Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 8 Apr 1920, p. 1

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r? ^t; £kBhtxt0n %inmte. Vol 4#. N«. 44 Fleslierton. Ont, April ^^ 1920 DURHAM Mr. Joseph Atkinaon of the second eoDcessiou of Gleneli{ atands a good chaauenf beinxat the baad of the liac as a prolific sheep breecer, if we miy judge by his increase during the present lamb- iDg season. Uf his flock, hve ewes i^ave birth tu triplets, and of the tifteen, thir- teen e.re 8lill alive. Triplets are Dot uncomiiioo, but we have no kuowledfje of evar before hearing of five seta from any one flock. Tnis is certainly a bin record, snd we await wiih interest tu hear of a better one. A barn belonging to Mr. W. Styles anr) another to Mr. Hugh McLean, were burned this uiornine about half past eleven and it wa.s with ditticulty that the lattera house was saved. The tire started in the Styles barn and spreau lu the other structure. Mr. MoLcan, be- sides the building, loses a couple of tons of cual, some wood, and the furniture of his son, Hugh, now at Gait, which was stored in the building. The tire brigade made a liond I ui], and had everylhinu in readines.i for action in less than titteen minutes, but were handicapped by not haviu!> a supply if water dose enouijli 'o be of any use. While working iu one of the cement bins loading cement on Monday morning anout 8 30, Mr, James Donnelly hid about a.s narrow an escape from deaih as hu will ever again undergo and come through safely. Ue hud about half the cement out of the bin when a " slide " occurred that buried him, and for nearly an hour he put tip a tight for his life that t many nmea betnied a losing contest The cement »t tunes was over his bead and lor a lonii time up to his cars and mouth, but by constantly scraping it awny with his bauds, he succeedtd in Vreveiiliu^ biriibult fii-ui benm suiuthered. He was alone in the bin at the liuiu ;ind though men were working at the convey ors below him it was iuiiiossible to inako them he»r. He finally managed lo gel ou'', and while suliering no bodily injury, was badly burned about ihe face by tiie cement, so badly that for a day or so both eyes were closed and he was unable to see out of either eye. He is at present (loint; well and is able to be up and around, though it will be a few dijs before ho ia able logo to work again Mr. Donnelly says the acc'dent was through no carelessness on his parr, as he knew all about the dauijars of thei^e *' slides " but that he was oauyht so <1uicklya8io not have a chance tu escape. â€" Chronicle. Toronto Line North Sugar making is the order ot the day at present. <;ien Divis of Toronto is spending h's holidays with hia i>iren'.s, Mr. and Mrs. Win. Davis. Mr. J. Writfht is visiting at Robert S wanton's. Mis. Robt. Richardson and ton, Harold, spent Eister with Owen Sound friends. Miss Lillian Lever of Hamilton Norniil â-ºJchool is visiting jjer parental home lieif 6yer C!aster holi<lay9.- Miss Amanda Scew.irt gave a birthdiy parly on Thursday evenim; to some of her young friends. Mr. and Mrs Clias. Perigo and little balij vis.ted Mr. a. id Mrs. A. Stewart recently. Thos. lUakely of Toronto visited in this vici^lily. •Jajnes Adams and lady friend of Toronto ^isiled in this vicinity rece.illy. Monthly Report Flesherton P. CEYLON Pte. Harry Hazard of the military hospital at Toronto and sister, Misa Mary, of Priceville, apant the week e»d I with relatives here. Mr. Ernie McMullen spent first of week at Mr. Binnie'a, Proton. Mr. Mcllhargey ot the Merchant's Bank spent Easter holidays at hie home n Kitchener . Ross McMoUen of Acton spent the week end with his parents here. Mr. A. Sinclair has purchased a fine piano for hit dau«hter Margaret. J C- McLauchlin left Monday to take a posiiion with the telephone company ar Bmniptjn . Robt. Rutledoe left Monday to take a position atShelburuB. Jamie Adams of Toronto was an Easier vieitor under the parental roof. Mrs. John J. Patterson, accompanied by Mrs. Martin, visited a few days wltli Owen Sound friends. Mr. Chas. Jones of Niagara is visiting his sister, Mrs. J. J. Lyness. ^ Mr. and Mrs. John Gibson entertained a number of young people Friday even- ing tor. iheir daughter, Helen, and her chree girl friends. Miss McAuley, Miss Peters and .Miss Elsie , of Toronto. A most mjoyable time was spent. All four younij ladies returned to the city on Monday. Mr. Morrow of Dundalk and Misa Myrtle Hemphill of 'j'oronto were Easter visitors at, Mr. S. Hemphill's. Mi.-8 Ruby Snne of Ti roiito spent the pail week with her parents. Mrs. .\. McLedd is vit-iiiry wiih her daughter m Toronto. Mis. l!oydi>ii Gibf.in and danghter .â- ^peiit a tew a:>ys last week visiting Owen J^uuiid f I lends. Mr. Me'Jueeii of Toronto spent the week end at Mr. .'. Chislelt's. Mr. .\lfrsd Ho.tou is visiinijj his sister at Holland Centre. Vr. Muiiter of Markdale was a guPst of Miss' Edna McLeod a couple of day* last week. KIMBERLEY There is ijuite a chauge in the weather this week. Miss Maiy Julian is visitiug her friei.d Miss Man.ila Ferguson Jurinj< the Easter holi'.lay . Mr. Edwin Purvis visited at ihe hoiiie of Mr. W. C. Harris recently. Mr. Saul Fawcett made a business trip to Markdale last week. Mrs. McVluUeii, who has been visiting hei daughter, Mrs. J. A. Stuart, return- ed t') her homo in Euconia. Messrs. Ji hn and Will Hammond aiul Misses Rachel and Teiia Hutchinson, Elvie Bishop. Edna Burritt, Myrtle Fawcetl and Viola Lewis are visiting their parents duiiiig the holidays. Mr. Silas McCauslin occupied the pulpit last Sunday evening in the Metho- dist church and preached an excellent sermon. Mr, >\\\i Mr?: A, Mcji^su of Fleshenon \te vislving Meuds herd. VANDELEUR S. 01 4-L Cargo, W Martin, A Teeter, E Mo.re, C Loucks. O Fisher, P Dow, B H. aid, 1? Stewart. Sr \iâ€"V, Beuthaiii. E Ferris, E Thom- son. J Coluan, T McDnnalJ.E McMullei,, W (jould, W Carnngt.iii, T Wilson. Jr 3â€" GPinder, O Maitin, M Patlon. V Thistlethwaite, H Uichardson, L Lever, I, Itoyd. Class 2 M Sled, J Nuhn, M Teeter. Sr. 1-E. McCallum, M Stuart, J Caruo, H Web on, E McKee, E Fiuwick, J Stiiarl. LCarrinKtou. .Jr 1 II Heard, O Teeter, I! P.ilou, L Wrris. Primer I! Fonwick, (5 Sled, W Col- gao. It I'liiilii'R, B Pattnn. Mr. Fred Mitchell ot Toronto is spending a few days with Mis. Da^is and fnmi'y. Miss Maud Plewcs is spending Easier holidays Willi friends in Toronto. Mrs. Jake Neily and fani'ly left on Mouc'iiy for thtir new home »t blind Uivt>r. Miss Loila Wailing is visiting wiih friends in Toronto Ms. S. H. Buchanan of the staff of tlielN. B. <y , Owen Sound, is visitit.g with friends here. Miss Nellie Burriit uf Cheeseville is rpeiidmg a week wiih her sister, Mrs. D.ivid'liiahani. MisH Cora Hutchinson of Proton is home for the Easter holidays. Mrs. W. Hurrel and Mrs. Claik of SSigo visited with Mr. and Mis. Richard Oenoe leceuily. Mrs. Wyville and family have moved fruii Markdale cnto their farm in this viciidty. Mrs. Hare and family are spcndini; the holidays wiih ihe furnioi's sister, Mrs. F H B.lund. Will Ricliiie has purchased a new buggy. PORLAW A number of farmers csmroericed plowing last week. Mr. and Mrs Walter Crofr, lataly martied, havi taken up their residence on F. H. Thompson's farm. VVe bid them welcome and wish them many years of happy wedded life. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Taylor have re- moved to their farm on the eighth line. Miss Pearl Watson came home lately from Toronto on account ot the illness of her sister, Misa Vina, who, we are glad to know, is impioving, and is now visit- ing at her brother's homo near .Slirigley. Miss May Cornfield is able to be out again after a severe idness. Ihomas Fletcher visited Istely with friends in Toronto. Richard McMullen atieiidtd Court at Owen Sound as a juror. Miss Shuuk ts spending her Easter holidays at her home in rornnto. Rev. Mr. Easle and \V. H. Little have each invested in a new Cheviolei car. During t he high wind on Friday last W. J. Reid's house took Hie tioin the chimney. Through strenuous elforls on the par- of the family and others the tire was subdued after some d.-iinage w.is done to the roof. Easier service in Mount Zian chuich last Sunday was more ihaii usually iiii cr- esting. Mrs. Eaale preached, and her discourse, which was very inspiring, and contained much food for Inter reflection, was much appreciated. Special music added to the interest of the service. PROTON Old Durham Road Owing lo tne tine weather the majority of the f*injers are busy in thesuunr hush. The prospecis for a large flow art) good. Mr. and Mrs. Shnlnii; While h:;ve left our vicinity and moved to the <^>ueen City. Ropes will have lo be made stronger now to prevent runaways. S. Hemphill was buzzing wood last week for Dona d McKinuon nud James Oliver. Mr. Kennedy, our mail carrier, has had great ditticulty getting over his route. We hope the roads will soon diy up. Boiuâ€" (Til March ^iSth, lo Mr. and Mrs. Charles Huddy, a sou. Congratu- lations. Mi$s .-Viinie Km x is spending Easter holidays at her home. Mias Jeniiie May McD-iugall of Clenelg spent a couple ot day's last week at her uncle's, S.mth Line. Martin Murphy was cutting wood last week with Wm. Meads. Gordon McDonald had a fin* turn out at his sale last Tuesdiy. We understand he IS engaged with Jack SCuddart fur the summer work. Our school house was erected for Ihe purpose of <^iving the children of the sec'ion a good education. Now it. is used for public meetings after four. SPRiNGHlLL Sugar making is the order of ihe day. Mrs. Caesar, who has lieen staying 1 1 Mr. Porter l'e«rQ'.s, is visiting wiih her sisler at Chalsworth. Miss Susie Chard returned home last week fioni . isuiog wiih her sister at R;ok Mills. Our teacher. Miss Kee. is spending her Eisler holidays i.t her hone in Brain plon. Mr. and M s. Alf llariis.m gave a party In the young peop!-» in honor of Walter QiHag, an old schoolmaie and returned siddier. An enjoyable evening was spent iti ganits and music Viaitors over the holiday season arc : Mr. and Mrs. Duncan McNicol and Miss Gertrude Lyons, the Misses Binnie, Misa Lilian Wyvilla and her friend, Mr. Dela- bore, Mr. John Hanley and little Freddy HoJaen, from Toronlo ; Mr. Toai Hazen from Owen 6ound ; Misa Emily Acheson, North Bay ; Mine Mar- jorie .Acheson from Brewster's Lake, and the reaulsr sludents from the different high sckools. The lauies of Proton met at the hos- pitable hiiiie of Mrs. Hugh Copelaud atd piesentedthe Easter brides to be. Misses Ethel Ludlow and Edna Acheson, with a miscellaneous shower. The happy girs were the recipients of many beauti- ful and useful gif'.s. .\ splendid lun- cheon was served and a very enjoyeble evening was si ent. The young ladies expressed iheir thanks iu neat 111 tie speeches and desire throuuh this column to siill further express <helr approciation of the many kindnesses they have re- ceived. Chardâ€" Lawler On March 24. the home of Mr. and Mis. George Lawler was ihe scene nf a Huiet but pret'y weddini;, when iheir third elde.'-t daugfller, Mabel Estelie, was united in marriaue t" .Mr. Les'ie Chard if Flesherton. The ceremony was performed by Kev. Mr. Forth, Methodist Minister, of Ma.xwell. To ihe strains uf the wedding inarch, whioli was played by the bride's sister, Mrs. Waller Poole, and accompinied on the violin liy her husband, the bride eiiteredthe parlor on the arm of her father, and look hrr place under an aich of everarpeii and while bells. The bride's dress was of French blue[duchess satin, and she wore a veil of silk chainluay net made in cap effect. After congratulationsand slgniim of the register all sat down to a well prepared dinner. The groom's liift to the biide was .\ cut glass fruit set and lo the pianist a gold brooch. .Aoioiiii the other numerous gifts was a Queen .Anne silver tea service, the gift of the inooin's mother. flie happy couple left . :i the moriiiim train to visit friends in T.n iito. Tne bride's travelling suit was of mannish blue serge with hat lo match. .\fter their return they wil reside on iheir farm on the 4th line. Farm F<:>r Sale Lot* Pt. 1H7. Con. 2 N E, and 1(17, ;i N E, Artemesia, 90 aciee, are oB'erei f. r sale. On the lands are a bricl< clad dwellinir and a good frnme barn and ither outbuildings. For partico" ir.s apniy t. -JOHN BROWN. OrW. J. Bellamy, Flesherton. Mill MORTGAGE SALE OF School Reports Report of S. S. No. 7, Arlcinesia. Sr 4â€"1; Wntteis. R .) Turner. Jr4â€" A Hindi-, C llificka. T Curiie. Sr3-J Meads. M McDonald. Jr 3-1 Turner, ^I^Vatter8, B Parslow A Muir. Sr 2â€" S Muir, a Oliver. -Jr2-M Tuiner, SVaose, R Taylor.; CI 1-B Hiiicks, DPa.eb.w. Prâ€" Muir, A Muir, M McDonald. - A. Knox, Teacher. HOTEL PROPERT'V IN THE Village of Feversham I'udfr and by virtue of the Powers if sale contained ill two ccnain moitgajis wh cli will l.e i-roduced at iho lime • i salJ, lhee-»vill 1 olfered for sali- 1\ public auction at Ihe preini.-e^, which aio known as " Temp-raico Hotel," in 'lie Village of Feversham, in the County of Grey, on Saturday, the First Day cf • May, A. D. 1920 .\t iho hour of two o'clock in '''o afieriioi.n, ih« following properly, n»n- tly : VillaffB Lot number One on the South side of Weliington Street in Mlo p-ml Village of Foveisliaiji, us laid out on Lot mimoer Six't-vn in Ihe Nmlli Concessiniii 1 I Ihe said Township of C)spiej. I.' poll this pri'iiertv is said to be a t«o stoiey hotel l-uiidiiii.', with siorey and one half add'Hon, frame building with gilyaiiized metal aiding, also ceniciii slabl,' and oiler Miiall fi.ime out bui d- ings This piopeVly is siiuated in the VillBjfe iif b'l.veishaiii, and has been used tor hotel purpnse.s for many years. Thi' property will be otlV-reJ for sale snl j ct lo a reseive hid. TKKMS OK SALE : Ten per cent, of ihe utiM'hase ni'in y to be paid on the (tale of ••» f. and ihe b.^lanco in ihiriy days iherialter, without interest. For further paniculars and conditions of Halo app!y n> WkUUIT, TKIJOUD a- BIRME. Owen Sound. Ont., Sol citors for Vendor. WM. KAITTING, Auctioneer. FINE JEWELERVBatesBurialCo. j BfSINESS AS USUAL Funeral Directors and Come in and see our fine large stock Embalmers liZt': ?'"'"' "^'h '"â-  ''"' Plione HiUcrest 268 and when you have seen them jou will be sure to buy. Watch re- 124 AveflUe Road, pairing a specialty. A full line. F.hotograpbic supplies: Toronto, Ont. Including developing powders, MOTOR EQUIPMENT prtnting frame., dark lanterns, all j ^ ^ r Maddocks, sizes of kodacks and Sims. r» . »« President. Manager ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES Yorkshires Tamworth & W. A. ARMSTRONG ^""'^'"^^°'"'''" For Breeding Purpose s Jeweler, FLESHERTON, Phone or writeâ€" GEO. \V. KOSS, ONT '^n're.v Tel. system Maxwell P. O. Seed' and Feed We handle Clover Seeds. 0;ir.<. ami Potatoes ami we pay the highest prices for Eggs and Butter. Please note we are continuing the Cream business this summer for the Walkerton Creamery. We wish to give the . " farmers the very best service possible Groceries Come ii! ami get your spring oiiler of Groceries before seeding. We handle all kiml s i I'm t and Vegetables in season. Get your Hot Cross Buns Thursday and ;:?atur- day. Also an ice cream cone for the children. -Special attention given to all phone orders. J. R. PATTISON & SON Successors to H. Down & Son Flesherton, - Ontario Spring Announcement \V. L. WRIGHT wishes to announce to the public tlut he lii.s just received .i bpriny consignment of .Man's and LudieK' Boots »na Shoes, Kubbers lo lit my shape boot, Lodi» Kubber Bjots. Fleet Fo >t White W^re in all styles for ineu, ladies, inissee, boys and youths. Peabody's and Bull Dor Overalls and Smocks, Woik Shirts, new line of Men's Shirts ami Balbricjjiaii I'nderwear, Ties, Collars, Belts, Silk Scarfs and Gloves. A frp^h slock of Groceries always on hand. All kinds of Canned Goods. In the Milliiiery Department you will tind Mrs. Wright with a conip'e"o st( ok of Ladies' Hats, Ribbons, L.'ces aim Vi>ils» Call and inspec' our Hues. Satisfaction guarauteed. Highest piices paid for Butter and Eki;8. W. L. WRIGHT, Corner Store, Flesherton â- ^ â-  â- â€¢-T»- NOTICE If yi'U want anythmc in thi> iniple- inwiit line. Call on tl. Kiioil, Markdale, AS he ^lls all tells all Deerinit iuiple-, 111. ni!?, Ga.soliiie Unginos, Siniicr Sewing M:icliine, DfLival Cu'ani Separatms In flier aiiytliiiii^ atd every thinjj in the line <it' Implenienis at reasonalile prices. Saiisf ction guaisnteed. fcllViH K\nTT, .Agent, Slarkdale, Ont, Fleslnertion #^ Tonsorfal '^ Parlors We Amu to Give Eiiliro Siitisfactrrn LAUNDRYâ€" B.iskuS >s« ond:..> iiiitht, delivery Friday ev CLKANING and DYE1S»;- We a.. agents for Parker's Dye Work(«â€" Clothi » eaiuvl and dj^nl. feathers reJH'enatea T FISHER •PROPKIETOK

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