Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 31 Oct 1918, p. 3

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,»••' The Weekly Fashions GALLANT ACTS OF DOMiiON TROOPS CANADIANS MAKE. ENVIABLE NAME H>K THEMSELVES I taiion iind in co-operation with-^other { units cf the brigade cuuntcv-uttacked mid drove the ciiumy out, re-estab- liHliing the line and recoverinif our wounded lyin(f in front. His gallant personal example inspired the men and contribute^ larffcly to the in- domitable spirit they evinced under trying circumstances, beintf cheered i)y his contempt of danger, his ini- tiative and fine Itadership. The feature of this lil.de suit is the iO<id-shappd yoke, into which the fronts are gathered. It closes centre-front J as far as the skirt; no opening is ra-j quired in the -^kirt. McCall Pattern j No. 8606, Girl's Middy Dress. In 6 sizes, i to 1-1 year:;. Price, 20 cents. Wonderful Incidents in Recent Fight- ingr Where the Courage of Our Soldier.s Wa.s Often Shown. Bettel" than any general description are the bare rocorda of individual acta cf g-allantry for bringing home to the reader the true pictures of ccnditions under which the Cnnadian Corps have waged war since Septem- ber 27 ill this terrible l)attlc of Cam- brai. The followiiii'- cases, gathered almost haphazard, are entirely typical of the general diaractcr of the flight- ing, which freijuently resolved itself into single-handed attacks on the enemy strongholds. Necessarily hun- dreds and thou.sands more must go unrecorded, equally gallant though they be. Alberta battalions, while attacking the Marcoing line on Sep- tember 28, ran up against heavy un- cut wire and numerous machine guns. A private discovered one of these which was inflicting heavy casualties. In the face of point-blank machine gun and rifle fire he attacked volun- tarily, sniping as he went, and then rushed this formidable nest, "captur- ing the gun and twenty men. Private Rushes Position Alone. In the attack on Bourlon Wood on the previous day, another private of the same battalion, when heavy rifle fire developed from the quai'ry wood, WOMEN! IT 13 MAGIC I LIFT OUT ANY CORN Apply a few drops then lift cornft or calluses off with fingers â€" no pain. Just think! You can lift off any corn or cal- lus without pain or soreness. A Cincinnati man dis- covered this ether com- pound and named it freezone. Any drug- gist win sell a tiny bot- tle of freezone, like hero ehown, for very Uttle cost. You apply a few drops directly upon a tender corn or callus. Instantly the soreness disappears, then short- | ly you will iiud the corn or callus so loose tnat you can lift it right off. I Freezone is wonder- 1 ful. It dries Instantly. It j doesn't eat away the ^ corn or callus, but i shrivels it up wilh"but even Irritating the surrounding skin. rushed the position alone and drove ; ^^^.^^ ^^^^ ^^ ^^^^^ between the toes, the enemy into a dugout, holding ^^ ^,^^^ ^^ pj^j^^.^j calluses, lift right them there till help arrived, when one ^^ r^^^^^ ^^ ^^ ^^^^ ^ef^^e or after- hundred and forty-six of all ranks, ^.^^^^ jj y^^^ druggi.st hasn't inclnriing the Battalion Headquarters freezone, tell him to order a small hot- Staff, were captured. In the subse- ^j^ j^^ y^^„ j^^j^ jjjg ^noiesnle drug quent fighting on the same day this , [j^^gg . gallant soldier was fatally wounded. In a night attack by a Quebec regi- ment on the Marcoing line a Lieut, who had won his Military Medal in the ranks found his platoon held up j Zita of Austria-Hungary Holds Ad^ by machine-gun fire from a railway i • vanced Democratic Views. THE TRIALS OF AN EMPRESS embankment which lay in front of his It is astonishing to read of a young objective. Realizing that unless s.l-l ^^^ charming queen who lives in this enced the entire advance must be held , J ^^^ generation under a surveil- up he called for two volunteers and , j^^^^ ^^ ^ ^^ ^^^ ^.^_ (9 McCiLl, Attractive design for misses's dress, to be developed in serge, gabardine or jersey. McCall Pattern No. 8602, Misses' Dress. In 4 sizes, 14 to 20 years. Price, 25 cents. Transfer design No. 925. Price, 20 cents. These patterns may be obtained Erom your local McCall dealer, or from the McCall Co., 70 Bond St., Toronto, Dept. W. .> To boil fish and discard the water is •Wasteful. It will make appetizing soup or chowder. attacked under continually heavy fires and blinded by flares the enemy was throwing up. the little party crawled the entire distance Waiting his chance thrown and rushed the position, kill mance and intrigue of mediaeval years. The heroine of the story, which Current Opinion has collected jiai,aiii.c waii-iiis .i.^ I ^^^ various Ccntinental papers, is he ordered bombs to be ' „.. „ ,, j: k \ â-  ir „ Zita, Empress-Queen of Austria-Hun- in ing two of the crew and capturing i f^' ^l'. ^^'^ of villain in the the third, the remainder falling vie- i '!'•''"'«• ^^â- <^'' according to European tims to bombs. Owing to the heat 1 "^^'^P^Pf •; f^^'P l>f=»". 'luring a caused by their intense fire he was un- ^'>«'t «f the German Emperor and his able to remove the machine guns, but : l°''l°J' 1° >'enna is said to be played after putting them out of action he j ^y the Kaiser and the Kaisenn. sent back word that the advance | ^ The Ilohenzollerns were much might be resumed. I ^'°"^^^'^- It "Ppears that Zita pre- .r.,1 , ^1 /-. /-. fers the fashions current in Pans to Killed the Gun Crew. j,^^ ^.^^j^j^^^ ^^^^ ^,^^ ^^^ 5^ g^,.,,^^ While leading his platoon against | ^he Germans complained that the lady Bourlon Wood a Lieutenant of a British Columbia battalion found himself held up by hiachine gun fire was dressed as if she were going to a French restaurant. The Empi-ess-Queen is also accused AuioStrop From the War Zone Comes the news that the AutoStrop Safety Razor is helping ofti- cers to maintain the high morale ot the soldiers. Nothing makes a soldier feel more like himself than a clean, velvety shaveâ€" tliis is only possible with an AutoStrop. Because of its self-stiopping feature it is the only razor that i.s always in perfect condition. Price $5.00 Al Utihil ttorri cnrTwlura iie. )ni>l<zie win dfUvtr art AutoStrop Safety Razor Co., from a^ sunken road. He took his , ^j having set her court in a roar with men around the ^enemy's flank and , ^^^^^ drawings of the skirts and feet captured the stronghold, killing the , ^f exalted ladies in the suite of the crew and capturing one officer and Hohenzoilcrns. She has flatly refused ten other ranks, with one held gun | j^ tolerate a practice of dispensing and four machine guns. Later on. | ^jj.^ stockings, after the new Berlin having passed through our front ! „^j,jg^ ^^^^ -^^ accused of wearing a wave, his party was checked by a ; ^^^.^gj. smuggled into Vienna from strong enemy post south of Bourlon p^^j.-,, ^ ^j,;, forbidden to the Ger- Wood. Many of his own company by â-  „„,, Empress herself, this time were casualties. So, gath- Another source of discord is the eringn detail from another company I j^^^^^^^ „f y.^^ ;„ ^^j^j, y^^^,^^ 4ie led them in. He rushed the post ; ^^ ^j^^ language of the nursery. .She at once, killing the olTicer and cap- j ^^^.^ -^ .^^ corresponding with her tunng 40 prisoners with machine ^ ^.^oUj^rs now fighting with the allies, guns. I^ushing on to their final ob- , ^^^^ ^^^ ^,^^^. ^^ ^^^ ,^^^ j^ jective, the_ party cap ured two offi- p^^^^^., ^^^ ^ita cannot, we learn, en- cers and 4o other i;^nk3. His right ^j^^^ sausage, and the. mere name of flank being in the air, he took up a ,„ieUel gives her in Zita has that "will to power" which Charles lacks. She will drag him with her along the path stje seems al- ready to have chosen, which is a path of rebellion against the dominant Magyar-Teuton combination. It is the old Bourbonl rebellion against a terri- loriiil aristocracy breaking out at a tinio when Europe is in n fever of democratic revolution. Zita is al- ready a symbol, an incarnation, a combination of Elizabeth of England with Maria Theresa of Hungary. To the democratic masses in revolt she stands for the peace they demand so eagerly. TUNNELS IN THE ALPS Great Seam of Coal W^ Pierced in Construction of the Loetschberg. | Geologists owe much of their } knowledge of the ."Mps to the tunnels which have been bored throuRh ! those mountains to make railway routes between the northern and ; southern parts of Europe. There has ; been no more important discovery , made in this way than during the construction of the Loetschberg tun- nel. This was the unexpected pierc- ing of a great coal seam in the centre of a mass of much younger Triassic | stone. The Loetschberg tunnel proved a much more diflicult proposition than the St. Gothard tunnel, which is driven almost entirely through hard gneiss. At Andermatt and Airola ' one can see in the quanies how un- â-  der tremendous pressure the Jurassic chalk has been turned into marble. ; In the case of the Loet.ichberg the ; geological profile pre.=;enteil the un- usual sight of primitive rock piled on top of stratified rock. j All the .Mpine tunnels are run on ! straight lines except the Loetschberg, 1 which was built on a curve. This was : necessary because of unforseen ob- : stacles in the interior composition of the mountain and rogiilted in an ex- penditure of $500,000. The engineers did not believe that the Kander stream, which flows down the moun- tain side, would interfere with the boring of n tunnel 600 feet below the river bed, but it did, and there was a cave- in, by which twenty-five work- men lost their lives. O â€" . GIRLS! WHITEN SKIN WITH LEMON JUICE » ~â€" -^ Make a beauty lotion for a few cents to - remove tan, frecklts, sallowness. I Your grocer has the lemons and any drug store or toilet counter will sup- ply you with three ounces of orchard white for u few cents. Squeeze the juice if two fresh lemons into a bottle, then put in the orchard white and shake well. This makes a quarter pint of the very best lemon skin whitener and complexion beautilier known. Mas- sage this fragrant, crew my lotion dally into the face, neck, arms and hands and Juat see how freckles, tan, saUow- nesH, redness and roughness disappear and how smooth, soft and clear tho akin becomes. Yes! If. is harinloss, and the beautiful results will surprise you. Gas Masks From Nutshelfg. The Pood Atiministration in the linited States is stimulating the sav- ing of fruit pits and nut shellB from v.'hich will be made a high grade of carbon for gas masks that v.'iU v.ith- stand the ravages of German poison gas. It takes two hundred peach pits or seven pounds of shells to furnish en< igh carbon for one mask. Only tho following material can be used: peach, apricot, prune, olive, date, cherry and plum pits and Brazil, hickory, walnut and butternut shells. Minard's l^lnlment Cnroa Qarret In Ccrwa Ladaes' Dresses in Belgium. A well-to-do Brussels woman writes in a letter: "I have a cloak made out of tho hood of my husband's service cape; a waist ma^o of his football tunic, and a dress made out of a sheet: mamma has managed a dress out of the dining-room tablecloth, and my sisters have cloaks made out of wool- len blankets." A druggist can obtain an imitation of MINARU'S LINI.MENT from a To- ronto house at a very low price, and have it labeled his own product. This greasy Imitation is the poorest one wo have yet seen of the many that every Tom, Dick and Harry has tried to intro'duce. Ask for MINARD'S and you will get it. A Questionable Record. -V plain '-e 1 ribbon worn on the British soldier's tunic denotes that tile ; wearer holds the Good Conduct Medal granted only after eighteen years of j exemplary service. But a certain old boldier found a new way to describe â-  the honor. I A lady, peering at the red riiibon : on his tunic, inquired what it was for. i "Eighteen years of undetected crime, madam," replied the veteran gravely. Already Had It The Mulford volunteers were at camp, and Jim Cotton, the butcher, ] was put on sentry duty for the first night. After marching up and down for a few minute,! an officer passed him, and Jim omitted to challenge him. "Why didn't you demand the coun- tersign?" asked the officer angrily. "Oh, that's all right." replied Jim, "I've already got it. The chap in the guards' tent gave it to me five mia- utes ago." lUnard's Ulnlment Cnrco SlateupMr. Feather pullers should be imme(H- ately removed from the flock; other birds will acquire -the habit. It is j diff:c^llt to stop this habit. WAKTE3 GE N E R ."v r. ui..\cK.s.MrrH. iieid Bros., Uolliwell. Out. FOB 3AZ,E WELL EQtJIi'i'ED NEWSPAPER nnd lob prlntlnc plant In Eastern Onliirlo. Insurance carrlt'l 81,600. Will rci for J1.200 on oulok Hale. Box «!>. Wllfon PnbllfihlnjT Co.. Ltd.. Toronto. WEKK'I.V .NEW.SPAPEE FOR SALH In -Vcw Untnrio. Owner goinK to Krorce. Will sell $2,000. Worth doubls thnt nmoiint .â- Vnr'^v .r. TT,. c'o "Wilson PubllsliInK Co.. Limited. Toronto. SVOBM WUTOOWS FOB SAI^E i-n- Ui;U I'KICE LIST riHuWIN'Ci cost ot window.s glazed complete, , aiLV size. Halllday Company. Box B51, I Hamilttm KIBOXililiANEOUS (^.A.NCElt. TtJMOP.S. LU.MPg. ETC y internal and ejcternal, cured with- out pain by our home treatment. ^V'rita I U.S before too late. Ur. Dellman Medical Co.. Limited. CoUlnsrwood. Ont. £liiiard'a I.iiilinent Onres Siviitherla. STOVE POUSH ' To set brown or tan color, soak the article to be washed for ten min- â-  utes in a pail of water to which ha.s I been added a cupful of vinegar. Black i or black and vk'hitc goods should be j soaked in sti'ong salt water for ten minutes before washing. Limitvd 83-87 Duko Street Toronto COS 18 .# defensive position, forming a flank for tho adjoining troops. On October 1, at Blecourt, this intrepid officer found himself in command of a com- pany now reduced to fifty of all punipernicKel gives ner indigestion. An embarrassing episode was nar rowly averted on one of the Hohen zollern visits by her ignoi-ance of the words of "Deutschland uber AUes." Aiicther patriotic hymn was substi- ranks, and with this little band he ^uted, but" the lady did not know that, captured 80 prisoners and 17 machine ' ' guns. In two days' fighting "his re- cord was throe oflftcers, 180 other either. Early in her married life the Bour- , „ , , , .,,. „ ,,• „ I bon Zita discovered, the Figaro in- ranks, one field gun and 26 machine ^^^^ ^,^^^ ,^^^ ^^^j^^^j ^^^^^^.^^ guns captured, exclusive of enemy ^^j^j^^^g^ attractive, is no intellectual killed and wounded In the attack on Bourlon Wood on September 27, a Lieutenant of a Manitoba battalion, finding his com- pany officers casualties, took com- mand of the shattered company and skilfully reorganized it under heavy shell fire and machine gun fire. He then attacked and carried his objec- prodigy. Her effort to atone for his deficiencies by her own mental gifts is responsible for the course of re- cent political history at Vienna. She is said to have begun a cor- i-espondence with the Pope, which had not gone far when it leaked out that her letters were intercepted. Zita threatened to take refuge in the cha- He Could Not Explain. A short time before tho war Gen. I Kornilofl', while distributing prizes at | a gymnabium class for cadets at j Petrograd, seized the opportunity to give the students at lecture in regard to the softness of the rising genera- 1 tion as contrasted to the toughness of the generation to which he himself i belonged. "Why, when I was a cadet here," ho j said, "we made it a rule to gather on j the banks of the Neva every morning ! in the spring, summer and autumn and swim three times across the river." The statement was received in chilling silence, followed by a burst of applause when a student asked in a puzzled tone: j "In that case, sir, may I inquire I how you managed about your clothes?" $IIO£iH)USHES! ABLACH.WHm, TAN, DARK BROWN Oa OK-BIOCD SHOES PRESERVE/^LEAIHER _â€" •mtf.rOALLtV C0«PO(MTI0»lm,MMCIM.C«t»CA, DARMG, PIERCING SCIATIC PAINS Give way before the pene- trating effects of Sloan's Liniment So do those rheumatic twinges and the loin-aches of lumbago, the nerve- inflammation of neuritis, the wry neck, the joint wrench, the ligament sprain, the muscle strain, and the throbbing bruise. The ease of applying, the quickness of relief, the positive results, the dcanliness, and the economy of Sloan's Liniment make it universally; preferred. AI:iiic in Canada. MONEY ORDERS. When ordering goods by mail send a Dominion Express Money Order. tive. Finding his company enfiladed , ^^^^^^ ^^ Brunnsee, where her sister he rushed, single-handed, the enemy i ^^p^^^ ^^ 1^,,^ ^ ^^â- ^^^ g,. t„ fly to the post, capturing '-nachine guns ""J | nunnery in which another sister is ten prisoners. Having organized his j,„njurea. xhe Empress Zita soon had position, he repelled four heavy [ j^^^^, ^^^ faction at court, a faction counter-attacks and then proceeded | understood in Italy to be distinctly to capture by steakh three enemy ,,ogtile to the Hohenzollern interests. machine guns. He fought his com- y^^jj^ ^^^^j^ drastic measures. Three pany until October 8 with great mi- ^^ ^^^, j^^jj^^ j,, ^^jting were diamis- tiative and dviiig. inspiring his men : ^^^ ^ French governess for the to almost incredible exertions by his { ^.^iu^e,, ^^^ detained only after a wonderful leadership and personal prolonged contest. All that we learn bravery. He was fatally wounded on , ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^.^^ ^^^^{â- ^^ newspapers. the last day. A Lieutenant's Record. Zita is watched night and day. Wlieii she arises in the morning a Boats With Eyes. The Chinese have a queer custorti of painting an eye on tho bow of a boat so thnt it may easily see its way through the water, mall boats as well as large must have an eye, and nothing must be permitted to cover it. I There is a story of an Englishman who, while travelling in China, let his feet dangle over the painted eye of a f.mall boat in which he was sailing. The owner, becoming very excited, begged the Englishm.nn not to inter- ; fere with the sight of tho tfbat wiiila â-  it was moving through the water. I When the first railway wn.s built in I China, some of the native workmen who were familiar with boats wanted to paint an eye on the front of tho locomotive. Such a powerful creature ! a.s that, they said, should not be al- ' lowed to fun about blind. ACurefor Pimples "Youdon'tneed mercui7,potMh or any other strong mineral to cura pimple* c»u«ed by, poor blood. Take Extract of Root* â€" druggiit call* it •'Molhcr Sctgel's Carnllve Syropâ€" and your *kia will clear up a* f re*h as a baby's. It will â-  weetenyour *tomachandi regulate your bowels." Get tha genuino. SOcand^l.OOBottle*. At drug (torat. Holding the Military Medal, being German spy, a Parisian contemporary maard's llniaient Onrsa Colds, !tc, promoted from the ranks, the Lieu- 1 snys, is duly informed. If she writes tenant of a New Brunswick battalion ^ letter it is opened. Wljen she visits personally led an attack in front of Inchy on September 27. Tho next day, near Baillencourt, notwith.'^tand- ing heavy casualties, he again led his battalion into action, storming his ob- Ihe hospitals of Vienna her formi- dab'c escort is always on the alert lest she slip a note to a person in her confidence. The dishes that leave the kitchen of the Vienna palace must jective. Toward evening the enemy pass two inspectors on their way to launched very heavy counter-attacks ; the dining room, on brigade front. The brunt of it I He,, majesty proves to be remark- tell on this battalion, v,hich was form- ^bly like the Empress Elizabeth of erly a Manitoba unit, and owing to Austria, who in her lifetime war, ac- sevore casualties the line was teni- 1 (.used of sympathy with liberal, not porarily pushed back. .Vfter making t ) say radical, views. a personal reconnoi?.sance the Lieut. | j,, the opinion of the French stu- organized all the elements of the bat- j^nt of her character already cited, I No Use ia .That. I Last summer, when so many boys wore helping farmers, one boy. willing and eager to help but v.liolly un- acquainted with farm work, was a signed to a farmer who was careh s in giving directions. One day h* told tho boy to "grease the wagon." .\n hour later the boy came in and said: "I've giort.sed every part except the i^ticks that tho wheels etuvn on. 1 didn't bother with them: they don't show much," Kedtices Bursal Kntargcmcnts, Thickened, Swollen Tissues, Curbs, Filled Tendons, Sore- ness from Bruises or Strains; ttups Spavin Lamenesi, allays piin. Does not blister, remove the hair o: lay up flie horse. J2.50 a bottle at (IniEfgists or delivered. Book 1 R freo. .\BSURBINE, JR., for minkind-an antiseptic liniment for bruises, cuts, wounds, strains, painful, swollen veins or glands. It hcvls and .soothes, S1.2S a bottle at drug- gists or postpaid. Will tell you more if you write. W. F.YOUNQ, P.O. P.. â- :" l<^^is 'Mf. M'-tr^-l. Psn. ittsotmsc ui Atooitio:. jr., in aide la Ciosdfc. E fflR25YEiyiS On Hands and Fingers, Could Not Work, Cuticura Healed. "After vaccination 1 was affected frith skin trouble on my left arm and later it set in in both hands ^ and my fingers. I sulfered so much I was unable to do any iciiid of work, and it used to keep me awake at night. I aufteieu an awful itching and burning, and my fingers were swollen. "I bad the trouble over twenty-fivo years when I read of Cuticura Soap and Ointment. I tried it with success so I bought mote, and now my hands are healed." (Signed) Miss A. Cadleux, Chambly, Canton, Que., Mar. 25, '17. Use these super-creamy emollients for evevy-day toilet purposes and pre- vent these distressing troubles. For Free Sample Each by Mail ad- dress post-card: "Cuticura, Dept. A, Boston, U. S. A." Sold everywhere. ^IN EXTERMINATDR Always Effectiveâ€" and acts quickly ^ I c ,icvc3 Innie bock, lumbago, nenialris. (Tiniins, Inmo joints and mnsctesi tootUuche. earache, sore Uiroat and oUier painlnl complcinlaâ€"Hlnis-*' :>tops the Paitu Get abottio today. Unveit handyâ€" haso hund«-- ' '-^viot. At dealers or write vs. lilRbT RBMEDVCO., Urunilton Can ^ ED. 7 ISSl E 14â€" '18 â- taaia

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