Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 25 Mar 1920, p. 2

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iiiJZi Have Yott Ever Thought of This? â€"That a Cup of II SAUDA" f 3D ddL BS8I properly infused, is one of Nature's greatest blessings as a harmless stimulating beverage. A WOMAN'S WIT PART I. I There it was again! That faint lap- OQtsiie the rain was pouring stead- tapping at the onrtainea wndow. ny d^nu The monotonous pUsh of Her nerves all unstrung she stared in Bgain«t the window-panes dull wonderment round her, and then. to reassure herself, crossed and drag- ged back the curtain. A slirted scream i ose to her lips, to be instantly choked back. There, from the blackness of the storm -wTucked night, a man's face stared at her, pale, fear distorted, with glaring eyes and grim-set mouth. For a wild moment Betty hesitated. Then her panic vanished before a real enlightenment. The miracle she had thought impossible had happened. On winged feet she reached the front door, threw it open, and rushed into the night. "Come here!" she called, her voice like d. bird's sonr;, and stood with out- stretched arms till the furtive figure .ioined her. Then she gently led him inside the little place. "Lionel!" She breathed the name like a pi-ayer of thanksgiving. She rWd not know what had happened, but There ^^ ^''"^ come to her again. The man seized her hands, .staring eagerly in her face. "Betty," he gasped. "Whatâ€" why the water against the window-panes gave the little room an additional (tfiugness. Huddled on the rug before the glow- ing fire crouched a woman, her bands clasped about her knees, her eyes gazing sombrely at the flickering flames. Of the tho'usands who had applauded her at the Kxceh'or Theatre, few would have recognized in the desolate little figure the dainty Betty Leth- liridge, whose male impersonation." had captured the lieart of theatre- going London. This pale, wan women, who had lived alone in the tiny cottage on Dartmoor for the ilast month, eeemid so far removed from the light and laughter of the Vvest End. Then, with a long-drav,n sigh, she ro.-;e to litr ftet, to pace restlessly up and down, while the minutes dragged pas*. W.-.th a quick blanching of hcr_lips, she stopped dead and listened had come to her the sound as of someone tapping faintly at the win dow. With a quick movciiicnt she thrust aside the curtain, only to fall back despairingly. It was only a leafless branch of a bush which n,-5v,- seemed to he beckon- ing her to go out into the stormy night. And for a wild moment she had thought, and hoped, it m.'ght be something so different. But as she stood there, another round came to her ears, growing louder and louder each lecond. It was a motor-car struggling up the steep lane which lo<l to her lonely abode. Presently she heard it stop, with a reluctant v^hiiie of the engine. Who could be coming to her house lit this hour? So few knew of her retreat; to the world at large, she was taking a rest cure in an unnamed seaside rnort. A loud rapp'ng of tlie door drew her There was a :-:ilence. Neither could speak; it was sufficient that they were there together. From his sodden clothes the water was already dripping on 1(1 the thick rug; a tiny stream of blood trickled down one cheek. He was plastered with the mud of the moor. (To bo Continued) << Incubating the Ostrich. Ostriili feathers have come into style again and are now moie fasliiou- ablo than ever, frocks being common- ly trimmed with the "lips." 'I'iiis means a lot to the ostrich farm- ers, who mostly went bankrupt during the war. Some of the largest flocks ^â- ^ rr \U9o77)QnS Q>phgpQ\ begin cleaning my inquires a young ... were broken up, the husines.s having out of the room. In a few minutes ceased to produce any returns, and the 5^* !!?i.Y"^^^'*"*'l..*-'?® ul"???_^.?-*''.:Uiid« were sold for next to nothing at auction. Many of them were eaten. and struggled vainly to hold the door Kgainst the sudden inrush of the Htorni. Then a burly figure, clad in a fur coat, took the door from her and <dosed it with an effort, afterwards following her into the cosy room. "Sidiiey!" she exclaimed, when the- lamp light struck ucioss the new- 18S3, and it is said that most ot the oijmer's face. "Wliy have you. fol- lowed me here?" Before he answered,, the man took In South Africa thousands died of starvation, because it did not pay to feed them. The first pair of ostriches were in- troduced into the United States in birds now on farms aio dosccnded from those two original feathered ini- off his heavy coat an.l gauntlets, andi ""S''""^*- / ^''""6 '''"='' '« "o^' *"'"' then .vu.k v.iM.iily in';> an c;isy ch-a.-r.l ^'"0 ^" ^"«: t^^'" >'o="'s "K" ?2r. was "I've come on the old errand, Betty." » f»"' l"'''^'^- he replied; "to see if 1 can't make you • hange your mind. It's absolute mad- ness to throw your career to the winds like this, and bury yourself in such a forsaken spot. Oh, I know what you would say!" he went on <]ui<kly, when she would have spoken. "But can you lielpâ€" can you do any good by jitaying hcie?" The girl faced him, her eyes blazing with angry n;'sery. "Do you think 1 could go on playing â€" playing the foal in Lou'lon, being feted, living in luxury, while Lionel is jn that place yonder?" Her hand was waved impatiently toward the window, from which in daytime there was a viev/ of the distant walls of the pri-im prison. "I â€" 1 feel somehow that I am helping him by l)eing near at hand." She buried her working face in her liaiids, while sobs shook her convuls- ively. The man rose from his chaiir and laid a soothing: hand on her shoulder. "Betty, be reasonable," he i)leaded gently. "Ixiok facts in the face. Lionel was sentenced forâ€" for life for murder; there's no use mincing mat- lers. Ohestr's man, .Strakes, 'let Lionel into the flat late that night and then left them. <lhester and he were alone for so long, and then Strake-:, not having heard Lionel leave the place, wont to ask if there was lanythiiig more for him to do, and found Chester lying dead on the floor, Blabbed in the back." "But Lionel swore that Chester himself let him out of the flat!" broke oiit Betty, ill angrily impatient tones. "Which Strake.s steadfastly denies." Sidney's voice was cool and stea<ly. "Come, Betty, face things!" "What do you want me to do?" she Msked wearily. "I war>t yoii to eome tack. The Kxcels.'or is waiting for Vou, the public clamors for you to romo back. In London, with your f)opula» ity and your money, you might le able to help-some clue might turn up. Down hero " He ended, wav- ing a disparaging hand roiiml the tiny room, with its simple yet snug furn- ishings. T ^'" '.' • ! clasped her hands in front I her viallid face showed the li' h -yifedt on within hr^-. • *,i. ... *;«.., *-»lA(|jqp '* tionlh. That's all ! 1 "".. â€"her voice 'altcreil "if nolning has turned tip, I'll come back. I promise!" ♦ »••*♦ .Again she was alone. The manager af Ihc Mxcelsior Theatre had whirled iway in his great car, taking with him i£r r-r!>;nise, and feeling at peace with h: wc:M. Ostrich farming has been condiicl- ed oil a greater scale la .\rlzona than In California, the Salt Itiver Valley having proved a particularly suitable region lor tho iiuUisliy. The eggs, which weigh three pounds apiece, are halchod In incubators. EASIER FOR HER TO DYE THAN TO BUY "Diamond Dyes" Turn Faded, Shabby Apparel Into Ne\v. Don't worry about perfect results. Use "Diamond Dyes," guaranteed to give a now, rich, fadeless color to any fabric, whether It be wool, silk, linen, cotton or mixed goods â€" - dresses, blouses, stockings, skirts, children's coats, feathers, draperies, coverings, â€"everything! The Direction Hook with each pack- tge tells bow to diamond dye over any color. To match any material, have dealer Ibow you "Diamond Dye" Color Card. â€" ^ â€" «, . Electricity Will Win Next War. That the use of high explosives In modern warfare has about reached the end of its development, Is the opinion of a FreiK-h Inventor of one powerful coinpouiid of tliat nature. Neither (-an poisonous gases, it Is indicated, be made mu(-h more dangerous than were those contrived in the World War. Flying mechanisuis of various types promise much greater menace, aiul it Is probable that any new develop- ments in scientific warfare visible in the next International disagreement will lie elect Ileal In their nature. Ostriches in Rome. Ill ancient Home domesticated os< trichos were sometimes used by wo- men of the .nobility for ridin([, . On one occasion IUq B"*' gabulns bar! tj>«« sei'vo*-- ..ijeror Hello- ...alns of 600 ostrichos p In a single dish at a feast. Scotch Women Engineers. One of the most importiint engineer- ing centres for women Is In Scotland, where 200 women are employed In making motor engines for farm trac- tors. KUtrd's Itlnlmtiit a«U*T«a V«aMi«1&. Has Your Child Good Teeth? When shall I baby's teeth?" mother. The day after he cuts the first one. Is none too early. For in that way you establish a habit which is absolutely essential to his best physical develop- numt. Without sound teeth no one can be at his best physically, for per- fect health depends upon perfect di- gestion, and the first step In digestion is thorough masticationâ€" chewingâ€" of the food. Wonderful advances have been made In dentistry in the last century. We are told that the Empress Jose- phine lost all her teeth, which may perhaps account for Napoleon's cooling affection. But with all our advances In knowledge the examinations of drafted men showed that many hun- dreds had overlooked the attention which good teeth demand. Not only that, but a glance at the teeth of a large percentage of the people we meet, adults and children as well, show^s that the doctrine of proper nu- trition for the growing children, and daily use of the tooth brush, needs more emphasis. If the child is to have good strong teeth to start with, he must be fed Iiroperly. The teeth are composed of Bubstauccs similar to bone and need plenty of bone-making material. For the infant the lime and phosphorus necessary for proper bone-making is found In the milk he drinks. As he approaches and enters the second year this may be supplemented by egg yolk, which is rich in phosphorus. In the latter iiart of the second year cooked greeu vegetables, such as spinach, asparagus tips, young beets and carrots, thoroughly cooked and strained, help in the supply of miner- als. Of couise, the two-year-old will receive well-cooked cereals and fruit Juice daily. As tiie teeth begin to come the child should be given hard toast, crackers or zweiback to chew. This will help develop strong Jaws and leeth and teach hliu to masticate his food well. Proper food for tectii making should not stop with the second year, how- ever. Growing children are cutting teeth at pretty much every stage of their development. \i five or six the baby teeth drop out and the perman- ent set appears. During all these months the diet should be carefully watched. Milk should still form a large pan of the diet, a ijuart a day is none too much, and eggs are valuable, loo. If milk and eggs are not playing a large part in the daily dietary, feed brown bread instead of white for its mineral content. If the child is get- ting plenty of milk and eggs, white bread will be sufllcient. Cutting teeth docs not stop at six or seven. There is that period from ten to twelve, and even later, when the child loses the first "double" teeth and gets liis permanent ones. He should be fed generously on bone- inakUig materials, brown bread, beef or mutlou once a day, still plenty of milk and eggs, potatoes, fruits, includ- ing oranges and prunes which are rich 111 bone making properties, oatmeal, beans, dried peas, turnips, parsnips, carrots, peanuts, walnuts and the green leafy vegetables, lettuce, en- dive, spinach, greens ot all kinds, celery, etc. Having fed the growing child the proper food to make good teeth, the next important step is to see that he keeps them i-lean. Teach him at the earliest possible age to clean them thoroughly at least night and morning with a brush and water. A good tooth paste helps, but clear water is better than nothing. Do not buy every denti- frice you seo advertised, as many whii'h are the most highly advertised are Injurious to the leeth. Ask your dentist what to use. Teach the child to brush the teeth downward with straight, firm strokes. This is the best way to remove the particles of food from between the teeth. Urush inside and out and don't be afraid to brush the tongue. Finish with gargling the throat well and rins- ing the mouth thoroughly. After each meul clean the particles of food out from between the teeth. For this use a bit of dental floss, or if you absolutely cannot get this, use a good quill or wooden toothpick. Never use a pin or any hard substance which will injure the enamel. And above all do not let the child bite threads, or try to crack nuts with the teeth. Teeth are intended for but one purpose, masticating food. Take the child to a reliable dentist every year and have the teeth thor- oughly examined. This will cost you u dollar a visit, probably, but it will save you hundreds of dollars in later life. Don't say you t:an't afford it Let him Ko ;vi,nout '.â€" ;;:,;„g else, a toy, or th» ',,eap candy you buy when Vou go to town. You spend many times the two dollars two trips to the dentist would cost, for things he Is belter oft wiiiioiit. Cut out those things and look after his teeth. Individual Birthday Cakes. If there is no time to bake an ela- borate cake, and you are unwilling to let your child's birthday anniversary pass without observing the time- hon- ored candle custom, try the plan ot decorating gniall cookies baked In muflln pans. Give them an easily made icing of confectioner's sugar, moistened with cream and flavored with vanilla. With red candy pellets make a border on the icing. Place a candle on each cooky. When the cakes are placed on a platter and the candles lighted, the effect Is altogether pleasing. The novelty of the individual birth- day cake will appeal to the child, and call forth an enthusiastic appreciation. « Klsard's XlDlmcBt tor Mil* •vary-irlitxtt f, Random Remarks. It isn't hard to tell the truth. The difficulty is to get the truth believed. â€" Lord Grey. I don't like to talk to more than two men at a timeâ€" or one girl.â€" General Pershing. It is wise to take the heaviest bur- den and expect the lightest reward. â€" Mr. H. W. Masslngham. The world would be an even less peaceable place than it is if everybody wanted the top of the ladder. â€" Mr. Kennedy Jones. If a man were to say that he was al- ways accurate, he would show that he had commited his first inaccuracy. â€" Lord Moulton. The pessimist always gets snowed underâ€" always. The things we most dread in life never happen. â€" Lord Leverhulnie. There are no moments deeper in tr.;- happiness in the life of a Judge than when he has to sentence a woraan. â€" JMr. Justice McCardie. The mistake women have always made is that they tell men they are the stronger sex, knowing in their hearts that it is not true.â€" Lady As- tor, M.P. Rats as Food. Doctor Kane, the Arctic explorer, said that on» of the worst curses In the Far North were the rats that In- fested his ship. Nevertheless, when In want of other food, he was glad to eat themâ€" Bometimes chopped up and frozen into tallow balla. He wrote: "During the long winter night Hans beguiled his hours ot watch by shooting rale with bow and arrow. The repugrance of my com- panions to share with me this table luxury gave me frequent advantage of fresh meat soup, which contributed no doubt to my comparative Immunity to scurvy." MR m Forestall Golds, Chills and Influenza Take BOVRIL Use Bovril in your cooking. 1 1 flavours, en- riches, nourishes more. Tht Body-builJ-iig Pauieri:/ Ba-.iil ha\ hitn trovti Iv indtfniitnl tcunll/k ixptrimmh 10 be (rom 10 to 20 Hum the amoun: «J Boiril Ktci. BABY'S OWN SOAP la the interett of year slda, inutt on Baby's Owa Soap. Cleaniing â€" Healing â€" Fragrant i '-fl*,<if/t-;-:.ur.-,;â€" t'Mf/oi- jWM." IL jllbeitSoBpi Uniit«(l, U&«.,MoQtre«1. «ae The fellow who watches the clock is likely to remain one of the "hands." Phoenedans were the first people to communicate to other people a knowledge of other lands. Used for 70 Years Thru its use Grandmother's youthful appearance has remained until ycudi has become but a memory. The soft, refined, pearly white appearance it renders leaves the joy of Beauty wilhyg] for many "" G ou raud s Oriental Cream ri'RUT. HOPKtIMh.t SON. M, The most precious thing v.'orld is braiins. Kdinbuigli University has DUO woiueu medical students. in the nearly In Ten Years 500 Dollars It deposited at 3% will amount to $697.75 IX Invested at 4%, interest com- pounded quarterly, will amount to $744.26 But if invested in our 51.2% Debentures will amount to. . $860.20; Write for Booklet. The Great West Permanent Loan Company, Toronto Office 20 King St. West mmmmmmmmmmmammmmimmmmmimm COARSE SALT LAND SALT Bulk Carlots TORONTO SALT WORKS C. J. CLIFF . TORONTO At Your Service Wherever You Live. The woman In town, or country, hag tlie same advantage as her sister in the city in expert advice from the best-known firm of Cleaners and Dyers in Canada. Parcels from the country .sent by malt or express receive the same careful attention aa work delivered personally. Cleaning and DyeiKig |g^ Clothing or Household Fabrics - â- * For years, the name ot "Parker's" has signifled perfeuUon in this work of making old things look like new, whether personal garments of even the most fragile material, or house- hold curtains, draperies, rugs, etc. Write to us for further particulars or send your parcels direct to di^k _ Dye Works Limited L79I Yonge St.. Toronto '^~ ff^i fi^i^ â- â- * 1' HIGH GRADE OIL AT LEAST COST your heat, light and power needs are best served with Imperial Royalite Coal Oil. Every drop is clean, powerful and absolutely uniform. Imperial Royalite gives you the highest fuel satisfaction and costs no more than ordinary coal oil. Imperial Royalite Coal Oil meets every test of a perfect oil, allows you full power from tractor or stationary engine. Used in oil heaters and stoves, it burns clean â€" no smoke or sbotâ€" and it's best for oil lamps, too. You can get Royalite everywhere when you want It. Our unlimited means of distribution assures that. No coal o\\ is bett?r than Imperial Royalite, so why pay higher prices ? V â-  ( IMPERIAL ROYALITE CQ/\LOIL ON SALE III!* at vallte COaVL oil. D^v EVERYWHERE ...iMftiijiMliiiii^i!*:!!!!!) .t:A â-  I Sii I •â-  IMPERIAL OIL LIMITED Power Heat - li{^l\t - lubri<.<>tu»n ' i„;i;ja:.?'^, Branches ill all title'-; i

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