Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 4 Feb 1920, p. 5

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February i 1020 THE FLESH EKTON i\DVANCE S ERVICE.-This Bank, for the past 45 years, has done its share in the development of the business of the Do- minion. Our experience and equipment are at the service of every customer. ^^s THE STAHDARO BANK OF CANADA FLESHERTON BRANCH «EO. MITCHELL Manaser VICINITY CHIPS Mr. 0. U Wood of Yellowyiasi.Sagk , is a <>uest at Mr. R. Ueiitliaui's. llisB Ka^lish uf Singhikinpton is tho sutst of Mrs. T. Fisl\er. Mrs. J. A. McF»diien of Burkton is visiting her parenl?, Mr. a'ld Mrs. R. Waller, in town. Mrs. \V. Ellis of Kiinl)ur!ay spent in«at of lust week with hor brother, b'red Stsart, and family in towu. Miss Irene Wilson of the Owen Sound liohpital Bt ifl', is spiudmL; ths week ut htjr iiiuunlal homu bev<: Wh uiiikc u charge of 10c a line for nil church aniuiuiicements, concerts etc., up t« 5 lines. Over that iiuiu'jer 5o i Hue. Ko readiiiiX notices inserted under 50c. Count six wonl.s to thj line. Markdale Creamery is now open for knsiness. Hitjhest pricei piid for cream Phono or write for can. A stjuaru daul ia our niotio. Give us yiur patron luo. Satisfaction auiranfceed. Markd-ilo (Jieameiy Co., phone 44. The th(>ruicin\6ters on Suturdvy ni»ri)- ing n-gistered from 23 to 150 below zero. 1« was oertauily co'.d. One young man la town had tivu liD^ois nn\ both eari prct'y badly troKi;n just driving in from tke station. Mr. Walter Th'iinp.-on Iris accepted the pasiiion of liuHinaii en tliu Hydro, tiia^a Trtoant by tho death of the late Oso t Truenmn, his duties bo^iiiuing on Mob- iry of this week. Walter had tho jm ei- tioi". previous to list Jum-, wliei. ib was given to 'I'lueinan. The interest in tho specinl n.eetiiigH lii-lJ ill tho Methodis: church is being well sustained The ehunih was well illiid Sunday afternoon wb«n Mrsi-Shaipe B^iike to tho woinuu only on the iiiliuene;o which acme women of the Bible exerTed. The meeting h«ld in the high school by Mr Shiirpe ai iho sanio time was ^vell alianded. The niertings will close en B'ridby with an all day jyjjviceâ€" 10.30, 2.30 and 8. Bigh Cou.«tal)le Robert Cook blill kulds his job, notwillistandiiig the c fforls yut lorth in some quarters to have li m replaced by Constable Carson of 0«ri'n Seund. A petition asking for Mr.Cook'* reuiovKl, contaiuing 117 natuoi, was â-  leaenled to the County Council at its Msaion last v»eek, bui rejisoas were lu t â- iven for the deairabilily of such lomovai sad AS no one appeared lo father the ^tition, it wa° •>*tuially turned down. The editor of tlie 0*en Sound Adver- ti«ei notes having seen two bluejays Bear hi." bungalow, and sayi he is not eiK)Ui>h of ail ornithologist to say whether those birds jare conmr n kere] in winter or aot. Th« •ditur of the Advcitiser in noi a devotee •f tho snowshoe or he would have »een plenty of bliiej lyi during hit pureerina- tioDS, becau.so Mr. Uluojay is nok a migratory bird hut slays right with as tile year round. Thehoiss belenging tu a Kimberlcy yuang inau, which wo noted last weak as having run away with the cutler after an vpsel, was found on Monday ot last week at the home of Mr. Frank Davis, 7th line, about a iiuarler of a mile fr»m where tha accident occurred. It was inisaing from 8aturd«'y t a.ni unti Monday, when the owner discovered its whereabouts. Tho two youug ni .'n are not explaining the whole txten. of the ir)ke on themselves. Kor instance : On the way homo they passed within two or throe rodx of whero the horse stood waiting to be " took " in, and uioura- fully proccedad to do that five niilo " mush " before arriving at Kimberlcy brfore the citizens theiu had liuhitd their fires in the morning. Saul, Sau!, why art thou petfccuted ! _ Mr. G. 15. Welton was in Taruulo on business lua weak. Miirrieu -Oil Wednesday, Jan. 28, it ilui MoUxdist piirsonu.;e, Alaxwull, by Rev. Cliarl. 8 11 Foitb, Naomi Myrtle 8 nith, dnuifhter ol Mr. and Mrs. John P.irsons, Artemem*, to Mr. J. T. Mc- K nzieof Oaprey. Flesliarton W. I. will hold their rogu lar meetiiii; at the home ( f Mr.^, Ed. Best on Wmlnesday, I'ub. 11. Topic â€" Till' effect of home intiu'inco upon out political and niitional life, by Rev. Me- ^•'icur, and a ten cent ici\ will be served at the close, proceeds in aid of tiio Memorial Fund. Moi day was the day that the bear <ind woodchuck are fluppeseil to come out and g d suitrod ab'iheir shadow, then go back f >r another three months, If tlii-ir nerves are not so ups-ot and clouds prevail, the winter will hist â€" is it another twomo.iih?, or what? Anyway, there is some old li gend about it. Monday was a bright, sunshiny day, enough to give a bear and woodchuck nervous piostrition for at least four monlhti. \Vi. hope to prove the old saw a myth lhi» I yetr, for a good long win'er has »lread\ ' ciMii) and gone with Zuro (o liU below for il of .January, and no .January thaw. The inun who said he had seen a ihous- i and Januaries and never saw one wi'.k- out a thaw will now quit his joshing. Mr W,n. Carijo of the east hack lir.u thinks he has laarned how to make old hens lay, and has given us the formula Some lime aao he shut up (ifteon of hi- old hens tliat had ceased eeg production, putting them in a largo cra'e, intendiiu' to futten them for the market. Within a few d.<ys he found an egg in the crate, tie took the biddy out that had layid that OL'g and told her lo go to it. Nexi diiy ther« was another egg ill the craie and another hen was released f r( ni durance vile. Tha following day another ban cimo forwirii Willi an egg and was released. To shorton the story, all the re^t of the captives, when they «nw wlutt their sisters had done to secure liberty, took up the young heas' burden aid started in on the greater production issue and were all released and are non- working overtime to pioservo their headi. Who says ban's have no brains ? ^ Called to Inwood Rev A. McVicar of Chilmer's church, B'ieshurtoii, has roeaivod a call from iho c ingrewntions of Inwood and St. An- drvWD, Brooke-, in ihu Saiiiia distric', with a otipend of ^1500, with manse and holidays. The Late Mrs. Jacob Holley Mrs. Jacob Holley, for many years a raipected cit/izcn of Markdale, p- ssed to her lost early Monday iiioi iiing, Jan. 19ih. She hud suffarad a severe paralytic S'roke aoiiio t« j yeais ago and a secjiid was BXpurienoed on the Thursday prior to her death, to which she succumbed. The deceased was a woman of sterlini; worth and inuny ttories arov told of ho'' unselli.sh interest and endeavor to relieve distress or help the troubled when it was ill tiL-r power to do -SO. Uer lo'ig illness gave Bvidunce uf a christian disposition that is of the lirst iinporlance lo any toiniiiuiiity. The fuiiersl look place on Wednesday January 21f't, and was largely alteiidcd. â€"Standard. Monthly Report Flesherton P. S. CI 4 - Ij Cargoe, C Loucks, W Martin, Kiiher, E Moore, H Stewart, F Dow, A Toetur. Sr 3â€" E Ferris, E Benthnin and J Colgin (equal), W Gould, T Wilson, T McDonald, W (jarrington, E Thoni.son, E UcMullen. Jr 3â€" G Pindor, L Boyd, V Thistle- thwajte, (t Martin, »i;Patton, H Richard 8>n. 2nd CIâ€" M Teeter, M Sled, Ruth Thistlethwftite, J Nuhn, A Baecroft. Sr 1 â€" J Curgoe and M Suiart (ovuai) K Fouwiok, K MoCallam. E McKee, J Stuart, L Carrington. Jr 1â€" H Heard, L Ferris, H I*atton, G Toelor. Piiiner â€" E Fenwick, G Sled, Bob Phillips, W Cidgon. B Patton. Chopper For Sale Maple Leaf (Jriio Chopper (14 inch) in good condition, with 64 foot 4 ply rubber belting 8 inches wide. ROBT. H. CARSON, Proton Station . AUCTION SALE OF COWS An auciir.n MJo of 20 cows, niilkois and springer*, will be held at tho Park House, F'esherlon, oiiJSaturday. Fab. 7. at; 1 30 o'clock. TerinKâ€" (! months' credit 1 approved jo nt noto-i wilhfl aer cent, iileioit. Stuart & Kllis, prps. ; D, McPlia'l anclioiiier. Small Ad5. FOR sale; (iood heavy huiso for sale or would I'Xchango for driver -App'y lo S. Suniple Plesliorioii. CliiVer Horcy For IS'ile, also a llaiui ton 120 ogif Incubator and biof)der, good ^ is ne w â€" (t. W. Graham, Euj|eiiia_^ For Sale or Exchangeâ€" Ford car (1915 model) wrmld oxclmogo for good driving outfit. Car can bo .â- â- â- eoii at lot 20, con It, Proton. \V. L. F.ynn, R. R. No. l.Dundalk. Phono 55 r 22. For Saleâ€" Grocery, Flour and Feed, .Seed and Grain business for sale. lleafon for selling â€" going into tho earnge business. Apply at once to H. Down & Son, Box ti5, Flobherton. For Sale â€" Brick dwelling on norih side of Collingwood streetâ€" hard and soft walir insideâ€" two lots and stable â€" horee, liHrnoss, cutter and cart, and second hand cream separator â€" T.J. Fisher, Flesherton For .Sale cheao and en easy terms. Lot Ij, ocui. 11, Osproy, 110 acres. This is I fir.sl olass farm and in a good stale of cultivation. Good bank haru and new fraiuo dwelling. Apply co R. i. Sproule b'leshorton MISCELLANEOUS Try Feversha.li Pastry Flour, the best or your cook. All Ontwio wheat Highest pric! for butter and eegs at tjraham Bros. Eugenia . June 2U f.5 per day the year around. Send for yearly contract. .Sample case free.â€" H. V. Martin, Windsor, Ontario. Private funds to lo:in on real estate security at reaHonable rate of interest. .\pply to R, J. Sproule, Fiediorton sept 2317 Chopping Tuesdays, Thursdays and .Saturdays onlyâ€" Graham Bros., Eugenia. Chopping done every Saturday at Oeylotiâ€" R. Lachlan. Leap- Year Box Social And Concert at Eugenia Orange Ha(l, .Monday. Feb. !>, under the au?p'cos of thtt Women's Institute, in aid of Memorial Fund. A good program is being prepared by local and outside mlont, after which an auction sale cf box3s will bo conducted by Mr. Pelor McVic.ir of London, Ont., who will holy to make the evening a Tively cno. So everybody coino and have a good nine Don't forget the cause in which the social is being given. Ladies with boxes free. Suitable prize aiven to lady whoso box noes highest. General «dnii>ssion 250, For Sale Driver, fearlc'-a of autos ; robes, Inigay, cutter, cial range- and furnace ; wood, some cut and standing on Gliard farm ; potatoes, some voBetahles, ch ckeiis, etu. â€" .\. McVicar, The .Man.'ie. Flesherton. MAIL CONTRACT SICAIJCIJ TK.NDKKS addiessed to lliu I'osti.iaster Uenenil will be rrcclvoi at Ottawa until in>on on IVidav, tho .5tli .if March, llllit), f„r the conveyance of Mis -Mitje.sty's Afails, on a pnipc^^ed Contrnct for lour years, .si.\ lime.s per week on the route PROTON STATION It. K. Xo. 2 from the Postmaster Uuneral s pleasure nexf. Printed noti<,-.K coutaininK further hifornia- tionas to coiiditioiiK of pr.,pnse(i contract may nu seen .-md blank fonn.s ..f Tender may be oot.ained at the Posi;OfKc:>-8 of Prot.in Station and at the oflice of the I'u.st OtHce Inspector, I oronto. A. SUTHERLAiXn. Post OIRce ItiBptotor I'ost Ortice In«|)ector'.s Office, Toronto, .Jan. 2.Sid, 1!I20. r„ â- ' ^ -' ^ •-â- â-  â€" "^ -^--.ji^r Gents' Furnishings ^ :>i^ Wo have now on hand a full line of Fine .Sbirt-^, Klmki Shirts, Work Shilits, Ovoralh, Smocks and Pants. A uood as-'ortment of lies, collars, gloves, in;tt--, eocks, braces, arm bands, i;artar.», handkerchiefs, boy.s wool stockings, wool and tleece lined underwear and sweater coats. 'L .VII our goods are new and of the L very l)i.«t (jUality . k. «/%^%%%« f' Sole agents for the Hobberlm ^ TaiJoriiig. ^l H. J. LEGARD, ['â-  Flesherton, Ont. iL Jt I â-º-. \ f I I Ik. I I \ f u k I OVERALLS AND SM0CK5 A dopcndablo Overall ia uu essential lo the farmer â€" lie uses it every day and uses it Lard â€" to give satisfdctioa it must stand up well under hard usage. Our " Snag Proof " Hrand Overalls and Smocks will do this â€" thoy are roomy, full sized, well cut and well made. The sewing is re- inl'oreed everywhere it is subject to strain Tiiey come in blue aud wliito stripes, also hi black. The clolli is heavy, free from dressing and keeps its color remarkably well. Prices $2. SO and 82.25 per garment. You will pay 25 porconl. more for a similar quality at most places. Horse Hide Mitts and Gloves Mule Mitts and Gloved, wool lined for cold weather aud made to give satisfaction under heavy wear- Some early buying gives ut tho cliuucc to otfor values less than they can be manufactured for today. Come in and see them. Prices from 50c, to SI. 75. New Four Yard Wide Linoleums Ten new patterns in this width to choose from, Canadian and British made, floral and block dcsigng, new colorings and ellcct?. well seasoned qualities. The *' Delineator" for one year $L20 By arrangement with the publishers we can offer this popular magazine for a ievr days %i thla special price, Phono or leave your order today. F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON, ONTARIO Magnet Cream Separators hUp are goai-sâ€" no tictlon ; double perporterl bowlâ€" cannot rock; to feet bkiinincr â€" one piece ; easy turn â€" - a child can oper.ite; l)acilj clianue â€" saves the liayer SoO.OO ; p.itunt brake â€" "Maunel,' patent ; stront;, rigid consliuction â€" iiiochanijaly correct ; sanitary strainer â€" germ proof ; easy to clean â€" a child cleans it in a few minutes. G. B. Welton Flesherton, Ont. W. A, HAWKEN â€" dealer for â€" M£ NDELSSOHN PIANOS and PLAYER.PIANOS. PHONO- GRAPHS and RECORDS, and SHEET MUSIC. C';ill iiiid see these high grade instruments AT lLuvlic:r.j Photo Gallery and Music Stor FLESHERTON HARDWARE! Axes and UandJes, Buck Sa wp, Hamincr.s, Cro«tcut Saws and Handles, Uorso Blankol!-, Mills and Gloves, Halters and Ties, Pails ^n!\ Tubs, Stewait tlorsc Clippers, Curry Combs and Brushes, Electric Bulbs, Lamps and Lanterns, Red Star Washing Mnohines. Carj5o's Grocery I have opened up a grocery aud con- fectionery stooe in tho building recently vacated by C. J. Bjllamy and am pre. pared to cater to the public wiih a full assortment of groceries, fiuit and con- fection sry. Prompt attention lo phono order.s and goods delivered to any p^rt of the town W. E. Cargoe, Flesherton F. W. DUNCAN Phone 24 r 1 1 Flesherton, Ontario ••••••••• ••••••••• R U B B E R S ! r â- â€¢â€¢â€¢ â- â€¢â€¢J •••• All Business Colleges are not all alike SELECT A SCHOOL CAREFULLY ^ELLIOTT Youge and Charles Streets, Toronto Invites the patronage of ,all who desire •uberior Irn'oiiig Get our Cat»logue, road HI .ecoiJs. then decide. Enter NOW. W. J. ELLIOTT. PiiiNciPAii We have the celebrated Maltese Cross Kubbers for good solid wear in Men's Women's and Children's Kubbers. For Service One pure nrevl Shorthorn Bull onlot •tli, con. !), Aitomosia. Terms »l.60for H. grade Must be piid within '.» monihs dat" froniof service. 19. Jan. -R. O.TCRNER. •••• •••• •••• •••• ••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• THOS. CLAYTON FLESHERTON, ONTARIO gi:

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