Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 26 Feb 1920, p. 2

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Gc od Quality Tea, pyop^e<jy ^j'^gwed, tak es evway iati ^,ue , and is a bso lufe ly harmless, as a daily beveraj*c - TRY 2i^ \Won)ans <a>pJ)6PQ In Ten Yearaj 500 Dollars List of War Criminals Makes ' mmmmmma^mmmm^mmmm^memmmm ^ 200.Page Book. lilt ( itic-i-.'i lii .it iiiu.-.'- <iernia'ns â-  wliow; <»lra(ll!io:i is dcm2r;li>J by th« I Allies wai. r.!»-cnt;.v la/ned by tte | ]t Uf pD!:ilccl.;t3 ,„ wiiiamcunt'.o$S»7.73 ] Kcri'leii Ofli'-t; ;it liCUiluii. The teir ; if invested at 4o{,, interest coni- ! of I'le oi'iBloal coveriiie pole an<l of' pounded guarterly. wlU ^ I ihe new nolo letcTrlnK lO Haron von uniount to 9744.2> l^ertiiier's ipfii.-.ul to .:<• pjit the listvKut-if lnve8t-*d In our 5' j% »\a» not madH public. Debentures will amount to \* iji-y '.mL*^- ^â- y-i ^rx.^ r ---,'â- , "A fax! Si''-.-: - - once, and you'll never forsake its -use. I A papoi l)(;uiid book i/f more tban 200 paK*'^ cont-.i'iis tli<' iiijutes of ibo M'O persons or groups, with theif rank tTnd the acc-us, ilons i<j?:iii<.-t them, lu many C'a::es whero name.? are not ki'.owii II genera! descripMon of the ±«M THE liXI'LOnS OF Lieut.-Col. "Klondike" Boyle BY OOUGLAS WATSON. l'"i«IUiiiK Constipation. ] never admitted to placeiS where j.h I really don't know what i- the "ct'Of'S are permitted, inatti-r," Kaihur Hrowii j^aid with »• Thoughtle.ss, thoujfh doub.tici.'- well- I fhrufc or! his shoiildtr.i, "but tliis -vhole r>'«Hiiiic: people :ire c.inatuntly :-eek- j .'amrly seei)! 1 to l-.e headachy and '""^ '•" â- '"P'^^'e l-he envivoiinfient of I proiichy and out ol" kiltfr! Whnt's B'*"'" so as to keep their thought.s,; duties of ibe iu:<ti.sed is Rlvrn. I wronj>?" I fcelinp.s and conduct wholesome, Kour paye.. are devot«;i to Field Mar- I Mothei- Ifrowii shook her head dcs- ''^^''^*''' "'"' 'â- '•'^'"Scl, l)iit they let boysinhal von Hindcuburg and (Jen. Luden- pitjiringly. j grow up under debaainjr cojiditidna !di;rff. the sum", accnsaticins serving, "I fan"t .solve the' pvobleni " ..fee '*'"' ^^^^ 'a">Pi''' over the faet that j. for i)oUi of the-n. said, "but everyone of us seem.9 fo be ^^^^ ^" "^^ naturally refined and: j^ fri.-htfu!ly lroul)led with ron.stipation, scrupulou..^ about their spcc^-h and Carries Speedy Train, and that, too, in spite of coar.se breads manners. Many piirents expend more ... 1 and inolas.ics cookies and \e<'etHbles t.'me and money in getting nice clothes '^ rfwedi"!! niilrcad bii.s biiilt a re- 1 Diet KhoiiUi reKiilate'tlie condttion but <â- "'• " 'iauRhtcr than for a son and . '"f'"C«'<3 concrete bridge with am i w.ith us it doesn't seem to. I think ^-^^n they wonder why he is not .*o the doetor this veryj P^'"'''^"''"" "Ijout his appearance The result of this general indiffet;- anie that Mrs.' ®"*^* ^ ^ boy's esthetic; nature is. of . . $360.23 Write for Booklet. The Great West Permanent Loan Compajiy. Toronto CKice 20 King St. We:l ad i£^ JLi JL All crtJes. Writ* tor prlOM. TORONTO SALT WORKS iL 4. OLIPP • • TOnONTO I'll talk with day." And ihat'.s liow it arched span sicarly r;00 feet long, de signed to c^rry trains at :•. speed of I 60 mile> an hour. eated in Dr. Tripn's of-! '^our.se. that the boy, as a rule, isj lice on a miniiy afternoon, e.xpl'aining ^'O"''*^'' '" ^^^ thought, speech, and llial she had come on the part of the.*'^'''°" **"*" "'^ Sirl- But i"^ the dif-j Bvowti was f I sa^ IV. a period of niodific liy trying moment ificd ealm.i Pa.P'"'' had just ani^punced that Bri- covereil that tiiey rarely ate fruit iments, he 'f'f'.l'-'J m-dde peace with Turkey; the' brcak'ast; that the older mem!)ers e lUHsi-u.s "ntish Fleet had entered C:onsUuitin-i tli* family bad lea or coffee, and'' j .Sp(.;r(j explained that a local news After punctuated kept at the work until th signed an armistice. As no one '>!''''» ""'1 «'as abont to invade wanted to do any further work after Black .Sea for the purpose of crush- that, Boyle went to Petrcgrad, and '"<^ I'ib Bl.icl: Sea Fleet, as a puni.sh- was amon'g tho.'c pre.^snt when the '"t"' '*"' the Bolsheviks makinj; waV: , Bolsheviks seized the v.hee! and ?" .Ko""';i"i-i- Therefore a resolution! "'^'â- '•°'' started their joy-rido. To a man with a naturai love for moulding ch,ios. the Bolsheviks offer- ed an enticing prospect for further adventure. There was .street-fighting for six ilays in Moscow, resulting in a freight blockade and a threat ot gen- eral star\-ation. The Northern .\r?ny was starting for home, amusing it- self by destroying estates, burning villages, and, to celebrate the new ii'itrue.^thaL tlic newspaper was own- freedom, mas.«acring peasant.'; en whole family He questioned her ference due to S3x or to the fact that closely and dis-. ^^ neglect the boy and permit him to' t fQf ' look out for himself, willi the re.sult! of that he is often sub.iccted to vicious ,._ „. ..„,.vv,, ,^.„. the' suggestion? It is a woniicr that, take! Ific ciiildren a cup of wK-oa or a glass of:*^oys as they go, they are not worse milk as a rule. ' than they are. '•It louks to me, Mi.s. Brown," tiiel - * said. had been passed to arrest all Allied i'* '^^^^^ yo"i' diet, and I am going to .Mibjects. so that for every siiilor of, recommend that eaclronc of you drink a glas.5 of water the first thing on arising in the morning. If you older people can take two glasses, sipped slowly, better yet. Then begin your bro:ikfast with either fresh fruit in season or stewed fruit. Here are some which are especially la.xativcâ€" rhu- barb, fig.s, dates, prunes, oranges. if the trouble really! DYED ^ER BLOUSE, their.s killed they might execute ten Allied prisoners. They implied that Boyie would make a pleasant addition •0 their list. Summoning his interpreter, Boyle addressed them in a very few words, but with plenty of cinphasis. He explained that the whole thing was i SKIRT AND A COAT ! i " D i a in o n d Dyes" Turned Faded, Shabby, Old Apparel ' Into New. |W^^ i!sm --W%^^^^^^^ ^ 1^1^ iMli£l route. Realising thai the plot of their drama was becoming h'bmewhat ob- scured by the onthusia.sm of the actors, the Bolsheviks did a wise thing. They took (leneral .Maniek- ouski, Minister of War. troni the prison where tiiey had Incarcerated Iiim, and, with an'^aplonib one is forced to admire, replaced him in the War Ministry and told him to feed the army. ed by German propagandists, and he i>'u»is, grapes, peaches amj apples, called for volunteers to go and do-' Soak the dried fruits in water and moh.sh the said newspaper. " | cook in your firele.ss cooker over in'l'li'':!:^±t.%}'':.J^.^y "^l."'^^- ^'ve the children a glass of of Ihev Don't worry ab:ut perfect resu^.ts Use •Diamond Dyes," guar.mteed to give a now, rich, fadeless color to any fabric, whether it be wool, silk, linen, cotton or mixed goods ^ dresses, blouses, stockings, skirls, children's ..„., :i.. 11 â-  • i-i ---r»"*. .--.T*. lilt viiiiui^ii rt uiasa ui 1 coats, feathers. drRi)erics, coverinfffl liouXrt^ the'TewSpe:':: ^^ '^7^' ^'^^ their noon meal, but -everything: .' ' always have water on the table too. The Direction Book with each pack- that Ihcy may drink this when they | age tells bow to diamond dye over any wish. j color. 'â- You say that you give-tiiem coarse! To match any material, have dealer breads. Ucmcmber that all of the cer-'show you "Diamond Qye^' Color Card. Many a Canadian Beauty owes her exquisite complexion to the nse oi *B^"^'- Owii Soap' -iling Fragrsr-t Whole Family Insurance. The Onier ''jrnishes in-^'i^anfe ia its members at Oi'tailo eiove;i!inem Sta!:.J- ard rates. Sick and funeral Bener.rs ire also Jtlven If desired. The Ju\ciule Department furnish"'! the best possible l.nsurance benefits to the chilriien ot our adult members. v The Order has alrc.idy paid over $â- ',$â- :).â- â-  1 000,00 In Sick and Kunâ€" .al llom-flts. na.1 I nearl.v Seven Miilioas of Dv,:iars li. In- â-  Burance. 60» Councils In ranada. If liiAre rt ' cot one In your loc.-iiity there shouiri b(«. I'"nr full Itifor.iiatlon writa to any -.>f 'â-  (lie foUi^wltiK 0.i;iCrfrs: - I J r.. Davtiison. W. P.. ilont-ijua. Grand Couii.^lUir firand llec-nr.;- W. !•'. Campbell. J. il. Bell. M l> I firanc! Orcaniz.>r <Ji:ivrt .M-'J. i:\ < i!v.vn.r<'.v "Nr-x:-' > CIm 'lUnr-tprlilil: office, arrested ninoteen members of Die staff, and then wrcckeil the place. At the inviUition of the coiumittee, Boyle waited until next day, when large meetings took place.' .Speiio "Tschk!" .-iid the general for Colonel Boyle." The general, being a .soldier, knew that the military art consists in shov- ing responsibility on the (ther peo- ple's shoulders. He asked Boyle to ijo to Moscow anil untie the Inoffand Boyle, not being a pucka Koldier, promptly agreed lo do so. Nothing daunted by the news from that city, he enlcreil its buUet-har- acsed streets. In forty-eight hours freight was moving out of .Moscow; and in a week things wtjrc running fairly smoothly. How did he do it? It i.s difficidt lo .=tatc, but presumably even a Hol- shcvik stands aside for a man who knows where he is going. What a pity the Allies at large did not realise that elemental bit of .i).-iychologyI In case time hung lieavy on hi* hand-, I$oyle was then placed in charge of the protocol between Rus- referrd to Britain as Russia's beslj eals require long, slow cookingâ€" four fnend (this being received with wild: hours at least for oatmeal. ^ Send applause). Later Boyle attended Hasty meethig of all the comntittees of th^ '"?,'l'::^: '^^ wbif' '"' """'â- â€¢ '""''"*' Black Sea Fleet, and through an in- ^-''*'':^^ mass which encourages con-, terprctcr (Captain ti. A. Hill of the' *'"P"''°"' '" '"^ ^"'"'^ ^'"•^â- - '" '"^''-. Making Daylight. An duce apparaius whicli i.-; said Xo jiio- | arlidcial daylight was receullyl the cereals or el.^e steam or bake the "atint? Engineering Society in l.nndon. bread very slowly, using molassea or FngHTnil. ^ir as sweetening. Half- â- 1th !Vlancht.^tir) he explained (hat, '"^ '"'""â- '*'' ^''''"<^'^> •â- 'ither soak or cook' ''^hlbittnl at a meeting ot the Illumi- i Britain never forsook her friends.' '^''" .-...-^..i.. -..- ..i.^.- i ..^ ... ,...f:„.. i.',.„f„„«,.i.,„ o«..>„... =.. ,_.,-.. i B that she did not want to interfere with Russian ptditics, but merly wi.-h- ed lo stop Russians from killing each other, so that they coidd devote their energies to the much nobler task of killin;; (icrmans. "The Huna," he said, "are sure to advance into your country f(>r the i k i purpose (jf making you more their •â- *'*'""-• *^^'*'''""' P*"-'"" ""t-"^. I>P«"ut hut- ' ^^'"-^ '"^' ")^' '""J's ai'c projected up- | slaves than -you have ever" been be-' '^^'*' ""d vegetables properly prepared, i ^^â- '"â- ''â- * against a Screen of various fore." jt "It Wiill do no harm for each to eat <'"'ors arranged in small patches. The This caused a furore of appi-ecia- a couple of nice figs just before re- ''K''t which falls from the screen pre- lion, and the appearance of a British tirinrr, taking these with a glass of "'""^ coloreij material in its davjight naval oflicerin uniform was a signal water. Then impres.. upon each the "".£. lor wild applauve. „„„„.,.; r i..,. •' . ..l.-j .:_ i . .<k . bi^own cooked cereal bread is difficult to <li- i gest. Among the laxative foods to use freciuently are bran muffins,' whole wheat crackers, gingerbread,' honey, onions, spinach, oil-drcssed The anparatus which is said lo pre- I The apparatus is surprisingly sini- ' pie. and It is po.ssible to obtain re- j suits with an eleclric lamp of ;:00 ' candle power. He!ow the bulb an j cpaqiie reflector is lilted in such a The Beauty of The Lily cm be yours. Its wonderfully pure, soft, pearly while ap- pearance, free from all \ blemishes, wlH be com- 2^. parable to the perfect r beauty of your skin and ^ complexion if you will use^ V.G c>.u r^iid's ;• i^M Oriehtaljet^ilii FEIU1 T. HC§»K1NS &S0N, Murnr e^? pplauvo The pisode is not lacking in humor, but it tiirneil the whole Black Son Fleet solidly pro-.Ally at the \eiy sia and Rouinania for both food and P'omt'iit when it seemed to be assum clothing. Up to that time Kii;-,sia li«d '','^' â- '" "'lil'i'li' of frieiid.ship towards delivered only promises. The Wiznrd /'"''""i'y- of the Klondike waved his wand, andi ^'• in fight weeks more than two-thirds! '" '•'"' "«-'^'^ ">"' "'ost of the pioinised goods were delivered.' P'""^'' "'' Boyle's labors, il vill lie Some idea of the magnitude of this' ^'•''^'" '•'^''t' hirgely through him, peace achievement may be gathered vdlen it i^^'"* arranged between 'the Bolsheviks is realised that" the protocol cove^red ""'' Roumania. We have forgotlcn equipmcnl-, for .^.W,000 men. Having performed this hcrculan, task, Boyle was just taking a , breather, and wondering who;e stables would have to be cleaned out! n»."t. when lie wa.s visited by the mijch-|ierturlied Roumanian Corsul- (Jcneral at Moscow. That official had i necessity of lia\ itig a fixed time every day to attend to the body hygiene, so' Chilled fish from Newfoundland is that regular habits may be estab- prepared in a cold storage plant, whi.li lished. If neces.-^ary, lo get the sys- ' can deal with 2(10.000 llis, of fish ;i teni into good shape, take a table- ^ day. spoonful of plain miiicr;il oil every; "X' night for a while. \onc of this is di- !'"'.'."n'""!' ti'^'^^tcd. It simply ads as a body lubri- cant, and after a lew days oils up the machinery so that llic system fiinc- t ions properly." "But oughtn't I ill have a prescrip- tion?" Mrs. BivvMi asked. â- ^'es. I'll tell it to vou. You Mlnartl'i Iilnlnient for lal* everywlisrb To increase the defensive forces of the body agaiii^t epidemics or ili^^es^ l:ake ^Jy - ou<UI>M^ poM^*T proveii to btf ?0 Xa 10 tfo-eo thf jT-!tf(.-.i! [jiieii jp money, prescript.io'n: "RX good common sense, oz. It!. •Take a tablctpoonful three limes loo .soon how idiickily Rouinania fought on wlicn the Allies let ilisastei grip her by the throat. Tortured,, ... , rolilied, betraji'd, .she believed in Bri-! easily remcnibe.r il and it won't cost I I Iain, and her mllnnt army wa.x ready | anything either. On the other hand ' 'lo retire inio RusMa and fight „n, ^ vvill have vou monev. Here's the I even if the dcrnians occupiwil all _â-  Rouinania. And Ihcn, lu till lu-r ciip,^ received orders that he was to send i "'*^ spectre of Bolshevism raised itsl to Roumnnia the archives of the For- 1 â- â- ^'^'''eton'.'! grin on her borders, ami -,,,., eign Office, which had '.em deposited,""' Ru'*si" s'l*- had alway>i known as « '•''-V "ith plentv ol water. in Moscow when the evaciiati.in of M^' friend became her enemj^. i Roumania was contemplated; nnd •'^' ^^'â- ' "â- '> "'' ^^^ 'i''^'. -^ Canadian | also he was to send all the Roumanian '">'" the Yukon braved the anger of ,,.,,.„„. h..li.v,. .„„i ,.;„mi, paper monev that was beinu' printed 1i»''kov.ski, the most powerful memi.erl 1 '"•«>'"' l^^UeM-, and rightly, thcic. " ,0'' ""^ Russian .Supreme College. Tliisj home lessons are ruinmg their The propofiilion was a difficult t>ne, â- '"""â-  ^^'''o 'â- ^"^ himself a Roumanian,! dren's eyes. Vot, there ,is no !i.« Ihf lout', wtighed twenty tons, an I would not hear of peace with Rou-[ reason why a boy or girl shouh it was necsisnrv to pass through the ""'"'": '"" ''V deliberate intrigue I fer any eye-strain if certain precau- . lineg of t.h^j Bolsheviks and I he "".V'' turned the man's associates lions are taken bv parents and if at- Ukrai.ans, wh<, were fiKhtlug. It »e»"'«' 'V?'; »"'' â- r'';"'«'' "" "f^*"'' .«<"; lention is p-ai.l to the child's complaint, war at this stage that Boyle's admir- Po»'e, which he took to Roumania, » headache alion of Roumania took <lofinite and pas.sing through the lines, and being ' Wevpr l^t v«.„- ,*ild ..;♦ ;„ l,u ' ... . • rcf .il (iv Hnljbi'i' k minnnrs Tn thai '• rSCVer IBl yOUr Cnlld Silt 111 hIS permanent lorm. .^s an ex malinger """ •"• ".> ""isnt v ik gunnels, m the i- u. i i. • i- -^ - of ;i heavy-weight prize fighler, ho â- â- ^"'"•â- wi'K'nt negotiations Boyle had to p^^n light when he is reading or writ-, had felt for a long time Ihat Uou- â- '"â- 'â- . "» intermediai'y;_and on one oc-] '"(?: Po not let a girl do any sewing Your (Miild's Kyes. that chil-« real | lid suf- 'cnsion, while he was flying .iiist above or knitting for long at a time. mania was n gnme little bantain, trv- - - . ing to bold her own in a ring crowded ""^ ''">'i'st,<'r m "n aeroplane, a Rou-| 2. It ia a great mistake to allow the with heavy-weights. From w'mf he "i:i"ian battery fireii al him, and j children to sit in twilight. They want could gather, she wan getting the , '.''â- "*'i w*"* missed by a matter of| l,, ^y^. things, and in endeavoring to u'orH of it from friend and foe ;ii;Ve, mchof- , I distinguish them thev strain their so he ilecided to lend on;- little Ally I Eventually peace was signod, and' a helping hand. ' , Bo.\'le'i» greatest achiovemcnt wa.s Ilavintr almost absolute authority completed, on the railroads, he took charge of *^" "*" (•ot:liiiued.> the archives and a vast sum of _"^ *• ., money, and after twice passing Stumped, through the lines vvhcre the Bolshe ii'-. no use," sinluMJ ili<! nature wlz- viks and the I'kranians were at war. ;,id. •'! may as well give up." he reiiclicd .lassy in safety. After -wtiul Is liotheiiiiK you?" asked his that he rt^turi.ed lo Russia, and cyn- ,,,uipanb)n. svmpinhicallv. timuul his work as chairman of the. ,., .Cartel a fow .years aKo" on « All Russian I'Odd Hoard, which had, ,, , „,:.,,. ,, ,,,,, r,. . , > , lK.en formed in Novemlmr, I'.MT. M^hlm of mine took, head -of call- It was during this period that '"'R^ «'''• ''''""*'*•'' " "'"' " ^^•'"'" P"' BovIe paid a visit lo Antoiiof. the'"""- ""<>«'"* eyes „n It; then I Icailer of the Bohiheviks ngcin.st the ! crossed Iheni with a eoruKtalk luul Coiisncks. to a.-icertain the exait state 'Kr«^w earn on it, then I crossed that of mind of Ihat evil-reputationod with u celery am! grtiw a neck on II; gemral in case ihe Oermnns advanc tdon 1 crossod that with h coco mil ed. To the Canadian's surprise, he|;,,„| g,.,,w hair on It. but Hanged If I found the Rus.sUKi an excellent lender and decidedly anii-dermnn. Boyle nn<l he had a most amiable oieeling. and on l)arlili^; swore elei iial hatred e.f flermaiH. .\nd history records that us long nr hi.s men htdd to gfihfr .\n|i>nof never went luii-'n 'U hi* oiilli -'f war on th*- Hun. Arnifd with ^nlonof's authority, j ing for the ch'cks. v dh he:il Hi;v!" tl.tn )ir.iceedftil lo Sebastunol. ] ,,, , <,j,ivpviitinT. A« his t^raiii arrived ii wa.-. hurro.ind- ' eyes. '.-I 3. Don't let cJiiUlren reail by^firc- I light. Kach -flicker means a fresh fo- cus. 4. Have a lamp suspended from the ' ciiii llgure mil 1 .111(1 mcuih!" .M'hut (ci ilo for a nose tiicuiuuors should be ready. Clean and dif.'iifpit them without delay. frcut the brooder m the snme way. The brooder shoi.ld hr i-eady iiini wnil- al pro- f I by .1 Bolshevik leader nunel, ^ ri'-iV and a rnmtr>itt«c (,t sailor.*. One Ion I'f^melal will furni-'h 10, Vi'b • t- dof< th'f. m«>l»fl"' d^mandeil OOO grots of jion-iiibs. - -..O- MInarti's Llalmeai MeTttTft â- Tm: .Mflk. wherr children are .nlowed to rdmp. ' .'>. I.a»tl.v, you, seeimt your child at night, may be able to oliserve signs of (<>*« -weakness not noticed by the teach- er. Inform the principajpof the school at once. It will make a Kreut differ- etwe to your child. .\re(iirlH Naturally More Refined ! Thau Boys? ' I From early childhood boys are sub-j jected to rough associations from; which girls are protected. Boys are perni.illed to heai' ohsceno language,! which sjirls, sjicakiiig generally, never' hear. Vulgar people try to restrain] tliiir euai.seness when a girl is pres- ent, but they never think of doing so i bffore a boy. Kven in public perform-! ancfs, MS jii llie theatre, obscenity is' often indulged in if only men'ar«' present, whereart litlle if iioylbing of! the k'.nd would occur before girls or tN omett. T.ewd aetion.s arc exhibited '•.-fri » br.\« .''nd men; while gii'i'- ar« inn&Dn! '""'"I"' iiiiiiiiiliiiTTTnuiniTiiini iZ ^u can get it ai^^where IMPERIAL Royalite Coal Oil is on sale by dealers throughout all Canada. No matter where you live, you can get Imperial Royalite quickly and easily. And you will buy it again and'again when you get acquainted with its great merits. It is highest grade, thoroughly refined coal oil, and nothing but that. Imperii Royalite meets every test that can be applied for power, heat and light. It is absolutely uniform and dependable. Equally efficient for oil heaters, oil cook stoves or lamps. Imperial Royalite Coal Oil costs less than other oils and does give better service. "*" For s<i/c h]i dealers eveciUjWicre. -, IMPERIAL R< E COAL OIL ME ^l-^U Tr * i^ki^ IMPERIAL 6li>iM|l^lfgi> â-  ^ vRoNVt^r Keat - Light r'1^MMife^iVcy#*^=^ '- : P^^"^ Keat - LighrjT:/Mj>rie^ti Rrancl^os in All-vXTittes, .;7

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