Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 26 Feb 1920, p. 7

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THE IIEST TOSIC FOR mmm people Increa.se Your.. Nervous Energy by Building Up the Blood With Dr. WiUiams' Pink PUls. NerToua people who have not yet developed a (liseasa that can be le- liognizeil and treated by the medical profession have the greatest trouble In flnding relief. Irritation, headache, aleeplesanoHfl, nritvous indigestion, all these discomforts make life miserable but are endured rather than run a doctor's bill without hope of recovery. Kvery such sufferer should know the danger ol such a condition to the ner- vous system. Nervous debility and even paralysis may result if the lone of tlie nerves is not restored by build- ing up Ihe blood. As a tonic, for- the blood and iiervt-s Dr. Williams' Pink Pilla have been nseil with the greatest success. Thfty have a direct action on the blood and thevefore enable it to carry to the nerves the elements they need to fully ntstore their noruinl function- am! at the same time im- prove the general health. The bene- fits that follow the use of thi.s medi- cine, is shown by I he statement of Mrs. .lenny Marr, K.R. No. 3, Port Rowan, a well known school teacher, who says: â€" "Some years ago I became greatly run drawn, and was in this (condition for nearly a year. A doctor whcni I called in said I was suffering from colnplete nervous prnstraliou. It ?vr FASHIONS FOR THE WEEK. would hardly be possible to tell all the symptoms of ray case, but anyone who ha.= passed throusU a nervous break- down will know wh:U 1 suffered. An 1 did not seem lo inipiove under tlie doctor'.s treatment, I decided to try lit. Williams' Pink Pills, and the de- cision was a r<>rtunate one for "314 9,i7R ^â- ^'^f No. 9314 â€" Ladies' Dress with Chemisette. Price, 25 cents. Kimono sleeves with underarm section; in- step or shorter length. Cut in 6 sizes, .'54, 36, 38, 40, 42 and 44 inches bust measure. Size 36, with collar, instep Ieni?th, 3% yards 40 inches wide, or 3% yards M inches wide; without collar, 3% yards 40 inches wide, or 3U yards 54 inches wide. Width around bottom, 1% yards. No, 9328-Ladies' Dress. Price 25i J^j;*^;^^;^'^;,^ stomach cents. Two styles of sleeve; with or The Old Chair. Empty il bides beside the waning lire. And, aa the euibers slowly curl to smoke, It dreams of all the sad and happy folk Its days have known: h maid in gay altira^ Waiting impatient for some gallant squire ; A mother, grieving lliat her boy is grown Too much a man to be quite all her own; A lad who hums a .song of lovu's de- sire. It dreams that once again the children climb Into its cosy depths and gravely read / Quant fairy tales of 'oncu upon a lime"- â-  .\nd as it wakes to mourn o'er vanished need, Two glad young lovers steal across the floor, .\ud, nestling dose, its auciont joy re- store. »> Mm IN THE HOME NEURALGIA If you know the nerva- raoklng aKonles of Neural- ClB you will bles^ tUa d»r Templeton'.s Rheumatic Capsules . were discovored. This famous remedy la abso* lutely guBrauteed to glva- rsltef t.0 sufferers from Nturalgla. r«nd for free ssmplo to Templetons, 143 King St. W., Toronto. Doctors recommend them, and reliable druK- Blstseverywberoiiell them for VLOt a box. BITS OF HUMOR Classified Advertisemcntak Aonvra WAxrii:s. POUTUAIT â- cod prtres on united .W ronto. AGENTS WANTINO lirtnta and llnlsbes â€" lowasc ;ramaii â€" ask for catalosUK. Co., « Brunswick Avk, T^- British Wit. â- 'What is an American'/" asks one comodluu of another in the London I music halls. 'An American," is the answer, ".^u .American is one who /chews gum and wins wars." Quite True. She (indignantly): -This article says women are naturally dishonest," 11 He (tenderly: "Well, aren't they j always stealing men's peace of mind â€" iand robbing them of their hearts?' A IC.VTM W.XNTKI >. »50 to JlOO A wcelt rusily made HnlUnK Auto .Sppfld IlifH. Write for 1 nformatluii. Hotli\ -.â- ll's .'Viito .Spi-p altlftw. :m (tli-h- nioiirt Stree . Toronto, <>m. ASTHMA Templeton'8 RAZ-MAH Cap- sules are guaranteed to relieve AST H MA. Don't sutler an- other day. Write Temptotons. 142 King St. W., Toronto, tor freesample. Reliable drut'gists sell them at •1.04 a box. W.A.VTRD - HEI.1AHI.K. RM:H- getic men. farmers' sons, farm- er.f oi- others who lan devolo some of their .spare time to repreBent us aa .Salesmen for Nur.sery .Stock. We sup- ply up-to-date caMvnsslnK outfits free of • rhuiK« and offer liberal remuneration.' .\pijly luinieillately lo Muple Grove .S'uiSBrlos. Winona. Oni. SM.-VRT. ISNKRciKTir w.'iTited I Had the Proof liidulKCiit Mother-"You YODNG MAN to bundle mining stocks, bonds and debentures, to represent Ta- ronto l-louse. Liberal cominlsslon. Ap- ply Box «. Wilson J'ublishlnB Co., To- ronto. tAND 9i;z.i.Ea8. must be w ' Jt I T K F O It INFORMATION about the new. modern way of Sell your property ,, . „ , -. help. Our method your systera IS all upset. • only costs you »12.on. Why pay a Litllo Vivian- "I guess it is main '»'»'' '-oninii.sslon-.' Write for full par- . ^.'„ „!„„„ ... 1 ' "cular.s. Real Instate Buyers Monthlv. ma, cause my foots asleep, and i rgj Pund aa .St., London. Ont. people must be terribly upset when ; ==^:^ awfully careful, dear; the doctor says 1 'â- ellini,' real estate. ' yourself with our only God God Is at the Anvil. the anvil boatinK out without yoke and two-piece tunic; j ""» constipation and ii.dicesi ion, colds two-piece skirt, instep or shorter ""'' "nnple levers .iiid makm.? leetli- length. Cut in 7 sizes, 34, 36, 38, 40,; ing easier. ConcerninK tliem, Mr.s. 42, 44 and 46 inches bust measure. ; Saluste Pelleticr, St. IJuiuas, (.Jue., I Size 36, with tunic, instep length, 4% ! writes: "l have used Baby's Own .yards 40 inches wide, or 3% yards .54 Tablets for the past leu years and am me -IS ' â- ''â- 'â- t*^ *''''^' contrasting, 1 yard -JO i ,..pver without them in the house. Thev ,. ., , â-  ' ,' inches wide; without tunic, 3 yards ,,.,..., „i„.„,,„ „;• „„ ihu â- r.-..nt.act ....fi.. I soon fouvd .some rel ef liirouirh the ..n â-  i -i , , ., i c ha\c aiway.S' givon the gieaie&t satis- â- ..juu luui.u bunie leiiei LiiruuLii i.m. .jq itiches Wide, or 2 1-8 yards .li, ,. ^. , . , ,, , use of the pills, and after taking eight | inches wide WiH<-»- ..,.^„.,;i t,„H„,v, t taction and I can gladly recommend Once a mother has r.sed Haby's Own Tablets for her little one.s- slio always keeps a supply <iu hand, for the first trial convinces her there ;s nothing to equal them in keeping children well. The Tablets are a mild but thorough 1 ^i^^ jg ^t the anvil welding golden laxative which regulate the bowels 1,^., thus driving , in ^jje .qcarlct-strcuminK name is at sun; Wliere the molten metal Kpill:<, .\t his forge among the hills ITu is liauimnring out the glory "f diiv that's done. the lie is taKhioning a frame For the sliimmering silver beauty (ho evening stars. of they go to sleep at the wrong end." « X«ep Mlnard'a Idnlmeat la tba ^oiua. ' A. jfood many honest dollars may be picked up by buying sheep, lambs or colts that have not had a fair chance, and buildiing- them up by good care and feeding. 70S SA&B NEW.Sr.Vl'Elt. County. >'â- â€¢â- â-  It Works! Try It Tel.'s trOw to loosen a sore, tender corn so it lifts out without pain. WKEKLT. IN BHUCM Splendid opportuidty. Writ* Uoj: T Wilson PubllHhljiK Co., Limited. "3 Adelaide .St. W.. Tcronto. WELL EQUIPPED NEWSP-U'ER and job printing plant In Eastern Ontario. Insurance carried 11.600. Will CO for Jl.LOO on quick sale. Box 9Xi Wilson Pnbllsbinir Co.. Ltd.. Toronto. UXSCEXiIiAJTEOUB. ttOFFlX STOCK WANTED. IP YOU > are able to supply, advise ua, as w« will pay the hisbest prices, dry or (reea from the saw. Kaenan Broa, Limited- Owen Sound, Ont. ANGER, TUMOKB. LUMPS, ETC. Internal and external, cured without pain by our home treatment. Write ua before too late Dr. Bellman Medical J / Co.. Limited. Colllncwood. Ont. 1-8 yards I inches wide. Width around bottom, n4 vards. • No. ;)0G6â€" Girl's Dress. Price, 20 cents. Smocked or shirred. Cut in 1 .') sizes, 4 to 12 years. Size 4, with i long sleeves, IT's yards " 3(5 inches 1 wide; jvith short sleeves, 1% yards . 3ti inches wide. These patterns n>ay be obtained I from your local McCall dealer, or Aaic far Ulsard'a and \Wi.i uo otlisr. i boxes I was fully restored to health. To-day 1 am strong and hearty, with- out nn ache or pain, and for my pre- sent physical condition 1 feel I am In- debted to Dr. Wiliinms' Pink Pills, and can heartily reccmmend them to anyone suffering from nervous trou- bles." You can in-ocure Dr. Wiliiauis' Pink | f rom the McCall Co., 70 Bond St., To- I'ills through any dealer in medicine ronto, Dept. W. them to all motliera oC little ones." Th>> Tablets iire sold by inodic.ine deal- ers or direct by mail at 2.^> m»nts a box from 'I'he Dr. VVilli;nns' .Mc-.licine Co., Hrockvlllo, (int. When tillage begins other arts fol- low. The fa'-mers, thereiore, are founders of human "civilization- Danic! Wehster. or they will be sciit you by mail at .")0 cent.-i a box or .six boxes for ?2..50 by writing direct to The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., BrockviUe, Ontario. ♦> What is the Most Important Naturzil Resource? Water-power development is but one of the important usfs to which many of cur inland waters may be applied. N.B. "Statistics of Forest Fire Causes. .Vccording lo t'le .N'ew Drunsvvidt Forest Service there were 409 forest j (ires In that province during 1919. ! which (Mused a lo.ss iinK)unting to $139-.7o4. Thirty-nine neglected set- tlers' ileaiihg liros +-uused a damage of $B4„'!<t8. or 39 per cent, of the total Too frequently. In reports on water- 'lamJiKe for the entire province. The powor resources, it has been tiie ten- i "•'Sl^*^"^' '''"m' "'â- <-'« "f 'i-'''"''"''-'!- â-  * and picnic parties of .'54i5,:!ni. or one- has been tiie ten dency to deakwith power develop ment' exclusively, williciit adequately ; considering such related subjects as , domestic and municipal supply, agri- I culture and irrigation navigation, fisheries, and riparian rights. Tliere has been a tendency on the i part of many persons interested in the conservation of natural resources to emphasize that tliis or that par- ticular resource is^ the most in>portant. Some have contended that the forests are the most â-  ipoijtant asset, others coal, others maintain that the soil, with its fertility, is the most impor- tnut, and, of late years, great stress lu-,s been laid upon the statement that water is the chief asset- the predic- tion being made that the nation which ha.s the most and cheapest water- power available is desined to take precedence in the world of conimerce. .â- \s a matter of fact, however, all these various interests are interdependent. It any one feature of our natural re- sources is to be placed before others, probably it could be most reasonably urged that a fertile condition of the soil is the most important natural as- set to be safeguarded; because, for his sustenance on the earth, man re- quires food, raiment, and shelter, and tliese essentials are supplied him, in one form or another, either directly or indirectly, from the soil. It must be manifest, therefore, that the fac- tors which make for the permanence of the soil's productivity are of para- mount importance; and hence the subject of the conservation and use of waters as a natural asset must, among ather thin.ijs. be considered in its prime relationship to the subject of the iiroductivity of the soil. A safety lamp for mines us.ing benzine for fuel without' danger has been perfected in Europe. I hunters, campers ; caused a drinagf^ ; third of the total. j Another $14,250 of damage wiis I caused by the careless use of lire by I industrial operators, such as portable mills, open burner:?, rossing plants, etc. Incendiary forest lires totalled 7, with damage aggregating $12,770; and 17 tires of unknown origin, with esti/uated dam.ige $7,640. There were 30G railway tires, but most of them were of no material in- portance. The total dain;ige caused by thes/e fires was bi:t $4,340, or only three per cent, of the total of the province. Of this amount, $4,230 of the damage was caused by fires along the Canadian Government railways, which are not under the jurisdiction of the Board of Railway Commission- ers. Lines in the province under the jurisdiction of the Railway Comrais- siou caused only $110 of damage by forest fires during the. year. Sugar on B.C. Fir Trees. Discovery of the growth of sug;n- on lir trees in Hritish Columbia is an- nounced in the current nujnber of The .\merican Fore:^try Mugiiziue. . The discovery, which is said to be of great value to chemi.stry. came as the re- sult of the investigations of Profes- sor. John Davidson. Chief of the Bo- tanical Department of (he University of British Columbia .';t Vancouver. Specimens of the products, upon analysis, are said to have indiffttted j tlio presence of a large pe-.x-enlage of I an extremely lare variety of atigar. I While lir su.gar is not (r'xpucted lo be- ; come a factor \\\ the food supply, like ! the prudi.ct of the cam; and the beet, ' in the article I ho discoverer advances the belief that it will priive valuablo j I toi- experimental purposes. Indians | I have made use of tlie sugar in British LET "DANDERINE" SAVE YOUR HAIR Hiirrv! A few cents stops hair falling.- and doubles its beauty GoofI news spreads rapidly and drug- gists here are kept busy dispensing] the' 'teezone, the ether discovorj- of a Cln. I • clnnati man, which is said to loosen | any corn so it lifts out with the j fingers. .\Bk at nny pharmacy for a quarter ounce of freczone, which will coat very little, but is said to he sufficient to rldh one's feet of every hard or soft com or callus. You apply Just a few Irops on the tender, aching corn and instantly the soreness Is relieved, and soon the com Is so shriveled that it lifts out with- out pain. It 1b a sticky substance which dries when applied and aever Inflames or even Irritates the adjoin- Idk tissue. This discovery will prevent thou- f.ands of deaths annually from lock- jaw and infection heretofore resulting from the Euicidai habit of cutting corns. "SYRUP OF FIGS" CHILD'S LAXATIVE Look at tongue! Remove poi- sons from little stomach, liver and bowels Coltinibia for many stales. years, the article In the Firelight. • I love the tirelighl's ruddy glow, A comfy chair that's soft and low. And 'cross the hearth, within my view The lovelight iu your eyes so blue. I love the crackling of the logs. To watch son playing witli his dogs- The things of home so warm and' dear. And hear our children's laughter neai^. IWONEY ORDHRS. Seud a Domiiiioa Exiireas iVloiiey Order. Five Dollars costs three cents. .^ Canada's Place in the Empire. Canada is the foremost of the family of the British Empire, anil, being near- est, the great responsibility rests up- on her, not alone to aid and succor in battle, but to lead the van in all forms of indu.strial life; to seize every opportunity to forward the grandeur and stability both of herself and of the Empirtj.â€"Tho .Vgricul^tiral Gazette for January, 1920. Mansonville, June 27, 13. Minard's Liniment Co., Limited. Y.armoutli, N.S. Geutlemeu, - It alfords me great pleasure and must be gratifying to you to know that after using %& bot- tles of your Liniment on a c6se of paralysis which my father was af- flicted with, 1 was able to restore him to normal eoudit!ou. Hoping other sufferers mtiy be benefitted by the use of your Liniment, I am, Sincerely yours, GEO. li, HOLMES. ^1 .\ little "Danderine" cools, cleanses and makes the feverish, itchy scalp soft aud pliable; then this stimula- ting tonic penetrates to the famished hair roots, revitalizing and invigorat- ing every hair in the head, thus stop- ping the hair falling out. getting thin, scraggly-or fading. -•Vfter a few applications of 'Dander- ine" you seldom ll'.id a fallen hair or a particle of danilruii', besides every hair nhows tuore life, vigor, bright- ness, color and thickness. A few^ cents buys a bottle of de- lightful "Danderine" ;it .-iny drug or toilet couiiicr. DON'T NEGLECT A RHEUMATIC PAIN Go after it with Sloair.s Liniment before it gets dantrerous Malnutrition is as mischievous for the teacher as for the taught. To clean velvet garments, first ! ~ ~ T TTI ^ c ' brush them well and then hang them j When Mother Keads a Mory- over a bath tub full of steaming hot whei> mother reads a story just he- Apply a /(â- ///.•, don't nib, let \t penC' Irate, andâ€" good-by twinge ! Same for external aches, pains, strains, stiffness of joints or umEL-lcs, lameness, bruises. Inctaiit relief without mussiness or .soiled clothing. Reliableâ€" the biggest selling liniment year after year. Eco- nomical by reason of enormous sales. Keep a big bottle ready at all times. Made in Canada. Ask your druggist for Sloan's Liniment. 35o., 70c., Jl.lO, liet'p a tuiiuty Accept "California" Syrup of Figs only â€" look for the name California on the package, then you are sure your child is having the best and most harmless laxative or physic for the little stomach, liver and bowels. Cliildren love its delicious fruity taste. Full directions for child's dos» on each bottle. Give it without fear. Mother! You must say "California." "^^^ water. Place a sheet over the gar- naent to keep the steam in. A string or an umbrella will act as a frame to hold the sheet up. Steaming raises the pile of the velvet. The Sweet Cereal Flaivor of Gra"pe«Nuts X 19 not produced hy addindt sugar to this blend of ^wheat and malted barley.' The swee'tnws is due to ac^ tuol ii'din 9u4«r. self-devel*, opedTjy the brocesgini and; loiiA bakif^ oF this grear food. &es aReascm Ar Grape-Nut? fore we go to bed. There's not a one of all of us that is a sle^iy-head: We gathof round and crowd nil- close about hor rocking chair. And as she reads I watch the light a-glowing in her hair. Oh, Jimmy's eyes get big as plates, and Mary sometimes s'iueals, And Betty sits with tear-sta.ned face because slio sorter feels Real sorry for the dragon when the hero kills Jiim dead : When mother reads a story just be- fore we go to bed. When mother reads a story just be- fore we go to bed, I lean up close and hold the book so she can put my head, For when the giant's yelling fierce, it's awful nii5S to know That mother's arm Is holding you and will not let you go! Oh. Buddy's mouth. falls open most, he gets so filled with fear, And Helen's eyes glow bright like stars; and when the end is near Wo hear the words, "They happy live forever â€" It wa« said," When mother reads a story ju.-it be- fore -we go to bed. Yes, Cold AH j^^ '^S^ Gone- Not A^J5 % JN^ Bit of Cough Left Feel great this morning. As soon as 1 felt it coming on yesterday I used Gray's Syrup and nipped it in the bud. Just couldn't miss an hour at the office, we arc so busy and short'handcd. Gray's Syrup is a habit in our family, the folks have u.sed it for sixty years. I Always liuy llio Lnrgs Sluo GC ; )te spiwciiitiM J^tnol D'yfAtSOH&CO.Nenryprk America's Ploaeer Soff Swnadtc* aook OB DOG DISEASES Mia How to râ€"d Mailed Frse to, any Ad- drees by the Author. I. Olay OloTsr Oo„ Sno. 118 Wast Slat BtrisBt Now York. U.S.A. COAX 'EM Stop Whipping Bowels into Activity, but take "Cascarets" Spain has fewer daily papei-'; Ihm any other European country. Put aside the Salts, Pills, Castor Oil, or Purgative Waters that irritate and lash the bowels Into action but which do not thoroughly cleanse, freshen and purify these drainage or- gans, and have no effect whatever tip- on the liver and stomach. Keep your "Insldes" pure and fresh with Cascarets, which thoroughly cleanse the stomach, remove the un- digested, sour food and foul gases, take the exoess bile from the liver aud carry out of the system all the con- stipated waste matter and potaons In the bowels which are keeping yooj half sick, headAchy, and mlMrable. Cascarets to-nicht will make yoa feel great by mornlnc. They work while you sleepâ€" neivar gripe, sicken or clause inconvenience. Cascarets cost so little too.' I98UB No. -'80 ^p% SINCE f 1870 V^i^': SHI'LOH ^'^aOilSEICOUGHS FACE WAS FULL OF nMPLES For Three Years. Hard and Awfully Sore. Disfigured. Cuticura Heais. "I had been sufTerung with a pim- ply face for three years. My face was full of pimples and they were hard and awfully sore. They fes- tered and dried up, and were scaly, and disfigured my face. They caused ma to lose a lot of sleep, and were awfully itchy, making me scratch an.l irritate my face. "I- started to use Cuticura Soap and Ointment and I used two cakes of Cuticura Soap and two boxes of Cuticura Ointment when I was healed." (Signed) Clifford Yeomans, East Chezzelcook, N. S. Use Cuticura for every-day toilet purposes. Bathe with Soap, soothe with Ointment, dust vvhh Talcum. Soap 25c. Ointment 26 and 50c. Sold tliroughouttheDr minion. ConadlanDtp-Jt: Lrm.».o». Limitsd, St. Paul St., Montreal. ^^Cuticura Soap sliaT o* without .liUa. ONLY TABLETS MARKED, "BAYER" ARE ASPIRIN Not Aspirin at All without the "Bayer Cross" Poj CoM*. Pain, Nmim^iK Tpoih- 1 wm*««» which ocmtalns ooo^rt* ** Mhe, Headache, SM»ch«, aBd lor j feotkins. than you ai* ftmag fMl tUieumati»m, Lumbaito, Soiatloa.N^- '-â-  •'•- vâ„¢.-.» >~. tUMt, take Awplrin marked with th« Mma "Bay«r"^or ymt are not t»k)iH( Anlrin ai all- JUespt onty *«««. tM» *l «< Ukpbt^ In m mniUn "^70* TVaM li nJ9 «â- Â» A i gtota » ' 'BBTw''--Tan anurt aagr ' Anptrln l» rftn trai!'> rnn-'t f! ^ i» rt »T»d tn Onadxl of T»Mr^ Minvtat. aMtteaoldaatar of SalirrHeaeia. 1»»U» U !• w«u imo-vti -haf .WMfU Binnfactttr*, «» •••lit tn« WbUo tMUmm. imnatiww* »>•â- Â» T» tl«tft.!g »' .^gpi^Tn â€" the genuine Aapinn pW" i^rribed by phveiciana tor QtM nlm- t«ui â-¼earc. Vo\f mndn iA OaaaA Bandjr tin bojuM (Wta in i k g 19 ttf' ' l(t* ew^' hnt a few fDnt«. aJao sell largfT "Bayar" pa

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