Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 15 Apr 1920, p. 5

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Â¥ 'i^ » f April 15 192* THE FLESHEKTON ADVANCE RECONSTRUC- TIONis the order of the day. If you have formed the Sav- ings habit you are prepared to meet its opportunities; if not, reconstruct your methods a-â€" ^ •^e.^T"''l today. We have a wr-.^i-'gs Department at every Branch. 2» THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA FLESHERTON BRANCH GEO. MITCHEUL - Manaoeh CAN^DfiriN C. p. R. Time Table. leave Fleshercoii Station T rains ollowa : Going South 7.53 a. in. 4.27 p.m. The mails are Going North 12.01 u.m. 9.iap. in. ^.._ _ osed at Flesheiton 83 follows : For the north at 10.40 a.m.and 7 p.m. ; and the afternoon mail south at i.40 o'clock. For morning train south mail close at 9 p." m. the previous cvg. Several of our subscribers have ex- pressed their appreoidtion of the iniptove- iiient in our inside patjes. Tht^y Are worth reaiiin){. A credit auction sale of farm stock and iinpluiiients will be held at Ceylon on Thursday, April 15, the property of E. Sarguut. See bills. D. McPhail, auc- tioneer. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Fewster, Mrs. H. Uodgins and Mrs. C. Ei'ans, all of Granton, Ont , were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Kverwtt Honry for a few days during the past week. \V« make a charge of lOo a line for all church announcements, concerts etc., up to 5 lines. Over that number 5c a line. No reading notices inserted under 50c. Count six words to the lino. Mr. Elijah B. ntliatn, who has been attending the School of Engineering in Toronto I'ince Chiistinas, is home for the summer to aB>i8t his father. Mr. Nors worthy ef the Merchant's Bank has purchased a Ford coupe, and W. Moore an ordinary up to date Ford for use in his business, ag a sort of siiperiiuinerary to hia electric 'bus. At a largely attended congregstional meeting in Chalmers' church on Monday it was tlecided to extend a cail to Rev. G. H Fowlor, B A., of Dundas, the stipend to be $1500 with free manse and four weeks' holidays. • The Easter ThankoB'ering meetinis of the W. M, S., held in the Methodist church on Thursday of last week was a decided success. Greetiims were carried by Mrs. Upham from the Baptist Mission Circle, and by Mrs. Patton from the Au.xiliarv of Chalmers' church. One lady made herself a lif J member of the society which makes three this year, and a thank otlerinB of 870.40 was received, which no doubt will be augmented by those who were not able to be present. It is hoped that the funds will reach 8225. We are agents for the Toronto dailies. Xieave your orders at The Advance i*^ce B. Weltoii and W, Cargoe were in Toronto last week. Mrs. W. H. Thurston left Saturday to visit her son in Toronto and daughter at Mibcbail' Mrs. (Dr.) Murray returned Saturday after a fortninhb'a visit with her sister at Bridgeburg. Mr. Geoiae Riehardson of Toronto called on friendfc here for a couple of daye this week. Mr. H. Heitman has sold his business at Mclntyre to his son, Harry, and will probably come to Fleshartou to live. Mrs. (Dr.) Ottewell received word last week of the serioU'< illness of her niece, the eldest daiighter of Mr. and Mrs. L. Whewell of Ladner, B.C. Housekeeper Wanted â€" Good homo and steady situation for riiihc pursoii. Apply to Geo. Watson, Box 109, Price- ville, for Particulars. Miss Irene Wilson, who has just com- pleted her course as niirse in Owen Sound hospital, is home ab preient and will remain (or a time. A movement is on foot to gat the C. P. B. to extend their line from Utopia »o Gw9n Sound by way of CoUiugwood, Thornbury and Meaford. Marriadâ€" At Timmius, Ont, on April .7, Charles Jamieson, son of Mrs. Jamie- •OQ of Flesherton, to Miss Pearl Archer of Tiiuniins. Owaii Sound barbers now charge 50c for a hair cut. Livery stables will prob- ably get all the buainess now. Horse clippers will do the work at half the price. Preparations are going forward at Cinip Borden to til) it for a training camp for the new Canadian Air Force, and wa bare *ro likely to still receive frequent visits from the mechanical birds. It was thought we had seen their finish when the camp was dlainantled, but not so. The directors of East Grey Agric'l. Scciety has decided to take up the tisld erop competition with oats and turuips All those iuterosted kindly make their entries at ouca with the secretary, who will be pleased to supply the rules and regulationsâ€" W. A. Uawkeu, Secretary, Fleaherion. A official uf the Canadian Oil Fields, Limited, informs Tee Advance tiiat they purpose putting in another drilling outfit and sinking a second well m this vicin- ity. Ho siys they will do so whether the present well turns out oil or not, and says he, " wa have the money to do it,*' That is so^d, and we hope their onergy wilt be rewarded. Thomas Phillips delivered a hog hera on Tuesday that tipped tho scales at 800 pounds â€" the largest delivered hero lu twenty ye;>rs. Some pitf ! Torn got rid of It because its gtunt was as big in propottioo and bothered the neighbors- They imagined it was some new fangled foK horn that Tom h.id installed on his Baby Grand Chevrolet. Stinson-Ludlow On Tuesday, April 6, tho home of Mr and Mrs. Wni. H' Ludlow was the scene of a ([uiet but pretty wedding, when their only daughter, Ethel, was united in marrisBe to Mr. Edward Stinson ot Artemesia. The bride, who was aiven away by her father, entered the rnoin to the strains of Lohengrin's Bridal Chorus played liy Miss Mildred Biiinie. She was attiroil in a brown silk dress trimmed with touches of pink georgette, and wore as her only ornaments a pearl bar pin, a treiisured remembrance of her dead school mate, Mabel McLean ; and a corsage bouquet of American Beauty roses and white sweet peas. Tho cere- mony was snlemnized by Rev. W. G. Blackwell of Duiu'slk. After the usual congrvtulations all eat down to a dainty lunchean. During the signing of the register Miss Binnie sang sweetly " The voice that breathed o'er Eden." The groom's f;ift to tha bride was a club bag and to tha organist a mahogany bedroom clock. The happy couple left on the 4.30 train for Alliston and other points, the bride travelling in a taupU silk pop lin suit with hat to match, and white furs. On their return they will tssida on the groom's farm, Artemesia. 8th FJne, Osprey We welcome Mr. and Mrs. Frank Taylor to our line and wish them every SBccess. Mrs. John Ottewell and children viaited with bor sister, M.s. Phillips' this week. Mrs. A. Callander of Mansfield ipsnt the past week with her aouaiu, Mrs. Edjjar Betls. We are glad to report Mr. Tbos. Fenwick's youngest daughter improving aftor a severe illness. Our teacher. Miss Parliament, spent E*ster holidays with her parents at Eugenia. Miss Allie Lawler of MazWe'l spent a few days with her sister, Mrs. W., Poole. Wa underatand Walter Poole has sold his farm and is moving this week, the purchaser being Mr. Jim Poole ot Loudon • ' KIMBERLEY Mrs. Ferguson is visiting her sitter, Mrs. Sc.itt, in Toronto. Miss Maude Plewcs raturnad home after spending Easter holidays in Toronto Mr. and Mrs. Burton Wickons and family have gone to reside at Flesherton on tho Befcroft farm. We wish them evrry success. Ernie Froctor has returned home after spending a few weeks at Rocklyn. Mrs. A. B, Andrew is visiting her parents, Mr and Mrs. Plewes. Mr. F. Smith of Thtmesville visited at the home of Mr. Goo. Uutchinsiin recently. Mr. and Mrs. Akhloy McCallum of Duncan visited hor parents, Mr, and Mrs. D. Wallace, rtcentiy. Extension to Eugenia Generating System The new extension to the generatiog station at tha Enueiil* development haa been completed, and llie new unit placed ill operation on the first of March. Tha extension consists of an enlarge- msnt of the pnvi-t.r bouse building by 72 feet nortli and 9 ft. east, so as to provide space for two additional generntiDg units, two additional banks of trADsformers, switching and protective equipment for eight ontgninu lines, and a control room from which all of the switches in the po#er house aru operated. The generating unit wkioh has been recently placed in operation consists of a single runner turbine of the horizontal Frsnuis type, and is designated to de- velop 4,000 horsepower under a 550 foot head at 750 r. p. m. This turbine was inanuf'iciured by the Ellis-Chalmers Co. of Milwaukee. The generator, which was manufactur- ed by the Canadian Westinghouse Co., is direct connected to the turbine, and is rated as follows : 2,820 Kva. at 86 per Cent, power tactor, which is equivalent to 2,400 K. W., 4,000 volte, CO cycles, 3 phuHe, 720 r. p. m. The exciter is uf 40 K. W. capacity, direct connected to the i>eDerai.iug unit. The hank of transformers, which forma part of this new extension, consists of three 900 Kva units and ona spare, rated as follows : Primary 4,000 volts, second- ary 22,000 voitR, 60 cycle single phase, oil insulated, water cooled, the complete bank is coiicicted delta-delta. In order that eood reeulation may be tssured on the traimni.saion lines through- out the Eugenia System, an lutomalio generator voltage regulator has been installed for this purpose. The new switching equipment, which forms part of the improvements includtd in the new extension, consists of utiuip- ment for three additional outgoing feed- ers, with provision for two spare switch- ing equipments as soon as the>,e are required. All of the switches in the power house are of the remote control type, and are operated from a control room which is located in the northwest corner of the building. The prexent capacity of tho Eugenia power house m cneraiinj equipment is tpproximaiely 8,000 horsepower, and the ax'onslou to the building and the in- Kt»llation of the switching equipment havo been so construcied that an addi- tional 4,000 horsepower unit, as well as an additional bauk of transformers and switching equipment, can be installed without alteration to the building. xhe placing of the new unit in opera- tion will enable tha C(mimis8ioii to yoin- plelely oveihaul the two original units which have been operating constantly Since power was first turned on, Novem- ber, 1916 The additional power developed by the new unit, together with that available from the two original units after they have been overhauled, will enable the Commiision to take care of the gro'Aing loads ID the Eugenia District, as well as supplying power to the various munici- palitiet in Bruce County and the northern part of Huron County. The now lerritoiy wkich will be served and already referred to ai the Brace County District, covers delivery of power to the municipalities of Walkerton, Formosa, Mildiiiay, Teeswater, Wing- hara, J<ordwich. Gorrie, Wroxeter, Luck- now, Ripley, Kincardine, Southampton and Port Elgin. The possibilities of supplying power to other municipalities in this district, together with those mentioned above, are being investigated by the Coumissiou's angmeera at the present tims. '''bis axtensioii to tha Eugenia System into Bruce and Huron Counties comprises the ooiistruutiou of (i7 miles of 22,000 volt transmisaiuu line, 51 miles of which will be 1 â€" atoel reinforced aluminum oouducior, and 16 miles No. 2 steel reinforced aluminum conductor. Thirty three and one half milaa of 4,000 vult line will lie required, the conductor for which will probably be No. 2 steel reioiorced aluminum. Six sub stations will be required for this extension, ranging in capacity from 70 Kra. to 450 Kva. It ia anticipated that the construction of these lines and aub stations will be undertaken au soon as tha weather per- mits. â€" Hydro Bulletin. K MEN'S WEAR FOR SPRING Most men are ticed of tho heavy clothing thoy have worn all winter and welcome a obango of season thai permits lighter materials being woin. Gome in and look over wliat wo can offer you in new spring styles Young Men's Suits, waist line and bolted styles, $20.00 to §H8 50 Men's Suits in tweeds worsteds and navy serges, 815.00 to SBO.OO Men's Raiu'soats, now styles and now patterns, 8 13.. "iO to §25.00 Men's Felt Hats, new shades and latest shapes, $3 75 to $5.00 Men's Tweed Caps, t'lituoly new selection, $1 .50 to S2.75 Men's New Silk Neckwear, a big range, 66c to $2.00 " Lang " Slurts, stiff or soft cnffs, new spring patterns. Si. 50 to $4.85 " Arrow " Collars, stiff or soft, the latest shapes, 30c to 50c Men's Boots, black or brown, Icatliei or neolin soles, .S-l.75to SlO.aO Men's Fancy Hosiery, all colors, 55c to 81.50 Men's Odd Trousers, all sizes, good patterns, 82.95 to 87.50 Fresh Novelties every fevv^ days in the Millinery Department. Ladies will find our selection and assortment of Dress Silks ?he best we have ever offered. .Marmalade Oranges, large size, 50c per Dcmerara Raw Sugar, 8 pound §1.00. New Cooking Fig GROCERY SPECIALS dozen, Soap Cliips, regular 20c., 15c. per pound. Seedless Eaisins, new stock, 25c per pound, special 15c per pound. F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON, « ONTARIO Boar For Service Pure bred Uogisterea Yorkshire Boar for service â€" Ma.xwel! .lack (52y03^oii lot 107, S. W. T. & S. a., Arromesia. Terras 81.50. 10,4,10 T. .r. STINSON. Carefully Corrected Ench Week Bntter 50 to 52 Eggs 47-0 47 Wheat 2 00 to 2 10 I Peas 1 40 to 1 50 Oats 90 to Oil B»rloy 78 to 80, Farm For Sale Lots Pt. 167. Con. 2 N E, and 107, 3 N E, Artemesia, 90 aoies, are otferoi fi r sale. On the lands are a brick clad dwellint' and a good frame barn and other outbuildinBS. For particulars apply tJ -JOHN BROWN, sr. Or W. J. Bellamy, Flesherton. Mrll W. A, HAWKEN â€" dealer for â€" MENDELSSOHN PIANOS and PLAYER^PIANOS, PHONO- GRAPHS and RECORDS, and SHEET MUSIC. Call anil see these high grade instruments AT i^^^ Hawkiju's Photo Gallery and Music Stor FLESHERTO N Hog For Service Purebred Yoiksbiro Boar for .service. Terms- -81. 50 at lime of service. J. F. OOLLINSON, 1 mar Ceylon. Owun Sound garavis will bo closed on Suiid'iys for ^hu seaton, one only being kept open for oniurgeiicy cases, and they will take iheir lurn for lhi<i. In Memoriam In lovini; uien.ory of tny doar inothei, Mrs. VV. .1 Usborno, who departed this life April 1, 1019, A loving mother wo surely miss. She was so kind to us *nd tiue, We never »iil forget. But Ood so loving loved her more. 'TiK (weet to knotv we'll meet again, Ami 1 e with her forever mote. â€" UusliHi.d and Daagliter Eiez'.ej MAIL CONTRACT the at SEALED TKNDEltS addressed to Postmaster General will be received Ottawa until noon on Friday, the lOtli of April, 11I20, for the conveyance of His Maje.'ty'a Mails, im a projKiped Contract for four years, six times per week im the route FLESHKRTON R. K. Nc 3 from the Postmaster (Jenerals pleasure next. Printed notiuts cnntaining further informa- tion as tn conditions of proposed cii'itract may be seen and blank forms of Tender may l)e obtftin»d at the Posi; tJfbcos "f KItwIiertoii and at the office of the Post Olbcu Inspector, Toronto. â€" A. SUTHKRIiAND. Post Offioe Insptctor Post Office Inspector's Office, Toronto. March 4th, 1'.I20. If Cargoe's Grocery you \tant good, olean, fresh Groceries or Confootionery give us a call. ,We carry nothing but the best. Wo have also a full line of all the leading Tobaoeea. All kinds of Fruits iu season. Come in and got one of those Fish, and British Columbia We have Lake Trout Salmon. Highest prices paid for all kinds of Produee, Phone in your order. We will deliver it to any part village. •fike .'^J W. E. CARGOE, Phone 30 J. FLESHERTON, ONT. Gents' Furnishings Ill^^-niaHHiaia-iiiaaaiaaaaHiH-aiiau^^^^ ' BOOTS & SHOES I â- â€¢â€¢â€¢ Call and see our Ilobberlin Styles and baniplcs for Made<to-Mcat>uro Suits and Overcoats. Cleaning and Pressing neatly and; prompt'y done. H. J. LEGARD Flesherton, Ontario ••• • • • •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• In Ladies* Wear we have Kid, Dongola, Gun Metal and Box Calf. For Men's Wear we have a nice assortment of Mahogany and some good lines in Black. Also very serviceable Work Boots. Repairing promptly attended to. THOS. CLAYTON FLESHERTON, - ONTARIO | •••• ! : T ; : ~ : • r â-  ••••: *^ t^

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