Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 31 Oct 1918, p. 7

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iMiIKi '^'^^ PROTECTION OF FRUIT TREES By C. B. Ford Olio of the most important factors I help in preventing the entrance of ill establishing a fruit orchurd ia that borers and cutworms into the trunks of proteL'ting; the young trees from of the trees. These vnne-er strips mice and rabbits during the winter. These pests may not touch a ti-ea in come witJi two or three inches of the end, that goes into the ground, treatgd Preparing tlie Flock for Winter. f cai of the breed and vio-.„.nii« Tbon *--•"- â- â- â€¢"j- "-^v .^^... „ -.^o â- .> ^,„., t.,„c ^^^a .n^u uiu gruuiiu, i,reac8u The sueebs to be obtained from the' he i M u^i. order t^ keep hTm' jr '^""^''^â- ^ , T T''''" ''""''".!' f'* f Preservative. This end should â- farm flock will depend very largely on; virite but not too ftl Kiil^M "7\ ^^r^'-'Pr'"'"''' '^1 '"7 ?i''"'i'^ '°* m theerround to prevent the the way it has been handled during' gets grain until about a monu' before ' m 1 -"h ^"f,^. /"' ^•^"^- , "^ them, worms and bup whi.h crawl on t#,e the autumn months. The plan at breeding se-on. He 1s never aUmv-' ^'li^'f'^ "^^^^t ""^""u'^ ^""""-'^ only! surface from burrowing in the trulk the Experimental Farm, Nappan, N.a,! od to i^urr with the ^wL^inui^yl^ref •, tack S'"^om" w"' """'"' """ *""" ""''=' *'' ^'°"""- in tne tall ^o throug-h the ,Io.k, pici:; hours eath day. Many gl'C to six Many commercial orchard owners young; object to the.5e wood protcctQr.s be â- A.^ â€" '•'••*> It i.nf.'f'r . i - . •; •rr'fflrr.'w:'.' â- ' ' ,r,7, 'aL. J .I. W' . j .^. y a ^ YOUR PROBLEMS orchards in Ontario have been seri- cause they have to bo removed each In dividing the pen for winter, a,ll j ously damaged in one winter by theVej ;pri'ng,-on amount ^ftepfng the ^^^^^^^ P'^*'-''- l''«rlit from the trunk of the trees. If : ond and t'-elfth year of h i-hild'.i life: the possibilities of a local communitj , Molher» and d»uBliter» of all •g*a ar* cordially Invited to writ* to in" cepartmont Initials only will b* published with each question and lt» an»v<oir «• « means of Idantincatlon, but full nam* and addrcbs must bs given In e«cn letter. Write on one sido of paper only. Answara uvlll be mailed direct If •tamped and addressed envelops Is enclosed. Address all cotTespondencs for thla department to Mrs, Helen Law. 23J Woodbine Ave., Toronto. out nil the nonv,rodueers, poor milksrH, | or any th'it mny have bad mouths or^ mature ewes arc put together; shear! ?l<oiled udde>\5; also any that may be ings in another pen and ewe lambs -di^c^i; £L'"^^fe^^tiS^;^,; ^ii:lt^ei'rjr'^:-yeJ'^d!^'S:ukl th^r^S,^ ^-\'-.^ ^-^-^ to dam:ione-^u;V;c;f miii;-;-;,;^: Anxious Mother: â€" Between the sec-! plans, you miglit discus-s with UieT? Mice and rabbits are more active in ; this is not done tlie constant shading ' he should be given from three cups to ! kitchen. Ottawa women are- argart ' breeding flock looks alone is not the be any weak ones, they too are gi ven ' j'â„¢j only guide, as many times a (we may a separate pen; otherwise thcx would a profltab;« breedsr yet be very | not got a fair show at the'trouKli be found to be mere protitable to feed cs elsewhere, but judging by the them -well iiPjtil .January or Pehruary. | quantities of inferior tubers u.sed foi-' by putting fhem on good aftermath ' seed purpose.^ tlie importance of this' pg(.„(.t^;m., until barniug time, then flni-h on law is not appreciated by many. The roots and m-aal. j use cf small potatoes taken from the;^|jjjg Rajn lambs intended for iireo'ding bulk of tho crop, year after year, and'^^Vhe' are placed in a sepai;ate field with used for .seed will eventually lead to' . , - , . â€" - _^ . Between i izing towards this end wul it is e::pect> ,. . , , ^"Pr'y ot green! age the bard and cause it to b/ister three and eight he should n?ver have ' cd that within a month or two tii« Imntetl, but If thero IS a land check. Removing them -^aeh less than one egg daily. For his | captial will be following the example mulch about the trees, or . if cover] spring requires considerable time and km'.h box hard boiied egg or cream ^ of old country cities where national th« gel laiu Bo'ard dur- maii an aijreea.!)i8 cover under , off-ct by .the fact that when once ap- .paor.s cornptarch. Coolc the fiiling I ers and those living in sections wliew which rnice ran hide, tno young trae.s , ph^d to the trees they do not need until it is thick enuugli to spread. fish are not retailed. D«aUrs will slioald have some cheap and effective, to be rcpla<:cd. This is a more im-, Mar-ruerite :-Y(rs, it is permissible ! bo encouraged to cater to this U'ad. â„¢ , . ^ . PO'tant Item in tlie commercial or- to send candy to the men. at the front I by packing fhh in 50 and 100 pound The on.y v;afe means of preventing diard than on the average farm ! but it ia against the law to rn:ike'boxei, quoting rhi, price f.o.b. ship. iiijiines is to Fn-ovide guards ; v.here only a few ncAV trees are putsweet=; trees so that the animals can-: out from time to time. good clover artc-imaih : 'light grain mixture of l<: nd given a ' j ields of infea-ior potatoes. pound oats;! At potato digging time the great njfc touch the 'baric. Washes in the home, using oane sugar. | ping point, and accepting mail orders j However, you can make them v.'ith | for delivery by express. In this way. pound bra.71 .nnd t-H pound oilcake opportunity for reed s meal. The ewe l-ai«bs are also placQrl in a field by themselves, but not given much grain unless the afterfecd is ed. With the produ spread on the soil it is an easy mat I „,,_,„ substances have proved ter to select out those plants thac; f^^i-j^. . ,. , ^ ... "" i '^^'^ *'^*^t W'ay to iniy wire tree pi-o-i substitutes su-J;-:- mani^a snaip, white la faajmei- c-an secure eavly in the wi^ pamts have .been tned and recom-, teeters is to buy rolls of proper , corn syrup, fruit.s dat;s, etc. | icr sufficient l-w-en fish to last dur- In summoning your.iiig the season, and thus cut down 3 together for winter I his coiviumiition of other meats. -.Winn t.j fT*. '"^''''â- ^*^' ^'^® '''"^^ '^^'"^ ^^ ^°'''°^ the:mo.s-h -wire sixteen inches high and cut 1 O'-gur'^c'r-â€" ctcfec-hXiifc !''"'â- '' "^'""^ .""''^'^•-'"^^^ «'.^" , ^^•^"Wl't in strips twelve inches wide, mak-! .^omen worker . i""'"- 1 prove repulsive to the animal.= . Bulling a roll about three and a half ; inef • ; int-hes in tltsimeter. This makes a poor. All breeding ewes ai'e flu.died have given the larg^^st yield of the' l!!:;:^ '" '.fit?; ^i", <>""-^'J. Pâ„¢,i T^f ^«^"''''^l'' '^'''''^ for young tree.-, during the latter plu-t cf Ootober or ' most deMrable type of poLlo and arel ^.'r^--^ 1 "«: h ii ^-od. Unless one 'buy., material especially the first of November. This consists j free from disease. The p>,tatoe.'l .'""'' ^''â- '' "'^'"^.^."d other gi^'ases adapted for tree protectors., a few in putting them in a good held of from such plants only should be gath- clover and giving them a light grain erod and saved for use as seed the ration of oats, bwin and a little oil- ! following yeai-. This saving of seed cake meal. Hence the evv'es make a ! at digging time may seem to marty rapid gain in flesh. There are sev-|as an extra burden during a rush of eml a.dvantage3 from this practice, i work, but it is not. lit. The ewes which are bred in a I There is less actual labor attached thr" th a likel wM wh ir.g Lime 'in uiai ine laiirus are an sonic specuiation. i'otato growers, i,^,,! ^,„:„ dropped wit)hi-i a short period of each i would do~\\^ell to watch closely for ex ' cther^^thus making less work for the , cepfcionally good plants. The.w. !har hiivo no good (lualities to recommend ' ?mall stakes wiM be needed to hold them for protcctir:g young trees. the protectors in place. Tiie only safe and pratT,ical means | As a rule, (!uartei--inch me.?h wire is nf preventing theae winter injuries; preferable, for a. mouie can get his is to put Avire or wood guards about, head through a larger opening and do the trunk of the trees. In ca^e you I considerable damage. It the orchard' INTKRNATIONAL .\OVEMBEl{ ESSON ;j. discover that serious damage is _oe- site is frequently covered with deep! thepJierd. In selecting the flock ram it is the end-eavor to choose the very l>est, typi- wested and saved apart frdm the main crop, may become the grand-dad -5 of fine pot.Hto field.:) in the future. tion in life and the richest blessing God can 'bo.? low. No man can afford to live on his feelings; tlisy will in- vari.Hb'y betray l.!m; a b-jlanced judg- ment becomes imi>cs3ible. 3o. .Sv^ear to me linstâ€" The cath whjs a tacred and binding custom among Orientals. .Jacob knew thnt a man who parted with a great an- cesti-ul right would charge his mind, a thing so esisiiy given away mlstht be as e«aily recalled. He cerci-minad to make the thing sure. 34. So Esau despised hia birth- j rightâ€" In Hebrews la. Ifi E-au is called a "profane person." Tiie woi-d '•profane" means "bef»re the fans" ' and indicates the ground outride of a ; temple or sacred enclosure. Hence , ,,,,-., 1 •., - ,. ^ L i-i â-  I c'jmmon ground, walked over by m*n down close to the ti-unks of the young! children lor twenty years, uutd man-, jj^^ ,3^^^^^ A profane man is one I kffcctivo wood gi.ardj are made of.u-ees, because there is always danger | -ii^-'er to prayer the twins, l'.sau and,.^^j,g ^^^^j^^^ himself common; ho ha« I veneer cut from log., by spe -ial ma- , of fjre running thi-ough the dry grass ! -'a'-ob, wei-o born. These boys must | ^^^ ^^^^ respect for himself as a s'pir- chinery. It comes in flat packages, ! and leaves an.l burning the bark of : V^* reached maturity by the time of , j^^^l being. Kvcn- common appetite It Piays to i'"iiiish Poultry. Kven -with t.he present high price of fee<l no one cai aft'ord to .sell birds .soak in w.Tter and â- wrap thom about the trunks of the trees and tie them with tarred string. When the wood becomes dry it is quite hard and offers for the mice to cf mash and 2-i gallons of biittermiil'k. The mash was compot^d of il parts -corn-meal, 1 part middlings, and 1 "part buckwheat screenings. The c^ht of feed wa^ 180 lbs. ai. 4c j little inlucement per lib.--.'i;7.!i0 and 24 gal. milk at oc; gnaw through. , . ,, ... ,,. per gal. â€" .$1 .20, m.jking a total ofj These woods gu-.n-ds are cheap, dura- and specially cockerels, m a Ih.n 153.40 for fee.1 ami milk. Add tojblcand effective against mice and condition. The good prices received , this the value of the birds at the s;tart ' rabbits, and if closs'iv fitted and for poully nie'At more tlian pay lor ^80 lbs. of thin chickens that would ! prc...=ed into the soil about â- the tree he extra feed and u there ever was a bring 35c per lb. ?9S.OO, and it maiss time when birds should be hmshed, it total co.st for thin chickens and feed I'^r.ov,: of $U().10. As a war measure the marketing ^he weight of the finisiied chicles was 340 lbs., liaving g'ained 60 lbs. in cra.t'ed together, and suificienfc wood: the trees. It is also a good plan io for each tree cost-^ about one cent. Upamp the snow firmly about the:, Before putting them around the trees tninl:> of the young trees. the present lesson. The purpose of the narrative is in- icatod in Genesis 25. 23. The in - I dividual traits of the tv/o men set Young fruit trees are too valuable . for fcli the issues and conflict* of two to leave unprotected during the win-! people â€" the Edoraites. descended fr^om ter. A litl'e thoughtful attention! Esau; and Israel,^ ^descended from to putting on these protectors in the : •'**^*"'" fall is a good insurance against winter ios.'^es from mica and rabbits. The valu« of one good tree will more i'nan repay the cc+t of time and materials neces-s-ary to pi'otect one hundred young trees. In the end Israel, the chosen people of God, overcomes those who dcspiia the higher and more spiritual values. Verse '21. Esau was a skil'liul hun- ter, a man of the field â€" These two phrases describe the natural character and tejnperament of the man. He and passion h.ns free course in his life. A profane man laies the sense for spiritual \'aaue. TcmptatiouB sweep through such a soul alraoat without resistance. B;au's continual cAre lessnes5 alx>ut the groat things of life made him weak in the hour of tempta^ tiou. of thin chicke.w should be prohibited. to produce and that which is of the least value for food is th« frame. The cheapest weight for the feed fed is tlie flesh ai3 it is all edible, the neces- .•«ity of puttinig this flesh on is evi- dent. The most proiitablc weight at The most expensive part of the bird ^ the 10 days feedin|. " The value per lb. was iacveaised becauae 'of the quality o fthe flesili to 50c per lb. making thii total value of the bir^a !?r;o.oo. Thiis meant a lerenue of $64.00 for S/oms How LiJa Went to Tli* Picnic. bila had not been invited to theH>'„"'' "i'^^- ^'''-'^ *'a3ti-i- aiid faster. From the time the heifers are bred until they <lfop their first calves i'S enjoyed hunting, but did not care fori another critical period in the life of But lliCTo wa.55 no way to stop him. 'steady work; adventure appealed to j <lairy hoifers, and in moat Instances When he heard Lilft's voice h« lumped i •''"i .™«i"« than the disriRiine ol pro-|t.h8y will thrive better if kept away at the baird joyfully. It tilted. Uie.! '^^^^^^ i^y^^ d ^ ' ^ ^Itf T 'X^^T^:^. t' tS' settled back mto place. A secon.l barbaric, rugged nature, not without ! ^^ "" beuer tj keep ihem by them- t'lme he pounced upon it, and that} excellencies of a eei-Lain .sort; intensa j ^®''-'*s 'â- Â°^' the tew months they are time over it went, sirl and all, and | in emotion, but subject to its power. ' with cailf on account of U'e d-anger began to loll down tha long hill, slow- 1 Jacob was n quiet man; dwelling in ; fi^oni abortion. eiLher throu,";!! injury ' tents â€" The pastoral ideal is the key â-  by the older csattla or .from conta- to this description. It is the orderly weigh about 4 pound?, but even earlier lilrd.s may be fed with profit, as sev- eral experiments conducted at the Kxpei'imcntal Farm this summer go to prove. Poultry meat 'Of all kinds has been a good price. Hens have heeli sell- ing as high as roasters and broilers IvAve paid vr^l. Leghorn cockei-el.s at the E.xperimental Farm have been sold at about 2 pounds each, and be- cause of being specially finished on milk, brought good returns and paid well for extra feed. Pour different lobs marketed in August, 152 birdis, weighed 280 jjouiids, they were fed for about ten days during- whicU time they gained (iO pound's, weighing at the end of th.e feeding period 340 pounds'. They consum-ed ISO pounds POULTRY of all kiad». Better (lualtty preferrett. Writ* Mr vrlcen. STANFORD'S. Limited 129 Mansfield $t. < - Montrcd) li mn i ':M:jia wiiii Li...r "- j, . \ u ^^tem^mm'umiimmmmi^mm nicnic that -va, hn h» hM not f-,r' I>o^^'n on the picnic grou-nds a lit-|t<» tnis neicripuon. re is ine oroeny â-  gio:», a>s there are very few herds of the care of 153 bird, for less th.n | "h^r t^and I^ S .^ry «;;!; [Je «iH looked up and pointed. '-What's --^-^.^^^^ cattle that are -thely f^ two weeks. It also .bowed that forl^appy about it. She had heard that *- coning J^ ^e^crie.^^^ ^^ ^J^JS-Ui:^^^:^,^^^^^^^^ - "^- -^-i- • • • - I. - .. ' - . _ . diseases tiiat llio breeders of rsgi.s- which to linish cockerels is when they ^^.^^^ ^^^^^ increase on the birds iti tlin« would be swings and games ami o? I ice ersaim, a.nd she f S'lfc iihait she could ! "**'" "'"^''^'^'^'^ excluimed, and some one his life, ' Jaccb wa.a a man of afl-airs, , , , . ^, , , ^ , , ' else said, '-Head it off!" a manager, capable of getting rosults. j tsred daii-y cattle iiave to contend Two beys stopped the whirling bar- Such the natuxal dispoaitions of tlio 1 with at the pre3«nt time. reA a-nd with puffing and pushing set 'Wo mi»n; each capable of mucli good It 13 quite unnecessary Uiut the or- it up and pulkd ofl- tha basket. aI "^^ '^"'^â- '' ^''''- ,„ , , dinai? fanner should convert, hia 28. Isaac loved Esau, because he barns into breeding escablishnient?, out of sight. ! '}h^ ®^'^ "^ ^'^ venisonâ€" The father and 1 devoting hi.s attention to breeding in took 8 lbs. of ma.sh a.nd 4 Iba^ niiik or an average cost of lie. per ""t stay away, lb, of gain. 'Til hide behind a tree and vratch, finyway," she said. "They M'ould sea you," her mother answered, and proinised Im- a doUs'l^s^^ l^."^. Y'*^'^*^ "^ ""'^ ^''^" ducked j^ Pigs that are being carried through the winter sihoiiW have an opportunity for an aburidanee of out-of-door exer- ci'se. They should ha-ve a -vvarm, dry â-  th^' Jj^jt^^jm tea party, with lemo-wade and crackers, { if she would forget about the picnic;! but Lila could not forget. j She lived in a little white tiouc '"'A E-!rl' A eirl'-' the- cried Fverv- 1 }^^'^ *^" ""T"- "'''i'^**- '" ^^°^ respects, | '.strains" and families- of a fancy sort, A 81X1. A gut. tne, ci.ed. L^e^y , ^3^^ j^ m their fondness f or , ^ (^,,^ ^^ ^^ ^^-^ ^thcv f/rmin» one came running. | savory food. Lila stood atraiighl up in tJie baa'ral I weak point 'i Was tills tile ol-d man's i ,. _ At any rate, he was ! operations. the top of ground.9 wer place in -which to 'Slecp and remain i i^j-^rg (.h« picnic she stayed awake a\^^^ t-ea.i-s during stormy weather. They alwuld | ioj,.g ^jj^^ ^^.y-mg to think how si,« P'^nic," she said. a hill and the picnic I ^'"^ shook tba hair out of heir eyes. . partial toward K-sau, as Rebeikiah was •e in a level me'adow at ' ^''« '^^'^ shaken but not hurt, aiid ,' toward .Tacab. Parental favoritism of th« hill Tli» i,np.l,ti8^^ was winking har<l to keep back! is the .source of much spoiUng, and il of the hlJi. Ihe ling'Uti ,_ ,,,".__,., ,. ...^r,. ,,._ wn= Ihi* that. Hid muf.i harm (.0 tiaso have their meals I'egtjjarly at tltS same hours each and every day. When small it is best to feed three times per <!ay. After they are three or four months of «gc they can eat en could watch the fun even if she could Aftei' a while she had a ^"^ * '"^ttle giil in the house on tlie "I wanted to watch the ^ f«s this that did much harm to these two sons. It followed tlieni alt their day.s. It takes no prophet to fore- cast trouble in such a family. "We didn't even know that Ui«r.» Care of Uic Eyea. The peison who wiailies lo llee^ .voung and useful should take exc-el-, lent care ot the eyes. Kye .strain, besides other illeffectis, causM wjiik 31.'. Feed mo, I ipra:y thee, \.'ii1i tliat 't!*'- plaji. " "" "jlviiltop," the mothers 3a.id, when they ' j^nje rod nottageâ€" Ue wora "pot- j Ths fiPst rule in the care of tlie 'ITic next day, an hour befoi-e picn'iel iinder6i;ood, and fhcy lifted her out, Uffe" is not in the original; it is, liter- eye is to avoid straining it unr.sc«a>- 3 time, she was very busy. First, sh« ought to la^t them longer and feeding j py^ (,„ j^^j. <,]d63t dotheiS; then she put twice per da.v will answer. The msn who cares for the pig.s should ha.ye a love for the work and not .be afraid of a little extra work in ! order to meet the needs of the pig.s. ! He should ^vatch the pigs cloaely to j see that they cat a.ll of the feed I quickly and thai none is left to freeze ! ill the trough. He should be vriliing j to place a little clover or alfalfa in and brought pink ice a'eam in a blue; ally, ".soma of the red, that red." The Earily. This moans I'hat the eyes bowl. A.11 the Ktible giris st'0.od round ; thing ind-catod is described in vers? I },oyiJ ^^^ closed for a few secondi< Don. the big shepherd dog, into the "'^ «"J''-«J '^'' Liia, and oflfered to , 34 ; .t was a soup mad^^ or enrd^.! ^^ ^„^ j,j,^„ ^,.,,^„ employed WANTED POULTRY. EOOe and FEATHERS Highest Prices Paid I'rompt Return.*â€" j{p Oomonsaion P. POUIif( & CO. 9a BoBijscovm TUtaiAM • ltoatr*»l a rack where' they can cat it each and r^] ^p o„ e„j beside a stump and put every d^y. file forage feed helps m y,^ .^ay into it. After that she several ways; it bulks up the ma-ss m (.Umbed over the edge, puHed the has ' the stomach thereby maki-ig digestion, i^^^ down on the barrel like a cap, more complete and aids m the grow th ' ^,j(| w^jtefj. woodslied, and wcnrinl3o"the liarn foa-j *;^'']'«f '^i'' »'"' .^'he was very ^'ippy. ' ^.^3^g;';\'«„^l;^^ P,^;^ ItiT'anarMdrof i-^'«»''^ ''•«!"'"''« ^'-^^ concentralJon. a while. After alx)ut ten minutes I '^'"^^ ax her a while Don, who had ''"», .Het in Syria.' Tlfe expression' i$ em- i H- m«"»3 also thd the eyes should ' she came out rolling « large sugar ' *'*^'''y.'^"^" ",*' '^^''^ the people, came phatic ani indicates Iho inlenaily of j never be strained by trying to rca-.l baiTel on its side. Under hea- arm | *^S'S'"S "^"^ ^"^'' ""'' ^ Pirate of ^ jig^u's hunger. He was hungry and | in a pnior light or 6ne that is l>adly she carried a. bundJe of hay, and sliej''^"*^- ^^'"'''' ^^'"'^ more tba n he had a big splint ba-^ket t-urned down . served . ov«' her head. I •;• â-  â-  When she reached the top of the j long hill, at last, she turned the bar- dc-|o.xhaufted; his natural tendency lOjtj'^flced. It means also that as soon M.v Son. trouble is suspecteil j good cculiii should be coiaulted. â-  Beside.? all this, the eyes shoulu be kept coriitantly clean. In tiie morn ing when you get up the eyes should if You Want the Highest Market Pricas Ship all your RAW FURS to usâ€" -We pay all e.vpress charges. ABBEY FUK (0MP.4NY (In bu3(r»'SH I'or ^(» >ear»i LOUIS ABINOVITCH, Manager 310 St. Paul St. W, Mo.itreal, P.Q. Referenro, Baak .ȣ Hucheliigii, Kt. It-iury, M(iiiire.ol of bone and muscle We should remember that it is the growth in pounds that .can be made cheaper than adipose membrane. Pi^s grown rapidly lor siix months make their gains cheaply and bring prices that will leave a handsome margin of profit over the cost of production â€" ^ "To hy is 'beti/cr than the thing you try for, To Hope is hijfh?r than/ the heig-ht attained. To love is greater than the love you sigh for, To seek is iio-bler than the object gained. To 'wrestle with tin; angel'- -thus avails, .Althougl; the motive for thjivrestl- ing faila." make much of mere phy.5icai appetit ;â-  i ^s anv eve wa3 ini.e;:3ifted. The sight and '' aronw of the food took pos.'«?s«ion of h'8 mind. ,. 1 - T.- ,, ,â-  ,83. Sell me first thy 'birthright- .Somewhere in h ranee there iie.^ my, xhe birthright denotes the advantage-, â-  , youngest ioi\. j and rights iisunlly enjoyed by the /i'-st j ^^ washed out with an eye-cup and a It seeni.^'&iuch little time ajiioe he i born s-onf It iiiciluded a. position of ! solution of boric acid. This is no- was .small; j honor as the head of the family, ri ' thing more or lers than a small tea- .And now hi.s life on earth so soon is : double share of the inheritance, and; spoonful of boric acid powder dissoK- doive I pi-csomptiveiy greater natural vigor; j ed in a pint of previously boiled wa Hi.sMa.?i.er needed liim. He heard ' i^"*" '^ ''"* believed to be ti-anaferablc , ,,3j._y,y ijoiling being necessary to t,hecafl. lmo?eToXTt£'*Sy ififi''^"^ broken place in the .side of the basket' Within my sleep I dream of him each Bible adds to the idea of the birth- 1 ''"'-'••p of this .solulini; will last .cveral gave I.ila a lookonr pl«ce for one big! night, j right greater ^spiritual privileges and ^'-'ck-'. Tljii lyild antjsepiii; wilj ' â-  ' â-  â-  â-  â-  ' - I wasii any c.i.;>t irom the Back in the woodshed Don barked I and begjired. but down in the meadow j the picnic people began to gather. AJ bluo eye. i And wake to lini he eanuo Ten minutes passed, then twenty } to me, minutes, and tihere â-  was more and ! For with more to 'vatcli. (l.-imcs began down' 1 come I blessings. The cov/hant: pii.mnse ; rmade to Abrah.am c;;.'. >x below, and grnwii people unpacked! ^'as included in the ! lashos, or will remove the fiUn otton Lh the (cniing oi the morning ' ''^^^^'f'^' "^''S mixed character ofj present aft^r *. night's sleep, and v.i < jglit, JaeoJ), apnciirs in this transaction. He i^,,v(> ihp was capaV.c> of apprciating the vahie ; f/^.^i^gj of a birthright, although be re.'orted j to unfair nioniiK to obtain i ?ccm to see his jvrave. across the sea. feeling clear ini r* H? Enameled Kitchen WailH. baskets aj-id spread tablecloths. -Lila iti)t. I'hat sIm .ji":t m.nst go down, jl liiiow the sorrow and the biute'- Io.m -valued ancctrai privilege and knew] All at once Don's barking secTned; That Mai y felt when on that day at; the worth pf divine blesising. Mere I If a painted wall is enameled il c>«ti t.o grow louder. Before very long ngon j physical pleasure did not vnle hie * be wa.shed as of'en a»i.nece>.^:i.rv with- there came a suuuil of punting and Her Son was nai'ied upon that truel '^scisiom or satisfy h;.5 soul. H« ! out injuring the .sutf«'.'e sctiailing feet; the barks drew nearjr ! tross, i knew there was a supreme .spiritual ; ,,_ evory moment, Ld'.'a kn:w what it' While all the heavens turned lo' value to be sought and won. | Xo can juice from leftover beet mtaiit; Don h;ul somehow br.>kcn out' darkening gloom, j of the woodshed. She held tight to I Oh. may I help some other mourning i the rim of the basket as he scampered i one water. up barloiug like mad . "0 Don, Don!" she groaned. Who. like myself, has lo;ii her much loved »on. 32. Kmu .said. Behold, I am about j bones, cover them wish cold to die--This is the language of a Ualt «nd let cook slowly for seve man who overestimates his fee ing.x. i,„„„, u^,._ n,„ ;..; . • ';„.„ ,i Exaggeration h a fundamental weak- '*'""; ^^^^ .,':'^« J' ?* '« -^'^ i,*"" ne.-i in character. A brief m .menl ''"''' ^'^«" »teriliw,l, tnen se«A Ths* of hunger outweighs the bigheU po«i- '. •**" "^ ^^^^ '»ter ni souns, et.c.

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