Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 29 Jan 1920, p. 7

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T mm >• In Ten Years 500 Dollars ?: deposltel at 3% will amount to $697.7ft t InTested at 4%, Interest com- pounded quarterfy, will amount to $744.29 But If Invested In our 6'/2% Debentures will amount to.. $860.20 Write for Booklet. The Great West Permanent Loan Company. Toronto Office 20 KinQ St West ^_-r^ ^ phrm Crop VOuories Keep a coiiitant, lookout for puUeta that start laying early. Mark them with a leg brand, for these will be the birds to breed from next spring. It takes some of us a long time to learn that it is risky business to vrti\t about grinding the scythe till the very moment we want to use it. Odd moments now, when other work lis not pressing and there is no grass to cut, will grind the scythe for ub, put the mower in order, rig up the grindstone, make new pig troughs, boxes for the garden plants, and a thousand and one things to save time when the days are long and tirire at a premium. CONDUCTED BY PROF. HENRY Q. BBLL The object of this deps-tment (• to p'ace at the tef- vfce of our firm ri^ders ths advice of an acknowledged authority on all subjects perta'n'ng to soi^s 3nd croqs. Addrea* all questions to P.-ofessor Hen.-y G. aetl. In care cf The Wllaon Publishlna Coinpany, LImitsd, Toron- to, rr-i 3ris'"»rs will app«.-r In this co'-rnn In the order In v/h'oh they srt received. When writ'ng kindly men- t'on this paper. As space is limited it is advisable v.nera Immedlcve r«ply is necessrry that a stsmped and ad- dressed envelope be enclosed with the question, when the answer will be mailed direct. I ttlk« the place of other fertilizers or manures but supplements them." The next time yom hear a fellorgr I talking about fertilizing: his soil with I lime take time to explain tb« diff er- \ ence. Fertillztrs carry nitrogen, I phosphoric acid and potaalv They do not sweet«n the soil only in so far i as they may contain a little lime in j their composition. Fertilizer:^ -*«<i the soil and crops. Lime supplies { carbonate of calcium or magnesia i which does not feed the crops but cor-' recta soil sourness. For best reruits your land should*be limed as well as fertilized, brzt do not mix lime with fertilizer or put It on at the same time. If yo« do there is danger of YOUR BY MMHELEN 1!}^W Address all ccmmunlcaticns for this department to Mrs, Helen Law, 235 Woodbine Ave., Toronto. nuts, "Golden Promises," cookies) ar^i tea. tcomflafcs Lime and Liming. before the fertilizer was used the fer- "Well! When is the expense go-'tilized yields rose to 29.49 bushels ing to stop ? What with high grade per acre. You see then that lime is Blue Bonnet: Please give sugges- tions for a kitchen sbower. Use correspondence cards for your some of^ the available plant food of invitationa, pasung a little picture of ^ ^^ Date: Kindly giv» sugges- the fertilizer going back to the un-' a kitchen utenail or househoUl article jj^^, Jq, ^ Leap Year party. availaiMe form due to chemical action in the upper left-hand comer of each betv.-een the fertilizer ar.d the ILme. , card. Put the lime on a week or so previous When the gueata arcive, tak^ their WANTED PotJtry, New Laid Eggs Dairy Butter, Beam, Boiling Peat, etc. Write for our Weekly Prtc» List and advlsa what you have to oSar. Speoisl Prices for Fancy Quality Gunn, Langlois, & Co., Ltd. iDept W.) Most::eal, - - Qtie, Up-to-date Methods Pay Mr. Fau-mer ! to the fertilizer or any time during gifts into the room set apart for the seed, new machinery and well bred responsible for an increase in wheat ^^^^ period of year when the crop is presentatitin, and to ; eh article at- livestock, the end ot expenses seems of about 4 bushels per acre. N*8W ""* growing. Put the fertilizer on Uch a card with a 9uit-„-ie jingle and never to be in sight, and now they York Agricultural Experiment Sta- ^^-^^ ^"^ *'* preparing to plant the the donors names written ^jpon it. The tell us we have to put on lime on tion aptly summarizes the value ot "^^P- ^''-'* above all things, remem- guests sho'jld assemoie in another our land and even some say use fer- lime as follows , "The Ohio experiment ^'^^ *^* liming is not fertilizing.â€" room, and the iirst hour m:ght be tillzers. We never did this in the illustrates the fact that li me does not E'eiay G. Bell. ; devoted to games. good old days, but it is pretty hard â€" l-= !=. When all have settled down for a to get the yields we got,then." Have i you ever heard a man make such i statements at a Farmers' Institute or| other gatherings? He is looking atj his. problem from the wrong angle. Three Ways of Lighting the Farm Home pleasant afternoon, a sudden knock BY have D. Wn^LL^MSOX. a very know one farmer Arrange to have guests come m a large bus or in automobiles, the girls starting out in groups and caliiag for the young men at their homes. On arrival at the place of entertainmentj the men seat themselves about th< room., while the girls either congre- gate in comers or doorways, just as their brothers io at parties, or move about, placing chairs, performing in- troductions, an-d speaking to those who seem shy, teaching in an indirect way the art of being agreeable and gallant. Tae girls also wait upon the young men when refreshments are served, seeing that no one is cvericoked. Use 0«« Busy with that Maple Grove of yours on sensible lineaf Cut ont that old waetefijl bo»Un» pot and tiuttall our famous "CMAM^ KOW STaPOaAVOB, built for 1009'„ returnB. This ts 'found money" for you and one hundred cents en the dollar to boot We mak« It tn II different sliee suitable for every sised grove Write now for our Fr«« Booklet. The Qrimm Manufacturtnjj Company 58 irtlUJWtoa m., Mortaâ€"l. <|w. at the door or the ringing of the door- bell should be ans"wered by the host- ess. .After a short interval, the host- ess should return to her guests an- Everything that costs money is cata-l "° ""^ ^'^'^ U.rm, I have a very know one farmer who did not boy nouncing that an automobile has been logued as an exnense, rarely as an F""** systemâ€" a small air-c«oIed kero- any storage-battery; his stream is so sent for the "bride" who is needed - , â-  a investment la ' his grandfather's ' ^^'^ ^^'•'^'^ '«''* * thirty-two-volt, large that he lets his generator run elsewhere and, 'ViU sha and the other ^ames and contests recently prmted time he quite agreed it was good «'sctnc generator built into it. The all night, and uses the current direct. g..,ests please come into the other '""" '"" biT^iness to spend money to clear up storagefbatteries are so large that I There have been some attempts to room at once?" the field, and build new fences, but I ^*?*^ ^'^ """ ^^^ engine only once or , use windmills for running generators, as time has gone on he fails to anpre- ' *y^« * week-about four or six hours ; but I believe these attempts have not ;iatc the fact th«t w* never can =tauj, *.* * -f*" ^^ --^^ is quite, good- been ver/ successful. At any rate, still, progress must be made or we.f^*'^' °"* *^° ""^ ^'^â- ^^^ gallons of. there are no wind-driven electric out- go backirard. Hence a good many! '^«.'«>3ene a week give me all the else- fits on the m.arket, so far as I know. !c light I can use. ! Nansen, the .\r:tic explorer, lighted Some I of hii f eUo'.vs are taking up with this , _ . . , , idea oi good drainage and the use of ' ^^^ ^^^" ^^°' ^ -'^"^ another ^ his ship from a windmill. Some day lime, etc. But just as in'ocher walks! sy-*^^!; tha generator was driven by. this system will no doubt be perfected of life when man become impressed f ^^^* ^^^ * line-shaft. Just which i for ordinary use. with the fact that there are a good!^ *'^® better depends on circurn- But, maybe yon prefer gas instead manv avenues where pl'ogress can be' -'^^i^-es; the built-in system r.ses less of electricityâ€" some of my neighbors made they sometimes do not take' ^^^- ^^^^ '** ^P^**^* ^^ ^^^ a self-i do, at any rate. They have acetylene care to get a clear picture in their I ^"^^"^^^ ^'^-® ^velt-driven system does ; generators installed in small frost- minds of just what the varies Unes'^-*'* ^'«** * separate engine, but is run; proof buildings, for if the water in retfresent. - 1^™°^ t^* same power that does yourj the generator freezes, gas stops flow- VTiat I am driving at is a blunder f'^â„¢!"'^' grrinda your feed, etc. A; ing, of course. Acetylene gas. you I came across the other day. A man; *^'-'--^*"® engine fa needed to run j know, is produced by letting water in one of our good counties had used' *^ l^r.e-shaft, I have found; a smaller i come in contact with lumps of cal- On entering the "other room" they s^bould find an automobile, contrived by asseinblir.g a number of household articles. A clothes-basket mounted on a box serves jis rh^ body of the car, a bfead box makes an ex- cellent hood, a&i pie plates serve as wheels. . ; Hanging over the automobile is a card on which is printed in large let-: ters: ] Hook: Honk: j On the road to happiness. Off for woe or weal; TTiey will safely make the trip With Cupid at the w-heel. -After the guests are seated, the in these columns. Doubtful: â€" I have been keeping company with a young man for about two months, a=d whan I vras out with him last, I un.icrstood that we were to go out together again. Two nights later he went out with ancther girl. What am I to do? He did not tell me that he did not wish to keep com- pany with me any more. The young man probably knows more about conventions than you do, and knows that "keeping company" is no longer a popular phrase nor a popular pastime, but that the young men and young women of the present day have the right to associate with as many friends of the opposite sex as they choose to cultivate. If you and the young man are not engaged to be marrie-d, he is entir*- "agricultural" lima. For some reason, ,,,,. ^. - - =- -..a_„™ ., _, â€" _ most Kkelv that of bad drainage he, belted ^ direct to the engine pulley, j built that when you turn on a gas- side the improvistd automoaile, the ly vrithin his rights when he goes out did not see much result from the ap-j Don t ma^e the error of buying too; burner an>-where in your houae. the gifts are handed to her one at a time. ... plication of lime, hence he is down, ^*'' *" outfit; I .lid that the first; lessened prsss^jrre lets the water flow The examination of the gifts and the on the use of fertilizers. He thinks ' '"°®- ^5" storage batteries had to j agair.st th* carbide. Shutting off the reading of the verses will cause much they are an unnecessary e.xp^nse and;^ charged everj' day: conseciaently, j burner raises the pres3-.ire and pusies merriment. possibly thinks that they are some-^^^^ ^^f* "ut in three years or so. | back the water. Tn? whole thing is The folloasing rhymes and jingles- it is foolish to think that because s what of a fake. You may know the^ ^- V^sent plant has been in s«tvjcb| perfectly automatic. Acetylene gas were used at a similar affair. An man calls 00 a girl for a short tim» difference, reader, between lime and,'^**^^ ^ ^°'^' *"<^ the batteries are gives a beautiful clear, white lightâ€" aluminum kettle was acoompani^ by he mast have no other friends, toA. with another girl, and y«u are just as free to go out with another m a n , Of to receive visits from acother man. People are beginning to reaKze that Fertilizers Increase Ylslds of OATS and Improve Quality From fertilizing, the Ohio Sta- tion reports an Increase of 19 bushels per acre. Mlnassota reports Improvement of 6,5% in feeding quality. Last year twenty-eight farmers actually measured their results from fertilising oats. They re- port yields from fertilized oats of 50 to 70 bushels per acre of First Grade Oats. Their average was HM bushels rer acre. Make Your Oat Yields Count While Prices Are High. Write for Bulletia, "How to Increase Canadian Yields." Soil and Crop Improvement Bureau ot the C&nadl&n ITertlUxer Aes'a 11)1 Temple Bldg-^ Toronto, Ont 63a fertllixers, but for the sake oi atleast *• Sfocd as new. _ half a dozen men in the province that â-  « ^^^ '^^e » fan-sized brook run- should know better I wi^ to takei^J^f t!s»oagh your farm, you can very pleasant to read or work by. It is quite possible to cook with gas, too; meet city people do thas in the time to explain that liming is not fer- tilizing, never was and never will be. Cleaning out the cow stable isn't feeding the cow. Putting lime on the soil to make the home of ^e plant right is not feeding the crops. This is the big point to get clearly in mind. Lime is a house cleaner. When the folks at home twist the furniture all out of place, p»t your hat and coat on a different peg and entirely upset the order of things in the house in spring, you notice they usually white- wash the walls. This is partly to make them clean and bright and par easily drive your electric getierator' rjmm«r-time, you know. A gas-stuva with a smaS water-wheel; savrral j is run on the same principle as an concerns miike a specialty of farm , oil-stove, but i: is less trouble, and water-power plants, "nie more fall ! does some things (like broiling or you have, the better, bat four feet \ toasting) rather better. | win run a breast-wheel, provided you \ Some people still use the old-fa- hftve a good volume of water. -A. ; shioned gasoline-gas system; it cer- very small stream, wdth eight or ten '. tainly has some good points. Gaso- feet of fall, will drive an overshot ' line can be had anywhere, and quite wheel. , I a small amount will make a l^arge The first cost of a w^ter-driven ! volume of gas. For cooking, it is outfit is usually about the same as rathsr better tha:i acetylene, but the an engine-driven one, unless you have light is nc>t quite so brilliant, even to build an elaborate dam, sluice, etc. j when a mantle is osed. The great saving comes in the operat ly to make the room sweet and' '-^r <^<«*; '^^^^'^ is decidedly less ex- healthy. When you put l:m.e on the . pensive than gasoline or kero'ser.e. soil you do it for very much the same , "^ reason. As the plant matter in the ?oil decays it very often produces con- ditions in the soil which we call sour soil. Under such conditions good clover will not grow, neither will many other crops do thetr beat. If you add lime it s^reetens the soil and makes 'conditions proper for the mil- lions of small forms of life or bacteria j to go ahead with their work in tidj _____ soil breaking down plant and miner- al mattcy so that it can dissolve in Peter and John in Samaria- -lets 8: the soil waters and be used to feed' 4-39. Golden Textâ€" Acts 1: 8. your wheat, oats, corn and other' 4^. phiijp ^as already been men- crops. Btit the lime itself does not tioned as one of th* ''seven men of feed crops. Whitewashing the kit- g^od report" chosen to have I So here are t'nree ; ing systsmsâ€" electric I gas,, gasoline gas. different light- ic light, acetylene Take your choice, this verse: I ?hall dine with you often So think I will settle My fears, by presenting .An e.Ttra-*ise kettle. A mixing bowl brought tiis message: I didn't know what to give yot:, I didn't upon my soul: %o I said, "I don't tiink any one else W'Jl send her a yellow bcwL" Good advice came with the chamois: Polish your haproness every day; Shine it wiris love. 'In the good old •way. With the nutmeg grater earns this: May yocT love be as wurm as the old equator, U^e th'is charm ar.d yoall grows grater and grater, that the girl should d^ny h«r»^ tlM opportunity cf meeting other peoTie â-  It is not necessary for the man to ' infonn yon. orf or ytTi to inform hint â-  concerning odier engagemaits. Of ' cocrse, neither of yos need make any mystery of it, but should you go ont with another man or receive anothe* visitor, you can refer to the affair in a casual •way. Young men nowad*ys nsaally ask a giri if ibe is gohtg to be at home on a certain evienisg, is o*d«x that they may find out 'if th*4 evening is op«n and fi»«. You ask •what -Is best for yoo to do ? ; There b bu^t cce thing, aad that i« f^nd it to put M gccd a face upon the matter as possible, and act as if you knew that this. INTERN.\TTOXAL LESSON'. FEBRU.\SY L IN ONE DAY k alok horse will be on the road to racovery after treatment wttfc Peter, when ha came, declared he had "neidier part uor lot in matter." ! 14-2.5. Th»v sent tmto theim Peter and John, llie apoatles first prayed ' for the. ne^ converts that "^ey tnight ! receive the Holy Ghost.' or. as tve : would say, "the Holy Spirit" Thi« , they regarded as the prime nec<?3si;y j of the Christian life, first and great- : est cf the gifts of God. It was, what- j ever form It mighc ta".is, an assured certainty cf the ?pi-it'.:al presence of Jesu? Christ with th-em, or of God in Christ, arsj, coT!5ec;'.:»ntly, an ex- perience both of joy and power. It Drought als<r a dearer understanrMrsr. a more vivid realisation, of what the life of the Lord Jesus Christ, His death, and His resurrection, mearit to them and to the worM. aod so a glad and •.vhc<l*-he3rted giving of tiem- _ ,_ __!_ I.e. ?ec Ji"'h" '4' was a zea;ou3 missionary and advo- 16-27; 16: 26; 16: 18-14; Rom 3' cate of the now faith. Long after- 14.17. In the tea^fhtey of the arosi ward Pa'jl visited him at Caesarea, ties the Sclrit of Christ is ths Spirit wiiere he was knofl.-n as "Philip the of God (JRom.-S: 9K and ie regarded _" ' .A. dish mop and set cf tea towels '. <?? tJ»« change that is gradually com- ing over the relations between young, imen and young tvomen; you surels. ' do tot want to be cocsidsred i bars' - ircmber T Greet fbe young maa ' pleasaafly whan yra see him again, â-  and make n-o reference to his hartng Oi the distribution of aid to tha poor from the funds so genarously rtv- vided by the willing gifts of the Christian communitv. Like Stephen. „.^,, ,,i;...c-civ.iivcu -, v,ho was ako one oi! the seven, Philip selves to His servic DR. A. C DANIELS phis is ttumcst eOectiro Blood Furl< 1 Cleanser fo •p anA swiiio iv* Blood Furl' user for horets catt}», j,^ ._ in». Oires ootj»lv», coldti dlsreellou, heaves, Btockei la**, rtSBcd heeli, etc, No jcstter who |aa be«a ireAtlnv your horse without uoos»a, try Dr. \. C, DaiUsl's Rsr.o. stor PovflMlfe, whloh wm !<e«rty al- ajrs sucoMd when all other r«m«dl»« falL Aul ttmsit powders to th« (•*! nd It inax«s the t*,n«st stooK food on rth. It will *tiuw lu eSect 9a Uis •s in ons 4ay Md la ^hen didn't get your meals, but it I made conditions ft whole lot more pleasant when things were straight- er.ed away so that your household enjoyed their meals better. Beside liming the soil you must add pknt- ' food either in the form of barnyard I manure or fertilizers if you are go- : ing to get largest and best quality evangelist," and where his four ^3 d^velling in every true follower of daushters were co-workers ^-ith him Jeg^s CI Cor. 3: 16; 6: 19- 3 Cor In t^e church of Christ. -6: U; 3 Tim. 1: 14; Jude-lS)), and as' See iJ: 5 and '31 1 d-9. Philip "went lea'Mng him In the wav of faith and down to the olty of Samaria," tn righfcpiusneffs (Renj. S: 14; <3*1. 5- spite of the fact that the Jews, dis- :: 3itttcn c^yvetsd the jov s'sd r^cwer of th<s ndw lifs. filled •with the ^tiit of God, and tho'usVt that fte po-wwr to bestow it couM c>« wsrrh&wd, as no dodbt the secret of h^* o-jt* magic [ crops. N'ow never be caught saying t'nat ! because you used agricultural lime ' you have fertilized your soil You I^PNnVATnP PnWhliDC mist* Just as well condemn the use flLnUTAIUlN rU tT UE IV O of »utcmc>b lies because you had a rough ride In a wheel-barrow some- time or other. Lime ou ths soil makes bett«r yields even whey* no _, ig^\ lilted and would, ordinarily, have no dealings with thp Samarftans. The Spirit of Christ was working in the hejtrts of these first follo^wwrs of tdbis Cross, over-comhig ancient pre.fu pknt food !s used, and eq-.^allv Z well ^^'"."^1 ****T'» **^ breaWn,^ down art conJd have been rurohased. Peter's the barrl«rs of reo« and religion. The multitudes gave heed. Th* Samavitans also were expipcftvng m idneys : oa la wo days a len win t« noticeable wUI add |5 to eO pounds to nsys ni on« d»y Md In p 4(r lnipr^»n\ani IQ tlh* aQi.:t>ai's oon- 4»y sfld tt iQ tn* antitiE b« noticeable, ila-ny times _ -1 }! to Jo pounds to an Imsl'i wslcht Indd* one month. PRICE 60c. tM Ajfnuoi ICBOZCA& BOOK rus )R. A. C. DANIELS COMPANY ev OAMABA, XOltXTXS KNOWLTON * QUEBEC where plant food is added. This has been proven by many tests, Ohio Experiment Station In a field test ex- Saviour, and the visits of Jesus liad tending over more than 20 years rrepared tie minis oi many- cf them shows that by liming the soil once tor the go«p«l wtdch Philip now in a five vear rotation the yield ot Preaehed to them. And where th» wtsat was increased from 10.65.b'us. goiP^ ?»*• I?'?'^*'! '* ^"'"^',^*'**»« 14.98 bushels or 4r per J-^'Urings *D-<lay. healing and "much , , . , , . 9-13. Simon, 'Known to the early wfthwt any barnyard m:inure or for- Chrlstiwn ehuwh as Simon Magus, or tlMser, >\'here fertilizers were added Simon the Sorcerer, acquired consid- answer to his nresumptuous r<?«;fii«et 1« an i-Tdlgnant reoroof and denial. v'A'^* '"""''jlli'-v"" The gift of G«d is" not bowht and ''"**^'^ sandwiches sold. Hie counsel to Simon !â-  "Tl*- f^nt^" and "Pray." For he is still in announced the following: We are practical and plaia. Have no reason to be vsin; B'ut youll find us might spry When it comes to wash and dry. The gl&M pie plate brought toore advice: When husband comes honae In grouchy style. Sec hf.m down to a pie And watch him smile. Lik?wi3s the fester: VTeddir.g things mtrst keep their hiaire Please accept this little duster. The lenioc-3«ju-e<c2er's remarks an cf course tVetioits: U y-c'u she uld -grow e-ttravagaat And for large sums a teaser. On husband waste no arguments Just -use this 'Jtile stjueezer. The fryirg pan r-ut itself Inio the lame class with the lemor.-sqTieeaer: f se it as a frying pan. Orâ€" it is rery cute When braniahed by the handle To settle a dispute! With the bread bos came this ^^ peak Uy dear, here is a bread b«ac • .^d every tli&e you bake Rush to the pbets* and call me up -Vnd ask me to partake. Refreshments follow and n»4ght con- st of cliioken s«i»d, brown hfead aad clSvss, salt»d pe«- gone otrt with the other giri. President Ladies' Aid: Can yoa I suggest some elsver in-witations and featurss for an apron sccial ? I ^liake a num-ber of dod-stied aprons, I placing a pockat on ea<h one, and send the aprons cut aecompanded •with Hie follcwing verse, 'written or printed on cards: APRON SOaAL ''Th:s little aprcn is seat to you, And this is wha£ we •want yoo to do: Measure jrour waist-Iiae inch by inch And see that the tape Line does not ph>eh{ For each smat! Inch that you measurt arotmd* Place one permy in the pocket sotusd, .\.ad the mocey that yoti » freely p»Xi WW be used by oar "Aid" in th« wteeet w«y," Add date. h«ay and place a£ mee4> ing and smr* simple refrvahmest^ fw wkldi no «xtx» charge need b« mad^ S«U boafr-mads eakes, candr and pies. M wtS as aprons ol aU sorts. Prorid* fw sa entertaiBmSttt, or better stftl make a to«iaI stsoI^k^ of it, using g«SM8 and cootasts Is whi«h aU ««a join. per acre to cent. This was â- n•^^e^e Hme was added alone the aver«g;e yield of fertilized i wheat rose to 25.04 bushek per acre, , but where lime was added two years BWMERS'CXUBS t bPEPEHPEJfT PE^LEHS W© are Buyers of Ontario Grains «nd Sellers of Western Feeding Oatt and Burley. I/*C. SCOTT i Co* J erable notoriety, and â- was regarded by the Christian folk of the first cen- turies as a very bad man, first of all heretics and ''first-born of Satan." Ju«tin Martyr, a writer of the first ?;\rt of the s»«ond century, says that the Samaritans worship|i«d btai as God, beoauss of his sueeasafut prao* tice cf rwglc art.*. The fact that n« was baptised by Philip Is good evid- ence that, wh?te baptism jcconiuanlea fhe publto coJweMwn of fnith in f*nr'sti .Hud y^ns p<:i(*''^W as the sacra- ' ment bv •»i;l;r •« "person was admitted to the Christian conrmdl necessarily lnv<t»lve i^uai'-anted his entrauc th« '•gall," OT "bHteme-M/* of fejqulty' and in it» ly"i»^<. SW-89. An Acuel of the Lc>rd Spake Unto Philin, The ardent 6vangr«a»V felt fiimself divinely i?aUe\} ana w^ sre<l U'non his •wav bv heavenly ^<clces. So he'gioes. like a" Knight cf oM, from on* h1g<\ ndveptnre to ar>oth«T, •winning ever fresh victories for the Kingdom of his Master. Sew It is the KtMopian officer of Qiteen Cajv d.icc to wnom his errand M'tsigs him; afterw-ard to .\sotua and "'aJl ths cities" tin he cams to Caesarea. I 1 M W^MMA M U^. .\ self -fwd«r for hens thai costi' ;'7»ctktilly nothing, never elogs '.:p. r.trf*x wastes lliM* fMdwf are so insspenstr^ that thers is no escu»e for not using «coait cf thens to giv^ even the raor% timid heiii act«as to fsed at all tim«s« thus Jjing away with cne of ths ohM r« learning Aright cf the passing year. The l>--ionj If learned aright, should suwly g^^â- e •Ability to better serve This world oi curs in whi^.^l we live; .^^Tn^ W â-  To h«ar ^.ife^i call with >TilUng ear; , acm of Go<l, Though baptised hs M-j |^^ t^^ ^ ^^ ^^f'^^'^ ^'' [ celvsd iw g'ift cf the Holy Spirit, and To U^« Ai. te ths living ghs. ssd ne-rer wastes feed Is Bcnarwhat causes vf Jowertd sgg yifJd in l«rg<t at a boon, according to avy exoeri- f.ockj, wooden box about fow Inehes J««p, ' *" '"^" juipeaded four or f^ye tncbee from the .\dd ;pho«ph«te i» a fertilizer Su), floor, and 9 plee« cf one-hioh-mesh ' can be 'osed wi^ (oseiderable proiftl riKary iwttiag cMt to fit Ioo«ely h»- oa com, pot*t3«s and oats, and t^ h> Thi$ wfce is to b« pti« on top crchan.*s. gar-ivca and on lawns. an4 ot tfee feeil. It »«tt!e« down m ^e for top iresaing wheat and paatnree. feed is cons-amed, aad effectually For heahh's sake drink plenty of rv-^nts any from being throv.-n out. wate<^ -ix gia^sej a day ars not too k piece rf heevier wire is botnid in many; «jd eat plenty of fwit an4 sroun^l th« edge, this added weight vegetabi**. "This "^"i be fDtisd ftir vi& keep the piece of poultry netting better and mere conducive to lonj In place even when the box U nearly lifg than to neglect this ♦hnple, Ailf, The Idea In having the whole natural tnetho-i, r^v-lng ..n drugs te thing suspended is to kew the hens correct ti»e careless rreatment of tht out of ths box, wb'eh it does. , body.

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