* For Aatiima Days JMif Developed in svrge this one-piece dress is just the last word in smart- ne-is. MeCall Pattern No. 8539, Ladies' Dress. In C sizes, 34 to 44 busr. Price, 25 cents. I Bcrcar«4. r â- Let in« foiae in wb«re you sit WMp- ' in»; ay, I l.n m?, ~ ho hav^ not any child to die, I Weep with vou for the little oc« i wbos« love I I have kno^n no-.hin|t of. The fittU «-Tcs that sldriy. ilowly loosed Their preu'ire round your neett; the. bird* you uied To lti.«5 â€" such arms, sach hands I never V.r.<rw ' Mav I not weep with you ? Fain wc-jl'? I be of service, say somethipc Between tre tears, that would be coirforttBg. B'"' ah! so sadder than yourselves am I. Who have no child to die. â€" Jaae" Whitcomb Riley. - ,i CANADA CATS DIRT 'â- ^••ttMl. GILLETTS . LYE r-A/i.D AND SCFT SOAP FUiX- 01«£CTIOf<5 WITH LKZH CAN. An Immeiifl^ R. A. T. tnacaSne r^ady to start with its load of bombs ioT German.T. TIIEY are cutttnj spruce ia Brit- ish Columhia. The sllrer sprjce forests. long neglected because or lack of raarke: and tranaportatloB, haye (aund their place. The straight, fine-graloed. tough woed Is the Heal material (or ;he manufacture of aero- plane parts. The sllTer spruce grows only oa the islaads and O'-ean coast of British Columbia and the north- west United States. The Aaserlcan limber of this species i? being used eselualTely for w«r purposes of the etates, the seeds of the ether aliiee in the gre»t ivar are supplied by the i A Sitka (sllrer'* sprace leg <^u' on ' ' the Qaeen Charlotte Islaads off 'he , fcist of British Columbia for the Im- ' perlal Munitions Board. | wonderftil forests of B. C , this sap- [ ; ply being made possible through a ispleadid orgaaisaties ^erferied dur- I ing the pas: ten man'.hs tj Maj-or lAujtln C. Tajior, director ot the Aerociiit;.;*.: Desartaeat ef thj Is- peria: Msslt'.oas Board. Huadreda of campe. scores of tug-b<jats, thoi;- lands oi a^'n are at work oi the 'orests,' while scores cf laills cat the l3ss. Canadian Pacifi;; P.allwa.v Com. panT tugs haul great raits a-rces t!it waters of tUe I'aciSo Coast and dis- charge th« cargo at the mills and teraaiaals. Hundreds anc huadreds 0? Canadian Pacific Rtiiwav â- .•arj ro'.t eaatwari mocthiT loaded ittth pri.ii* aeroplane luaiber. bound for the aeroplane f»/-torles in the east. Ths wants of F^nce i~i EcgladJ. Canada and Italy are filled b/ th, Ugjec.. of British Col-jnibia, and the industry wlli grow eveu beroati tt« jreseal treneado'js vjitiaie.â€" L. V. K. - - THE SI.MPLE AFRIC.VX Hov the Sight.' Civilization and Customs .vafcct Ilim. o( A stilt i? sm t-s3cntial v.-i.h the weii- dressed •woman, and hero is an e.v ceptiojially unusual ruiaptation of one. McC«ll Patitcm No. SCMT, Laiies' PouMe-Brcastevl Coat. In 7 sizes, 34 to 46 bust. Piice, 2f> ceii:«. Mc- Ca'il Pattern No. SOS'S. Uules" Skirt. In 6 sizes, 22 to oi) -.vatsr. I'rice, 20 cents. These pattern.-! may lie It is an amusing speculation to pic- ture one of our remote ancestors sud- denly transported through time from the homely days, say ot the seven- teenth century, to the hustling, bustl- ing days of the present. "How his eyes would open at our marvelous in- ventions!" we say. The nearest we can come to bringing that to pass is to bring out sudde.nly to civilization some of the tribesmen who have never before left their jungle homes ajid who have never heard of engines or tek'phones or motion picturcj. VN'e imt.giiie our remote ancestor as stand- ing in awe before our wonderful de- vices. Perhaps we would laugh at them, too, as some of the West .\fri- can tribes did on their way to the front in German Kast .\irica. .\ â- writer in Blackwootl's tells about them. j The â- wildest excitement prevailed on obtained board, he says. Many of these na- fnsed to believe were carried in the aeroplane. "But how on earth."' they asked "do those men get any food?" "O fuoll" came the answer. "Of course they catch binisi" from your local McCall dealer, from the Mc<.'«Il Co., 70 Bond Toronto, Dept W. A Scania >Ieal. or fives had never seen the sea. and very St., i few had ever sailctl up*>n it. They 1 bclievfid mo,<t things ikeir officers told i them, hut i; was of no use to tell j them that me:>. birllt this great float- I ing town. No. .Allah must have made In a certain hospital t':e patients; it! Pointing to the two steam tugs *i'ere very bad'y fed. nr.d looking for- â- lying side by side in t.he harbor, they \rnrd to an insj'ection, vrhen they | aslceU how soon it would take these could lodge a compliiint. lesser craft to grow to the sine of the When one day the inspecting: oflicer transport, which must be their moth- ChTrjs round, one Tontmy wss> tlotor- 1 er. The tables and l>enches on the jnitted not to miss this opro^f.imty. troop deck of the ship were an un- "Wkat's your complaint?"' asked ' necessary encumbrance to the black the ofPcer. i men. who knew not whether to sit on "Trench fever." ^ ' the tables and rest their feet on the 'â- Oh! And what is the tUef?"' con- benches, or to sit on the benches, us- tinucd the office.'- solicitously. ; ing the tables as a support for their "Two sucks at th« thermometer backs. When the officers began to SEVE-N BROTHER.^ KILLED ! .-Vn -VmaziniC Tale of the War Re- garding \a .Australian Soldier. The -Agent-Genera! for New South Wales issufi the following remark- able statement regarding an .\us- : tralian soldier's military career. Staff Sergeant W. F. Payne, Ans- ; tralian Imperial Force, to whom a : cottage at Darlington. N.S.W., has recently beeti erected by volantarv- labor, and who ha3 a -wife and three children, has had an amazingly rom- j antic career m the military service. i Five of his brothers were killed at ,Mons, one at Bullecourt. another else- ' where i:i France, and two in the Boer I war. while his only living brother lost â- a leg at Mons. The father of this family of eleven fighters, now- 7S. is ; u I.ieut.-Colonel in charge of Bis'.ey 1 lifle range. I Sergeant Payr.e enlisted in Sydney ' ;n .Augufft, 1914. the day after war wfc» declared, lie look part in the ' famous landing at GalUpoli, and was wounded. Later 'ne was blown up by a ^^ell, and was rendered blind for nine •weeks, deaf for ten weeks, and dumb for four and a hah" month-, lie ; legained his speech in u Sydney ihe- atre by th* startling effect of a stage episode. The City of Great Spirts. ! He wrote, brave boy. from out of Franc- so«ew'nere, Th.-it "I can see a city of ffreat splr»s, .And in bet\»een flash patiis of deadly I fires. : But stPil, please God. to-morrow we'll I be there."' [ To-morrow came. He cliuiler th-? I cumbered stair ! Of duty, and through dangers tangled ' wires, • Flung all his lighting, like an incst^s- ed prayer. j Upon the smoke of war's grim faa- I eral pyres. 1 Not this life's crow-de<J spltndors ta withhold From furnace-triai; nc>t content with less : Than Self sublimed to noble nothtng- ! iiess, i He gaiueA the City of the Spires of ( Gold. ' Close to our hearts liis memory 1 lingereth. .\ Cross of Vict'ry pinned by the hasd i of Death. LEMON JLMCE IS FRECKLE REMOVER Girls! Make th » che^p bea,;ty Ictton to clear and wh.ten your skin. Squeeze the juice of tvo lemons ioto . a bottle containing chre« ounces of orchard white, shake well, and you have a quarter pint of the b<ist freckle and tan lotion, and comntexion beaut!- rter, at very, very small cost. Your grocer has the lemons and any drag store or toilet counter will sup- ply three ounces of orchard white for a few cents. Massage this 8we«?tly fragrant lotion into thi4, face, neck, arais and hands each day and see how freckles and biemi.>=he3 disappear and how cl°o.r. sett and white the skin t>e- cotues. Tes! It is harmless. Newfoundland to LteveloiJ Resource!!. The Reid Newfoujidland Railway Co. has esta'olished a natural re- sofa-ces department under J. McNeil Forbes, to explore, inventory an<i de- "••elop the in-.poTtant mineral, timber, agTicuU'.ir3l a-rd â- wa*er-po7.-er resour- ces on the lands owned by the com- pany. It is 'noped to create a flour- ishing farming distriv't on the western side cf the island. .\ large :;taff ot" teci!::ical men will be employed on the w.;rk during ".he next fct- years. Aatuma. The whip-poor-wii:s are calling .A.nd callinc *>ft ami low. And back and farth a pheasant flock ! Like frightened shad-?wj go. The hi»kway beckons deep with dtiat, -Anil bine the skies and .-iear, B-i: the white-winged moth has toi4 me That .Aufoma draweth near. rom bakj: W'Cl-l. Kyril fi.-D .NK'.'.'Sf.vPER mil ;ot) Dri.itinr riant l-i Ra^tfra Ontjrfo. Irrsurante .-arrie-i I! iiin Wlil »o for tl 100 on aulck Bal? Box S>. VMtson P'iMia.hi-t <> T.trJ T'>r.7nt<>. W:-:2UCLY .VE-V;;i\vi'fc;n for sal a in .N'»«r Ontario Uwn«r (olnx i» Frarc*. Will ttH tlOOO. Wortii double that «mcur;- .^doW J H. ..• o VVilaoa PufcUshine Ct?. I.l-7;!:»,1. Toronta. tli:A3Lt^'9 U3lBi«nt Cnze« Daadra3. The Soldiers' Chances. The actuaries have got the soi-iiers" war risics iigiired oat to the decinxal point. Based on the stortulity sta- tistics of the .â- Vliied armies â- Aw fight- ing man's c"sanc-os are a.i follows: 29 cha.-ices of comir.g hcaie to 1 of 'oe- ijig killed; 4d chances of recovering from v/oiiads to 1 ch;\nce of dying from th-;m; I chance in 3'"'Q of losing a I'.mb. .\ad the soldier's life even niukes foi- longevity. It is estimated that the average Tcminy who siir- vives the risk of battle adds five â- years to l-ds life beca-.;ie of physi'.-al training. :tnd is freer from disease than ha -.â- culd 'r.3-»e beeti "j: >â- v.I life. MONcY ORDci^S A Dominion ilxpress Money Order for Ave dollars costs -.hreo cents. We believe .MIN.\.RD"S LINIMENT : is the best: | Mathlas Foley. Oil City. Ont. ! Joseph Suow. Norway. Me. Charles 'Whooten. Mulgrave. N.S?. Rev. K. O. Armstrong. Mnigrave. N.S, Pierre Landers. Sen., I'okemoache. N. B. (iRily!" was tho r.n rw-v. Saving Sugar and Wheat is comfortably done when one uses This cereal food is con4X)&cd peni- lyof IjKiriev and C<MitAins its o^v^l sugar made from its o\v"n ^ains. A truly wonder- ful Food, reddy to eat. C»rJ<tio r.-^><l Po«rd kicer.J« N«^ ^0c6 • issue the usual hammocks there was : the wild excitement of children with I a new and wonderful toy. Climbint: I ill at one side the black men fell out j at the otlier. and thought it all the ; greatest fun in the world. ! The navigation of the ship was a . mystery to the .Africans. The popu- I lac theory was that we were pulled â- a! ji'tt by a wiiv under the sea. Many ! attacheil considerable importance to ! the log line on the stern of the ship, j supposing that it somehow enabled Klhc skipper to find his way across the j wean, while a few maintained that I it was a means of catching tish. Our i many endeavors to convince the .\fri- ^ cans that the earth ;s round were in- Thls pound â- variably met with ribald laughter. In ' vain did we expound the principles of ' wireless. They thought it all capital j sport, and roared with laughter at j these jokes of their officers. j When wc reached Durban the peo- ple invited the .Vfvicans to a moving ' picture show The iwo hours â- we spent in that theatre are bcyoiul mjr des- cription. From beginnii-'g to end, no matter vihciher the screen was blank I or displayed Iho most stirring scenes, j the men gave themselves up to one ; frenzied tumult of laughter. The dig- nified inspection of a wr»>cked Zep- I pelin by Mr. Balfouv aud Mr. Lloyd I George provokevl as great att outburst of mirth as the most extravagant Charlie Chaplin farce. 'i"hc blank that follows the lAjniplctioti of a film was regarded «» one of tlw best practical jokes in the world. The rest of our voyage was \in- cvcntlul, but the .Afrfcan* will ever i-emcmbei; our arrival at l>«r es Sala- am, tw their they saw their first air- plane. It appeared high overhead above our head in » coc^^a^^ut planta- tion. It circled and came lowe'-. and the .\tricH«s could see the two men and a machine gun that they had re- PAIN." NOT A BIT! - LIFT YOUR CORNS OR CALLUSES OFF No humbufll Apply few df-ops then just lift them away with Angers. new drug is an ether corn- discovered by a Cincinnati chetr.ist. It is called freeaone. and tan now be obtained In tiny bot- tles as here shown at very liitle cost from any drug store. Jnst ask for freezouo. Apply a drop or two di!-ectly upon a lender corn or callus and instantly tUe soreness disappears. Shortly you will find the corn or callus so loose that you can lift it off. root and all, â- with the Angers. Not a tw ir.go of paia. soreness or Irritation; net even the slightest smarting, either when applying f^oiouo or afterwards. This drug dviesn't e.it up the coi-n or callus, but shrivels them so lih.y loosen aiid come right out. It is no l.umbug! It worKs liko a c'aarin. ' For a few cents you c«u get rid of ! every hard coni, soit C(.>rn or coru be- ' twceu the toes, as well as painful 'calluses on bottom of yonr feet. It [never dlsapindrls and never burns, bites or Innauies. It your dniggist ha?w"t any freetouc yet. tell hiw to get a lUtlo bottle for you from hts i wholesale house. Â¥ 'f 'I">»o ft«r a Nickel. The quick w-it of a traveling sales- ' man, who has sirice become a vw-ell- known proprietor, was severely tested one day. lie sent in his card by the idKce Kiy to the manager of a large concert!, whose inner office was separ- â- ated from the waiting room by a ground glass partition. When the boy hcnded his card toi the manager the salesman saw- him imp^itiently tear it in half and throw- it in the w-aste basket; the boy came out and told the caller that he co-aid i not see the chief. I The salesman told the boy to go back aud get him his card; the boy brought out u nickel ..-ith the message that his card was torn up. Then the falesman took out another card and tent the boy "oack. saying. "Tell your boss I sell two cards for a nickel." He got his interview and sold a large amount of gotnls. Domestic Dynamo. A lady, wlto had a very slow s-rvant girl, noticed that it took the iriri al- most halt" the day to scrub the kit- I chen. a piece of â- » jrk that etiould j have been accomplishe'l in an hour, j The servant always accompanied her ; scrabbing with a song, a.nd one day ; ttse m'stress was alarmed at the slow i progress she made. " "Mid pleasures" tscrub"* "an" pal- 1 aces"" \ scrub) "tho' we may"" v. scrub'* 1 'roamâ€"" } "Jane!" called the mistress, sten!- ly, "I am tireil of hearing 'Home, ! Sweet Home.' Sing "Tho Castpbella ' are Coming'." ! .Nothing loath. Jane did .-o. rnd fell into the trap so cleverij- laid for her. ' Her scrubbhig brush Sew over the boards with lightning rapidity. The poeirv- of niotion had made swift work. maard's I>islai«Bt m«U»T«a Vtsrslzik The answer to the iiucstion. 'â- Why should we save wool "" is that a fully equipped soldier uses 13 times as much woo! as does a civilian. .-Mso that there aif not enough s'neep j vai'icd to meet the needed wool sup- I Pi,v. I 8TOB3« WTtr aOWS TOM SASJI G.^T . 'K PKICE Li<r ailC'.VIN'J -••..â- i: :f w.r-i.iw- g .i^M cuaiv'.f.i. ii... «3*?. Hauli'iity 0-;a2i,'a.-:v Ho.v J-il, mscsz.i.Aazotra LAi'tK."! -.V .\.N'l-ii_i lO Do rLAl.S and itshC •«winjc &c honi«. wbuU ie t^crif tin;*. boo*1 [.•;i> . wcrk seni any iia- (anc*. charges pai-X :?<dJ s:ji:ap Jar D«r* ltcular?<. Na'.lonal Manufacfj.-ir.c Com- ranv Montrwii. CVNCiiR. TL'MOIIS. LUilFS. KTC interr-al «aJ ».\:e-nal. i-ured wltil- out ptiln 6t our hoci« tr«atr:i»at. Wr!:« c» b^fjr* too late. Dr. Beilm^in VXe^^ic^ Co. T.im.tevl. Oor.iiirwoo*J. (^nt. t Bow to Purify • t the Blood • f "Fiftsen to thirty drcps ef e 1 E-itract of Rcot», camfnonly ^ J called Malhcr Setgei"s Caralivt J, â- S>rap, Dwiy be taken ia water ^ * with cn«als mi at bedtime, for â-¼ ^ the cure of ;ndige«Uon, consti- (f C paticn and bad blood. Persist- ^ _ ence in this treatment -will effect ^ J. a cure in u««rly every ca«e." ^ * Get the geculne at dniggi«t>. i * >.*-:fc.-^«-^-'? *-••*••«•*-*--â- ? ACHES AND PAINS~ QUICKLY RELIEVED You'll find Sloan's Ijniment softens the severe rheuBiHiic ache r«t it oa ireeiy. Don't 'i*.'' it in. Tujt let it ^x'ift'-jU naturally. What a sense of soothing relict soon tollc.vs! Extc-rtal acnes, sti:fne«. w.-euess, criJ-.iped rnu.-c'es. straired sinews, back "cricks"- those ailment? c-J.:'.'t fig'nt off the ."-ei^eving qua":i:i<s o» Sloan's I-iciroeiit. Clean, convenient, errononiical Made in Car.a.i.i. A *'< u;!y druggi.>: ! "r it. Sloaifs New Yor'^.'r: ".^nd whe:e oo 1 go I when this S'hellin«: b-aUness starts?" ff?andy ihite of the "Wee K:rk">: j • l-aAiie. that a* depends on your re , I ieegious opeeniiHW." | MtBard'a Ualaieat Crues Baiai. X'.a, Very Convenient. j Gt^raldine was stayii^j: Vith her j .v.int. I One day. as they wire visiting the town's poorer districts. Oeraldine no- lice^.l tliree rather untidy chlld'en plaj ing in -"lont of a hoase aud re- ' marke>l about it. ! "Thcrt aie ten chi'drey living in that house and only one inothcr to ' care f.r all of them, so she cannot ; alway s l.ecp tiie>u as clean as mothers i ' who have only one or two to take j ' ciuv of.'" said her i unt. I I "TcnV" .isV.d tleraldi*j^ "Ten?; 'Why. they ca.) have a p.irty wit'ioot ' inviting anyone!" -\ mfe&aied acre sununet'faUjwe.i at the farm «f Ledtlrid^e .lail has y>ekle«l oo bul sfls to tlw acre. T>.c thra^in^ frtni the whole farm w\; give an Rvtrat-' ^*f <-'Vor 3t) b-a.-li.-ls. He^pyour shoes noa/ SHOE POUSHES UQ,l)IDS«! PASTES o« avBtooo swts PRESERVE ti^e LEATHER VMff»«»S ^m,->4P-;,>ea Let Cuticura Care for Baby's Skin It"» really wi>nder{u! how anjckiy a hot bath with Cuticura Soap ti>Uci<re4 b>- a gentle aiv intiiig with Cuticura <.">intnient re'irves skin irritaiions ubich keep baby wakehd and r«t- less, i>enints seep l-^r in.f â- >lani.1 ^ess (vrnjolher, and ^x'its whirv'^'.t in •^lost cises when it scces iiothlng w.'u'd help. SuwU Eadi Fr«« br MaiL AddrtM CcsN i-»nr^»ti«<ir«. Dw>« N, Boatoa. V.S. A." Sold l-> ^c..'tT5 tii;u.:.>h.."u: -^c w^rUl. Hl> 7. ISSl K 43- IS. IRST'S PAIH EXTERMINATDR STOPS THE P.\1N-AND ACTS QUICKLY Rhe-.-jTiii-a). )â- - ibnc * . .». â- Draimi, lam* back, tpvthac!l'^ ear- »oht», frT* H'-^-»^. -*.^ • «:jd all filaii^&r tr^" ^;T•1^ »rr vwirl^ npj •h.'Llvi^t* tn cTvri .^ou<rh. 'd--bas a hun**.-*d u.**?*, ; .itft/malwlf or MHttftu lIIR-.-r RVVEPY IX).. Hsm't. •>. r«!i->J». BOITtC ^_. ^m Mi -â- It^.: ?S^ mm