Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 31 Oct 1918, p. 1

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<}^"'.lit. m "TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR" - "PRINCIPLES NOT MEN" Vol. 38, No. 2:) Feslierton, Ont., October 3 1, 1018 DUNDALK Geo. Howalt, a pioneer firmer of Corbet tan, passed aitray a^ the great :ige 9fl years^t the home of his daushter, Mrs. Cornwith, in Toronto. Sam Guldman, the iron man, was shipping aoip^e junk on Saturday. While putting a heavy fly wheel on the car the supports 8li( ped letting the weight fall, fiam's head was in the way an.! he goc a bad sulp Rut. Bu*; he wa.s uniy laid up a day or so and is out a^ain as keen after business as usual. A letter to The Herald from Mr. J. D. H>iwell, of Eliose, Sask., tells of the sad news that his son, formerly of Dundalk, Pte. Lome Martin Howell, had been killed in action on Sept. 2i). This younc; soldier was born in Dundalk and was in his 18'.h year. He enlisted at the ige of Ifi years in the 25l3t Batt. at Winnipeg, leaving there for overseas on 2!>ih Sept. 1917 exactly 1 year previous to giving his life for his King and Country. â€" Buf a Victory Bond â€" A New Canadian Author Hobert J. J, G. Stead, iu iiis new novel, " The Cow Puncher," (Toronto, the Mus&on Co., Ltd., cloth, $1.D0), has written a book with a Western Canada aecting. David Elden, the cow puncher, grows to young manhood on a^ ranch iu the foothills, outside tliu influence of church or school. At eighteen he is -accidentally thrown into the company ef a youog Eastern girl, who enkindles in him the ambition to be somebody in tbe world. With this purpose in view, young Elden leaves the ranch and goes to make his fortune in a young Western city. The tint night he is swindled out of all Lis ready cash by a aang of card sharpers and he takes a job next morning as a coul heaver. For a time it looks as though Dave's Course would be downward in- stead of up, but ha fortunately comes under influences which revive his ambi- tious for self betterment. About this time the big western real estate boom breaks out, and Dave's course is mete- oric. His wealth comes quickly and goes as quickly. Following the collapse of the boom a tragedy in bis love ati'airs sends him as an enlisted man to France. In the closing chapters is found one of the highest patriotic notes struck by any author during the war. " The Uow Puncher " Is decidedly worth while. It is interesting and refreshing, and at times inspiring, written with all Mr. Steod's intimate knowledge of the West and skill of delineiUion. Through tlio book runs a happy vein of humor and philosophy which is not the least uf its charms. It is illustrated by Arthur Hemming,, ex- lumbennaij and Northwest mounted po- liceni.in, and is 'uitounced by the pub- lishers as aa all Canadian book â€" written by a Canadian, illustrated by a Canadian and printed and bound in Canada. It should receive a warm welcome by the Canadian reading public. The L-iiittd States edition is issued by Harpers. Ed\^ard Bentham Died Suddenly From the'loronlo Star of Oct. 22 The death of Mr. Edward Thomas Bentham, which occurred suddenly at his late residence, 280 Evelyn avenue yesterday morning, has caused profound regret in the west end of the city, where ha was widely known and held in liigh reeard. With his brother, William, of 59 Li VI street, he was in business as 'i -clothier and ueuls' furnisher at 2020 Duudis street. During last week he coirplained uf a cold, but on account of his brother beine confined to his home with the influenzt he remained at busi- ness until Saturday afternoon, when he was forcod to go home to bod. Early yesterday mornint; his wife decided to hivti a doctor see him, and after phoning for Dr. Clendenan she prepared her .sick child'.s breakfast, and then returned to her husband's room to tind during her brief absence he had expired. Heart failure is assigned as tlie cause of death. Ueceaiied was ;J2 years of age, and before aoiog into business about a year ago was on the sales staff of W. K. Sheppard, Dundas street. He belonged to Flesherton, Ont., and married, eieht years since. Miss Florence Lewis, by whom and his six year old daughter he is survived. Mr. Bentham was a member of the West Toronto Court of the Inde- pendeoc Order of Foresters and attunded High Park Avenue Methodist church- â€" Buy a Victory Bond â€" Distribution of Seed By instructions of the Hon. Minister of Agriculture, a free distribution of super- ior sorts of grain w'll be iimde during the coining winter and spi'ing to Canadian fanners. The siiinples for distribution will con- sist of spring wheat (about o lbs ), white oats (abdUi, 4 lbs.), barley ('iboul 5 lbs ) a;)d tield peas (about 5 lbs.) These will be sent out free by mail from the Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa, by the Dominion Cerealist, who will furnish the necessary application forms. Only one sample can be sent to each applicant. .As the supply of seed is liinitod, farmers nre advised to apply very early. -J.U. GRISDALE. Director Duiniiiion E.iperimental Farms. VANDELEUR George Warling .ind 11. Genoa have returned after a week's viait with friends at Coipoys Bay. The Vandeleur W. 1. pacued tifieen boxes a few days ago for ship:atiu to the boyi' overseas. Miss Alice (};lray of Toiouto, who has been visiting her sisier, Mrs. (ieorge Wright, for some lime, re'uriied to her home in the city S.\lurdav week. Mrs. Wright accompanied her, relurniug on Tuesday of last week. We tender our congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Cullis, who have re- turned from their wedding uip and have taken up their residence on the lioine- stead. May tliey have many yi-urs of prosperity. Mrs. P. Muushaw of Eugenia was the guest of her sister, Mrs. J. J. .\Iagee. Mrs' Win. Hutchinson visited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Giibcrl. at Kimberley on Thursday. Miss Lillian Cuolianan has returned homo after a two weeKa' visit with friends at Cold water. â€" Buy a Victory Bond â€" ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ No Paper Next Weelt CEYLON Miss Myrtle Honiphill, of Toronto^ came up on Thui-bday and is visiting her parents. Pte. .'. J. Paltison spent a couple of days at Owen tjound last week. Constable Cook paid a business trip to Meiford last week. Miss Asliley, of i'ara, ia visiting with her friend, Mra. Normaij Archibald. We extend a welcome to Mrs. Diniiick and family, who have moved into Miss Sinclair's residence, also to Mr. Robert Lauchlan and family, who movo this wet-k into his residence rec.-ntly purchased from James McCliickiin. '.^uite a miinber of hun'.ois lefc this depot Tuesday for the wilds up norlli. Mr. Finie.ss, of Toronto, is visiting with his bioilier-iu-law, Roydoii Gibson. Sergt. Wells WhitUker and Pte. J. J. Patlison returned to Toronto Saturday. Bates Burial Co. msiNES.s .\.s rsiAL Funeral Directors and Embalmers ; Plione Hiilcrest 268! 124 Avenue Rd. Toronto, Ont. MOTOR EQUIPMENT A J. W. Bates, R. Pres. Maddocks, Manager. STOCK FOR SALE •liny a Victory Bond- The Advance will not be i.ssucd next week. The next issue will appear on Thursday, Nov. 14. Correspondents will please send In their master early for the next fssuos, as inr staff will be small and unable to cope with -.inyihing that coines in late. The otli>.'o will be open for job work as usual. Ye E'.iitor his been saving his holiday (or tho huntin|> suasion an.i has accompanied Mr. Mitchell's piity to Parry S.iuud District. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦•♦♦♦•^♦♦♦> â€" Buy a Victory Bob<1 â€" ROCK MILLS EAST MOUNTAIN Threshing i- the order of the day. Wa are sorry to report Nurse Eltie Smith ill in Toronto with the inHueii?.a. There are no cases of it yet in our vicin ity as yet, but we cannot tell liow soon we may be stricken with it Peter Mmishaw of Eujjenia lus puicli- ased and picked the appUs on the Symons farm. Fred Martin of Proton Statien visited at .lohii Welsh's. Miss I'l'snlaOrr, who has been visiting Mrs. Glad Orr in iJwen Sound lor the past month, his leturned to her lioiiie here. Win. Martin of the H.E P.O.. returned home frotn Bracebrid!,e spent the lirat nf the week with brother, 'Jharlos. here. Mrs. James Gunoe and Miss Ella M.iy Jamieson from Flesherton visited the latier's sister, Mrs, D. Genoe, roce.itly. lias and his â€" Buy a Victory Bood- MAXWELL 1 have it piesent for quick sale •3 Yorkshire sows, some yount' cross-bred pigs just ready to wum, I Rouen drake. 1 Barred Rosk rooster. Prices right. Phone or write. â€"GEO. W. ROSS, Osprey Tel. System . Maxwell, P.O. SACRED DUTY We owe it to our chiKlrou ;inJ our children'.s children that no power will be able again to plunge the world into thr. chaos of these past four years. Only one thing can prevent such a disaste â€" Money, And it's MONEY that you ar^ asked to lend NOW. Canada's 191 H Loan is the safest, surest and beirt investment in the world. Buy Victory Bonds This space was contributed in tho interest of the Victory Loan 1 y W. A. Armstrong Gasoline Engines Throe-(iuarters of farm ii <: I.ibor is built for attachme.' eiiisilaye cutters, grinders, « source of power. The aelertien ijueatiou of farm diuipinent. Iiinery for inul.iplying protit and saving to gasoline engines. The etticiency of er systems, etc., depend upon the â- ' an engine, therefore is the important 'We can supply you with a Lister, Toronto or Fairija.nk.s Mor,se engine, any of which are guaran- teed to give entire satisfaction. D. McTAVISH, FLESHERTON I â€" Buy a Victory Boud â€" The Duke Acts Quickly His Excellency the Duke of Devonshire wants a share of Canada's second Victory Loan. The iollowing letter explains why ; Ottawa, October, 1918. Mr. Dear Sir Thomas,- I shall be glad if you will agai||i include my name in the first list of subscriber* to tbe Victory Loan of ItflS. This loan I am sure is of >llie utmost â- ational importance in connection with Canada's continued etl'ectual prosecution of the war, and the establishment of Imperial credits for the purchase of foodstuil's, munitions and other BU|>plie8 urgently required by Great Britain aud the Allies, I havo every outideuce that the patriotism of the Canadian people which has so uobly sustained every duty and obligation imposed by the war will again respond to the appeal and that the \ictory Loan of W18 will bo even a more striking and notable success than that of last year. Believe me, tny dear Sir Thom.v, yours very truly, (Signed) D«vont*hire. Hon, SirThoe. While, Ottawa. â€" Buy a Victory Bond â€" In Memoriam In memory of our loving • son, Pto, Johnston Howard of the W7th But., kiUtd in action on Oct. 20, 1017, iii the battii of Pascheudale, Ho slumbers uoiv in foroi^n soil, Tho crimson war flowers <{uard his .jrave: We reap the harvest of his toil, Which marks the freeman fro'U the slave. lie gave Ins life â€" was ^lad to go â€" To Kuard tho ri^ht of freedom's cause ; To crush to earth tho foulest foe That ever struck at human laws. Wo love him luore the web of lime Spins out acro.ss the silver sens, And links to us a thou){ht sublime, Tho worship of his memory. There let him rest â€" his work is done, Uis life blood drenched the liery plains. Who knows the victory he has won Till tyrants fall and victoiy reisjns ? â€" Father, Mother, Brothers and Sisters â€" Buy a Victory Bond â€" Victoria Corners As yet this burg ha» been pretty free from intlueuza, Mr. and Mrs. Ludlow and Miss Ritchie beinf{ the cnly cases so far and these ha>'e nut been serious. Word was recaived on Saturday that Max Bannon is ill with the du at New Westminster, B.C., where lie was on his way with the contiujicnt going to Siberia. Mr. \fiu3rs, 8r., and Mr. and Mrs. Uuderhill of Woodstock motored over and visited at Albert, Stevens' last week. Gloom has once more been cast over the entire community at tho sad buwj that reached here Saturday noon of the death of ouv dear soldier boy, Private j VVaiiiir Klshcr, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Rob;. Fibber of this place. Walter enlisted last winter with the C.E.F. j;oius! overseas in the spriuif. Ho spent the summer in England and up to a short while a^jo, when ho left for France. He h.id been in tho trenches tut a short « liile, when he paid the suiMcme sacrilice on t)ot. 2. His de»lli is) fell keenly by his parents and live sietuis. The sympathy of the whole coinmonity is with tho family iu thoir deep sorrow. Mr. Thos. (jiamey, of Toronto, is visitiiiy at present with fi lends in Jus vicinity. Eddie VVhile is sick ajid under the doctor's ouv, but we Impi to see him out again sojii. Quite a number of our local sportsmen left on Tuesday on their aiiiuinl hunting trip to the northern wilds. Sim Fisher, of Toronto, is visiliiis with rolaiivBs here at present. Mr>. Jas. Cargo, jf Markdalis is BpenUiiig a few djiys with hor parents. Mr. R. Wilder, of Sask , arrived here la°t Thursday to spend a month with his sister, Mrt. .las. Faik. It is eighteen years since thty last mot. Mrs. Richard Uoy retained home on Saturday aftui spending a couple of months with her twi- sons in Sask. t,»uite a number here are duft'i^rinp from severe colds. Miss Bessie VVri;;ht of Toronto \initud at her parental homa recently. Owing to this awful epidemic wliioli is raging everywhere, our churches and schools are closed. We extend our sympathy to Mr. nul Mrs. Fisher of Ruck Mills in their time of sorrow by the loss uf their son al llie front. Mr. Laughy Cameron, who was visit- ing with relatives here, rtturnod to liis home ill Newberry, Mich, Word wa!^wa8 reoe ived hero last w.ik that Mrs. (Dr.) Roszell h.id died at l/er homo iu Caledonia, Our sympalby i:';es out tK) the bereaved ones, (juite 4 number here have purchasi d pianos â€" Dr. Guy a Heintzman .uid .Messrs, Charles Heron, Raymon>i W. liar an dGoorge Ross each a Virgil. ^â- â- <^,^^^iiSiJ2. â€" Buy a Victory Boiid- -Buy a Victory Bond â€" In trying to stop a dog tight at Walk- ertun a man had his wrist bddly lacerated by one of the belligerents. The dog wa» afterwards shot by order of the magis- trate and his owner bad to put up the utedicil ousts. There are now iibout 270,000 women working on t-vrras in Great Britain. â€"Buy a Victory Bond- Dr. James Hobertsnn, who ri.ci'Utly t-.)iired Britain, Kraiice and Italy, on behalf of the Canadian Government and the Canada food Board, reports condi- tions in Itnly .as extremely severe, although improved by good â- -•r'.ps of fruit and vegetables during^ tho past tiumnior. There has been a dimunition of over fifty percent, iu tho production of milk, butter ai.d cheeso, and the total ration in Germany, accoiding to the Italian F»oi Controllor, was l>ettor at tho time of Dr. Robertson's vitit than lt?ab -o£ I()^ly. Residence For Sale Kor sale tlieap and on oa.>iy lerms, llin residence ami pniuiscs theret.) boloniiing to the late M. Iv. Rchardson, Kleslii'i- toii. ( )i) the premises aio a large liioU veneered dwelling, well finibhod ami in nood ropair, contains tt laruo hodiooiiis on tho second Hat and luge double bcilroom on fust llat ; gond iitver failing well with force pump in b-i.-omont, .tiid good cisteii: all well liiiislieu fir wliiler or summer kitchen and dining and wash rooms wi'h good uaiitry and ot.ner con- veniences ; large lawn and garden with good yojiig urcliard hearing and pkn'y ui Biiiall fruit : good larue frame stable ai.d driving hou.se. I'remises woiiM make excellent large boarding hou.se and piivatc olhco besides, or would answer well for two tenai.ts and also good ollioe for rent. Apply to R. J. Sproulo on the premises who will show any jiorson over the premises. 17(.)ctif Farm For Sale IN ORANGE VALLEY l..f-<: -.>t.l - ,.. » ...V^ '*"*"-'â- â€¢'- *A LADIES ! The Fall Season for Millinery is now on and we are right, UP TO THE TIMES' with a .stock of ihc Most Up-to-Date Hats Shown Outside of the City. Just give us a call and ^co lor yourselves- Wi"* can show you something that will become vou. Prices cheap, considering the (quality of the goods. Highest price for Produce, W. U WRIGHT'S Corner Store, Flesherton 'J ^ << 'fi h •• •••• Try Them ? •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• ••• !::: Any man wanting a good solid boot :::: suitable for this season of the :::" â- â€¢â€¢â€¢ .••â-  â- â€¢â€¢â€¢ .••â-  •••• •••• •••8 â- â€¢â€¢â€¢ year TRY â- â€¢â€¢â€¢ THOS. CLAYTON FLESHERTON, - ONTARIO • ••• • ••• • ••• • ••• •••• k: •••• •••• •••• â- â€¢â€¢â€¢ •••â-  Three miles south of Markdnle on the Toronto and Sydenham Road ; lots 124 to Vif>, consisting of l.'tO acres ; well fenced, brick house, good bank tmtii with .••• ^ j^ waterworks, outbuildings- hoii h juse, | .jjS {Jj; shoei) house and drive shed ; s :hool ! '•'»»» Sjr . across the road, ->, MOiNiuOmsKY ''"!*?••*•'••••••••••• ••••••••••••ta«»**i«««««>»«««a«««««»*»«a«>«a*«>«»««Sa.. 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