Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 24 Oct 1918, p. 4

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, ^ â-  oiiMwatjfrnr- !Ml» Ti WBU nmamiuieit>'. ; JF 'i'_'.. .A.S^^t i'-Utii^'-' October -24 1918 T 11 I? F 1. E S li K If J O N ADVANCE TH E. Flesherton Advance an independent hi'wipainT, publinbed everr rburday at tlii" otKce, CulIiUKWuod Street, iriwhertun. Subocriptinn jn-ice f I per annum hea paid in »ilv>inct> ;|iI..V»'hen nu s<> iiajil >'«r'iiiine rate* on Kiiplicati'n, Circulation l.lKO w.'i'kly Keiry. Miss Julie) , Mr, lli^ll.tud, Mr. S. IV'tcli, Mis" Thiiratoii, Miss Miiclu'W tiiid M i.sii lU>)il. Eaxt Urcy teAcliers are to huvu a library, Tliu fi>ilii«ii)i{im! till' I.ibriny coiniiiittee : lnij|je<.lot Hutl(r()iiveiii-r)Mc'ssis Holland, Fetch, .lolley, Missus Ik'iry, Siilhvell, (Jntvi'!', Dai:i.'iiid llariow. The Influenza Its History, Prevention And Treatnrent liitluoiizi, ivliicii la now i,\vec|iiii^ over CiimJa fioin one iiiJ to the oilier, ih » Virv old disease. It was known ir. ancieiit limes. Slid as c»ily iks 1010 it ovenati the whole ci\ir/.od world. Fur ctnluries it liiR iir»iii.d;c'illy swept ovir y.iiiou» iiirts if tlie world. The list great woild epidemic was in 18H'.I-18'.1)l>, when it was gent'r»Ily kuown liy the | French nnme of la tsripp.:. The disetse • has 'dw'iy.s travelled fio-.ii cisl to west The syuifitoins Are similar to a heavy I Cjld- mote or less severe heudiche, cold j in tlie head and liirour, hts of anefzini;, flushed face, chills, aches and painb in the limbs, pains in the eyeballs and behind the eyts, i<ii'ei:il ptiynicil de- preBsioii, and teinperaiu'e rising to 101 or 104 decrees . As it IS such Hii old disease the doctors have naturally le iriied .i yrivit dciil .'ilioui itj prevention iind trentiiient. The lirst principle of prevention is to keep away from lho.se infected, and the second, to build up the germ resisting par's of the body by eatiii'4 nourisliiiii; foofl.si'ie^sinj; comfortably, pelting lots of sleep, and by liviuK in the open air and in briuht, well ventilated ronius as much as possible. The mouth, throat and uosa should bo systematically and frcfiuently disitiftcted by aiiticepti.T inhalation-', sj.r,.y.s aid washe."!. Such preparations us cliloretoiio and listerine are well adiipted for this pai-pose. In Gghlini; previous epidemics doctors found quiniiie a useful prtventive. One grain of sulphate of ipiinine iiiiied with (but not diss'.ilved in) a wineglassf idl of cold vrater makes an excellent anticeptic gargle. <^uinine is also ((ivcii internally aa a preventive. Iiihulatious of oil of eucalyptus, thyinwi. oil of mountain pine and the like are also valuable. When a person is stiuck by intluenzi only one course li -'S open. That ia to take to bed with the lea.it pcissiblo delay and call a doctor. liest, wanntli and quiet are three sovereign remedies of the pi-imary disease, and Ihe best pre- ventive of its mote deadly complications, of which pneumoni I is the most freiiuenl While there is no specific for iiilluenza, yet there are many dru^s which play a Useful oart in relieving it, such as quinine, aspirin and various tonics, anti- neuralgic, anticeptic and heart inedioinec. The dietetic rules which apply to any fever apply (i|'ially to iiUiiien/.t. Lifjuiil foods at first, solids a little later on in a gr«iiuitlly ascending scale from liL'htly bjiled fii.'sh eggs to chicken, loast joints, etc. Water, cold or liol, or e.'g wutcr m«y be givsn. This excellent dish is prepared by blending with i pint of cold water the whipped whites of from i! to 4 eggs, fl.'vvorel with salt or ciunaniun. Then the animal broths may be givei). There are many cases in which even the lightedC foods uiv s|, limed with I jalliii:g and com-iion sense must bo used in adapting diet to I lij pirticular c ise in hniid. Precaulioni Againat Influenza 'iâ€" The sick shoiil I Le stpaidUd from the healthy. This la isinciallyi iiipor:anl in the lirst attacks in the hnuseli'ld. 2 -Didchatgis from i.ote and moiilh flhould not be allowed to get iliy in a Ij<jcket b iiidkercliief or inside the house, ofBcu or factory. They sli^tuld at once bti collected in papei or clean ra^s and burned. If this cannot be done, they should be dropped into a vessol coniain- ing water. ;{ â€" Infected arliLlei al.d iiiuns sh'.iiM le cleansed and dis nfected. I'sw disin- fectants every* lieie. Wash the l.aiida frtiquently. 4 â€" Those attacked thoiild not, in any acoonn*, mingle with oher people for at least a [leriod of Ihii dayn fioiii the co'i.nieiiceiiient < f the attack. In severe lasPH they bliouUl ruiiiain away from wuik for a longer period. 5 â€" Hpeciul at'.eiilioii shmiM b.? givei. to .clHanlinesi an I venliliiion. Waim clothing should lie wori, the !e<i should bekerpt dry and all uiinecass.try exposure avoided. TEACHERS' CONVENTION (Continue J from Pikge 1) On Kiidsy the following subjects were discussed :- 'Uevioi.n of Ontario reaiUrs b/ Mr. MaituH anl Miss K. Stewart ; Oraniinar by 8. .1 . Stnbl h ; Kederation «[ Wonirn Te.clers Association by Miso I'eaimn. The otticers of Kast Orey Tenthera Institute for lh«. following year no : â€" Pres. , Mii-s K. 8tJ«ail ; Nice Pies., MiN« llariotr ; Hec. Treas.,Mns Oravet ; Aiidiiorn, Mr. Hammciui and Mil's Tait. Uela^ates to the O.K. A .Mis, M. I'letrM and fMiss M. Hu< ' nnl Lx9Ciiti' p, Mi^a Scnoolbby hc-nicrs. English Bciioolboy howlers Bllll crop out, as the following will show: The Minister of War Is tho clergy- man who preaches to the soldiers at the barracks. After twice coinniiltiiig BUioide, Cowpcr lived till 1800, when he died a natural doalh. Much butter l8 imported from Uenmark because th« Danish cows have a greater en- terprise and superior technical edu- cation to ours. The courage of the Turks is explained by tiro fact that a man with several wives Is more will- ing to f.ice death than if he had only one. To all of which wo may add an American schoolboy'."; recent stato- meut: Patrick Henry .-said, "I rejolco that I have but one country to live for." Onions and Honey On^'ns ai d Honey Kor Sale â€" Onions S.'i.OO per IflOlbs. honey '.'oc per pound â€" .loseph Buchmin, Flesherlon. Small Ads. I'Or sale cnea anci on easy ti rma. Lot 13, coll. 11, Oipr.-v, 110 acres. This i-< a tirst cla.s.s farm and in a good state o' cultivation. Good bank b.irn and new frame dwelling. Apply co U. .1. Spr.iulc Flesherlon (iirl Want! dâ€" Capable girl for general house w<irk, no washing, ilun cooking. Kxrellent home. Wagpsji28. Uefrrences reiptiied. Mrs. M.iish, (>'• Keenatin Ave., Toronto For Rent â€" House, stable and lot ; also for Saleâ€" K Ichen range, small heater, extension table, three dining chairs, iMie small locker, bed, mattress and aprings and linoleum â€" Mrs. E. Morgan, Kugenia. White sewing machines, tho king 'f niacliiiie.s. Sherlock Maiming pianos are stiictly high grade. If you ?au ptove this alateincut false I will give you a piann free. â€" I. C. Kentner, Markdule. For Sale Cheapâ€" 1 good team, 7 and S years (bl sound and kind to work, weigh- in'.' 2H.">0 lbs. Well ma'sid bays, with white pointa. The owner has no use for them in the winter.- Apply to John Kunstadler, Fleshertoii. Sheep For Saleâ€" Fine good ewe lambs of Oxford Down breed, also six good bleeding sheep, lu-icesler- Reason for selling, overslockeil. â€" Herbeit .1. Neil, U R 1, Singhamplon ; Tel. Fevershim. Girl Wanted - Kor g.-neral housework, good wagi'S. Mrs. .1. (Jardnei. Duiidalk Phone ni '-'4 NOTICK Any iiaiipiiif, hiintiim or (isliiiigon L.ts 17(1.1T7.17H, S W.T S.U. and lot 17H K.'!". â- <: S.U . Arteme.si*. is prohibited. -T. J. STINSON. 1 12 8 P'nMei'Ti ids to loan <a real eatate security at reasonable rtic of iii'ereat. Apiily to Ft, .1. Sproule, Fit .burton. sept 21! Colts ForSdeâ€" One colt coming 2,one coming :'. years old, and a spring colt. - Wilson Mc.Mullen, t.'eyh.ii 1 12 \^ Hiiuiid t'aine Astray â€" Hlack and -.iliilt hound, Urge and It iititle nged. 0«iu-i im>'S t.>John Wiight Fe.vhert3n. Kor Sale -10 puie bred Oxford Down ram lambs for sale. iiiO e.icli if liken at onoe. -Claude Akins, Klesheiton. Pigs Kor Sale- Choice youiii pigs, ready to ko-Wio. Davis, Markdale It It •"> For Sale â€" 1 cow, »Uo a minib-T if I'.arred [lick cock- r.-ls- W. W. Trimble, I'leah.-iti'li. l'"..i Sale â€" lour Shorlh.itn bulls, red for sale â€"JohiTston Cullon, Flesherton. Kor Sale- -Young pigs for sala. Ready I 1 g'l at once. â€" ,los. Kiiiwick, Kleslierton Uani For Sale -K.\fi>rd lUni, a yeara (Id. Apply lo S. P»al»r, F.eaherton. For Sale -Cow ami calf for sale. Apply lo F. O. Karsledt, Kor Sale -Mate and spring colt for sitle. - It >bi Osborne, Kugenia. Kor Sale U liiiibs fill sale. ewi* Uinbs and 7 ram .las. tlnnoe, Klesheiton. Highest price for huttci and cugs at (Irahaui nrns. Euaania, Uunv 2(i Tiy Fe«eiNlia.n Paatry|Kloiir, the best for your CO -k, All thitvrio wheat Kor Kyleâ€" (>iie horse, giio4 single ft iloublo. A. Tliiatletliwiitp, Klesherton. For Sal* --Yoiing calf for sa'e, lo John Wright, Flesherlon. â- aSi^ >''C VJ V*3foS' ^^^^ '^jy^ iff^'"' i >h\ iy '^o f*^^ \i 5?-,;!^ When will it end} Thousands upon thousands, endless thousands, hold their lives cheap as the price of Victorious Peace. And we â€" as we watch from afar their heroic efforts â€" may we be able to say, that the little we at home could do, we have done; â€" that in so far as we could support them, lighten their burdens, bring them com- forts, we have done it; â€" that we have striven un- ceasingly to shorten their stay in the Hun-made Hell; â€" that freely, fervently, unitedly, we have laid our humble offerings alongside their noble sacrifices on the altar of Victory â€" and Peace. Another opportunity to lead yoor individtial weight to the blow that will shorten the war comts with the offering of Victory Bonds about to be made. Let not the privilege to do your share find you unprepared. ImumI by Csaada*. Victory Losa Commitcea in co-opwrntioa widi tba Minntu o( Fioaac* of tiM DomiaioD uf Caaada. /^ ^ IU^\ m Is-. » FARM IHPLEHENTS Agents Fop Special Prices on Waggons, Plows Harrows and \ Horse Blankets i Apply W. A. llAWKI'A'. l>o,jlev for Virgil Pianos ami I'lioiiograpli?, nl.«ti Kecords ami Slieot Music. Cull ami Got prices at Hawkin's Photo Gallery & Music Store, Flesherton Wagons Plows Hay Rake^ CultiTttors Harrows Mdwers JOHN HEARD, IMPLEMENT AOCNT FLESHERTON.

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