Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 4 Mar 1920, p. 1

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fk^litxtm Slitttwic^* T#l 4«,;N». 39 FIcslierton. Ont., ^^larcli 4 1920 KIMBERLEY The we%ther has been very favouiable the p'lat week. March arrived mure lilie S lamb than a liun. Mrs. Jack Tiiylor and dsuffliter, Virda, »r« visitinu lier parents htrre. Mr. Will. Ilanis of Georjji'towii is spending a few days at his hi. me here. Don't foriut ilie Prayer Meetiri; at the home of Mrs. George Proctor on Wed- nesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh H.immonJ atfend- ed tlia funnra; of the l;ile Mis. Will Hi;!, at Markdalj. Mr. Stanley Liiwrenco left for lift work »t Campbellfoid after spending; a few days with hi.'S parents here. Miss N Burritt and pupils of Cheese- ville school vi'ited our village last Friday. Willie Faweett has opened up a bavber shop in a rosin in ths Traveller's Home Mrs. E Dond'y and Mi.st AfohoKon of Wuodhouse visi'ed Mr:!. G. Umcbinson over Sunday, , Bornâ€" On Tuesday, FeUuary 24, to Mr. and Mrs. Charliu Cam.ick, a duuali- ter. Mr. and Mra. Harold Proctor i^ivj a hop to a number of young folks and all had a good time. Did you notice how fishicnable if is to wear a moustache The Women's Institute was held at the home of Mrs. Taylor Abercrombie last Thursday. Theie was not a very large attendance on account of the cold day. The principal objeo^ of discua.sion was a new community hall tor our village, Bthiickn Hammond and Fern Stuart are visiting their grandmither a'. Eu- genia. Our Epworth League held its first meeting in the church lust Tuesday CTentnij in the shape of a social gatherioK After a contest and program lunch was passed around. M\ss Ethel Faweett had charge of the eveniup;. LADY BANK Saw logging is the order of the day but owing to the poor condition of the roads the men cannot make iiiucli pro- gross . Wi are glad to report Mrs. John Dand, who has been very ill, now on the way to recovery. Mr. and Mrs. John Gould of Rivenni visited on Sunday with the lalter'i grandparents. Mr. siul Mra. Win Smi !i. Mr. Edward Kennedy of Glonboro, Mar.., visiied recently with bis sister, Mrs. David R.iberts. Joseph Stfwall, who hua spent the winter near Parry Sound, has ruturntd home. On Monday last Mr, D^vid Roberts, while working in the bush discovered some tracks which were thought to be those of a bear. Other huitters followed the trail until they reached tho biith- way but owini/ to i tlurry of snow were unable io trace them further. As yet bruin's lair is ucknowii. Mr. RoVierts said he had the sand but ho didn't have the salt, or he wouid have got the bear. VANDELEUR Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Uiehardson of Euphrasia visited with Mrs. Jane Rich- ardson and Mia!^ Clock one day last week. Mrs. Edwin JuUii is spending a tew weeks with her son in Toronto. Mrs. Diivis returned home on Wednes- day of last Wi-ek after spending several weeks wi'h her dautihier, Mrs. ,Iame8 Cochrane, atColboine. Mr. and Mrs. J. I. Giuham and Mrs. Porter Beird vitiited 5Ir. and MiS. Siimuul Wtlker of Euphrasia recently. Miss Lillian Buchanan left last week to.'ipenda f«w weeks with friends in Toronto, The Women's L:stitule met at the home of Miss T. Buchanan last Friday afrcrnoon. The ladies spent ths after- noon (juiltin^ for mum of the sick mem- uer.s. Lunch was served by Mrs. D. Graham and Mrs, P. Beard. The young people of tho neighborhood spent .1 vtry enjoyable evcniny at the home of Miss Gertrude Smith on Fiiday of last week. CoiisiderablL' moving is going on in our burg th-,.se days. Mr. and Mrs. Porter Beard and family are leaving for iheir new l(jme near Flesherton. Mr. and Mra. laylor of Roeklyn are moving onto the farm which they recently pur- chased from M-:. P. Beard. Mra. True man has moved her household effects to the homo of her brother just jiorth of Markdale. SPRINGHILL Snow fihoeicg is the order of the day, Mr. JaniP.'i Harrison is helping Mr, Corbett to move to his new farm in Proton. Miss Rhoda Best spent Sunday at her parental home ht^re. Au enjoyable evening was spent at the home of Mr. Win. Caswell when their neighbors presented them with two hand- some chairi. Wo ire sorry to lose Mr. and Mrs. Caswell from our neighbor- hood. Mr. and Mrs. C. Akins visited with Mr, R. Acbeson at Proton recently. Mifs Susie Ch.ud visited over Su nday with her friend, Miss Madeline Moore, in town. A sleigh load from town spent an enjoyable evening with Mr. and Mrs, Alf. Uiirri.'ion on Friday last. We are glad to see Mr. Wm. Johnson out again. Wo aro pleased to htur that httle Lizzie McMulltii is improving nicely. PRICEVILLE February has passed awayâ€" a month ot tteady cold weather. Tho Furniture coinpaiiies of Durham and Hanover havu a laiue stock of li';:s b>'re in I ho 0, P. R. yards awaiting shipment. Kobt. Scolt'has been reinstated as foreman on thoC. P. fi-. 3tcliou west of the village. Wm. Mather, SBortt.'^ry at th9 Farmt-rs Club here, distribute 1 a carload of fl.'ur and foedkth'it was ordered some time ago. Gordon McLean and brothers have finished cutting and drawing 15,(J0O fett of K'gs for L. Frook. Rev C. 8. Jones preached in the FlenbertoD Presbyterian chuieh last Sunday. His pulpit here was filled by a DUNDALK Bornâ€" -In Dund.»lk, on Saturday, Ftbru.iry '21st, to Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Wellwood, a son. A lot.ter this week to Mrs. James MiJi'I from hor old honiJ in Norwiy, tells oi an iiilerosiing incident in which her brother, Mr, O. Hansen, was con- cerned. A few months ago while out oft' tlie coast ho discovered a largo niotnr boat, bottom upward and tloating and apparently diifting in from the North Sua. He tO(jk the craft in to shoreand hid it sttaigliloned up and put in good shape Three months later he found out that the boat belonged to tho British naval service in patrol work and had been lost in the tinal days of tho war. Ho ruceived $8000 from tho Government for the va*oua and the return of the repaired craft. â€" Herald. CEYLON Mrs. Dargavel of Dornoch spent 'ho past ween with Mrs. G. ddlinson. Mr. Charles Chirlett attended the wedding of bis broiher, Sam, which took place ii, Toronto on WodiiesJay last. Mr. T. Chislett attended the funeral of Mrs. J. Hodgson at yhelburno on Thursday. Mis^ Jeau ©ollinai^n is visiting with Toronto friends. Mr. and Mrs. James Radley, 'roronto, spent the tir.st of the week with the latter's sister, 51rs. Bolton. T. Grainger of Markdalo was a wel- come calhir on dd friends in town on Monday. Mr. il.iines Sargent of Owen Sound is in town this week. Mr. ai.d Mrs. John Love ind .ion, Cecil, of Al:T:isk., Sask., and Mr. and Mrs, J..hn Cook and daughter, Muriel, of Mailulale, visittd at R. Cook's th^ first of tne week. Mr. .^lldrew Gilchrist had one of tho most successful sales of Ihu seusun on Friday Ian'. Thn total proceeds Biu'>unt- eJ to Sf27-il. Clark McMullen took a load of youi;g people out to the cuuccrfc at Rjck Mills on Monday evening, which was much enjoyed. Mr. Watson of McMabler univer.sily took the service here on Sabbath after- noon and i.'! a very pleasing speaker. Mrs. Win. Hialiip and son of Eugenia visited with the furiier's brother, Mr. George M:Keny.;e, last week. The remains of Miss Mary Kno.x, sister of Mr. James Knox, Swintou Park, were brouijht uo on F'riday cvg. . and taken tj Salem for burial. PROTON There seems to be nothing doing thesu days only doctoring the sick. Eva Wauchobe is under the doctor's care. Messrs. Wright and Meddaugh are purchasing sawlogs. They have already secured 100,000 feet. Mr. Wrighk has also loaded .six carloads of grain within tho last few days, Robert .\cliesuu has sold a uuinbei of his Holatoin cows to Mr. liaunoii, who is going to Guelph, where he purposes opening a dairy. On Tuesday evening of last week a number of the managers of tha Presby- terian church and their wives met with the Guild and after an interesting Guild meeting. Consisting of the ti<pic, taken by Mrs. Wilson, and a nltfely rendered duet by Messrs. J. Neilscn and L. Wauchob, Mr. Wm. Blackburn, on behalf of the uhurch, asknd Miss Edna Acheson IOC )tno forward. Mrs. J, T, Wilfon read a boautiful aiidrcss of appreciation for her services in tho church and Mt. Blackburn presi'nti-d h'. r with a bandsoino sum of nioucy. Miss Acheson made a fitting reply after whieb the ladl;s of the cuiigrogHtion servid delicious candy. vVo understaud tliattho now safe was installed in our young bank t^day. Mrs. Peter Consley was funinicncd to Toronto to tho btdslilu of her daughter. M'S. John Eddy, who was si'iiously ill with tliB fl'i, but from recent reports we learn that the paiicut is recovering. Rev, Mr. Jones uf Pricevillo (.cnupied the Presbyterian pulp.t Sunday cveiiiiig. Mr, and Mrs. Hirold Thompson, who have been in Toroijto have retnrued to the laiter's home here. Mi.ss Kite Urr of F'eahettnn high school apent the week end with hei' room mate. Miss Edith Consley. In Memoriam In memory of Miss Rcia Osborne, who died February 27ih, 1319, •iged 26 years. Around the open gravo we met Our tender hearts in sorrow bent. And ivept to sen her lad away, Who was on i arih our dearest friend. Her fond caresses, her words so dear That greeted us each night and morn. In vain we now w nild stek them here. Oh how we luiss her no* she's gone. Her voice on earth in no more heard. Hit iiattlo's fought, her race she's ran Address and Presentation supply frc.m Torooto. j With ju-t enough clouds o'er her life Mrs, Falkioghain of Durham visi.^ed ' '' oauas a g! irious «ettiiu{ sun, here a few da;* last week with htT | Me w .uhl not oil her back dear Lord, mother, Mrs S. McLoxn, ()• .-Hrihlv srif nu» had her 8har« ; HHrinan MoLiar is dri'tiny ' ui'i' 'ig ^^ ' »"•»-'" reus in Hi'ave,. with Thee mat-rial for ihe erootlou of a uew u*l'.i- i -^ '' ''J "^^H R»'»Pe we'll mt-^t her there. ing hiiuse next spring, _ Bmi'rson. Last Widnefday ivunir.ir the frit.ntls and neighbors met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. J, Ca.<iwell. During the eviniiigan apprecidivi! and complimen- tary address was read by Mr, W. J Moore, when Mr. and Mrs. Caswell were ciacb presented with a hand-ome leather rooking chair. Mr. A. Harrison and M.-s. C, Akins made tho presentation on I behalf uf th« company present, Mr. I Oaswoll thanked iboHi- who bad so kindly reuivmbsred them ni^d assured their frieiiiis that there would always be a warm place lu their hearia tor tbeir neigh t<ois. A very pleaa«nt time was spent, alter which the ladies served lunch. Tho address wa» sign, d by Geo. White, LeRoy Thistlelhwaite aid Wm, I J. Moer». EUGENIA Too Late Last Week Wedding bells are ringing. Mr. George Park has returned to his home at Emerson, Man. Miss Marjorio Park accompamed her uncle to Toionto for a 8h(>rt visit, Mr. and Mrs, Ni.xon of Saskatchewan have spent tho wintur with tlio latter's parents, returned to their homo last week. Mrs. Paul wen. wit'i them to spe.id the summer with l.er .sons and daughter. We are glad to report the Parson and Smith fuiuilies all recovering from tho liu Wb see ihatSiindy Hoy has purchased another Hou driving horse. Sindy does enjoy fine horses ! Mrs. Joe Williams is spending a »veek with lier husband and other frieiius in the cily. Mr, Gtol'ge Querin and brids of Lis- towel are spending their honeymoon Willi Mr. and Mra. A. Tuohy, Mr. and Mrs, Tuohy gavo a party lust Moiidiy cviMiing to their many, iiionds in honor of theii guests, Mr. a.'.d Mrs. George Quorin, of Listowol. The uveniuL' was spent in games and dancin.;. Violin mu.-iic was supplied by Messrs. Miinshaw and Park. A dain'y luncheon v/as served by the hostess. We wish thj yning couple a long and happy life. Mrs. McMuIlou has returned to lur homo heio aftiir spendinc a few weeks with her daughters at Kimberley. We aro sotry to report Mrs, John Walker on the sick list and Mrs. Mun- shaw not so well. Miss Turner, an evangeligt, took the service in tho Methodist church Sunday evening. The service was much appreci" ated. Mrs. (Rev.) Eagle has the synipatiiy of the community in the death of hor brotherinlaw.' Much sympaihy is extended to Mr. Will Hill and family of Markdale in titer sad bereavemem. Miss Flo Lover of Flesherton spiut few days with her friend, Miss ParlisiiwDt Ruv. McVicar preached his fa i • veil sermon here last Sunday and .'pi-lie Words of encnuragement to his coiinre- gation, advising them to ga on with tha work of ^the Master and never f 4lcar. Tho good wishes (if the cammunity gi with Mr. MoVicar and his family i" their new charge at luwood. Mr. Munshaw and Mrs. Largo atteudid tho funeral of their cousin, Mrs. \M'\ Hill, at .Markdale on Tuesday. Tho Leap Year Bi'X Social held heio m tho hall on Febiuaiy 9th, under the auspices of the Women's Institute, was a gr. 'at success, Although the niijhi was a stormy one and the crowd small thi y were by no means ivsmall oiowd. The programiue was well carried out and especially amusing was tho dialo'^mi given by the yunng penple of E -: M'Aiiitaiii entitled "' Deaf I'ncle .icfl. The life aod drum music by Fred L»n;c aed Haio'd Tuohy was also pood, tn faui every itcii on the program was splendid. Mr. Peter McVicar Qlled the chair very acceptably and carried out an auct.. n sale (if tho 'i o.\es afier tho program i a and madu the evening lively with his jokes as ho went along, Mr. McVii ar donated a beautiful comforter to the cause and there were four ladiis names put up to vote on â€" Mrs F, Genoe, Mr>. L. Badgormv, Miss M. Park and Mss A. "Bells. 'I'he conto<it will be carr cd on until about the lirst ot May and if there is anyone wanting to donate to a good cause give any of these lad ea what you w\>h to. Every cent counts a vote. There was about 9lb0 realissvri at the si.cial and whatever the comfoHir brings will swell our funds, A gieat deal .)f tho credit for the .'-uccesa of the evening is due to our good fiieiid, Mr. McVicar, who hai been interested right from the fust and has ciino twice now all the way from London to help us out. Our Memorial would somi go up if ad look as hearty an imercstas Mj. Mc- Vicir does. In Memoriam English In loving memory of our dear little daughter, Irene EtiMheth, who wa* laid >o rest on March 3rd, 1919. It was not in cruelty, Ir was ni't in wrath. The reaper oaroe that day, But an angel vicitcd the i;re*n earth And took tho flower away. FINE JEWELERY Bates BurialCo B( 'SI NESS AH USUAL Funeral Directors and Embalmers Coiiie iu autl see our fine largo stock of Jewelry, Watciie.«, Clocks, ele, and when you Lave eceu them joii will be 3urc to buy, WatcJi re- pairing a specialty. A full line t FJiotograpluc supplies Iiiclutling developing powders, (VIOTOR EQUIPMENT piiutiug t'ratnes, dark lanterns, all i «r d . n a« i j , sizes of kodacks and Sims, "'• ^' ^**^'' ^ haddocks, President. Manager Phone Hillcrest 268 124 Avenue Road, Toronto, Ont. ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES Yorkshires Tamworths V/. A. ARMSTRONG Jeweler, Young Stock For Sale For Breeding Purposes Pboue or writeâ€" GEO. W, KOSS, FLESHERTON, â-  ONT Osprey Tel, system Maxwell P. O. eslierton Grocery Flour & Feed-â€" Koyal Household and White Lily Flour. 0:its, Wheat, Chop and Bran. Seed â€" Order your Timt^thy, Clover Seed, stc., now. We expect our seed to arrive the first week in March . Groceries â€" Mince Meat, Pru«es, Figs and Dates in bulk. We are continuing the profit sharing system. Confectioneryâ€" Neilson's Ice Cream in bricks, Maraschino Cherry Chocolates. Al.so a good assortment of other Candies. J. R. PATTISON & SON Successors to H. Down Si Son Flesherton, - Ontario ('^'â- 'i"^- w â- ^3'>T.'C">«;T>.iTi'JT.:"^. r»'r ;•'â- ..»«'â-  -'^'..â- â-¼" , '- ^^V? ^-t-^'t: _-^ £2££ Spring Announcement | W. L. WRIOUT wisli<!9 to iinnuunce to tlic public thst ha li»s ju.st iKceivBil :i spring coiisignuioiit i/f .Maa's and Ladien' Boots and ShoKS, Ruhber.s to tit ^ny slmpe boot, Lonij Rubber B.;ots, Fleot Fo it Whito W^ro in all styles for meu, ladies, misses, boys mid youdis. Peabody's and Bull Do^j Oveialls nnd Smocks, VVoilt Shirts, new line of Men's Sliirl.s lind Biilbi-i^>g«n roderwear, Tiee, Collars, Belts, Silk Scarfs and Gloves. A fre&h stock of Groceries always on hand. .Ml kinds of Citcned Goods. In till! Millinery Depiiriinent yon will find Mis. Wright with H coinplu'u stock of Lulus' Huts, llibboiiH, L.'.cos itnd 'Vflil.s, Call and tcspect uur lines. Sntinfactiun guaranteed. Highest prices paid for Butter mid Eggs, W. L. WRIGHT, Corner Store, Flesherton NOTICE j ff you want anything in tho intple-i moiit line. Call on H. Knott, Markdale, | as he sells all lellH all DcfTinx iuiplc- men's, Gasoline ISngines, Sinvor Seningt Mnchino, UeLavi! Crftnui Scpar i,, , In fact anything atid every hin){ in the line of Tmplcmeula at rcasontihjo prioen. ' Satisfucti"!) guaianteed. , HWU KN<>TT, Agent, ! Markdale, Om, Fleslxeirton #^ Tonsorial '^ Parlors Wa Aim to Qive Biillre i9»tiafMtion LAUNDRY-Bnsket >6e ondt^ night, delivery Friday ev CLEANING and DYKINGâ€" Wm «r« agents for Parker's Dyo Worksâ€" €li)tha» eaned ajid dyed. >oa hcs re n-'^nnted T FLSHER 'PROPRIETOR

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