April 1 1920 THE FI ESHKRTON ADVANCE â- â- *;' 1/ Prompt Returns From Shipments | RED CROSS HERGES When you ship Grain, Butter, Cheese or Fruit, put tlirough The Merchants Bank a Draft on the buyer. This is the business way of securing prompt and satisfactory settlement. It saves time and possible loss. TH€ MCRCHANTS BANK Head Office: MontreaL OF CA.NADA. Established 18e4i CEYLON & FLESHERTON BRANCHES C A NORSWORTHY, .... Manager. WE SELL FARM IMPLEMENTS WAGONS, HARROWS PLOWS SPECIAL PRICES IN New Tuhuhir fcsliaiples Sepanilois Corre9|»ondOTt Teils of Deed of Spteraid Bravery. JO HN HEARD, AGENT FLESHERTON. FURNITUREI . m I '^ All kiii(Jsjonuniitiirejiii/)iir sliowrooms. Call and sec | ffl our dinirii' room, parlor and bedroom suites. A lavj'e 111 range of prices to suit yonr pocket book. | _. ; i UNDERTAKING Calls answered niglit or day ^ Phone 30 r 1 i W. H. BUNT FIcsKerton, . - ill lr=}'r =zJn:£n~)n=!)r=Jr=Jf=> ^r^BJn=Jiz=Jr-^. ^ Flesherton Tin Shop^ \v I liave |ust placed on the shelves a full line of Ij?! Tinware, Xickelware and Apiteware for domestic Sjj use. Call on me and ^'et your supplies. E>ivetr()uj.diii)<^, Stovepipes and Stove Furnish nj [it-pairing of all kinds promptly attended to. !H Pipetitting, including pump work. Furnaces installed. Agent for (^lare Hros. F'urriaces. D. McKlLLOP CHRISTOE BLOCK i FLESHERTON j» ONTARIO. m I M I ! ! I p k (In 1 i i I i i m Many Glftriout Thinne Have Be<?n Done In the Met Spirit of Battle, But Thia Was In a Class by ItMlf. From Hill 212, overluoklug Fere-Pii- Turdenobi auil tbe valley of the Ourtq, William Slavens McNntt, l3ollk'r'.s correspoDdeiit, watched tlie Aratjrican Infantry start the Qerman-s on their fiuul retreat from Belras-Solssoiis-Cha- teau TlUerrj- pocket. He suy.s: And then I saw the most painfully dramaUc thing I have witnessed In all this war. Out from ttie little strip of wood that the Amerloaas bad just cap- tured, walking slowly out into that open, buUet-swept field over which the charse had passed, I saw two men wUh tbe bras-sard of the lied Cross on their arms bearinn a wounded in;in on u litter. They had perhaps ;u)0 yards to go back across that opt^i field before the curve of the liill would shelter them from the uiachine jjiin lUe from Ihe hill above. And thoy cnuld not run, Ihey could not duck, Ihey could nol take cover. ITiey must wfilk uprlKlit on fhelr work of mercy, w;ilk upri(?ht In that storm of lead, iiiKt, wall; slowly for the burden they bore! "There go two dead men," the cap- tain said solemnly. "They haven't got a (hance in that neld. The niiichine Kuns'll get 'cm, sure! Watch I" I watelKHl. I have never watched aii.\thin« so Intently in my life. Artd wiih all the fervency of reverence and belief that there was in me 1 pniyed for those two men of merry over there who could not light back; those men who had made the chai-ge up I ho hill with their comrades of the Kun and bayonet and must now march back bearing a wounded flgliting man to safety ; back through Hint storm of lead that was sweeping the liehl from the big woodâ€" march back standing straight and walking slow. Si. slow! ITiey had made porhiips a hundred ynr*s when one of them slipiied to his knees and rolled over. "I told j-ou," tlio captain o.\clalmed. "T'hey'vo got 'om !" "Only one, " I said. "The other fel- /ow's not lilt." "They'll get him," the cnptfiin prophesied gloomily. I saw the unwoundcwl man kne*'l by his strtcken comrade. For the space of a minute lie knelt IlK're, I suppose upplyii^g first aid. Then he siood erect. And thcrn the man who had been hit, the stretche* hearer on the fjround, rose slowlyâ€" oh, -so very slow- lyâ€"till he was jiropped up mi one el- haw. Then to his knees. Slow I 'I'lien very, very slowly he got to his feet. Once up, he lenrjed overâ€" and, from where I was, through my .u'las.ses, I could see by the movement the pain il coKt â€" leaned over, grasped the bun- (lies of the litter, and sli-.ilghtened li|i again. He had been hit. but he was aoing on ! On "they went. 1 have no power to desirllie how slowly they seemed to be moving »ei-o*s that deadly open field. A Imndred yards! Anotlur hundred would mean comparative sulety under the slope of the hill. Fifty of that accomplished! T\venty- llve more! And then, slowly yet, Uiey viuiished from sight under tlie protective slope. They had made It! I think 1 shouted. 1 kno.v I tried to, and I know tlmt ray knees were siiddenljj,.too weak to hold me up and that ^^((fcbruptly knelt and grasped the sllm^^cle of Ihe little lone tree near by to stea(!y myself.â€" Red Cross Bul- letin. .#.^M»i< ♦â- ....«... .1. ..I. ..!â- .. .1 .11. ....... .!,...•» .... »l.ii.ll«il.l .1 .1 I r We have a BARGAIN IN SOAP to offer for this week only. 10 Bars of the Famous Polar White for 89c. Now is the time for you to slock up in soap. Only 10 Bars to each customer. mim Bellamy's Grocery Phone 37 FLESHERTON, ONTARIO n* L « â- 1 1 1 . 1 »*^>*-mfi00!mmitf* An Ideal Woman. Solomon's model woman would have made nn Ideal federated club woman! First .she began at home and the heart of her husbaud-mnn safely trusted In her, for she rose while It was yet night to give meat to her houseludd. She was a financier, another (piallficatlon lilting her admirably for club life, for we see her coDSlderlng a held and buying it. She was a horticulturist, for she planted a vineyard. .She was a merchant, for she bought lier goods from nfnr and i.ervelveil that they were good. She was a manufacturer, for she Is pictured as making fine linen and selling girdles to the mer- clianta. She was a wise counclloi- â€" lierhnpa, a inombor of the national council of defense ; we knew she was n diplomat, for her husband was known In the gates, anil so was she. â€" New York Kvening Telegram. New Roofing Material. lOnglnml's elTort.s to conserve steel nnd Ircm have resulted In the devel- op'iieiil of un asbestos and. cement ma- •erin! that Is being nsed Instead of ,virrugnled Iran for roollng ptiri)ose.s. It Is nmde by mixing one part of fine- ly gr..und a.sbestos to six parts of I'o-llni.d cement. When made Into Miste hy the addition of water. It Is rolled Into sheets which, after helnj trimmed, are corrnicated ami then sea- soned. The asbeatoB serves aa rein- forcement. The Ratlosnt Pork Chop. Kconomlsts tell ua that the seal* of wages has IncTMMd more than the cost of HtIds. Howwrcr, one does not meet the affable pork chop out In po{>- nlar aodety nearty as nvch as before, and the avsrar* hooMwlfe would rather read an ahaortklng redpe of new-fangled food mitatltatM dow than tke mddMt love 13hrtA MafBxlM^ THE Flesherton Advance An independent newapaper published »vi-iy ThurHfiay ut the otliee, CoUingwood Stieot, FlLsliorlon, Subxcriptiuu price 81 :'>() per annum when puid in Hdvsuct) ; «2 00 when not so puid. 82,00 Ho U;ii!ed Siute». Advertising ratus on application. Oircula'.ion over llOO weekly, W. H. THURSTON. Kditob A young Udy, who is teachini; 8<!huol near Milrmay, was the victim of a bold indecent HSiiault while returning lume from Mildmny one evening recently, and Charlie Uuhhuan, jr , nt Mddniay, is iiiiw serving on a two moiiliiB' sentence ill tbe, Wttlkerlon j<il for the crim';, The Flesherton Bible Depository bus just placed in stock the largest selection uf Bibles and Testaments ever ehona here, ranging in price frnni a few cents ta five dollars. There are some veiy tine gift, books and frtinily Bibles in this lot. lUie Depository is kept ;at The .\dvante Office. A shy young m«n had been calling on the sweetest girl in the world for many moons, but, being bnahful, his suit pio- gresaed tlow!y, Ii iniilly she decided it was up to her to do something so the next lime he called she pointed to the rose in his buttouholo and said : " I'll give you a kiss for that rose. A crimson rtush over.spread his 'countenance, but the ex'.-hango was made. Then he g.-aHi- ed his hat and slHrted to leuve the rouin. " Why where nre you 'goinL?" she asked in furprise. " To tbo â€" ei â€" florist fur more roses," he called from the front door. For Service One pure oretl Short horn Bull on lot 30, cun. 9, Arteniesiii. Tonus SI. 50 f,ir gradoH. Must \in puid within li luontlis from u;i(i- 1,1 nei vice. 19. .Fan. -K, O. TURNER. Small Ad5. FOR SALE Twelve horsepower GiKson gasoline engine fur sale. Apply to vVm. Mc- Cormick, Rome 1, Proton Station, /_._-.-,- _- Two pure bred Shorthorn bulls for sale, rouiis, 8 and 10 uionths old â€" Geo. Burke, Eugenia P ()• For .S^leâ€" Olio brown Holding 4 year old in May, wi.ll broke, weighs 1425 Ihs â€" A, Tliistlelhwiide, l<le8hertun. Fur Stie â€" While blussom sweet o'ovev $211 a bushel. Buy direci from ihu furai and Have lh« iiiiitdlemiii. s proht â€" Btn McKenzie, U H 1, Ceylon. For 8ale â€" Bioiid Sow and 12 young pigs two weekM old â€" Joseph Feuwick, Flesherton. For Sale â€" Massey Harris twelve hoe seed drill in good working order. Also some MiiKiuis wlient fjr seed, and one sow due to farrow April 25, tor sale. J. F. CoUinson, t/eylon. For Sule â€" Team young horses, stiff tooth cultivator, ten foot horse rake and two second hand wagons. .1. 11, Heard, Flesheiton. Hay For Sale â€" About twenty fne tun of well s^vud hay, two and a h^lf miles south of Flesherioii, ^25 00 per tun. Write Herb Corliott, Cloverbrao Fana, R, R No. 1. Proton. For Sale cheau and un easy terms, Lot IS, cull, 11, Osproy, 110 acres. This is a first cl,)S9 farm nnd in a go^>d stAte of cultivation. Oood bank barn and new frame dwelling. Apply lo R. J. Sproule lesherton For Saleâ€" 2 Registered Shorthorn Bulls. 10 and 11 mouths old, on^ t«A and one roiii, belli choicrt animals James Findlny, fiho.ie 30 r 14, MarkdHle. For Sale â€" Brick dwelling on north side of Collingwoi.d street â€" hard and Koft water Insideâ€" two luts and sable â€" T. ,1. l^isher, Fleihorton. Hay For Sale â€" A ii>v Ions of hay for «h1b at llio barn â€" W. Palon, Souih Line, Artemesia. For Saleâ€" Heavy brood mare in foal, heavy colt rising two year old, heavy mare risina six .year old. Emerson Wic'.<ens,|Flesherton. Phone. MISCKLLANEOUS Buggy spread found on Tuesday, Ap- ply to .lohn BAdftero,4th line, Artemesiit. Try Feveraha.n Paitry Flour, the best or your oo'>k, All ()iil«rio wheat Hiahest pruM for*))ttttet and eggs at Graham Bros, Buaenia. June 88 â- fl L * " » â- '« • « Private funds to loan on real eatate security at reasoimble rate of interest. Apply to R, J. Sproule, Ktoiherton sept 2317 Chopping Tueadtya, Thutadays and Saturdays onlyâ€" QrahamBro8.,EuReni». SATISFIED ! THAT Is what over IOC users say about 1900 Gravity washer.s supplied by S. HEMPHILL, Agent For ^ 1900 Gravity washtu's and wringers ^ lilecUic and gasoline power washers . ALSO for McCormiek Uiiiders. Moweis, Hay Rakes, Hay Loaders, Drills, Culiiviitor, Plows, Steel Stalls, Harrows, Gas'ilina Engines, Brantfurd double geared and auto oiled airmotor Wind Mills, BcHlty Hay Carriers, Hay Forks, Slings, Manure Carriers, Water Bowls, Water Tanks, Pump atul Piping. SOMETHING NEW IN BUZZ;SAWS One third more wood out with same power when tit.ted with my patent. S. HEMPHILL Agent, - Ceylon, Ont. SEEDS! Mammoth Clover (.'oinmon lied Clover Alfalfa Aisike Timothy Sweile Turnips Sugar Mangle Seeds Garden Seeds of all kinds Five Rose Flour limn Shorts W SB sj n eK tSi w bSi 9s 9 oHoU ffl 91 ffi K 3b GB Mitlfllings Low Grade Flour Chopped Barley Crushed Oats Now is the time tor Long Rubber Boots. All sizes in stock. Ladies" Kubbers, also Children's- BWBHaxsBxsxffisae-iaEaiaB!! F. G. KARSTEDT, lesherton, • Ontario I NOTICE Notice isherehy uiven that after one' mmth from the lint publication of this n nice in The Flesherton Advance, the' date nf which is the 25th day of Marob, ' 1920, the Counoll of the Vil'ace of' Klasherton will proreed to pass a bylaw ' to close up and dis(ote of the lane lying; between lots (> and 7 en the noith side of Durham Street, Fleiberton Surrey. All partiii iiitereetad are hereby re- quired to take notice, | W, J. BELLAMY, March 25, 1980. Clerk. Chnrlea Kruager, a farmer living about four miles from Walkerton, was fined fit) and costs by Magistrate Tolton on Monday of last week for cruelty to a atear. The animal' it leems, was towed behind a sleigh by means n( a Hsavy rope placed around its body behind Us front logs. Farm For Sale Lou Pt. 167. Con 2 N K, and 167, 8 \ K, Artemeaia, 90 sores, are offered for Kale. On the lands ate a brick clad dwellinr and a goud frame barn and other outbuildings. ^or psrtioular* apply tj -JOHN BROWN. Or W. J. B«Uaay, rieihtrtoD. Mrlt « v V