wm February 12 192« THJJ FLESHEKTON ADVANCE RECONSTRUC- TION is the order of the day. If you have formed the Sav- ings habit you are prepared to meet its opportunities; if not, reconstruct your methods ?.--â-º' • -egin today. We have a ^...iiigs Department at every Branch. *» THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA FLESHERTON BRANCH ceo. MITCHELL Managek 0«prt>y and Artemtaia CuunctU W« he'd orer until n«xt week. Mr. W^l'er Curioe spent iha week end vi h frieoda a Owen Sound. J. W. Ford, a Dnminent citiien of Markdalc, died uu J^n :i8 at the age of H3 years. The postponed nieetiiiK "f the llljriry boaid a ill be hrtld oa Friday eveoiui< > t this week at 8 o'clock, in the library. Rrv. Janiaa Dud|>eon uf TottRiibain spent several days «f the past week in lowo, aa»ittmi< :it the evangelical tnee- inns. He returned home on Tuosday morning. \V« make a charge of 10c a line for all o''urch annouDcemeuts, concerts etc., up to a lines. Over that num'jer oc \ line. No reading notice) inserted under 50o. Count six words to the line. The evsnuelisiic lueetings held here for the past three weeks by Mr. SSiarpe are being Irought to a close WodnesJ'iy evening of this week, and the evaDgelirt H )es to Owen Sound to commeace a • iiies of ineeMDgs there. It had been I proposed to close the meetings hjie on Fiidiy last, but renewed interest was uiir.iftsied and with the consent cf Owen Sjund officials Mr. Sharps decidfd ! to remain over here for « few da)8 { longer. The meetings have been veiy successful. VICINITY CHIPS Mr. D. lIcTavish wjs in Tor nto and Kitchener most if'la^t week on business. Hanover And .M^iriidile htvc each a ease of 8ui»llpox. Miss Aleda Mitchell spent the Week end with her sister in Welland. Auction Sales A credit auctioa sale of farm stock, implements, etc , will be held on lot 4 con. 5. Osprey, on Monday, Kehruiry 10, the property of D. McKechuii-. H -t part culars see bills aiid adv. elsewhere. D. MoPhsil, auctioneer. Mr. John Beecroft will hold a ore>lit auction sale of farm stock, implements etc.. on lot 152, 2 N. E , .\rteraesia, on' mile from Fleshertoo, on Monday, Mareh Ut, l',>20. See large bills. D. MoPhail, CREDIT AUCTION SALE 0< Farm Stock, Implements, Etc tnd r/S>^Sg"g^!>!o:>js^sO;0=feg:!^s^ A credit auction sale < f farm strck implements will !<« bald on LOT 4. CONCE.SilON 5. OSPREY, on MONUAT, FKBRl AUY 16. 1920, when the follnwiiu ail cm wul be sold : HORSESâ€" Agtd luaie, aged horse, ;o«ch mire risiu:; fi ye ts. CiTrLl~Co.v riainj 4 dm June 'J, CO* risma 4 due Uct C'5, c w ri.<ii.g 3 with calf at foi.r, cow rtsintf 5 due March 13, cow rising 8 due March 37, cow rMinn t> due April 12. co# riami; aue July 15, aiw ri^>.i>ii '.) due Au^ 1. 4 heifers riaini; 2, • ca'.V:;s rising I, Steer I'lbing 2. PIGS & FOWLâ€" Br.. 0.1 sow due to farrow May 12, a qua"tiiy of fowl. IMPLEMENTSâ€" Detring binder f.cut, Deer:ng mowsr r> f:_cur, Deering h arse rake, Oockshutt s'ael land roller, Cockshutt 2 fill row walking plow, biigay, cutter, Wiilcinson JCo 7 walkina pl-iw, Wilkinson No S wt'.king p ow, scutfl-r, | cutter, m«aure iprsader. cu'.tine bui, ; NiiX'in i;{ tooth culiivatiir, democrat ! w^gon, Noxon 10 ho« seed drill, lumber I waiion. 20COlb« olatform scilej, 14 disci h r.-ow, steal watering t*uk, set heivy ! harn>>a8, Oaatham fwirina miil wth . b'gKer. loot pu'per and slicrr, set plow , >«»rnes9, sat sloop alaigba, set siniile i driving hsmfs-;, 12 h p ;;aso;iue engine 1 1 1 inch p'ata chopper and bag?er, about ' 2') baua Green Mountain potatoes, a | ilit*nti y of seed grain, a ijuantity of ka^ j And straw, other irticl-s too nunnrous | to meakion.' S^Ie lo commence at aoe o'clock. TERNf.Sâ€" All sums of $5.00 and under cv<h ; I'vei that amount 12 months' erodit wii! be uiven '>n auprovtd joint n iti's, with 5 per cent, off for cash in lieu of notes. Uty, straw, fowl and po'.atoes for c.T.«b. D. McKECBNlE, D. McPHAIL, Propnator. A'jctioneer. OVERALLS AND SMOCKS A. dependable Overall is an essential to the farmer â€" be uses it everj day and aaes it bard â€" lo |{ive satisfaction it must stand ap well under bard usage. Oar " bnag Proof ' Brand Overalls and Smocks will do tbis â€" they are roomy, fall sized, well cut and well made. The sewing is re- inforced everywhere it is subject to strain They come in blue and white stripes, also lu black . The cloth is heavy, free from dressing and keeps ica color remarkably well. Prices $2.50 and #2.25 per garment. You will pay 25 per cent, more for a similar quality at most places. Horse Hide Mitts and Gloves Mule Mitts and Gloves, wool lined for cold weather aud made to give satisfaction under heavy wear. Some early buying gives ut the chance to offer values less than they caa be manufactured for today . Come in and see them. Prices from 50c, to $1.7.3. New Four Yard Wide Linoleums Ten new patterns in this width to choose from. Canadian and British made. doiJ and block designs, new colorings and eflacts. well seasoned qualities. The " Delineator " for one year $1.20 By arracgement with the publishers we can offer this popular magazine for a few days at this special price. Phone or leave your order today. F. H. W. HICKLING ;a FLESHERTON, .- ONTARIO The roads are in very bad sh.ipe with ! auctioneer. pitch bolcb, and cutters and sleighs are aeverely strained while traversing them. Rev. Mr McVicir will preach his farewe'l s.:riiion in Chalmers' church tn Sunday next. Urs. D. McTa^i9h :uid ditu</hter. Miss Mamie, visited the fonuer's dau.;httr, Mrs. (Dr.) Coleridge, in Windsor, last week. _ Ml. R. J. Pattiaou, who hiis been enplryed in the Merchant's bank here for some time, has purchased Mr. Down's erocery business, poese.saiou lo be givi n March first. Kimherley Methodist church reopen- ing will take place on Sumljy, Feb. 1». Two servce?, 11 a.m. and 2.30 p.m i aooduc'ed by the pastor. Rev. Vealts' Supper and concert Mmday evening, Feb. Hi. Adnvtssion â€" .\dult^ :<5 cents, ohi'.dreiv2f> cents. Markdale CreiuKM-v is- now open for Itusiness. Highest pr.ues p<td for cream. Phone or wri'e f')r can. A square deal- is our iiotto. Give us your patron ii;o. Sttti.'ifactioii Kuvranteed. Markdtle Orcamery Co., phone 44. Tho wenther for the p'nt t»v,i w-jek^ has been h must dfli^htful relief from the arciic weather of .lanuary. It hi\a been ttior>> like the weather â- f March than of February. The severe storms •eem to hi»ve spent thtmselvea in Jinu- ary. There appears to be very little in the yarn that " a strong flow of e^s and oil has been Rtiuck near Mcaford.'' Some fti.<ky liar has evidently tiot Iio'd of tho Assic a'ed Press currespondei t and prinu'd him with his own ijaa â€" iiid j<roli;iHy cilcd him, too. dur fellow i|uill qf the D-mdalk Her- ald s«ys a white faced luinoici hen owned in Dundalk liyod tlvien ixas in •DO day. We ace iiiclined to doubt the liona fides of Bie'r Mclotyre'.s informa- tion because, yi u see, there i< in such tiiin,; in henology as a tthite factd ninurca Tendois will bo leooived for painting pat;prin'.», variii*hinB, c'emine :«iui repair- ing the Ciiirt H use and suiro.mdiig buildings at Owen Suund. SpecitioatiooB •f work may bit ha J from C.H.Thompsoii Chairman Speeeial Oonimittee, County •f Grey, Box y.'iS, (>«ou Sound, Ontario. Tenders will be opoudad Fob. 20, 1920. -' Mra. .Iidin McWhinney of the Irish Italic settlement died very suddenly on Friday afternoon last while dri\ing aloui; tho vest haffk line near Cairna' corner, two and a half miles from Flesherton. Sht. with her daughter, were driving in a cutter to Mr. Boyce's on Stone's line, •od whan at tho railway crossing tha horse beeame roatlesa at a ua'iing tr«>n, •â- d both women not cut while the daughter intended to bold the horse by the bridle. As soon aa Mrs. MoWhinney Iwd alighted from the cutter she collapsed •od in a few momenta waa dead. The coroner wu notiSed but did not think it neoeeeary lo hold an iutjueek. Mr«. McWhinney wm • very itout woman and death waa due to the burating of a blood veaael internally. She was a member o( ChaluMs' Presbyterian ohurch, Fleeh- •rtoQ. She leave* behind beaidei her kasband • family of four aons and two daughter*. Her age was 51 years. The fanaral (ook pUce Monday afternoca to ViMherton ovwetery. A credit auction aale cf farm stock, implements, etc., will be he'd on 1 it 24, 2 N. P. R , Art . near Six Corner?, on Friday, February 27th. For particulars see lariie posters. .\ad. M. Gilchrist, proprietor. D. McPhail, auciioaser, Mrs. Oicar Trueman of the valley i-o.mI, one mile south of the power hou.se, will hold a cradit auction sale vn Thuri day, Feb. 19, at 1 o'clock, of farm stock and impleinints, the proparcy of her hte husband, who was killed on tre po»er lino at Chataworth. Sea billf. D: McPhail, anc.iotieer. Population Served by Hydro Hera are the places on the Eugan'a Syatem of the Uyi'ro Electric and th? population of each town, township or { viiltyo : Alton 7U0 Artemesia Townihip 2S06 Arthur li" '3 Chatsworlh tStJ Ohesley 18t50 I Dundalk 7.")(i I Durham 15J0 j Eluiwood MK) j Flesh»:kon -J*."* I Grand VaUay Sf'S I Hanover ;1310 { Bolsttin 28d i Horniaj'a Mills . . 3?0 ! Kilsyth I .Markdale 'XH Mount Foreat 1871 yaustadt... 470 OraugeviUe 2281 Oiven Sound USItf Shelbatue 1018 Tara 020 MAIL CONTRACT SEALED TENDKK,S addresse.l t., the Posttii;»iter General will br- rrccive 1 at Ottawa until noon on Friday, the 5th of March, 1920. fi>r the conveyance of His M;»jii<ty's Mails, ou a propos-ed Contract for tour yoars, si.x times per week on the route PROTON .ST.VTION R. K. Xo. 2 . fnmi tlie Postuuister General s pleasure next. Piiuted notices containinj{ further iTiform.v tion as to conditions of pr'ipo.^ed contract uiay bj seen and blank forms of Tender iiiav be o'utaiued at the I'ostOtfio-s ..f Proton Station and at the oHice of the Post OJiiee In.'^iwctor, 'rori.>uto. A. yi'THKKI.A.\U. I'l'SJ Otfice Ir.stHCIor Post Office lu»pect4)r"s Utfice, Toronto. Jan. 33»d, l'.>2i>. Magnet Cream Separators Totsl. aiow For Sale Driver, fearless of autos ; robes, bugty, carter, c ml â€" range ani furnace ; wood, s nue cut and st.tndiny ou Ohard farm; potatoes, some vet'etable^ chokens, et.'. â€" .\. MoVio-ir, The Ma'i'e. Flesherton. n Gents" Furnishings n \Vc have now on hand a lull line of Fine Shirts, Khaki Shirt- Work Shilrti, Ovoralh, Sinocka and Pants. .\ KOod aaiortment of ties, collars, gloves, mitt*, scKiks, braces, arm lunds, tartars, handkerchiefs, bny.4 wool stocking.^ wik>1 and fleece lined unHerwear and sweater coat.*. %<%^^«^ AU our good* are new and of (le very beet quality . Sole agtools for the Hobb«rliD Tailoring. >Ki>K H. J. LEGARD. Flesherton, Ont. The Importance of Storing All Hur- vestinj; Tools anil Macli- i inery .4fter I'sc. The importance of storing all har- \ vesting tools and machinery after use is an ecoaomic factor still to be realized by a very large perccntaga of farnierd. Tviuch of this apathy on the part of ttie fartnef, towards the proper care and management of his ! farm equipment is due in a large , measure to the lack of appreciation : of the fact that tools and muohinea j cannot give majtiiuuiu of elHciency wh^n allowed to become coated with | dirt and rust. | The ilrst reQuisite in this direction i is to properly house them. This above all is the most impor- ' tant. It is needless to show the i rapid deterioration of steel, iron, j wood, canvas, or anything that goes j into the construction of farm ma- . chines, when they are out of doors i and exposed to the elements. Ot j course, the factors conaitioning their i life aud woriiiug efliciency are cor- , rosion of the metals entering into their construction, due to atmos- , pheric actioas; the disintegiation of I the paint and varnishes from the j same cause, and the deeay of the woadeu parl^ due to heat and luois- ' ture. There is, however, no reliable ' data available that will give us the i coetflclent oX corrosion, but every ' farmer is aware that the moldbcard ', of a plough subjected to dewy nights | or damp weather conditicus for a few nights will so rust the bright moldboard as to pit its surface that it requires several rounds ot the i i tield to bring; it back to good work- i I ing condition. Such a hard metal id ' undoubtedly luuch slower to corrode than eitho;- last er wrought iron. hence machines and tools left out exposed to all kiucis of weather, the bearings and workins parts of ma- chinery and ihe cutting edges of tools will become so badly affected with rust as to render new parts neces- sary in the machines and good grind- ing and honeing of the tools to put them in workable condition. The question of good and cfflcieat management of machinery is an im- portant one to the farmer if he only could be made to realize the amount of hard cash he loses through his indifference Hnd neglect of them. What farmer would not protest In vigorous terms if he were told when yurchasing his binder, say for 1150, that its life would be about thirty days â€" a competent authority esti- mates its average life to be twenty- four days used for six days in a year. Yet, through the same farmer'a car» lessness and Indifference, a machine built to last at least twenty years is reduced to, say at most. Qve years. At the pre9<>nt time iher« are many rsasons why farmers shotild tak* good care of their equipment. On* is th« actual shortage of tuachlnes. and the otiter the saving tn doUara in getting the must possible out of a machine before sending it to the Junk heap.â€" I'rof. John Stmm, O. A. Col- lege, UuelpU. . sup I are gojirs â€" ne tiction : di'ulile ' pi>cted bowl â€" cannot rock ; P'^ffect skimmer â€" one piece : ea.-iy '" turn â€" a child can operate; C'ipacitj chauiie â€" saves the buyer SoO.OO ; p.itent brakeâ€" "Maunet,' p-itent ; strung', riijid constiuction â€" luechaniMl y ^orrect ; siiuitary strainer â€" germ proof ; easy to cietin â€" a child clowns it in a few minute.*. G. B. Weltot\ Fleshertour Ont. W. A. HAWKEN â€" dealer for â€" M£ NDEL5S0HN PIANOS and player:pianos phono. GR/^PHS and RECORDS, and SHEET MUSIC. these high , grade instruments AT mm. tlawk.via Pao:o Gallery nwl Music Stor FLESHERTON Call and see HARDWARE! Axes and Handles, Buck Sawf, ll<tn:iuers, Cro«sout Sawaand H.'iudles, Uorse Blanket?, Mitts aud Olovc.'!, Halters and Ties, r,til3,inl Tubs, Stewart Horse Clippers. Carry Couibs and Brushes, Electric Bulbs, LaiBp* and Lanterns, Red Star Wasnin-j M,»chines. F. W. DUNCAN Phone 24 r 1 1 Flesherton, Ontario Cargo's Grocery I have opened up a grocery and con- fectionery stooe In the building recijntiy vacated by C. J. B.'llimy and am pre- pared to cater to the public with a full assortment uf gruceries, fiuit and con- fectionary. Prompt attention to phune orders and ffoods delivered to ;i:iy p>rt of the t.'wn W. E. Cargoe, Flesherton â- it â€" 3 RUB B ERS ! QQ9 ::» All Business Colleges are not all alike SELECT A SCHOOL CAREFULLY Yonge and Charles btree»8. Toronto Invitee the patronai{« of all who desire â- :uberior trt'ning. Get our Catal»Kue, read t>t cecorda. then decide. Enter | SOW. \V. J. ELLIOTT, Piiacipab For Service IVie pure t>fed Shorthorn Bull obIoI :10, oon. », Artemesia. Term* 11.90 for 9. grade If uat b« paid within 9 months date fromof service. 19. Jan. -H. O. TVRNBR. We have the celebratetl Maltese Cross Rubbers tor good solid wear ia Men's Women's and Children's Rubbers. m THOS. CLAYTON FLESHERTON, - OMTARIO 11 I iiiiiiiilllliliii jtllM B l lll l iii 1111111111111