Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 19 Dec 1918, p. 5

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December 19 1918 THE FI^ESHEKTON ADVANCE THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA HKAO OrnCB • TORONTO This Bank offers every facility in the conduct of accounts, of manu- facturers, farmers and merchants. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT at .very Branch. 235 FLESHERTON BRANCH OEO. MITCHELL. iAar^^er. â- ST'D t*7a Hi^ Three Times | MpH Now on the Trek 1 1| ^^.^ar-i^J-^ C. P. R. Time Table. » „ \Vi)nl was leceived by Mrs. H, Fen- Trains leave Flesherton Station as w:ck of Ospiey that hei brother's wife, *"°^^ • ' Mrs. Frank Kerton of C»lj,ary, had died Going South Going North Tuesday morniiii; of this week. There 7.o3 a. m. 12.01 4.27 p. in p.m. 9.18p.m. The mails are osed at Flesherton as foUows : For the north at 10.40 a. on. and 7 p.m. ; and the afternoon mail south at were no paiticulars. The deceased lady was about 40 years ot age and leaves one little oirl six years old. Mrs. Fenwick and her brother, Lewis Kerton, left 3.40 o'clocic. For morning train south Tuesday evening for Calgary mail close at 9 p. ra. the previous ev'g i^ Re«d W. •D fowl. VICINITY CHIPS L.' Wright's advt. for price" Flight Lieut. Kendall Mitchell of the L nited States air furci is sjiendiDg Christmaa wiiti his parenta, Mr. and Mrs. George Mitchell. Ken was training at Belleville, 111., about twelve miles aouth of St. Louis, and had just got his commissioQ when the armiaiice was announced. He says there were a lot of John Evins "disappointed men in his locality when the news came. He expects to be released from service shortly and go back to his law practice in Chicago. The local high school gave two medals for the two best essays on "The Victory Loan." These were won by Ray Belfry who received first prize and a silvtr medal and *!lareoce Fisher a, bronze medal for second prize. The former's essay will be sent to Toronto to compete for the Provincial pri--fft. Miss Kathar- ine Mc Vicar received third prize. The three essays were very interesting and were full of fact* so it was difficult for ihe judges to discriminate. At the meeting of Prin*^e Arthur Lodge, A.F. & A.M., on Friduy evening last the brethren were pleased to have three soldier members of the Lodge present in the persons o£ Flight Lieut. Kendall Mitchell, of Chicago ; Corp. George Richardson and Pte. Robert Mr?. Donald McLeod received a letter I *5' la.st week from her son, Snowden, dated! sP from Belgium on Nov. 14, ia which hel^g 8»y.s ; I g Dear Mother and All,â€" 1 was motel Sl than glad to receive your letter, glad to ' ^* know you are all well as this leaves me I M in the beat of health. £ have just re- ' M turned from hospiul and joined the j cj battalion here in Belv;iura. We are a : Jig few kilometers ea.s; of the city of Mens and are leavmg for Gerniany in a few days. 1 am very an\iou8 to go, for I am sure it w'<]\ be interesting. We expect to go as far as the Rhine, about thirty i mne.s into Urirmaiiy. I dou't know how' long we will be thtve, but it shouldn't be j more than a couple of munths. Then I hope to see you all again. I sure have] been lucky out here. I thought they j had me at Camlrai last October, but ! after hitting me three limes I was onlyj wounded. I did not expect to get oUtj alive, for the fellows were going down i like ninepins all around me. However, I hope it is all over. Tha people here are usine us fine, giving us beds and white aheetato sleep on. This is sure a cfreat change for us. Wanted â€" The address of late of Brownlee, Sask. â€" The Advance. Mies Clara Duncan is spending her usual winter holidays with her parent* kere. Mr. and Mrs. Alex McDonald and Mr. tnd Mrs. Jack Cairns, uf MacTier, are â- spending Christmas with relatives here. It is understood that Port Elgin will .be linked up with the ii^ugenia power line next spring. The Advance does not publish addres- ses except *t our regular rate of 5c per line. Mrs. A. McAuley has returned home after visiting a short while with her son "»tj Walkerton. Mrs. Harvey Griffin (ilee Miss Ka*ie Wilcock) of Alton is spending Christmas with her mother here. Miss Hattie Wallace is spending a few '. Bellamy, who, in the course of the even- weeks in Owen Sound, owing to sickness 'ng. gi^ve interesting talks :on their war In the family. ! experiences. The Lodge p<wsed a reso- Mr. Roy MoAuley visited here last .'"^^.?° °^ '^''°'^°!'°" <=°"''"y"'S sympathy week after receiving his discharge. While in England Roy was quartered in \yjl^5_ I Monday, December 30, will ba.riomin- iationday. Municfpal matters are exceed- Harmon Hales ha. returned home | i„g,y ^^^-^^ ^ere and few whispers from Toronto, ifter taking treatment fcr , ^eard. If we were allowed his wounds, and has received his dts- : ^p„,^ ^e that, the Artemesia Council charge. ^Hl gggij re-election as a whole, and in W. Henderson and''*** ^'''''Se there will be a lantern have taken up their , '«"='» ^"^ â- "*" '^°''*'''« "'« pos'tion. It will be an important year and we would like to see good men at the head of affairs. Ooutside of the ordinary routine work there will be a great event, the home- , coming of the boys, and a proper to the bereaved late Bro. Dr. W, parents and T. Little. wife of the are a guess it Mr. and Mrs. .T. dau8;hter. Christens residence in Mr. John Stewart's resi- dence, lately vacated by T. Fisher. An extended thaw duting most of last week destroyed our sleighing, but the mild weather has its compensationsâ€" it is a big factor in the conservation of fuel. 1 J. C. Kentner of Matkdale, who hai ! opened up business in Orangeville, has . purchased the large residence of the late j Dr. James Henry on First Avenueâ€" Sun : A littie over $100 jvas raised at the 1 bazaar on Saturday under the Soldiers' | Aid. The ladies desire to thank those whs helped in any way, also to those , who donated articles. | Miss White, a retui.'ned missionary, ' will f;ive a lantern leccare in the Metho- 1 dist church, Eugenia, on Wednesday, Dae. 18, at 8 o'clock p.m. CoHection in | aid of missions. ' i Died â€" At the residence B. McKeozie, | Artemesia, on Saturday, Dee. 14. 1318, Daniel Brodie, aged 83 years 6 mos. The '. funeral took place ou Tuesday, Dec. 17, â-  to Mi»rkdale cemetery. | The soldier boys from this district are «ow busily entjaged watching the Oer- j mans to see that they do not pull ott' any ' of their dirty tricks. The boys will { probably " wind up their watch on- the Rhine " iu a few months. reception to be worked out. i Record for Baby Beef i Ckoice baby beef receives Srst attentiim | just now at the f'nion stock years in| ' Toronto. One of these choice animals] sold list week at the high price ot 122 per cwt. The baby belonged to R. D. Carruthers and was raised by Johnston Bros, of Vandeleur. .\part from show cattle this animal brought the highest price of the year. His weight was 730 pounds and the price $lt>0.60. It was sold through J. B. Shields & Son to the Harris .\bbatoir Co. This is the class that packing houses are demanding and giving first attention to. NOTICE ' Kimberley Methodist Sabbath School will hold *heir Christmas entertainment on Friday, Dec. 20 at 7->0 p.m. The program will consist of a Cantata entitled Santa Claus and Red Ridinghood, to- gether with Drills, Dialogues, etc. Don't miss it. Admission 25c, Children l-"ic. Only a Few Days Until Xmas DO YOUR SHOPPING NOW Don't wait until the last â- aeek, when everyone is iu a hurry, but make your selections NuW, while you have the best choice of nuick sellius! merchuudi.io. Our Christinas assortmrnt is now at its best. A FEW CHRISTMAS HINTS Utjckey Skates, all sizes S1.00tO$4.00 Hockey Boots. aU sizes $1.25 to $3.00 S .veater Coats, all colors $1.25 tt *8.50 Wool To([ues and Caps .' 50c to $1.2i> Wool Caos and Scarfs 81.50 to ?3 50 Ladies' Kid Glovesj any lengths $1.75 to 182.73 Men's Silk Neckwear f 25o to §1.75 Men's Kid Gloves and Mitts §L0O to $2.75 Initial Handkerchiefs, Silk and Linen 25c to 7'x' Ladies' Boudoir Caps 25c to $1.00 Fancy Lawn and Linen Handkerchiefs , 5c to 50c Lace Collars and Fancy Neckwear 25c to $1.75 Ladies' Wool Shawls , . 50c to $3.50 Men's and Boya' Fancy Suspenders 25c. to 75c Fancy Silk and Csishmere Hosiery J'. , 50o to $1.50 Silk, Lawn and Crepe ae Chine $1.00 to $5.00 Ladies' Fancy Slippers and Pumps $1.50 to $5.50 Fancy Linens. Tray Cloths, Towels, Centres, etc 25c to $1.75 Ladies' Hand Bags 50c. to $1.50 Ladies' Camisoles $1.00 to $1.75 Our Grocery Department is Ready for Christmas EVERYTHING REASONABLY PRICED FiTWTilCKLING FLESHERTON, - ONTARIO \m^^^ 2r=Ji=Ji^E â- ir=Jr=Jr=J[='<='r='i MAIL CONTRACT the! at . COME THIS WAY Exploiting The Returned Soldier SEALED TENDEHS addiessed to Postmaster General will be receive 1 » 'â-  irj Ottawa until noon on Friday, tht the 13tli of ' iu December, I'JlS.for the conveyance of Hisih] Majesty's Mails, ou a proposed Contract for [j! tour years, aix.tiime.* per week on the route FEVERSHAM. R.R. NO- 1 from the 1st of April 191M, next. Printed noticea containiuf,' further informa- tion as to conditions of proposed contract may be seen and blank forma of Tender may he o'otained at the Pose Office of Feversham and at the ^office of the Post Office Inspector, Toronto. A. SUTHERLAND. Post Otfice Inspector Podt Office Insi^ector's Office, Toi into, October -JSth, I'.IIS. Sideboards. Mid-Summer Exams. In view of the unavoidable interrup- tions to school wot k which have taken during ^the current half year, the holding of the mid-summer examinations will be deferred in each ease for a fortnight in accordance with the following schente : Junior High School Entrance, July 2. Junior Pubic School Graduation, June 30. Lowei School, J uly 2. Middle School, July 1'. Pa.ss Matriculation, July 2. I'pper School and Honor Matricula- tion, Jutie 30. Around Grey County Chrence White of Shelburue, with H. White A- Co , fainted and fell on the floor of the store, breaking a bone in his wrist. The Win. Kennedy & Sons, of Owen Sound, have erected anew brick building on their promise.^ as an erection shop for marii.e shop of marine machinery. The building is 200 x 50 feet. Pte. Fred McKechnie, of Markdiile has been repatriated after spending a couple uAiths in a German prison Pte. Murray Findley of Durham in a recent letter mentions having, when on a march near Etaples, seen an ambulance with the following inscription on the side : " Presented to the Red Cross Society by the Women's Institutes of â- Grey County." This gift of the Insti- tutes has evidently been of great service in coring for the wounded. | camp. The Adv.mce said last week thatj A sealed verdict was returned 7*,000 horsepower would be developed J>»'y """ich heard the evidence at the completed Eugenia power house, i '"'"^ f«" ''>'^' •l^n'^ges by This WHS aa absurd misprint as ! B'»*'«y "' ^i'*""* "^'»'ley »8»>n8' 'he anyone ought to know. The develop- j Toronto Railway Co. Mrs. Brawlev was nent, including the installation of , I frt)a8sentrer on a crowded Dundaa car. suktion en the Sau«een river near Laka ! S''* "'"' •'•"K'ng 0° '" » 8''»P provided Huron, will make available a toUl , ^°^ '•»« "'« "' passtngers, when output for the «y.tein of 15,000 h.p. j '«"''»<'<'• ^^ »'"P »"<'''• jsustaiuiag injuries At a business proposition there is no 1 ^„^„,„j j,„ Brawley receives cemparison between the value you ! ______________ reeeive from a year's 9ub«criptton fur the { Farmei*' Weekyl Sun and that of any i other ftim paper, consideriD| its accurate „, „.<i „„ Alfred Thistlelhwaiie market foreouU and reports. The Sis- wish to thank theii many friends and teis' page doubles the value. It is a, oeighbets fcr che kindness shown in the woman's page with lite in every line. No Owen Sound is again being canvassed says the Sun Times, by returned men for a magazine, and in .â- spite of inuch advice on the matter these men secure a great deal of business iu the town. That the soldiers are being exploited by the publishers is not taken into consideration | Back Line, Artemesia. 3rd range, north by the well meaning purchasers and that' half cf lot 132. On the premises there i the big end goes not to the returned men but to either the publishers or to someone who organizes the men, is not considered. Ever since the formation t r. tr/^-vr r i..«- ,.„ ,_ ^.__ IJ of the Dominion Great War Veteraus Farm for Sale A 50 acre farm for sale on the "East I IS a good frame barn. 40 x 50 feet ; a I small frame house ; a good drilled well ; I hen house ; the fall pbwing is done. , For particulars apply on premises. -J. H. HOLLEY, Flesherton. For Your Library Tables, Chairs, Couches, Settees, Parlor Suites, Etc. | Prices right. Call and see them. * W. H. BUNT Flesherton, - Ont. | :uuvru£ Association this matter of the exploita- tion of returned men to sell certain periodicals has been roundly condemned by that body. JJiue times out of ten, it if claimed, these magazines or books sold by returned men are sold, no! on the merits of the magazine or book, tut because they are pressed on the public The Old Adage WINTER TERM in the @^^/^ begins THURSDAY, JAN. 2, 101'.» Girls and boys who have teen work- ing hard on the farm during the sutniuer should have a chance to improve their education this winter. Circulars free to any address. by returned men. Some .'wy that tbey j are unable to work or do anythiu:/ else, some claim to be putting themselves ; through university or taking special I courses. It would be well for th3 public ' c. A. FLEMING, F.C. A., PiinciDal, Dept. A., Owen &)und, Outario.'> (Mention this paper when writing) CO use care iu purchnsing books or odicals which they do not want. peri- Meeting of Citizens lli[ill!tl[IM Coirected Each Week 42 to 44 The Citizens of .â- \rtemesia Township Carefully are renuested ',0 attend a mass meeting R„.f„. to be held iu the Township Hall, on g fresh Monday, Dec. 30th (notuiuatiou day) at Wheat ." f2 4.30 p.m. for the purpose of considering ttats the proposition of the erection of a suitable memorial to our fallen heroes. â€" T. R. McKENZlE, Resve. The Proof of the Pudding i* in the Eating The sam is equallj true o the 190C Gravity asher. Try cue aud be convinced that there is none better. S. HEMPHILL: Agent, ^ Ceylon i'ull line ot McCormick Farm Trapbments, Binders Mowers, Rakes, Loadei-s, Dris. Cutivators, Pows, llairows Biantfcrd JO C 0." â-ºo 2 05 70 to 70 Peas 2 00 to 2 00 Barley I 00 to 1 t1C Wind kinds Fiter Fence by the in Ike Mrs. Kale the car and she fell, Accordiiig to the IIOOO. Card of Thanks iseroftse in price. Oae dolUr per yew. recent dtath of their son Charles Thistle* thwaite ; alse fur the many letters of coodoleoce received. VILLAGE OF FLESHERTON NOMIN ATION A meeting of the Electors of the Village of Flesherton will be held in the Town Hall at 7 o'clock p in. on Mond»y, December .'JOth, 1»18. for the purpose of nominating candidates for the Council and School Trustees for 19H<. If more than the necessary nuiH- ber are nominated a poll will be opened on Monday, Jan. 6, at 9 o'clock a.m. for the election of such Council aud Trustees - W. J. BELLAMY, Dec. 10. 1918 Village Clerk Potatoes. Buckwheat . . Hides ; Ducks ; Geese Chickens Fowl live. . . . li'owl dressed . i Sl.OU 95 to !•") iOc to 10c 26t to li 23 '.o -23 25 to 25 1(5 to 17 22 to 22 Hiding aud Waking Mis, » Pumps, Piping and Fittings of a Beattie aye Carriers. Hay Forks, Swings, Carriers, 'Foding Bath Tubs, Frost Wire and "Cutters and Seighs. A Call Solicited Satisfaction Guaranteed. S. HEMPHILL Agent, ; - Ceylon, Ont. | [i3 a i£ 13 ^iaBS»gBX iTJuiiS Card of Thanks W 3 desire ti> convey to our friends and neignbora our heart-felt thanks for their many acts of kindness and sympathy shown at the time of the death of out father. Ijtetnuel Shearduwn. â€"The Family. Wanted I 'Baswood, Pine, Poplar! I or White Balm Bolts,! ' 5 inches and up, 5ii inches long, good I quality, f'J.OO per cord, F.O.B. Flesherton White Birch 27 inches long, 8 inchen and up, practi- cally clear, t9.C0 per single cord, F C> B. care, Fleeherlos. 7 inct) and up, S$ 00 (wr sinple cord, fc'.O.B. c»rs, Flesherton. Advise â€" Keenan Bros., Ltd. Owen Sound, Oot. Farm For Sale IN ORANGE VALLEV Fertilizer Coming \ We will have a carload of Basic Slag Three miles Fouth of Markdala on iha pgftili/.er coming to Flesherton station Toronto and Sydenham lio.*d ; lots 124 , . „ • n . â- .• â- .- . . .7. • .• * i-ji ...Lo â-  ...IJ and one to PriceviUo station sometime to 120, consisting of l.Hi acres , well "" , r. â-  «« . feuced, brick house, good bank barn with next month, Price ?2o per ton. Anyone waterworks, outbuildings â€" hen hsuso. wishing to get some, let us know by sheep house and <J,"ve shed .•school j ,j. otherwise, and wc will call on .cro.s the road. -T. MONTGOMERY , P^^ p^^„^ j^,,^ ,^^ ^ . j,,^^^^^^„ -j -WM. PATON& SON, Steer Strayed ! ^' "' '' Oot98tf Prlceviile Strayed from my premises about Nov. 15, one yearling steer, red with white on head and face. Send iaior- â- nation to -THOS, VtHITE, Proton. Boar for Scrrice The undersigned ha.i a tht'roagbjred Yorkshire Boar for service L>n lot ll,eo n 8, Osptey . TeriM 11.50. FRED SPOFFARD.

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