Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 24 Oct 1918, p. 5

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October 24 1918 THE F L E S H E K T N ADVA ^'CE THIS STAHDARD BANK OF CANADA HCAO orncE - toromto Money Orders and Drafts are issued by this Bank payable in all parts of the world. S34 BRANCH Died of Influenza n -'â- ''â- "â- *- ./-â- â-  - Pte. Charlea Tliiacletkw%iie, son of iK^ Mr. Alfred Thistlc-tliwaite of Flesherton, \yj died io Toronto oa Friday Ixst of ^jneu moaia. foliowint; ioHuenzi. The rt>raaia8 were brought to Flesherton on Saturday l^s' and interuiement m*de in Fleshertoo [,. :i 'flesherton GEO. MITCHELL, cemetery Suud.ty Rev. A. MeVicar. afternoon by the ? â-  y^: Trains -Joilows : 'ji)ini4 Scuth T.iJH a. ni. 4.27 p.m. The mails are P. R. Time Table. I'Wc Flesl.HCon Station Charby went overseas with the 147tb ru Battalion, but wa^ liL-ld in England ~f, , uwi:i){ tu feickuess aud eventually wa^ |^y| i iovniiied bou.e nearly a year aeu. At :hJ ^_^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^_ ' ''>** t'l'* "f his death he hjid no; received \'f\ ^â- ^^^^^^"^^^^^^^^^^^*' I hia discharge, but it wa.s expe«!ted in a ' l*' i few days. Tke young man was 2()'year.s ' \3>\ lu was with e.xtreme regret that The j ^f ^g^ ^„d highly respected. ' U Advance learned of the death of Mr. Ed. | ^, _ ,,, ,. ,,. „, ,,. 'vj iifanager. Bentham at West T.u-onto on Monday Cioing Xorth bigt after a very shr.rt "llloesa. El, ^--^}^ *-'•'"• 'U-aves a wjf,; nnd little d^iui-h'er about O.lSp. ni. I The pallbearei.-^ were < ». \V. PhlUipK, .^ B. Welion. Kuy, .eff, John and Hairy l^^^ ThiiitUchwaile. While in Toi;unto the oseil at Flesherton m ten years old. follo-.vs : For the north at 10.40 a.(n.and| ^'-^ws was received here last week that 7 p.m. • and the afternoon msil south at Mr. David Blair hid died at h'S home, 3.-10 o'clnctc. For morning train south «„,.i,,se„,jf pnpi,,,,^,,;^ Years aj^o Mr. mail-closeat9p. m. the previous ev'^.l^,^;^ ^^^ ^ ^.^^^^^^^ ^.^ F,,,gherton. H« "^^v I was born neat here, on the west hack ^^ in.', and married Miss Ma-y deceased young man wa.'= running a jitney [and dviDg *ell. besides the sorro*ing I parents he leaves two sisters and three j brothers. I VICINITY CHIPS .«^ It is sure Try an Aiit\m k Small Ad. to bring good re;ults. Miss Olive Henry of Toronto is vi.sit- Inn at her parental home here. Mrs. S. D. Dinnlck and family moved lo'Ceylou last week. Markdale fiir "ate and concert receipts amounted to -SHOO. A bag of snow apples wanted â€" Ai this otlioe. yii^s Hulse is visitips! aL Ii.u' home in â-  Urangeville. Purse Founel contain? papers, etc. â€" Leslie Charii, Flesherton. Miss Hazel Ishuuk is visiting friends at Woodbridi^e and Kleinburg. Miss Maud Boyd is home from Water- down, owing to the closing of her school. Mrs. Tliurston has been in Toronto for the past week nursing the sick. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Irwin, of Durham, called on friends here Monday eveuins;. Mr. W. W. Trimble visited with liis daughter, Mrs. W. T. Hodgson, at Thornton. in.', and married Miss Ma'y Helen Heard, sister of our fellow citizen, Mr. JoliH Ileaid. He was a man of many aterlio'.; nuilille.-, a carpenter by tradtJ. Much sympathy is e.xteuded to h's ~ sorrowing wife ai:d family. The followuig have been appointed to cinv;;a Distiicc Xo. 'i, includiuL' tlie townships of Osprey and CoUingwood, aud the town of Thornbury; for the Victory Loan : For Osprey â€" E. W. Xoruian .ind •!. W. Tyson ; CUrksbur^, D. J. Patterson ; Thornbuiy, A. D. McLean : Captiin, J. H. Harrnian. The district is expected to subscribe $325,0tH>, and an activa canvas will be held between October 28 aud Nov. Iti. The L terary Society of the high school held their tt'rst meeting of the term on Thursday afternoon, October 17th, when two former students of the high school. Well VVhittaker and Bob Bellamy, who have just returned from overseas, were preseot. The presidi^nt. Miss Eva Spencer, welcomed the boys back and thanked the visitors for their attendance j after which the following program was j given : â€" a piano solo by Keudall Boyd, I two c-hotuses by the school pupils, [readings by Irwin Sprott and Emily What Is Expected 3 ( ( y From Grey County ^ r] '4. (irey Coumy^^is expected to provide thesum of f2,8."><',i.iOO of the new Vic- tory Loan. In the I:ist c;;mpaiau §2,- tJOO.OOO was raised and it is believed that the full allotment for this jeai will be realized. The following is the list of canvassing t^' districts and the amount to be raised in {X* each • / No. I â€" Owen Sound and district, i I f l,3W.O0O. ' jl No. 2â€" Meaford and district $225,000 ' jj N'o. 3â€" Thornbury and dist. $o25,Cl>0. No. 4â€" Dundalk aud district $90,000. No. 5 â€" Markdale and dist. §175,00t.>. No. 6 â€" Hanover and diitrict S7o.0(,>0 No. 7â€" Durham .and district ik500,OOo No. 8â€" Chatsworth and dist. Sl"o,01.>0 No. 9â€" Flesherton and dist. $'.»O,0OO No. 10â€" Neustadt and dist. §i.OO,000 The orgauiz\tion for the county is p.actically complete. The campaign will stirt in > few days. An EXTRA SPECIAL In Men's Fine Shoes I I* ? » A big range of Caps made up in die late.st shapes, not from cottou tweeds L ' 74 pairs Men's Shoes, niobtly .>iDgle pairs remaining from our best selling lines, some buttoned, some laced and a few gaiters. Included are tan, gun metal, l»o.\ calf, veloar kid and gondola leather. Some have cloth tops â€" others leather. They arc all on good up to date lasts, and are all perfect goods. All sizes from ')h to 10 are included. Prices originally from 1^4.7.5 to ^6.00, Your choice -it Come early while the selec'ion is at its very best. $3.49 Men's Nobby Cloth Caps that lo.se their cok»r over night, but from our own all wool cloths in good patterns that will give .satisfaction â€" look well â€" tit well and wear well. All .^i/es up to 7;^, some with fur bauds others with sanitarv wool bands foi- d»^ â-  dȴ 7t% cold weather wear. PRICES *? A tO *pl. / O A good selection of lighter qualities from 50c. Men's and Boys' Sweaters Plenty of good wool sweaters in plain and combiuatiou colors, different fancy weaves. Your choice of navy, brown, khaki, myrtle, nuiroon, black, slate an<l grey. Several styles of collar^. All madt^ from depend-ible yarn-. Boys' Sweaters from $1 to $3 Men's Sweaters $3 75 to $8 50 Stanfield's Unshrinkable Underwear for men. Three qualities. Sizes from 36 to 44. OTw.TnCKLING FLESHERTON, -- ONTARIO N LEl^^^Lâ- ' -^ ..^ ^^ ^ -A. lyC ^ ^_-A- .^^ ^ .t i^ .^ ..fc^ .^: ^^ ^ .n ^ . ^ ^ "LfcJ .^ ,A^ ^w ' .A^ ^ - ^_li^ »- •**- -^ -^ ,: ^ -^- ^^ -â-  J^lt iilHIill MS The Pubhc Library Easy to applyâ€" durable and â-  liSi |j Flesherton Tin Shop II t I have just placed on the shelves a full line of Tiuw-are, Nickelware and Agateware -for domestic use. Call on me and get your supplies. Acbeson, a duet by Florence Bunt and Miss Ada Writ-ht is ho.ne from ber^ jj^„^ ^,^j.„^,_ ,^ ^,,^^„, ^^ ^^.^^ ^f j,,^ school near Hauover as schools out ther-; are also closed until further orders. ! boys, and a violin solo bv M'ss Hulse. The main feature of the program was T. J. Stinsoii has purchated frum Mr. j ,j spea^h by Sergt. Wbitlaker, a foriiuT George Ross of Maxwell a thoroughbred Yorkshire pig from his choice herd. Fred Karstedt, jr.. was brought home Saturday from the military hospital at Toronto. The Grand Villey baker has shut up shop. He claims that the high cost of living and home baking have made the business unprutitable. Canada's 2ud Victory Loan campaign â-  commences next Monday, October iS. president of the society, .fho deeciibed the life in hospitals in France and Egypt showing the excellent organization to care for the wounded. His remarks were much enjoyed by all present. produces a beautiful, lasting ' finish that protects the car â€" don't start out w ith a shabby : car, it is not necessary â€" when a beautifurtinish can be ob- taiueil at verv little cost aud A Few Cases of "Flu" Wiiile there are a few cases of influenza here it has net really reached the propur. Let everybody buy a bond and make the ' (j^,Qg ^,f ^j^ epidemic as it has iu some Loan a hnge success. surrounding placfs. There are a number Only a single service was held iu any [of scattering eases throughout the of the churches on Sunday, when the j township. announcement was made that ho u'ore On Friday even-ng last the BoarU of meetings would be held until further Health met and instructed the Medical Health Officer as a matter of precaution to close all schools in the village and township.also all church services, Sunday schools and other church meetings ; lodge I meetinijs, concerts and oiher public I meetings to be wirhheld, until further I orders. j The cases here can nearly all be tiaced I to their source. Some came from I Toronto and others from Owen Sound. The lufectijn is only communicated by ord«rs from the Medical Health Ofiicor. A credit sale of farm stock aud iiuple iiieuts will be held on lot 30, con 10, Artemesia, on Friday, Oct. 25. property of Mr. Solomon Turner. Usual liu.e and terma. Wm. Knitting auctioneer. The Ladies' Aid of Maxwell Preaby- lerian church will hold their annual Fowl supper on Thursday. October 24th. A good program will be sjiven. Admission oOcani .oc. 1 contact wifh those who have the disease. A sharp corner and driving toa f*st ; .\„ i,„pyfjg„{ article dealing with the near the village on Sunday w.is the cause subject is printed elsewhere in this issue, of a bu^cy turning over and throwing , Uead it c»refully. the two cccup&nts out lU the mud. The, . , buggy was considerably damaged but lhi« occupants were little the worse for th» shaking up. Euphrasia public schools, churches and all public mvetins". have been closed', Another fatal shooting accident hap- until further notice is given by the Board I V*""''^ '" '''"' ^^'••""" =^^'tuid,.y, that ot Health. There have been a number | "*"'V"'"'''l the pleasure of Thanksgiving ., i„_„^i,:.., u„j aud brought additional sorrjw to a home of serious cases in the township, but i » __ ,. » 1 « k.,, .... ,«..,i l*'>"e*dy burdened none, that we know of. h>\o proved 1 ' fatal. Miss White, a returned missionary Will members of this Association who have bocks out over two'-xweeks kindly return them and obliae. It is out of the ([uestion to keep a librtiry up to date it, thoughtlessly or' knowingly, if the rules are violated. Books are not to be excbani,ed by "1001 members among themselves and yet this is cons: intly being done by some who i S.W.P. f Of outstanding vam- l^^i forget to consider that there are others . . c • t' i D- 1__- JMl K . .1 , J ,1 f 5 »shes.Stams,Enamels. Brushes ?? besides themselves and their friends. •<"»*-••>'••*»"•*'>*- ^ m| New books are to be Immediately in- for house' cleaning. • \ii\ stalled, Bafore these :ue numbered and liji put on the shelves subscribers will please ^* |«i return all books overdue. Kindly see F^ W 7 1^ ''?' that this is done to prevent trouble to Ki UlLTS. I i i i ) m Eavetroughing. Stovepipes and Stove Furnish- Kepairing of all kinds promptly attended to. Pipefitting, including pump work. Fiu-naces installed. Agent for Clare I'tiiiiaces. Bros m m m m m m m the new librarian and expense to the Board by writing you personality. F. W. Duncan iyi ilii The Fleshertiin Hardware. D. McKILLOP CHRI5T0E BLOCK FLESHERTON J0 ONTARIO. ^- Hbone .iO '\ Deaths DOUGL.\Sâ€" At his home. Ferer^ham, on Tuesday, October l.">th, James Douiilas. THISTLETHWAITE-Ia Toronto ou Friday, October ISth, Charles Thisleth-; j R. >-t:iLSt>N, L t 45, Con. o. S. waite, aged 2'' years, youngest sou of D.R., .Vrttwiesia. (near Proton St iiion) Mr. Alfied Thistlethwaite, Flesherten. 'ha* mstructedthe undersigned Auctioneer to sell without reserve on i^j^^^^^^^S^t k.^KA^^..^v.feq^..^VA:^Vj .'^^A^y..^^..^^*^^.^^^.^^^^^^'^^*^*'^^*^^^'^^.*^^^*^^^^^^' CREDIT AUCTION SALE The Old Adage Youth Fatally Shot Harold and Harvey White and a cousiu named King from Toronto spent Saturday shooiiug in the neighborhood of Jcssopvillc, aud were returning home about live o'oUick when Peonle's Society iu the Methodiit church , .. , .. . j . .- >.â-  , ,â-  •^'' ' ^ ^ ,, the latter stopped to tie his shoe. He Tuesday eveiiina of last week ot her! , . , . j , i ,,â-  â- . iuisua.> t.» 1,1111 s v/i oi.^ vv placeu hiR ritle en a loe and pulling It up work in China, illustrated by lantern ., . i , . " • . ,, . wuta v-i â-  , / .the uun exploded, the ball passing slides. Miss White is supported bv the i L u aiiuvi.. ri , ,. â-  . through the young mans stoiu^ich. He Leagues from the C> wen bound district. ,â-  . â-  i . .' â-  . u ti^mn^^<j I jj^j m about ten miuutes. He was Hon. I. B. Lucas w»s in town on ^y^jt oQ years ofa^e, and w»s the only Saturday, accompanied by bis sou. Lieul.jgj,„ Ipj^ ,t homo with his widowed Keudell Lucas, who is home on a three ' ^^.j,^. Another brother died about a mouths' furlough. The young man has | y^^^ ago and the other brother had been been attschod to the Uoyal Flying Force ,jj„ft^<j^i,ut ^^ ,,„ leave. -Grand Valley and has been lu Italy for a year past . | gj^^ Iu a brief interview with The Advance h* said he wat in the hydroplane section j The citizein of alitii biilh from Bru.t and his duties had lain mostly al >nj; the , townohip and Haaover.who were recently Albanian coasf Ho was familiar with | lined $*200 and costs and upwards each the ports of Dutagzo and o;liert. He in the pi dice court »t Wsiketton. have said that when ho ijuit duty iliete was got their money Wack. no whisper of the great raid on Uurazzui Lieut. -Col. Bishop gave a very Inter- which the Allies have idnce lUido with! esting isllc on his experiencv) before the such wonderful success and he was thor. Canadiao Club at Owen Sound Ptiurstlay oughly astounded when he heard of it. ' evenii.g of last week . KsndatI was yournt when he enlisted. Six ioldiers reiuined to Meafjrd fivai «nd has developed into a nnni/ youn^ uveiseas iMt week, soldier. ' GIBSONâ€" At her home iu Ceylon on _ ,, r^ . * oc loio' Sunday. Gctober L'Oth. Mis. Royden Friday, Octobcr 25, 1918 Gibson, from pneumonia, following the foUowin- ; - Bay mare S yo us old,: . ^ blatk tilly 2 years old, sorrel tillev I year innuenza. â-  ^,j_ ^^,J^^,^^ ^Uy (^^pi-iu^, c^,,it), jjnjy cow 8 i FERRIS â€" In Owen Sound hospital, years old .-apposed to be in caif, black i Miss Jt^ephine Ferris, beloved daugh- »"<J white white cow 7 ye»rs old supposed ' e M.. I i',.-i, Ti, . u in calf, white cow 7 yoars old iluo to calf ter of Mr. Jos. rerris, Ihotubury, ,, , . , -. . „ ,i,j j,.^ , , ,..if ' May 1st, red cow t years old due to call from the ett'ects of inrtuena* j j^piQ ijth. black and white cow 5 years I BENTHAM -In Toronto, co Monday i'l>l J"^ Jinuaiylird. HoUtein heifer 2 ,,..,„ ^ T.., J T, u years old supposed in ciif, red heifer "_ October 12st, Edward Bentham, son ' ,, ^^ , ;„ , ic . u,,.-,, .) years old supposed in calf. Kia^ r..Mtei Z of Mr. Andrew Beutham. formerly of ^ y^^rs ^ij^ 5 sprim; calves, Deerin^ binder ' Flesheiton. from pneunionii. Births ALLKN â€" On Monday, October 14th, to Mr. and Mrs Richard Allenâ€" twins - a boy and girl. JOHNSTON -t>n Friday, October ISth to Mr. aud Mrs. Wm. Johnston, a son. ft. cut with truck and sheaf carrier.disc harrow, set Itibull harrows, sa !l-bull narrows. Verity walking plow, Tudhope- Anderson walking plow, 2 sets logging chains, buggy, light wagon, cutter, 2 sets skiddina tongs, bj single sleijjhs, i'tind stone, ti eantbooks, :i crosscut saws, set heavy harness, set light harness. 4 horse collars, iiveat pads, neck yokes, shiivels. chains and other articles not meutiouod. Sale at I o'clock. TERMS v.f SALE - Sums of $0 and uuder. Cash ; over that amount twelve months' credit will be niven on approved joint notes or 5 discount efffor cash in lieu of notes. D. McPHAIL, Auctioneei. A The Proof of the Pudding is in the Eating The sam is eipialh J| true o the 190C -r^ Gravity asher. Tr\ ( â- â€¢ | one autl be convinced ^^^ that there is none • better. S. HEMPHILL^ Ij Agent, ^ Ceylon Fatahty at Hanover Charles Bailey, the tit'«een year old son of Mrs. Isaac Bailey of Hanover, died on Tuesday night as the retult of being | struck in the back by a sharp corner of George Keichen's truck a few hours previous. Deceased anj Arnold Hauert ., , â-  .1. . w 1 _ ra â€" ; ,, ,, , , , , , residence and premises thereto belcnging |^^»«=«^? had been over to Mildui»y with the truck ^^^ jho lata M. K. Richardson, Fleshcr- ' wsL^i»=»^ in the afternoon and while there Mr. J' S. Wilson asked them to deliver a parcel at his h(<u8e iu Hanover. It was at Mr. Wilson's house thit the accident hap- pened the parcel and Hauert was turning the '«ood oi.stern all well finished cuin the .ueautimo. The truck ,,,.; or summer kitcheu ,«d dining and Residence For Sale For sale cheap aud on easy terms, the too. (.)u the premises ue » large brick veneered dwelling, welt tinisbed and in ' good ropair, contains !• larae bedroom* on the second tl^t and large double Full line ot AlcCormick Farm Implements. Binders Mowers. Kakes, Loaders, Dris. Cutivators, Pows, Hiding ami Waking llanows liiantfcrd Wind Mis, Pumps, Piping and Fillings r-i a kinds B:!.vttie aye Carriers. Hay Forks. Sings, Fiter ' C'arriers. Foding Bath Tubs, Frost Wire and Fence Cutters and Seighs. A Call Solicited Satisfaction Guaranteed. S. HEMPHILL I Agent, - Ceylon, Ont. BuU For Service Bull For Service ^ ^ ^ , ^ , , bedroom on tust d.t : good n^er failing ; ,^t^^!'TZ^' C^Uii^ilS Thoroughbred DurUm B ull for ssrvic Deceased had got iff to deliver I well with force pump in basement, and! g„vfi. Grade cows Jl j«l. thorough- for winter I " " ash . „ ., , , .roonn wr.h good pantry and otner con- still in motion wheu bailey returned and veiiiences ; larae lawo ind garden with he attempted to get on, with the result jgood yoi;ng orchard bearing and plenty that a sharp corner of the bo<iy of the of small fruit ; goi>d Urije frame stable car caught him m the small of the hack, i**"! ''"*'"- '>;'"•''', ''"""»^» "^'"'ll ° . ,. , •,,.,, (make excellent larue boarding house and his homo hastily, but - . . =•.. breds f4.il. 4 l'.n<». cows .1. A. Robertson, April on lot ItiO, W T S R, ArUmesia. Term ; l.">i'. 13 for thorougtibreds. Live Poultry Wanted Julylst -MARK STEWART. Prop Bull for Service He was taken to uis nome n«stiiy, ou; j^^i^ ^,(,i^.^ besides, or would answer- UUe Zenner U .«»in^ hl,hp*r m^rk^t tk uv j i% i. 1 1. » --^ he had been seriously injured internally ' Ull for two tenants and also good office J*'"'^''""''^ 'â- ' W"? >>'»;hest .nark t ^ Thoro^hbred Durham bull for servic. and he passed aw»y a fe'T hours l,vcr-' for rent. Apply to R. J. §p,„ule on 1 P""^"" ^""^ »'' """ds of live fowU Now Is, on lot 140, T.S.R Artemesia. lerms-- anuutp^seaa y le . i the prtmise.s who will show any person I Ibe time to cull your fowl. Market good. »\» f<>' !^'•^d«^ »-f'«»';»'::^^^^^^ *^'""- ' ec the prea.ises. ITOcttf Nofl -J. ZENNER, Markdale ^^''^f -^ ^ ^^^ ^^^' ^'''P' kve .<^-4>i)^.iii.>-^^,>

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