Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 1 Apr 1920, p. 8

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Aprn 1 1»M TH£ FXESHEBrSN ADVANCE I R. P. BELLAMY Manager FEVERSHAM Paying by Cheque Is the simple way â€" the easy way â€" the safe way. You can fill in a cheque in a few minutes, send it safely by messenger or through the mail, and have no further care in the matter. It is not necessary to obtain a receipt, the cheque is the receipt. Paying by cheque lends a dignity and ^stem to personal transactions. You will be accorded checking privileges on a personal account with any Branch of this Bank. 31 'M^BAN KoTORONTO Capital $5,000,000 Reser-/e SG,793,933 i Do not forget to file your Income Tax Return on or before the 30th of April, 1920. Dominion of Canada Department of Finance A LL persons residing in Canada, em- ployed in Canada, or carrying on business in Canada, are liable to a tax on income, as follows: â€" 1. Every unmarried person, or widow, or widower, without dependants as defined by the Act, who during the calendar year 1919 received or earned $1,000 or more. 2. All other individuals who during the calendar year 1919 received or earned $2,000 or more. • 3. Every corporation and joint stock company whose profits exceeded $2,000 during the fiscal year ended in 1919. R Forms ^^ *** "*®^ *" finng returns on or before the 30th of April, 1920. ALL INDIVIDUALS other than farmers and ranchers must use Form T 1. FARMERS AND RANCHERS must use Form T lA. CORPORATIONS and joint stock companies must use Form T 2. Penalty Kvery person re<iulred to make u return, who falla to do to within the time limit, shutl be subject to a penalty of Twenty-flie per centum ot the umount o( the tai pnyabli'. Any person, whether taiable, or othcrwiw, who fmlU to make a return or provide Informu- tlon duly required according tn the proTlsion of the Act, ahull be liable on nummary conviction to It penalty of flOU for each day. during which the default continues. Also any person making a false statement In any return or In any Information required by the Minister, shall b« liable, on summary conviction, to a penally not exceeding $10,000, or to six months' Imprison- ment or to both fine und Imprisonment. General Instructions. Obtain Forms from the Inspectors or Assistant Inspectors of Taxation or from Postmasters. Read carefully all instructions on Form before filling it in. Prepay postage on letters and docu- ments forwarded by mail to Inspectors of Taxation. Make your retiirns promptly and avoid penalties. Address INSPECTOR OF TAXATION, YORK (TORONTO, ONT.) R. W. BREADNER, Commissioner of Taxation. â-  CHKVflOLKT "FOURNINKI Y " TOUlllNfl CAR, cciuippKcl wild electric liglitn aikI KlHrlcr, luuli- <'Ht type two-unilsysteni, bjiikIc wirini; URed. Coinp'Rto Ininn eijiiipinunt, Molinir luilored ono man top, top cover and dido cur- tniiiH; lilied wiiidRhield; ppeodo- iiicti'r ; elect rio horn ; extra ritii and curriur <;n rear ; coniplet« tool eipiiptncnt, includino; jack and pump. FiHif rest, rotw ritil, pncVotH ill each door. Price 9'.m, f. o. l». Oslmwa, Out. M&de in Canada lUiy an aiitomobiln as yon wrmld Uny a liouso. All autoiiioliilc i.s a major in-vt;st- nientnnda similar •itiliry. Mo .suro to choo.so Olio that, y(»ii cat. spend lont; hours in witliDnt discoiufort. ami without uorvo strain. Ho suft; I'lat it is hnilt of <,'oo(l inatcrials, stronii; and .safe, thai, it is oiniippcd with i-.cry convt-nioiico, and that itsapp( aranctj will lon<4 bo a ci'odit to yonr practical ;^M)od tasto. -Tlio dliovfolot ij;is all tli('s(> ipialiiications and in addition is voiy ocoiiuniical to operate. tfilA \fjLi. ifil/; tf^. yfjy. )f}!y, tfiy^ >f}JC- \l>}J^: tfii^T: VifjL^. ^l D. McTAVISH & SON FLESHERTON, ONTARIO Tree Trunks Made CIstsma. Till- sl(.'antlc baotwb tre« of central Africa, the trunk of wliloh sometimes iiitaliiH H illameter of forty fe«t, often sprvt'H ns a natural cistern, retaininx iiiiii-wiitei;^ III large quantities in a cavity formed at the top of the broad triinli. TaliInK the hint th^is afforded h.v iiuture, the Arabs artificially hollow out the huge baobabs and till them witti water duriug the prevalence of rainH, as n provision against the dry season. These cisterns are in many cases twenty feet In height and eight or ten feet In diameter. The Sex of an Egg. According to the Paris Academy of Science the sex of eggs laid by pure- bred fowls may be determined by weight and size. A test i.s to hold the egg In the left hand in the sun or close to an electric or gns liglit. Shade the end of the egg with the right hand, und look for the air space or "setting" (a dark, watery spot larger than a ten- cent piece) ; If this is fowBd on the top it is 8 male, but if lower (Vswh the side it is d female egg. Life. Life i.s l)paatiful, iind It .'iliould bo livcil in beauty. It ha.s, iind must have Its .shadows, to be sure, Imt there is II beauty in the shadow iis well as in the glint and glimmer of the sun. Sometimes there ane sorrows that are good for us, bccau.se they clear our hearts of sellishnes.s aiiU teach us to sympathize witli our fellow human be- ings. Grief lias made many a licnrt gentle that was not so before. Furs and Feathers. From the dawn of liunian history furs and feathers have been used tc satisfy our taste and need for cloth- ing and adornment. Our most primi- tive ancestors were connoisseurs In the plumage of birds and the pelt.s ot animals and admired tliem for their possibilities in furnlshiuK himself ann his family with raiment and adorn- ment, and so do wc. Man vs. Shellfish. If a human beinj: possi's.s('(T .«tr»'n':t!'. ns Kreat in proportion to Ills size as that of the shellflsli tlio nvc-ras«> man would be abit! to lift the ciiornioun welRht of 2,070.000 pounds by pullinR in tile sanu" decree as a limpet. Ami if the man pulled In the same <lep:i-oi- as the cockle he wonld su.stnin ri weight of no less tlian ;?.fKKi.(l()) pounds. Keep Out the Moisture. A very ofl'ectlve asi-nt for uioisture- prootiuft wood has iieen finiiul in an aluminiiin leaf eoatins. This coatiii.K practically insulates tin- wimuI niralnst imy ciianso in iitmosplierie i-onditioiis, and is partioilarly vaiiialile for use where aci-urati! form and liiilntic:' must be maintained, ns would be necessar.v in nn airplane propeller. Stork Welcomed in Holland. A stork is treated witli Kreat rt-.spect In Holland. The lioiisf selected l>.v the stork for a resting placo is considered foilunute, and special faellitie.s are provided liy the lioitseiioldeis to eii- alde it to build n nost coiiil'ortably. M The Tluffue many of those lilrds are mnintaini'd at public' expense. Our Bounden Duty. Man's honnden duty is everywhen and in ail things to forward tlio j>ro{;- re.ss of hiiinanlly. 'I'iio .supreme virtue Is sacritloeâ€" to tiiink, work, tijilit, suf- fer, \vhen» our lot lies, not for our- selves but others, for tlie victory of good over evil.â€" .Mazzini. Well, Why? Why is it that th m who has his' picture taken standiuK beside a vase of flowers set on a talde covered with a lace doily is always tlm man who Is reported to the police and the news- Iiapcrs by his wife ns among those missing? Lack of Tact. .lones â€" What a .lonah that fellow Smith Is. After owiiij; me %') for two years he came up to me on the street and paid nio riglit wbilo I was talkini; to Brown, whom I liad owed ?:> to for three years 1 Sinfulness Reacts. Never let a nmn imagine that In- can pursue a tjood end by evil means without .sinnini; aciiliist his own soul' Any other issue is doubtful; the evi; fefl'ocl on hiniseir is cfrtain.â€" Soufhov , Use Salts in Dry Battery. An experiiiicnter has succeeded in successfully substliuliujr cr.vsinis of Kochelle salt for dry coll batteries in teiepliono <-ircuils to fraiisinlt atul amplify .sound. Strange Result of Explosion. Western i)aper: "'riio explosion, which occurred at the frasoline faucet threw tlio 4,000 eiiiployos «d' tlie plant Into a picnic."â€" Hostdti Transcript. The Comple.-'t Domestic Angler. Advorllsonioni : "i'or Sale Isleirant home, nil imfirovcments, fisli p .m,i and running wolor In house.'- Iloston Transcript. Speaking the Truth, When a nmn sjieak.i the truth In the uplnt of truth bis eye is ns clear «1k the tienvcn'^. â€" lOniersou. ESTABUSHED 1672 ,'Read office hamilton MANY people fail ta lave beeause the amoaata wbich tbey are able lo put to one side seem to them too email to be worth saring. Make a trial. Open a deposit aoGOQDt with the Bank of Hamil- ton , and 7on will be snrprised to find bow rapidljT your savings aocamalate. \ BANK OF HAMILTON , DUNDALKJBRANCHâ€" A.^M. Carthew, Manager SUB^BRitNCH PROTONâ€" C.'j.'Forster, Sub-Manager tt BUSINESSCARDS Societies IHiMIIIKfU JarefuUy Corrected Each Weefc OBIHCE ARTHUR LODGE, No. 338,A.F.A '- AM, meets ia tht Masonic ball. Arm s-ron«'8 Block Flwebertoo, every Friday ou ' Bntter 50 to 32 -- before the full mooo. T. Clayton, ^" ' iv.V I R)!i» M., A. E.Bellamy, Becretnty. Dentistry Ur. 8. C MURRAY L. D. 8 , dental eargeon hcnoiRraduate of Toronto University and [Oats ^oyal iJollege of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Ska admislniatered for teetb extraction tfiee at reBidenoo Toronto Street. Fleefierton. 47 to 47 1 Wheat 2 00 to 2 10 â- Peas 1 40 to 1 50 90 to 91 Barley 78 to 80 Medical Dr W. J. Henry, M! b„ gradcateof FacuU> of Medicine, Toronto Univeteity. UfHce â€"Dr. L,ittle'8 late residence, Flesberton. I P OTTKWELIj ' Veterinary Snrgeon iraduate of Ontario Veterinary eftideiice â€" Becocd door eoath weet.ou bary street. This street rane oatt: t'rwRbvteriaD Chnrch. Hog For Service LiEGAL ( Pure bred Yoikshiro Borvr for service. i Terms â€"?1 . 50 »f time of service. I J. F. COLLINSON. colloge ! 1 mar Ceylon. Boar For Service . UCAB, & hENRYâ€" Barristera. Solicitors, , „ , , ,. »r , , • t. >â- â- â€¢ eic.â€"l. B. Lucas, K. C: W. D. Henry, ' Fure bied Uegisterea Yorkshire Boar B. A. Offlces. Markdale Lucas Block, Phone : for si-rvice â€" Ma.xwelj .T:ick 62903 â€" on SA. mancbotJic*B at Dundalk and DuAaa..;,,,^ ^y-_ ^^ \y ,p ^^ g_ j^ _ Arrameaia. â-  ' Terin.s S1.5U. T. J. STINSON, Owou bound, ton, (Saturdays) ajT KIGHT. & TFLFOBD, Barrister, Solid. JQ 4 it) " tors, Ac. Oilices. Grey c Bruoo Block, ' ' ' Standard Bank i:l- ."Fleeher- 1 W. H. W.,.t. .. p: .euora g^^j. p^j. SefViCe .; Business Cards VirM. KAITTINO, icoueed Auctioneer foi '• tbe counii«*8 of <iroy and bimcoe. -'nrru and Stock salofi a specialty. Terms :iio>-teratt*. Ratisfactlou guaranteed. Arrani;e' iieutR for 'lateB uiay be made at tbe Advnuce ifilce, or. Central telerltouo oflice i'everBbaia "tr hv addreasine iu» at Keverabam. Ont. DMoPHAU', Licen&ud AU'otionee for tbe ; * County of Grey. Tertus moderate and 'â- â-  58ti» MctioD ptiaraiiteed. Tbe arraneementd und datee of gales cau be made nt ThR ADVAnce < olfice, IteBideucuaud P.O.. (^"©ylou. Telephone ' .'onuttCtion. Duo. 0, 70 ' Ki«ii9tereJ Chester White hoi;; for eivice at Rock Mills Tiie t*^-li*r won. tirst nr, Chic.imj Fuir. rt-rnis §1.50. decM'J â€"I SMITH Piop. Boar tor Service The uuder.sijimcl has a th(iroiii»hored Yorkshire iioarfor service ou lot 11, con. 8, Osprey. Terms 81.50. KRKDSPOFFARD surface and V2 ve ^^ Gu^^jJiS^mit^ Q^dd Tjears to ihe life of xjourhousei TIME was when the "appearance" of a freshly painted house was the only thing that covmted, but now we must also realize the im- portance of the protection good paint affords against wear and tear. Any paint will give some protection, but if you want paint pro- tection for years â€" not merely months â€" use BH "EnAtlsh'' 70- <, Pur. White Lead p^lI^T 30% Pure White Zinc 100% Pure Paiat A 100% formula (70% of which is Brandram's Genuine B. B. White Lead) providing a coat of such body, brilliance and "toughness" as to defy rain, sun or snow, where cheaper paints will chip, peel and crack. If your house is painted this Spring with B-H it actually has a surface-protection which renders it impervious to the decay of passing years. You have the choice of 3 6 atttrac- tivc colours as shown on ix>lor card which is supplied on application. For Sale by F. H. W. HICKLING, Flesherton, Ontario :^- R RANP!CTAM «H ENDE»SO N MftDIClMC MAT ^TX i^ s,-'^. ,*« ^fAQt.-i fi«MMMM«ai

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