'-.^^V. Sk *.. .iLA. '^:iW«M^^ •:e,.'i*i!r*"' i \. '* Wt". # 4/ /lesli^irt^n Vol 40. No. 32 Klestierton, Ont, January 15 1920 KIMBERLEY There wits a rauninii of the Stuurt faratly here on Thurad'ty last ar. their parental home her*. W. II. and George of Powassun, John of Burki FuUh, Robt. of Thornbury, Fred of ITIeBherton, Jasper and Mrs. W. T. Elba of Ivinibar- ley and Chas. of Parry Sound vrern all present. There ib not a break by denth in the family thus far. Both Mr. an<J Mrs. Stu<ti't and all the family <ire en- joying the best of health. Our local nimrods captured four tiue specimens of the raccoon jamily in the big .iwamp last week. The new pastor, Rev. John Veiles, occupied tlie pulpit in the Methodist Ciiurch on Sunday eveninjj last and preached an excellent sermon to a larjje congregation. He is a fluent speaker and made a favourable impreasion. Mesira. John and W. E. Fawcctt attended the funeral of their brother, Jamep, on the 10th line Collingwood on Saturday lust. Mrs. John Plewos visited rccenty with her brother, Mr. Jacob Tliomp.son, of Fleaherton. Quite a number attended the Cdriuv.il at Markdale ou Thursday uight. LATE THOS. ADERC.ROMBIE On Tuesday evening, December 30th' there pnsaed away one of the oldest and moat respected pioneers of Euphrasia, iu the person of Thomas Abercrombie. The deceased was boru in Eiiniskillen, Ire- lanJ, on March 17th, 1837, and emigrated to Canada with his parents in 1842. For ten years ho lived near Bolton in Albion Township, from which ho cauiu to â- 'J<jupbrasia where he has lived for the past \J7 years. In 1866 he was married (o Eli7» Jane Knott of Euphrasia, who proved a devoted wife in sbarini; the hardships of pioneer life, first ac Rocklyn and later at Kimberley. For the past ,. ree years he haH bean in failing health and has been bedfast since Sept. 1018. He bore his sickness patiently and con' tinued to ^ake a keen interest in the activities of the community and eouutry until several days before his death. Mr. Abercrombia was a kind and obliging neighbor and a prominent worker in the public business of the township. For seven years ho was a member of the Municipal Council and for fifteen years was secretary of the Agricultural Society. For almost sixty years ha was a member of tiie Orange order, in which he was I'ery active and helu many othces. Ue was a member of R. oklyu L.O.L. at the time of his death. Ho wa.-i also a stanch Conservative and an adherent of the Methodist church. Ho is surviv_od by his willow and « family of eleven â€" five daughters and ^ix sons â€" Mrs. Jamas Bothwell, Mrs. James Marshall, Morluy, Elwood and Nicholas of British Colum- bia ; Robert of Oxbow, Sask. ; Mrs. Win Lawson of VVodehouae, and Mrs. S. Burritt, John, Taylor and Delia of Kimberley ; also twenty grandchildren and two great grandchildren. The funeral took place from his late residence ou New Years Day to Mork- dale public cemetery. The service at the house was largely attended and was conducted by Mr. S. McCauslaiid and at the trnue by Rev. A. P. Stanley of Markdale. EAST MOUNTAIN (Last Week's Items) Wedding bells are pealing men ily in our locality. Married â€" On Wed., Dec. 24th, Miss Hazel May Alien, eldest dau!,'hter of the late Geo. Allen and Mrs Allen, to Mr. Comford H. Thompson, eldust son of Mr. and Mrs Harry Thompson. Marrier' â€" On Wednesday, December 31, 191!), Miss Lizzie Stafford to Mr. Albert Ellis. Miss Eva Allen, who ia attending Business College at Collingwood, spent the holidays with her parenia, Mr. and Mrs. T. Allen. Mr. Edward Sinan has returned from a very pleasant visit with frier.ds at Collingwood, Dun'roon and Stiiyner, and visited a fe.v days with Mr. C. Maitin. Ed expects to leave fvir Calif jiiiia soon where lie intends to make bis homs. Mr. and Mrs Geo Stewart and two daughters cf Wtyburn, Sask., who art spending the winter with Mrs. Stewart's parenis, Mr. and Mrs^ John Smith, cf Ivob Rjy, visited a few days with Mr. and "SXia. Thus. Lewis. Messrs. T. Lever and U. and' N'. Mc- Kechnie of Fleshertou have rinishcd taking out timker in H. Thompson's for Mr. Armstrong ind have moved to Lady Bank to work there. Mr. and Mrs, T. Allen gave a party to their friends and neighbors on Wednesday eveiiiiig. A vety plea.saiit time is reported. Messrs. R. McMuUeii ai;d \V. O Brien each had buzz bees last week. WALKERTON I'hoinas Uyslop, a well known resident of Walkerton, 'inet instant death at Tru ix's mill here about 7 15 o'olocic on Wed losday'inorniiig, when after going into the power house with a search light to oil the bearings on the big drive wheel which runs tlie mill, his sweater coat ciught and twisted on a rapidly revolving shaft, throwing him against the massive wheel, where he was drawn in by the huge bolt and whirled around with such force that his body wa.s rent into a thou.sand pieces, making the most srue- sumo sieht ever probably ovea witnissed in town. Mrs. Ellen Fiddis, an aged lady, who had been living iu a small house on the farm of hor son. Oeorga Fiduis, on the 12th Clin, of Uraut, met a tnigic death on Fr'day afternoon last when her clothes caught lire while working near the stove, and her dead body with her skirts burned oil" and her lower limbs badly sin»ed, was found lying ne;ir the stuvo, with the rest of hor clothes .still smouldering around her. It would seem that death had been caused by shock rather than fire. The late Mrs. Fiddis was one of the pioneer .settlors of Brant and in early life was an accouiplishtd school te».:hur, --Herald and Times. Farm For Sale A 50 acre farm for sale on the Eas: Back Line, Aitemania, 3rd [range, north half of lot 132. On [the premises there is a good frame barn 40 x OU feet ; a small frame hou.<o ; a good drilled woil hen house. Vox particulars appl;; on remises, 3 H HOLLEY, Fleshcrton The Lyric Lyceum Company WILL GIVE ONE CONCERT IN THE High School Auditorium, Flesherton ON-- Wednesday Night, January 14, 1920 An Ortranization of Distinguished Artists in MUSIC MIRTH Florence Galbraitb, Ada Richardson, Atlcae JacksoD, Sandy MarDonald, SONG STORY â€" Elocutionist Coloratm-o Soprano Entertainer on Piano Scotch Comedian PRICES 00, and 35c. RESERVED SE\TS AT RICHARDSON S DRUG STORE. SPRINGHILL Miss StBlltt Orr returned to her sohool at Markliani. Miss Rhoda Best, who 1ms been clerk- iiiL' ill W. L, Wright's store, is homo at present. Mr Alfred Barri<on lost two valuable sheep recently. Miss Susie Cbard visited recently with her sister at Rock Mills. Tom Orr \\m returned to liis school at Heathcote. Mies Gertrude Stincou left Tuesday to resume her studies at Orangevilic. Quite a number from here attended the hockay match at Fleshertiiii l<riday night last. DUNDALK M.ir.in â€" Cornelt â€" In Dundalk at the home of the biide, Mis. U, C.jruutt Was united in ni'Uiimony lo Dr. K. Martin of this placo by the Rev. Gaorsje Koiulel), pastor of the Presbyterian Church. .\t the village nomination meeting last week Rev. Gen. Kuiidell, who had cliai;;o of the !\Ieinorial Purl: subseriptions, gave an interesting staioment of the funds showing nil subs, paid iiniounling lo 81003. The ten acra park is paid fur anil 5203 on hand to go un improve- ments. More funds are rtipiirod and the lists are still open for any who hiive nut yet contributed . Thomas Cnlgan, for many years a re.sident of Osprey towiishii), passed aw:iy at his homo near Creemoro on Jan. l»t after a lengthy illness caused by heart trouble. He is survived by his wite and two brothers, Joliii in Flesliertoii and William at Cieemore. The funeral took place on Saturday lo Ciei-nio.iu cenietury and wa.s laigely attended. The deceased was a brother of the lale Mrs. John Colg'm of Dundalk. Wm. and A. E. Colgmi of this place were present at the funeral. â€" Herald. CEYLON Mr. and Mrs. Flint of Peaco River, Albsrta, arrived Mondny to visit wiih the lallsr's sister. Mi's, Jas. Mc.Mullen. Sam Chi.dett of Toronto spent a couple of days last week with his father here. Mr. Edward Sargent is visiting his son in ()weii Sound. Mr. .\lex. Muir spent the wiek end with his mother in Toronto. Bornâ€" On Jan. 2, to Mr. and .Mrs. Alex. McRae, a daughter. Congratula- tions. Master John McMillan was o|)eiated on Thursday by Dr. McFarlane, Price- ville, to remove adeuoidi^ and enlarsed tonsils. Mr. Ed. Sargent and men have completed Iheir oontraet of lemoving the .onnleiits (if the Legale mill and foundry and rtlurned to Owen Sound Saturday. The luslilute will h;ild their meeting this week at the home of Mr?, (jeoig Arrowsmitli on Thursday afternoon fn m 2 to 4 o'clock. A gooii attendance is re<)uested its there is important business to transact. The prayer meeting was held on Tnet- d.iy evening at the luiino i f iVlis. .\ Uutledge. Th« church on the 41 h lino b.is liein purubaneil tiy the ladies and will he remnvad and rebuilt on the church lot her J ill the spring. EUGENIA [ii the absence of the pastor of the Presbi torim church. Rev. Dinwoodie, a former pastor of Iho Methoili.st church here, occupied the pulpit. Mr .Jake Willisms has bought Mis. McMullen's farm and .John Cainobell has bought Geo. tlislop's farm. 5ir. Em Morgan of Torcnlo ia spend- itlg a few days hunting. Messrs. Ernie Hopper ami W illie William.-i have returned to their positions in I'oronto. Mr. Joe Williams returned wiili his son for a few days Gerald Large has roiurned to ligh school and Herb Haiiey has taken a position in Mr. R. .1. Sproulu's oliioe in Fle^hertou. Mr. Joe Williams had a successful wood bee la-.t weeH. Mis, J. Parliament received the sud news from Toronto on Saturday (f the dcalli of her cousin, Mr. Tom Gamoy. Mr. Gamcy was a prisoner of war and was captured the same time as Fred Suiifh. He and b'reil workeU side by side in Gcnniny. Much sympathy is felt for llie family. Wo are sorry to report Mrs. Muwshaw not so well ugiin. Her i-ister, Mrs. McGee, (;f Vaudeleur, is visiiing with her. Mrs. L. Ldimer and dauxhtor, Eit-i, are visiting friends in Toronto. Card Graham niadtj u business trip to Toronto. Mr. R. J. Pedlar has gone to Rock- wood tor the winier. .Mrs. .McKinnoii of Flesherton is visit- ing her duugliler, Mrs. Foester. Mr. Latimer sr. has goiio to Toronto to attend the »eddiii){ of his grand- daugliler. Miss Merrick. Mr. Latimer is U7 year.'; of age and made the trip alone. He looks ipiiie smart and hearty. PROTON Miss Mabel Btnnie leaves Tue&d.iy to t.iku a situation iir 'Toronto, Mrs. Jig. Hodgins has beeti ((uito seriously ill but wb &r« glad to report her a little iinpioveJ today (lloiiJay). Mr. anil Rlrs. John Montgomery, of Dundalk, visited the laitor's sisters, Mrs. Wyviil and Mrs. Hodgins. J. C. Wright is spending a couiile of week; in Kincardine. Archie Neilsmi is in the ci'y for a few days. Everyone is asked to renu'iiil i the Institute meetings on Wednesd»\ iter- noon I'ko men meet in the hall and ihe ladies must at the home of Mis. Copuland and a joint meeting in the hall. Gool speakers are e.^peclcd so oveiyboily cuma. Messrs. John Hanlsy and Duncoi McNicid have gone to Toronto to lake positions. Miss Nelli* Arnott of Warohain visited over tlio week end wi»h her high scluol friend. Miss Marion Wright. The annual cjiii»rogatioiiiil iiieetiii« nf Knox Preebyteri'iri Church was held in [friday evening when practically all Kio old .start' was re-elected. Goods reports were jjiven by all the difl'erent com- mitlees which showed what progress llis Church Ins oeen iiiaki-ig. After liiu meoiiiig the ladies served a dainty luneli. Owing tj the inclsment weather iiml heavy roads the Presbyterian minisfir was unable to bo present on Sunday night but the few who assembled had a ihoit song and prayer survice. Annual Meeting The annual meeting of Eist (irey Agricultural S ciety will he held iu the Town Hall, Fleslieiton, on Saturday, January 17th, 1920, at 1 o'clock. .V giiod attondante ia rei(ue8led. Lnlies welcome. L A. Fishnr, W. A. Uawkoii, President. Secretary. In Memoriam III fond and loving nieronry of our dear brother, Harold Smith, who departed this life October ."Jlst, 11)18 ; also our dear sister, Mr?. Jamas MeKenv.ie, who passed away Nuvember 8th, 1018. Do not ask us if we miss them, tJh there's such a vacant place, Oft we think wo hear their footsteps Or see each dear smiling face. Sally missed by father, mother, ,i brolhys and sisleis. Many are the stories of Ihe popuUr Ford aut.iiuobile, but UillsDoro related in its Ideal paper recently what it calls llio best of the season, and the facts in the case are 'rue. It happened in one of the leading cburclies of the town that Iho pastor took for th-j text of his sermon, " Better Church Attendance." The pastor held that the automobile has taken more pe 'pic awny from the church than any other tiring. He concluded with the exclamation :â€"'â- The Ford car has taken lauio people to hall than any other thing that I c«n mention." Whereupon an old lady in the congregation began to elap lier bands i.nd moan " Praise the Lord ! Praise the Lord ! " " What's the matter sister '." asked the pastor. " The Ford never went sny place that it couldn't make tho round trip, and I am sure that all those people in hell will be back," she answered. " So praise the Lord." FINE JEWELERYjBatesBurialCo. BL'SINESS AS USUAL Funeral Directors and Embalmers Phone Hillcrest 268 Come in and seo our lino large stock of Jowolry, Waloiies, Clocks, etc, and when you have seen them 3 ou Will be sure to buy. Watch re-! 124 AvenUC Road, pairing a specialty. A full lino of Photographic .snpFlies' Toronto, Ont. Inchuluig developing powdcr.s, MOTOR EQUIPMENT piintiug frames, dark lauternti, all i \i7 d 1. d k/i jj i ' ?i 1 I A ,-x J' ^- Bates, R. Maddocks, sizes of kodacks aud films. . ' President. Manager ISSUER OF I MARRIAGE LICENSES Yorkshires Tamworths Young Stock For Sale For Breeding Purposes W. A. ARMSTRONG Jeweler, p,^^^^^ ,^^. ^yj.ii^._Q£,) ^y hqss, FLESHERTON, - ONT Ospiey Tel. .system Maxwell P. O. House of Quality We carry a full j..ssorlmeiit o Frssh Fisli,* Salt Fi,-h and Oysters. Lar^'t" asstjrtuiL'iit ol Christmas Cantly now in stock. Now is th(! timt^ to get that box ot Cliocolates. FLOUR â€" We cany a large .supply of Eoyal Household, Five Kcses, Purity and Eclip.se Flour. All kinds of Grain Chop and Pig Feed on hand. Highest Prices Paid for Eggs and Pound Prints. H. DOWN & SON Flesherton, - Ontario yi^v^/-V^>>--.T.^s,/,asccg»5a^!au^^ -^ For Fall & Winter I We ha vc just opened up a fine assortment of Men's Felt Hats, Fall and Winter Caps, Sweater Coats. Wool and Fleece Lined Underwear for men and boys. Ladies' Mantles anil Sweaters and Woollen Setts. Linoleums â€" four and two viirds wide. Get our prices before you buy.^ W. L WRIGHTS' Corner Store, Flesherton Farm For Sale Lot 6'\ con. 4, ArtDmcsia, cnutaiiiing fifty ucres, in good hhRpe. There is a Kooil finine luiuse with stone touiidntion, l>arii with stone foundution luul ihiviiij; shuil. Thure is a t;i'od drilled well at house. For partiouliirs npply tn J. A. LKGAUD, Fkigherhin, »r MKS A. MacGLASHAN. o2;! 08 Dupjiit St., Toronto. JANfARY 5 Opena New Term at tba y")./m^:/:^fe.'y OWEN SOUND. ONTARIO- THE RETIRNED MAN'S SCHOOIi Buttintiss, Shorthftud nnd Preparatory Courses. Catalogue free. C. A. FLEMING, V. C. A., PrJnclpal G. D. FLEMING, Sooratary. (Mention this pspor when writing)