Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 24 Oct 1918, p. 7

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Villi Tih.iJ \ â-  YOUR PROBLEMS BY MSSHELEU ITAW Mothar* and daushtara of ail agaa ara cordially Invited ta writs to thit ••partmant. tnftlals only will ba publlahed with each quistlon and It* answsf *• • mean* of Idantiflcatlon, but full namo and addreaa must b» givan In each Mttar. Wrlta on ana alda of paper only. Antwora will ba mallad direct if '•tAmped and addraiitd envalop* la enclosed. Addrasa all corratpondenca for thia dbpartment to Mra. Helen Law. 23i Weedbma Ave., Toronto. at l)he V)(««-, tlirift ani »i>ccu!<enc« of' the v«g«table>s ax well aa t>h« qoan- titles ol>tainaUltt from a very sma)'! area. Year after year as you keep adding the annual ap!]i'i>».iioii of ma- nur» fh« enH will improve so thai Kard^ninif will be a prolitabLe pleas- 1 lire. Straw, grass and loavos may i Ki-eat!y h«lp in iwiir.taining the life ar J feilility of your garden soil. Theyj are sspefiaily rich in plant fcxxl and j cTganic nrLacte-r. It is for riii^ rea- son that forest laiid v.'han fir-t clearml produces such abur.dar.r croui. | ii«Ma^iH THE TRAPPER. Leaves ahou'.d never be burnej. If. Reader: â€" 1. Baked beans, brown-' bi>ea<i nut .'andwijiej, coff^'i, applea," pumpkin piu, d.oughriUits and nuts ' would mak-e a good, old- fash ions^i , Hallowe'en s'lpper. And, by th'j ' way. tba ulij-'.ime Ha'iloweVa men-a is by far I he mo ; Ltp-todate one! If, bcwevex, yo.i prefer somethini;' a lit- tle more clgrnilied urve broiled oyi- tera, chopped celery r-::l-:i 1 in lijllov.- ©d-ou't app'.'j ar I !•.,; cream molri^id in s*ape cf li.if? wllch h^C;. lu t'h? â- obd-fa'jhioned menu a.lii kiiiJi of sa-nd- wiche-.t can oe •:iii:,?tlti-.-be>l for the â-  baked boar.:, and i.Afeet cl.xu' for the. coffee. <!. 'i-l.j :i'u.:e-bcv.-.i fale \s a very old one; taire l.'.re-^ bowlj ih^ . same v\7^, iVA or.-j \v'::)x claat- watsr bhe seco!iJ with â- â- ..capy wat-;.T. arsfd lean* t^>,> third one empity; blii'.!-' fold tbia a-spirant I'ov knowledafa and instruct him v.r h;r lo tU'C tho third ' r.':u(-h of the work of carryin.< diihe* another may be Women and Trapping. The> e.todiis of men to the war and If lie d's-i iwto tlii engaged girl u-ually keeps all of herjiVrty year^ old at t'he 'jime of hi finger of l'!-.e ring liiigyri. • clea.r v.-sifccr ;..;vs ftftui.? miite will Ije young arul g-ood I'loking:, if into th-e s.t>apy iiyuid, .'l-.j mata wi'il be a wiidiyw'^r widcwei', ar. I if iret.i the «ittpty bow!, no mairiag'e foj- a year. Hou.sewifo: â€" To balld a new house in the aprinjj with ?.':'. poi3r<ible labor saving (iuvicrts antl with e'estric pow- er -insbalied â€" yours i.* indeed a p'e-i- aant task and I am happy to make 3Uggerition.s. Arrange for atUi?h- menti in all your raoms so that yoa caf) use the various el-ectrioal appli- : anees. You will want a vacuum! cleatvev, of coiiri^«. You can also u.^e . thir* poww I'.r laur^.r.v work, cooking) and the swv.vl;:g-n:-achine. ; An open lira i< a never ejid'ni; : source of ploasuro. 'so plan to liavo •one or nwtv opi-ri licnrths. .\ c'.othe^- chute leadlr..<j frr^m t.h? first and ee:- ond floors to Ih ; basement saves • muny steps, fur ii»,'ll«<l cl.>t!ies aro simply viropiKtl '! >wn the chute into :t ^ receptacle hvjlow. Cormect th? fur-. froTi one room saved. You can scarcely have tdo cio.sets. One for linen should have wide deep shelves and dra .ve; s. Plain trim and goud finish fo-' y.."ir wood wcrk wiU make it ea.>y to keop cl".aTi, a.'id a good ((uality of •.v.ndow-gla.><a w:l givt? equal satisfaction. .Many up-to-date houses have a sleeping-porch. Build one now or plaa to .Hdd it later. Julia: â€" Hope clw.'ts vary greatly in size. The small ones are ub<vat thirty-si.^ inches in length, while thsj large ones takes up a.* much room asi a box couch. Cedar is the favorite | wood, a? the cedar ketps mcths away; | , some chests of mahogiray and wal-' nut ars ctedar liired, altiiough there nie others of plain nvabogany, wal you have large ijuanlities, haul them ! into a corner of tlie garden and pile rJieni, mixing firs-t a thick layer of, the war industries has given oc^aiion >aves and then a layer of dirt. ! for .the women to display their veiMa-' •Jf Ui2 !eave.s and gra.»s ara handled , tility in doing much of the work which in this manner, they will soon decay , has haretofore been coivuidered man'a: land form a ricli organic compost, fi»e' exclusive property. In city and! many jT^j. ^ij jja^den crops, and especi.i'Uy | Women oan do th« Mfue. WTi®iJi«r working in »i>ar« linve or full tiime, the trappwwoDa wis-l find *\uji «««/ Work vary roimin^jiativa â€" ib»-iag--nf unaxpftcteil p«tuir:\» both in racn>«y and in h«a',tli. Bomeone unvt^t replace iJio j trappers ifone to wa;'. The country always prewnitu a fuie maiLtt for, f itr catcherâ€" in .vi-lllug i-o pay a good ] pric« for tihe right kind. Hera is j woman's ciiance to l>e genuinely use- 1 ful in .v^ipplying this demaM an<J be j paid woll for her work. Wise -wo- men are beginning to embrace the heaJthful and prolitabie iiife of the ti appert-tte. good for forcing. country alike, women are filling manyj ^4d \fg^r-^= --^^^^^% 9e^^^/â€" Tha averag*" person when oonilror.l ed with the v.-o.'-is "a bala-icevl ra- tion." knows Ijttle or carea >i.-as ad to ,1,,, ^1 , ,:il-^ meaniag. "Poalti^" or •'birds' that ;i good n-amlicr of - , ., j , ^ i i - i are i«uicni alj,uded to bv hmi â€" he of tlie vacancies in the difffircnt oc j (fupations created by the depaiTun- of j the men. litrle v.-onder we ha .e, tlien, j when we h.ca :h« gentler .»e.\ bave gone in for that , ,., 1 aii'jvity which ha^t hitherto been â- â€¢â-  â€"i '^«*1^ "-=" ci^m- l.NTERNAXroN .VL LE.SSON OC 108ER 27. , pletely <lominated by masculinity-i ^ ^^"^^ I'^^l .•'^«' ^'"â- ^""^^ '=°f '^' ' irappin" have oheir fairs and poUitry shows; I rru "i â-  , . 'to thesa larg« numi>ers of country ; The p.ea.iH-es and profits of trap-|f„.u, i,„, ^.^^^ ,,„ ,j,^,. i^^^n from ;r.ir.g w:.i ,u, be ong overlo:;!:.^d by;^,,^ ^^^. y/'hat do th.-v want j women when they discover the increa^- ; ,,,^.,^ ^ .^<^^^^ ^^^y, ^liat ne«l to ing i'larcity of men who we.'-e form I r " ,", ';.â- ". ' •â- -;^ *"'l" I worry about ! erly engaged at this oecu,pati-ji>. The jj taand (wadding nut, dierrv or simiUr woods. The war i,s getting its i.hare of tu\pp..i-s. â- jn IV. Isaac and Rebfkali â€" Every trapper that goes to war (jenesis 24. (Jo'den Text, ." ; leaves behiml a valuable fur hwrv<.',->t Prov. 3. 3. 4. j which is mre to be lost unie.sj some- i one is there to take h-i^ place. R'-c-iy-, thing is ;;ct for tlie entrance of the Time and Place. â€" li'aa'C was about rain'"' "Hens is 6U.» . â- ' Now it seems tihete siioulvl ba a happy nieJiiim. It Ih not neco««ary that tdie farmer kJiouIJ equip iiis hen hou'jre with ih« lale'st scientific de- »% to make his poultry bitsiness a lORONTO. 1 Fat Stoek Ski * The Show that produces â- ," the good butcher stock ,"• and b r e a k H the sale « price record*!. ? INfON STOCK YARDS ^ Deceinber 5th & 6th / -My Fifty Uollar Bond. My little iifty dollar bonii Will help to -.vin this war. Will make me learn a little more of what we're fighting for. Jly little fifty dollar bond Will teach me how to save. Will also keep sums hero from -Another »oiuier grave. My little fifty dollar bond. With many thousands more. From all this Nation's workers Will WIN this war! - if hou.'-fehold linens stored in a chest of manias'* -and made his home at Beer- this kind, sheets, pillow ca.ie.<, towels,' '^^wi-roi, near the ed?« of the w-iii- oen:jra-p;eceis. eta I am unabl* tjrv fljiccess ; but is cecfi'sary lor hira erness. He came to his father's en- ampmenc to await the re.-rjlt of furu-,b you with the nam-s of stores ^'^."''""f"- ^'^^''^i" ?*= re,vu._. oi , . .-^ ... . ^ , , , .^i biiezer i quett. Ilia distance from at wh,:cb th€.T<- chests can be bought, gee., -heba to Haran wa.s above four or the prices of same, but aa all thoj imji-jrcd milej. large il.ors.-* keep them in stock you I Verses 1-9. Thou shalt go unto my can easily obtain this information bycoui^try, and to my kindred â€" In Pale- writing, stine to Ihii day ths father takes ths Viviette: -You will 1>« sorry to! '^^â- ^â- *-'^^'*' ^ ''-"^ =0"'^ •"^'-"'â- '^S'^- Tlie ' °f trappijig Is not too heavy for tbe Vi-vietta tiat "the class to be'^'"""'' ^^^'S'niiicHncs of tk- event i» in- i ordinary woman; in fact, pho action '' ' " 'dicated in the care .\brs-ham took in. and life in thi! open infallibly b'tilds been postponed and chat instead of 1 S^i^fj,!'^;-;^ jj^^^^ '"'""â-  "''^ "" "'"^ ^'"^"^ ""^ "=^'"' "' "'^ wc^an trapper or, f-.llo«-i.»g tbe;,;^ .^^^..^ ^^ purebred ul-iHty hens, .uks of modem par.^nce, the trap- ^ k„,,,; hcr.v to fetvl them, perette. rr., . .. • • • , I Th&re are two impoitani u-.ing.^ The women Who have already urxier-jtha Iwginner to p.'jnember-. Kirst taken trapping liave foand tihe trap-! ,ie,eide on the bree^l advisable "if, â-  or io O" tile pmg iUe to i>e a complete surprise in'^^j^ijiv; second, uo start in a small Its hc-althral ai.pects. representing. «o'v,-av. " B=r.ter a par. of pure-bred piil- it does, the mo^'t refre.^hing and in-JieUs tiir.n a barnya.i-d lil'!x;d with mun- vigorating e.Kercisa. The actual work Trapper; Sfcrtts learu. held for too, I â€" .- retainer in fpminin" sex starti.ng about Uu- l$t of October itrfiis household and, p'.acinir him i'n<!er. s^a„aDoiiK ' will i-tart s-ome time in Jauuarv. tiw aoltmn cafch, charged blm to 1," " ^ â-  ^ Curious:â€" FoUowhig is a list of the! the mo:.'i solemn oath, charged him to' '"* "'''^'- "I'Sroiting '•farcy meats;'' available on the mar- j kindi-ed in IVIesopotamia. The mar- .ket at a lower rats Ihan ih? prima! I riagu wa.s a relig'bus matter, there vigor in From the woman's trapping' is one of activities in which she can engage. A fesv montiij of trapping will undoubtedly :-uts, but little used by Uie average) f"''-' ii- must be with a woman « ho was' K'^ ^^^-. new trapperette a mi.nibjr houtawite: Beef brain's. shs^p j », «f ^ll-P*!- < ^^^ ^i""* C""''- '"le I »"^' ^"'^^^'^ ^^ experiences irbc h:« braina, pork brains. Iamb fries, beef ' '^•'*'^'^ °^ *'* cv.usen blood of the oh^sen people mus't be 'never m«t with before, u 1 , e L. i> I u 1 ''fi'.r't pure from lii-c idolatrous ?traini TranriTui- •« .ir.t ^s.^ .Vit,.,I tn 'a<.,->, „.. Ir'.es, calf aiid pork feet, calf !amb^,f-.he Canaamie population. The scr-i . '' !^^','Si,:, T l.l^ a^id pork h^:i.<ls. calf, veal. baef. pork. Kant received full pJ-wer to negotiate' f.'â„¢^ "'*•' f'''-- ^^ "''^^ '^?'^-=''« ^ ami Iamb livers, calf, pork and sheep I tha marriage. It was a marriage by I •'"'* ^^^~ ?^^" '^^"^ woman tj baccma a<.^'iuire.d gi-e-.j '•Every -.h'nv a better one" \* the slogafi of tb.e Toronto Kal Stock Shov.-. and ih? 191H Sh.o?/ pronuses to b-j no e.xceptioii. Tlie sale which t>i:r '^•- niirr:'-il \t^. ;k rf vea's old tra;ii-ers' lavnr- ita ir^tiifxis, wii^r? and hnw to tr-e?, best bahs to us«, ii'jw Ui \':':;'f^ii fl'K*r.s, lirle klnk.s tiiat will iacrc-ase voi-r profits. M.-»l!iU fit.''. Mloinr!ij»!jl«;ncicr.*'.v«. â- nil !/iK fi^t 'ii Trapp.'rs' tsuppl':! a'. ro.:x- bQtt'..*m nr>vi~SteM Trnp». ftij.-is. :;inol;- «3, i.'aiti, 9tc. Oaf market reotr** '.'*«'. loliows tne snow js a.teniien oy Juy- ; (j, tht. sivjo'i, J-.:>;o b!a,ic.-.J.-ti«iia .'â- â- - crs Vrom all over the continer.t and ; f:r»:^'X^'ii^S>,T^Sr2.^iU^':. each year the prices paid ara better than previous prices. There is alway.i a demand for •boic'^ meat at Chri--!:- ^^^ mas time, u;id f.-ivnier3 ara .'•eali:'.ing lm7»t«n3lilB. the bit: adva.r.ng-^ of mark9t!ng their ! stock I'-'is -.-.â- .ly. 'Jt 20 you wMI Ci yr^-f rUMSrSN BROS. & CO. «f tk* rati ^iw tXm%, plucks, beef and pork tripe, beef and! proxy. naee by wire.- with the floors above,' calf swojtbneads. pork and ox ta.i:?3, 1 12, 14. O Jehoval), the God of â-  j an ,^e.vp&rt in trapping; b ^. ' qi;a'te proficiency can be so that the drat'u.s can be tiirnsd on or off witihKaiS -A l-ip b-3 the cella". Welilpiatuied aiid well-jig-htcd cel- lar .stairs add much t) the comfort of tha womeiii folks. The be.it plumb- ing and fixlur.'s a:-e ron.? tro ?.io<l. To- gether witb thj light'lng flxturos thev sliould be plain 1:1 constructi-on and pattern, bat the best you can ailorl. A liivatC'17 on thu first floor is a gpeat coiiveniei-.ce, while a well-equip- ped laundry is most desirable, Plao yotir woodbox -xnA within a pork ears, b€-,^f har.ging •^.e-.iders. beef ,! ifiai'ter -Abrahamâ€" •Ibe ien-anl ha^ t ^^1^'"'" » very short t.me, and .-.''tsr, r/ovk and isheep h<?a!'ts, jow' =. pork kid- 1 ^"1^ power to act, but he cagls himie'f I t^at "e'-v Icnowledge VATidly and con- 1 nevs pp-rk sr.'outs p ork !ip« Dorki^I^^" ^^^ favor of t'iie Gixl of Abra-j tinuou.ily tomes to tha trapporctte; " ' ' lamb, be..f and calf tMgties.iJl^T- "l?,'"^'!-'^'^/ "''S^y '^^^^^^^^^ tonguci.i wiil of the Lord Atid in this connection, how many ji^,io^^„. ^^e mai<ion ^^ilo'sbould free'y hou?.swiv«s of thi.^ busy generation | g,ivo him drink from th« well and linaw of the careful ecot>oniies of our | draw water .or bis camels sh'Oiild be piorser grandmothers? Of the cow . ihe choi;cn one. In itn-lf this woaM or the tiog k\!>d ard u?ed to the last i '>« an indication of the girl's ciiarX half ounce of its food value'? with H corresponding increa.se in h;; skill. ^lariy women have alveadv M, Y^jjjglctcr courtesy and friend.'.irwjs uti] ' val.ua^'sle 'iiTdicall-c.iiis |of tba-r- : people. Great is^'UCiS; >» „ . , , , -, , ,, I are often vietennined by very simple i .ytm rpfr-gerator pr.d piacod on our shop counters <-he [ actions. c'/ohition of time* th.3 factory took 1 , charge of the killing-oait and dres.sed h;'"'" Xâ„¢^ j:;?.. ihown th-.? skl'li and ability of ve'teran 1 trniipors. | PerKap-s ths most 3ppca"ing side of ; trapping X^1 tlie woman is the i-eal pro-1 fits that Jio I'hersin. Men trapper? ! consijtenly engii.je-l ai this acl'ivil.y have m^lr? a gr^a": If You Want tlio Highest Market Prices ^Irii ;i!l viiu: to US- no m:it'<<v wli-it q.iauiiiy Wo guarantee saiisfavti.jn and pay alt isxpra^s -iiargo* ABBEY FUR COMPANY â-  !i 'lms'!l••i^ r 'V lo .vaar*' 310 3T, PAUL 3T. W. LOUIS ABINOViTCH Manager M0NTR5AL, P.Q. nf nii-ney. ^„ '.e'crence. Hank of ilochrria^.i. St. Henry, McutraaJ. 22-28. The maji took a g«ii'.!en ring:, so that they can be ftllad from the n?at and hi.arh-pricjd roa^t and steak! out-side. This^jMevents tho iTackin'.r I and chop. But we seem to have gra-j etc.â€" This was net Nie brrdsl p.eient of tlJrt into .Hit- I-oU'-e. Tha kJtohen d'.nally forg-ottsn about ma:ny part.^ of jor dowrj-, but a giii. as a reward tor needs special jr.te.ntlon. A conven- the animal. Pigs ard cows still have the kindr.'e-.i:3 sh-a-wn and a token of tiie lent ani:int?ement of sink and stove feet and legs end liver.^ and back- st;inding an<l ^vealth of t'h-a famllv to shouJd be pi'avided for. as well as bm-e.,?. snouts and e-jirs. M:'5 and ton- St""â„¢ .^'l* ser\-ar.t wa.-j a'j.ach-e.!. good cupboai'd.s and a cabinet. If , gues, n-otwithstand-ing the fact that ^^^e-''''^'' °« Jehovah, the C-d of my the lateer is plijiced apairj='t th-o dining- , the ii;e of tho.'-a tocHi.'omj dainties worn wall, ot>eninEf into both room^, ' h^.^ become unfanhronabte. CLEAN DP THE GARDEN master Abraham â€" He worshiped God on account of the succe'.o of his mis- sion. He had been directed to I'h^ family of Nahor, the close kindred cf ' .-Vbra-ham, clearly a providei ftial fact. ' 50. The thing procet.dc-th from Jehovah â€" La'ban and BcJhuel re- cognize the pTovidential 1-eading in \:i» matter; they could not sp«ak ona way lecldcd. Late in tb? f:»n after the farm work- as time well spent. .A.11 ga^dena ?n-l is done, one c' the first chores about 1 e.-sp<?fi;i''.y our emergency gardens j or the other; the mptte'r v.-'a.: tjiefarmyart lh:!t deserves atitention; need tha addition ^f plant twd and "'^59. We will ca'l the damse'l, and is that ot c.Mnin« up the. rubbish.; 01 gi.:r.c matte-. "^his tvill p i-, life [""^^l,"^^ at her mo;jth The rcl.vtws ; dead p?anU an.! v.-*ds. During th. : i,>c Lhe s^cdl: it v.iL make u loo..e,''^ ^'^^^f,'* •h'^Pv fv'..f-l!.7 f'L^L T- .. .., ,. 1 ! i- ui 1 ' 1 J • ,1 bekab, but t.liev p.c.aoed io»- deliay. â-  pas.t su.nmier the faun -arden camo tn&b.e and easi.y w,-_ri,ed :n spi'.o '-r Jacob had to wait long for lili bride in' into mow prominence than ever. Itl t'C baking sun, beating rain or con- this vei^y place. Eliezer wa? unwiU-' is well to plan now on ge.tting the tln:ied tramp-n:;. (jng to ta.rry; ha kne.v tho dilv'.oiy: juaximum produ-ct-on from this source j Nr/ihing wi'.il so quickly and effec-Iways of his own Eaot. His was a iie.\t summer w->ben it will probably 1« tively bring about these rejults as [high commi.sision from the fiervar.'t oif; more important than ever to liave a â- will a liberal application of ijai-nvavd ! *° living God. The r.-agv^tiaition-s b&-\ g'ood homegrown supply of garden" manure. Give your g^irden a coatimrT^^" . "'^f «'i&«'' , aj'^^ %\ S-'''! .tuff und vegetab..s. Dead wee.b,! .ix inches deep if you can obtain it. i ^^^trco'^sl^V'"'' '^l^l-f V'Si tomato vines and all oblic-r itter , but do it now. 1^^^^,^ pra^tjeally complete the for- VsihouW be raked into he.tps uiid burn- ; Burn Garden Refuse 1 ma'.ities of marriage. .Ml tl-.at re- ed. Such ru.bl>U-li if left, through the , g^^^^ app:yviw the manure dcAn ' I"^'"'^.^^'' ^° .7"''«y *' ^"'^« .l^" '^1^! winter, provide., .belter for noxious, ^,jj ^^^ ^,,, ^^ ^ traaJi : 'A?'"* "^ ^^^ b-.nde.groom I wi::! go-pi inisocts and peats ch^it v.-trl hibeniatu : Jf j.^^,, „„^,.. ,„„„j^„ „ T^f „. , I She took the matiter m !w own Iwjvi. thtx>u^h the ^\I weather i-eproduce ^ , Tl * 'S ! ^ '^ fumistes a as the se.7n«l ehwv,«, fh^ was a wo- tm.! species i"W neixaoyuo pounce ^.(,^^.,,.,,.^,^,5,^ ,^j,^^jj^ By cil«arvin« up , was meditative and devout: his life upon ar.d mjore tn-e n..v. garuen. 1 j.;^ garden you are taking ttee first ^ had few cbangos and no aive.nlure». I Manure Garden in Kail j step necessary for a pest-free garden ' He lacked the initiative of Abraham; After tho gatxlcn Is raked and dean- ] "«"' ^"â„¢>ner.. j and the „«;j«J-^^«r,„,^|?f^ t^':^°;« , ?^ od, a good ^.t of manure should bo: Spread the manure over the Ic* ! f^f^^^^^lf *^ '"*'''''**' ^'^ "^^ '^ eproad over ♦he ground and plowed evenly and then plow or fork it umler, 1 .;, n 1 u ...1 ^^ . â-  u^r F^l plowing no.t on^y iLtcnsI ^ut do .«,t attempt to '.^.1. since the ' , "»;„ ^^^^ J^-"' ^'^ ^^Tfeuf 'b^S' tike ^^y of the mauiae. but it de-' jough. ridge-like effect will allow al 1 j^^^nrthi g^reni ?aS:e pt"a1: maror» a goo^l many grabs ajid cut-.^he wa.ler to soak m and more quickly , i;po„ poster '.ty by thie Hx^brews, Ic' wonus. For besit iv.sults, plenty of;*'"* ridiges will quickly dry and the j i* even ."so wlltih m:>dern ,T»vv-s. Par-! rprtiliaer is rctiuiired on g.ard«n s-oil. i erari^-^n tnay be planted at 'ea.st a week ! or.t'hood was the hiphwS 'hi.njOT and , A siiiaTl garden properly managed >*''•'â- Â«''• j gi'eabe.'^t evidence of tih* faw>r •/ 0*1.' can he mad^ to f ui-nish moi-e vege- ' '^''O ""O thii>g will tend to increase , "0 ba t!« moth-r <xf -a great p«.>p.I^ tabka for taWo u*e tlian one several : *e produo.tivene.^ of your gar.-fen <>r'Z^ff^.Z^ ^ ^^ '^ ^''^'"' tuuea its »i2e '•ntl win require ^ J improperly cared for, : ni«k« 't easier to handle than manure. ; 'â- Â°^': " «v ,-„i,. , , .. . e !«â- . time for ulant- i aixl Cota of it. You will be surprised 1 5'*i'- ^l*? i^^htel froiu Ibe c^nuH .1. . , ?"*'"â-  i . , .. - â-  ,. . â€" Iij the eaat it la cusLomiiry for men tn^ ai»<l oaro. If the gard«ii js not fenced in and the chi-ckcns are allow ea free range, then it Is a good plan to feiice off a good garden »pac« with cihkic«n tight fence this winter so it will be readiy -to protect tihc c.axdein nexfc ^Wmg. I Ciear Away UntWy Things .\£ter iije gia--a is dead, ih> doubt a [ food xaiaty ol I b;>iics nnd S'ticks wilil be fpumi in the yard wliicre th-cy weM d^poaiited by the family dog:. ' Such Wivgw V>ok untix!^ srvd {hiuld be car- ried off to Mi>.> rub!v>»h beaip. 01:1 tin ciLUs and 1b' like, e<iOTC'how got in^o couspiviiimi:; p'ace.<, i>{>«.sibjy ona ttrae a {ire»,wii.> i.r ihj ^maWeH boy on the farm. I; take* only a ijttle time 1 to olear away ; ui h untidy (ibin;^ from | i-b-r-ut the yarl, a 1' i-t cvin be couatfd ' WANTED POUUTRY, EGQ0 and FEATHER$ Hlgheet Price* P«ld Prompt Ketunu~No Comfl^sslon P. Poc^iN & eg. POMLTRY of all kliidg. Better qu&llty pre/erred. Write for prices, STANFORIVS. IJmited 12« Wantfleld 9t • • Montreal and women to dism'^unt when a griiat '< personage is axproaohiii-.,r. Women ; aJse frequcti-tly rjfu*j to ride in tha i pi^C'jcave of men. Th servant hnd ^ ; infr-nned R?h>2k«h t];ia't the nian wlioin ' :?ho saw a;-..proac.hlng wa» hsr futu-isj' 1 hu'.vbc.Tid; .no rh-aicforo took a \i'A\ ; arjd covered b.erMlf. V'ui pL'i.tlng on I of !h« veil is a pert of tb-a marrliasss' j ceremony. The brld-^'grooni I3 iv..;! I peiTn'ttol to si-sj hlij brida's features i urJlil i'l-,'.-» is abs-cC'utsly commlt-tgd to] |hl>i cai-e, Iv.ii3<- brc-ucht her into hij; I mother's tintâ€" Sar.ih die;! -.'jfc? v«ir»' i before. To Ica.l ReVtah lu' hi^' j m*th<r'ji t<jat n*^ lo iu,'ji'l hyr offia-! , .il'.y ci the rci.vgn:iic.l w;:,-.- of h.i c\s,' i U'lHC was coimfoi' ed «ffcr hv« m.-w ; ; M J aeaiHWjyJj^^ iwlk-r'' j* ths ptM- ' mii'.eno* o( â- .;« p^^Hltion cf woni'.!ii in tha lives of thj pElrlarch?. Hsr |-'u-h« «a^ suboriiiQte, b;itj>«v prtu.'guiivi'* .',\>r>s dcfinl:.' and bar influence gr<»at. Correct stylf li.vi by tt.'// difssetl yoiiig men in alt iocalUits. Lau b.iol â€" fmiium narrmv mr.k loc, h;v htcl â€" uiaic in b'.ack, tjn or paleiii cc'f. Price, $/.oo to $10.00. Good Falue and How to Get it YOUR interest, as a nicmbcr of ihe consuming public, and ours as Canada's largest nunutacturer$ of shoes, arc really' kk*n.i.io:il. T!;ry ni.ay- be summed un 'v\ u single phrase: "Quality i>huc3 at lair Prk-cs," A fair price today is a hi^'ltcr pdca than u.-iual, because the cxxst of ever/ item of niarenal and labor which goes into u pair of shoes has increased greatly «nj ij still iiicre«.sing. In order that you may continue to get quality at fair i>rice8, we shall feature in advcrllscineuts ccrtaia »pecitic shoes which v,e know \\iil give* you good value. From our knowledge and experience, we will suygost to > ou the best tnediods of buying, whether you select shoes of our manufacture or not, \\e ask }ou lo buy for service ^rather than merely f>r st> Ic; to go to a reliable dealer, and to lot*!;; for the manufacturer's irade-inaik on the shoes. B>' so doing you luay be assured of j^iuod value f^r your luoncy. AMES HOLD EN McC READY 'Shoatnaker.s to the xXation' .ST. JOHN MO.V1KK.U. TOKO MO WINMPF.i; HiMO.Mo.N V.V.NCOC"VER When y»n buy Sfioca ItHik for- -this Trade-marf: on every sola U iiillliMMiliilHIdL ^_^llll^^^^ y .J

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