Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 26 Dec 1918, p. 8

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' '-^ *f ; December CO 1918 â- !»»â-  i: F L E S HE R r N A D V AN C E u.-ii i*i'.ja, i-iLiuij "Prince" $215 Mahogany or Oak > Model "B" OaJc $55 -Mahogany $61 A Wide Choice Is Given you in the complete line of "Phonolas" wc manufacture in our two large factories. From the attractive Cabinet at $25 to the magnificent "Organola" Mode! at $310, which is equipped with tone control pipes like a church organ, there are "Phonolas" to suit all requirements. The most critical judgment will be satisfied with the tone, the coustruction aud the beauty of the "Phonola." All makes of disc retords can be played. The Phonola ^ Company i of Canada, Model "C'-SSS Golden Oak or Birch Mabouany Model "G"â€" $25 Golden Oak Limited Kitchener Canada Phonola 10-inch Double Disc Records 90 cents Model "Organola"â€" $310 Mahogany or Walnut 46 .[l.^ j,,,. ,-. Farm for Sale ^use & Lot For Saiej Houso and lot for salt; in (he Village i â€" ~^â€" of Ceylon. <>u the prciiiitieii are a I A 5() acre firm for sale en the Knst 9-roomod hriek-veneered house L'O x ."0, I5«ck Lint', Aitemosia, ;ir(l ranije, north kitchen 101 .X 20, good cellsr, soft water [half (f lot 132. On the premises there in kitchen " and hard wnter at the door, is a good fiamtf burn, 40 % oO feet ; a Also a good stable and a SO-acre fatnijsiiiall frame houte ; s good dr illed well ; hen liouau : the fall pi iwing is, done. For piirtieulars apply mi pteinifies. -J. H. UOLhEY, Flesherton, for sale. Apply to Ciyl) X^USINESSCARDS "I Societies R ABTHUB LODGE, No. M3,A.F,,a M, meote io the Masonic ball. Arta Block Fl'isherton, every Friday on • the full mocQ. T. Hviuy, \v. H, ^ckliDg, Secretary, f' iJENTISTRY D T n- C MDHRAY U D. 6., deutal siirReon bCuorRii'timti' of Toronto L'uivereitv and *ieyal OoUetio i I ifiotal BurRoone of Ontario, . BaaadtUaiuiHteiLiI lor teetb extraction Hue aireuideiii;!', Toronto Htreet. Klusberton. f y OTTEN I Vul< 3raduate <J recideuce â€" tutty atrefi. I'tobcyterittu C Medical Suijioon >utnjia Veteriuary Co]ltiR« ;oud door aonth weet^on Htioet raue outb , Ul AS, UANt i-t Solicitori'.ei Kaney. )i. I â- - « •" ".!?'i.J2;Ma.k.lHr, I t^iancb oQicc at Oun GAL i' K'.-i ItVâ€" Bftrri?»torB. ^-, K. C: W. K, !â-  lii;, li. A. OllicoB, k rirlff., p>)one k, PhoiiH 2 A, V ; y Saturday, m lUGHT, TKLFOfi " ifarrinl(ir, hrjlicitor,. . & Uruce ];locl<, Owen Koun . Hlock, FlcEliortoii, (rtaturrtav W. P. 'j'oJtord Jr. J. c. Met). • nOXALI) : cf?. Grey lard Hank II. Writjlit, Business Car W"/. KAITTISO, icenned _... tLe couaiifs ot liroy ,au Farm and hlock sales a niiesin oiodniate. Batisf action Kuaraoteetl. -uentb for dates uiav bo made at tbu jfflce, or Central teleiUoDM oltke or by addrebsiug me at Feverehaui, n WcPITAIL, I/Ioensod Anotloiieo for t*' County of Grey. Ternie Inoflerate talis acilon (.iisranteed. Tba arrauceni. liDd dBte« ot sales can baiuadeatTliRADViuc ., o(aco. Ke8idei;i.i uid P.O., Ceylon, Tiyciihon,. connection, jjc,' ,, Hoistein Bull For Service A thorouflthbred Il.Ontein lull forserii.etoi Ms Ii<3-1H4 S.W. T. fc S.K.. Aftcmeaia: clc»»- ely related to the world'a chamiiion -14^1)1111^ eow. Terms: W 60 fen- grades, «5.00 for pure WINTER TERM in the hosiusTIU'RSDAY, ,l.A.?f. 2, 1!)1!» (iirls and boy.s who have heeii woik- inx hard on the farm duriiit' the siiiniuei- shnuld have a cliance in impiovu liieir education tliis winter. Civcul.ir.s free to iiny address. C.A.FLEMING, P.O. A., Principal, Dept. A., Owen Sound, Ontario. ( VIetitinii iliis \Y\\,K.\' when wiitiiiji^) Wanted Baswood, Pine, Poplar or White Balm Bolts, 5 inches and up, 50 iochea lon^, good (inality, §!>.00 per cord, F.O.B. Flesherton White Birch 27 inches long, 8 inches and up, practi- cally clear, S'J 00 per single coid, F O B. cars, Flesheiion. 7 inch and up, jiS.OO (ler ainple cord, F.O.B. cars, Flesherton. Advise â€" Keenan Bros., Ltd. ilyvin Sound, Ont. Boar For Service llofjisiered Chester White ho^ for seivico at Uock Mill.s. Tlio father won lirst at rhic.i;;o F;iir. Terms $1.2.">. lOdficlm -I. SMITH I'iup. ila till Uie^cold to put glass "okeu of out. 'o it rp'hr $135 Mahogany Are You At Home With Good Music? If you are not, you are iui.s.siiig omc of the b3st iiiiv.s in life. Nothing in all tlii.s world can give so iniiciy ciKluring pleasure as good niu.sic iu the home. -f^'id Xutliiiig we know ljring.s to the home so much uooil ii^tsic at .so moderate a cost a.^ tlit! COLUMBIA Grafonolas and Records â-  Onic fo our store and let u.s prove ihat statement "^ ^t u.s play you some of the latest Columbia •nvest Grofonola niodols. Then le»t <;cinvcuient purcha.^e plan that "to have gdod music iiLvour' Beatj_!iheep valuer ll'lT, repiirtng scraper, 85 ; TR0N6. *on, Ont. Artemesia Council .Artemoaia Council met in the town hill on Dec. IC, the members all present the Reeve in the chair. Minutes read A claim far sheep killed by dogs was presented by A. Jordan ; Mr. Mathewson report on Div. 2. Mr. Burnett report on Div. 1, Mr. Battheler report Div. 3, Mr. Cimeron report Div. 4, the Reeve re- port Valley Road, the ilceve and Mr. Batchcler report uu NichoU's bridge. Bylaw 17, appointing L) R and poll clerk.f wau paaaed, and the following were appointed : PDl, J Beatty and J Fadden : P D 2, Wm Sharp, Glenn Davis ; 1* D », Moor.-, M Bmnou ; P D4, D McLeod, Geo Cairns; P D,o, D O JlcLcan, O McDonald ; P D (i, E Baker, W llutchinsoi. ; P D 7, VV Walker, J F Janiieson ; P D 8, J W McKee, W O Jauiieaon. Ordars i.ssuod for pnyinont of accounts â€"is McMuUeu, sheep valuer, It! ; Jas. m ; U Wilson, Ueo Prttchard, rcp'iiriug grader, Sl.ut) ; J Bellamy, care taker, §2 : Mail atul Umpire, advertising. §4. 70 ; S Batchcler, balance coniniission, Si.'Jo ; A Cuincroii, refund error, 85.50; A Cameron, b-ihince coinniissioii, $j.0.r ; T Henry, uvavel, 82.80 ; J IJeecroft, gravely ?4.:.i) ; C Mo-.re, sjr.uel, %\ 40 ; .1 Biieecoft, refund, 70c ; .) E Trolford refund itatuto labor, §4.50 ; U Beoker, refunJ ijtatute labor, $o.25 ; T Wyville, refund statute labor, 8;> ; T F Wright, refund statute labor, ?4.5ii ; W Cargo, rofuiid dri/ lax, ;>!2 ; 1$ Ferris, refund dog tax, 82 ; J S McMillou, refund error %- 5a ; A ftlcVicar, refund business tax, $t).8('i . L Teeter, lefund dog ta.\, $2 ; J Foster, refund doi» tax, $2 ; W tJ Orr, refund dog U.\, $2 ; 1' Mc.Atthur, refund dog ta.v, $2 ; J Uaiiiavel, refund iuconio, 110.72 ; H 15e»rd, refund d.-g tax, $2 ; .\ Ilergott, refund statute labor. $4.iH) ; G Cairns, eonimuted slatuto, labor, $.3 ; W Campbell, eonimulod statute labor, §0 ; J Burnett, balunco comin.ssion, §17.20 I K Rlatliuwson, bal. commission, S10,ti)? j r R MeKenzie,bal commission, SI;! 21) ; !S Batnheler for Nleholl's bridge, ?lll ; T II MoKonzie; Nioholl's bridge, §."â- 2 ; On-en Sound hospital, treatment of E t Paris, |3tJ.70. Camiatonâ€" Balchelsr â€" That the Reeve call a meeting of ci(i;ieu8 of ibia town' sliij) on;Monday, Dec. oO, for the put; pose of discussing the proposition .of erecting a memorial to soldiers of Ihe inuuioipality who have fallun in the great European war. the meatir.g to be at 4.;!0 p, m, â€" C«rrie:l. Cameronâ€" Bulcholerâ€" That tbis Coun- cil at its eoncluding sitting of the year desires t# e.vpress its sincere thttiikt* and arifteciilljnn of the eflicient and cauticuH minuor''in which the Reeve, Mr. T, R. McKeiizie, has presided over the business of the O^ncil during Iho year. B.v his skilful jiviginent and experionoed ruling 0:1 all niiiiUerv noming befoi-e the Council' the bii-iiness of the year has, we believe* been lefl^Hy and eOiciently transacted and this t^ouuoil uiiiie.'i it) wishing him vcontinued success and .^ntinuity of J aorvTBe ui public life aiiil uaefuliieas to the people of the mubioip'»lity.- Cirricd unanimotisly. (â- luncii adi •urnci*. Settle Down ^'^^J WINTER 'Nl Make (lull (lay.s bright. Cdadden your' home with nuisio by getting i high grade x Piano, Player Piano, or Phonola which i)lays all inakesi' of disc records, alsora good supply of . . sheet music and records. Call and hear them AT W.A.HAWKEN'S PhotovGallary & Music Store :< Flesbertoir ,w. HERB IS A GOOD CHRISTMAS GIFT One that will be appreciated Send The Advance to your, brother, son, sister daughter or your friend as one of your Christmas Presents. We will sen(l The Advance to any post office in Canada iintil- the end of 1910, this month iucluded, for .$1..00. This is a splendid offer ; get in on it at once. If "The Fles A Subscriber Says : "I receive The Advance regalarly eveiy \*||^k,V. ,J' and it i.s like two letters from home.'' -".^.i ^^•^;; *ivAT- .~ lea! "^â- .?^-. ^er THAT Western TSauaigi caii i dtic? the beat whe*|| ' tinent is once more" «â- =«,.. ed by the fact that at the '!__. tional Soil Products ExposItlftTi ^_ Kansas City the other day, the sweeps 8t«kes prize .'or the best half bushel of hard spring wheatâ€" a J500,0Q sil- ver 1 upâ€" was awarded to a Wester Canadian farmer, Seager Wheeler, o. Uo.iiliprn, Saskatchewan. This Is the third time that Mr. WJi^eler has won the premier prize, one*" of the most cov?tcd amongst ivheatgrowers the whole continent over, at thi,~, exposi- tion. He was awarded the sweep stakes jirize for wheat at the expo- .sition at Witchita, Kansas. In 19 M. .^na asain at Denver, Colorado, in isii,"'. Wheat from his stock won the same prize for another man at I^eth- briUge, .\lberta, in 1913. Mr. Wheeler Is a famous winner of wheat prizes In addition to the foregoing ajid to a large puniber of ribbons, cups and fold prizes, at luiuor events, it was he, wiDo in ]<>n won the thousand dol- lar gold prize donated by LiOrd Shaughnessy, President ot the Cana- dian Pacific Railway, at New York Land Show, for the best bushel of miirin^ wheat grbwn any\vljer# ta'tlie two America.^. In every case Mr wheeler lins exhibited Marqyls wheat, a varjiefy that produces In very heavy yield, and matures somewhat tarUeP than other varheties. If was perfect- ed a few years ago by Professor S. A. Uf-dford, ot Brandon Exp«'rlmental Farm, and Dr. Wilitara Saunders, of Oltkwa, after several years of expert- luentalization to obtain the best varl- ety suited to Western Canada. The provinces of Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Albrrta contain 4G0,00O.O00 !»cres of land qf which 200,000,000 at least Hie high-class farming land. Only about 3O,0OQ,O0O were actually under .♦i, •^^>^'' ''l!^' "^'^k V Spsx; li^ Award Wwnahonal Soil-Proilucrs EwiojihoB KANSAS CITV. MO. ^T""""â„¢ ISIS â€" roR - â€" Bbst Bushcl Hard Sp«»n(j Wheat ttonadliin PswiFit Vailwatj. cultivation in 1918. th« enormoun trftcts which remain unsettled «n<ii un- cultivated consUtutiri^ the real 'lait best west" of the Anttnest, Business Block For Sale lijthe â€" Village of Flesherton consisting of Orocery, Flour and Food Store, (iranery. Barber Shop and the Residence. The above i<roppr»y and business, which is a go6'J df»e,. wjll be sold reasonably. « Apply to W. Buskin, . Fl«thert6n -*t Residence For Sale For sale cheap and' on oisy terms, the rciulenee and premises therlto belongine to the fete M. K. Richardson. * lesher- ton . On the premises sre'% krge brfck veneered dwollinsr, well finished and in ^ good repair, contains i) largo bedrooms â-  on the second flat acd a large donbia bedroom on first flat ; good never failina \ well with lorce pump in b»seit»ent, a«i > good cistern all well finisheH* fSr s^irvte; ' or fiumtnot kitchen and dininf *ad waslr. rooms with good pantry and M^t eon- veoiences r large lawn .and garden with good young orchard bearing aijj plenty of «m*l fruit ; good large frame A^Me/ . and dnvmg hogw. Ptewises wilnlo. ^' make excelknt-WftWiwajding ^hou» ^ ' piivateijHico be«*j^ or would m»v»<» " well f..r two tenants and also good u(««(4' forre.-)t. Apply to R. J. 8pio«'ef» ,»he prtmises irho will show soy p^tisittfi I uver the prem ise*. 17'> .^v. J#***r''«.'

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