Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 15 Jan 1920, p. 2

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h..^*^ Jâ€" . ' - ' JilL. ' .^ anr / 3S THE ORCHID Bv DANA BDRNKT. .^:d. hwans "Oh, no, PhiJip. I urn not dis- pleased at Anything you do. It is merely Unit I like belt to be alone liere with you. Then it '» most like a paruill.sr to me, I'hlUp." ."You are a model wife, Sophiu! But >ou will enjoy incctine this young m«n. Hl' is shunning ana, more than that, a counlryman of yours!" That afternoon Ramon Alvarez arrived, accompanied by his ovcr- w^r, in a hanifsomely appointed flat- boat. The Spaniard was welcomed by Colonel Philip in person and was conducted to the spacious veranda of the house, whore a statuewiue negro butler served mint juleps in gla.sses as fine as cr^Hlal. "Vou may It'll your /actotuin, sir, • ., to ({o out to the iiJhrters and take: ""* ^^'*"> "<> each one was required to what pleases him. He w.iU find myj '*a'ance a peanut on the small end of creatures a sound lot, I beliave. le \ "" apple and, placing both on the back your julep sugared to suit you, sir?"| of his clenched hand, carry them "It is excdient," repealed Alvarez across the room and back. 'J'hen they with a litle wal-e ot the hand | tried to get a Wte from a row of apples luiK. while the two men »at upon i . " ^ the Apples and Nuts. The social Sixteen was to meet with Nan, and every one know it meant a jolly evening. She knew the secret that something active starts an eve Slings and Arrows. It Is easy "to denl a wounj lUat lin- gers," In the way of a word written or j spoken, and It Is a careful question ! wlieth«>r It pays. I Times tliere are when one must as a I friend speak out, neither fearing lior I favoring, but usually these are great anil rarw occasions the more impres- sive for the restraint and reticence of the speaker the rest ot the time. The. I common scold la as little heeded as a i few more hailstone.^ In a storm upon a houseroof He or she Is perpetually' lukewarm water for this cleansing the entire year, and dry well to keep them from chapping. i . , , ..v. .ui„ >». V ff '> ^.„ >, ..„,i ^f at a war of words w Ih this our im Keep ready a solution composed ot "'• ° "" ' . , _i... . â-º equal parts of ro.se water and glycer- ine and immediately after washing them, just before they are uite dry, rub in few drops of this mixture. Tf it is ifot convenient to have rose wa- perfect creation; and so what mar- ters.a tirade more or less? Bu» when one wh(j seldom remoii- strateH bids n» look to tli(> orror of our ways we give heed, ami perhaps we ure contrite and amend our practices. ter, the pure glycerine is very ef f oc- , ,,, , ., . .^ â- â€¢ _ ™„« ..f tiv; for keeping the hands l^t and ^e know that the 'â- ;'-'^'»'-« 7»« "' rhus. while the two n,en sat upon | ^^^1 swunrfr;;: Virc:"c"u;uTn"'roTi;;: ^^eo from the tfaces of grin.e.^ Some' '«-" '- --' ^-^ """^ t^^"* '"« "P*'^'* CHAFER 11. In exactly half an hour after leav- ing its own duck, Ihc Jugv)Ut, driven by the tireless energy of the Macks, reached the town wharf. The colonel porch :^ipping their juleps a"d' ^^^^^^ ^^ and his charm and good humcr were talking the Inconsetjuential matters,! :;:^1 ^;'1^««'V!;.. i?^''*,?^''" ^a^^sea , .^.^^^ ^^•^••j^j^. -^^^-^^^^^-^; ,he incontestable. '•Boy," said the judge, "liquorl" some thirtv negro slaves wq^rc re- i *'''-'*'^'' "^ PaPer and pencils, moved bodily from the Gardiner quar-; "Draw two vJews of an apple, -- 1 , , . .1. » I â- â€ž I .'"'"Si'i f-r wa* heavy with grief. Whereas ,sedlP<>0Ple cla,m that _gIycerme^does not ,^^ habitual scold ftM.nd a sort of she which it does not, a lioncy solution, | i mutton tallow, or a good skin food cream may be used, rubbing it over the hands while they are still d^inp The'negTO in the wRite apron ap-;tcrB, were fastened together with a; ordered, "one when it is cut in half proached with a tray from which each rope and marched down to the river, up and down, the other across." disembarked, and lossinit a handful of i gentloman took a glaHs ot whisky, i bank, where they were compelle<l to eilver to his crew, bade them wait- and remarking, -Your health, sir," i man the lighter. This vessel, there-, . .... till his return The negroes dis- downed it without tht> degenerate aid upon, uniid lamentations, put forth "'"^^ "' "" ''PP'** s cori.strucaon ana ^a^.^ aftp^ ^.j^pr^j.jo,!,)^, j.^,]jl3J„^ ;„ ^ay patched one of their number with the' of water. After which, the four ori-; and wav< soon lost to view. i tne lack of botanical observation (,g ^jp^j oj^, ^^JO^ ^ ^^,^^^1 money to buy food and sweetmeats; ginal players sat down once more at ^ She had no nuire than disapi>eared, amused and vexed the contestants. the others promptly curled up and , the table and waited for the colonel however, when Ihc colonel, glandng; "I always ate mine too ciuickly to went to sleep. The colonel might re- 'to complete the preliminaries contin- up. saw Soi)hia standing in the door- .study them," complained one victim, turn in an hour, or he might return gent upon his participation in the way. evidently much perturbed. | to the other.^' immense delight in a week-he would find them w^it- game. j "Oh, Fhdip,'' t.he exclaimed, "what: ^fan collected and looked over the jng just where he had left them. | These were .^mplo, bul invoiliil.;e.' ^oos it mean.' They have takeji, p^p^^^ Colonel Phil'p walked slowly up the First, a- .emovtd Iris^ hut and jthvc ^«;';.«^^;«?- ^^^ ''"«*'«"<1 "^ "^^ """'^'l "You girls really have mad,^ apple Then she perceived Ramon, and her sauce," she admitted, "for the vertical agitation changed to a very pretty sections are quite good, but the others confusion. ' â€" look! Didn't you ever see the apple "I am sorry! I did not know -"] blossom inside'.'" and she sliced a thin she murmured. horizontal portion and held it to the "Madame," said the colonel coldly, ]ight, laughing at their incredulous Bmuspinent In the tonguelashlng. Of- all deplorable means to drive tiorne au argument or to point a moral, man the lighter. This vessel, there-; '^^'V'''^ ""'"',''.''^'' '''''•''"-â- "''*"''''' Any excess fat remaining on the sur- , „ „ . ,,_, . «> ' _ . I ar,,.^ «* „„ 1.._ - â€" i â€" ._•_„ __ji J r . ' ently sarcastic is beloved back the cuticle of each nail with the towel. It i.s well to get a complete lit- tle manicure <(et, and with this Jfive wharf and through the main street of it to the negro; then he removed his the town, pausing to answer the salu-'ccat and placed it over the back of tation* of such citizens as greeted his chair. Next, he took from his him, or sweeping off his hat in re-: pocket a small clay pipe which he uponsc to a lady's smile of rccogni-' HHed and IlKhtcd. Finally, he sal t.'on. Finally, however, he entered down in his chair, picked up the hand the door of the Planters' Hotel, bowed that had been dealt him and sai(" much to stay that none who fs porsist- The sar- astic man has an ingrpwiug cense of .., , . ^, , , ,, „„.,,i humor that resists the edge of any After drying the hands, gently PUsh | ^.,^,,^,^^^ ^^^^^ ,^ ^,^^_„j^^ ,^g^,^^^ ^„^. se'f. He winces under the same treat- ment that he ruthlersly accords to ... others. But he does !iot seem to learn your nails a good manuurmg once or, ^..^ ;i, ..teness of Ui.i own anguish twice a week. to the several gentlemen sitting In j "fientlemcn. if the pot is open, 1 will ^^\ '"f pre.sent to you, Mr. itatnoii )a(.es -ifj iin.y ,„,,^, fi,^ ,.o.se-like outline the lobby teach gentleman had a ' come in; if it is liot open, 1 will -'Alvarez, a friend of Judge- OMmaster, und the star of seed Dockets brass cuspidor beside him), bowed in open it!" »"^ therefore ot mine! Mr. Arvarcz ... P «'^s- "Now the.se you will know,' proi?iised a he iust the proper degree to the white-, The game, from thnt moment, pro- 'S th« gentlemen of whotn f spoke. haired negro scraping in his path, ccoded without interruption until six Alvarez bowed '-raceiu ly, \"^"; ;„.„,. ,„„â-  ..,,,â- â€ž ,, â- '""''-; and stopping at the -deslt, bowed to thirty o'clock p ni.. when an adjourn- .straighteiung up, lo(fl<e<l at the colon-| '" hci hand. These are the names of the clerk on duty. The latter, i^ re- mer.ft was taken for refreshments, t-'ls ^^'/t-. "I regret, .Senora.' he said,! nuts and apples. Ill toss a peanut ply, leaned forward and said gravely: After these had been consumed, the "">* 1 }^'-'' been unintentionally the to the first one calling out the right "Good evening. Colonel Gardiner! gentlemen renewed their poker. At f»"se of your iinhappmess. I shall answer." Then she" gave these ques A fine cveniri', sir!" ^ midnight a light supper was served, [»'-' more than glud to return to yoir tions: The colonel drew himself *up as folloviiig which the gentlemen renew- '"f.„,, '*^','' â- ''"chnria!:. ,.,„,. I What apidcs ;ire these? though acknowledging a personal cd their poker. The colonel was in . 1 i"';k you, f;cn..r, replied Sophia comi.linient. "Sir, a fine cveiiin'. A; excellent fettle. He had smoked a simply. ' Ihat i.s most kind of you. d (I'd fine evenin', if I may say' sack of first rate Cuban tobacco, ..^'ya^ez turned to tho colonel. 30-yes, sir!" ; had drunk a quart of good whisky '^^th .v"uil'en,nssion, sun^^^ , ,,.- ,,. , The ro* of gentlemen seated in the and had won ten thou.'iand dollars. , Colonel Philip said st.'ffly. "\our: -5. I'^cd after i.utchering. (Smoke- lobby nodded their headwipprovingh- But his luck was short-lived, for pn'-''us.'ty_ does you honor, sir. But, house.) and spat as one into their several, when the Kume ended by agreement J "'^^'^ insist, in such a case that you -1. An old-fashioned flower. (Gill- receptacles. The colonel passed on at dawn he had lost thirty thou.-^and take two slaves in place of th? one flower.) up the broad, red-carpeted flight of; dollars to Ramon .'Mvarez, the ycung >^;' '"^':"'' '.° '"ft"''"- . , . r>. Part cf an animal. (Sheepnose ) Blairs. • 1 Spaniard. ' The Spaniard rm.lec', ..lowing his «. A fur. (Astr.o.khan.)" Arriving at the second floor, he "Sir," y^aid the colonel, rising and "'"!'•-• ^'''^V'' â-  ^'°i! ''", ^,° •'**i''' walked down the corridor until he inclining liis tall figure in the young »";â-  '"okid again at the colonel s wife, came to a door marked "Saio,!." 'ITiis man's directir.n, "1 congratulate vou. H'-ncefortn he continued to look at Sometinies skin irratlon and chap- ped hands are caused by the soap used for the .same soap does not agree with all skins. Use a make that has been found .satisfactory in your i-ase, and avoiil this trouble. No matter how hard you use your hand.s you need never be a.'shamed of them if you faithfully carry out these few instructions. I am speaking from "'^if: „ „TA^.!*!'.,l.''.:!:''*^'p«"°"al experience for I have proved the truth of my advice here given. 1. What V. e do when we reach goal. (Seek-no-fuvther.) 2. A, sovereign. (Kinq:.) N, 7. One of Coopers novels. (Spy.) X. Manufactur-3s locomotives. (Bald- he pushed open and stepped directly Your luck was phenomenal, sir. "f"" wiia nis Doia tiio.vn eyes, as «"i"-) ,. , , , into a spacious, high-ccilci room i'henomenal!" , though she were .some .nnrvel which !». A kind of shoe. (Ru.sset.) hazv with tobacco smoke. In the! "It wo'.M need to be, senor," re- ?,^,''^'°V"' >"'P'""it upon his memory. JO. Where we do all hope to ga. centre of the chamber four gentle-: turned Alvarez, laughing, "to defeat "'"<^- tf^ was annoum-cd, and Sophia (Par:id:.>^e.) men sat playing cards about a round such playing as yours." 'appe.ared in a !?o\vii of corn-co.ort.l; n. Found in rivers. (Crabapple.) mahogany table. At a sideboard The colonel bowed once more, a-d »i'k ,"'<''' dispb.yed to advantage her i .\ month. (iWav apple) again.'t the wall, a negro in a white then, with rare delicacy, approached flfn'l'r «"is and li-.vely .shoulders, ,,, -,.. beloved annlo (Aonle apron was pouring liquor out of a cut- the matter of p'lyment. He said t'lat *\" f'"" ^nw-3t\\ neck risimr from ^ , ''PP'"'- ^-^P'"^ glass decanter. | he had not, unfortunately, so much the gentle slope of her bosom A- /• ' .,C.'.,,,^,. ,, , . ,^^,^__, , As the colonel entered, the gentle-' cash in h.uid, but that if Alvarez varcz could not repres.s a start of ad- J;^- /["^ app.e that is nevei swal- men at the table rose and bowed, would come to hi..< plantation he might miration. All through the meal, ioueu. (A .am .â- Â» a,.p!e.) "Hie colonel bowed in return, and ad- select thivly slaves worth .$i()()() v.'iich the cidonel sisnai.'zed by ilcliv- 15. Ih. fewcetc^t iipplc. (Lcve !ip- vancing, shook hands with the first apiece. Ramon readily agrecfi to this '•''â- "'t>' "" exten.sive homily upon the pie.) three. -plan, and the olonol invited him to art of cooking rice, Ramon kept watch 16. A color. (Green apple) "G»od evenin', Mr. Preble. Good come to his overseer the following °^ *i'° raduiiit beauty of his hostess.^ 17. a sharp apple. (Thorn anple ) cvcnin', Mr. Hoblis. Good evenin', afccinoon. Then, bidding a formal , After tea, they repaired to the jj, ^n impudent auDlf ' (Anole Tiirl'Tp Oldmasitp- " ' ^' *" ^*" ' -* '" t>..-.ui., ii„i.i._ t\VA\v\r\tf rnnm. tnrniK^M \vnn«a tiui . * ^^ ' ^ t^i' ^ (Maiden' Staj-at-Home Girl. There is a girl in our town who is kept at home pretty closely by the (are of an invalid mother. IMoney was not plentiful in her family and sho al- most never had any spending money she could really call licr own. So ahe the pain (hal he imposes by his own sha'.p sayings. ; There are always gentle, sensitive I folk whom it Is easy to victimize by some <i-uel. stinging epigram that shall i win an immediate lau.^h at the cost of the pain inflicted. Hardly ever is an epigram luore Ihau half true. Smart- ness verifies nothing. There is noth- ing quite ;;o clever, in fact, as to bring out the best quality there Is in an- other. Those who are beloved are not ' seeking to shiiio in a starry respleud- i ence by the eclipse of other light. ; They encourage the otiiers to bring out the best that in them is. They are guiltless ot "suubs" to a budding as- : piration or a tender promise. They are without 11 sneer. They do not try to thiuk ot hateful things to say that are sure by their malevolence to in- began casting about for some means of I ''"â- â€¢''"" ""^''; ""J«' ' ""d ^"«'''^ ^}}^ ^.«"- turning- her few spare moments mto \ T'^^^J'^^J" '_"!"''_" '^'â- """''-'""- cash. None is more conleuintiblo than he ! who pours on a work in progress his aspentif.'s, and, when it has surviveul I them all, withholds his praise. 1 Zliniird's Liniiuent Ccros I>ii?hth>>t!a. She could make clever little pen- and-ink sketches and sho was a good cock, but it toolv her a long time to J connect these two accomplishments.! One day it occurred to her to make lit-' tie booklets of her favorite recipes andj illustrate them with sketches showing' the different operation-s and the fin-i , , , ,.,., ished di he" â- â€¢ I On(;e counted I my little store. â-  She got "heavy brown wrapping' ^^'^ ^'^^ '" °">^''" ^'^.t" '"°'"«- paper and cut it into sheets five inches â- ^^.'^j ^'^r^ \'»;''- 'P« ^f" '">"f-V , . . While I had labor s hard-earned b Tlfg Thanksgiving Secret. wide ami seven inches 'on?^, which were folded and tied together with When a supply of these were ready she mailed them to a women's ex- to the .farev II to his friends Preble, Hobbs dravying rooni-, through whose tall ^^, > "Good evenin'. sir." and Oldniaster, Colonel Philip left the v^mdovys f e 1 the spent shafts of the 'â-  ,., ". „. . ,.,„,f„.;„„ The last individual, a big, blooming- hotel as ho had entered it, calm, un- departing day, long fingers of liglit '''â-  "^ ''"»" °' toi.iusion man with steel-rimmed spectacles set ruffled, dignified, with only a slight- *!?-' struck rich fire;; from silver and "'"•^"•' . low upon a large crimson nose, w;Lh ly fluah.-d cheek to betrav the extent «''• niahogany and mado wan the: ^0. It gathers in the crops. (Har- a wave of the baiul indicated the of his gentlemanly dissipation. Walk- thunca of llic candles biiniing ui their vest apple.) fiurth incm'yer of the partv. ing down to the wharf, he rouse.l his scones. Sophia sr^ated herself at the 21. It falls from the sky. (Sn(Av •'Colonel Gardiner, sir, I have the negroes, got into hi.s dugo it and was miissivc ro.'-^ev.ood piano, and played apple.) l-unor to present Mr. Ramon Alvarez,' rowed home through the early morning tin.ihng waltzc.-; lazi.y, while the twi-| tintu fVmniy of St. Augustine, but now, at n pace that would have done credit liRht de^epcned and the candles grew, ,_ p„^(. „,• , (Walnut.) ! several exchang*--. in different cities sir, of this community Mr Alvarez to a contemporary stc.imboat. ! pL Mlv ho%f^^^^^^^^^^^ "' '^''hreviations of two bov.s' She told me roc'^Jntly thrsUc is S has purchased 6ome land down the An hour later, having bathed, ' '"''V-V' " . . "^? â-  ', ° " '^"~"" ""• nunii.o M.^nKovt^ .,â- .,.*„ i,„ . „ 1. « • ,. river and purports to raise indigo, shaved and donned fresh linen, he "Ah!" exclaimed .\!v,rez, springing "«"»^s (I'dbeil). , n.ng to h«ve a new set of recipes each Mr. Alva â- â€¢â- /-Colonel Gardiner." i breakfasted with iiis beautiful wife, "P. "I •<"<'« the words to that!" Mv\ â- '• ^wo nuts from the dairy. (But- montn, so her patrons may have a new "J am happy to meet you, senor," who received him as usual, present- KO"ig to the piano, he sang in a , ti*»"m>t. cream nut.) , booklet frequently giving those recipis s id Alvures: smiling. I ing hor cheek to be kissed and smil- pleasing tenor voice the song that she, 'I. Found nejrr the sea. (Beech nut.) ' wh'ch are in season. "Sir. I am your servant." replied ing across the snowy tabic whenever •""' begun. For the next hour he re- , .5. A letter of the alphabet. (Pen- the colonel, grasping the hand of the she met his glance. mained at Sophia'r side, render'ng nut.) , other and measuring him with a keen "There will be a g.^ntlenian to visit innumerable Spanish ballads, to which (j. p^^-i ^f t),e )^^]y (Chestnut) glan<o. He aaw a young man, small tJiis evenin'," said the colonel, as he •''be improvised graceful accompani- - â-  - -â-  and elegant, with the dark complexion ' heaped his plate with steaming gpooii- ments. The colonel sat in an arm- of a Spaniard and the delicate fea- 1 fuls of hominy; "he will have tea with chair and pulled his' mustache, listen- tures cf an arigtocrat. He had a! us and stay the night." .ing with a rather grim expression black moustache, white teeth that! "Ah!" exclaimed Sophia, and un- of countenance to the music whose gleamed when he smiled and a pair' consciously uttered a s-igh. ; meaning he uiidoritood but little. His of bold, flaishing brown eyes. His "Are you displeased, madam '/" in-' '""•""'•• "« he bade Alvarez good fed, bread? A weary, hopeless task seeiiit-J living; bright-colored wrapping cord, making; ' ^°""^ ''"^ "'"'"e «" God than.ksgiving. attractive little booklets. The?e were There oauic a poor man to mv dour. de<'orated wiUi a cover design in ink 1 shared with him u.y scanty store, with a few dabs of water-colors, andj when to! my sense ot want had flown, on each page was a recipe with the And rarest riches were my own! accompanying illustrations in the 1 1 seemed with heaven's "own manna corners of the same page. The recipes fed, were plainly p^rinted in ink. In one| what blessed joy there is in living! book were cakes, in another salads, in; i brought to God my glad thauksgiv- another candies, etc. ^ ii;g. , . , . , , ,, White enamelled woodwork may hi change 111 a nearby city and soon had; ^ig^ncd with whiting on a moist cloth, order.s for more. Now she supplies ; it Cinderella â€" Minus Cinders .â- \bout 700 years R.C., there lived a maiden, who, thou<:h not called "Cin- derella," was undoubtedly the person rv resented in llie papular fairy tale. It was during tho rulings ot one of tnanncr was one of careless gay ely, quired the colonel rather sharply. Amazing SkiQ in Restoring Paintings Some years ago Sargent's portrait scraping until noiliing leniiiins ot lli<! ot Henry James, displayed at the original but tho fragile shell of pig. Uoyal Academy, was badly hacked by meat adhering to the pajier. a cleaver wielded by a suffragist. The Then the new canvas is covered with work of restoration, which was on-|lhe strongeBt (Ish gliio obluinHble and trusted to Roller, wes nol overdlffl- pressed flrnily down upon the paper bearing the picture. As soon as tho painting Is firmly attached to Us new fouudatlon iiolhing remains but to take off the inanllla paper. This can be done with hot water, and tho stir- toco ot tho painting has only to be cleaned to look as bright and clear ag it was when the artist painted It. In days gone by many mastera ot bruih painted their works on wood or paael Several such works brought to light during recent years have been found with their timber badly decayed, and In ord«r (o preserve them It has be«u necessary lo transfer them to oanvas. Haquin, a Frenuh aitlst, was, it is thought, the (Irst suo<!es8fully to trans- fer a panel palntiu« lo vauvas. He glued a aheet of paper over the sur- fu.B of the painting and afferwtii-d up- on this a line layer ot muslin. Wh«u the glue was quite dry he planed down the panel nntll it was ot the thinness ot matchwood, when he auraped off the remainder with a long, flexible knife. cult. Tho (Biivas, utter the painted sur- face hud been protected with tissue paper, was pUc«d upon a slate table. Tho buck was then covered with a sticky fluid, whlob was pressed through lo the surface of the picture with a heated Iron. In this way the c.>nrftH wan contracted and the nuts In It closed up. The c^uvas was finally reUned, aiid any spot* where the paint was miaslDg, w«rc filled by the re- itorer with a «peola1 preparation Thare are men who follow the pro- re»sloD of picture restoration whoae ability Is such that tlier are able to roator* old painilngs of value thai hAve large boles la tbem, or In caae* wbeve the material on wblcb ibey were i.at'itad hangs iu lUtaads IVIore- orer, these expert* oau. wliea ueces- •ary, trantfer » i.alDtinK to a new can- ras if a picture ot which th* canvas Is Clacked, torn or rotted with hko it banded to a (lever reatoisi, Uie flret thing he does is to pu.ihuie a new | rhU done, the nieie skin ut oolor held cHiiv:<H the Hsime size as the old one together by the paper and muslin wae .li ving obtaiiird thin, h« glues a aheet .f ..!oi!t niMiiilln paper lo the picture. "e rhen irarefully scrapes away the ( III < ninas. This is a Job ikat may 1 'â-  -ipy hini for several days or weeks â- '' ;! â- â€¢ (aiMas bo a large one. Having • II • .1 all '.ills of canvas, the t u ;'on »hlch the paint lies ai'e ir. â-  'Ivents or gentle left, and It was a comparatively eaay taak to glue (his to a eanras and re- move the paper and muallo If an old i<lcture should lack a por- tion of Ha pigment thii may b« re- placed by «a urtlat with colors front a eniab, but Hometimea old but wortb- loiB palnMaga are ua*d far tbe par prse. • , . .'\ girl's name. (Hazel nut.) 8. Good to drink. (Cocoatuit.) 9. A tough wood. (Hickory nut.) 10. A quick look and a girl's name. (Pecan.) . , , , , ,.:,. -^ ''"^o^"'-'^"'"'*'"''*''""^®'"^ ""*^^*'' the 'â- "•Plve Egyptian Kings that this ivght, howevci. was one of uiuiuali-j f.rst prize an(».* papier-mache peanut beautiful Eastern girl Uhodopo by fied courcy and gocHNwil. filled with sn,«„ ...„.,ies the booby. ' „,„.e, e=«ne under ^he notice of the (Jo 1)0 continued.) | jjy ^^is time refreshments were in then known world. •> order and Nan's table was duly ad-i ithodope had remarkably small feet. His Pocket Was Bare. mired. The candles sat ii' big hoi- one day, whilst bathing In a river near Teacher was giving a lesson on good 'owed out apples on small doilies, and her home, an eagle is said to have behavior, and wanted to drive It home I ^^^ P'"'" *'««' -shades. A low basket of swooped dow.i, and playing tho part to tho chiidreii's minds. j flaming Virginia creeper that trailed ot the fairy godmother, snapped up First she sought to point out the | °^<^'' *''« Pol's^cd table w^as tho center- one ot her sandals which was on the wickedness of stealing, , V^ece and narrow re<l ribbons ran from ^ bank. ".lohnny," she said to one small ^he basket to each place. j Carrying the little shoe off in his "The last nut to crack," Nan as- beak, the bird Is reported to have sure<l them. These held inexpensive dropped it immediately In front ot the lingerie clasps for the girls and negii-jklng. and, naturally, the little sandal gee cuff links for the boys. | soon attracted royal attention. "It's thought and good use of ma-| Struck by its siie so small, and the terials that make a happy party." j daintiness, too, the king vowed -he I said Nan to herself, and she smiled would find out tho charming possess- SHE THOUGHT DRESS V/OULD LOOK DYED But "Diamond Dyes" Turned Her Faded, Old, Shabby Apparel Into New. Don't worry about perfect re£"lts. Use 'â- Diamond Dyes," guaruntead to give a new, rich, fadeless color to any fabric, whether It be wool, silk, linen, cotton or mixed goods, â€" dresses, blouses, stockings, skirts, children's coats, feathers, draperies, coverings. everything. The Direction Book with oach pack- age tells how to diamond dye over any color. To match any material have dealer shov/ you "Diamond Dye" Color Card. buy, "If I put my hand In your pocket, and took imt h penny, what would 1 be?" Hut. instead ot replying '\\ thief," Johnny looked at her solemnly, and remarked: ".\ conjurer!" $2.00 Worth of Music FOR 25c. J. A. »cl>OMAI.B FXANO AND UXIBXO CO., lilHITIin, 419 Ban-laf toa St., Rallfas, K. %. He Had Recognized Them. .V lad ot fltteen was driving along a country road, taking a load ot calves to market, when he chanced to meet a company of young folks who were evi- dently ou^ tor a pleasure excursion. The young men ot tho party, thinking to amuse themaolves and thoir com- panions at the buy's expense, began to imitate the bleating of the calves. But their merriment was of short duration, for, without a moment's hesi- tation as the vehicles were passing, tho country lad called out to hla would- be troineutori: â-  Oh, T knew what you were before!" A RIee Out of Him. \ farmer and an Irlahmau were at work In a fleld wben an airplane paea- ed over their beadx. "I'd hate to he np III that thing," aald the farmer "l^lth. I'd hate to be up tbere and not In W" retorted tbe Irlahmnn â€" -♦ Save the juice from pickled fruit and «dd to the water in which you boil the ham. as she closed the door. Well Kept Hands. A reasonable amount of self-reapect and pride in ' le's personal appearance .\fter a triumphal conveyance to the is a great 1 -set to any girl or her king's palace, she was made queen to mother. As the hands are .iust as in- her royal lover, 'King Psaiumetlcus of dicative of character as the face these Menlphla." or .Messengers were despatched, and the country was scoured for 'the foot that the shoe would fit. At length Uho<lopo was discovered, | and the shoe pla< ?d on her tiny foot. SALT All gradea. 'VtTrlte tor prtoea. TORONTO ftALT WORKS C 4. CLIPP . . TORONTO should be given scrupulous care, that they may always look well-kept. "But, how can this be done by wo- men who have to dtf all kinds of houae- hold drudgery?" someone will ask. By well-kept hands I do not mean that it is necessary to have the nails long and pointed, nor is it good taste to have them fairly glistening with polish. A soft white hand with nails long and tapering .is usually a sign of the incompetence of its ivoaaessor. In fact, it is a sure sign of idlenes.'< and a waste of much good time to keep it so. By an attractive hand. 1 mean one that is smooth and firm; the nails ^- His Idea of a Jokt. At the fcKit of a steep hill stood a sign board on which the following not Ice was printed: "Danger Bicyclists and nutoista are berehv nolilled that this hill is dan- gerous and they are cautioned to come down slowly." Appended to th's wore the equally funny lines: ".\ny persen not able to read tbe above will have it read tor him If he ! call on the blacksmith who lives around the corner." A Scotchman suw this notice and ex- free from dirt, cut rounu,' and fairly ! ;'''""fV" '"' "'.T'l" 'l!"' 'Hf "r'"' °' i cloae. and the .uicK nrsred t.act: I "•."•<"*« "'"^ ''"' '^'^ hlackamith ' ,.- .-.if V. \. . . I might not be at home. Keep a stift bri>sn on ; our was.'i-'.Hid.l and with it acri b \our i"ind • 'i'",! â€" - â€" ♦ â-  I thoroughly, at I*.' ' t ''i ;«^A V^!!^ anaaras Ilnlnrat Cuts Uolda. St*. r

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