Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 26 Feb 1920, p. 8

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iiplii PNi wmmmiwKmmmmm mm IPIH "11 ^rf^mmf^'if^mm mmm. February 26 193« THEFLESHERTCN ADVANCE K P. BELLAMY manager FEVERSHAM h aiding to build up local communities by financing local enterprises, this bank is simply pur- suing its ideals of a national banking service. More, it is strengthening its own position as an impregnable bank- ing institution. Incorporated jS5S ^^BANKo^'T^ CHKVROLliT "FOUU-NIXETY " TOURING CAR, cjuipped with elcctiic li^liU uiid starter, liinh- est type two unilsystem, siiiglo wirint! used. Comp'eto lamp £<juipinent, Muhnir tailored ouc man top, top cover ntid side cur- tains; tilled windshii-kl; Fpcodn- intter ; electric horn ; extra rim aud carrier tn rear ; cotnpleti' tool equipment, iiicludint; j^cV Biid pump. Foot rest, robe rstil, pockets in each door. Price $995, f. o. \>. (Wiiiwii, Out. Behind every effort there is al ways an aim, an ideal. With the niaiuifacturo of Chevrolet cars this aim and this ideal is to build a car at the h'ast po.ssiblo price that is consistent with qualitN' and good woi'kmatKship. The success that the Chevrolet organiza- tion has achieved in this directioh s evinced by the growing prctbrencc for Chevrolet cars by all who want the ut- most in value and service. *ii^€Mi^S^ifS£'i'Ji£^!^ifJ^ «i^ ^Ji^^ji^^Ji^ « D, McTAVISH & SON ^ FLESHERTON, ONTARIO K.zffsj^ixh^'iiiMi^i^^:^^-^ :K; jXiiXo^-i A LITTLE DISPLAY ®F TEiÂ¥IPER A Group of Rocky Mountain Sheep. ONE iH'Urs of the affection of wild crealurug and their devotion to one another, even unto Ui'ath. This la undoubtedly true In many in- Btances, but to my mind more wild animals die through displaying bad temper than through gentler sensa- lions. I have seen a grand ten-point black-tailed deer brougut down while bullying a game little spike buck; I have lain on the edge ot deep pools ♦n-l watched a surly pll<e ram his ]u;ad Into a net while attempting to Intimidate a big bull trout, ftlorc- over I once saw a grizzly that died becauBo lie had lost his temper when a man approaobcd as the bear was eating, and I was once an active par- ticipator in the death ot a lynx that jVould have escaped unscathed had it not stopped to (law up a dog tiiat It |could have outrun on three legs t On the other hand, there are many '•lories of affection. Once 1 was an llntcrested observer of a she-bear put- ting a fast-rlimblng Dane up a tree find keeping him there while her twin offspring climbed neighboring eap- JlDgs, and were, in her opinion eiife. I have been told of devoted trout that committed deliberate sut- I'iilc because their mates had taken the hook. I know of enormoub bull VBlnises off the roast of Ilrltlsh Co- lumbia who personally see to it that •vfn the smallest pup Is driven into the safety of the black waters when danter tbreateus. Then there are the (alos of the male salmon guarding the spawning beds from l)uccaneering trout while the female salmon ih'- posit egfs; and sailing rarn have told till jf mother whales sheltering caivpB iinrter their grfat flukes while Uie haritooas were reaching d&t.-p for the mother's vitals. All these are â-  worth telling, and may be told, but at ' present the subject is temper leading up to the deiiiise of the mountain sheep whose eighleeo-lnch horns had been the aiubition of hunters for three long seasons. lie ranged the peaks a score of I miles below I'alliser w!;%re, from the highest pinnacles of his range he could look down the fair sweep of the valley and see C. V. R. trains lolling up or roaring down the grades. He did not know what they â- were nor did they bother his mind much. To him they may have been crawling flies. His simple life did not include them, his chief nnnoyances were the self-imposed duties of whippiii!? young and ambitious bucks, keepln.; ills band of ewes in proper subjectlo:i. and avoiding the two-legged creaturi--,, who crawled ;-0 clumsily about the rocks and frightened one with sharp noises followed by high-pitched whines. Once, when he had heard the sharp sound and did not hear the whine, his side had hurt for a long lime and the liiood had flowed as it does when an eagle or a mountain lion rips the hide, and he did Lot want to repeat that experience. So ha was very watchful. One day he ctood on a wind-swept slope nnd gazed, high-headed, over the broad valley. Nearby his hand browsed placidly. A youthful and In Judicious mate edged over to a charming young female and butted her playfully. Bho too displayed frivolity, she shouldered him awav In- vitingly. The king of the band saw llieae carrylngb on nnd stamprd a stern warning. The young buck and tbs silly ewe spianj apart with ( [keen appreciation of what fcUowed ; outbursts of temper by the lord and ! master. A Email stone, loosened l^^' the liasty feet of the youuK buck roU- [ ed and clattered down the rocky ; grade. Around behind a distant shotilder of rocks a man who had been fruit- lessly hunting all afternoon had turn- ed toward his valley caiup, warned by the lengthening shadows of late afternoon, lie heard a distant clatter of ;i rolling stone on loose shale and paused a moment before dropping to his knees and creeping noiselessly to- ward the point from whence the clatter cniiie. The big buck, high-headed and vv-atchful, but raging and »oamlng with anger, was just stepping down toward the impudent young male with every intention of inflicting merited chastisement when thi; ritla cratked. The anlnial turneif aud tied, blindly and fast, half stunned b) the blow that smote his shoulder and burned his Interior. He ran in- stinctively upward while his band also scattered to the heights by other routes and the vN-hite man, breathless and panting, followed the b!ood drops that marked the path ot his prize. He followed to the snow line and be- yond, his hunter's soul gladdened hf the crimson dashes on the white 'mantle. And at last, a half lulte I from where he had raised the b nd, 'and a thousand feet above the spot, he iiame upon the bighorn chief's oody, [half btiricd In the juiro white of a iheaven-ciiiubing slide. One little dis- play of Jealous temper had ruined the life of the most astute itocky Mouit- taln sheep Is the wholo hunting cuun* trr south of the C. f. H. main Une,-« U V. K. • HsRtr N«« All QutMbsro's. Printing Is Mid to have been Intro- dllMd to the world Aug. 14, 1487. John Otitenberg sUnds at the head of tlie early typ«gntphera, supported by the genlns of ScbosfTer and the generous patronage of Fauat. Gat«nb«rg used only blocks, and to Schoeffer is due the movable type cast from matrices Oaxton, who introduced the art Into England, began life as a trader, bat laamed printing at Cologne. The first printed book on record is "The I'sai- ter," which John Faust and SchoefTer published at Metz in 1437. I Snow and Fireflies. The oriental is always and ever pic- turesque. The .student of the East does not "burn (he midnight oH." He works by snow and fireflies. There Is an ancient lec« iid nbout a Chinese stu- dent who wii.i too poor to buy oil. So In the summer months he- studied all night by the light of fireflies caught and Imprisoned In n paper lantern, and In the winter by the reflection of the snow. â€" Gertrude- Emerson In World Ontlook. Willing to Help the Needy. A famous woman teacher, eighty years old, was sitting on the veranda oC a <ollegc dormitory in her wheel chair. A student had Just brought her soiiio Ice water in her silver mug and tlio teacher had finished drinking it >\hen some tourists_can)e up, saw her sitting there holding out her cup, and they dropped a half dollar in it. Imag- ine their feelings wlien they discovoi-eil "ho the "beggar" was! Ths Seats of the Mighty. A ci-rialM captain went calling upon till- village belle. The old man kept a very vicious housedog, and upon the occasion of the officer's call the dog was until il. V,"hen the fearsome ca- nine liiiil finished with the captain the sent of the latter's trousers was miss- ing. His Krother officers, Joshing him ubout his predicament, asked if the girl wi:.s worth risking his anatomy In that fashion. The captain replied: "Ma.Nbe not, but I have always been willing to give up my seat to any I. (ly I"â€" Judge- Benefits of Walks. Through a dally walk in the open nir, the hair may be made to grow, it is said, and this as n result of Im- proved cftculatlon. The skin may be Improved, both in color and texture. If It Is, In conjunction with this oxirelse, properly cleaned. The figure may be greatly Improved. These bles.slngs, with the calming of troubled nerves al- ready mentioned, ought to make any woman, young or old, an advocate of this form of exercise. The Industrious Bee. Thu hoc has two dLstlnet stomacli.s. In the first it store.s nwny the honey from the flowers until sueli time as it Is ready to yield It up, while the other stomach Is used simply and solely for digestion purposes. When the bee Is ready to depo.«lt the honoy it con- tracts the muscles of the .stomach and the honey Is ejected tlii-ough ilir mouth. The Thoughtless Answer. A certain Kan.su.s City iiliysichm win never know ju.st how near death he was the otlier day when, aftfr a thorough esninlnutlon ot probably the brightest, sweetest and altogether su- preme nine-iTionths-old baby in the, world, the mother asked, "Well, what do you think of my l)ahy?" and li* said, "Oh, if.s a normal child." Have Eye for the Future. â€" Do for yourself wliat you admire seeing the other man do. He takes time to get ahead. His mind is his most precious treasure. No pains are too much to bestow upon it. You watch him grow and admire his pluck. You even speak the word that boosts him. Why not apply his principles to your own life? Make the hours count. Take detours now that yon may ride an easy road later. â€" Exchange. "Carpet-Bagger." It is said that the term "carpet-lia^'- ger" was fii-st applied to political ad- venturers in .America. It was designed to describe a needy political adventur- er who wanders over the country pan- dering to the prejudices of the Igno- rant in order to try to get Into oflico. lie was so called because he was re- garded as having only enough property to All a carpet bag. North American Moose. The best moose hunting In east- ern North America is found in tiie I Canadian province of New Brunswick. .The best In the United States is in Maine. Moose are believed to beliold- ing their own iC not increasing.. Er- nest Thompson Seton, the naturalist, estimates tliat there are about a mil- lion moose in North America. Combl.nations in Soap. The priiiclplt: of .soap making is al- ways the same and is based on the combination of fat and' an alkali, as In the case of tallow nnd lye. Varia- tions in soaps nre^ largely due .to ad- ditions of i)erfumes, coloring matter nnd such sub.slances, wiiicgi liave noth- ing to do with the primary purpose of soap, which is to cleaii.se. I To Start a Clock. j The stopping of a clock iiuiy ho due to clogged wheels. Thoroughly satu- [rate a piece of white cotton with kero- isene oil Tind place it in.side the clock jcusc. Probably at the end of a week [the cotton will be black with dust that [has been loo.sened by the futues of the loll and the clock will run as well us ever. Dainty +lobby. ' When commercial travelers in uklen New Idea In Transportation. A "locotiaclor" has been developed for use in Africa. The weight of the , car and cargo Is supported' on metal j "^'^ ^'"^"' *'"'''' 'â- o""'^s »"tl received rails, but the vehicles arc dl-iven by j""'''*''"-^ "ley generally presented a ininl- ruliber-slioil wheels running on pro- i""""*^ ^^-^ "'" ''""''* furniture and china pi\red strips of road metal" on each i**" "'" ^'i"".*"" services to the children side of the tracks. This arriingcment i ' *'"-' ''°"*<'- ^ue of the tiuaiutest Is said to lie very elTective. 1''"* "' "''^ "miniature" furniture is u French Peasants Good Pay. The Frendi peasant, steady koIuv;, llirifty and IruKiil, ami far "nwm In- clined to do without than to buy be- yond his means, almost without ex- ceptton pays lils debts -reliably aud pruniptly. Hi;^! rollpclion costs form 110 part of u dealer's worries In France. Foundation of True Beauty. The truest beauty arises rniiti a noble chnnicter. A smil which Is radiant with love and truth lights oven the homeliest face Into beauty which is not transient, but wlilch grows ever deeper nnd more abiding as the years pass on. What "Cenotaph" Means. The word is derived from the Greek words "kenos," meaning "empty" and "taphos," lueanln;,' "tomb." In other words, n cenotaph la a sepulcliral niontiment erected In honor of a person whose body lies elsewhere. How to Tell Sapphires. A really good sapphire sIkiuUI appear blue by artltlclal light as well as da.v- llght; some stones have a trace of black, and some red, the latter making them rcsoiuhle amethyst, especially by laiuplight, or gaslight. Consider the Centipede. It Is n luislake to suVpose that nil centipedes have a hundred logs. The name Is lulsleailing, Tho most common variety \isually have ;J1, but there pre other species with as many as 100 or 200 legs. satinwood model of a grand piano. Brought Down to Date. "Man wants hut liuie here below, nor wants that little long," Is what they sang .some years ago â€" but it's now another song. The words we use are different Quite, though fully as sublime. "Man wants everything In sight, and wants it all the time." Fish Live in Ice. During several months of eaoh year some of the great rivers of Siberia are frozen solid to the bottom, but the fishes imprisoned in the ice nmintalu. their vitality and resume their active life when the ice molts In the spring. Business Is Business. Old llardleigh (to the luatriinoniul agent)â€" There is another point I'd like to have .settled. I am living In the country. My Intended must be shipped to me. Are your terms t. o. b. or do you pay the freight'? Disease Caused by Tree Tapping. .\ Dutch scientist has found that flie disastrous brown hast disease of thu rubber tree is caused by tho present method of tapping, aud not by u mold infection, as has previously been thought. Fruitless Cause of Worry. We under.stuud that it is unhealthy to eat between meals, but we are not going to worry ubout that until we set Some meals to cat between. â€" Dallas News. Steam Not Needed. In Death valley, California, the sum mer soar of humidity. Masculine Contempt. Stuitli Ulchard asked his sister to roll In Death valley, California, the sum- ^"'"" '"^^^hard asked his sister to roll mer tenipeiature In artilicial shade ^"'^ "'^'^'^ "P ''"''''â- """'' ''*'*1*« ^''l"'* <oars to Ki'i degrees!, with 1 per cent '^^ '* n<"»'l>' ho remarked. "Gee, and it humidity. ><>" expect to be a wife yet!" Nobody Envies a Dead Man. ^•" ^'"**'' '"'â-  ^*•"• KverylHKly envies the man who is iil">li> h"s i-.ore than o.tKiO.OOO n» going to die rich, but the moment he I'''"*'- «' i^*>'^'? ","""' "*^^^o^xvlh are in rcgulal^y planted and cultivated Is dead everybody ceases to envy him. orcluirds. CREDIT AUCTION SALE Of Farm Stock, (mplements, Etc , will hi held on LOT 40, CON. 9. ARTEMESIA. on WEDNESDAY. MAltCfl 3,1920, when the folluwinx articles will be sold ; C.4TTLE, ErO.â€" Red cow 7 yawa old, spotted cow 7 year4 old supposed to be in calf, Holatein ow 5 years old due to freshen in April, black <]gw 5 years o)d supposed to be in c>ilf, whitti cuir S years old due to freshen April 12, rad cow 5 yeari old due to freshen m ApriJ, 11 two ye>r old>, 11 calves,, pedi){reed Shoithorn cow S yeirit^old. Que March 27th, cow 8 ye'irs old due .'Vpril l^t, sow with pigi ten days old. IMPLEMENTS- McCormick (5 foot binder nearly new cur. about 00 acres, L'tchtield manure spreader used oaa season, Peter Hnmilion 13 dice drill nearly new, Massey Harris 17 tooth cultivator, Massey Harris 10 foot steel bor»e rake, Bihsel 9 foot steel roller. Frost & Wood mower 5A foot cut, Frost & Wood disc harrow, set 12 bull iron hariowg, Chsthaiii fanning mill and hagsjer, Chiitham 2000 lb scales. No 21 Fleury plow, stock rack, Chatham brood- er, Chatham iucubalcr, galvanized steel drinking tank 2x2§xS. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE â€" <> dining room chairs, writing desk. Sale to commence at one o'clock. TERMSâ€" All .sums of «10.00 and under cash ; over that amount 10 month} credit will be given on approved joint notes, with 5 per cent, off for cash in lieu uf iiotQs. GEO. L^VVLEB, W. KAITTlNG. Proprietor. - Auctioneer. New Bakery For Flesherton Having purchased the ^bake nliop in FIcslierion I have fitted rp the same atid am nw pre- pared to cater to the public iu first class Liicad, Buns,. Biscuits aud Pastry. My cfcatest efifort will be to please the public, at:d yonr custom is respectfully solicited. F. Finder, Prop BUSINESSCARDS Societies iJKlNCR AKTHUU LODOK.'No. :«3,A.F.(fc <. A M, luueta iu the Maaoiiiv liall. Arm srouga UlocR Flosherton. every Friday ou or before the tuil moou. T. IJiaytou, W» JJ., .'V. E.Bn'.lauiy, Setreiary.- Dentistry Ur. e. C MURRAY L. D. S , dental 9an;eo'n hi-uoiKifttluato o( Toronto tjuiveraity aud Hayal I'ollogo ot Deutal Suikooub of Outano, Qas adDJieiuiBtered for teetb oXtractiou ffioe at residanoe Torouto Slireet. Flesiiorton. Medical f-fc'' W. J. Heuiv, M: b., praOnaloof Faculty •*^ of Moflicii.6. ToroLto UDiv^l^slty. Olllce- â€"Dr. t,tttlu's lato rutidouoe, FlcBhertou. ( V OTTEVfV.hlj ' Vuterinary SitrgoOD irtrliiatu ot Ontario Voterluary (Jollege renideuoo â€" seuond door Hoatb woet OQ Siary etioet. This acxeet ruua oatb fresbyteriau Cbiirob. Legal. , L'CAS, St. hKSRYâ€" BarrlBters. Solicitore, '-' e»o.â€" I. H. Lucas, K. C. ; W. D. Henry, B. A. OlUccs, Maikdalci Loc.^8 IMock, Phone 8 A. :'>.a.:cb ciiic«s at Duudalk and Du )ia u.. V KIOHT, A TKLFOllD, Barrister, Soliei. '' torn, io. Otlices. Gioy i Druce Blocb, Owen Sound. Standard Baiili i;l',;FleBber- ton, (Saturdays). W, H. Wright, W. R I'elford J.V. Business Cards W'.M. K.-MTTINO, Icoused Auctioneer fol tbo counties of (iroy and Bimcoe. •uriii and Stocli sulus a specialty. ToruiB uodorato. aatisfautiou puavautted. Arran«e- ueutR for dales may be made at the Advonco • dice, or Central telepliouo oltjco i^'overshaui >r by addrossinq aia at FeverBbam, Out, OMcPHAIt, Licensed Auctionee for tha- • County of Grey. Terms moderate aud ^atis Hction guaranteed. 'I be arraugeuiunts ind dates of sates can be luadeat'ChK ADVAnce Jtaoo. Kesidouceaud P.Q., Ceylon, Telephone nnnuction. < Duo. 9, 70 ALL BUSINES.S SCHOOLS ARE NUT THE SAME. F. alure 2. Watch for the osbeis. Ths authority in all Business Systems, Accounts, etc , in the Chartered Acc-ount- lint. The Northern Bu>iue&s College is- ihe ot.ly School ia Canad'i in charge of a tuUow i>f the Institute uf Chartered: Accountants. Out the best. It pays. Owen Sound, Oot. a A. FLEMING, F. 0. A., Prinoipa- G. D. FLEMING. Seorstaty. (MeniioD this paper when writing) . â-  Y-y { Have Some. • Okolehao, which Is Hawnilnn muon- Hhino. Is slniilnr to a combjiniion of i vinegar and alcohol. Analogous. Spending u dollar before It Is earned la like eating today the egg that is to be iald tomorrow. Oarehilly Corrected Each Bntter 50 to 69 Ri;bs .... 60 to 90 ^\ h.»t 2 00 to 2 10 Pets 1 ^0 to! SO' i^ata Wtu 91 Bitlej^ 78 10 80 -*6t

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