^mm / /lesh^rt^tt %imnu. Trf 4«, No.36 Fleslicrton, Ont., F'ebruary 12 1920| VAJMDELEUR EAST MOUNTAIN Too Lite For List Week . Mr. George Douglas of H'argua U TPnewiDg acquaiu.iinc8i here. Mr. David Grahim of Manitou, Man., who has spent a mouih wiih friends .here, was caUed home la»t week on account of the critical illness of his wife. Mrs. Lundy Johnston returned home on Saturday after tpenQing r. few weeks with (ricuds in Toronto Mrs. John Flynn visited wi^h friends io ^.'JD recently. Mr. H. C. DuCf, District Agriculiural Repf eaentative ef Markdala, gave a moT- iag picture exhibition in the hall uiie ev.'Din(? recently under the auspices of Farmer's Club. Miss Lulu Warling is visiting friends at TraverstoD . Much sympathy is f elc for Mm. True- man of the Vailey, w he s« husbsnd was killed while working on the Hydro power line' near Chataworlh Mi.sa Mary Bowles of the west back line is visiting her aunt, Mts. Jacob HoUey. A number from here attendoa llie skating patty in Markdale on Friday evening. The Wcniei.'s lualitute held their rei^uUr monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. F. R Bolanil last Wednv.sday afternoon. Mrs. Dave Graham Rave a pip.ei entitled " The history and manu. facture of china," and readings were siren by Mrs, J J- Magee aud Mrs. VV-ii. Swantoii, which were eoj 'yed by all prssptit. The young people of the neighborhood spent i very enjoyalile evening at the home, of Mr. nii 1 Mii. PV.iraim Brodie oa Tuesday of hi»t week. They were the euests of the Ebenezer young people, who served lunch and also supplied most of the entertainment, which wja very interesting. The trustees, teachers and pupils of S.S. No. 11 had their annual sleigh ride to Markdale on Friday last. Mrs. George Pritcbard spent a few days with her daughter, Mrs. Robert Richardson, Flesherton, recently. This Week's Items • Mr. Will Buchanan spent the week end witti friends ic Toronto. . Misi Delia McGee is visiting her auu', Mrs. Munshiw, at Eugenia. Mr. Jacob riolley is very il â- â- 'â- ^ p-e3ent. Mis. Robt. M-rcer of Oweu S. imd was Jie guest of her brothsr, Mr. Po.ter Beard, for a few days. The.symp-ithy of the commueiiy is extended to Mrs. Pricchard iu the loss vi her brother, Mr Alexander ClarW, J Winnipeg, who (a?sed away itcently. • Mrs. Will Hutchinson spsnt a few days with fiiends in Tironto. Mr. Fiank ©avis and Miss Maud riewes visited Meaford friends for a few days. Miss Cora Hutchinton, teacher at Swinton Park, spent the week end with fiiends her*. Mrs. Pontland of Pei«rboro is visiting Mr! and Mrs. Ed Baker. The young people of the neighborhood ar§ haviujr a social evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Boland next Fridny evening. Mr. Ed. B.iker has bouijht a 90 acre firm on the 12th line from Mr. John Bohnd. A few of the friends and neighboia gstheied at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Prtrter Beird last Thursdap evening and ip.ent a few houis with them previous to their dep^rtur* for their new homo near Flesherton. Mr. Fred Spcfford of Feversham visit- td Mr. J. L Graham recently. Rev. J . 11. Dudgeon of Tottenham, a former past or on th'.s circuit, occup ed wit h Held Over Last Week Mrs. C. Martin spent a friends it Flesherton. A miscellaneous shower was given reeently to the newly wedded couple, Mr. end yitit. Comfurd Thompson. W« wish them a long and hippy journey through life. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Carruthefs «pent a few days with Markdale friends. Mr. A. Smith ofKimberley is assisting Thompson .\llen. We extend our sympathy to Mr. J. Holley of Markdale in the Ijs." of iiis wife. The C'arruthers, McMullen and Martin families here are relatives. We are pleased to report Mrs. Charles Fawcett getting well again after her recent affl c ion. DUNDALK McLianâ€" Colganâ€" At the n-.anse in Gjelph, on Dec. 29, 1819, by the Kev. Dr. MoGillivary, Juhu A. McLean, C. P. R. baggageman and assistant operator at Dundalk, was united in marriage to Mary Colgiwi of this place, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Cotgan, Flesherton. .Joseph Lee f)f this plice has a while faced minorca hen that's worth while. When most other hens are strict members of the non-hyers' union anc blankly refuse to produce frui". when most re- iluirc'J, this niinorca celebrated the incoming of the new month of February by laying three eg^s in one day. Jiimes Montgomery, a couple of milas south of Dundalk, had ten acres of sweet clover l.ist ytar. Whea he examined the tielJ after the snow went away last .spring the growth looked to bo winter killed. He would have plowed it under and put ih I spiiij^ crop cf h»tley or other grain, but the held was too wet for plowing at the time. The wet spring, however, proved to be just what the clover needed to revive it. After all be had a fair yield of abjut ten bushels of seed to lit*. acre. He threshei and hulled tha seed last week He sold for §21 per bushel ai.d expects to have at least S2I00 out of it when the seed is delivered at Dundalk. .). E. Coibett of the lOlh con. Proton, met with a nasty accident ou Saturday evening at his home. H« had been at the farm of his brother Herbert near Pioton Station and there picked up what he supposed was an army ride shell and tOiik it homo with him. Sitting at the kitchen range he rtmovjd for safety the c ntents of the siBill, or what he sup- posed was all the contents. Tapping the shell on the range an explosion occurred, blowing away half the thumb of the liitht band and iho ends of the tirst two lingers, h was learned afterward, that i'. was a dynimite shell and Mr. Corbett teels thankful that ths iiccident was iici worsB, Dr. Martin attended the injuries and amputated the bones where iiects- taryâ€" Herald. KIMBERLEY A number of young people gathered at the home of Miss Dell Abercrombie on Mjnday eveuing for the purpose if or^janizing an Epw jrth League. Officers were all elected and ijie drat meeting will be held ne>t Tuesday. Hope the weather man favors us with a nice night tor our churrh opening and concert next Monday night. We are glad to see Mr. James Law- rence and family out again. Messrs. Peter Mc.Vrthur and Herman McLean of Priceville were in <iur villsRe last Saturday, the guests cf Mr Hugh B. Hammond. Mrs. Eber Smith is very ill. Wm, tlarris of Georgetown spent a few days at his home laei week. Rob Chard of Flesherton and Otto Baker of Vandeleur were walcouie gsests in cur burg latel» . Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Martin of Flesh- erton visited Mrs. M.irliu'a sister, Mita Myrtle Cimack. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stuart and family of Parry Sound, who have spent some time here, have returner home. Don't forget the prayermeeling at the homo of Mr. Wm. Flood this Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mr.«, Joseph Cornfield are now ijuite comfortably settled in ilieir r.ew home, recently purcha.-ied from Mr. Win Sloan. Educational Reforms CEYLON .Mr. Cameron. C.P.R. road master, of Orangoville, waa in town Monday. The Merchants' bank here had their new safe put it: on Monday. Mrs. John Williamson was :;»llcd to Toronto Saturday to wait of. her son, who is ill. Mis. John J. Patterson visitoJ friends at Proton Siatimi Saturday list, and was accompanied homo by Mrs. Martin. If pabl c opinion be any guide, Ontario i.s due to niiEass some educational ro- for =s in the near future. The Ontario .Agricultural Coilfge is under heavy fire, and tiie Hon. Manning Doherty ha? betn up iiivestig.iling llie matter ; and great improvements are promised. The public knows very little about the matter except that for a gensration complaints have been made that the O.A C. like other school?, educated people away from the farm. Just what changts are due vie are not competent to say.. We are glad, however, to see that there is a uiiani- mous opinion everywhere, excspc m school loird.". that teachers' salarua must !e increased. L"ofortun»'e!y tie school boards are the ones who tiually settle this matter. Then «to are told that the Little Red School must go., aad Consolidated Sohools must take its place. We lisTO no objection lo thi Consolidited school, but we wcuM like to p.-iia out that the chief Isctor m the teaching la ihe teacher, and a good teacher in a shack of a school is iuliui^ely better than an educational palace with a sh^cli of a teacher. Ag^iu, wo cannot e.xptct good lesulti it » teachtr has so mvny pupiis tha- h.alf his effort is dpent in maintain- ing oilier. Aiwtlier reform which ia about due i^ the aholiiou of High School fees. We are glad to note ihit Miirs N. L Marty, Ttronts s new schjil inspector, hr.a dtclared in favor of the abolition of fees and the siuiplification of eximinati. n.", and' we feci sure that she speak* lor huudrtds of teachers and tens of ihousr.ndc of parents. Evidentiy theru 13 a " inoviug ' in tho eduotional world. Xod it is high lime. â€" Ch^l^tiau Guardian. PORTLAW A good many bomeah-'ve been invaded lately by severe colds or semethfng akin to grippe. Pel haps the most serious case has been that of Clarence Watson, who has been receiving medicil treat- ment. Mr. Lewia Sheardown attended the marriage jf his brother-in-law at Bolton last week. Mrs. Sheardown leaves this week to participate m the festivities of a similar event, in which another brother IS one of the priocipals. Mr. Richaid McMuUin ha? lately had the telephone installed in kis home Mr. F. H. Thompson had a successful salB of farm stock aud im[leraent8 last Weft^esday, Mr Harry Thompson is visiting his sister at V\ iudsor. The home cf Mr. and Mrs. Francis Shier wa.s the centre of a happy family reunion on Thursday evening lu.st when their sons and ciaughtera wiih their wives and husbands met and made the old home a scene of wood cheei. In tin- ii.ii.'!! of the happy chat and amusement Mr. and .Mrs Shier were pre.-fenteri with a beautiful morris chair and locker re- spectively, acctmpanied with » suitible addreis read liy Mr.s. Win. Beattie. Il is nesdlesa to siy that the g fta were more appreciated than the recipients, who were entirely taken by surprise, could e.^ press and the .lonors left the old home h«;>py iu the thought that they had scattered sunbeaais along the pith of their parents. We uolice that there are five Sundays tb's year in Febiuary, which, it is said, has not occured the last fjtty years and will not happen aga n for thirty year's more. S.nce the extra day is a day of rest wa do not anticipate thai; thj labor unions will raise any objection. FINE JEWEfLERY Bates Burial Co. BUSINESS AS USUAL Funeral Directors and Come in and see onr fine large stock Embalmers of Jewelry, Watches, Clocks, etc, p^^^j^g HillCfeSt 268 and when you bave seen tliem jon willbesnre to buy. Watch re-' 124 AvenUC Road, pairing a specialty . .,,,,. „, , , ,. I Toronto, Ont. A fnll line t Fliotographic snpf lies I Including developiug powders, MOTOR EQUIPMENT printing frames, dark lanterns, all j^ y^ ^^^^^ ^ Maddocks, sizes of kodacks and hlm.s. - « ^ mm rresident. Manager ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES W. A. ARMSTRONG Jeweler, FLESHERTON, - Yorkshires Tamworths Young Stock For Sale For Breeding Purposes Phone or writeâ€" GEO. \V. KOSS. ONT Osprey Tel. system Maxwell P. O. Victoria Corners The people of tho Anglican church, Proton, ijave a niiscellanenus shower to Mr. aud Mrs' Bert Bidgerow at the home of Mr. A. Stiusoii ou Wednesday eveuing, A number of our neighbors attorded the pulpit la the chuich on Sunday and i ^j^^ evainjelistic meetings at Flesherton delivered aj excellent ser.nou. Mr. 1 ,^^^ ^^^^ Sbaipe, evangelist, at pr.seul m Klesh-- j ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ Alfred Tucker.Dromore, Tisited at ,lames Best's last week. Mrs. Best >8 much improved in health- ertou, and Miss Turner, a missionary, of Campbelliord, were present and g»v» short addresses. Mr. Holland, Pr. Murray, Mrs. Blackburn and Miss Trimble of Flesherton sang a quartette. Misa Annie aid Master Norman Bortilt of Kinil»rley viMud their sister, Mrs. Dave Grahun, recen ly. A shi^cking accident happened at the power house of the Ottawa und Uu I Power Cu. last Thursday atteruoon.when Mr, C. B. Oravelle, an employee of the WiUiuu Kennedy it Soiu of Owen S"und wasm.staiitly killed ly electric shock. Mr. Gravelie, who wai3 one of the K'n- ueoy it Sons' m-st trusted employee.", had I), en in O.tawa i-incn last Thanks- givin^^Day looking afier the in^tallaiioB of a turbine and c her niuipment in ihe Ottawa & Hull Go's power house, and on Thursday morning he had telegiaphed the liim th.it ihe work was finished and that I aey would > est it that afternoon The next word received was of his death. Address and Presentation Ml aud .Mrs. Wm. McMullin, Dear friendsâ€" Durins this, your brief sojourn in our midst, we, a few .>F your friends, have ;;athered tonight i itlef our cof.gratulaiions' We undei.s.iud that you have purcha.»ed a farm in tin? west and are soon l«avin>j us to nake yjurhome there. We trust that the prairis lands will yield you a bountifu' huvsst. It h.as not been oar priv::d(.B to have anythiiis; but a short acqusin - ance«hip with you, Mrs. McMullin, lot as one of the boya of our community, Wdlie, we respect yru aud s-hal! alwiya have a keen interest in your welfare. We Ion. )ied you when you «o wil: n^iv v;:!uiiteered when ihecoantry was cailinij for men. As we anxiously watciied oa.li reverse and advance of the Allies ee were pioud that the " Laud of I'le Msple 'â- was doing her bit .so nobly. Then when the Hun had been defe.^l.d wo were ulaJ ihatyouweic ono of th s • who returned to ui hail aud hearty. N'l'i eannot wish you, who fou..;ht for us, t <> much success in life. Asa slight token of our esteem and friendship wo weiili now isk you to accept this purse. .\ll join in wisbina you many years of happi- iiess and prosperity mi your chosen pi ice of abode ot One ins, Sask. Sgned on behalf of your (riend> â€" .Morte Saytrs, Frauk Short and J.iir.c.< Davids )n. Feversham. .Ian. 30. 19*20. House of Quality We carry a full assortment o Frash Fish, Stilt Fi.-h and Ovsters. Larj^o a:;sortiiient of Christmas Camly now in stock. Now is th • time to get that box ol Cl.ocohites. FLOl^R â€" We carry a Iar<;e Household, Five Bosos, V Flour. .supply of Koyal urity an<l Eclipse All kinds of Grain Chop and Pig Feed |on hand. Highest Prices Paid for Prints. Eggs and Pound H. DOWN & SON Flesherton, - Ontario A little toy ib Walk, r on fall oflf a fente last »ua.mur nud h«. so c- none totally blind from h-e«r>ct«of -he fail, \iith uo chance of rtc .veuiiK h s aiuht. A Walkerton man while at a h. ckey ma-ch â-ºlipped and fell at the feet ot Chief Feniuson. Tho chiaf. like a good Samaritan. h»lped him to his feet, but in doiiiK so 'd ^covered a quart bottle of wlii-koy m the cit.Z'-n's overcoat. Mr. Cil'X^n, in or-lsr to escape publicity, pr oiptly 1 o uo ' f-"" ti"-^* »'"' "=0""- Va.uaVia j-y "aor, that Farm For Sale Lot N i 5 nod lot B. coi> . 19, Pr.iton. •jntamitig IW) acres. Well watered, g.odbarn and house. 80 acres und. r •ultivation, rest mostly pa»iute w.ih about five acrea good bush, estate of the late U.J. McOurmick. l«or patticulaiM apply to WM. MsCORMICK. E.t cutor of the estal.-. Proton P. O. Pnouo Duiidilk 52-4. Farmers Lead in Autos Oiilario is fast becoming a "lootoui' Proviicc. Tha leco'ds for 191U, jiat completed, show i hat there were i-T,8iiO passenger cars in operation dHring ihe year, an increase af mora than Sft.OtH) seer 1918. There were 11,428 ;iu*ks aud aolt'i mutureycles. Of ihe passbn;j«r c»r» licensed over a third wera ci'y ownedâ€" 46.1)14, compared wi'h 888,8^8 owned outside of the cities. Toronto has 21 TIT (lasseiiger cars and 4S!K) trucki. j The returns indicate Ihat the titles i tiontribute ali)<htly more to tha umlor liceusi raveiiae than the farmers. The lait«t owa 46,'.t97 cars, or alighily more Ihau those owuad in the cities, but the citiss have mora lit, expensive cars, wh ch contiibtite more larualy ^l> 'be revfDUO. It will be a sui prise to some folk to know that man aoKagad in the skilled tradss own more cars th.an the ! bu»ine«s nmn ol Ontario, tha Hnurea â- bm»g 15.042 :o 13,SS7 : doctors own 21ST oar«, manufacturars 4362, and olh«t ^irofktsions 5110. QENTLEriEN! What abont your overalls aud smocks. We cany a full Hue of the PeaboJy Overalls and suiocks â€" the best make iu tbe Domiuiou â€" guarantee with every pair. Work Shirts, .Mitts aud Gloves, Winter Cups. rominiou Rubbers â€" they wear longer thau any otlier make. Four Buckle Overshoes. Heavy Boots aud latest mikes iu lien's Fiue Bcots all have gone up from 20 to 25 percent. We have not raised them yet. Get your onttit while they last. i W. L WRIGHTS' Corner Store, Flesherton Boar For Service Chopper For Sale Kesistered Chester White hog for ; Maple Leaf Grain Chopper (14 inch) \a »rv ice siRi'ck Mill s Tlie faiiier won . giod condition, with 64 feet 4 ply rubber first at Cliicaiio Fair. Terms #1.50. . belting 8 inchea wide. 619 -I. SMITH I\op. Mr. Val. Fischsr pur<ihase<l an elm' iree fr<m.Mr Val Bo»ii«r. This tr-o was CuBsidered to bo I ho lamesi in th- uoivcrne. The lot; rulo fi|{«res over bOCO board feet and at $40 per M. tb a tree will bri«g over f'.iOO.OO.â€" .\yton Adrance. I ROBT. H. CARSON. Proton Stabioa. Boar For Service Pure bred Keg>ste?i'a Yorkshire Botir for service- -Ma.vwi'll .lick 62V03 â€" oit lot 1(57, S W. T. * 8. R., At'emeei*. •lVruiaSl.50. 10,4,19 T .T. ST1S80N. •IIMMj KiB-