ji J » ir nnt i r^^ r gkfA^txi^n %ini(n Vol 4#, N*. 45 Fleslicrtoii. Ont., April lo 1920 â- i: I CEYLON Maim. Jaclcie and Earl White ipent the psat week with Proton friends. Mill Georgina Mitchell, who haa been Tiiicing her cousin, Miss D. McLeod, returned tu the city on Saturday. Mrs. Coutts and daughter of Duodalk Hpent several days of last week visiting Mrs. Bolton. Mr. acd Mrs. F. Cairns, who have spent the winter menths with their daughter at Gait, have rdtu 'ned and are visiting their sons, Fraak and George. here. Mr. Robt. Rutlcdge of Shelburne returned home Saturday. Mr. Lindsay and Mra. Maxwell of Caledon are visitors at Mr. M. Fertjuson's. Mr. ard Mrs. Campbell and Mrs. Mc- Callam and daui^hter of Saledon are visiting at Mr. VV'in. Muir'a. Miss May Muir returned Saturday to her school near Dundaa. Misses Agnes and Lilian MaPbail have returned to their sahouls at Newmarket and Alton. MIgs Bella Hairow, nurse, uf Chicago, is visiting bar parents. Mr. and Mrs. R. White and family of Proton spent the Ist of the week with the former 8 brother, VVm., here. Mrs. J. McMillan and little son spent last week with her sister in Oweb Sound. Mrs. A. McLeod returned Saturday from visiting hor daughter in Toroonto. Mrs. F. CoUinson and little daughter are visiti.ig her mother in Owen Sound. Mr. W, Cooey visited his .sister, Mrs. J. Kennedy, last week, before leaving for New Untariu. Mr, Pattiaon ofMcIntyre visited his brother hers over ths week end. Miss Helen Gibson, who has been visiting relatives in Owen Sound, re- turned home Monday. MrH. Ed. Sargent and son, James, of Owen Sound, returned to Ceylon on Monday. Mr. Ed. Sargent is having an extensive sale on Thursday of this week. Mr- James McMulleu left Tuesday to visit his daughter in Toronto. Mr. Chaa. Jones of Kitchener spent Sunday at R. Cook's. MAXWELL Last Week's Items Mr. and Mra. Chas. Perigo visited ai Mr. Sam Osborne's last week. The Literary Society held a ancial evening last week. A good program was given, also contests. 4t the close icc craam was served by the young m«n as a treat ^nd the ladies provided cake. Mr. Roy Fenwick and mother attended the funeral of Mr. Stiver of Stayner, a bruther-in-law of Mrs. Fenwick. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Poole spent Sunday with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Poole. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Guy and son, Robert, who have spent the winter with their daughter, Mrs. A. Pallister, left last week for their home in Ugema, Sdsk. Mrs. J. L Morrison spent a fe» days lai^t week with her sister, Mrs, Leslie Poole._ Miia Allie Lawler visited last week with her sister, Mrs. Walter Poole. Mr Neil Thompson of the 8'h line was a caller in cur burg last week. Mr. ind Mra. Edward Linley left la.st week for their home in the west. Mr. George Lawler was up to Owen Sound last week as jury man. Mr. Angus Morrison risited with friends in Toronto Ust week. Mi^s Aitle Wright attended the funeral of her cousin. Miss Valeria Stafford, of Montreal. The remains were brouaht to Toronto. The sad news waa leceived here this week of the death of Miss Maude Fields, of Weybum, Pa.sk., daughter of Mr. Dee Fields. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Guy spent Sundiiy with the latter's sister, Mrn. McLean, of Mclntyre. EUGENIA ROCK MILLS Sugar making ii the order of the day. Our teacher, Mies Moure, speht Easter holidays at her homo in Mclntyre. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Betts and family and Mr. and Mrs. Chis. Newell spent Wednesday of last week with Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Belts of the 8th line, it being the 5th aoniversMry of their weddinir. .\ very enjoyable evening was spent in music aud games. Miss Ella Genoe is .spending a mouth with friends in Toronto. Mrs. Will Hawkins is improving after a long illness. The Rock Mills Ladies' Aid will hold their monthly meeting at tho home of Mrs. Thos. Bettson Tuesday, April 20. The mill is going iu full swing now. We are glad to hear the whistle once more. Mr. Park of Owen Sjuud is back us sawyer again. Marbhall Betts spent a week with frieuds in Turonto. Mr. Jas. Poole of London was the guest of Chos. Betts and fami'y over the week end. Mrs. W. T. Pe'lUr is spending a week with friends at Eug..'uia. Mr. Jas. Stafford alteudeU the fuiiKr.il uf his niece, Valeria Stafford, in Toronto last weak. Mra. Cecil Monahau spent a week with her parents here. Mr. R ibt. Akitt returned home after visitii g with hi« d.iu^hter »t Krautfotd. PRICEVILLE Too^LateLast Week Miss McUonagh of the publ c school went to her home in Tjronio for the Easter holidays. W. S. Ferguson, teacher in the High School of Commerce, Toronto, came up on Saturday last to spend a few holidays at his old home here. Mrs. S. McLean and sun, Donald, spent over the week tnd with frienus in Durham. Ed. Watson of Durham came over on Saturday and spen Baster with Ills mother and other friends here. Miss L. Watson, teacher of Eugenia public school, is spending the holidays at her home here .ind with other relarives Mi.ss Martha Watson entertainea the ladies of the W, L on Thursday of last week. - Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Aldco'u were both suffering last week from severe colds. Ray McLean has puLed down the old blacksmith shop and is placing material on ths around for a large garage John Stothart, drover, lias engaged Gordon McDonald as foreman on the farm for the coining season. Lachie McArthur, east of the village, has secured Harry Bowers of Flesherton as assistant en the farm for ths ansuing season. Little Miss Jewell McArthur of the east suburbs made a ahcrc visit at the Ferguson home in town Easter Monday. Pte. Albert Hazard of the Convales- cent Hospital, Torcnto, was up heme here for Eaater. School Reports S S No 14, Ooptey Sr 4â€" « Pedlar. Jr 4â€" K b'lndlay, N Pedlar. A Wilton, C Findlay, C Cameron. Jr3-M biiidlay. ii Wilton, B Mc- Inues, G Tn6mp^ou. Sr 2â€" B P.di/ii, M Kendall,. Jr 2 â€" K 'i'homi'pon, L Camerort, W FinJIa^. . I'ltst â€" C r>iilliv«u. - A. Wiiiten-, Toacher. (Last Week's Items) Sugar making is the order of the day in this locality. Mr. .(lie Williams has moved his fimily to Turonto. Wr are sorry to lose them from our midst . .About eighty of their many friends, young and old, spent a social evening with them before their depirture. Miss Watson, our teacher, i.s spending tho Easter holidays at her home in Priceville. Mias Achesnn is at her home iu Chataworth. Miss Etta Litimer (if Tilsonburg, Miss Millie McMullen of Toronto, Miss Wilson of East Mountain. Miss Parliament of Osprey and Messrs. Wet Latimer of New Ontario and Gerald Large of Fleshertnn are hmne. Muoh real estate business is being transacted in our village. Will Osborne has sold to Jos. Sherwund, .Joe Williams to Geo. B'.n.Hon, Mrs. Carr to Ale.K Hoy, »nd Mra, Wallace Armstrong to Mrs. Wilson. Mr. Robt. Hiney has taken over the mail carrying busines'" from Mr. Chas. Williams. Mrs. McMullen is visiting with her daughter iu Kiiuberley. Mrs. Chas. Doupo is visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Haney. The Eugenia W. I. had a very euccea.s- ful meeting at the home if Mrs. Graham list week. .Arrangements for a conceit on April 30th weio made. Particulars later. Soiviceswere well atlend«d in "ur churches here on Sunday Rev. bowler (if Dundas addressed the Presbyterian congregation iu the morning and special music was given by the choir. In tho evening Mrs. Eaule addressed ibe Metho- dist conjjrviiatiou and gi ve a splendid discourse. We look forward to hearing Mis. Esjjle a little more often during the ciiiiiing summer. The choir gave special Kii^tiT nlu^i« anil the cjuartelte by littlo Misses .\ileeii Tu'liy. .\Iabi>l Uoy, and iViastur Jack anul En d ' Large, with Mr. Kenneth Large playing a tenor accimi- p:in ent on the violin, was very sweet and pretty. Tfio children's voices blend ncely tosefhcr and wa» much appreciatpd. A viry successful Mi.'iSiouary quilting WIS h-ld St the horn-' of Mrs. J. WslUsr nu Tluii.-iday last. We .iro gild ki ses Master Kenneth Large able to be around again after an attack of jaundice. This Week'.i It> ms The week of conliaued cold weather since April 2, preventing the maple sap from runnioif, is (|Uite a diaapiioir.iiuent tj those who had trees tapped, and the product this year will be small. Real Eatate Deals- Freok & Stothart sold the Koyland farm of 150 acres, over on the 2nd con. of Glenelg, to John Livingston of the village ; (iordon Mc- Donald has purchased the farm that L Frcok has been living-on in town ; David Hiiicks has bought the farm on tho .'ird con , Artemesia, nearly opposite bis home farm. John McKechnie, west of the villa<re, who me» with an accident recently, trac- turing some ribs, is improving. Margaret Muir, widow of the late Donald McKinnon, after a short illness passed away on Friday, April 9, at lier home, northeast Euremont The funerol toi^k place on Monday, April 12th, to Prleeyille cemetery. Rev. U.. J. Mc- Carteu conducted the services at h(mse and cemetery. The remains were laid beside her hasbaud, who predeceased her about three yetirs ago. VANDELEUR EAST MOUNTAIN April showers bring forth May flowers. Miss Mae Carruthers hsa returned to Flesherton to resume her duties in the millinery department of Mr. Hickling « store. Mr. Herb Genue is engaged helping Mr Dave Genoe. Mr. W. X. Armstrong of Flesherton has bought the ,1. J. Martin estate. C. Martin wi.l remain OD the farm. We understand Jack lost his mitts while in Flesherton un Saturday evening. Surely the one that found them will advertise them. Whan you gel them Jack hang onto them and don't be hold- ing hand!,. It's U. C. of L. now. Mr. Iho.npsoii .Allen spent a few days in Toronto. Mr. Victo.- Ford is working at Stuart's mill, Kunberley. Ma.s'er Gord.<n McMul.eu spent the Eas;or holiday.^ with his .sister. Airs. A. FawcBtt, Kimberley. Mrs. Lewis Genoe spent three weeks with fi lends at Kavi-nna and K«ver!,iia:«. Misses Viola Lewis and Pearl Al tii of Hamilton, Mi.ss Alma Humberstnne of , and Miss K. Urr of t'lesherton spent the hohday.s at their respective homes here. VVe express our sympathy to Mr. A. EUIb in the loss of bis father. Mr. Elli.s atttc(.led the funeral which took place at Powassan. Mr. £d. Fowcetc is still iu a critical condition. Hope to hear of his recovery so(m. Mr. .J. Siinoas made a business trip lo Markdale. Messrs. Allen. Carruthers ai.d Mc- Mullen had successful wood beea recent- 1^- Miss Thelma Wilson of Flesherton visited with Mr. and Mrs. Lundy John- ston for a few days last week. Miss .Jean Wright of 'i'oronto spent the Easter holidays with ^lo^ parents, Mr. aud Mrs. (Jourge Wriyh'. Mrs. Porter Beard and little daughters Bessie and Joan, of Springhiil, visited the former's Dareuls, Mr and Mih. R. Graham, one day recently. The Misies Edna and Annie Burri't of IviiiiberKy visited with their sister, Mrs. D. .\. Graham, for a few days la.st week. The young people of the neighborhood spent a very enjoyable •;t!cid evening at the lioniB lit Mr. and Mrs. J. 1. Graham aud fiuiily ou Tuesd ly evening, April 6. Mr. and Mrs. S. Gilbert entertained a few of the nei'ghbots one evening last week. Victoria Corners Miss Audrey Lockhart of Dundalk visited ber cousin. Miss Ottillie Lookhart, a few days la.st week. We understand that since the tiiti;over of the Ford, the Chevrolet has taken its place. School nas closed lust week for Ei^ter and ooutinues closed this week on account of the illness of Miss Ritchie, t:e teacher. Snow and mud is the principle order of the day. A combination of circumstances Ins forced the Midland Shipbuilding Co. to temporarily close its plant. At the pies- ant time there is plen'y of steel at the smelters, but the shortage of freij^hr rais is so acute that il cannot be nioved, .'ud coilstquenlly every shipyard ou ilia Canadian side is being held up. FINE JEWELERYBatesBurialCo. BUSINESS AS USUAL Funeral Directors and Come in and see our tine larg? stock ' Embaimers of Jewelry, 'Watches, Clocks, etc, T%u^.^^ UT'il ^ /^ y o and when ,ou have seen them . on ^^^^^ HlUcrCSt 268 will be sure to buy. Watch re-' 124 AvenUC Ro^d pairing a specialty . i A f II I T>i , 1 ,- Toronto, Ont. A full hue -> 1- holographic supplies ' Including developing powders, MOTOR EQUIPMENT printing frames, dark lanterns, all j^ ^^ ^^^^^ ^ Maddocks, sizes of kodacks and films. ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES President. Manager Yorkshires Tamworths W. A. ARMSTRONG """""f":":^ '"j' r or Breeding Purposes Jeweler, ^^^^^ ^^. write-GEO. W. HOSe-, FLESHERTON, - QNT Osprey Tel. system Maxwell P. «). Seed and Feed We h;mdle Clover Seeds, Oats, "and Potatoes anti we liay the highest prices for Eggs and Butter. Please note we i;i'e continuing the Cream bu.'?iness this .summer tor the Walkertoa Creamery. We wjsh to give the farmers, the very best service p isoible Groceries Come in and get your spring order of Groceries before seeding. We handle all kind ^ otiuit and Vegetables in season. Get your Hot Cross Buns Thursday and Satur- day. Also an ice cream cone for the ehikiren. Special attention given to all phone orders. J. R. PATTISON & SON Successors to H. Down & Son Flesherton, - Ontario FEVERSHAM Intended For Lii.--t VVtek , Tho farmers iirf busily enitBged in getiiiiB tt.eir ploughs leiidy tor the spring worK. while i>(Ucrs have some of (heir land plou^lied. Hunliie Davidson is 8|,end'iii( Easter holidiy.'a With Mr. snd Mrs. A. Conrou. Miss Kosie Mcliirr of FleKhorlon high I •chuol IS home fi>r Ku.^tei holidny.s. ' .Miss Mary Juliitn spent the week end I wilh friends in Kiinbi-rley. I Mrs. Jim Moore, tTho h.-vs been on the tick list, is speedily recovering. I Some of our Fovershun friends are j also much iuterested in the Kunberley I chickens. , MORTGAGE SALE OF HOTEL PROPERTY IN THK Village of Fevershani ludt-r nnd by virrue of the Power-; nf snlo cu'ilBiiii'd 111 two ceriiiin iiimtgi^es wh'.ch will l.c i-riiiluei'd iii ihe time '>i Mil.', ihe'B will be offered for s»le by IHibiic iiuuiioii lit the pruinisef, which -t'v known H.s " Ti'iiipvrHiico Hotel," in ili« Vill.igo of l<"evt'i>l)Hiii, ill the County of (iiey, on Saturday, the First Day of May, A. D. 1920 .Vtiho hour of two i. 'clock in 'he iifieriioi/U, the fi'liowint; properly, imii- <=l.v : VillH>».- Lot iiiiinber One ou the S>ou*h sidi- of Wellinntiin Sirtel in th'« fuid. Village of FeversliriiTi, »•» I'vid out on Lot nnin'>er iSlxtft'ii in tln» Ninth Ci>i>ce!>siiiii 1 I I ho Slid To\vn>hi|; of U-'prej. Upon this ))roi>.Ttv i.s ssid to be i« two storey hotel I'liiuliiii;, with stnri-y imd emu h»lf lidd'liiui, frame buildinj; wii h HilvHiiized nu'l'i' ••iilini;. also cement stiibk- Htid o'hfr>niall fi tnie out bui u- inys Thi.'* property is siluiited in the Village of l<^.ver^hHlll, and ha.s bitin used for h^'ti'l purposes for mnny yours. Tlif property wili be oll'ored for sale su j ct to a, reserve bid. TKRMS OK S.VLE ;- Ten per cent, of ihtf pu'Ch.isi' iii.'Hfy to be ymd on the dalM if •<:• o, and the b.O>inc« m thirty days ihereaittr, without interest. For further pariiouUra sad conditii'is o> siilo apply 'o WKlOHT, TELKORU A BIRNIE, Oweu Sound, Ont., Solicitors for Vendor. W.M. KAITTINO, Auctioneer. Spring Announcement \V. L. WKIGUT wishes to iinuouuco to the public that he hns just received .•» f-pring consisjninent of .Man's and Ladies' Boots and Shoes, liubbeis to hr ^ny shape boot, Lone Rubber Boots, Fleet Fo it White W-tre in all styles for men, ladies, misses, boys »nd youihs. Peabody's and Bull Dou Overalls and Smocks, Work Shirts, new line of Men's Shirts and Balbriugaii I'nderweur, Ties, Collars, Belts, Silk Scarfs aud Gloves. A fresh stock of Groceries alwuy.s on hand. All kinds of Canned Goods. â- -' In the Millinery Department you yill liiid Mrs. Wright with - a comp'e'e .«tock of Ladies' Hat<, Ribbons, Laces and Veils. C.'ill and mspcci our lines. SntisfacMon guaranteed. Highest prices paid for Butter and Egtt^. I W. L. WRIGHT, Corner Store, Flesherton I.. (' > â- I* > >' > It > i* > ; â- 1 , ; <t t â- ' 'i '3^7:7^^;?^:'^:7z;.r^;^^^^;:^3^^^^^ NOTICE Fles]iLe]:*t:on "J^ Tonsorfct If V u want aiiythins; ini the imple- mk j-^ _ msvii'lHie. Call on H. Knoit, .Markdal...; ^^^ HaflOrS as he «Btls all sells all Deerina imple-' vVe Aim to Give Entire biitisfartr • UK ms. Gasoline Engines, SinL-erSewirg LAUSDUYâ€" B,'..ske» )se on-l.. M^ichine, UhL.v;* C.««m S«P'»r, tot, ^ „ight. delivery Friday ev In flier anytliinn aid everythiiiij in the' lino of Implenieuts .-it teaaoiiable prices CLEANING and DYEINGâ€" VTe r ••â- Suiisf ctii.ii uuuanfeed. . | agents for Parker's Dye Worksâ€" Clotli -• Ul'Gll KN'»«TT, .Agent, | ean»l m d dyed. f?nthet< reiuvena «• I Markdale, (.or, T FI-SnER - -PWPfilETOC