Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 4 Mar 1920, p. 5

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March 4 192* THK FLEfiHEJiTON ADVANCE i t • « SAVINGS, Thrift, Independence â€" all these are the out- come of the same impulse and attain the same objec- tiveâ€" PROSPERITY. The Starrl-^id Bank of Canada can help you to attain it. 2m THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA FLESHERTON BRANCH «EO. MITCMEL.L Manaccr CANADIAN C. p. R. Time Table. leave Fleshercon Station »8 Trains oIUws : Going South 7.53 ». m. 4.27 p.tn. The lutila are Going North 12.01 p.m. 9.18p. m. osed at Flesheiton tt ows ; Kor the north at 10.40 a.oi.and p.m. ; and the afternoon mail south at ^AQ o'clock. For morning tram south maU dose at 9 p. m. the previous evg. z i VICINITY CHIPS in Toronto las of Toronto is Mrs. Blackburn was â- weak. Miao Flossie R<chards<>n visitii'K her mother faeie. Mrs. F. D. Goflf of Thornbury tisited relatives here during the past week. Miss M«n% White of Toronto yisitad witk Mrs Ed Best o»er the week end. Mi$B Jennie Winters spent tha woek •ad with her sister, Mrs. E. Cook, near Skelburne. Martni^ta's hardvate store it Thuro- baty was buiglarizisd and abuuC .'» huu- ifi Jullurs' wurthot stack t:ikt.Mi. Mr. and Mrs. Georgo MitclioU spent a tew diys of tho \>nai week with Toronto aad Alliiiton fricuds. Mr Gilohris.'aialeou Friday last was well steuded and hujlj prices wero realized. Oiio spau of horses sold for SiOS.OO. Waikiale and Blcslierton pby hockey on tlio tiuk hero ti>uij;hr (Wcduesdiiy) • ame ciUi'd at 8 u'cluck. Admission K and li>c. The public sahool board have recos- â- iced the H. O. of L. and have addi:d fSOOtoiho salariesâ€" $200 to tho piiu- aipal ai:d $100 to tha junior teacher, Miss Bunt. Hon. F. C. Bi|;;(s has announced thak IheGovetiiaaont fcts deci< od t> taku •ver as a Provincial Uij^hway tlie huu- ired mile road froui Toronto to Owen Sound, or, stristly speaking, from Port; #redit to Owen Sound. The BiipLiJit church service in town was wilhdiawa on account of anniversary otvices Ht Rock Mills. In iKe Pn-sby tariAH church Rev Jones of Pricuville ^reached. Ac il.e Metbudist church Sunaay evening HiiS Turner dulivered an addii'bs on missions to a laige congi-c- gatloii. The Kieshertoii Bible Depository has j^sc piacud ill 8toci» lh« largest selection af Bibles and Testaments ever shown hote, rsngiuf; in prce from a few ceuts.is •ve dollars. There arn some voiy tine ^(tbookitaud fimily Bibles in this Kt. Ihe Dep>'.sitory is kept .at Tho^ Advance •ffico.- Jsomo liitlo time ago a telt-gia'U anivad kare for e coal traveller and this full into kands thnt it. was not intended for. It read in etTc'c; : " SdU all the coal you aanâ€" can ship two or tbrea cars a week to all di-a'.ers. Bui don't cut the priue." How what wa." back vf ibat teKgram I With tha election by aeclamation in Ilalcon on Monday of last we«k of Uou. W. K. Uaney the Oiury goveiument i* now ott to a sjooJ start. Everybody has been shouting " Give Drniy a chance." Now he has got bis opprrlunity and you can wager without fear if lo:<9 that ha will make the best of it. Most peop'a, both sccretely aid iii;euly, sort o| " cotton " to Drury, believing he is t^• best tbinx possible for this country jiat at present, and that uUniorous abiito^ and several tons of dirt will bo removed during his imminent hi'use cleaaing process. Here's wishing him vvisdim and dcterniinatiou in his etforts. Mr. aod Mrs. H, Dowa aoeonpaatad the reatsina of tbs former's sister, Mrs. U'ldgson, to Shelbuiii) ceiustsry last Thursday. Mis. W. L. Wright is io Toronto tb'i veeb attending the iniliinery opeoin(l This ia her thirteenth seaton. Sba should understand tliti millicsry busi- ncts. Msrkdale Creamery is now open for business. Hghest price.'4 paid W cream Pkoiie or write for can. A miuare ded is our inutto. Give us your patronage. Aatisfactioo t>u-iraDteed. Markdale Creamery Co., phone 44. Maich did not come In like any lamb we ev2r knaw, and anyway ws are aimpiy distfusted with pig melts, the beechnut short fur and all o'her iafalible si^ni that always fail Thin sort of thing is calculated to make a di ubtinc Thomas of ^uy man. Ill a hockey match on the rink here on Wedne.fday uiijht of last week be- tween Dundalk and Flssherion hiuh schuolii, the seiistte from the south put 1 it over the local i-uck chassrs by 6 3. I This is the first defeat tha local boy; I have sutfarcd ac humc this year The I leniency of referee Brown caufiou tb.- I gHiuo to become rough at times and much : trippini; and elushins' wa.s indulged in A good crowd was present. Mrs. (Dr.) Henry i« in Toronto under goinz hsr tinsl examination in law. The good Dr. will henceforth probably tii.d the Uw governiDi; his daily action.s laid on bis bieakfust plate each morning notwithstanding the fict that Mrs Henry is liksly toon to become a full fledged lawyer, she in a cbsriaiug little psrsoiisgo who would not be loo severe, even ill the capacity of a judgs. Wo would bs willinif to trust our case to her bands, even as the Dr. hsa already done. No, we don't exactly mesa that, either- These liues might fall andsr the observa- tion of our own law giver. The anniversary services at Rock Mil s Baptist church on Suadsy last and the cooceit Mond«y evening wera very successful affairs. Large congrega^ioDg ou Sunday and a crowded honia on Man. day evening, greeted Mr. W*tson tf McMasUr university. This gentleman tisva a thriliiDg description of Yim? Ridge, where so many of our Grey boys participated and wherf numbers are sti I '• holding their ground " there. Pathos and humor wers charmingly intermin- gled and those who listened to bit. Watson enjoyed a rare treat. Auction Saiea An uoressrved credit suction sale of f«rm stock and iaiplemeois will be b«M on lot 171, r tt: S R Artuiaasia, ou Friday, March 5. the ^j" pfciy of W J (.Caswell. Mr. Ca.sreil is luaviug tha farm and moving to town' Sai* l>ill«. "Boom" Days OaThe Wan* Death of Isaac Salient A victim of influenea, Mr. Isaac Sar gaut a farmer rssident of Owen Sound, died last wselt, and tha funeral t.ok place Monday nfternoon from the resi- deucn of his brother, Mr. James t-'argout, to Greenwood ci-mstery. Mr. larijent Wis born in Holland township thitty nine ytars ago. an-ifor several years he re.sid el in 0»9n 8o;ind, being employed as for>,man with the Carney Lumber Co. Ab.ut seven vsiirs ago he want to Teuiiskaining district, where ha was in the luiubsr butiness with his brother William. He leaves his widow and three ohi'dren, also hn father and mother, Mr ana Mrs. Edward Sargent, uf Ceylon, and thr«e l«rother», Edward and Jamel, of Owen S.und, aud William of Temiskam- i g. The funeral sarviaes wen' conduct- ed by R.»T. C E. Langford, rector if St. Thomas Church. â€" Advertiser. Unless all signa fail, ibe high «osk of living is rn the waac, 'h« ssesiiBgly 'iupoaail>ls beia'g brca^jbt aNoat by ibs elosing of th» Bar.iptiu aarscU tu C-tuadiaa aad -Amaiissu goods. Tbe uicbaujo situatinn is, of coarsi-, ika prime faster la ihetie ptading teitijast- inL-nia. From ail ibe poii.bs "Uere produce and <.tber H' n-'i A«utri«»D i;r»duotsaceamuUte fer exporO, c-nie •tories of warsboufcas being blocked with goods fi-r whick tbsm u â- O" export dsmand. It is wall ks«»n lii*t paeking nouses are hlied from anl »r lo ro. f wuh products bought at hitili tigures, and whicb cannot be aold in Uur 'pa in the piesent sondisioa of tha uv ney market. It the furaigu ai.uation holds, and ?heru is no appareat r' a'oii '. <• b«li«v» that tho tinances of »hs varum* Europe»u uations>ai'a on ihe up grada, or are likely to bo for a long parii d lo coaie, rutrict ed sales oi our jroducs a'-road will continue. Such being the c.s», »e will, to alL^iiitents and purpusas,, bs called upoa to consuBsa Ihe prtduais of lur cwn industry. I'l th » event, it will not be long before ib^ra ia a large surplus, and this aitttaiioa will, in ibe natural sours* of events, bring down pricea. < Once the high cost of liviaie proHeia ia aurmountad, other ahat gea will simo ia duo course. First 'â- â- ( ab, tbsre will aot be a legitimate demand for b'.g'aer wages. Of course, tbeie deanands will still be made, but their Irgiuuaaey, ouee (^ueaiionsd by tho baross-ier of falliun prioes, susb deaaaada must arsuie. These-chsBgea sskboI, of o<>urs', cosio about without • slowiag down ol indutt- ry. Wbea paaking bsu'oa caa us hmicer •hip freely tboir prodas's to Burope as thay hav* been doiag in bu^o diasaaiiina fjr soois years now, thvre will mil omy be a curlailmeni in bayian tbsir raw materisls from the stock rai»ar sad th» farmer, but also in srap'oymenS iu tboir plants. Manufacturing eo«sorns Ibat have also been basy sn Eur-jMsan ordora, will, under present sseoetary oonaitmao, lind a largo percentage of rhcir i««rket» cut oat from under tht-ss, *ni will naturally seek the hCBialrado »r, perhapo materially lower prices. This, again, will bava a tondeaoy o slow ^dowu industry, la other wurJs, there is nvary reason ta bsUc^e thai uur '• noooi "days are on the wan«, and that si><)ii.-r or U^-T we will gel buck lo car'b, aud sunisihU'st appnximating our pro war panod -- Toronto Saturday Nij^bt:. Everything You Need For Spring Sewing New prints, full range of colors New ginghara.s, in large and small checks New galatea«, in light and dark patterns New shirtinjj.s, fast blacks and colors White tianiuBlettes, all widths Stripe tlannelettes, new patterns White cottons, Aainsooks Sheetings, pillow cottons Lawns, lingerie cottons Fancy quilting sateens iSew cretonnes, swell designs Swiss embroideries Valenciennes Laces Torchon laces LAUNDRY SOAP SPECIAL Dmgman's Electric Scap, an old favorite for the laundry, and Dingman's Pearl White Naphtha Soap, excellent for all purposes, regular size bar, special] this week .5 bars for 40c. m F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON, - ONTARIO Victoria Corners Miss Maugie .Johnson of Berkeley visileii her ciusin, Mrs. Milton Bar.non Mrs. Will Lsdiow and little son of W lodatock are visiting at X. and T. J. Stinson's, alio Mrs. Best and other friends. Miss BoU.s of Now York, granddauah ter nf thrt late Georite Armstronj;, who lived at Inistioge a number of yoan ago, visited this place last wctk aiii took photos of ttio old hiMito. Monthly Report Flesherton P. S. t^l 4â€" L Carsoe, W Ma'itiii, E Moore, P Dow, Loucks, B Stewart, l^'ishrjr, A Teeter, 8p3-E Feiris, E Usulbam, J Coljan. K Tbompsou, W Cirrii.gtoB, T Mc- Donald, W Gould, T Wilson, E Mc Mullen. Jr3â€" LBoyd, M Fatten, U Bich.trd- son, Martin. L Lever, Y Tiiisile. tliwaite, G Piiulfr. Ci 3-M Slod, J Niibn, A Beas'oft, R Thistlethw-iite, MTeaier. Sr 1-J Cari^oe, B MeCallua), M Stuart, J Stuart, I. CarriButna, Eraeit Feuwick, K McKee, H Welton. Jr 1-H Heard, L Ferris, B Pattoo, G Teeter. Prim«r-G Slfd, B Phillips, K Fcn- w;ck, W ColRHn. B Paltou. Magnet C re a in Sepeirators are goars â€" no fiction ; double •^"Ppotted boR-1 â€" cannot rock; perfect skimmer â€" one piece ; easy to turn â€" a child cau«oporate; c«pacitj chansjeâ€" saves the buyer S50 00 ; patent brake â€" '"Mnguet," patent ; strong, ri^jid constiuctioii â€" inechanical'y cirrect ; sanitary strainer â€" germ proof ; easy to clean â€" a child cleans it in a few ininutc.-i. G. B. Welton Fleshertou, Ont. Wo A, HAWKEN â€" dealer for â€" MENDELSSOHN PIANOS and player:pianos, phono. GRAPHS and RECORDS, and SHEET MUSIC. Call and see these high grade instmnseBts ,^^mm AT mm^ Hawko;i'3 Piiow G.tUery aud Music Stor FLESHERTON M Sure It's Yorkshire? A Ynik.shirs sow balonjiing to .John .4 . Pndd • if Badjeros district is 8,)nic*hat of a record breaker in tho matter of large f iinilio.i. Mr. I'ridd'* will have owned the porker two years nrxt ipnl. During tde period of his owierihip the sow hss given birtb to live litters of youiiu, mak In^ .1 total of 88 ia all. She gave biitli to twenty a week ago of which twelvo are now living. In tbe live litters twelve was the average nuatber raised. Si.xty thrifty uorkers is a big record in less than t»o vears â€" Herald. School Reports HARDWARE! n =»r-T'^r' .He lort of 3. S. No- 7, Aitemesia. Sr. 4â€" E Waiters, R J Turner. Jr 4â€" T Currio, C Hiocks. A Hiiicks Sr 3 â€" I Meails. M McDoimld. Jr 3 â€" M Wattus, A Muir, B Parslow, I Turner. 01 2- S Muir. Jr 1- B Hiixks, D Parslow. , â€" \. Kuox, Teacher, Gents' Furnishings We have juft rcceiyed our Ilobb.iliu Catalogue sbowiug the smarteat and newest styles for spnug aud sutnmer cloth- ing. Call and soc them. %/%^'^%^%^ We have tiow on hand a full line of Fine Shirts Khaki Shirts, Work iShi'its, Over:ilb», Smocks and Paiita. A aood as.«ortmcul of I ios, collars, gloves, uiitt<i, socks, braces, arm binds, cartars, handkerchiefi>, boys wool stockings, wool aud fleece lined un'Ierwe:ir and sweater coat^. H. J, LEGARD, Flesherton, Ont. ^1 s Axes and Handles, Buck Saws, Hammers, Crosscut Saws and Handles, Horse Blankets, Mitts and Gloves, Halters and Ties, Pails and Tubs, Stewart Horse Clippers, Curry Combs and Brushes, Electric Bulbs, Lamps aud Laultrn.s, Red Star Wasliina Machines. F. W. DUMCAN Phone 24 r 1 1 Flesherton, Ontario Cargoes Grocery If you uant good, clean, fresh Groceries or Confectionery give U8 a call. We carry nothing but the best. We have also a full line of all the leading Tobacces, All kinds of Fruits in season. Come in and get one of those Fish . W« have Laka Trout and British Columbia Salmon, Highest prices paid for all kinds of Produce. Phouo iu your order. We will deliyer it to any pirl village. ofth e W. E. CARGOE. Phone 30 J. FLESHERTON, ONT. • •••••••• I RUB B ER-SJ I All Business t.:oll'ues are imt all alike j;;;; SELECT A SCHOOL CAREFULLY ::H Vouge aud Charles Streets, Toronto i I*;; Invites the patrmiaga of all who desire jjjj 'uHerior trining. Oct our Catalogue, ;;•• read vt iecordn. then decide. Enter i;;*} NOW. -;»â-  W. J. ELLIOTT. PnisciPAii i??: We have the celebrated Maltese Gross Kubbers for good solid •wear in Men's Women's and Children's Rubbers. , ••• ••• ••• For Service One pure nred Shorhhuru Bull on lit p:;; 'Ki, con, 9, Artomesia. Terms $1 50 f,T j'ttj THOS. CLAYTON FLESHERTON, - ONTARIO li.. .^..fcu^ afc Jt ^ it - urados. Must be paid within 9 mouths from dato tf service. 19. ••«•••••«•••• \i£i:sjs% • ••«•• 2

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