â- INFLUENZA HAS LATER^DANGERS Particular Care Needed When Patient is Convalescent, Says Expert. The Influenza convalescent who has ipparcntly recovered from the disease »nd is yet in a strangely weak and dc- t)resseU condition bUouUI l)e the object }t partlculat care, according to Dr. t.ouls I. Harris, director of the Bureau jf Preveatablo Dlseasea of tl'.e New Vork Health Department. In the opinion of Dr. Harris the after care 9f the influenza patient Is most Im- portant. The cooperation of the pa- tient, coupled with the wllUngnesa to kee that the weakneaa and depression are a part of the Illnosa, though com- ing after the disease itself has spent Jta force, Is a blR factor in effecting a complete return to full health. On the other hand, the determlnatloa to Ig- nore this debilitated condition and to fight against it, will, Dr. Harris says, Irequently bring serlou.s consequences lipon the patient. After Effects Bad. "The subject of the after effects of Influenza," said Dr. Harris, "la one of particular Interest to the scientist at the present time. "First, and perhaps the most mo- mentous condition to be considered is the striking depression, mental, nerv- ous, and physical, complained of by most patients. Those attacked by the disease with moderate severity are al- most always affliirtod with this de- prosiion, which should be recognized and dealt with. Those who have had mild cases of tUo epidemic are little affected by df^pressiou, and tlieir quick return to health and strength gives rise to the belief that iufluenza is trivial. On thu contrary, influenza in its after effects is anything but tri- vial, and calls for the application of niles of common senao and sanitation which are the fruit of years of ex- perience. "Tonic treatment, well chosen diet, and great cave in not becoming over- tired or allowing the body to be chilled arc necessary. Eggs may be eaten, but not more than two a day, for the average adult. Of course, it mast be remembered that in many cases this disease tends to direct its force against the kidneys, and therefore we Instruct patients to avoid eating a great amount of meat, eggs, or beef eitracts. Eggs, soft boiled, poached, or beaten, raw, are advisable in limit- ed number. The raw eggs should al- ways be well agitated before taking. When Good Food is Bad. "With milk and eggs as a founda- tion tho patient should eat good nour- ijhiag food, including meat, fish, ami vegetables, simply prepared. Frying, for Instance, Is out of the question. Good food prepared in an unassimil- ablo manner becomes bad food; es- pecially Is this to be noted In cases of convalescence fi"om Influenza, for the disease often manifests itself in vomiting, and In intestinal and gas- tric disturbances, and it in important not to weaken the digestive function by the eating of poorly prepared food, or even the best of food in ill-advised quantities. The quantitative distribu- tion of foodstuffs should be so adjust- ed as not to overtax tlie btomach, but the patient should eat generously and frequently.'' As a tonic to build up the blood and EtlmuhUe the shattered nerves, Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are unsurpassed. These pills actually make new, rich, red blood, which reaches every organ and every nerve in the body, improves tho appetite, strengthens digestion and drives away the feeling of weariness and depression always following au attack of la grippe or influenza. Those â- who give Dr. Williams' Pink Pills a lair trial will be amply repaid by the new health and strength this tonic medicine always gives. Some Ancient Pubs. If the prohibitioni.sts get their way, and close all the pubs in town and country, some long histories will reach a sudden close, says an English writer. It is a toss-up which is the oldest public-house in England. The Trip to Jerusalem, at Nottingham, claims to be. It has perhaps survived because it is hewn out of the rock be- low the castle. If a name is any fuide, it apparently commemorates the Crusades, and Richard the Lionheart Is said to have drunk ale there in 1169. That seems old enough for any- thing. Still, there is The Fighting Cocks, at St. Albans, which can assuredly point back to 1250. Prior to that, It was the Monk's Fishing House. It is cctagonal in shape, aud its ceilings are not sis feet high. Altogether a notable old pub. Nobody ought to go to Gloucester without seeing the Cathedral flrst, and the New Inn second. The New Inn la one of the oldest Inns In the country, laud one of the most picturesquo and l>e«t preserved. The Seven Stars, at Manchester, is another old place, and so is the Rose and Crown, at BaiubriJge, in Wens- leydale. Probably this was tho flrst Rose and Crown, which refers to the Tudor Rose, and it has been very ex- tensively copied, (or In the nelghbor- bood of London alone, there mu«t be h doseu of that name. Th« next airshilps to be built In |:n«land are to be 694 feet in l«tt«:tli «fita a lifting power of 82.7 tons. Raflway "Linet/' If an expresa train, moving at the rate of forty-flve miles an hour, were to stop suddenly, it would give the pas- sengers a shock equal to that of fall- ing from a height of flfty-four lect. In 1825, a prize of $2,600 was offered ill the North of England for the best engine, which was not to produce smoke, and was to draw three times Its own weight at the speed of ten miles per hour. Further, it was to be supported on springs, not to exceed six tons In weight (although If it ran four wheels only it was not to exceed four aud a half tons). It was not to cost more than $2,750. A trial of the engines submllted was made on one October morning in 1829, when four "fine engines" were pro- duced. One, however, couldn't be got to move, BO was withdrawn, and of the other three, the Novelty, by Messrs. Bralthwaite & Ericson, pro- mised good results. An accident to the boiler crippled it, however. This left two engines competing, the Sans I'arell (which mst with an accident) aud the Rocket, by Messrs. Robert Stephcnuon & Booth. The latter sur- passed the stipulated conditions, and took the prize. In 1831, seventeen railfs per hour was tho average speed of passenger trains. In 1848 it was thirty. Nineteen trains a day arrived at and departed from Euston in 1837 on tho Birmingbaiu line. Tusk Jelly. Elephant tusk jelly is highly recom- mended. In English factories, where many tons of tusks are sawu up an- nually, for knife-handles and other uses, great quantities of ivory dust ac- cumulate. This dust is sold at six- pence a pound, and, wlien properly boiled aud prepared, it makes u very fine and pure jelly wlilch h: frequently prescribed for the sick. BITS OF HUMOR FROM HERE &riJEPi One Theory. "How did Rip Van Winkle come to : wake up and quit?" ! "I suppose they raissd the rent of tho woods where he was sleeping." Some Improvement. "Besaie, why don't you try to be a good little girl:" 'I do try awfully hsrJ." "But you don't succeed very well." "Why, mother, juat think how bad I'd bo if I didn't tr>- at all." Some Telescspe. An Irishman wa.i one day observing to a friend that he had au excellent telescope. "Do you see yonder church?" said hi». "Although it is scarcely discern- i ible to the naked eye, when I look at j it through my telescope it brings it so i close I can hear the organ playing." i ASTHMA If you hav« Aathma, don't Iznaelne that you muut al- ways suffer untold rQluery. Relief r.ulck, siiro andiafa Is guaraateert In even tho worst cases by uslnic TEMPLETON'S RAZ-MAH CAPSULES Wa are so certain of r»> aults we will send you • tree sample of these cap- aules, confident that yon will And tbem all we hsvs claimed. Write to Tera- jnletons. 142 King St. W.. Toronto. Sold by reliable druaelsta •rerywnere for •l.e4 a box. "SYRUP OF FIGS" CHILD'S LAXATIVE Look at tongue! Remove poi- jons from little stomachy liver and bowels TEMPLETON'S RHEUMATIC CAPSULES For nrtien yeara the standard a{>eclSc for Rheufnatltm, N«uri*l«, Ceut â- elattea, Lumbage, Neuralaia Uany doctors prescribe them. W.:l« to Tempirtoni, 1« Slug «. W.. ronll to. Ut rrevMKr!*. fioid lirr»i*bl«dfBigW»eTeryirfcei»tof Man was made for woman, and wo- man for man. Nearly all the trouble in life is <hie to the fact that they both think they were made for them- selves. MONEY ORDERS. A Dominion Espre.ss Money Order for five dollars costs three cents. WINTER WEATHER HARD ON LrmE ONES Our Canadian winters are exceed- ingly liard on tho health of little ones. The weather is often so severe that the mother cannot take the little ones out for au airing. The consequence is that bal)y ia confined to overheated, badly ventilated rooms; takes cold and becomes cross and peevish. Baby's Own Tablets should be given to keep the little one healthy. They #:-6 a mild laxative which regulate the stomach and bowels and thus prevent colds. The Tablets are sold by medi- cine dealers or by mall at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., llrockville, Ont. The opal is more difficult to imi- tate than is the diamond. Eat from artificial corundum stained with chromo alum, real rubies can be made, and very cheaply. If the coloring agent is titannium oxide, the product becomes a gen uine artificial sapphire. We liave been using MINARD'S I.IN1A1ENT in our home for a number of years, and use no other Liniment but JIINARD'S, and we can recom- mend it highly foi- spraius, bruises, pains or lightness of the chest, sore- ness c<f the ihroat, headache or any- thing of that sort. We will not be without it one single day, for wo get a new bottlo before the otiier is all^ used. I can recommend it highly to anyone. .TOin-T WALKB'IELD. LaHttve Islands, Lunenburg Co., X.S. Accept "CaUfonila" Syrap of Flga only â€" look for tbe name California on the package, then you ara aura year child li havtas the beat and most harmlesi lazatlTo or pbyalc for the little Btomach, liver and bowela. Child- ren love its dellclouv fruity tasta. Full dlrectlcna for chlld'a doaa en each bottle. QlTe It without fear. Uother! Ton must lay "California." e Vloaaat Bee »iu e> l ie DOG DiSfASES a*t Bow t« rmt Mailed Frea to, any A2r Ai»n by tiis Autltoi-. X> Clay Olorea 0>., ia-i. 113 Weet SlBt Htitet N«w Tort. U 3.A. Clustfied A^ertiseicentiu Aawnm WAvns. PO«TKAIT AGKNTS WANTXIfd[ good pi'lnta and flolebea â€" lowaM Drlota en zraiaea â€" oak for cataloau^ UDlttd .Ut Ca, « Brunawlck Ave.. T»> roata WA-NTHD â€" RELIABLE. ENHK» getlc men. farniers' nons. farm» era or uchera who can devote BOine ol{ their apare time to reprosent us at Halesmeii for Nursery Btock. Wo eugt ply up-to-dute canvasslnB out'lts free M chargo and offer liberal remuiieiation. Apply ImiiieJlalely to Maple Oi-ovC NurserleB. Wlnor.a. Ont, SMART, ENERGETIC YOUNG MAK wanted to handle mining xtorka, bonds and debenluren, to rrprenent To* ronto House. Liberal commlsalon. Ap« plj- Box 6. Wllaon Publishing Co., To* ronto. x.Ain> aBrZ.BB8. WRITE FOR IXFOHMATIOM about the new, modern way of selling real estate. Bull your property yourecir with our help. Our meUioil only costs you (13.00. Why pay a large commlKslon? Write for fuU Par- ticulars. Real Estate Uuyers Monchly. 781 Dundas St.. London. Ont. roa BAxa SKWSPAPBR. WBKKLT. IN BRUCS County. Epler.dld opportunity. Wrlta ; T. Wilson I'libUehtr.g Co.. Ltmlte<b U Adelaide 8t W.. Toronta WELL EQUIPPED NBWBPAPBB and job printing plant In Eaatara Ontarla Insurance carried tl.SOO. WJu KO for S1.2C0 un quick sale. Box •l> Wilson rublUhliig Co.. Ltd.. Toronto^ rEBTrciazB. STRVliNS' >uilPL]OTB FERTIL. l»er will pay you. Write for i>rloe». SHIP yOVP. EMPTY HAGS â€" SUGAR,' flour, bran sacks to Stevens. Hlghr fst prices. Geo. Steve:;.-J, 361 Marii Stj Peterboro . tf WOOD ASSES. Detei-mination reduces hard woric to nothing: proscx-astination malce? hard work out of nathing. Keep KlnaTd'a Xilnlmeat la tlie itovaat Time, the .inexorable critic', leaves ! nothing except the intrinsically great j and the essentially good. I- For many years there have been I no Tuesday brides in Madrid, as the I Spaniards consider Tuesday an un- lucky day for marriages. r- -•-•..#•â- ♦"•â- •«"•-•-•-••'•'â- ••â- •' â- ••'•-•••â- •â- â- ••'•â- •^â- â- '♦â- •â- f YOUNGSTERS! IF YOU HAVE A CAl'. FOR SAI,ET w:lti; rre. Qeo. Stevens, 39-4 Mark Ktr»el, Peterbor'). »c»AP iao». IF XOU IL*iVE A FIRK AND HATB , a car or more of ncrap Iron I will I i-c:!* and quote vou where It lays. Geo. I a-eveiu-. 3«4 Mark Stro'.H, Paterboro. Need "Cascare'cs" when Sicli, Bilious, Constipated. Newest Spring Blouses Lei Cuticura Be Your Beau!y Doctor The Soap to Purify Oiatmeai toSoo&€ Lit Cuticura bo your beauly doctor, one thf.t Tcaily docs sometUing U> Durify and beautify your hair and skin. Bathe with Cuticura Soap and hot Ti-ater to cltSBS« (he rores. If tJgns of redness, roDghne'S or erupt ioaz ire present, or dan- drutt on scalp, touch gently with Cuticura Ointment before bathing or thampoomg. For every purpose of the toilet, bath and nursery Cuticura Soup and Ointment are ideal. Absolutrly nothing belter. StJLp ZSc, Oiatmect 25 uid 50c, Sold throughouttheDominlon. CanadlanDepot: Ltibsbs, Limiiad. Si. Paul St., MobItmI. 'Cuticium Seap •haras wilhout mui. i f i ♦ 1 When your child is bilious, cdusU- 1 pated. side or full of cold; wUeu the . little tongue is coated, breath bad and stomacli sour, get a bos of Cascarels and straighten the little one right up. Ciiildren gladly take tiiis harmless candy cathsirtic and it cleanses the little liver and bowels without griping. Cascarets contain no calomel or dan- gerous dniga and can be depended up- on, to move the sour bile, gases and Ic- cllgestible waste right out of the bowels. Best family cathartic bo- cause it never cramps, sUker.s or causes inconvenience. j. TAaM rOK SAI.E. !l^lIiiHT HUNDRED ACREa. SOUTH' ; JLi ea^t .Saskatchewan, 42S acres cultl> ; vated. good buildings, abundance KOOft I .'â- prliig watiT. best of soil, oloao market. Apply 4:i Lindsay A-.&nue, Toro-.-.to. FAXUS BOXTOBT. 1U-X.VE CA.'?H BIJYERS FOR 3AL- able farms. Give description. !«• cation and cnsh price, .taiaos P. ^^^lIta^ Bux PS, X-!'v yranltUn. ii'i. v:so£Z.E.AnsoxrE. KNOCKS OUT PAIN THE FIRST ROUND Comfortinjf relief from pain makes Sloan's the World's Liniment LADIES W.VNTED TO DO PLAIM light Ei.wlr.3 at homo whole ol Spare time, good pay, work sont any dis» tance. char>r;s paid. Send stamp (or par- ticulars. NutlonaS Mi^aufaotuilns Ccia> pany. Wontroal. C10FFIN STOCK WANTED. IS" TOO / ai'e at)le to supply, advise us. ii3 wa will pay the highest prices, dry or greea from tn9 saw. Keenau Rroj., i.*^"oi, Owen Sound. Ont. CANCliR. TUMORS. LUMI'H, STO.. Int-^rnal Hnd external, cured without pain by our home treatmo'-.t V.'rue ua betore too lare Dr. Bcilman M^xUcei Co.. Limited, Coilincwonit. Ont. i-i-hoe poii.-ih on clothing cau bo ro« moved by vinegar. This famous reliever of rheumatic achts, soreness, stiffness, painful sprains, nearalgio pains, and most other external twinges that humanity suffers from, enjoys its great sales because it practically never fails to bring speedy, comforting relief. Always ready for use, it takes little to pcnttratc 'vithout rubbin;/ and pro- duce results. Clean, refreshing-. Made i;i Canpda. At all dryg ijores, ' 35c., 70c., Jl.lO. SINCE il 1870 I'LOH â- 30I?8P5COUGH^ I^DANDERiNE" PUTS BEAUTY IN HAIR pirlsT 'A mass of lon^^ thick, gleamy^ tresses No. 8893â€" Ladies' Waist. Price. 20 ! cents. Panels loose or stitched to' waist. Cut in 7 sizes, 34 to 46 inch, bust. Size 30, one material, 1T« yards ' 30 inches wide, or IVz yards 45 inches wide; tie-belt, 2Vs yards ribbon 2 inches wide; waist, 1% yards 361 inches wide, or 1 ^ yards -15 inches wide; panels, %yard 36 or 40 inches wide. No. 9086â€" Ladies' Russian Blouse. Price, 20 cents. Wiith or without bands, two styles of sleeve. Cut in 8 sizes, 34 to 48 inch bust. Size 36, 1 with bands, 2% yards 36 inches wide. or 2 ',4 yards 40 inches wide; -without ; bands, V,'a yards 36 inches wide, or l'." yards 45 tinches wide. \ No. 9310â€" Ladits' Blouse. Price. 25 cents'. Kimono sleeves, short or lengthened by bell sleeves; slashed front or with yoke closing on shoul- ^ ders; v/ith or without trimming-band , at lower edge. In 6 sizes, 34 to 44 I inch bust. Size 36 requires 1>4 yards j 36 inches wide; contrasting, ^i yaru 30 inches wide. , . , ' These patterns may be obtained | from your local McCall dealer, or from the McCall Company, 70 Bond Street, Toronto, Dept. W. Many a Tea or GDflfee cJrinker doesrit realize -ihat his ill-health or discomfort is due to his table beverage until some friend suggests a change to f4 YES! MAGICALLY! CORNS LIFT OUT WITH FINGBS You simply say to the drug store man, "Give me a quarter ct an ounce cf freezone." This will cost very little but is suiflcieut to remove every hard or soft corn from one's feet. A few drops of this new ether com- pound applied directly upon a tender, aching corn should relievo the sore- ness Instantly, and soon tho entire corn, root and all, dries up and can bo lifted out with tho flnjers. This new way to rid one's feet ot corns was Introduced by a Cincinnati man, who says that, while freezone Is Bticky, it dries in a moment, and sim- ply shrivels up the corn without In- flaming or even irritating the sur- rounding tissue or skin. Don't let father dio ot Infection or lockjaw from whittling at hla corns, but clip this out and mako htm try it Danger- vCold* ^jj^ ' and more serlotu ro\V """plaints arc X >Jcontr»ctcd In \ mean wcjllicr. s_-. ^ Hi- r>r-'f;-!cii.Tik-3 »..â- »•"': - .^ :> i\'.\\i.rr The Cause o! Heart TrouMc Faulty digestion caueea Iba generation of gaaes in tho stomach which inUate and preas d.iwn on tlie heart and interfere v/Uh its regular acli(}n,_causinij fiintncr.5 and pain, lij to 30 drop* of illo'.hcr Scigel'^ Carntivc Syrup nf t<»r rrtrels gets digestion right.-which allow* tho heart to beat fuU and regular. 9 Let "Damlerine" save your hair and double its beauty. You can have lots ot long, thick, strong, lustrous halt; Don't let it stay lifeless, thin, scraggly or fading. Bring back its color, vigor and vitality. Get a 35-cent bottle of delightful "Danderine" at any drug or toilet counter to freshen your scalp; check (iaadruft and failing hair. Your hair needs this stimulating tonic; then its life, color, brightness and abundance will return- Hurry I ONLY TABLETS MARKED "BAYER" ARE ASPIRIN Not Aspirin at AU without the "Bayer Cross'" Th« grovkW* fevor of this health- fijll bev^ivge amon^ tea and cof- fee drinkers plainly shovs 'T/jenw* a Reason " ftak fw â- aad take â- • ether.' from the flnt tniffle or tnene. Stop !t In time and *» not aamWe with your health. Uieiovcr *• years In tre»llng couih*, eoMi anJ allleJ complaints. i Monlnal D. WATSON * CO, Saw Vo.A ISSUE No. ia-*20. The name "Bayer" iJanlifles tbe ! rontain!* proper directions for Coldly only Konuinc Aspirin, -the .^epirln I Hcadaohc, Toothache. Earache, Nail* prpsoribed by phrsieinua for over nine- ; ralgia. Lumbago, Rheumatism, I*«^* tfcn jeara and now made in Canada. ^ tis, Joint Pains, and Pain g«nera^ Al'vRvs buy an unbroken package Tin boxes of 12 tableta cost wt ct -Bayer Xableti of ABpirin* wlilch, a few cants. Urger "Bayer " pack«ga% Tbara la o»ly one A«»iil«â€" ^ayar"â€" To» a«at a»y "Bara«" ««.'•â- â- 1 te ih» tr«i1« mark .•i-'s:»l«'-«d Ir Csnada) ot Buyer Uanufaot'.T* ol Moa» • MilraolUeattr of K»i;i.yUwacM. WUla It li well known (hat Aaplrla B)»an* 8a7« roanufacture. to anlst tie pwWlc aaalAit lioltatlo: t, <r-* TabUia of Bey-ir Cempaas iriil li» siamjcl w:'.l» the..- 8«n«ral n-afla mttt, ilia "Bsyar w.-ota.'