â- â- i fkB^tttm •TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR" - -PRINCIPLES NOT MEN' • Vol. 38, Xo. 22 Feshcrton, Ont., CJctobcr 'J4, I'M % CEYLON Mr. -and Mrs. Alfred Dowua, of Cleveland, ar<j visiUDjj ilie former'n sister, Mrs. T. ChUletr. Mrs. Albert Kendrick, cf Lyndhuist, is viaitinn her sister, Mrs. VV. McMuUen, Miss Miry McMulleo. who bag been yery ill, has at time of iri'iting taken a turn fur the better. Miss Iva Jayiitis, who has heoti visiting Mrs. A. Ru'. ledge for a couplu •>£ weeks, huH returned to Letbbcidge, Alta. Mrs. D. McLeod left Monday to visit with her daughters In Torouto. This community was shocked when on | Sunday evening it was made known that I Mra. Royden Gibajti had pasaed away ' at 5 o'clock after only a few days iiln.'ss with pneumonia. On Monday noon train her father, Mr. Firucsa and son, arrived. The body was taken to Toionto on Monday evening train for burial. Her husbacd, who was also ill was able to accompany the body down. Mrs. Cribson was of a very bri[;ht, cheotful nature and loved by all. She whs a very enecgetic worker in the 'Williug Helpers" bere.never tiring in her •efforts to piomote the Society and do her utmost for the boys at the front. She will be much missed. To her .husband aad friends the synpathy of the rom- monity is extended. ROCK MILLS Mr. Will Browu and family, Toioiiio, are vieiting at present at A. Partridge's. Mrs. H. Watts and daughter, Kleanor, visited the past week with the former's sinter here. Tha cbutch and school here h.-u u both been tlused. Tbos. Fisher lost a very valuable liorse l«8t week. We are pleased to see Mrs. J. Hargrave able to be atound again after having la grippe. Mrs. Fred Field returned to her home in Brautford after aponding a fortnight with her father, Robt. Akitt. MisB Susie Chard, of Flesherton, spent n week with her sister.Mrs. G. Johnston. Martin PhiUips held a very successful sale on Monday. Grinder Blowug In Feversham Mill Fevershem Cor. Monday evening the grinder in the Pevershaui Uspiey farmer's mill Hew up, scattering pieces of metal about the mill and sending some of it up into the sec- ond storey. In fact it went flying iu nil directions about the mil , bui the miller and his helper luckily eacaped being hurt by the Hying pieces. The grinder is a mass of scr'ip iron. A .â- ipau ot horses belonging to Mr. VViseman of Gibralter was standing at the door while he was loidiiig liis chop and ran away when the noise of the crash came and ran arouud the mill shed, hitting VVill Alexander, knocking him down and running over him. His collar bone Wiu> broken and he was otherwise injured. We under- stand Mr. .\lexandor is seriously injured. .A kige auiuber of friends and ueii;h- bor3 gi.thercd to piy their !aat respects to the late .James Douglass on ijund^y last. Mr. Douglass passed away on October l-J after a f«w weeks' illness, alth'iuijh he has been in poor health for a number of years. He leaves to mourn the loss ot a kind huabaad aud f.ither, his wife, two sousâ€" Melvine auk Morns â€" at home, and Mrs. Jeffries of Edgar, Montana. The sympathy of the com- munity goes out to the sorrowing ones. Mrs..!ett'rie>' of Edgar, Mont., attended the funeral of her father, Mr. James Douglass. Messrs. Nelson and Johnson if EUi- nore spent .Sunday at R Henderson's. Mr. John Thompson of Agincourt attended the funeral of Jas. Douglass ou Sunday and is visiting with his brothers and other friends iu this vicinity at present John ^>iouteiiburg, wife and liitle dnughier, \isitedat J. X. Davidson's i-u Sunday la.-it. Mrs. Will Coullhard has raturued to T 'loiito after spending a week with lier brotherinUw, H. t'oulthard . Teachers' Convention The forty-eighth annual convention of North Cirey Teachers' Institute iu iiiiiou with the teachers of East and South tirey was held in Owen Sound collegiate on October JOth ana 11th. The uiually large aiteudauce with Ihu exceptional program made this convention » decidid 8u:;ce8S. The i- rdial hospitality of tlie Dwell Sound people toward the visiiin'; teachers will not soon be forgotten. The Convention was opened by devo- tional exeiuises conducted by Uev. Cadiiian, who gave a brief address thnt was appreciated by all. The teachers of each luspectoraco then weu*. to separate I'oouis where comiuitleos were .ippoiiiled and (.fliceis chosen. SHELBURNE Lvrry Gould, alias Eelly, who was tried in Orangevillo recently before Judgo Fisher, on the charge of breaking into Shelburue station last April and stealing a uuuiber id tickets, was up again before the Judge on Tuesday of last week. He was sjiileiiced ou Friday to servo six moths <it the Guelph jail farm. Five Uulgaliaiis beloug'iig lo tlie CP. ]i. construction gaug, which hio, been employed on tliis braiioU of the CF. H. during the pist suuiiacr. were brought before Judge Falcoiiei' on 'I'hursday evening of last week cliarge>d with neglect- IU'; til eirry their registration paper.--, I'lie law, it ^eems, eiuph.iiicilly states that p:kpers must be carried on the person. Iu this case Ule liulgariaus bad left their papers iu the boaiding car and were unaware of the prtsciice in town of the luihlary delccti>es. Each were liocd 1^0 aiul costs, aniouniiiig to SoO. The money derived from these duos accrues to fhe towu funds. The charge of forgery agaiii.st Joseph Uitchin of .-Vmarantli, eiitere.i by the military autlloritief, w.is heard at Or Iu the afternoon the convention wis divided into three seotioiia-^the Primary \ augevillo before His Honor Judge Fisher on Tuesday ot last week. The case arose luteriuediatt and Senior section. In the Primary aectiou Miss Lang spoke on 'The child's fiist year iu the primary class'. Misa .\uuio lierron and Eula Arbidgo on 'Language work iu primary class' and Misses Jackson and Muter on 'iiu.sy work for primary pupils'. In the Intermediate sectiou Miss Graves and Mrs. Huff gave heluful suggestions m Art. Iu tb« Senior sec'ion Messrs Jas. Shaw and Geo. Jolloy spoke ou History, and Messrs Morton and .\lleii on High School Eutrauce Exauiiualions. One of the leading speakers was Dr. Dandeuo, of Toronto. The teaolievs of khe three luspectorales met in lb« A»seiubly Hall to hear his instructive out of (he fact that Mr. Ritchie signed jiapeis, usiugthi* name of Dr. Smith of Shclburne on iheui, showing tlut ho was a victim of iheumalism and oiherwisc uutit for military service. The accused pleaded guilty to the oti'euce, but on account of a laigoly signed pelitlju iu bis favor and cvidiuce :i8 lo his splendid character given by Rev. Boll and also on reijuest of the militia and civil authori- ties, iho Judge suspended sentence â€" Free Press. PROTON tecture on 'The value of an Agricnliurai ! '^''^ ^^^^"^ Clara Binnie, Gertie Lyons Education.' Another important speaker was Mr. 8. J. StuM«, IB.A.. otTorouto. Noruial Miss While, the missionary on 1 and Minnie Galbraitb of Toronto are at their homes here. KIMBEiy^EY Mr. and Mrs. FreS E»glus aie visitinji a* present with friends in Sunnidale ] tuwnaliip. Messr.". Fred Hoy and Tho«. Eastiaud of Thoinbury made a busineys trip to this part on Wednesday last. Jeorge (,'oristie'd has bouuht t!ie Thurston furin on the 4th line uorih. Died â€" At Owen !-'ound on Sunday, October 20. Josephine Feri'a. The interment took place in Markdale cetuc- teiy on Monday, October 2i. Josephine spent hor chiidheod days on the farm aboiit a mile sou'h of our village. She was of a acnial disposition and bei ivad by all. To Mr. and Mrs. Ferris ,«nd their daughter, El.^ie, we extend our di.epebl sjuipalliy. Death was cmiised bp pueuui3niH following influenza. Mrs. Ed Hammill and family of To- ronto are reiiewiuit old acijuaintancos iu our burg at. present. Mrs. Haiumil was formerly Miss Maggie Thompson of this part. Eisie Plewes. who lias been visiting friends in Torumu roturnsd home one day last week. Quite a number of our locil niinioils are getting ready for their annual nip to the DortherTj wild« in search of th"; tloet footed antlered beauties. Well, we didn't hoar tha Gospel ac- cording to St. John in the Methodist church on Sunday evening last. Ou account of the epidemic the church has been closed fi>ra»ionih. Rev. St. John of Thornbury was lo (.unUucl the Thaiiks- giviiiL' servico in nie church. We hope to hear the rev. itentlemaa sometime in ihe near future as he is i very able speaker. Tht'mas Caniack loar a valuable steer one day last wetrk. Mes.<is. Vi'iu. Klood iif riiornbury and Jame.s Waddcll of Parry S'liind visited with the former's son, W;u.. in our burs on Wednesday last. School, who si>oke on 'The tnachiug of Geography' ntmindlng the teachers that GeoKraphy should be taught by olwerva- tioD, by problems and by compar'soii. Tiiuraday eveniag the teachers apprec- iated the uiusical program arranged by Me • Viotofia School staff. Principal • Clrant of Upper Cutaik College gave an h)tete«ttiug afid helpful aMress od 'Language.' (CutiiiotMd ott Pl^v 4) fur- lough who is supported in China by the Leagues of the Owen Sound district, was a guest at the home of R. O. Aobesou on Thui-sday and Friday. Subject to Artemesia Board of Health t >guIaUons, all public gatherings have b«eii withdrawjt until further notice. Many Boys are Home The Chaotaqua festival at Mt. Forest hftM boeit caocallud ou account of the lDflucn'.ia. It is said that forty of the niigiual members ot the lirs;Grcy Raitaliou, the l-47th, have reiurned to Canada within the past few days, many of them severely injured and all of them unlit for .seivxe. Many more have already returned ,»s the result of wounds and sickness and u lot more will never see the front again o.i account of wounds received in the recent heavy tightiug. The men of the 147t-h have been in the thick nf all the (ightiug since they lirst .â- â- ItiteJ to rtl'er into FiMiice about Chiistmas, lillli, and thoy have e-triied a name for thonisclvos that will net be surpassed by any unit. The old battalion has paid a heavy price for its uu\aryiiig successc:^ and there ar^ very in.iny lionifs in tlio county of iJrev where a hiilior, or a brother or a son, is mourned .iiiionnstitbe falltu. Tbey g'.ve theii' services to their country and the grcit cause, without stiut, and with the lull le.ili/.Htioii of the pos.«ibililie,s, and those who have iillcn s^ave up their lives with I he hope th.il their sacritices would uot be in vaiii and with no reurels for having offered iheir services. They died the death of heroes, cvorv one of them. To ihose who have returned ihe country owes iniic.h that wiil never \i: rt'[iaid, bui theirs IS tl.e satisfaction of knowing that they havo done their t^u^y wholeheart- edly. â€" Owen Sound Sun. Clear the Decks ! PRICEVILLE In the diBt week ot I >clobur a message announced that Robert E. McLean, sin of Mr. and Mrs. D. (i. McLean, wax seriously wounded. Friends aud villagers generally lived in hopes that he wnuld impruve.but on the aficruuuu of the 10th the sad aud aisappoiniing lueseagc was received that ho had pab.>ied aAay on 'ept. :W, the nest day after beiug .01 ndcd Deceased was ni.irried and 1 "I es a wile and child two years old, a-s.din? with friends at Berkeley. Robt. enlisted with a western oattalioii that went overseas in I'Jlii. He was slighily wouuiled ill 1'..'17 but w<s soon back in the tiring line again. Two brolU«;rs, .Mian and Donald, have been wounded and are c >Dvale:cing in English hospitals. P r. -Viigus McLean, who lia< he u in it-loi'jg for tb" n'*" -.rvice, was home with his mother fur a few days lately, and on the evening of his leiuru to .Moliawk camp our civic uUiciais presented him with an address and i^<'isl uatcli. It is pleasing to see that many ot our yi>uui» men who have joined the colois have seemingly merited the favor of our town fathers and hate been recogui/.ed in the above iiiauiier.but if wc are nut mistaken we Could refer I.) several vi.lage boys who have jointd the coluis aud gone away without any civic recognition whatever. Perhaps our orticials know the iva.son for so doiuu. Dau McEinuou, who has beeu out west in Ihe couutry njr'.h of Moose jaw, liaa returned home and is again assistant postmaster. Neil Shortreed, li.A.F . Camp Lea- side, came home for a visit a few d.iys ago. Mrs. Brawley has beeu over ;o Detroit to visit her sou, who expected to go overseas in a short time with .Vinerican forces. Pte. Siaiiley Foi;;uf^on, whu lia.s been trainiug at Burwash Hall. Toronto, since the liisi of September, and later with a machine gun company, at Niagara, started via C.N.R. for llie Pacific coast I'ui'^day of last week, his ultimate destination beiug Siberit. The churches and public sclioo i are closed here uiilil further orders, out we have no cases of ' Hue ' here at this date. Get ready for action ! Forget each a'tr.ictioii That leads you away fid.m yom part I What part'U you have shown In this VICTOUY LOAN / vVill you back it with all ol your heart ^ Canadians tightini; -Are daily delighting Their .Allies with proof of their ski'l '. The foe they're (ursuiuj; How much aie YOV doing to give ihe uiad Kaiser his p II I Vou know of a way You can help wiu the fray - Q\iita clearly ihi.'s w.iy has boon shown. Canadians all '. Arise ot the call AND CARRY THIS VlCTOhl LOAN ! Bates Burial Co. BUSINESS AS I'srAL Funeral Directors and Embalmers Phone Hillcrest 268 124 Avenue Rd. Toronto, Ont. MOTOR EQUIPMENTj J.W.Bates, R. MaddocksJ Pres. Manager.' STOCK FOR SALE 1 have -It present for •juick sale â- J Y'orkshire sows, some youni' cross-bred pgf just ready to w.ao, I Rouen drake, 1 flarred Rock ^poster. Prices right. Phone or write. â€"GEO. W. ROSS, Osprey Tel. System. Ma.\well, P.O. PORTLAW The opening of the new hall and fowl supper which was announced for Thurs- day evening at Mount Zion has been indednitely po.'^tpou€d. A large congregation iitteiiUed i'.'.o aiinivcissry siervices a week ago Suiidiy. Rev. .^lr. Laidlaw preached ed:iviog sermons luorniiig and evening. -At ilio evenii'g service the choir was assisted by Miss Edna Acheson of Protrii, who give a solo, ii.d Mr. and Mrs. Largo, v\''> gave a duet. These numbers were viiy niu h appreciated. The chjtoh i^ is tastefully decorated for the occasion. Mr. aud Mra. .AlbertjHaiiey of Toron;o visited list Week with friends on ih," Centre Line. Miss Viol i an.l M,»>ier Murray Cm. held of Toronto were liouie lor riiaiika- giviug. Born â€" On Thanksgiving Li.,y, to .Mr. and Mrs. K. Allen, twins â€" a girl an.l a boy. Congiatulatious. Miss \Vhite, 4 returned luissioii uy who h.'.s been in western China as a represeutative of l.>weu Sound district, gave a very interesting and inslructive address, illu.-.irated by lantcin slides, nc the K))*oilh Leauue last Friday iiiyht. Tlie 8i>eaki;r 10 )k htr audience with hec oM an i.naginary trip to her d.stani li.'id of labor aud made the journey appear all «o vividly real tb-it some of us have not got back ycl, but f.iiiey we are still mingling with those people to whom Iho lijht IS breaking : enjoying (?) a meal lU a tea shop, spending a night at an inn, or jolting along a narrow street in a ginriokish&w. Farm For Sale IN ORANGE VALLEY Throe miles poiith of Markdale on Ihe ToiHiulo and Sydenham Ivo.-id : lots 12-1 to 12tt, oonsistiog of IM acres : wejl fenced, brick house, good bank Dam with waterworks, outbuildings -hen hiuse. sheep house and drive shed ,' school , across the road. -T. MONTOOMKRY Oci2atf Jewelery ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES A Splendiji Stock from which you may readily make A Satisfactory sel- ection. We carry Photo Supplies. W, A. Armstrong Jeweler FLESHERTON, - ONT. I Gasoline Engines ! Three i|uarteis of farm n 'linery for muUiplying profit and saving l.ibor is built for attachmei, 10 gasoline engines. The etiicieucy of enailaae cutters, grinders, w .r systems, etc., depend upon the source of power. The selerticn t an engine, therefore is the important HUeslioii of farm e«)uipnient. We can supply you wirh a Lister. Toronto or FAiRn.\M<s MoRsK engine, any of which are jjuaran- teed to give entire .satisfaction. D. McTAVISH, FLESHERTON .< < n i i > ii^u ^.M,^ gâ€" i.ifcte» 1 ^ -^. • > LADIES ! The Fall Season for Millinerv is now on and we are right UP TO THE TIMESwith a .stock of the Most Up-to-Date Hats Shown Outside of the City. i Just give us a call and see tt)i' voui'selves. We can show you something that will become yon. Prices cheap, considering the ([uality of the goods. Highest price for ri-Mluce W. L. WRIGHT'S Corner Store, Flesherton n. ! . i' m ^ - w m ' •••••••••••••• •••• â- ••• Try Them f ••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• ••• 2» â- ••• ••• •••• •••• ••• â- ••t â- ••• -•• â- ••• •••• •••• Any man wanting a good solid boot suitable for this season of the year TRY THOS. CLAYTON FLESHERTON, - ONTARIO •••• •••• •••• •••• ^ B > •••• * •«•• |U •••• i^ .»â- m*" It «r >â- ur > ^