Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 18 Mar 1920, p. 5

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m m \farch IS 192t THE FLESHEKTOy ADVANCE » • • 4 » t s Mr. H. F. Stevftrt at Alow, Ont, • , j>r»da«t« of Kanx CoIUge, praachfi'i is ibc I'teaitjf.atiHO church ua Utiaiiaj U<it. Rev. K. J. Jewi;t. B A,, of Clutfaam Preiibytery, w expected to oceupy the pul|>il UexC SdiifHy. The Ladtea' i^d of Kiaibeilef Metho- dist church will h-.'.d a Big Bazitr on Kttdaf, M'i'cb 19, ID Uniun H^il, Kim- bcrlsy. All kinds of farm produce, lue- ful and lAa<:j work, c^ntiy aod groc<>rte9 will be {or aa!v. iJa(per lura 5 to 8. Ihe F!e6h«rtoti Bible Deposil'^ry has ja^t placed ia sWcic thx Urge«c a«Ieetiao ^t BibWa kttd TrKcmmeBii «var shown dependon what vou ! *"'*• "''•« °- '" p' " ''"°» ' ^=' "°'*" t f^ _ 1 _^ s. ; live dollars. Tlure are gome very fioa gift Ijijuk-H >ud Uiaily Biblesi in tbii luC. The D«pnsiCory U keyt at Thj Advasce Oft, -J. Mt. tnU Mrs. Ueorg« Baaka »( upper tuwD are movm^ thia me»li to cheir new htm recently parchaieJ ne^r Ceyioa. iMr. Bnnka vns &n cversoM man, sair coDsidenble secTice in Fnaca and met I lira. Baoka ia S-:oc]an ^ where they ware I mirried. ^e wi^h Cbem an abuadnace f success- Durham Cbruaicie. UCCESS and Inde- pendence. â€" Do not earn but on what you save. The' Standard Bank o£ Can- ada can very materially assist you to win success and secure independence. «9« THE I I STANDARD BANK OF CANADA FUESHERTON BRANCH I MITCHELL Mamascr CANADIAN C. p. R. Time Table. leave Flssherton Station IraiDS 3Uow« : Ooioj; Scuth 7.53 «. m. 4.27 p.m. Xbe m«ils are follows T p. BO. Going North IJ.Ol p.m. 9.1Sp. m. osed at Flesherton a For the north at 10.40 a.oi.aod ; and the afternoon mail south at 3.40 o'clock. For morning train south Mftil close at 9 p. m. the previous evg. VICINITY CHIPS Mr. Georse Mitchell was home Owen Sohnd over th- week end. from Mr. Wesley Ciicton at Toronto w^iS a pleasant caller at this ottica Fridiy last. Mi:u Maud Bo;d. nho is teaching in Toronto, was booie for a few days durrna the past w^ek. The adjourned meetiog of Arteme»ia Scarlet Chapter will be held in CUyton'a ball, Flesherton, on Frid*y. Msrch 19, »! 7 o'olcelt. Mrs. HiroIJ Blli», who i<r over a year waa the faithful organise ia the Kimbar ey Methodist ehurebaad who is now ieavisc there, was reecntiy mida the rect- lent of a oiouey giU. The choir an'i txjard of management were aatted lu their words cf appreciation and Ct- '; operated in this recognicionof her aervicts I An address uf appreciacioo waa «(S3 sent I t> Mrs. BUis, I Mr. James Henry Uiioo, of the firm [ of Rixon, .\inslie and Sloddirt, !u«iber I dealers, of Owen Sound, died ou Suudsy I morning, Mr. Rixon was born nearly I 82 yearj ago in London, England. Be I waa a mailer for the i^reaier part of -fais life. Fifty six years ago he cauie to Leith, Ont., near Owen Sound, and fur I a time was purser with the C. P R line I of steamships. Mr. Jos. Croft of the fourth .'iae, .\rtemesia, pasa«d away oa Monday I forenoon afttr an illnesa ex'endicg orer I several weeks' The funeral took place i Wednesday to Maxwell cen.etery. Mr. I Cruf: was a brother of the lae iin. John Hales uf Flesherton. and was » hiiiblyi respneCed resiieot of the township. He was 62 years of age. E ootTnn of I'fficjrs was held in the VV. M a. in I he Methodist church last Thursday, whcb re-suUed as follows : Prts. , Mrs. Tharstoa ; U'. Vice, Mrs Belfry ; 2ad Vice, Mr?. Ciin'>n : Rec. S.-c., M'S. Mitchell ; Cor Sec . Mrs. Hickling : Trtas.. Mrs. Cirijo ; Pres. Christiiin Stewardship, Mrs Becitham ; Scfauuers Sec , Mrs. H >!!aud ; ^apt. uf M. B , >!rs. Armstrt-ni : Piaiust, Mrs. H S ^Vhite. Mr-». Murray was e'e.-ted Dundalk w.oiUB mil's, which were run b< Ueimbecker \.% Son, were burned do»n one ;<ftorni'on last wetk, c»used by a $pirk in the picker machine. The fire Cime so «udds: ly that tl\t operatives had b'trely time to escape. Th<> loas is said to be about fI8.00«.\ with foCOO insur- ance. The mill h*« been oiier\ted by tbe Heimbeckets for tbe past four ye\rs. M \ a nir>etini; of (he village council is was f aireed to Kan the tirm tea tbousan i I doliare at five per cent, for ten years and exemption from taxe$, and 'he oaill will be rebuilt. Miss Ida May Wyatr, Jjiijhter of Mr. aid Mrs. V\'i \V yatt of tewn, died cB Mr. George Haiibury, tbe efficient pcstmisterat Dundalk, was a welcoffo ealler at The Advance office oue viay last i d^leg-tte to Bracch meetiog in May, with week. \ Mrs. White as alternate. Yourgâ€" Magec â€" At the home of the bride's p:irents. Mr. and Mrs. Ed.MagBi-, if ore Saskatchewan, on Wedrie(jd»y, Feb. 25, by R4V. M. S. K^rr. B. D., Miss Myrtle M42ee, to Mr. George Arthur Young ; f Bsaver Hil!s, Sa.«k. The story 3l art-ed in last week's .\d rauce w»ll n it be compliited, and we would therefore advise our subscribers â- ot to begin tb« readioit of it Wt have made a charge in our ready priut service to take effect at the end ^f this month. Iba Ladies Aid of the Methodist church Wilt give a social eveuiug in the b.<seuieut •f the church Wed. evg., M.arch 17tl>. Frogtam »i S o'clock. .\ cuUectiou will be taken it the door. Everybody corue •ad have agood Irifh social evening. WiUiaiu Loui;, a respected lesuletic of H >neywood, and father of Mrs. William Miller if Flesherton, died ou Thursday, March 4, at thi^ age of t>o years. Ue was a native ol Vaughan township. Oue •on, O'-rlor, is at home. Mrs. Thomas ITreathy ot Rob Roy is a sister. Keeve JohnrB<.<yd of Markdaie was lu town one day last w«ek and disposed of •II his interest in the Boyd Bros. property held to h;a brother. Will. J. .\. la now free from all property aucumbcauce and will take lif* easy for a time. Wish we •ould travel la the aiiue boat with Markdaltf'a genial reeve. TraTsUets on tbe evening train from 1k>n>nto on Thursday last had % |eaiy titmo and lots of •xcitemsot. and it was 1 a.m. Friday when the tr«ia arrived at ViMhertoD. The troublo started at West Tsrooto, when a Dundalk catt.'* bayer oamsd W. Thompsoa had tome difficulty with the coodaetor aboat bis â- ioket. B«(we«n Woodbridg« sod Bolton the Sudbury train had run off on account •( spread rail* and the Owes tiound (rain waa held up (or two host* while repair* vara mad*. Tha Duadalk man did not gak oier his grouch agaiasl tha conductor aa tht trip aud when the train arrived at Dandalk Braworkt started. The ean- daatur stepped aiff on the pl»tfv<ra>, whto Xbooi^sou is alleged to have atepped up •nd siriick him • •niashiun blew in the (sea, kaookiog him down and catting his f «c« and month badly. .A. doctor was summoned, who attended to ths in)uriea. Ihe train ueAntiois bsioK t>*!^ for •Bothat hour whiia thia waa dene. No •rraat waa made, but sarely there will be ithiag ftuthar hsatd of tha laattw. ROCK MILLS Mrs. r. Jii'Mit visited the past week with he. JiogHtc-, Mrs. Lewis Pedlar Mr. U. bt. AUit IS ».. .;<::nj a few weeks wiih Lis d.ii:-hr. r tu Brautfjvd. We extend c ur uerp«at syBpa'hy f^ tha Croft fani'-y i:i >.h^r =sd bereave- meot. Mr. E. bi......i.:-.. n..iai ;.ja:er. May, riaited rhe first of the week with Mr. and ilrs. Cbaa. J««»e!.' .Mr. *m. T. r.JUf ; _ ,-. .,. party lu a few ..f !.ia ireitd& '.n Thuia- [ d^ay nigbr. A a.oet su j- jabli! time wus ! spent i:i music and dancing. The Ladisii' Aid held C-'iuir â- &««( iiig at the hoiCJ ijf i!r<§. Le.t ii-i^l» o-i Tuesday March lu. Mr. Lome Atk iis.-n vsited over Sunday with his nncle, Thomas Betts, a.-id family. Mr. and Mrs. B tla^-.^ave are moving to (heir new h me nea; Markdale. We wish them every auccess in their h>«l.i. 'i I Rod and Gun " Ye OldeTiaie Brooke Trou: in Nuva Scotia " is the title :f Bonnyea^tus Dale's faatare artic'e in March ua-ue of Rod ma6 Oun in Canada. Th s nambec of Cana- da's premier sp.irting monthly besides containing the usual bi^h grade stories and departmenti begins a seri.is uf illus- trated atticlsa ou Musatooou, both poisonous and edible. F. Y. Williams :he popular ya:u;« illustrator tsUs m h a own icimitable manner 'he adventure^ of a mink tbat was eaughc three limss ba- fora it was Soaily kdied : his story is •oticleil 'In B.ack aad Whits." F.r tha dsherman who is luterested in trout we may say that this issue contains twa splendid articles by Robari Paga Lir«>ilji. The Guns and Amaiunition. Trap Lica and Kenuel depa.tm«3t3 aie up to their â- aual iiigb standai'l. R 'd and Gan in Oanada, W J. Taylor Limited Publish- ers, Wjodstjck, Out. Spring Millinery Opening Friday and Saturday, March 19th and 20th LaSies arc cordially invite i : ; altead cur opening display . "^rinjf Miliinerj. We are p!e;i3ed to aanoance that Miss Collver. formerly of this department, h agaia iu charge this seasoa after h»'r vacation last fail. Adracce cnJers will hive her prompt and car.'riul rtrrf^nrion. NEW .\R.Rr\ ALS THIS Vv EEK Fscej Dress Vailed loveiy deaigas xmi caioeLogs, 75c. t3 ^I 73 fat vartl Nisaral Pooa-ie ^-Aks 90c to SI. 50 p:?t yard. Fuccy Plaid Taffeta Stl|^ ia inJiviJaiil skirt letijslis. GBisteas and Norse's Cioeh, ligkt &ud darrk blae patterns, 35c tii SOe per vird. New Cretans iti nojalty desii^s. spacial 73c acd 93c a yard, S^ort FlosB for knitting sweiters. :u tea new shades. 2 oince ball ♦»5c. SPECIALS IN DRIED FRLIT5 COOKISG FEG: id far pices a-; r^.:* stasoa waet: iczi'is m q^ziiz^ scarce. parebase enable* as to off^r a .'peciai price â€" I3c. per potted. SEEDLE33 RAISINS â€" Tlioaipaca'a Seedlejs Ratsia?. re-cleaned, ne wholesale cnarkes. k>peciai iSc, A special per poand. â-¼ stock, aow very scirce ia the rhaaipsoa's and Del Maute Seedless Raisins, new F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON, ~ 0NT.\RIO CARD OF THANKS Mr. snd Mrs. Edward Sar^ani wish to express their tbaiikj f-T the kindness and sympathy shown them i:i their receu" bereavement. home of on A. II n The W" I. will meet at the Mrs. D. McTa«ish at 2 30 p m. Wedneiday. March 31. Rev. C. Belfry will address tbe Institute " Conditions as we dnd them aud wha to do o iaaprtjve them.' Mis. Thuiston will sjive a paper on " Getting the Vest out of life." Mr<. G<or.ie McTavish will give a reading. Ti* will be served at the close and :a s;.'ciat time s;.iont. Come ill time to answer to the rot! call, with something m.^re than tbe " pruseot.' Proceeds of Mrs. Fhi'lips sa'e f7 8o A s'ory from Cr«em«ie tb:s week i pathetic. Tha pxopriet r of the 1 cU paper tbece suei-umbed o an a-tack of i grip. His wid'^w applied -o Toronto for a man to carry on the buaineas until other arrasfements cca'd be d ads. As th* i-n'y Ota in the Soldiera' t\e- establishment school for linotype ooer- ati rs sxparieece*^ 4ii ali aiparCments ot the buai-ness waa J K^w. od Cave, ot the Be»vsrton'Bxpre(«a, f.e volunteered to go Soon he, too, was taken 3o»u a«d died from pneam.nia. The soldier apirir burned brightly to tbe erd. and shortly before his deatb he *a d to h * f.»Cher, •' Tell mothar i put up » good acr^p"â€" " Toronto G'.'. be. Friday last after a prolonged illnees at the ago of 2S years. The deceased ycuuu woman was of a briaht, cheerful disposi- tion, and 'had inatiy friends who deeply mourn her early demise. She was a member of the Baptise church, and the funeral service was tteld at 'he church on SU'iday afternoon when her pastor- R^v. Mr. Uw-hani, presided. The re mains were interred in Flesher'on c-.imetery. Much sympathy is expressed for the sorrowing parents, sister ard three brothers. .\ three day thaw the la-.ter part ef las; weak came at a biessin:; iu uiauy ways, in others it was anything but a bleeaing. It stopped tralhc ou the roads aluioat completely but it [uoseaed up a lot of water aud saved the situatioa at the Eugenia power honae, white ohanoea of a wholesale flood this sprint are there- by very much diminished. Oh tha whols the bleaaiug very macK eatwei^sbed the disadvantages. Mr. Bert Uagea uf the lOih line, Ariamesia, htd rather a ditcoocertiog expetiensa one day last wesk â€" oaa (hat he would not like to have occur agais. Upon leaving home for Flesherton he slipped a roll ot biUa into his pooktl oumsinina #370. Aftar arciviog hera he aadattiH^k to produce the uHHiey. but it was gone and be waa ia a quaodary as to i's whereabouts. It ien't every day that that amount of at >aay is picked up and its loss woald have b«aB a sarioas bio* to Bart io Ihasa days ot high pric«« Ue hiked back boa« aa faat as iha good load •yttem would allow and after trailing himself for some lima found the roll intact in tha barnyard, wheie ha bad dropped it in saute myaterioa* manner. No doubt Bert's joy was aooaethisg beautiful to see about the tins ha made that luata aliva fad. ^â- 'i^ 1 MAIL CONTRACT i SEALi:P TEM>Kt;.-i juddre^sed to the i Vostiiuiister tleneral will l>e receive I at ! Ottawa unal nov'U on Friday, the ISth ol i April. W20, for the conveyance '>t His ' Maje.*ty's Miita. on a propoeed Contract for | tour years, si-\ tjnia.* per week on tbe n.'U>e FLESHERTOM R. R. No. 3 j from the Fostruaeter (.lenerAl « pleasure nex\ ; Printed nouces c*Qt.-uaiiiir further iniorma- { sion as t" oondition.-* i>f profHjsed w-oasract may | be seeu and bliink fi>rai» >^f Tender may be I obtained at the P<>»c (.>fficn> o{ Flesherton | aiid at the office of th* Post Office Inapectur. | Toronto. A. SfTUEKLA.NI>. IVisC Ortice In*p«etor Foe» l^ffice Inspector'* (.>ffice, Tor'iito. Man.h 4:h. ItM. MAgnct Cream Se parators CaH W. A. HAVVKEN â€" deader for â€" M ENDELSSOH.N PIANOS and PLAYER.PIANOS. PHONO- GRAPHS and RECORDS, and SHEET MUblC hiah grade uiitrumeHts liiV f^^'W Mas FLE5HERT0N I are goars â€" tie iicCiou ; dou'ote *"Ppor;ed towl â€" cannot rock; Perfect skimmer â€" oue piece ; easy ^^ turn â€" a child can operate; capacity changeâ€" saves the buyer $50.00 : patent brake â€" " 'Magnet,' patent ; atroni;, rigid cnstiucciou â€" mechani.'al y correct ; aanitary strainerâ€" germ proof : easy to cleanâ€" a child cleaus it in » few minutes. G. B. Welton Flesherton, Ont. It Gents' Furnishings HARDWARE! H. J. LEGa\RD Flesherton, Ontario Axes and Handles, Bask Sawt, UamiMcrs, Croascut Saws and Handles, Hon* Blankets, Milts aad Gloves, Uaitets snd Tias, Pails aud Tuba. Stewart Hors « Ciipf.'ers, lAirry Coaiba and Brusbea, Slactnc Bulba, Laaips and Laoteros, Red Star Wasaiog Macbina*. Cargoes Grocery yoa hsll: g'jod. ciedr:. iresa urcceties or Confeaiianery give us a call. We carry noiliiag bat the beeS. Wa Lava ftiso a fall iice of all tlie leading TotMcsct. All ktcds oi Frai:s-iu season. Com<; IB aud get one of those Fish . Ws hav« and Briush Cclnmbia Salmon. Lak* Tro«t H'gkts: yricas paid for all kinds of Produce. Phoaa in â-¼Â»Â«â-  order. We will deliver it to aay ptrt vil'aire. of t^4 W. E. CARGOE. Phone 30 J. FLESHERTON. ONT. ••••••••• I R U B B E R S ! Wt k*Y« the o^lebr»i«»d, in Mtjas Wt)a»e«'< ClnidreR's Hubbdw. F. W. DUNCAN Ptione 24 r 1 1 Fletherton, Ontario

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