemesia. Terms- the time to cull your fowl. Market good, SI .50 for nrades, $3 for thoroughbreds. Novl -J. ZENNER. Markdale : 1 July - J . A. LEVER, Prop. Ki/cli€iiei Jim' "06 when he saidâ€" â€" **Eiiher the civilian popU' lation must ^o short of many thinars to which it is accustomed in times of peace or our armies must go short of munitions and other things indispensable to them. '•*5«; Vicinity Fall Fairs Ayton Sept. 18, 19 Colliugwood .Sept. 18, 19 Dundalk Oct. 2, 3 Durham Sept. 24, 25 Fevershani Oct. 1, 2 FLESHERTON SEPT. 2G. 27 Hanover Sept. 26, 27 Holstein Sept. 24, 25 Markdale Oct. 8, 9 Meaford Sept. 26, 27 Priceville Oct. .1, 4 Rocklyn Occobar 4 Shelburne Sept. 24, 25 Walter's Falls Sept. 24, 25 Around Grey County Percy Lee of Owen Sound received from his brother in France an iron cross of tho first order. No e.\pUna*ion as to ho If the cross was secured has been received. G. P. Creighton of Owen Scuud has been appointed Registrar of Deeds for North tJrjy. The position was made vacant by the death of the late Robert McKnight. A. W. Danard of Oweu Sound fell down Cellar, lying helpless for eighteen hours before he git up the s»airs ag/riu. Mr. Danard wore a wooden limb. James Hugh Campbell lied at Sing- Hampton on August 25 aged .'W years. He was an invalid for ov«r ten vtars. Shelburne daughters of the Erapiie collected §350 for the Navy League fund. CAME ASTRAY .Strayed onto Uio premises «l the undersigned on Lit IiS.Coti. 8, .Xrteinesia, 00 ot about Sept. 16, a 2 y.'ar old bull. 0«ner can have same by proving property vnd paying expenses, JOHN PARSONS "^"OW the only way we can possibly live up to that obligation is by going with- out in order that our .soldiers may have. For the money we waste is not money at all â€" it is equipment, clothing, shot and shell that arc ur- gently needed in France. By denying ourselves, there- fore, we enable Canada to procure to the fullest extent the materials and labor which she and our Allies need for the successful prosecuvion of the war. What happens when we fail to save? A pull on labor by the Govern- ment in one direction and a pull on labor by the people in the opposite direction. Hundreds of millions of dollars arc of no use to the country if goods and services can be secured only to the extent of eighty millions of dollars. So we must do every- thing in our povrer to release both goods and labor for the purposes for which Canada needs them. ^HETHER it be food, coal, wool, Steel, leather, labor or transportation, the result in all cases is the same. Whoever competes with the nation by freely satisfying his own desires, selfishly appro- priates to his own use that which is so urgently required for our fighting men in France. V For the sake of your country and the boys **over there," spend cautiously. Think of what Lord Kitchener has said, and ask yourself first, *'Is this something I really need or can I do without it^'* PubliiilieJ unj«r tha authority of -Jj* Minister of Kiaanca of Canada 16

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