Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 19 Dec 1918, p. 3

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illJttirtf «al i»«8 *Ja*- .1 Fashions 11! ^^^ ROYAL YWM WHAT SOLDIERS WANT*. vha arc scnuins' gifts ^a lolciiis overseas comt-s from LJ.-Col. (O.non) Freilerick Ceor'e Scott, Senior Chaplain of -Ibc First Division, in a cabli; receivcJ by friends iu Montreal. He says "Thar men- want plsyir.jj circt; and chcvin^ tobacco." IF jSw^-W' s^^-^ l-OBACCSCJ *'^v€A-Xa4Uitg^J^ '^^trd'^ STRANGE CUSTOMS OF THE ORIENT WAYS OF THE E.\ST STRANGE TO OCCIDENTAL EYES Persians Object to Type-Setting and Employ Lithography for Pro- duction of Books. It might have had a serious conse- j the fast and is always an occasion for quenee, though the ca»:se of the dis- • rejoicing, lufbance was al)surdly trivial. k man who belonged to the heret He at onca sallied forth' to see whnt- and so pot mixed rov«' might be going on, Has lM«n Canada'* favorite yeast for over a quarter «r a century. Bread ttafced with Royal Yeast will keep freth and moist lander than that made with any other, so that a full week's suitply «an easily be made at one baking; and the last loaf will be Just as coed as the first MAOC IN CANADA b«.,rl°''0'^0'< EWGILLETT CX5MPANY LIMITED •WINNIPEG TORONTO, ONT. mo.ntticxi. J To the Sleeping Heroes. For you who answered duty's call We deeply grieve to-day. Yon, who went f(!rth to win or fall, Yours wa.s tlie warrior's way. Where'er j-ou lie 'tis honored dust. Of you be truly said: Our comfort is the old-time trust, God rests his own brave dead. And now at last the dove of peace O'er us her pinions spread. Our thanks to you shall "never cease, l!811,584. 'Twas victory's fires you fed. Klnara's ZdBlmest Cores Qarrat In Cstts Tonnage Lost During War. The world's total losses of merchant tonnage from the beginning of the war to the end of October, 1918, by enemy action and marine risk was 15,053,786 gross tons, according to ofTirial announcement issued in Lon- don on Dec. 6th. During the snme period vessels to- talling 10,849,527 tons were construc- ted, and enemy tonnage totalling 2,- 392,675 was captured, making a net lo.ss of tonnage during the war of Uinard'a liniment Cores Ststcmsor. I What a fascinatin;^ little design for ical Wahabi sect was in the mosque ; '^p-^jt^ the crowd just as the rov,- ; f],g ki^jdig; -phe fulness at either! Quite a Feat. while some persons were visiting the i,egan. The crowd broke open the door ^jg ^^ front and back may be smock- f 'a sergeant was drilling an awk tomb of a prophet who is supposed j^,^,] ^-u^hed into the building, from the ^j^ shirred or tiny tucks used as il- ward squad. to be buried there. These visitations • j^j^i^ony of which a strong lunged iu^j..at„,| McCall Pattern No. 8H56, "Company! Attention, consist in standing in front of the ; orator addressed them. - j Child's Dre.=s. In 5 sizes, G months vault and reciting a long salutation. | ^^^ arrival of several companies of to 6 years. Price, 15 cents. By the Wahabis they are held to be \ ;^f^j,tj.y put an end to his speech; the ! idolatrous. j soUJers retook the building and drove j A Strange Riot. ^^ intVuders out. Reenf orccments This man started to declaim against I coming up charged the crowd. The , the custom and attracted a consider- 1 people retaliated with sticks, stones . able audience, on* of whom, a Meccan ! ^nd anything else that came handy. Mohammedanism is as much a so- , ^^^^^^ ^ learned man, put an end to i Several were injured, but none sen- cial system as a religion. The mosque ^ J^j^^ sermon by hitting the preacher ously. , is no more like a church than it is ; ^^ ^^^ j^^^j ^j^g governor of the The troops threatened to fire, but like a clubhouse. People do not con- j ^j^^^ ^.j^,, happened >o be in the ' fortunately for the cro\yd, did not^d.o eider it improper to eat or sleep ml ^^gsque at the time, observed these it, to discuss secular matters, or to Kad books or newspapers. It serves as a refuge for homeless strangers and as a meeting place for the folk of the town. Sometimes the mosque sees even stranger sights. In this relation an American tells of a curious incident. On the last day of Ramadan, or the period of fasting! a tumult arose in the town where he was stopping. indecorous proceedings and ordered the arrest of the Arab without troubling to make inquiries. Nothing further happened until eve- ning, when a crowd began to gather in front of the Government offices and demanded that the prisoner be re- leased. When the crowd began to assemble the American was under the impression^ that they had seen the new moon, which marks the end of Over 100,000,000 People in Europe Face Starvation Reliable Experimental Station tests show that Fertilizers have mcreased yi^ilds of gn^ain, potatoes, â- Â» etc., 25% to 130%. The 1917 Report of the Board of Apiculture, England, records the fact that in a general report from English farmers who undertook to grow more food, 40% of the farmers made special mention of the great ser\'ice rendered by fertilizers. You can help stave off famine and make profit yourself by preparing to fertilize your spring crops, and to top-dress your fall wheat next spring. Write for our Free Bulletins on Cn^ Increase. ~ THE SOIL AND CROP IMPROVEMENT BUREAU OF THE ©ANADIAN FERTILIZER ASSOCIATION. 1111 Temple Building Toronto so At- midnight, the whole place be ing in an uproar, the Governor gave way and released the prisoner, who was carried home in triumph and amid general enthusiasm. The American had been rather routrhly handled dur- ing the scuffle, in which be could not avoid taking part. Lithography in Persia. T/pe printing is unpopular in Per- sia.' The straightness of the lines of- fends the Persian's artistic sense, and he feels that in printed books the character of the letters is entirely lost. Persia is to-day largely dependent upon lithography for its own produc- tion of books. Naturally these are very scarce. At the beginning of the nineteenth century a press with mov- able types was set up in Tabriz, and a certain number of books was print- lift up your left leg straight out in front of you!" i One of the squad held out his right ' leg by mist.ake. This brought his ' right-hand companion's left leg and | his own right leg close together. The ' ; offiSer, seeing this, exclaimed angrily: I "'And who is that blooming galoot over there holding up both legs?" i "A true friend embraces our ob- jects as his own. We fee! another mind bent on the same end, enjoying it, insuring it, reflectina: it, and de- i lighting in our devotion to it."â€" company; channing. and hold it i . MONEY ORDERS. The safe way to send money by mail is by Dominion Express Money Order. -A. double boiler should h.ive a good larce base, so that the water will not boil awiiy quickly. Belgium Starving Under Allied Flags - Immediate Help Needed to Relieve Starvation and Suffermg â€" Cannot Hold Germany Responsible NOW ! There is pressing need for our help in Belgium today,iuid there will be for many months to come. ©ilCCil* An entirely new idea for a house ed The effort mot with no encourage- dress. The belt and pockets are in ment, however, and had shortly to be one, being connected with the back abandoned. I ^^'^^- McCall Pattern No. 8637, The same taste which makes a Per- Ladies* House Dress. In 3 sizes, sian esteem so highly the- great caAli- ' small, 34 to 3C; medium, 38 to 40; graphists makes him deplore the ab- 1 large, 42 to 11 bust. Price, 25 cents. â-  sence of character in a type printed | These patterns may be obtained book What delights him most in this ' from your local McCall dealer, or relation is a well written manuscript, ' from the MeCall Co., 70 Bond St., j and he takes the same delight in the j Toronto, Dcpt. W. I copyist's work that we -take in the] <. I touch of an old master. Failing this, | jjot^ing finer has come out of this : he contents himself with a lithograph, , ^^^^^ ^^,^^^ ^^^y^^ ^-^^ ^^^^^ j,^ epitaph in which is usually a facsimile of the ^ gritish graveyard in France: "For writing of some fairly good scribe, ^^^^ to-morrow they gave their to- and has, at any rate, a human element ; j^^y ., in it. It is hard for us to credit the vast amount of "attention that is paid to calligraphy in the East, where men of learning devote years to its ac- quirement and their best days to mak- ing artistic copies of classical works. Although this art is io a certain ex- tent dying out, owing to the cheap- ening of lithography, a man may even yet in Persia become as famous for his writing as a poet is for his verses. A cuHous contrast is thus present- ed by the Persians, who cling to writ- ten books, while elsewhere in the East there is a rapid spi-ead of type printed books, printing, bookselling and jour- nalism in the Orient in the last twenty >ears or so having developed to a compai-atively high degree. Both Caii'o and Constantinople possess ex- cellent printing presses, which turn out iiumbei'less books and journals. Gambling iu India. .Aih odd form of gambling has de- veloped in India, for whicli the New York cotton market is indirectly re- sponsible. Five quotations from the j c'anada is a land of motor oars. New York market are cabled to India holding third place in the number of I was cured of Rlieumatic Gout by MINARD'S tlNIMENT. Halifax. ANDREW KING. I was cured of .\cute Bronchitis by jnN.\Rr)'S UNIME.NT. LT.-COL. C. CUEWE READ. Sussex. I was cured of Acute Rheumatism by iMINARirs LlNhVIE.NT. Markham, Out. C. S. BILLING. Lakclield, Quo., Oct. 9, la07. "Heroism is the brilliant triumph } of the soul over the flesh â€" that is to j say, over fear; fear of poverty, otj suffering, of calumny, of sickness, of. isolation and death. There is noj seriou.s piety without heroism. Hero-j inv is the dazzling and glorTous con-| centration of courage." â€" Amiel. Xlaora'a l^lBiment Cures CoMi, fto. As our troops occupy the evacuated territory, untold misery stare* them in the {ace. Emaciated children, hollow- cheeked women, toofless homes, clothing so worn it offers no protection from winter's terrors â€" miseries thai cannot wait hut MUST bw relieved at once to avert DEATH I Need you be reminded hoiv Belgium was the first to jump into the breach and so make our Victorious Peace possible 7 Don't let it be said WE let Belgium starve. Let u* cable over your offering to the mothers and children of Brav* Little Belgium AT ONCE I every day, and the natives conceived this to be a direct invitation to them to establish a simple but none the less absorbing foi-m of gambling. I The gambling consists in guessing \ what the five figures would amount automobiles in use. In 1917 there were 199,302 cars registered in Can- ada, an increase of 47,705 over 1916, while the number of new cars regis- tered in that year was nearly 76,000. The increase for 1918 is expected to to and the persons most nearly ap- ' be on a proportionate scale. One Can- proximating the right amount wins So fascinating did this game prove that the authorities became greatly worried over the indulgence of the poorer class of natives in it. Efforts have been made -to lessen it. and it . is believed that at last some success has been attained by those who are unwilling that the poorer people ! Hhould squander their scanty funds in this pastime. adian in every 40 owns a car, and roughly speaking, there is one auto- mobile for every eight f.imilies. Ttie Hospliai for Sick Gfiildrsn TORONTO War Laid Heavy Hand o:; Children's Charity. Dear Mr. Editor: â€" i The annual report of tlie Ho.spilal I for Sick Children. Toronto, marks a new record, despite tbe iicavy liandl cap the ttar placed upon its work. I The task of mlairitering lu the su! j ferlug youngsters of this province wat i no light one in viev^ ot tlie Ho.ipiial'H splendid response to the natinnui cal: 2a doctors and 43 nurses from Its forces have seen service overseas. â-  Yet the number of patients treated la 5,048, or 1.308 more than last year. â-  Of these in-pailents. 759 were from ! 266 places outs'de of Toronto. j The tirelesft efforts of the staff made puEsible also a reduction in the aNerajre length of stay necessary for the little patients from 24 da*'s in 1914 to 14 this year. The;<e results show that the Hos- pital has again pai'' to the children rich dividends of healtii upon the !n- | vested kindness of its supporters. There has been careful stewardship of the funds entrusted tc the Hospital. There has been ?aving â€" almost scrimp- | Ing â€" In every direction except where : it would prevent the Hospital's sooth- ' Ing the Buffering or shortening the sickness of one child. Thn daily cost of operation was held at the lowest ; point which would still allow tbe j childrea entrusted to the Hospital to , get the best medicine and the tiest of j care. And yet so high bae risen the cost of every Item In the Hospital's budget â€" In labor. In fuel. In food, aud, above all, [ In medical supplies â€" that tbe mini- | mum expense of taking care of one child for one day has risen from $2.34 ' back In 1914 to ?3.21»4 In 1918. Of 1 that, II. 66%â€" the amount per patient per day that the official Government grants do not cover â€" must come from voluntary contributions.- During the past four years debts were Incurred to the extent of $100.- 000. which the Trustees felt assured would be wiped out by the public as soon HS the war drew to Its close, and those heavy demands ceaee which have been made upon the generosity of the loyal people of this province. The time has now come when It is ne- cessary to make known tlie Hospital's dire need of fiuaacla! assistance. If this 43rd t^hrlstmas appeal falls to rally the friends of this Charity to Its support, It win be nece.'^sary to niortgage Its land, buildings and plant. By the bounty of the late John Ross Robertson that property has just been cleared of debt for the first time since It began its ministry of healing mercy. Little children havR lost a big- hearted friend, and the province a noble benefactor. It Is for the public to decide whether bin life-work shall be shadowed with a mortgage within less than a year of his pftsslug. What think you? Send your answer as soon as pos- sible to the Secretary-Treasurer, Hos- pital for Sick Chlldreir, College Street. Toronto. Meanwhile the Charity will i "Carry on." tiusthig In your support. IRVING E. ROBERTSON. Cfcalrman of Appciil Commltteo Mix salt and pepper ten to one in a large bottel for kitchen use. FO B SJLX. TI WEl-I. EUt.lI'l'Kt.) .NB'.VSfAI'ER nnd lob printing plant In Elastera (^nmrlo. Inxurance rnrrled t: 501 Wl'l r" for Sl.ioo on nu'.ck aali". Bnic •». W11«on PuhtlBblnr Cn T.td Toronto WKEKI.y NEWSPAPEIl FO*i s.vua In New Onttirlo. Owner Rolnic to rrur--fl Will «ell J2.000. Worth doubia that nmount- .^pi>ly .T, H. i^ n Wllaus P«MtKhln« Co.. Llmltad. Toronto. ST0B3I WINDOWS FCB SAXiIi. KT <n:n phice list .^ijowiNO vs trhized conip,ete. any Conipanj-. Box B. 61, size. HuUiday Hamilton MI3CEXiI.AirSOTIS CA.NCI Inter) JER TlilOK.-J. ..LMl'S ETC _ ternal and â- ictvrnnl. cu-'-d with* rut rain by our homa treatment Writ* â-  a before too lata. Dr. Bellmaa MedtcaJ Co.. Limited. Colllnrwood. <>nt ACHES AND PALNS QUICKLY RELIEVED Tou'll find Sloan's Liniment softens the severe rheumatic ache Put it on freely. Don't rub it in. lust let it pi-nclratt' naturally. What a sense ot sootliitig reiiei soon follows! External aches, st-.'.fnes.<. soreness, cramped muscles, siraincd sinews, back "cricks" â€" tiiose a!lnie:Us can't fight off the reiicving qualities o ;" Sloan's Liniment. Clean, conveuici: , economical. Made in C'anada. .\s!c any drupsist for it. 30c.. 60c.. ii.iti. Cudcura Promotes Beauty Of Hair and Sidn If the Soap is used for every-d.iy toilet purposes assisted by occasional touches of Cuticura Ointment to first signs of pimples, redness, roughness or dandruff. Do not confound these fragrant super - creamy emollients with coarsely medicated, often dan- gerous preparations urged as substi- tutes. Sample Each Fr«« hr Mail. Attdres* post- card: Cuticura, Dcpt. N, BmIob. U. S. A." Sold by dealers throu^tiouC the world. Make cheques payable and send contribution* to Bel^n Relief fund (Begiatered under the War Charities Act;) 127 ) to your Local Committee, or to ...^.j.....^. Ontario Branch-^Belgian Kelief Fund â€" 95 King St. W., Toronto "Trw. ^ men and they will be true] to you; treat them greatly and they! will show themselves great, though j they make an exception in your favor , to all their rules of trade,"â€" Emerson. ^ When making plea for a change,' till a pie plate with sliced apple.^ sea- ', soiled a.^i usual, or apj>Ie prepared ns for frying, then pour over it a thin corn or joliiinycake- baiter, and bake. Keep your shoes neat SHOE POLISHES AbUCH, WHITE .TAN. DARK BROWN OR OX-BIOOO SH0t5 PRESERVE the LEATHER atinamva .Uslxaaat puree Olsli'.hartA. ED. 7. ISSUE 51- Hotel Del Coronado , Coronado Beach, California Whore the balmy yet invigorating climate makes possible the enjoyment of outdoor .sports through- out the Winter months. POLO, GOLF. TENNIS. MOTORING, FISHLSG, K V\ AND SURF BATHING Write fur \V itiIcv I'oltjor and Go'i PiTigrara. JOHN J. HCnNAN, Manager

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