March 18 1920 THE FLESHEKTCN ADVANCE "BANMORONTO Working Capital for FARMERS I. P. BELLAMY Manager FEVERSHAM THF. branch managers of this Bank will meet reliable farmers in any reasonable demands for credit to finance heavier cropa, to ftted stock, to buy stockers, or for any sound enterprise in line with national development. Further, in lending money to farmers, it U our aim to arrange terms to suit their needs, and thus mske this Bank of practical assistance to them. SA I Farm For Sale I ImI N \ T) Hnd lot 0, aoi). IS), Pr»lon, ' c iiitaiiiirijj IHU HCres. Well wn'.ored, ' g<i()(l birii iind hi>U'<t<, 80 acren uildtr I culliv^ttiiiii, rm' iii.iitly patiiite With I itliuul Kvi) HcrcH KixiJ I'ush, estate of the xto 1>. J. McCVriuit'k. I'or pniMiculuiH ; »pi>'y t" WM. McCORMICK. â- Extfculor iif the estHlo. rioloii P. <) I Phune Duiidolk 52-4. IHl Mil Kill v34rcfnlly Corrected Each Week HiUlor 50 to 62 KjL'H 50 to 60 \Vh nt 2 00 to 2 10 IVis 1 40 Id I 50 Oa's no I.) !>1 Barley 78 to 80 FIGHT SMUTAND SCAB Treat Wheat, Oat and Potato Seed Before Planting;. Tliroiij^h the Canadian Alp (^ In Canada, opaoing up an Al|);n-^ • gion ot entrancing beauty. J I wi ' l.o poatrible to motor from Calga.y i.i Windermere between sunrise anil r.'r â- set througli a hundred miles of ii-i most glorious scenery In .North Am ;•- ioa. A good iiutcr.iobiie road rv.--^ south to I'\>rt Steele iind l'raiibri»h. an<I from Cranbrook there aro exr :- lent roads to Spokane, or eastward ; through tl;o Crow's Nest Tar..'-, and back to Calgary. The Good lieu!-* Association at Alberta is entini.-: â- '.â- ,â- • ov6r Iho in-aspoL-t us this will n.'-.v.i Ui« advent of many touris's from ;â- .'.': OTer Atnorica. The nsw ro.i.l will :.'.>'.i he of creit bMie>fit to the l,'p! •' r â- o - unrt>ic Valley which ha.s n-any iUtr;ic- tiona for settlers on acc<iiint of the fertility of the soli nnd siilubility for mixed familrg. This valUy is so -vod by the Kootenay Central IJnilway. a recently constructed bri.acli ot lU? Canadtajt Pacific. Botrwoeo Bairff, the. popular STinuaer r«eort in the CeauuUan r^dflc Rock- ies and Ijaie Windermere, the bead â- waters ot the great CoJtuubifl â- Rivw, lio« an Alpine ridge of spectajcular beauty, foemJa* part of Uie Great r>fvid<». TUfl ri<H;A Is penetrSUed by two com^aiatively easy passes, the Simpsoai, eatbtbe Ver- inffl'lion -wiiilch lead lato the Vrtley ot ;tbo Kootezfay BAreir. a reigicn orlxxKrd- itoK in game on eiocousit of tte b«Wig !te-Hl aantJa of the atUa. 11m ai tb* .Caaa'dlaa Pacific XiiMmwy. Betveen lUio Kootemay lUver aiiid the CdUrmMa (River la a aonll rtBrnre of mottntaJnci ^Uu-ougli which Um 8*nrla4r Pass aad jCMXjrcm ;>roTMe ux easy road. WTwn fOiii first STunroys vrcro mscde for aa antomobile road betwweo B«iaff and iWi»d«rmo*« It yrm m iâ€" M »ed t» U8« tb« IBiinfKXHi P«iBd, oameid tufiusr Sir Gom^e fStmpson, OovPTEor of tlie Hudson's [Bay GotasoAir, w-ho matle tbto craa»ing jlii 1841. But the rtwito over the Vur- riiifl'UoQ woe taaoA to be eaater amd at |th« sauie tiioe more l>aa,utiful, and con- idruotlon of the HlgSrway of th« Great II>lvWie wtuB corameno&d from opipasita 'Caetie Mountein In this direction. Ai •tho same time tie road from Wtauder- Kuero tiiroiueli tSic 3ifiiol«alr Oajiyon was «j1«o fx>tnmenj(3«l amd at the tlmo ot th« outbrealc of war a gap ot oujy ftlrlrty miles seiiaraited the two roads. (Wair put an ««id to construction, and V. great washout destroyed 6ev«ral Ktiles of the weetem end, to tliat tho ppojeoteeemed to have been abandon oU. Kow, however, the Dominion (!ov<5rn- ment has made an arriingcment with lUio Brlti^ Columbia (roveriinioDt by •wWcli tho route of the road romes un- der tbo Jurisdiction of llie Donaiion Parks, imd a 6ubsta.atial appro p j iatlon 4ias been allortted to flnils-h tlio work. In tills way there Is every jirospoct of the early complet:on of what will bo tlip most wonderlul automobile roa,d (1) (2) Hunters Camp, Koo,toey Rivefr ...... The KtlQ^ii&iMmxMMS^&^Wt^' . ^ Advance Ads. BritiR Sure Results mm^^jm^m.^ai^m^i^±m)t m^MMm^m^^m^^^mm CHKVROLKT "Forit-MNK! V Tul'RINlJ CAR, i<|u ppi-.i «• I, elco'ilc ligjlils aiid hlHrter, li i.!i iKt 'ypo two uiiiigysti'iii. MHi.''. wiiin;; w^Kii, Coinp vie limi) .'({iiipiueut, M<<hii>r nw-: nisii top, top rover ind side cur- tains; (il'ed wiiulxhii'ld; fnoi'dn- nut r ; electric horn ; extra rim sod earlier I n rour ; i-cunplel^' tool equipiMi'Mi, ineludins; jvcit Slid pump Foot ich(, mlu! rsil, prickets in ouch door. Prioi* tW»6. f. 0. b. 0«h!iw«, Out. Mad'S in Cu.-iad.i l!ii', iiii ;iii(iiiii ii»iit; Hi VMM \v.)i|l'i l)iiy a h )';-;t;. Ana itouo >;l'' i.s <i iiiaj )r i'lvi'sl- iiit'iil ;iii(l a siinilfii- Miiliiy. lii« sure l<> <:li()i)Si> Olio l.lrit yo i r,i:, sp'ii I Id:!;;; h itii-s in "itiidut (li.NCi 111 orr ami *,vil.;i jiir mTvo ."tra'ii. Hosiiri! niatii is Iciilr. (,f {{Qod liliitci'ials, .sMon^ iiinl sil'f, lltir ii i.^ c>|iii|ip(>(i with iMorv, (•oiiv(;nii!iic.f. aiitl lint !t.Siip')i;w}iiu;" ui!! luii:^ In; ;i ffodit to your [iuutical l;i)(i(| ia-,in. Tlio ('litivrok't, his nil i!i > f i|ii ilili-iiions aiil it) athlilioii is wu-y oounoiijical lo opjnUt^ D. McTAVlSH & SON FLESHERTON, m. ONrARIO A Dilution of Fonnalln or Fonnnl- deliyde Recoininende<l, by limner- Hlon or Sprinkling â€" CorroHlvo Sublimate Also Used tor Potato Scab. (Contributed by Ontario Department ol Agriculture, Toronto.) GUEAT losses frequently occur through the prevalence of Bmuts in the grain crops. Numerous experiments have been conducted In the Field Hus- bandry Department at the College in years past in making a practical application ot tlie treatments recom- mended for killios the smut In grain. As the result of five years' experi- ments with five treatments with wheat and seven treatments with oats It was found that very complete work was obtained by immersing the gr.tiu for twenty minutes in a solu- tion i^iade by mixing one pint ot for- malin or foity per cent, fonualdehydt in forty-two gallons ot watqr. Ill preparing wheat for treatment ( •; re should be taken to separate the ijroken smut balls from the wheat, either by cleaning the grain or by placing the seed in wiUer and re- moving the siuut hulls as they float on the siirfucn. Not only is it neces- sary to treat the grain l)iit tho forma- lin solution should be ur.ed to kill tho smut spores wliich aro lodged in the bins, on tlie burn (loots, on the bags, in the grain drills or wherever the living spores havo an opportunity of agaiij coming in contact with the grain. The immersion process is so com- plete in its results that It does not need to bo repeated every year, pro- viding care is exercised to prevent a further introduction of the smut spores. The sprinkling profess was also used in 'he test, and this method is followed by some farmers. It needs to be conducted with great care, how- e-ver, or the smut will not all be de- stroyed, and as a result it is frequent- ly necessary to treat the grain every year. One of the best, sprinkling metliods is to carefully moisten twenly-fivo bushels of wheat or of oats and by shovelling the grain over on a barn floor when it is being sprin- kled with a mixture of one pint of formalin and from iifteeii lo twenty- one gallons of water. Wlieu the grain is uniformly moistened It should be covered with bags or blan- kets for three or four iiours and then spread out lo dry. Varying quantities should be treated propor- tionately. â€" Dr. C. A. Zavitz, O. A. College, Guelph. ESTABUSHKD 1872 sbb* cefit. .HEAD OFFICE HAMILTON The Bank of Ilamillon wants to be the frwnd of the farmer, tho fruit grower, and the producer. In the financial development of legitiraale enterprises it is re-idy to take its part. All transaotionR careful]; handled, in strict con- fidence. BANK OF HAMILTON DUNDALK RRANCH-A. M. Carthew, Manager SUB-BRANCH I'ROTON-C. J. Forster, Sub-Manager AUCTION SALE t)f Fiirm .Stock, Implement!), etc. tk>nti'ol the I'ot.tto Scab. For seed select sinoolii, sound po- tatoes, as free as po.s.siblu from scab, and disinfect by soaking them before they are cut for two Iiours in a solu- tion made by adding lu'If a pint of eomiuercial formalin to Ij gallons of water. A couple ol barrels with pUm's in tho sides near the bottom can be used to advantapi; in treating the seed. The pot a loos tan he placed directly in the solution or hist put in erat(s or coarse sauk& and then im- mersed. After treatment spiead the pota- toes out on a rlean door or on tho «iass lo dry. Wasii all crates, bngs, t'tc, which are used in liandling the potatoes with the formalin solution. The same formalin solution can bo used lo treat siiccessivj? lots of pota- lues. I''ifleeu gallons is suOleient to treat from 20 to 25 busheJ.s if ordi- nary precautions arc taken not to waste too much of the fluid as each lot of tul)ors is dipped. If the pota- toes are not all treated the same day- it Is advisable to make up fresh to/- iiialin for each day's work. Corrosive sublimate (nieicuric chloride) can be used also lo treat potatoes to prevent seal). Soak tho uncut tiibets for three lioiirs in .a so- lution ot two ounces of corrosive sublimate to 25 gallons ot water. Cor- rosive sublimate is u deadly poison, and potatoes treated with it are ren- dered iinfll for food for man or beast. Formalin is a clear liquid disinfec- tant. It Is a 40 ';o solution of formal- dehyde gas and water. It can be pur- chased from almost any druggist. Jt is sold under the names ot formalin and formaldehyde. It Is important that the purchaser, whatever name he buys it under, secured u guarau- leed solution of 40% formaldehyde. The stock solution should always be kept in a well-corked bottle, and should not be allowed to freeze. It possible plant the treated seed potatoes on clean soil, that is soil that has not produced a crop ot acabby potatoes. Practice a rotation of cropa. If scab Is very bad it is not udviaablo to plant potatoes on the same land ottouer than ouce iu live years. Heavy applications ot barnyard manure should not bo wade to tho potato crop, but if necessary given at sonio other point in tho rota- lion. Plant potatoes after clover sod If poijsible. Avoid alkali fcrtiliEcis such as lime and wood ashes. â€" Prof. J. E. Ilowill, O. A. College, Guelph. I'liiiitlng the Cultivated Crops. * To ensure good crops of carrots, mangles, sugar beets, potatoes and corn, tho land should bo well prepar- ed and seed should be secured of tho highest quality. Under average con- tliilons the Irish Cobbler variety (early potatoes) and the Green Moua- lain (lain pututocB) aro recoiuniend- ad for Ontario. To secure best re- sults with tho potato crop. It is al- ways better to plant them not later :hen the l.^th of May. This year plant lialf your seed ten days eaillii than you iiavn bc'^u uccustoiued to doing, and plant the other half at the usual time. The experiment will prov'e to >our s.:tlst;>.etion the value of early planting. It the potato planter anj jpniyer has not already been ovei'- nnulfd, a rainy dnv may h.' very pro- (Itably employed in this wo; U. A credit auctu.n sale of f-irni stock, implfmenis, etc., will be held on Lot 127, 2nd Con. S. VV. T. *SR.,] Artemebia, oo j THURSDAY, MARCH 25th, 1920.1 \Vheii the following chattels will be solO; HORi?ESâ€" Black iiiaro rising 5 years old htitvy, black horse ri.sirig 4 years old huaiy, li;iy mare rising 2 years old heavy, mare cult risin;^ 1 year heavy, aged mare suppnsed III to in foal tn Hoiiz'in, ilriv- iii(^ boiRH 10 years old by Percy Per former. C.^TTLE Cow '.( years old duo in April, cow () yf iirs old duo in .April, cow li jeais (lid due lust of March, cow 5 years old duo hist (if March, cow (i years old iiiilkiii'.', CdW I) years old milkini;, 5 steer.i rising 2 yean*, iitifer nsina 2 years, I! s'eers ri-ina 1 year, '.i hoifais rising 1 year, 2 (.iilves '.i months o'd, choice Short- horn hull risihg ;; years (Cla^^t Gem No. 1108').-)). PKiSâ€" UrtroJ Eow due April "tli, 4 8. (ire pigs. SHEEP- Hi owes duo in .\pril. FOWr 40 whitp Wyandotte hens, 2 white' Wyaiuloite ri iitleiN, diake and a pail' of ducka. I M PLEM KNTSâ€" Massey Harris bind- er (i foot cut, Massey Harris ninwir 5 flint cur, Ma.vsey Harris manure spreader neaily new, Maasey Hirris disc, ftlaasey H irris rake, Peter Hamilton cultivator. No 21 Verily Ji'ow, No 10 Verity plow, i mot sculHor, i>tt sleij-h.', wairon, new hay rack, wood rack, i/ravcl box, fanning null, si.'t scale? 2000 lbs., Peter Hamilton eeid diill, cutting box, root pul[er, set Tdliiin harrows, wheelbarrow, set fprinj; tooth harrows, 2 barrels salt, sugar kettle, 2 (ct heavy liariusi, crcsscul saw, small (pianiity of luiiiber, furlts, chairs, neck- yokes, .vh tHelrtea and ilher articles too luiniuruus to ineniior;. â- S.iln coiiinunces at oiio o'clock sharp. Positivily lui les. rve is the ovviitr has sold bis farm. TERMS- .All sums of $10.00 and under ca>h ;(iverihat amount i2monihs' credit will bo (;ivi ii cm approvi d joint leitos. (ir 5 per cent, for cash in lieu ! of notes. . i (iEO. WliriK, D. m.PHAlli, I'rdliMi ii.r. .Auctioneer. â- [ We make a charije of 10c a line for all- church announcements, concerts etc., up to 5 lines. Over that number 5c \ line. I No reading notices inaerlcd under 50o. Count six words to tha line. Boar For Service Pure bred Kegisterea Yiirkshire Boar for service â€" Maxwell Jack 6290;i â€" on lot 107, S W. T. & S. R., Ari^emeaia. Terms $1.50. 10,4,10 T. .1. STINSON. Boar For Service UiijiatereJ Chester White \i>'j for srvice atRock .Mills The far.iur won. first at Chicajjo Fair. Terms 81. .^0. decoli) â€"I. SMITH Prop. BOAR for SERVICE Piirtlired Tamworlh Bnar for service on l.jt 1G7. S W T and S E., .\rtemesia,. Termsâ€" sjl. 50. Febl5 -T.J. STIN'SON, Prop ALL BrSINESS SCHOOLS ARH NOT THE SAME. Ftature 2. Watcli for the olhers. The aiiihority in all Buaine^iS Sjstem.s, Aocounip, etc , is tho Chartciod Account- aut. The Northern Business College is the only School iu Januda in chaigo of a Fellow (if tlie Institute ui Chartered .\ccountant3. Get th(; best. It pays. t>wen Sound, Oiir. C A. FLEMING, F. C. A., Principa G. D. FLEMING, Secratary. (Mentiim lliis paper when writing;) Boar tor Service The uiuli^!sit;ned has a ihorouah.ired Yorkshire H'-arfor service on lot 11, con. 8. 0^;)ley. Terms 81.50. FREDSPOFFARD SUSm.ESSCARDS ROAD CLOSING bOCIETIES I • Notice is hereViy Kiven that tlie Coun- cil (if the Township ,.f .\rleniesia will t'"^lt,1^rl^^«t^?^SL^l.S^;"^'^;S '^f^","~>ntl, froi:, the lirst 9 rouK'H Klocu b'loalicrtoa, ovcrv Kruiav on turn lu're!ij\ puceed to [.ass a bylaw or t^tiicji-e^uio^^mu mo^(.^D. T. t'la>tou. W. c|„j,j,,^, i^e umiei mMUtmned ori-inal " "'^' - ^ " â- -â- ' allowance for road, viz , all thit part of Mill street lyinij between Queen siroet Dentistky B. C MURRAY U O. B , dental sargeou htnorRiaduttto ol Toronto UuivcrBity ami Koyal Colleso of Ueutal Sui^oouB ot Ontario. Qas admiiiiulstiired tor tuutb oXtractiou tliae at resideDoo Torouto btrcet. Flesbortou. u Medical j Dr \V. .1. Heiiiy. .M; H., (.'ra-^ratecf Faccilt) o( MeilicliiC, Torouto I'niveifity. OlHcc â€"Dr. i.ittlti's latu rufciiluiice, FleHbiiituii. I 1' OTTEWELL ' Voteriuary Surgeon lrR(tu»te <it Outario VetBrluary OolleRe flpiiieiicii â€" eavoiut ctoor noutli woat.ou \tiry Btieot. Tills street runs oiitli rosbyteriau Chnroh. and the town line nf Glenel' First publidiod on the lUih d.iy of February, i'.)20. Dated Feb. 12, 1920. W. .;. BELLAMY. For Service One pure ored Shorthorn Hull on lut :50, con, 9, Artemesia. Terras 81.50 fol grades. Must be paid within 9 montba fnmi date cf service. 19. Jim. -U. O. turner. Legal Automobile Instructions (FOR L.ADIES AND GENTS) oic.â€" 1, p. Lucas, K. C. ; W. I). Henry, ;INowijlnu lime to take advantage of It. .\. OffiotB, Mniliclalo Lucis Block, PUoue ' ,u„ „:„,„,.„,,,,, ,i,„ ,„ „l,| ,i, „.„„„k aA. niancli cll.cc8 at Dundalk and Dh Ua i. \ '"" «""'«' montns to oDtaiii it liiolough _ I knowledge of the .Automobile. The ;oan n KIGIIT, k TULFORD, I'arrl.ster, Solici. who ciwns or expecis to own an' Auto- '' tors, Ac. IJllicoB, Giev t Hruca Block,' i i„ .. :m c . ,• â- ,. ' . ,, Dwt-n Hound. Btondard Wank ci ,:KI(.i.ber. \ m<''"le Will tind thw CoUrso hnaiicriUy toi.,(Satiir.;asB). W.U. WrixLt, W. P. relford ^ proClnble. or the young man who wi,hes â€" IT-. -rr-r-rrrâ€" 7-â€"^. ^- --:--â€". â- '--â€" t- . to become all e.\peit chauffeur will be BUSINRSS Cards ' P<^»"P'"'»'d f^>i' » K""'1 P'ymi; position -rith njM. K.MTTINO, icenaert Auctioneer fo. ' ''"^ "'"''• '' '"'^ °""'-^'' '^^'>'«"l« ^f "^er- '' tlio countJDB of fjroy and biinooo. hauli'ig of motors, timing of valves and Riin and Ktoclc Bnlea a nt'oo'alty. Tonus ' . .. . . , Mt'dorato. Bfttisfactiou Ruaranteid. Arranijo- , Ignition systems, starting and lldhtint; iicQtH lor dat(<a may bo uittiloat tlio Advance ,„ ,,.„,„ t,„,,ui..c, «i„ w -i. c Uicc, or CtuliaHelei-l.onooUlco tovwabani '•ytlems, troubles, etc. Write foS .rbyactdreaoluR mo at Koverabftui, Oct. ; booklet, or better si ill visit our school convinced. (We have special classes for ladies). OMcPH.MI , Licensed Auotioueo for the • lioonty of Orey. Teruia moderate and I <iitiB Bciteiii cimrsptc-ed. 1 ho avrAugeiiiunts , -tiid (Utva cf caloBCan be niadeat'DiK AxiVAiice it'lico. Itoaiilouceund l'.(^i., Ceylon. Telephouo ''^onectioD. Uoo. (S 70 I and bu Hog For" Service 1 Orangeville Automobile School : East lUoadway, Oraugevillo, Ont, ^EULtOTT, ronge and Charles Streets, Torouto Pure bred Yoikchirr Biinr for servico. TurmS' -91.50 Hi time uf scrvlct*. J. F. OOLUNSON, 1 niar Ceylon. -. .- . I Gives siiiietior lrainin;< for positionn as Ht.Miographerii, accountants, commercial teacher.!), pijvate aecrutarie*, office assist- auts. Diinsud for our itraduHtes mure PURE BRED SHORTHORN Bull For Service " .\RTKME-T*'FFirE, (1(3710) T'tm*--t3, t'Ryable iit t rro of scrvrcP, *5iov puie'.ued-'. .UHIN DOW, Ajrll I'rop than tin times our supply. Open all yesr. Knter any time. Write fof Ca^ilogue, VV. J. ELUOTT, Pmnowal. ' ^ ^,