f - - ,- / .4 '' '?'^ r!r^!ii^rvm"M^^fV" March '2o 1920 THE FLESHEKTCN ADVANCE iW- -' An Inestimable Convenience BY a very simple arrangement you can transfer to The Bank of Toronto, the irksome task of paying your house- hold accounts. Paying by cheque relieves you of carrying money about, making change, and obtaining receipts. It puts your household transactions on a dignified systematic basis. Any Branch of this Bank will be pleased to open a checking account for R. P. BELLAMY Manager FEVERSHAM you. 33 â„¢^BAN KoTORONTO ( Capital $5,000,000 Reserve $6,703,983 The Flat Oil Paint For Interior Decoration For the walls and ceilings of any room in your house, most delicate and harmonious effects can be secured by the use of NEU-TONE. It is cheaper and nwre sanitary than wall paper and will last much longer because it can be washed without injury. It positively will not rub off. NEU-TONE ii made in eigliteeii shatlci, and by die uae of various tints most pleasing combinatioos may be aecuied.Q MARTIN-SENOUR PAINTS AND VARNISHES NEU-TONE Ls easy to aptily. It covers well and lea^ no brush marks, producing a dull, soft, velvety finish which will lend charm to any rix>m in flic house. .Any surface may be successfully treated with NEU-TONE â€" Pla9ter,wood, burlap or metal. There is a special MARTIN-SKyOVS product for every surface and for every purpose. Consult our nearest Dealer Agent, or write us direct. Our booklet "Toum and Country Homes " mailed free on request. F. G. RAR3TEDT, Flesherton, Ontario Vm% Pure!! Paint For buildings, outside and in. SENOUR'S FLOOR PAINT 1 1 we-ars and wears and wears. "Varnoleum" beautifies and preserves Oil Cloth and Lni- oleum. " Marble- itc" Floor Finish The one perfect floor finish. "Wood -Lac" Stain Improves the new â€" renews the old. Durham Cement Works Liquidate .\(lft un tin{)rofit»U* exiateece uf about ei|{hieen yaari*, during which the Mluskhulderi uuierUiiied linpes and feara, but Uttarly faars only, the csiiirnt p'xut (jHSsed away pi-acufuUy on Tuusday nfternriiin an'l afci'i' Siituruay next Ihe Standard Bank of Canada will taka chsr<i(j uf tlia rawaiiis sud diapuae cf 'tlK'in in rtccord*nc6 *ilh their bcsl ^ JLiUninont. Nuver in the I'iatory of ihe plniit has it iieoii a Kuaneial aucceao. There is litlle doubt llut much of the fniluru WHS ilud to inrthciunt inannge- meet sud extravii^uut Administration of ntTsirs. Il la i!"ue now, und every citi- zen rugiulstlii: laaa ot uu institution that I'jrnished uuployaient to no many. It miiy hi\c been un errur to hsvo over located llie pi lilt hei'X, at »o great u distrtiics from the raw luatenals ndeded iu ihu [iroduc ion of ct:meni. Other plautH under luorc fav.)rabls condition liitvu ti'in* liie saiuu way and in the caES of the pi lilt hprd it would lio unfair to chaigH Ihu whole failure lo iueSicisncy B:rd ( ,\Uavh;;aiiCt. The indebledneea to ,lij .S;»nd lid Bank Ih over $400,000 and .1 u pieBiiiiative <n Tuesday Higni6ed the 1 iink's willingness to accept #200,000 to M«lisly the claim. There U no doubt the I b^nk has bean exceedingly generous with lliu company during il.s existence and exceedingly lenient in sUKgeating the tiiial setilenieni. The bank, we under- stand, hna paid or will fiay at -indebted- ness of the ooinpsny »»d ia the sole •ruditor. To foreclose Iha morlg-ijio or claim seemed the only possible cnurae, aii-1 iiolicB was given aecordiugly. Il isn't at all likely that the plant will 1)0 turned lo -ioy other use, and raiy be disniiiutitd by iho bank for what liny cin f,el out of it â€" Chronicle. NOTICE Notice is hereby piveu that aftor one month from the first publication of this notice in The Flesherton Advance, the di»te of which is the 2ijtli day of March, 1920, the t.'oi'inril of the Village of IfUsherton will proceed to pass a bylaw to close up and dispose of the land lying between lots l> and 7 on the north side of Durham Street, Flekherton Surrey. All partiet interested are hereby re- quired to tske notice. W. J. BELLAMY, Mirch 2,1, 1!)20. Clerk. E5TABUSHED 1872 BUSINESS TERMS NOTHING is so disconceitwig aR eontiuu»l chvigcs. We try to to keep our relations with buai> ness men on a stuble basis, not changing with every fltictiiatidn of the money inarNet . ,HEAD OFFICE *?3i£-'y HAMILTON '~ BANK OF HAMILTON DUNDALK;bRANCH-A. IW^Carthew, Manager 'SUB-B"R*NCH l'ROTON-Cr*J. Forstcr, Sub-Manager III[MiKI[IS BUSINESSCARDS| Societies oBiNCE AKTHUU r-oDGE, No. s&s.A.p.&uJarefully Corrected ' A M. meets in the Masonic hall. Arm | 8 rons's Wook FloshertoD, every Friday on pntter oc, before the lull moon. T. t'layton, W. I n in . .> in M., A. E. Bellamy, Secretai j. j KjSgs U 47 -O U 47 Wheat 2 00 to 2 10 Uentistry 1 , Eflch Week .' 50 to 52 Ur. E. C MURRAY L. D. S , rteutal aargeon he nor Rraiuiate of Toronto University and jOats Advance Ads. Bring S-ure Results ±]:kiik^x.S^ii}^^^ f»' CHKVROLkT "FOl'R-NlNKl V TOCKlNi; CAR, f(prpped with electric lights imd sturtcr, hith- est tyiK? lwo.Urillsy«tein, «ini;'e wirina ukciI. ("omp'i-to Iniiiii rc|uipmenl, Mohnir tailored one man top, top rover and sidu cur- tainii; lil'cd windNhield; Fpecdo. meter ; e'eclric hoin ; extra rim and carrier < n rear ; roniplete tool eifuipinent, includint; jack and pump. Font rest, robe tail, pockets in each dnnr. Price 9f>M, f. o. b. Oahuwu, Out. Made in Canada IJiiyaii .•liitoiiiohili; as yon woiiM buy u hoii.so. An iiiil()iin)liil(^ i.s ;i ni.ijoi" invcst- mciif and a similar 'itility. lie siin.; to choose one. Uiat. yoii c.ii. spiMi'l loii}^ l^oln•.^ in without diseoinfoit. iuul without nerve .sliaiii. Ro .sure 1 liat it is Imilt of good inaterial.s, stronj;- jiiid sale, thar. it is e(|iiippe(l with every eonveiiieiue, and thiit itsapptaianec! will Unv^ ha a credit to your piiietieal j.'iood taste. The Chevrolet has all tho.st! ((iiaiilieatioris and in athlitjon is very economical fo operate. D. McTAVISH & SON FLESHERTON, ONTARIO -ioyal College of Dental Suritiions of Ontario, 'iaa admisiniHterod for teeth extraction liloa at residence Toronto Street. Flesherton iPeas 1 40 to 1 50 90 to 91 Barley 78 to 80 Medical l^r \V. J. Henry, M! U.. graduate of FacuUt > *^ of Medicine, Toronto Univcifity. OtBo« i â€"Dr. i.ittle's late reeidence, Flesherton. Hog For Service Jf OTTEWELL Veterinary Burgeon 3 aduate of Ontario Vetorlnary epideuce â€" B:*coiid door south west'on Viiiry street. This street rans ouUi â- 'r-»Bbvteriftti Cbnrcb. Pure bred Voikshiro Boar for service. Terms -§1.50 at time of service. J. F. COLLINSON. CoUcRe j 1 n>ar Ceylon. Boar For Service Legai, I UCAS, & bKNKYâ€" Kanisteti. tiolicitorB, ,, . . ,, . \- i u- u '-' e>\-I. B. Llicas.K. ('.: \V. D. Henry, Pure bled Registerea i orkshira Boar IS. A. Olliccg, ilarkdalo Lucis Block, Phone ; for service â€" Maxwell Jiick 62U03 â€" on HA. biaucb ooicts at Dundalb and Durbar. ; j^j i,;-._ ^ yy T. & S. R. , Arremesia. -> â- 'Terms $1.50. JT BIGHT, & TELFOBD.Banlstor, Solici. 10 4,1!) T. J. STINSOJJ. " tors, ice. Offices, Oray it Itruco Block, ' L . Uwen Bound. Standard Bank c!<.*FleBher- i Jon. (Saturdays,. W, H. Wright. W. P. a'elford ,^ g^^j. p^ j. Sgrvjce W Business Cards j W. KAlTTINtJ, icensed Auctioneer foi '. the oountiua of tirey and bimcoe. j .'arm and Stock sales a specialty. Terms i nodcrate. satisfaction guaianteed. Arrange- 1 nents for dates may be made at the Advance ifflcc, or Central telephone office Feversbam I <r by addrosaini; me at Feversbam, Oat. { OMcPRAK', Licenseil Anotiouee for the ! • County of Grey. Terms moderate and 1 satis action guaranteed. The arrangements! and dates of sales can be made at Ths Acvaoce I offise. Residence and P.O.. Ceylon. Telepbone conneetioD. Due. t>, 70 ' Utgistered Chester White ho? for srvice alRockMills Tue f-itliar won, tirst at Chiciiijo Fair. I'erms Sl.dC. dec 519 â€"1, SMITH Prop. Boar tor Service The UDder.<»igned has a thorounliored Yorkshire Boarfor soiviee on lot 11, con, 8, Osprey. Ter ms 81.50. FRED SPOFFARD Important Notice! Stpartmcnt of jfinante dominion of Canaba Your IncomeTax eturn Should be Filed at Once!! All persons residing in Canada, employed in Canada, or carrying on business in Canada, are liable to a tax on income, as follows: Every unmarried person, or widow, or widower, without de- pendants as defined by the Act, who during the calendar year, 1919, received or earned $1,000 or more. CLASS 1 Form.s to be used in filing returns on or In-fore tlic 31st of March, 1920: Trustees, executors, ad- ministrators, ai^ents antl assignees nui.st use Form r 3. Employers making a return of the names and amounts paid to all Ji- rcctors, ol'licials, agents or otlier einiifoyces must use Form T 4. Corporations and Joint Stock ('ompanies making a return of all divicUnds and bonuses paiil to shareluild- ers and members during 1919, ntust use Form T 5. NOTi'^â€" IndividuftlH ctiniiiri»*inp p:irt- niT^liip must ftld loturnH inllieir indivl- UurI t^upacity un Form T I or T I \. I'KNALTY Kvery person who is required to make this return, who fails to do so within the time limit. 9ljall be subject to a penalty of $10.00 for each flay durlnil wliicti the default continnen-undall sueti pen- altie<< atiali be uaacsscd and collected from the person liable to mnke tlie return in the same in.inner in which tuxes are assessed and col- lected. All other individuals, who during the calendar year 1919, received or earned $2,000 or more. Time Limit .All persons in (.'lass 1, as shown Iicreon, must file on or before llie 31st of March, 1920. All persons in Class 2, as shown hereon, must file on or before tlie 30th of April, 1920. General Instructions Obtain Forms from the inspectors or Assistant Inspectors of Taxation, or from Postmasters. Read carefully all in- strtictions on Form before filling it in. Prepay postage on letters and documents for- warded by mail to Inspec- tors of Taxation. Make your returns promptly, and avoid penalties Every corporation and joint stock company, whose profits exceeded $2,000 during the fiscal year end- ed in 1919. CLASS 2 Forms to be used in filing returns on or before the 30th of April, 1020: All individuals other than fanners and ranchers must use Form T 1. Farmers and ranchers must use Form T 1 A. Corporations and joint .Stock Companies must use Form T 2. PENALTY I'.very person required to make a return, who fails to do so witlrin the time limit, shall be subject to a penalty of twenty-five per centum of the amount of the tax payable. Any person, whether tatabte or otherwise, who fails to make a return or provide information duly required accordinit to the provisions of the Act, shall be liable on summary conviction to a penalty of $100.00 for each day durintl which the default continues. Also any person maklnii a false statement in any return or in »ny information required by the Minister, shall be liable, on summary conviction, to a penalty not eiceedinft 110,000, or to six month*' imprison- ment or to both Sac and imprisonment. Address of luspcilor iit uxation for this Pistrlct. YORK, ONT. W. RREADNER, Commissiontr of Taxathrt. { f' y ? / I I <i €1 ; t^ t 4 /V