â- â- »l •TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR ' - "PRINCIPLES SOT MEN" Vol. 38, No. 29 Fesbierton, Ont., Decernber, 19 1918 , fle^>> PRICEVILLE We have*lieen enjoyiug exceptionally fine neather for OaUric duriifg Dec. Tlie Presbyteriana here are in the throes of a hot discussion aver the poEs- ible rssignation of their piuitor, nhu has been with them fov twenty yeata and has made iu>iny warm friends in and outside of the congregation, but a miuotiky cf the coni>regatioa desire a chancje of pastors, heiioe some •' rough house " experienced at fontsresjational meeting Sunday afternoou. The Sunday school children are antici- pating a bia time at the anniversary :uid Christmas tree next Friday evening. Real estate deiier, Mr. John Beaten of Glenelg,-has retired from the f'lrai and has purchased the (Jatrander house and lot next to the Methodist church, and with his family have become welcome citizens in our villaae. David T. Hiucks ha.s purchased the Mike Henry farm one mile noith of the village and will take posaeasion in the tpring. T. A. Ferguson was in Shelburne on Friday and Saturday of last week, at- tending the funeral of his eldest sister, Mrs. George Rutherford, who,_ after a loDt; iirness, parsed away on Thursday morning in her 60th year. ROCK MILLS Your corrsspoudent wishes Tlu Ad T8BCe staff and its many readers a merry Christmas. ,: B, S. Field spent a weok tV'X hunting with his cousin at Mt, Forest. Art. Forteous of Maxwell speuv a day with his jiaronts here. Coasting is the main sport hjre. . Finlayilay of Saskatchewan irrived home last we-ik to spend the winter laoaihs with his parents. Mrs. Sam Croft visited the past week with friends at Holland. Centre. Mrs. James Cargo visited nnediy the past weell^%ith hot parents here. George Fisher, wife and babe, of the 4th line, visited with ihu formem's cousin, W. Fisher, recently. Mrs. E. Binniiigton und daughter, of Maxwell, spent a day the past week with Mrs. C. Newell. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. ^lonison of Maxwell visited recently with the latter s uiiole, Levi Betts. tjuite a number from around hera â- attended the bazaar iit Flseliertou on Saturday. KIMBERLEY Otlieors uf Kiniberley L.U.L. *o. I'MO for the ensuing year ; W, M.^ Taylor Ahercrombie ; D. M., Andrew Wallace ; Sec, W. T. Ellia ; Trea.s., Hugh Snaith ; CbapUin, Wm. Sloan ; Committeeâ€" Biisil McConnell, Thompson Allen, W. F»waei;t. .lasper Stuirt sold $273 worth of furs to a buyer from Oringeville one day list week. Mesiirs. Leonard Fawcett, Hidden Hutchinson and Allen Ferguson, who h.ive been in thrt prairie provinces for over a year, returned home last week, all 1 Hiking hale and hearty. Mr. Geo. Hutchinson occupied the pulpit in the Methodise church on .Sunday eveniiii; last and delivered an excellent atrmon from the i'.icd p^alm. Mrs. J. A. .Stuart presided at the organ in I he absence of the organist. J, E. Hammond of Meaford is visiting at the parental home. One of the largest hawks ever seen in these parts swooped down on one of WtfUinsjtuu Fawcetl's tiens on Sunday and started in fjr a meal. He was scared away but not before he had killed the bitd. It is very unusual to ^ee these birds iu the winter. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Knott of Eppirg were plea.sant callers iu our burg uiie day last week. Care of Machinery On the Farm CEYLON The Meat Question " I see a le 1 danger," ••aid K. M. Heido, Secretary of tho Internationa' iive Stock show, " Fanners ihrouuhout the country have been workiiis to raise grains. They have neglected their ca.tle. Now th3y pay tho penalty, Kurope is askius; lor meat, ind will contnuie to -do ,80 for a cousiJerablo tifco. South .â- Vniir- ican cat^l© raisers have lost stock through foot and mouth diseases and drcught. A jjij{ demand ijt beef products is ap- proaching â€" how will it be satisfied ( The only remedy is for farmers at oj:ice to turn their energies to rai«ing more ctttle. There is ample grain to feed theui, and transportation facilities mil probably be adequate for all immediate needs." France at tho end of the war tinds herself with 2,360.000 less cattle, 2,258.- 000 less sheep and 2,81'>,000 less ho^s than in 1914. .She will l)o glad tn buy jiurk auc* hog products in Canada as soon as linancial arranjfcaients as to credit in Canada can be arranged. Canadian breeding Cittle also are wanted. Canada â€"is the only country upon whose cattle France does not maint:«in an embargo. Before the wu Denniatk used to send Great BriUin J,3CK),00y hundredweight of bacon per year. Today Uciiniark is herself -saott 1 873,000 gigs and her great hungry neighbor, Germany, is tliort 19 300,000 pig». BiUaiu will have , talook ekcwhero for the bacon Denmark . used to supply, and here is where Cauida will find a permanent trade oppoWijuity with the mother country of , uo mean proporti'.ias Uncertainty as to ibo market when me armistice wan ileclarei-l led many stock meniw throw Uieirstouk on tho matke'. unfim.-h.'il in the effort ! > (urn theii animals into mouay befcre prices ve-.U j down. -It iv.wapoor poUcy, %ij event f have showo. There has been mo d^oline in the price escep!; vh^ni quality aiul tininh wfcio inferior. The export dcnnand ie«>ain» sloady. Kami machinery represents a financial itivfsiniei.t. Taking proper cire of u results it: a monetary gaiE ; leaving it exposed in the open at all seasons of the year i^u>l ui^an economic loss, not unly to the farmer; but to the whole commu- nity, tt is generally recognized by authorities on agriculture that, if exposed iu all kinds oi weaXher, farm uiachioes depreciate mote than they do from fair wear and tear. That is to say, the farmer who is careless in this respect pays for more than twice the number of impleiueiits than he actually renuires. At the same time great maLufacluring plants and small armies of workmen havo- to Ije kepi, bncy replacing thesa lo3siS, which, iu thousands of instances, are purely and simply the result of caicless- ness and neglect. To hoitse implements properly, it may not be necessary to have a special imple- ment shed. Many farmers can utilize an uimsfid barn Hoor or a part of some other buildii.g, for part of a building that has been set aside for machinery. Uii most farms, however, a special iniple- uHiit house iS desirable. .A suitable building, if carefully planned to conserve spice, can bo buiU at a reasonable cost, Fhus cm be oljlained from iho Central Kxperinicmal farm at Ottawa. before implemeuts are stored for the season tliey should be carefully cleaned and oiled. Jt is a good p!au, after re- uiuviiig an dirt, to wipe the entiie machine with an otled rag and to grease all wearing parts with tallow or axle grease.- - Furthar, it pays to renew the paint on thu machinery at regular intei- vals. Pairtt of good quality applied to well cleai.el sui faces is an' esc;;llent protection as well as improving the appeai'tiioe of the machines. Then, too, ii is an advauLige to attend to all neces- sary repairs during the winter when the machines are not required. This will save much lime and aunoyauce in the busy soasou. To saui up : Proper care cf faim machinery necessitates a suitable build- ing whore tho implemenis will be [nv- tacted from the sun, wind, r^in, snow anJ live stock, when cot In use. In addition it should be kept clean, well oiled, painted if necessary, and in good repair â€" Conservation. <.)ri Saturday afternoon Mr. David Biodie pamed away at tho home of hia son in-law, Mr. Ben McKenz e, where he has made his home for the past year and a half, of hardening of the arteries . Ho was born in the county of Peel S'.'i years ago and 45 years ago wa<« married to Misj Rosanna L>ng in Egwiia >nt, who preceded him about eighteen years ago. To chem were born four ijirls and hve boys â€" Mis. Ben. McKenzie. Mis. Thcs. Brodie, (Barbara), who died about l."> years a^s, R)borc of Torontj, James who died in the West, Daniel ui W'lliars Falls. David in France, Neii of Hamil" ton. He al.so leaves three brothers and one ciater â€" .James of Townsend's Lake, John and Archie in the West, and Mrs. Robert Galbraith tif Markdale. The funeral took place Tuesday afternoon to Uarkdale cemetery. Much sympathy is expressed for the sorrowing ones. A bad accident, occurred on Saturday afternoon at George Boyce's, Stone Line, when Ills son, Charles, who was workinj; a gasoline engine, slipped and came iu contact with the saw, breaking three ribs, puncturing the lung and cutciug liis face and body. Two doctors were called. tie is in a very serious couiition, but. at time of (friliug is doing as well as can be expected. We understand that John J. Paltersor. has sold his tarai "to Mr. Fawcett and will retire. • Friday afternoou and evening tae W I. held a very successful Bazasir in the Oraiiite Hill, despite the fact that ihe di/ was anything but ideal. In the evening it poured ram but the hall was comfortably riled. Mr. D. Wydemau occupied the chair. A short priigram of soBi»s and recitations was given and then the articles which weru left from the afterniiou were auctioned off by Thos. Gilchrist. The exact amount; realized i.-i not- yet kaewu but It is in the neighbor- hood of §75. The ladies aire to bo Congratulated on iheir success. Mr. and Mrs. EioSiv Leslie and babe of- West Toronto are, yisitiug the hitter's parents, Mr. and Mrs, .Archie McMulIeu. Mrs. F. D. Cairns and sister. Miss Jem Collinson, spent the past week with friends in Torcnto. Mrs. Gtiltio, who has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. W. White, has rt^uined to her home in Tototito. Misses iiertha and Lilian .^Mcrtail went to Toronto Thufsdiy. Mr^s Gerth i will rcm.iin fcr a mouth and Miss Lilian has -returned. Miss Vera McLean, who ^ been with hu>r aunt, Mrs. J. Patlison, for some time, left the pas' week tor her home. Mrs. Andrew Rutlcdse rect-ivcd a mpjsane Saturday evening stating thai her daughtev, Mrs. M. Dalley", was seriously ill of pncuuiQuia in L.-lhoridge hospitaTT We are sorry to rcyor: Mrs. D. Me- Phail ill with a slight attack of appendi- citis. EUGENIA The ladies of Eugenia gave Mrs. H. E Tail (nee Mi.ss Leon* Pedlar) a linen shower one evening last week. Mr. R. Haney h«i raovid his family to their new residence, purchiised" from Fred Dtickett. Pte. Uussell Park has returned home after receiving h:s hmi'irable disehatLe from the army service. His many friends are pleased '.o see him home. Masters .Jack and Fred Large have returned home after spending a month in Owen Suuud. Mr. Pin. Hoy of Scotsguard, .^a^k , and his nephew. Master Albeit Phillips, of Toronto, spent the week end with llie {urmer's parents. We welcome Mr. J. Parliament oud family and Mr. .Solomon Turner and wife to our town. Word was received here recently that FreU Fisher had been killed in action in France. Fred .â- ipeiit his schooldajs in Eugenia. Chas. Park, who has been em[,loyed with the Weston Co., is spending a tew days at his home here. .Mr. and Mrs. Etwood Partridge have moved to " Bounyview Farm " fur the winter. Died â€" In Toronto, Mrs. 'G. Graham, tho eldest daughter "Cf Mrs. Wallace Armstrong, formerly jf thia place 'She leaves to mourn her loss a husband and four children, who have the .sympathy of all. Mr. Fred Janiieson has bought the Benson farm . Henry Wober lias pur- chased Fred's farm in the Vdlley. The W. I. packed and sent twelve Christmas boxes of comforts overseas. Much-sympathy is felt here for the family of Mr. Wesley Litiin^r, who was so tragically drowned while hunting, mU whose body has not been recovered. Miss White, returned missionary, will give a lantern lecture in the B'lihodi.st church Wednesday evening, Dee , -. Mr. E. Paul has moved into li^s now residence. Bates Burial Co- Cjnp |piA/a|pr\i Bi:si5fE.ss AS rsiAL I II Iv JUfVUIvl y Funeral Directors and k^ Funeral Directors and Embalmers Phone Hillcrest 268 124 Avenue Rd^ Toronto, Ont. MOTOR Conjyi: ic auil see our tiu« large stock ofJewelery, Watches, Clocks. etc., â€" and wueu yon have seeu ibeni you will be sure to buy. Watch repairing a specially. EQUIPMENTJAfnll line of Photographic supplies inclnding developing powders, printing frames, tlark lanterns, all sizes ot Kodaks and li!m?. J. W. Bates, R. Maddocks, Pres. Manager. Yorkshires I Tamworths Young Stock For Sale For Breeding Purposes ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES Phone or wriie. â€" liE* ». W. RDSS. ] t)sprey Tel. System. Maxwell, P.O. i FLESHERTON, W. A. Armstrong Jeweler - ONT. W. -Is ^ ,'f '. ,T. -T T -T .^ .â-¼. T. .^ !T ^ T W. .T. .â-¼. .1R ^ T .V . f. .fH'I .â-¼. i LET US SUPPLY i I Your Requirements I In any of ihe following lines : Sleighs, L'utiers, Gasoline Euijiues. Cocks-iiutt Farm luipkuienis, Cock.shutt & Miissey Harris repairs," ] Louden Stable Equipment. Me[otte Cream Separators. I I D. McTAVlSH, FLESHERTON Victoria Corners Mr. iind Mis. Albert Stiusun moved to their farm last week. Mrs. Tucker and Miss Tucker, of Orotuore, are visiling ut Jut. Best's. Sun.liiy after iho afternoon service Uev. Mt. E»sio b.'»ptized seven childicu at the lioms of Mr. VVilfred Calkupher. Boar For Service il jgij'.eveJ seiv.; first . Ch«4«rUVMte U.^^ : Mills. Tiie father F^kir. Isruis fl.SD. - 1 SlllTH Pro for wen Fred ArmstronsTr * oeltle IniYor <•{ Br.iinpton, Imd » stwiiije expeiibiice one evening recently. Durini; the afternoon ho had received a co'jsignuicnt of c:»ttle driven in hy ibreo men. They were invited lo stny for supper piepaiiitory to ciiichiuv! iho (!.4i} Uiiin. Oni if the nieii was acliu^ strun^^ely.aud .seemed .11 tit ease, and after they 'vcre gimo Mrs. .^rniatrtttit; missed her diamond rinj?. Mr. Armsti'ong jumped in his car and clusbt the train as it Wii.« pulling out vf the station. >le tackled the man in the covch, but he denied knowing anyihin!< abn'uk'U. On bciiiy; taken to the lobby he admitted his gwlt and {m^duced the riii^. Mr. Avin.strong w.as so ovcrjnyed that he let the m»n go a^d caught the evening train back from IVtHltmi. The young mar. citmes of a resueetabli t unity iiud ia a kleptituiauiac. The ring i" vUuedatllDO. New Blacksmith Shop At Maxwell 1 am openinc-nj) at.inco, ?» blaAsmith- inx And woodworkiss:; ba3in*.'ss in Max- wall, and aw histallina; up-to-date wood- workiuc inachiuMy. It wHl bo my en deavor to serve the public in a satisfac- tory manner and I wouWsolioit patron- ace. I Wiut yourWiiik and will do it ri-bt. 7 -Vpril 1 CHESTER LONG PROTON Our stores ha>'e taken en a fo'ilive appoarance and the Chri-stmas spirit is in the air. Santa CUas in'all his glory visited Becker's store last !:*nturday afternoon, to /tile great delight sf the nuumoufr little totts who gathered to male bis acnuaintance . The b;i7,.iar held by tho Ladies' tiuild of Tiinity church Iiwt Saturday afteiui>ou exceeded their expectations. Kegaukss of the f.ict that the .sleighing hsd ; no .aiic the weather was very diwgrceiible, s'JT wa> realized from the 5;v'e of laii ts work and cooking Mrs- Wray received the welcome news recently that her husband. C:ipi. V'r«y, had sailed for home. ^"Xf Ihi v. F. O. meeting on Tluusday last the following gourienien were ap- pointed to attend tho convention iu Toronto ; W, Short, \V. .\chcsoi), C. Bl^re, Geo. Stokes â- ^nd H. Cotbett. Why, Mr. Kditor, llio threshin.i at which a (I'.iarrel occuned ihat you had refercnceito lately, wa^lnoc in this vicinity but -nuch nearer' b'ioshcrtan. It; vould take more than rotten eggs to in-iko us .(uarrelal Pnf n. Th. n;a^ Taylor of Portlaw shipjjed nnarly §l:.>i.iO wiith of cattle through tho r. K. <-). hist week. "'ft*^'^ y-'-^^'.t'^' - «â- '• » â- "» -^ â- »/•> .b^Sid^^ Fowl Wanted We are paying for No. 1 fo>vl, Dry Picked, Heads off â€" (.leese â€" 26 cts. Dackiiâ€" 3U ct?. Iloiivy Chicken^ â- '_ :~. Ileusâ€" 126 cts. ^ riu'keys â€" 40 cts. Don't Forget the* Place W. L. WRIGHT'S Corner Store, Flesherton I I p.;. I h fa i w ^A^ .A. -.k. A. ..^ ^ l»^ w -*^ ^ -^ M^ .A. .iJ :fc- M^ -^^-»^_ -^_ --V 1*^-^ ^ •^-' ^' "^ -.^ ••••••••*••••••••••••••••••â- •••••••••••••«•••••• #•••••••••••••••••••••â- ••â- J«^- A atartlingly accurate prophesy m.ido In Canada by the late Lord Robert* is referred to by LEvenment of t}u*bec. The pap*r sayn Lot J Koberli while \n Canida ten years ago st.ntcd ou one occasion that- -" They refuse to believo- nie. VV'e are asleep under a false secur- ity, for I do not heeitato fo »t^r-ii that wo will have a frightful war in tiuiopc, and England and Frnnce will have tho hardest experience of their existence. They will, in fact, see defeat very ue ir. but the >var will finally bo won by the genius of a French general named Ver- dinaud Focb, iirofe-'sor in a military schtH>l ill Paii». L'Kveiiment says that L".rd Roberts' prophesy wa'Tbeard by a number of pC'ple. and that tho Duke of Devoii.^hire lias repe.iteJ the pri'>'i-"v •ttributing it to the Field Marak.' . ::: •••• •••• ::n •••• •••• •••r Try Them ! Any man wanting a good solid boot B suitable for this season of the H: year i TRY B: •••• :::: THOS, CLAYTON § FLESHERTON, - ONTARIO Hi wi ??!:T:t«s:;H::tt:: i:::::::::s::s::::n:«?:«?««!?!:!t:l'?j??:>?«?iiJ5- •'« ••«•*•