Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 26 Feb 1920, p. 6

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GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY SHARE- HOLDERS ACCEPT GOVERNMENT TERMS Sir Alfred Smither* Says Company Could Not Carry on Un- der Circumstances â€" Judging by Protests the Bargain is Good One For Canada. A (IcspaU-h from London, say^':- • The »hareholder« of the Grand Trunk, Railway, after ligteninj? to heated; vriticism, on Thursday assented to the terms of agreement with the Uo-, minion Government. A dozen dis-i fpntients liold a meeting afterwards! and passed a resolution protesting' af;ain8t the terms. I "We ha-e fought hjird for nearly' two year.«, :ind we earnestly and un-j lesitatngly recommend you to ac-| •â- pt the agreement." I This was the final sentence of Sir, Alfred Smitliers' speech to the (Jrand] Trunk Ehareholdi^rs. The meeting' was rrowded and at times there were, strong ejaculations. The sharchold-| urs, however, were entirely cordial- loward the Chairman and his col- U agues. Sir Alfred Smithtrrs decaired that he had always been most careful to express himself with all possiJ)lo re- straint regarding the Canadian Gov- •"inmerit, but, unfortunately, the bare retital of tlvis case was sufficient to cause considerable feeling. "I knew there were influential men in Canada who thoujcht that the po- licy the Governuu'nt i^hould pursue was to let lis alone, and that the weaker we becr.me the easier we oould be dealt with. They knew that w» were beinR forced by the Government to carry on under impossible condi- tions over which we had no control. I felt Wf were being held up." (Cries of shame! and one vaice, '"Swindlerg!" Sir Alfred, continuing, said: "I re- ceived figures showing the profits were swallowed up in increased waffes. without the comjwny being granted, increased rates, which meant the loss to share-holders of at least one and u quarter to one and a half million pounds in each of the last three years." The Chairman said that they thought in regard to the Grand Trunk Pacific at least thoy were en- titled to be bhown the .same consid- eration HS the Canadian Northern. CONTRIBUTION OF NEWFOUNDLAND HIT LAKE SHIPS TO WAR , BY SEVERE FROST 149 Steamers Passed Out of St. Lawrence For Ocean Service. A despatch troni Detroit, says: â€" The war cost in tonnage of Great Lakes shipping is readily figured now that Canadian and American lake fleets have been restored practically to a prc-wa;- basis. It is now knowai that 14!) lake .steamers passed out of the St. Lawrence River primarily for the purpose of helping to win the war. Figuies show that the war cost in lake tonnage conai.sted of 297,103 grtfss tons, and that carrying capa city loss amounted to !S2,100 .'trois tons for a s.ingle trip. Such weil-known Caiiadian carriers as the Chemung, Cavleton. A. D. Davidson, Donnacor.:*., Dunelm, W. H. Dwye»'' Geo- L. Katon, Empress of Fort William, Kmpress of Midland, C. A. Jacques. Midland Queen, North- mount, Port Dalhoasio Sihuylkill. Scottish Hero, Storinount, Strathcor.a and many move were victims of sub- marines and now lost on the occa-i floor. Tlie lake steamers Algcn;iuin, Cas- talia, German, Georgetown, Fair- mount, Meaf»rd, Maryland, John Lambert. Tuscarora, Rutland and Fere Marquette No. 5 wero also lost in Government service. The steel bulk frnightars that vvent to salt water numbered 36 American and 44 Canadian steamers, represent- ing in gross tonnage 157,36() tons and a carryig ca.pacity oi' 244,500 gross tons on 8 sirjgle trip. Other trans- fers of laike bulk tonnage con si ted of 18 wooden .steanier.s, which, with two or three exceptions, went Into the Atlantic coastwise coal trade. A few lake .steamers of American registry have been brought bat'!: but vessels of (-.'aaaji.:n registry which went awray to aid Great Britai.'i in supplying her armies are still in tlic ocean trade, filling the void in Bri- tish tonnage created by submarines. | In adilition to bulk freight carriers,' 32 American package freight steam-' ers and 20 Cajiadian package freight- ers were sent to salt water during the war, and none of this ficct has besa returned. Ti:p?i?iTo(?r CLAIMED try ITALY cg.irilinK thi" Dalniutiaii Weekly Market Report Prince to Begin Trip To Antipodes in March A despatch from London says: â€" The Prince of Wales will leave on his trip to the Antipodes on March 8. on which diite his ship, the Dreadmuglit Renown, will depart from Portsmoiith, according to the oWclal Itinerary just published. He will arrive at Harba- dees on March 19 and at Ci.'loii on March 23. The next day will he cc- cupled In the proKrt*SH tUrouKh the Panama Canal, and then ilie Rniown WUI turn northward, touiiiinf; I't San Olego, Cal., on March 31. From this point the trip across the PaclJitr will be begun, and the schedule provides for reaching llono-lulu on Ai.nil 8. IIk? Mjl Island.1 on April i:! and .\ucklun(l oa April IT Every Bay Frozen For First Time in 100 Years. A dcapatfh from St. John'.s, New- foundland says:â€" The Liberal Reform Govcrnmcfft, now coii.s^jlidatnd by the election in the district of St. .John's West of R. A. Squires and H. .f. Brownrigg to the offices of Prime Minister and Finance Minister re- spectively, is faced with industrial proble.nns unjireceJcnted in the history of Newfoundland. Owing to continuous snow;:tonn.», the Reid Ncwfoun<!land rumjjany was unnblo to run any trains in January, and it is certain that all railway traf- fic will lie abandoned until spring be- gir.R. The inteii.'-e 'frost, reaching 3H degrees be!ow zero, has made matters still more serious, the whole island being, fcr four weeks, in :\ state of Matui'al blockade by ice. Evei-j' l)ay is frozen nvtr tafficicnl- ly to drive hov.'^es from i-'ide to side, a state unknov.ii for lOil yi:>ar.=. Coastal service has collapsed and sealing steamship'5 are powerless to carry food and coal to sections suffering fi'OTO the h.ftrdcst privntion.s. The steamships l'rosi)ero, Diana and Eaglo, currying foodstuffs north, arc frozen in off i''ogo, an<l will be un- able to prosesute the seal fishery this year. This means that only se\'eu .sliip.s will endeavor to face the Arctic floe. .Sealing crews niu.^t walk from the Northern Districts to St. John's, distances ranging from k-:0 to 200 miles. A Sertoli:-- C(;al .â- 'iiortnge intonsil'ies llie siliiaiioi/, wi!h tmins Hnowijound. food shortage 's so great in the lum- ber camps that horse-, !i.^vo been kill- ed for Want of foo</. The railway prob!>'m i.-^ tiic must serious the nsv.- Govciimient mu.st face. The reilv.oy lly'^ become un.iafc for travo!, lacks rolliiii; sto'.k and mo- tive pqivcr, and on!y the expenditure c." ma.'iy millions can remedy the situ- ation. L'l'.dcr the Reid Railway Con- tract the Rcids are supposed to repair the line, hut it is evident they are not ill the financial position to do so, the railway, they contend, being a lo.?- ing concern. A Government expendi- ture of $l(l.n00,0u0 to repair railway will place a heavy financial burden' on thv.' country. To ea.ic the situation tha (iovern- mcnt ha.s i.ssucd tenders for four large steamships for the North and West coa.sta, and the press urges that the present bay service he doubled. Have Until July 10 To Reauce Army A despatch from London, says:-- Gerni.-.ny ha.s been allowed a conces- sion from the terms of the Treaty of I Versaillci with regarl to the speed j with which her military forces must l,e reducetl. Premier Lloyd | Gci.ri.i: hiii notified Dr. St. llamer, , the German envoy, that the date when her array must be reduced to 200,000 1 nun ha-i been fixed as April 10, whilci slid i« allowed till July 10 (o bring it down to the limit. Breadstiiffs. j321^c; Stilton, .<?4 to y5c; old. large, Toronto,' Feb. 24.- Manitoba wheat •"'- to 3.3c; Do., twin.^ .33 to 3.3»/4c. â€"No. 1 Northern, $2.80; No. 2 North-! Margarine~83 to 38c. em, 12.77; No. 3 Northern, $2.7.3, in Beansâ€" Canadian, hand-picked, Uu- store Fort William. | shel, ?.">.00 to .|6.00; primes, $4.50 to ' Manitoba oatsâ€" No. 2 C.W., 96%; 3-'>.00; .fapan.s. $5..''.0 to $r;.75; Cali- i No. 3 C.W., »3?4c; extra No. I feed, fornia Linias. 17'/{. to 18»,ic; Mada- i93%c; No. 1 feed, '.t2''ic; No. 2 feed. Kascar Limas, lb., 1.5c, ,/apan Limas, !91%c, in store Ftri. William. I "'•. He- I Manitoba barley- No. 3 C.W..I Honey â€"Extracted clover, o-llb.. :$1.74'/L-; No. 4 C.W!. $1.4.^.'.'.; rejected," t'"*. 27 to 28.-; lO-lb. tins, 2.j to 26c; i$1.84>i; feed, $1.34'/., in store Fort t>0-lb. tins, 2.0c; buckwheat. Gfl-Ib. tins. ! William. " . 18 t> 20c; co^nb. Itl-ji'.., $(>.00 to $0.50 American cornâ€" No. 3 yMov;, dov... \0-oy... $i.-2rj tn $4.00 d<i^. $1.90; No. 4 yello.v. ;;i.87, track. To-} Map'o productsâ€" Syrap, per imper- ronto; prompt shipment. '»' tt»l-, S4.2r); per fi i|npcrial gah . ' Ontario cats- .No. 3 white. 98c to'l^-W- ?uK-ar. lb.. 2t» to SOc , $1.00, according to frcigh':s oMtsidf. T Provif;ions--VVlioIet:c!e. Ontario wheat- No. ! Winter, (Kr. Smoked :i>eatsâ€" Tarns nuai^sm. I-T. car lot. $2.00 to $2.01; No. 2. do., $1.S^8 u, 37c: do., heavy. 20 to V-Oc; rno'c^i. jto $2.01; No. 3 do., $1.92 to $1.9". 48 to 51c; rolls. 'ilO to 31c: br-akfa st f.o.b. shipping po)nt3, according to bacon, 42 to 47c. lacks, plain, iiO to |f''^'g''tB- 52c; boneless. 54 to 68;;. , Ontario wheatâ€" No. 1 Spring, per Cursd me-ataâ€" Long clear bacon. ;i! car lot, $2.02 to $2.03: No. 2 do., to 32c; clear bellies, 30 to 31c. i$l.98 to $2.07; No. 3 do., riLiiii to Lard-Pure, tierces, 31 to ai'.:â€" j$2.01, f.o.b. shipping points, accord- tubs, 31Vj to 32c; paiis, .'il a'* to 32'.4.'; Iingio freights. -,. / 1 prints. 32 to 32 Vic Compound ticace.' I Peasâ€" No. 2. $3.00.. i 28>,a to â- 29c: tubs, 29 to 2^V^c; ppilr- j Lavlcyâ€" Malt!n;r. $1.77 to 4ii.,0, 29U to,29?4c; prints. 30--. to 3Ic ;:icco.'-ding to frciKlHs out.>jidt\ j m,>„4„„i vi..,!,..*.. U ., ] ..A. I CI -- * »i '--> « _i ' Montreal Mi^rKei.s. uck wheat â€" $l.oi) to $1<>0, af.Mrd- , 'ing t'.) freights outside. I Winirtal, Ffd. ?•!.â€" Flcn-. ne-, i Rv;,.â€" No. 3, $1 .77 to $1.80, accord- sta,uiard gr.ide. $13.25 to S13.5;). Rod ;ing to freights outside. ed oats, bag^ 90 1,,.=,. $u 15 to .$o 2;.. This map slioAs Italy'.-, latest Biiggestlou reg.iriling tlii' D;i!niut!aii ; Manitoba flour â€" Government r.iand- ?/^"; '"^-^-^o. Snorts. $ij2^2o. Hay, Coa.st. ^;iii; would mako Fiumo and its environs a buffer state «ilh its ard. $13.25 Toronto. ' p-^' '**^' *^T' *""'" in'' ' ^1',',", " '^^*'-'' Italiauity recognized. Zaiv. would be a free port. The newspapers of Italv i Ontario flourâ€" Government stand- 7"^' '"i;^'-.^*\'<=''"-^' ^O w 30Jic. But- aro bitterly hostile to Prosident Wilson's altitude oa the Adriatic question. iS,'''- 51"-8.0 to $lt. Montrpal; $11 in '!'-;^^^°^7*\ "^f ^f^j^ '^.f ^lH^' They claim that he is trying to Impose his will upon all Kurope. llen°t"*'"' '" ^""' •'' '^^ ^ '^' 75 1777^; sdacted.'^ic: nI T stof >: ~^ 'â-  "â-  "^^ ^~^- ' : " â- --" - . 'Miilftcd â€" Car let:;- Delivered 53 to 54c; No. 2 stock, 46 to .W'- P.:- MOTHERS' PENSION ! Lady Astor Coached Momre:;! Ireighl. hy^, -n.^uj^i-jtatoes-Per bag. car lotn. S.-^.oO. PI VM AlMNOMIirFn' n„ D-;** L D • 'Bran, ptr ton. M-,; shorLs, per ton,j Live Stock Marketi. PL.\N^NNONULLU By British Premie.- Sr>2: good feed n,>virS3.(;0 to $.3.75 | To.on.o. Feb. 24.-Ch>ice hev.v c L 4 ' ^^' â€" ' ^^'^ • ^ ^ ' =teer< isl3 50 to $14- "ood 'leavv Basis For Legislation Sub- a dc.spat^.-h from London say.j:- mixed, per ton. $25, tra.4; -Toronto^ l^tg^:; j'j^.Vs to $13.25; butchers' cat- mitted to Drurv Govt. • . ,'"""'^^' "'"'''â- '' '^'"^'' ^-^^ ^^"^ SV"*^^"^^'â-  '"*'' '"''" ''"'• â-  ' *" ''^'' tie.- choice. $11.75 to §12.50; do.. miuea 10 L»rury Viovi. ^^^ ,,^^ threatened to make in th. track. Toronto. j ^.^od. $11.25 to $11.50; do., me.lium. A despatch from Toronto says: â€" House of Commons has n:)' yet ma-i Country Frotluce â€" A\ holesale. I $9.75 to $10.25; do., common, $7.5i; The basis ujto.i which the Drury terializcd. Meanwhile she is gaininirj Butter â€" Dairy, tubs and rolls, 43 to to $8; bulls, choice. $10.50 to $11; do , Government v.ill draft the mother's reputation as a spe.'.ker at public 44c. prints, -18" to 50c. CUxamery-, medium, $i).50 to $10; Do., rough allowances legislation to l>c introduc- meeting.?. She made a great impres- f''-°'> made .'-olids, (.0 to Hlc; prints. $t).75 to $7; butciier cows, choiw ed at the comir.g session of the sion when dn spoke recently on the! '"•-.r" <'''''-•:, -.,.,. ,.- $10.50 to i« 11; Do good, $9.50 to $10; House. Is sot out in the final report League of Nations. She has much KgP^-fC'V '^id, G4 to t,.,c , Do mea.cm $8 $8.50; Do., c^^^^ ,, , • . 1 -It 1 1 Ti» T> ,1-., i,..^ 1 ^ . . '""V I " Dressed poultrv â€" -Spr ng chuuens, mnn, \i to S'.25; stockeri, ^,.00 i.i on the .'ih.ect submitted by Dr. R. dry humor ;.nd presents her views in â- <.• i^, ^r ^ioosters, 25c; fov.I. 25 to *10; feeders. $10 to $11; earners and W. Ridded, Deputy Mini.sler ot Labor clear, under.Handable language. She •-2,-; geese, 25 to 28c; ducklings 32 to cutters, $5-25 to SH.50; miikcra, good to Hon. Walter RoUo. The report, will speak at the mass meting to begSs; turktys, 46 to 50e; squabs, doz.. to clu.ice. $110 t'j S1G6; D:>.. com. and which is an important compilation of held soon to • (leni.Tiul more women' S4. 50. information upon the proiilcnis of membei.s of tlic House ef ('"mraen:*. 1 I-ive pciiltry'â€" Sprina; ch'cken.=. 22 $165; i-l; -e i, $G.5o to $11; lambs, per I med.. $65 to $75; sDtiiiy.\->r $90 tn The scheme as recommended by the Lloyd (Jeurge, v,h.> p:ii:irl ih • la.st jj • •â- " » L 1 rMCr'O'V/rDrD nc Deputy JPuisler may be .summnrir.ed wcck-rrd with Lord and I.nuy Astr-- Kov.n:an:a KUlg tO be I UiSC.UViLKE.K Ur as fellows: at Cliveden. Ih.ei:; bea:it;fn;^r:-.-:v.ii;e ClOWP.ed in Spring | NORTH POLE DEAD -Mlowar.cts to be paid the moth- rosidiiirc n.yar Lor.d<'r!. ,^ ' i ._ er-«f two or move children under the _ , I A .k.^pav^h from Lond«:i. say-:â€" jRear-Ac'miral Peary Passed Spend Vacation-s in ' ''*'« cciocatijn cf I'.'rdinsr.-i as Kingj Away at Washington. P ^ _5 rpi . -y-^ .if Criattr Loumari.i wi.I ta':e placi, •' =" . ^ uanaGH inis lear ,^,^ A'bajnli:'.. Tran-yivan'a, next A despatch frcm Wa'ihlngton says; si.r'nf. Great Britain .v.-i'l rend a ' â€" Rt:ir-Acim;ral Rsl'ett Edv>in Peary, spet-i-.l cr.vo;, lo re.-; Gtvo-e. rnd !ii> n:!mc f.'r K}y\ lluig ci- ot in? iNorin roio. fuea at nis tionie orn perni.'ious he had suffered mediate care cf the r«''ent, who i: (a) a widow, (b) Uie wifo of an in mate of a Prcvini ial Hospital for the " . Insane nr (c» the wife v.' :< man who A deap&tch from Mct!tr.;:ti.«:ays:-- is totally d:.-:ablcd. In every ease Jt is'^talc-.l by 11. H. Ori-ld. S-r-retar. v-l'.ere the allowance U given the ol' tl^*" iMontrc'ii braiici! cf Ih-i CaTi mother must bo a suita'uie guardian ip ^'K'l fn i:idiico ('i<r.adi:-;iis to .'^•Teiv.I t'aiv vi-.cation;: ard c:) thn'-^ p'ntsl'lr'- i v â-  v.i'.hir th-i Hviiiinion th"' yr--:.- it '.vas £f..';t',';i that tf, i('cti irigiii a!ed at Tcrouto. a: tl-ji ".iri-lctuartcr.-' cf the asEociatio^i ihercNiul the sU"! is take;-' t:- £!;;ipe the u:ifaiT."?bL rate 0-" i XI ii."ir.,';e nga'; -.'" ('riL'^-. n:ul for her children. .â- \llowances only where the father is a Br'ti-h suhjeci; cr the liUithev a Hritish .>-ul)jcct hevorc marria:?:<'. Tho m'olliec ar.d cbi'drLri must be residetil in' Canada at the tima of the dealii or tolal ditalili'.y of the father. Tli'^ nv.ther must be a rosi- I'oiit of Ciniada for thr.'e years priar to th" application, for two years a re^idtrt cf Oi.la:io and must reside the li;i<vy head tsx. in the Proviuc â- .\h''.c in reecipt of The campaifri; will :li:ii a: soca as an aHowarce. , th- varicuf. hrHncfies \>avo joir.- d with To become ei-ltUJ G iri a!!ov.a;ico the head c'-g.-nii-ntlon in r-.vr..ulafnr the mother Jind -ihiidrcii must not Ihs schem?. rnd 11 -.viU L? a ;com:>ani own props rty valued at more ihun icd hy :' v^r.ipa'gn, suppcrted by the $2,000 or have more than ?ij00 in Canrdian railwr.y.-, to .nttrncr citi.'.ena cash cr fcccurit-ics convertilde into of the Unitcn! States to this country eahh (other than houieholil goods, in lieu ot goiiliv to Ei^rove. -. etc.) The children mu.st be depcn- .;. - . j dent upon the mother. r^ . e-n Min- _- 1 The ivpcrt does not suggest dc- ^CSt 50 W^H'-Ons | finite amounts, but icconmiends that lo n.eep U.C). Ury i the amount .-liull he determined in^ I each case by the Hdministrative com- -^ despatch ^rojii V/ashingtcn says: mission subject, however, to an C8- â€" 't vvil! cist $!iO,000,000 t. ^yoav to' tablishcd maxiii.i.m per family. "ni»lic this a prohibition country," j Sicator Wuri-ep told h's associates ^ ♦ â€" Ion Thursday. He p-sserted this graat |.cut-!ay may not be necessary for ani To Repair Church 'indefinite teriod, but must continue! Hit by Eic Barth-^ ' ""''' '»t?inp«''-'»"<'^ 'â- '•>!^ ''""â- > eradi-j ;r''?cTit Kin? riHrfd, .'\rclic e-vplorc-v and discover f.r F;;>i! Uui"; ci- of th? North Po'.o. died at his hdiTit o, u.o »ionn-e.ii i-rnncu c. in., i.^n- ^ . - n:cn!icued hero in; here on Friday Xr a.!ia:. Manufuetnrers' A <..oe,r.ti_on, ,.4,ertion. Qu.en M.irio. cf Ron- anaa.ia fr<,m which h hat tno «isoc,at.on wa, .pr.parin? .,, _.,..^^,^., ^^ ^.j ... j->,,:,.n,i! fov s.vcr:d years. Ar lo Iruinh a Donuiic .•>-â- â€¢ : c cumpugn ., . . !.,,„ f„.,„,.,i u.j,.„ „.f 1 Arrangements fcr j the funeral have not been completed, 7vi;KC Ferdiri-Ed nnricub-it-dly i; the but he wi'.l bo bi-ried with full navai I y 'iving ?'i:.c-' r.h who vill eujcy htnor^. ;b? rni'ivc ! o :â- 'â-  n !.â-  '"'I â- !'â- ': iri\'T'cd. Admiral Peary inibmitted to a blood twii;" ^ j cateri. ..__ A bill 'fcr cnforecmcnl cf the na- i A despatch from Paris, nays: Work of restoring the Church of St.ltional prchbition act by eslabhshinp Gcrvais, whicii was struck by a -Big Government warehouses" was intro- Bertlia" .-heir.on Good Friday, iyl8, killing 51 pers;.ns, v;>ll comnuiico on Marih I. - Such was the e;:tenl ( f the damage, doi;e by the long distance shell thatj the work will take from f've lo si\| months to complete. ' - j a despatch from Paris, s-.ays; duced by the Senator. .> French Peace Loan | Has Alt\.-act!0.::3 ': Iransfusiou at a hospital here ten I daya ago. He later was removed to j his home and his condition then was ' reported as some.vhat inipi-oveJ. He jrradu4ii!y grew' weake.-, however, and x\\2 end (i'.me early Friday morning. Ur. IL F. Strine, th-? admiral's physi- cian, c'.'sclosed that the transfusion this month was the 35th to whi;;h Ad- miral Peary had submitted within two years. <. Governing Body of Royal Mounted Police .\, despatch frjni Retina says:â€" I .\ceord:ng to infcrmation' from reli- i able -sour-e.s, the governing body of j the Royal Canadian Mounted Police I will soon be a;inc.un.:ed as follows:â€" Ccmmissioner P.-vry, Ce:ieral Offi- â- er Commanding the force, with head- ' quarters at Ottawa; .Assista^it Com- , missioner Stearns, Ottawa: Assistant I Commissioner Wroughton, Vancou- , ver; Assistant ('i>nimissioncr McGib- I bon, Regina; Adjuti.nt Superinten- ' deiit Newâ€" on, Ottawa. i Bringing Back Bodies of Americai:* M.-2y Be C...ii:;c)i; t. N-sxi. G;-.'-i..-r- Goneral. .^ d-espatch from Washir^jtcn, says: -j'-Tha bod'e.-; of ssvente-sn Aif.srican soWieV.) who di;d i;i Enajland have t.c .-I »yu;v (f Vliuy.^ The -'.iipx , ^.j^^j UifirLterred i:i Fngli.'?h cemctcr- U is e.xpected that restoration of I Franco o'n Thursday opened her big Ccnnty 8l:-.ndard, r.n impcriurt Wng- ! ie.4 ;. id are ready for .shipment to tha the church will be finished by noxti Pence Loan, which is to be u.V.mitcd l'«h pupor. c'aims that l.crd Bj w. wi" j llpJUnl States, the War Departnic:it October in time to celebrale the fivcji,, nnuiunt. The loan is at five per be rext O.^vernor-Geucral ci *'a!i«fla- | uuuoun-ed. This va tUo fir:>t definite hundredth anniversary of the eOnse-' ....... ^ . ._ cration ' f the edif in ll'.;0. .J (.ciciKiit- iiiL- live HI nnuiunc. mo loan is at live per '" i-^-w vi,..< n.^.-^j.;. ....... .. .. -..-^ â€" uuuoai;-eii. ems va ine iu-:>i actinito rsary of the eOnse-' cc-iit., with the additional attraction As Sir JuUan.Ryng, ho was for a time ..^^^ j-aken in the pJan to bring back fiee, which onurrcd: of a fifty per cent, {.rsmlimi to he Commander t.f tto (nimnUan Forces | tj,; bo-oJ-M cf American .sol.lier- w'o given witYi every bond at mat..,rity. i O" tli.- Western Front Llie;! ovcr.-ea;--. BRINGING UP FATHER CEE:-1 D TlilHK. VOU'D CITLOST IN MEllE COME UPSTAIRS •4* YOU HAVTN'r SEb'N -, HALF OF IT I SUPPOSE THIS 15 THE STORE- ( ROOM ? L£L

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