April !;') 1920 THE FI ESHERTON ADVANCE fWffTSf^Si The Farmer-Banker Alliance You go to your lawyer for legal advice ; to the doctor for medical advice; why not to The Merchants Bank for financial advice ? If you want a loan to buy cattle, hogs or equipment â€" if you want information as to how to invest moneyâ€"come to those who make a business of financial matters, and are in a p<;.-.ition to give you sound and impartial advice. TH€ MCRCHANTS BANK Head Office: Montreal. OF CANADA. Established 1884* CEYLON & FLESHERTON BRANCHES C A NORSWORTHY, .... Manager. WE SEI FARM IMPLEMENTS WAGONS, HARROWS PLOWS SPECIAL PRICES IN New ruluihir iSliarples Separators JOHN HEARD, MPLEMENT AGENT FLESHERTON. FURNITURE i I All kiii'ls]()f turniture^in our showrooms. (Jail ;iii(l aeo our (litiin:^ room, parlor and bedroom suites, range of prices to suit your pocket book. A large UNDERTAKING Calls answered night or day Phone :]<) r 1 i W. H. BUNT Fleshcrton, - Out. fl ra: J^S^J^i Vr=ln=lr=J =3,=lr=Jr=Jr=J iSTi di Flesherton Tin Shop^ I have ju.st placed on the shelves a full line ot Tinware, Nickelware and Agateware for donu'stic use. Call on me and get your supplies. Eavetroughi ng, Stovepipes and Stove Furnish- ings. Repairing of all kinds promptly attended to. Pipofitting, including' pump work. Furnaces installed. Agciiit for dare Hros. Furnaces. D. McKILLOP CHRISTOE BLOCK FLESHERTON m ONTARIO. % ^^ % M % % ID % M % as i I THE Flesherton Advance .An iiule|ii>iideiit iiewap«pfr piililisheil •very Thursduy attho iiHiei', Cullingwiind Stieet, KltHherion. .Suli»c!i(>iiiiii (nice $1 50 piM uiiijuiii wht'ii pii 1 in :iih'iiiic.< ; %'l UO wl/en not so piiid. 82.01) tu I'liitod i^iateM. .\dvgiti8ing riiteK nil Hpplicuiiiiii. Circuliitiiiii ovit 111)0 wei'kly. W. II. THIUSTON, Et)n.)R The Henderson .Well A Big Gas Producer 'I'lift lloiilnisiiii ml well here is nlill pr<iducin|{ lar)(o ijimiitilios (if ^iiii, u lieHvy flcnv if whicli w!in sliuck Ihsi Octnliur Hiid \\iVi lit'uii cuntiiiucu.i ever Hiiice. Drilliiif; has been proce<!dlni> xtexdily hII winter, Iiul CdiisidiTHhlc difticuliy lias been mciiuiiterod on nciiount of sliixilini; tlio Wilt preiiirtiureiy lust f;ili. Tliii caused inucli ti'iuiile in tiutiiiit; llir(iti;^h the iniiteiiil di«p)nced by Ihu oxploKinii. Work i« Mill coiitiiiuiiii.' under liiu man- ageiiienl if Joe Hoi.deison, *iili Eliiicr Kersey as diiller. Ic seoiiiB a Kreat pity that tliiri urcat i|uunlity of llluniinat'n); and heating %\% nhi'Uld ^o til w»sto in tlitsau dayn of dear fuel. Mr. Ker.sey iiif<ir:iis The Advaiue I Imt there id no diniiiiiitioii in tliu gas tijw since il was tirst struck, and, altlio' the preHSuru has not been tested, Ke believes a cinservativB estiina'u would be 400 jjounds to the sijuiru inch. A recent article in tlio Saturday Evei,« iiig Post says that foruieily pruspectoiB whu Htruck a i{ood gas flow and no oil, considered the well w deid losa ; nun, however, thiy resliz.'d that they had B veritable bunan/. i, as under modem proce.sses miij {,allou of gasoline could l.e produced from each ihoudand feet nf gus. So this well should be worth something to the owner.'*, even if not used for heating or IlKhtirg. The well if properly handled would uUo boa great asset fir i>unie iuduBtry fur both light and heat, and would furnish â- cheap fuel unrler such conditiens to laHt a lifetime. We trust sincerely I hat suniething of value may come out ot the investment, even if cil IS not struck m paying quantities. it< â- H â- 1 F GOLD SEAL FLOUR For bieai] tbislluiir ciiiiiior, bu hi'iin. Il is uii -ill wo.'itcni wheal product. We also haudle Snow li'liike pastry flour, (iraliaui tloiir, lUickwIieat flour and Pancake lloiir. loKjj's (icniiino (lorn Flukes, sjneiidod Wheat, Wlieat neig ,Holled WhoBt, UolU-d Uuis,' I'liHed Wliiat, Piilltd , Rice, Corn .Mtiul anc^ Knitnbles. lJen80n"a picpart'd corn. M pa.k igcs for .â- J.')e. Silver ^i\(tM •Starch, 8 packages lor H5e. (Tliis week only .'I puckagts to oacli customer, i Garden and dnwei sccd8 on lii\nd. Biglibsl prices paid for butter. <'(>,';» and rreum. We biipply cream cans. Kell Kern Bellamy's Grocery Phone 37 FLESHERTON, ONTARIO «â- <«â€"»< llll« H «llt !.♦♦♦«♦» I I I 1 , 1 > t I « â- » . l I » I »â- » â- t I l ' ft . « » » H i». »^ Artemesia Council The Council met at the ' Town Hall, Flesherton, on the .3rd day of April, 1!)20. The members were all present, the Reeve in the chajr. The minutes of last meeting were read and sii;ned. Letter from H. E- P. Cum. re power and ligh': for Proton .Station, and tin account from W. H. Thunion for print- inir, eic., fur $48.00 were preswnted at d read, stod also a claim from W. 11. D.ickett for sheep killed ?10.t)0. Ue[iort of Ciiinmittee re Durham Road crossing C. P. U. â€" " Your Committee exaiiniu d the siuiation alC.P. 11. cro.ss- ing, Durham Road and 30 sideroad aud found the condition of both positively daiigeroiie to the travelling public. Altli-'Ugti till! crossing are bad at .'iny time, during (he winter huhsou accumu- lation of snow renders the crossing practically impassible ivnd extremely dangerous. We would recommend lliat ihii matter be taken up with the HaUway Co. with the object of havinj/ a deviation made through lot 'A\. tu tideroad 30, and an overhead bridge built over the croai- lug on sideroud, which would eliminate both cronsings and relierB the difficulty tulirely. ' T. K. McKeiime, J. Burnett and S. Batchelor â€" Comniitlee. Hylaw No. 10 to establiah a Telfphnna System and No. 11 to aulhojize loan to lliuh School and No. 12 appointirg Clerk were iniroducod and passed. Ry- Uw No. tt appointing ofticera for 19i.O waa lead a third tune and HJened. Orders wcie jiaFsed for the following aocounls-The Reove exjienies to Toroito on I'ruvincial Uoada Conniiittee, Sl'2.00 ; W. H. Thurston, printing, etc., 94K.50 ; W. II, Diicketi, for sheep killed, $10,110; The Kieve, Mr. lUiriiett and Mr. Hatchelor SaOO for seivicei on Railway Crohsing Comiiiillcc. C'imeton â€" Batchelorâ€" That Mi. Bur- ne t have the wheel scraper put in repair. â€" Carried. Oamerun â€" Batchelorâ€" That the bylaw lixing the price per day for commuted sifttuts libor, be amended by making the amount ?'J 00 per day, ii.ateid of $1.50 and a I jUw bo pabsed at next aiHcling of Council 10 this eflfeot.â€" Carried. Tlie Council adjourned. FLOYD H. BENTLEY BiiKter. Dynamite and UliMting supplies for Hale. R"ck and atunip blnsting, Call Phone 41 r 14. W'ti'e P. O Box 43, Flesherton, Ont. [ Boar For Service 1 â€" râ€" I HeuiHterHd l'lie"lei' \Vhiii« h H' tor ir'icu It Rock M ills The ftrhar won. 5^t at Chicago Kiiir. Terms $1 fiO. da^ nlO â€"I. HMlTll Prop. I 8USINESSCARDS Societies CMINOB ARTHUR hODQK. No. !«3,A.F.4 t A M. lueetB in tht Maaoiilo ball. Arm 8 Toins'a HlooK Kl'tsherton. avrtry Friday on or iie(or» toe lull luoca. T. ('laytou, W. M„ A. K. Iinllamy, HOLretary. Dentistry iir B. C MllKKAY U O. K , dental Burgeon I' licnoi Rraduati) of Toronto UuiverBiw «ud â- \u.val ColliKo o( Dental Bur«ooii« of Ontario. 3aB(.iluiiBlniBtere(( tor teotli extraction IM'.. at ruHiiltiiice Toronto Street. KleptiHrton. Medical f-V' W.J. Iteury, M! H., era-iuateof FuouIt\ ^^ of Mfiiiicine, rorouio U> ivcislky. OUlce â€"Dr. Little's late rutldeuce. FleBbertOD. 1 1' OTTKWKLL ' Veterinary SorROOn irartiiBte of Ontario Veterinary ColleRe epiiluiicu â€" Bsoond door south west. on ^lary Btieiii.. Thie Btreot rone oatAi • ..iKhnerian tDinreh. Legal Harriatern. .-Solicitors, eic.-l. H. LncuB, K. ('. : W. D. Uenry, li. A. Offices, Markdale Lucas Ulock, Phoue ::A. oiauch olBCeB ac Duodalk and Durhu l.-. . (CAH, li liKNltY- t-* t«i'\â€" 1. H. L.tlcuH, (17 IIIGHT. * TKLKOIID, HarriBlor, Solici. "' torB, *e. OtliceB. Grey i: Innci IJInck, Owen Koumi. Standard bank c. .^Fleeber- ton, (Hatuniays). W. H. Wright, W. P. Telford Jr. busiNE.ss Cards fir.M. KAITTTNd, iconned Auctionocr tor " tho couQtieB of Grey and Hlnicoe. •arm aud tjtock ealee a specialty. Tei ma jioilorate. natiBfaotion guaranteed. ArraoKe- iifntH for dates niav bo made at tlie Adv»uue .Uiiu. or Central toleilioue otllco l-overshs.iu »â- bvaddreBBlnc uie at Feveruham, Ont. DMcPHAU'. Llcenaod Aoctionee for the • l,'ouiity of Grey. Terms moderate and sati^ action guaranteed. The arrangements aud dates of Baleacan be made at 1 liR ADV*nco nfflce. llfBideocoand f.o.. Ceylon, Telephone connection. Dec. 0, 70 BOAR for SERVICE Purebred Tamworth Botr for service on lot 1G7, S \V T and S E., Artemesia,. Term>â€" 81 ..')<). Pel. 15 â€" T. J. STI^•30^J,Pl•.p, For Service One pine nrod Shortbom Bull on Int. 36, con. 9, Artemesia. Tornif. 81.50 for uriido.H. Must be paid within 9 months from (lati! of service. 19. .Jan. -R. 0. TURNER. Small Ads. FOR SALE Second hind hinder, 5 fs it cut Frost & Wood, for s8!e--W,Pedl»r,Flesherton For Sile â€" Driving mare rising 6, mare and gelding rising 3 â€" J. A. Lever, Flesherton. Doherty or(;4n for sale, ojk finish piano case. 6 octave â€" Mrs. Jamieson, h'leshertou Colt For Siile and ti'n youiin piys four weeks old â€" Wni. Hodgson, R R No 1, Feversham, Out. For Sile â€" Uorse, bug'jy and harnets Price for outlittit coinpleLe 1^150. Apply to Rov. Eagle, R. R. 2, Proton Station. Duck EuKS for sale â€" cro.ss between Indian Runner and coiniuon duck- $1 per settingâ€" Cecil Loucks, Flesherton. For Sale â€" White blossom swent clover $2H a bushel. Buy direct from the farm and save the uiiddleinan's profit Ben McKenzie, R. R 1, Ceylon. / For Sale che^io and en easy terms. Lot 13, oou. 11, Osprey, 110 acres. This is a first class farm and in a ^ood state of cultivation. <>ood bank barn and new frame dwelling. Apply ci> R. J. Sproule Fletiherion For Saleâ€" Heavy bioud mare in foal, heavy colt rising two yeiir old, heavy ware rising mix year old. Emerson Wickens.jFlasherton. Phoue. MISCELLANEOUS Try Fevei-shrt.n Pastry Flour, the best or your cO'ik, All Onixrio wheat Highest priud for battler and evga at Urahaiu Bros. Eusieaia. June 2() Lost â€" Botneen Flesherion and At- kinson's corner, Collingwood gravel, one HUto tite chaii. Finder please ieivve at this office .>r comiiniiiicate with C. C. Pedlar, R. R .3, Flesherton, phone 42 :<. Private fuudn to loan oit real ettaie security ai reasonable rate of iu'e-reat. Apply to 11. <I. .Sproule, Fitjiherton sept 'iZVl Chopping overy Saturday only â€" Gra- ham Bros., Eugenia. The Flushertdii Bible Depository has just placed in atonk the largest selection of Bibles and TeRtamenls ever shown hcie, rangini; in price from a few cents to five dollars. There are some veiy fine gift, books and family Hibles in this lot. Tile Depository is kept ,il The Advance Oftloe. For Service One pure bnvl Shorthorn \>ull on 'liot 28 and 2!t, Concesaii.n *<, Artemesia. T(rni3--?fl .i0 for erades if paid iiuiide of 9 ui.nths -if not $2. Pure breds 9S 00. loct -ROBERT OSllOUNE. m. Victiola XVl^ Dancing at your own home any time with the best dance music and without expense if you have a Victrola W. k. ARMSTRONG ' DEALER FLESHERTON ONT .'â- >iiVM.wBRs.voicef' SATISFIED ! THAT Is what over IOC users say about 1900 Gravity washers supplied by S.HEMPHILL, Agent For 1900 Gravity wiishers and wringers ^ Electric and gasoline power washers. ALSO for McCormiok Binders. Mowers, Hay Rakes, Hay Loaders, Drills, Cultivator, Plows, Steel Stalls. Harrows, Gasoline Engines, Brantford double geared and aoto oiled airmotor Wind Mils, Beatty Bay Carriers, Hay Forks, Slings, Manure Carriers, Water Bowls, WaierTanks, Pump and Piping. SOMETHING NEW IN BUZZJSAWS One third more wood out with same power when titled with toy patent. S. HEMPHILL Agent, - Ceylon, Ont. Men's Spring Satts just arrived in blue serge, grey and brown tweeds, blue cheviot, made in the latest summer styles. Men's Spring Caps and Hats. Latest styles of Waterproof Clothingâ€" men's aud ladies'â€" in . all shades â€" with a wool top. Men's Slicker Coats, Rubber Horse Covers, Buggy Spreads in pluah aud rubber. Come and see our new Voiles, Ginghams, Prints, Galateas, Muslins and Silks. Also several new pieaes of 8er»e autl broadcloth for your new spring suit with all shades of silk georgette and crepe de chene blousea. SEEDSâ€" Clover, Timothy, iSweet Clover, Garden Seeds. Flour aud Feed always in stock. Orders taken for Binder Twineâ€" 17c. and upwards. SPECIALâ€" this week onlyâ€" 10 bars Hammer's Soap for 85c.. F. G. KARSTEDT, Flesherton, - Ontario I NOTICE Notice is hereby given t,hat after one month from the flrft publication of this! notice in The Flesherton Advance, the flate of which is the 25th day of March, ^ IStliO, the Cuncil of tho Village of' b'lashcrtnn will proceed lo pass a bylaw; to close up and dispose of the lane lyinii' betWMD lots «5 and 7 on the noith side ; of Durham Stieet, Klesherton Survey. j All parlies interested are hereby re- quired to take notice. ELLIOTT^v^ Yongeand Cliarles Streets, Toronto Gives superior training for positions as ht»nograp(iers, accountants, commercial teachers, piivate secretariek, office asoisc- «n!9. Demand for our graduates more than ten limes our supply. Open all ycsr. Enter any time. Write fof Cat»logue, W. .1. Ki,l,IOTT.PRtt<oiPAt. March 25, 1»20. W. J. BELLAMY, Clerk. I I Boar tor Service Tho uiidorsiiiiicd has a thoroni^h,>rod Yorkshire Boarfor service on lot 11, con. 8, Osprey. Terms 81.50. FRBTD SP()FFAIU>