I A TOMC FOR THE IRVES The Only^Real Nerve Tonic is a Good Supply of Ricli, Red Blood. "It people would only attend to 'their blood, Instead of worrying them- eelres 111," said an eminent nerve specialist, "we doctors would not see our consulting rooms crowded with nervous wrecks. More people suffer from worry than anything else." The sort of thing which the special- ist spoke of l8 the nervous, run-down ^condition caused by overwork and the many anxieties of to-dajr. Sufferers Wnd themselves tired, morose, low- spirited, and unable to keep their minds on anything. Any sudden noise •hurts like a blow. They are full of groundless fears, and do not sleep â- well at night. Headaches, neuritis and other nerve pains are part of the misery, and It all comes from starved •nerves. Doctoring the nerves with poisonous sedatives la a terrible mistake. The only real nerve tonic is a good supply 'of rich, red blood. Therefore to cure nervousnesB and run-down health Dr. â- Williams' Pink Pills should he taken. These pUls actually make new, rich blood, which strengthens the nerves, â- Improves the appetite, gives new strength and spirits, and makes llltherto despondent people bright and ;cheerful. If you are at all "out of tsorts" you should begin curing your- iself to-day by taking Dr. VVUllams" iPink puis. , You can get these pills through any dealer In medicine, or by mail at 60 cents a box or six boxes for $2.30 from The Dr. Williams" Medicine Co.. BrockvlUe, Ont. â€" « The Charming Eskimos. Stefansson, the famous Arctic ex- plorer, writing of his stay among the Eskomos, tells of their hospitality to him, a guest and stranger, whose pur- pose in coming among them they did not know, and who was unable to re- quite them in any way for the kind- ness they showed him. Dwelling upon their individual and domestic charac- teristics, he says that in an Eskimo home he never heard an unpleasant word between a man and his wife, " and he never saw a child punished or an old person treated inconsiderately. The mocal value of some ways In which the Eskimo is superior to us Is iinall. He can make better garments »galnst cold than our own tailors or furriers; he can thrive in barren wastes where men of warmer climates would starve. But the moral value of other ways In which he ts superior Is ireat, for he is less seinsh, more help- â- f ful to hie fellows, kinder to his wife, gentler to his child, and more reti- cent about the faults of his neighbors than any but the rarest and beet of our race. Wh^ I tried to express my thanks for their kindness In my fragmentary Eskimo, Mr. Stefansson continues, they were more surprised than pleased. "Do, then, in the white man's land, some starve and shiver while others eat much and are watrmly clad?" they asked. * That's Luck. It has been explained that we need to be prepared for bad luck hut that good fortune does not require to be guarded against. i All the same, it would certainly add j to the cheerfulness of life In general it lucky omens were more widely known. How much brighter things look to us if we have reason to hope that something good is coming to us! Everybody, ct coujse, knows that it is lucky to pick up a bit of iron or coal. So it is to pick up apln K its head Is towards you : if not, let it be. It is a sign of good fortune to put on some garment inside out, bflt only if it is done by accident, and the gar- ment Is " allowed to remain reversed during the day. William the Con- queror put on his mail-shirt back to front an the morning of the Battle of ASTHMA If you have Asthma, don't Imagine thuc you musl al- ways BuSer untold mUury. Reltuf quick, sure aacli>iu4 Ifi guaranteed In evon ttaa worst cases by using TEMPLETON'S RAZ-MAH CAPSULES We are so certain of re- sults we will send you a tree sample of these cap- sules, confldent that you wlU Ond them all wo have claimed. Write to Tom- rtetons, 143 Kmsj St. W., Toronto. Sold by reliable druesists everywhere for $1.01 a dox. BITS OF HUMOR FROM HERE STUEftl A Tired Tyrant. Bridget's callerâ€" "How would you like to have a home of your own?" Cookâ€" "Fine! I'rh tired bossln' other people's families." â- .♦-♦.-».â- »••»•â- » » •â- '< L SWITCH OFF! Put aside the Salts, Oil, Calomel, or Pills and • take "Cascarets." Classified Advertisennenta. AQZITTS WAATSS. PORTRAIT AUBNT8 WA.NTINO Kood prints anil flulish«>K â€" lowei* prloes United on framea â€" a«k iUt Co.. cataloiiuak 4 Brunswick Ave., To- .t-^.u-m'^-'*"*-*"*"' rOS SALS 1 Are you keeping your bowels, liver, and stomach clean, pure, and fresh with Cascarets, or merely whipping them into action every few days with Salts, Cathartic Pills, Oil, or P4irga- defeuse, who was trying to prove the ] tlve Waters? temporary Insanity of the prisoner, "was it this mans habit to talk to himself when alone?" "Just at tills time," came the ans One on the Lawyer. â- Witness," asked the attorney for] TEMPLETON'S RHEUMATIC CAPSULES For fifteen years the .standard â- peciflc (or Rheumatliin, Neuritis, Gout Sciatica, Lumbago, NauralglA Manydoctora prc.crlbe them. Writo lo T^mplHoni. !4J Kills SI W . T .ronl... ft.r frrrc nainple. Sold uy reU»ble diu;y;ill9 evirrywiierelur shortly it blended with the sharper i Hastings, and we all know what lack voice of a hunting Airedale. he had on that occasion! If you find your keys or other steel articles rusting, do not be annoyed about It; it only shows that some* body is putting money by for you. An Island Where Deer Are Safe. The deep music of a deei>hounu's voice came faintly down the wind. wer, "I don't recolleck ever heln' with him when he was alone." The Thimble Wins. "You may be sharp. " said the thread to the needle, but I notice you are al- I ways gftling it in '.he eye." I "Oh, you can't talk," retorted the needle, •for whenever you get Into a hole I have to pull you ilu-ough." I "Be quiet, you two," chipped in the i thimble. "If it wasn't for my push, j neither of you would get along." Stop having a bowel wash-day. Let Cascarets gently cleanse and regulate the stomach, remove the sour and fer- menting food and foul gases, take the excess bile from the liver and carry out of the colon and bowels all the constipated waste matter and poisons so you can straighten up. Cascarets to-night will make you feel great by morning. They work while you sleep â€" never gripe, sicken, or cause auy inconvenience, and cost so liilie vuo. • "VTEWSPAPER. WEliKLY. IN ERUCB i^ County. Splendid opportunity Writ* ' Box T Wilson Publishing Co.. Limited. , 73 Adelaide St. W.. Toronto. Y«/'ELL EgClPPED NEWSPAPBft TV and Job printing plant In Eajiters I Ontario. Insurance carried 11.600. Will go for $1,200 on quick sale. Box IS. WUbom rubllshlnK Co.. Ltd.. T oronto. , uxBcxujumoxtn. LAUIBa WANTED TO DO PLAIM light sewlntf at home whole M spare time, irooil pay, work sent any dis- tance. charKRB paid. Send stamp tjr par- ticulars. NutiunaJ ManuiacturInK Com- 1 pany Montreal. t' HOICK SILVER BLACK BREEDINQ / Foxes. Also, we oro buyers of Raw Furs. What Imve >'uu-.<wliia pricaZ I Raid Pros.. Bothwell. Ont tluFFlN- STOCK WANTED. IF TOtT / are able to>aupply. advts* us, aa we will pay the blghust prices, dry or grewa from the saw. K«*Daa Bro*., LlmltaA . Owen Sound. Ont. CANCKH. TUMORS. LUMPS. BTOL Internal and external, cured without Write \im U«dlcal The scream of a hungry cougar is not more terrifying :,o the timid deer of the British Columbia coast than the bay of the hounds on the trail. When they hear it they gel (ip and go-- From the Top of the Round. The second course of the table d'hote was being served. "What is this leathery stuff?' demanded the diner. ^"That. sir, is fllet of sole,' replied the waiter. gain by our hom» treatment etore too late Dr nellman ' Co.. Limited, Colllnirwood. Ont. British Valor Won. | iron rust stains can be quickly r«. Captain de Pursevu!. oi the French moved if you saturate the spots witb navy, who has just written a book on , lemon juice and Immeuiately hold ov«r i the steam escaping from It Is lucky to be followed by a stray j straight for water, dog. Still better is It If a strange cat | The little r.pike buck, born a fsw comes to stay at the house. Speak- 1 seasons before on the rugged, forest ing of cats, pessimists, of course, as- clad coast of sert that when they tear the furni- j lifted his head. "Take it away," said the diner, "and see if you can't get me a nice tender piece from the upper pai't of the boot, the Pacific province, j with the buttons removed." His eves and his ears ture with their claws it is a sign of i his very pose, displayed the high ten- rain; but others hold that she is son of his tiut iierve.^. He looked in- "Bcratching luck" to her masters. to <,. I he stood, and he saw no i in.g. He turned and stared I water coward Nelson Island. The only !. thing that caught his eye that did not | denote restful nature in primitive . i grandeiir wa.s a smudge of smcke that ; â€" â€" â€" ^ ' smeared the horizon and showed th:-t ; Baby's Own Tt.blets »are a"il excel-; a C.P.R! coasting steamer' was out-' lent medicine for little ones. They \ bound from Powell Kivcr. Then the are a mild but thorough laxatiye ' boom of tiie hound's voice rolled j which sweeten the stomach and regu- ! again across 'he waters, from Nelson j late the bowels, thus bringing relief | island. Tlie deer uioved» nervously. ! in cases of constipation, indigestian. ' looked a!l round again - and calmly 1 colic, colds and simple fevers. Con- bent his head to bite a mouthful of \ Minard'.? Liniment Co., Limited. Sirs,â€" I have used your MINAED'S the forest of the island on which : LINIMiSNT for Ihc past 23 years and 'The Batrte of Jutland." says "The British owed their success to the valor of the sailors, the atrength of the chiefs, more than to any ma- terial sf.perlority, because, as a mat- ter of fact, the material at the dis- posal of the British admirals was re- latively inferior to that of the Ger- mans." MONEY ORDERS. Buy your out-of-town supplies with Dominion Express Money Orders. Five Dollars costs three centa. the tea ket- tle. jgjjxaxa'r Usimaitt Cnmi a«rv«t In Cova. Before the war Belgium was the third ziac-smelting country in th© worlti, producing about 200,000 ton* of unmanitfactured zinc per year, at which 75 per cent, waa exported. Artificial light for increasing eggi production is a good thing with a; LET "DANDERINE" SAVE YOUR HAIR M EXCELLENT MMdM FOR LITTIE 0.\ES thin? alarm- i whilst I have occasionally used other ; f^"""^^'"" '%"'*""" .""'"°, "'f -- uiuti, d.aim. " .,, , , i,.,,.o ' strong, robust flock. A flock that is •d acro-is the : liniments. I can saiely say that I have ; " •" .,-, . • j j i. a acru.s luc . . . , ^ strong will breaK down under the caver used any equal to yours If rubbed bQtwAn the hawds and inhaled frenuentiy, it will never fail to relieve cold in the head in 24 hours. It is also the Best for bruises, sprains, etc. /Yours (ruly, J. G. LESLIE. Dartmouth. not strong strain. If a fire is slow in starting, bum a newspaper in the throat of the • chimney to warm the flue. I " a bur- House and Street Gowns Wise Men Say â€" cerning them Mrs, L. J. Chiasson, Fa- grass. He was safe. He was on' Th.it *f? is a duty, dare •': quetville, N.B., writes: â€" 'I have found Hardy Inland i den, be.ir it. Baby's Own Tablets excellent for my ; Hardy Island i.-' the city of refuge to | Thai if you want to ni-ikc light of i I young baby in the case of constipa- ! all the" deer thai know about it.; tlon and colic and it gi^es me great j Three years ago ii was good hantins i pleasure to recommend them to other gi-nuiu'.s. To-day ii is taboo to men i mothers." The Tablets are sold by 'with guns, and hell peps, as Uie say-! medicine dealers or by mail a^ 25 i iug gees, if men with both guns and j cents a bos from The Dr. Williams' ! dogs appear. It is-t;nlawful to hunt Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. ; deer with doKs in British Coiumbia, \ â- but it is .itili done in certain districts, j in spite of law. Tv.'o year.n ago. or i perhaps slightly more than that, Mr. I C. J. Leyland of England purchased ^ Hardv Island, a goi â- of land situated j biid'- Just off Xelsrn Ishin 1 at the mouth oi That experiec-ce is what a wise man Jervis Inlet. He boiisht it to ex- 1 gets »' *'->« expense of others, and a periment with Uriti^U trees in the f°°' "^ ''*^ °^" LISTEN TO THIS I SAYS GG8NSLIFT RIGHT OUT NOW I Get rid of everv bit of that ugly dandrurf and stop falling hair To stop falling hair at once and rid trouble. k«ep it dark. •j^, leckless men and women wha Thiit worry is the interes', paid on ^jg pestered with corns and who have iroubie before it comes along. j at least once a week invited an awful TU't the <iittu who does what he ; death from lockjaw or bleed poison ars j the scalp of every particle of dand- pleases is .seldom pleased with what j M" ^oid by a Ciuclnaatl autoority to ruXT, get a small bottle of "Danderlne" ho dees. ! ^^Jjr? ,'f.l'"^, 5.fr^f.* 7„^',??.^.^ I at any drug or toilet counter for a few That the man wins who forgets to criticize cthe!-s but rememlers to criticize hiinseif. Tluvt uH easy ways are dowuhill, \ou don't notice it till you try to climb B.C. climate. There were 2, .500 acres of rich land.s and forests, and there was a good orcl^ard. He placed a watchman. Tom Brazil, cii the proper- ty, and did no more toward develop- ment, preferring to await the end of the war. Brazil, a lover of animals, caught two of the wild deer thal»frc- quently swam to the island from the i other nearby lands. He tamed them. , They in turn brought other wild ones. Many of them had been run to water ' by dogs and took refuge on Hardy Is- land. There, seeing how intimate the original tame pair were with the man 1 who controlled the orchards where the luscious apples grew, the wild | newcomers gradually grew intfTnate ' too. To-day a herd of thirty deer. 8234 " 9255-9259 9269 | most of them born in wildness, r^ No. 92S4 â€" Ladies' House Dress. 32, 34, 3t> and 38 inch waist measure.] spond to the voice oli Tom Brazil when Price, 25 cents. Kimono sleeves; in- Size 26, with ruffles, 38-inch length,' b^ calls. Some of them will step tor- ' step length. Cut in 8 sizes, 84, 36, 38 3% yards, 40 nehes wide or 3% yards ward from the herd when called by | 40, 42, 44, 46 and 48 inches bust 48 inches wide; without ruffles, 2%'| uaui«j. They have no tear at all of measure. Size 36 requires S'^'i yards, | yards, 40 or 48 incV\|s wide. Width,' mmi^ when on Hardy Island. Some-' 86 or 40 inches wide; contrasting, 1% ; 1% yards. ^ times they swim to other parts of the yards, 27 inches wide; trimming- j Np. 9269â€" Ladies' Dress. Price, 25 1 coast, and range about a bit. but they bands, l^ yard, 36 inches wide. Width j cents. Two styles of sleeve; three- come back, often fa.i;ged from some mround bottom, 2 1-8 yards. i piece tunic in two lengths; two-piece | flerce run and swim. i No. 9255 â€" Ladies* Tie-on Waist. ' underskirt, 38 or 36-inch lengrth. Cuti Tom Brazil's herd is becomiuK a by- Boon the entire corn, root and all, lifts out with the flngera. It Is a sticky ether compound which dries the moment it is applied and simply shrivels the com without In- flaming or even Irritating the surround- ing tissue or skin. It is claimed that a quarter ot an ounce of freozona will I cost very little at auy of the drug That excuses are the patche.s with ' itores, but is sufficient to rid one's feet which weirv to hide the holes in our fol every hard or soft corn or callua. business suits "^'ou are further warned that cutting business suits. ,,. I at a corn is a suicidal habit. That the darkest shimows ot lite j are those which a man makes himsell j when he stands in his owiAight. Our g:randfathers and our grand- momeflt a fs'^v d.-ops are applied to â- ,..., ,. j j Siy corn, the soreness is relieved and '-â- '^°«- P°"^ '^ ^''"'' '" "''""^ ^"""^ '^l ' rub well into the scalp. After several applications all dandruff usually goes and hair stops coming out. Every hair in your head soon shows new life, vigor, brightness, thickness and more color. mothers kneAV that the right place for| a kiivcker is outside the Jo^ir. i THEY do rot-^k fear cougl;-, y~ colds and allied -''' complaints. For "'*â- c^cr 60 years they hnve reliijj on E( II •tfRSfTSYiaJF*^, 'GE GUM <r\ DOG DISEASES ^J^».X ! Bad Bow to râ€"A ^nHT.V : Mall«<l FTe« to, any Ad- fMBt^T I die«i by the .Vuthor. WB y X I x. 01b7 OloTOC Oon Xfto- ' ^ '•» 118 We«t 31st 3tr««t f N«w Turk. U.S.A. for proiiii)t results. W^lh the lowered â- strength and viiaiity of age thoy realize inoie UiUii ever before the importance of having Gray's Syrup on hand for imnieJiate use. G2 They Alway* buy iho Lara* Six* Montreal D. WATSO.N & CO . Sew York j Pricev 20 cents. Two styles of 8l«eve. ; in 8 sizes. 34 to 48 inch bust. Size Cut in 7 sizes, 34, 36, 38, 40, 42, 44j86, longer tunic, 4% yards, 40 inches •nd 46 inches bust measure. Size 36, wide, or 8% yards, 54 inches wide; wabh puff sleeves, 2% yards, 36 inches shorter tunic, 4 yards 40 inches wide, wide, or 1% yards, 48 inches wide;'^or 2'5i yards, 54 inches wide; vest, with dart sleeves, 2% yards, 36 inches' Vi yard, 18 inches wide. Width, 1% wide, or 1% yards, 48 inches wide. ; yards. No. 9259 â€" Ladies' Four-Gored: These patterns may Bfe obtained BUrt Price, 25 cents. With or with- ; from your local McCall dealer, or l«ot side ruffles; 88 or 36-Hnch from the McCall Co., 70 Bond St., length. Cut In 8 sizes, 24, 26, 28, 30, ! Toronto, Dept. W. TFie entire food values, of wheat and malte(]t barley^ are found in Grape=Nuts A food in every sense: noun'shir^, delicious, eccinoiniCQj, Elaay to di^st because of twenty nours l>akin^. Ready-to-serve. word on the coast, but no dog and no man dare brave what might happen,- 7 should he try to hunt on the island ot : refuge. So the deer are tat. are bring- ing new little lives into the world, and are adding to their numbers by recruit volunteers from the wild ranges where such safety is not known. â€" I,,V.K. ' ^ Miaard'a Uaimeat Ciur*« OlaWmpcr. "SYRUP OF FIGS" CHILD'S LAXATIVE On Face and Head, Itched and Burned. Disfigured. "Last year I became affected with tczema. It started on the cheeks In a tosh, and the water spread and made my face sore all around the ear and partly on my head. Tha skin was very sore and red, and the breaking out itched and burned so that I could hardly help scratching. My face was very disfigured. "Then I used a freu sair>ple of Cuticura. It helped so I bought three cokes of Soap and one box of Oint- ment, and my face was healed." (Signed) Miss Martha Berger, Span- •vray. Wash., Feb. 11, 1919. Give Cuticura Soap, Ointment and Talcum the care of your skin. Soap 28c, Ointment 25 •») BOc. Sold throughout theDominlon. CanadianDcpot: Lrtnani, Limited, St P«ul St., Monbrcil. 'Cuticura Soapehftves witiiuut muR. GET SLOAN'S FOR YOUR PAIN RELIEF You don't have to rub It in to get quick, comfort* ing relief Once you've tried it on that stiff joint, sore muscle, sciatic pain, rheu- matic twinge, lame back, ;ouU find a warm, sootliing relief you never thought a liniment could produce. Wou't staia Uie skin, leaves no nuiNS wastes no time in applying, sure to give quick results. A large bottle means economy. Your own .or any other druKKist has it. Made in Can- ada. Uet it to-day. 3Jo., 70c„ >i.40. aiis WttKiinily- A Modern Raleigh. The cloak of Sir Walter Raleigh has been a symbol of chivalry for many years, but a schoolboy's chivalry deserves an equally honorable place. A Christmas treat was to be given at an Edinburgh school, and hundreds of poor children has assembled «t the doors to wait until they were opened. Among them waa a sweet-faced little girl, thinly clad and barefoot, who trembled with cold. While she was dancing from one foot to the other on the cold, hard ston«s, a schoolboy, not much older, came along. He hesitated for a mo- ment; then, snatching off his soft woolea cap, he put it down before her. "Stand on that, little girl," he said, and he passed in hatless at a side door Look ^t tongue! Remove poi- sons from little stomach, liver and bowels Much interest Is Mng Aown ia China in motorcyclM, «i« to th* fact that they can tr«y«l on the ii*r- row paths used by foot pessengen and for wheelbarrows. Accept "California" Syrop of Figs onlyâ€" look tor the name California on the package, then you are lure your child Is having the best and most harmless laxative or physic for the little stomach, liver and bowels. Chlldrea Ioto Its delicious fmlty taste, rull directions for chlld'e dose on each bottle. OWe it without fear. > Motherl Tou must say "California." ONLY TABLETS MARKED "BAYER" ARE ASPIRIN Not Aspirin at All without the "Bayer Cross'* t««UB No. -•20 ooatains proper directions for Coldiw H>adacbe, Toothache, Earache, Nett- ralgia. Lumbago, Rheumatism, \euri- ti«, Joint Pains, and Pain generally. Tin bozeii of 12 tablets coat bufc a few cents. Larger "Bayer" packages. There U mtXf one AavlHa^^Bayer^â€"Ton mast tay "Bayer" A»plrln la thi» trmdataark (rcflMcrad to C»n«<l«1 of nnyor Maniifacturs of sron«- KatlcacljMKT of 8«ncyllc«ol<3 Whllo It Is well known th»t .xaplrla meani Bky*r snufaclure, to ualtt tha public MalBM imItsUoni, the Tabloti of Bayor Company *U1 b« (tunved wlU tt«tr geawel WM* nuirk, Ui* "Bayer Crou." The name "Bayer" identifies the Only eenutno Aspirin, â€" the Aspirin Breocribed by phyneiaoi for orer nine- teen years aiM bow made in Cknada. Always buy an unbroken psckage M "Ba;er Tableta of Aspirin'^ which