April H 1920 THE kl ESHERTON ADVANCE The Road to Independence Trouble comes to all of us at one time or another. The man with a snug' bank account, is fortified against the "slings and arrows of outrageous fortune". It is the duty of every man to lay aside something for the inevitable rainy day. Open a Savings Account todayâ€" and take your first step along the road to Independence. TH€ MCRCHANTS BANK Head Office: Montreal. OF CA.Nlf^DA. Established 1884* CEYLON & FLESHERTON BRANCHES C A NORSWORTHY, .... Manager. WE SELL FARM IMi»LEMENTS WAGONS, HARROW^S PLOWS SPECIAL PRICES IN New Tuhular Stiarples Separator.s JOHN HEARD, MPLEMENT AGENT FLESHERTON. §5^/= FURNITURE I All kitKlslof fui'niture!iii our showrooms. Call and see !1 our (lining room, parlor and bedroom suites. A large range of prices tc suit your pocket book. UNDERTAKING Calls answered night or day Phone 30 r 1 1 W. H. BUNT FIcshcrton, - Ont. ^ 'J Flesherton Tin Shop ^ â€" I have just, placed on r,he sliolve.s a full line ot Tinware, Nickelware and Agateware for domestic use. Call on me and get your .supplies. Eavetrouf^hing, Stovfipipesuiid St()V(! Furiiish- THE Flesherton Advance An iiulepoiidcnt new^p-'prr piililislied aveiy Tliursdny «t tliu nttiei-, Ciillingwocd Stiost, FliNlierldii. Sulcciipiiuii piice tl.5() per anijuiii when pii I in iid/ftiic<' ; 92(K) when not so piid. 82.00 to I'niUd SutCH. Afivertisinjj rales nu itppliciHion. Ciiculiniiiii ovor IKJO weekly. W. H. TIirilSTON, KhiioR Two Assize Cases T*() c>4He» fif interect to this sectioD were tried at tht Assizes lust week. One w-isacasoof malicious prosecution and slundur. The defendant, a relumed soldier nHiued Elliott, c«nie up with his Wife a year hi^d and took over a fwrni near Markdale. The farm at the time waB rented tjy one McNeilly. Pome hird feeling was stirred up and apparently the two families became HiitKuonntic. Mc- Neilly moved to h farm adjoining the Ellinit farm. Tii June Elliott wont t(< a magistrate, ullfginj; that McNrilly had stolen certain aiticles from his (Elliotl'i') farm. The search w»s made but the articles were not feund. Other uiipleas- antnefs followed ana iis a result the action was entered. The case occupied a great part of Thuisday and ended hy the juiy bringing a verdict of 'â- not guilty," Au alimony action. Goodwill vs. Good- will, was adjourned till the June Sessions. Thu is an action- by Mrs. Goodwill of Gleneig against her husbind who is doing a three year term in the Kingston Penitentiary on a charge of attempted rapu. Address and Presentation After choir practise on Saturday even- ing last, at Proton Anglican church, an address and pressntation was given to Mi89 Ethel Lunlow. previous to her marriage, which event took place on Tuesday. Tl.e presentation was made by Mrs. H. Thompson and the fidluwing address was read by Mr. J. Neilson : Dear Ethel :â€" We, the young people of the Anglican choir, have gathered here this evening to show our appreciation to you as our oreanist. who has worked so faithful and cheerful in the pust, which we hope you will bo able to continue in the future. We wish you every success in your new life and trust that God's blessing may follow you in youi new home. Wo ask yon to accept this gift, not for its valuH, t.ut as a very slight token of our good wihties. Signed on behalf of the thoir â€" Mrs. H. Thompson, Mr. J. Neilson. logs. llepairiu'' of all kinds promptly attended to. IMpefitting, including' [)ump work. Furnaces iiustalled. Agent luc Clare Bros. Furnaces. DUNDALK Just Hs we go lo press we learn of the panning away ihis Wedne«day morning of Mis. Thomas Talbot, an aged resident of Duiidrtlk und a pioneer of Inistioge district. A Choral Socie'y is being talked up In Dundalk under tlio leadi-rship -jf Mr. Thiaalier of Owen Sound. The move- iiiiMil IS A worthy one and all inturesti;d in vocal music will no doubt support the enterprise. â€" Hernld. D. McKILLOP CHRI5T0E BLOCK FLESHERTON iS? ONTARIO. m 1(1 iiii The KlLshertoM Bible DBpnsiWwy has jusi placed in stock IHh largest selection if Kililes and Testamenis ever sliowii licie, ningiiig in price from a few cents o live ilolliiis. There ar« some veiy hue gilt books and family UiblKS in tliia lot. The Depohitory ia kept .at The .Vdvaiico Olhiio. » I I a I a a o ii n a m 'â- «>»• â- ii«..«..â€" â- a..aii».i« â- â- t â- a ai* n â- t u t n ai.a.ii T Bellamy's Grocery Fresli OrocerioH and Confectionery iilwiiys riii hand. Ice Creini Bricks (City Dairyi and Fruits. Cocoa (large packet; 25o. ColTee oxtra qtia'ity 70i!. Cotn FlaksH 8 i)8cktiges for :^5c. Our Block of cauiieil frui'iiâ€" laspberrios, Htrawbenies, peaches, plums, clierries and pear i â€" is of n choice vai it ty. Also cauiied tomatoes, corn, i i-as, ^ax bcuiiD and piinii'kiii. HlKhtst prices paid iirulikiiila if piidiuc. Uet a cream can from hh and havo a la isfacory test. A full line of gaiilcii an 1 Hower seeds. For Service One pure lired Short hill 11 bull on L.it -S and ^!(, Concession S, Arlemesia. 'I'unim â€" jjl oO for erades if paid inaidu of it ni-iilbs -if not Ji-'. Pure breds Jf:) CO. 1 oct; KObEIlT OSUUKNK. _^__^ ^ / ALL BUSINKSS SCHOOLS ARK NOT THK SAMK. K.atiire'J. Wtttoli fur the others. .\t ijie leiuliin.' Kxliiliilioiis liicliidini/ : Will Id's Fair, Chicago ; Wuild's Kair Lonilon, Eiig. ; Toronto EKliibltion, Ktc , the Northern Uusinoss College won 25 llrhland special |ir<zes, and is the only I Janadian School holdiin; any iiwards from such Kxhibiiioiis, Get the befct. It pays. Spring term opi-ns April (Uh. iP!*?*i»S''*^'** Phone 37 FLESHERTON, ONTARIO ^»^u^0tm^<m0^ttfU^^*'*â€" " * " * " *'* * " * " *•'*'.'* " * ' a aia I iia ai f a n la a iia a n a < )wen Sound, Ont. C! A. FLKMINO. F.|C. A , Principal O. 1>. KLKM1N<}. Secniary. (Vtcniion this paper whi-n writing) I'I'BK UREI) SHORTHORN Boar For Service UiL'Hiered Che-ler White, h n.' tor â- tiicu ill 111. cli Mills The father wOn . ftr*t at Chicigo Kair. Terms %\ 50. deoMiJ M SMITH Prop. . 3USIN.ESSCARDS Societies rKINCB AIlTHUn LODGE, No. »SS,A.F.& ' A U, lueete in thd Masoaioball. Arm B ronK's Hloca Flwherton. every Friday on or oefove tlie lull mocB. T. Clayton, W. AI., A. K. HHllaniy, HetrstKiy. JJentistkv (u e. C MURRAY L. O. S , dental BuigeaD 1^ hcnoruraduatB of Toronto UuiverBiiv and Ki-yal OollcBo ol Dautal Surs«on« o( Ontario. C}au adiuiBiiilBtured for teeth extraction Oirj.. at ruHiduuoe Torouto Ktrcet. Flealitirtou. Medical Di W.J. Henry, M! b., praauftteof Faoultv of Medioino, I'orouto UniveiBity. Ofllce â€"Dr. i.ittle'B late retideuce, FlesbettOD. I r OTTEWELL ' Veterinary Bnrgeon Jradnate of OutarlG Veterinary (loUeoe eaidoiico â€" BBcond door Boutb waat on k.*ry street. Thia etreet ruDa outb »*.«>! vtorian Ohnroh. Leual , UCAB, & hENKYâ€" Harrlsters. riolii-itora, "-< e!ic.-l. H. Luoaa; K. C. : W. D. Henry, II. A. UtUoea, Markdale Lucas Block, Pboue LA. oiaucliofilcea at Oucdalk and Durbai;. W KIGHT, & TF;LF0KD, Barrister, fioliol. torn, &o. OtUcea, Orev < Bruca Block, Owon Bound. Standard Hank ui^FIesber- ton, Jfiaturdaya). W.H. Wright, W. F. I'elford Jr. busiNE.ss Cards WM. iSAITTINO, icensed Auctioneer foi tbe countiea of lirey and Simcoe. ?arm and Stock aaiea a specialty. Terms Moderate, satisfaction guaranteed. ArraDSje- jientH for datea may be madeat tbe Advance iflice. or Central telephone office l-evershauj ->r by addressina me at Fevorsham. Got. DMcPHAIt'. Licensed Auotionee for the • County of Grey. Terms moderate and satiB Boiiou guaranteed. The arrangemehts and dates of sales can be made at ThB AnvAnce of floe. KeBidenoeaud I'.Q.. ('ey'on. Teleplione coouuctioD. Deo. 0, 70 Bull For Service " artemesi\"Pridi<;, (103740) Terms-$;5, uayable at time of service, $5 for purebreds. JOHN DOW, April Prop BOAR fbr SERVICE Piirehred Tamworth Bo'tr for service on lot 107. S W T and S E., Arteiuesia,. Termsâ€" Jl. 50. Fob 15 â€"T.J. STfNSON.Prnp, For Service One pure nred Shorthorn Bull -on lot 36, con. 9, Artemesia. Terms »1.50 f.jr grades. Must be paid within 9 months from date of service. 19. Jan. -R.O.TURNER. Small Ads. • FOR SALE Colt For Sale and ten young pigs four weeks old â€" Wm. Hodgson, R R No 1, Fevershain, Ont. Twelve horsepower Gilsoo gasoline engine for sale. App'ylj'io \Vm. Mc- Cormick, Rome 1, Proton Station. Two pure bred Shorthorn bulls for sale, roans, 8 and 10 months oldâ€" Geo. Buike, Eugenia P.O' For Sileâ€" Horse, buguy and harness. Price for outlittir complete 8150. Apply to'Uev. Eagle, U. R. 2, Proton Station. Duck E>!es for sale â€" cross between Indian Runner and coininou duck- 81 per settingâ€" Cecil Louche, Flesherton. Fur Sale -^VliiiH bloa.soin sweet cover $215 a bushid. Buy direct froui the faim and save ;ihe niiddleinai.'s proht â€" Ben McKenzie, II 11 1, Ceylon. Young I'igs For Saleâ€" Jos. Fenwick, Flesherton. Lostâ€" Cai.thook near Loucks' mill â€" Findei leave at this oftice or with S McMuUen, east buck line. For Sale â€" Team young horsi's, ...titf tooth cnllivatiir, ten fooc'liorse rake and two second hand wagons. J. H. Heard, Flesherton. Hay For Sale â€" About twenty five ton ot well sived hay, two and a half miles soutii of Flesherton, 825.00 per ton. Write Herb Curbetl, Cloverbrae Farm, R. R. No. 1, Proton. For Sale cheau and on easy terms. Lot lo, coll. 11, Osprey, 110 acres. This is a HlHt class farm and in a good state of cultivation. Oood bank barn and new frame dwelling. Apply m U. J. Spr.iule BTesherton For Sale- Heavy brood inare in foal, heavy colt rising two year old, heavy mare ruing six year old. Emerson WicUen8,\Flesherton. Phone. MISCKLLANEOtiS Buggy spread found on Tuesday . Ap- ply to John Badgero,4th line, Arteineiii*. Try Foveraha.n Paltry Flour, the best or your conk. All Ontario wheat lliilbest pnc • for battel iind esga at Graham Br<:«. Euaenia . ' June 2(i Private funds to loan on real eatate security at reasonaWe rate uf intereat. Apply 10 tt. J. Sproule, Fieiherlon sept 'SA\1 Chopping every Saturday orljâ€" Gra- ham Bros , Biigcnia. Victrcla XVIi Dancing at your own home any time with the best danoe music and without expense if you have a Victrola W. A. ARMSTRONG ' DEALER FLESHERTON ONT SATISFIED ! THAT Is what over IOC users say about 1900 Gravity washers supplied by S. HEMPHILL, Agent For 1900 Gravity washers and wringers filectric and gasoline poy^er washers . ALSO for McCormiok Binders. Mowers, Hay Raket, /<,jiL^_ â- "\'---A^ ^*y Loaders, Urill.s, Cultivator. Plows, Steel Gf \\ N* Stalls. Harrows, Gasoline Kngines, Brantford V| double geared and auto oiled airmotor Wind Mile, Be«tty Hay Carriers, Hay Forks, Slings, Manure Carriers, Water Bowls, Water Tanks, Pump .ind Piping. SOMETHING NEW IN BUZZJSAWS One third more wood cut with same power when titled with my patent S. HEMPHILL Agent, - Ceylon, Ont. Men's Spring Suits just arrived in blue serge, grey and brown tweeds, blue cheviot, luade in the latest suiumer styles. Men's Spring Caps and Hats. Latest styles of Waterproof Clotliing â€" men's and ladies' in all shades â€" with a wool top. Men's Slicker Coats, Rubber Horse Covers, Buggy Spreads in plush and rubber. Come and see our new Voiles, Ginghanis, Prints. Galateas. Muslins and Silks. Also several new pieces of serge and broadcloth for your new spring .suit witli all shades of silk georgette and crepe de cliene blouses. SEEDSâ€" Clover, Timothy, Sweet Clover, Garden Seeds. Flour and Feed always in stock. Orders taken for Binder Twine â€" 17c. and upwards. SPECIALâ€" this week onl^â€" sugar $17.00 pet cwt. nniiiiaiisssBiaaeaxnaaa F. G. KARSTEDT, Flesherton, - Ontario NOTICE Notice is hereby sivcn that after one month from the tirtt publication of thi* notice in The Flekheitmi Advanc*, the date of which is the 25th day if March, litiJO, the Council of the Vi:i»«e of, Kle.shcrlon will proceed to pass a bylaw to close up and di'^poae oF the lane lyin({j between lots (> and 7 on the noiih side of Durham Street, h^le.'herloii Survey. , All parliK.s interested are hereby re-' quired to titke notice. W. J. BELL.\MY, , March 26, 1920. Cleik. I J>.,ELLIOTT ELLIOTT. Yonge and Charles btreels, Toronto Gives superior traiuini; for positions as st.'iiographers, accounttutg, oonaaierciai teachers, |iiivHte tecretariek, office assisc- an;». Demand for our graduates more than ten times our supply. Open all yenr. Knter any time. Write for Cdt>lof;ue, W. .1. RrjJOTT,PRilKM.AL. Boar tor Service The undersigned has a thorough ored Yorkshire Bnarfor service on lot 11, cuti* 8, Osprey. Tor m.s 81.50. KREDSPOFFARD m'^.